The SECRET To Mastering Pentatonic Scales

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024


  • @rickysguitar
    @rickysguitar  5 місяців тому +2

    Mugs and T shirts -

  • @rosewood1
    @rosewood1 5 місяців тому +2

    I had a tutor who just wanted me to learn tab. I play a classical guitar. I dumped him!
    You are so right Rick. Thanks for tips

  • @jaytc3218
    @jaytc3218 5 місяців тому +2

    Rick has a great teaching style. Experienced guitar players will already know this but for newer players, the pentatonic patterns look exactly like the sharps and flats on the fretboard. If you draw a fretboard with just the whole notes, the pentatonic patterns will fit into the empty spaces. Then of course you can move those patterns anywhere you want.

    • @DrAdams-fx6gy
      @DrAdams-fx6gy 2 місяці тому +1

      NOT all xperienced guitarist know the information that Ricky teaches. I taught myself by ear and never played a pentatonic scale in one position. I taught myself playing going up the beck or down the neck by just listening to the notes if it sounded wrong I went up a 1/2 step or whole step or to another string. I was playing the blues pentatonic scale as some refer to it, along with other scales not knowing what the notes were or any name if a scale. Actually it didn't sound like I was doing scales. It didn't sound like scales to me. I learned to play lead a years before I started playing rhythm. I would play lead with others who played and sang songs with me playing behind the singing and playing lead when the time came. I go to parks with my guitar. Those 1st chords were in first position. I learned to sing at a very early age from listening to my dad sing while getting ready for work or when we would be driving. He had a great voice. I could sing in perfect pitch before I started school. My parents always spoke to me in adult way never baby words. That helped me to sing. Music was being played in my home quiet often, but nobody played a instrument. The voice is a instrument though. Even as advanced as I am at polaying, I still pick up things from beginners. Playing jazz , classical music along with voice any theory you learn is focused using piano. Theory applied to guitar is completely different. On guitar there are so many ways to play chords and scales or just notes period. A guitar can do things that a piano can't but the voice can. To me voice and guitar are closely related instruments. If you can sing it you can learn to play it. Much easier to learn as Ricky's is showing people. A method that he thought of himself. If I had this when Instarted learning, I wonder were I would have been today. I love the profession I'm in and loved all the time I've spent in various Universities learning other interest outside of my profession. But I believe if I had the correct guidance to play guitar to make a living and support a family without worrying. I would have just played music. So Ricky is helping more than just beginners 😊. I'm always learning and will continue until I can't. I'm one of those rare people who can God's without sleep for 3 to sometimes 4 days, and after 4 to 6 hrs I'm up and ready to go again. 😎 I had one person in chat send me a message that I'm arrogant and a few other words. I don't try to come off that way. I just have a lot of info I like sharing with others, and I like asking questions, That's just a way of learning. I learn something new every day it doesn't matter how small or big. Guitar and music can be a never ending journey if you chose for it to be. But If you just want to learn chords to play songs rather it be playing and singing, doing instrumentals go for it. There will be difficult times that you think of giving up but don't. The reward is making it though those struggles and coming out fully understanding the concept behind it. I was never given anything in my life. I had to work hard for everything that I do have or the things I've done and accomplished. But as soon as I made accomplishments there were other that I had to face. I started trying to learn guitar at age 7 Had to take my guitar to a man next door who I didn't know well but heard him playing out on his driveway one day and being alittle afraid asked If I could watch. To me he was good. I had to take my guitar over to him to change and tune my guitar. Strings were changed when one broke, was a long time before a new set. Parents were pretty strict esp mom. I ended up becoming a emancipated minor at 15 by the courts. Parents divorced . I was on my own staying at the YMCA with my dad paying for me to stay there. Things that went with me a suitcase full of clothes and my first good guitar a Fender Jaguar. I still went to school which I had to get up at 4 to get there. I graduated at 16. I was in advanced classes though you would never no it. I was a loner to some extent. But I spent my time playing guitar or learning to. Went into the Navy at 16 became a father a 17. But I continued playing guitar. Even during boot camp we would be given time to go to a building 2x's while I was there. They had 3 acoustic guitars with strings so bad the wrap was coming off the strings I always grab one and would play it for a few hrs. After bootcamp, which no family member came to I had to stay in the barracks. My drill instructor knew I loved music and being the only person not being able to go off base he brought in a nice acoustic. Come to find out he player. Never thought that would happen after all the hell and yelling they throw at you. That's their job. I didn't have a problem with them yelling, I had become use to it at home. I had no problem following instructions and orders. 1st thing I did after bootcamp was I bought a acoustic guitar and I didn't go home , didn't have one to go to, so I went to my next duty station and spent 2 weeks playing or learning guitar. I went to A school @ Great Lakes Naval Station same area I spent bootcamp. My acoustic went with me everywhere with me when I could take it. Graduated A school as a Petty officer due to grades. I went in during the later part of Vietnam. A few officers said I should try for special forces. I did and it was the most difficult thing I had done. Thought about guitar and songs while doing stressful situations sitting in freezing water holding up and doing setup with a telephone pole with ice cold waves going across my face, up my nose sand in every place you could think of. Only 15 out of 145 guys made it thought. The 2 weeks leave I went to my next duty station and spent time with mybaby, the acoustic. To just become a thought to being a SEAL was just making it though what I thought was the most difficult. Now the real training starter and no more guitar for quite sometime. After going through intensive, long sleepless days for months, I received my deployment papers and became part of a brotherhood that never ends. I took my guitar with me. It was left behind so many times but was there when I did return. 2 guys who was part of my team played. It was understood if something happened to me that I wanted them to make sure that acoustic could be cremated with me. They use to say Adams we don't want to hear any music coming from you rather it be heaven or hell. A joke of coarse. Guitar has saved my life many times throughout my days. So learn to play, take it as far as YOU want. It will and can be your best friend especially when your alone. Depressed, anxious, anxiety. When I would be on call at the hospital rather than staying at home, I'd stay at the hospital. They have rooms to sleep in just for that. I keep s acoustic and classical guitar there to keep me company. Plus they enjoy listening to me play. I've went and played for kids who are there for treatments of various types. I've played for elderly, well I was younger then now I'm a geezer. I turned my practice over to highly qualified Dr.s who spent time with me in the office seeing patients and doing surgeries for 2 yrs. I still continued to see patients who I had been working with or doing surgeries and follow up care. I've played for a few of them. I take the acoustic with me when I attend conferences vacations just wherever I can take it. If I couldn't I purchased a guitar there, not anything expensive. I usually find someone to give it to. I'm going to Africa as part of a team to give medical treatment, while a group from a church is going to build a school. Yes I'm taking a small acoustic to play during the evening for who ever wants to listen . The kids and there family love it and I love when some get their own instruments drums and I try to play to their music. It's great! I'm working with a large company who sells music equipment all over the world, to help me start after school program learning to play guitar. I'm trying to get them to donate or at least give at cost or 10% over their cost to obtain guitars. I'm still dealing with the board if education about getting this done. I'll most likely incorporate Ricky's method if learning. That would be great for him as well. Sorry for the long statement well letter😂. I hope it does help and maybe help others to think how guitar can help yourself and others. Keep up the work it will be beneficial to yourself and others.😊😊🇺🇸

  • @spindal_1
    @spindal_1 5 місяців тому +2

    Best on youtube for teaching Theory Ricky! 👏🏻

    • @DrAdams-fx6gy
      @DrAdams-fx6gy 2 місяці тому +1

      Best for teaching theory as it pertains to the guitar, rather it be for beginner or advanced guitarist that's for sure. I'm advanced and I learning how theory is pertaining to guitar not a piano. College only teaches music theory as it applies to piano. I took private voice, sang in ensembles , classical and jazz guitar. Theory was not explained on how to use as it pertains to any of these areas. Yes I knew the keys, related minors, modes but all on piano.. which is so much easier to see and visualize. The guitar and voice yet closely related on the use are completely different instruments compared to piano and other instruments. Most people who do major or take classes in theory have played an instrument during their time in elementary, middle school and high school. I was self taught. I can play everywhere on the guitar, but Ricky's method of teaching is allowing me to know what I'm playing and why. I never played a pentatonic scale in one position , but taught myself going up the neck. I leaned by hitting wrong notes and knowing if I went a step up or down, or a different string, if a note sounded correct. Guitar and the voice are so similar. I was learning by hearing pitch. If I could sing it or hear it in my head, I found the notes and continued doing so without any knowledge of why. After hearing correct pitch, playing became muscle memory after repetition. If you use Ricky's method you will learn so much faster understanding how to play what to play and why. What you learn and how fast is determined by the understanding and time you put into playing. Beginners, pick up the guitar everyday even if it's for 10 min. Go over the lesson, review the videos when possible or not sure of something. If you can purchase a guitar stand, do so. Having the guitar in a room where it can be seen and not in s case, you will find yourself picking the guitar up often. Go slow, take your time while learning no matter what it may be. You will make mistakes, but taking it slow using a metronome at a slow setting will help you make less mistakes. You can practice in your head while away from the guitar once you know how the chord or scale is constructed you can visualize it in your head. Take notice of the fretboard from the guitar your playing and see your fingers moving into the proper position. Put on a drone tone and picture your fingers and hand making the movement. I use to put on a piece of music and have it play at a low volume while I was asleep. Your subconscious mind picks up the music and tones without you realizing it. Can be used for beginners up to advanced. Take a snippet of Ricky playing just a chord , chords, triads, scales and listen to it while cleaning or doing other task. Your ear and mind is absorbing the sound of what your learning. , especially while sleeping. Put it on your phone and place it under your pillow at a low volume. Ricky may agree or disagree, but his method of videos and book will teach you what you need to know to becoming a guitar player. What I've added, has been use by many bith beginners, intermediate, advanced to well known guitarist both while learning, preparing themselves for upcoming recording sessions or concerts. Once you learn Ricky's method and start understanding what your playing and why, you van take your playing in any direction you wish. Even breaking rules once you've learned the correct way. It all up to you and only you. Take from his lessons if your just wanting to play chords , in 1st position and sing songs. At least your understand why. If you look at songs that show just chords in 1st position, by following his method you can learn to play the chords in various ways on the fretboard. Ricky says not to learn circle of 5ths. I did , and without thinking your know what key your in and know what is to be sharp or flat and the relative minor, once you've memorized it . Then using his method you can learn the other major and minor chords with in that key. After a period of time your ear will start to hear what is minor and major, rather it be chords or notes themselves. Purchase a cheap clip on tuner, very important, a metronome,. Always make sure your guitar is in tune, before playing and check during, always. Look over your lesson, wash and massage your hands before playing helps keep strings clean but helps loosen the hand muscles. ALso stretch finger and tendons while doing this. start slow take your time. You don't need to use the metronome until you can place your fingers in a chord shape and essily one chord to another or being able to place each finger on the string for the scale your learning. Take it slow . You need to play slow and clean before learning to play fast. Play without effects if playing electric, you can use just a bit of reverb. Using effects covers up mistakes. I first taught myself on electric when I was young, but I found playing an acoustic aloud me to hear each note clearly and any mistakes I made so I could correct them then. It also built up the muscle strength in my hand, fingers and tendons.

  • @speedbeagle6498
    @speedbeagle6498 5 місяців тому +1

    This is my second time through and I'm amazed at how much is clicking for me now. I've been trying to get a hold on what the pentatonic thing is all about for awhile now. This is the first video that really lays out why it is what it is. Thank you.

  • @troybenfield5309
    @troybenfield5309 5 місяців тому

    Exercise ur eyes n eat micro greens. Mad vit A

  • @drewdunn2066
    @drewdunn2066 5 місяців тому +1

    Great content. You are a fantastic teacher.

    • @DrAdams-fx6gy
      @DrAdams-fx6gy 2 місяці тому +1

      I agree. No matter what level your on , if you don't know, or understand what your playing and why, his teaching method will help in all those areas and more.

  • @meandi10000
    @meandi10000 5 місяців тому

    learn this, master that. Where to start, what pays off and what forms a basis ? I guess the book brings enlightenment ?

    • @rickysguitar
      @rickysguitar  5 місяців тому

      If you want it and are willing to put the work in. If you don’t want to put the work in, I don’t want you to buy my book. Hard for me to say if the book will be enlightening without knowing where you are on your guitar journey.

  • @chuckbirdsong5158
    @chuckbirdsong5158 4 місяці тому

    You have a great channel

  • @mgd9151
    @mgd9151 5 місяців тому

    Great video!!!

  • @TheZdannar
    @TheZdannar 5 місяців тому

    This was a fantastic lesson and gave me some real tools for improv. Thank you.

  • @marcusmorf
    @marcusmorf 5 місяців тому

    Luv the lesson book, written with a very easy to comprehend approach. 🔥🔥🔥💯

  • @hppress4636
    @hppress4636 5 місяців тому

    It's 😂😂 Wednesday n am watching it live on Friday 😅howz it's possible 😮😮😮

  • @shaynecoyne4789
    @shaynecoyne4789 5 місяців тому

    Cracker video. Daylight saving means your live steam is a bit early down under, but look forward to the catch up later in the day.

  • @duncanrose3891
    @duncanrose3891 5 місяців тому

    Thurs 4am in Melbourne 🇦🇺
    Doing the ‘live catchup’ thing….

  • @anthonykinrade8642
    @anthonykinrade8642 5 місяців тому

    Phil is not as late as me, I am 3 days behind...😅 but gave a thumbs up.....

  • @davegenske8973
    @davegenske8973 5 місяців тому

    Thanks again Ricky. Another great and needed lesson for me

  • @drnathan747
    @drnathan747 5 місяців тому

    Where does one get the book?

    • @rickysguitar
      @rickysguitar  5 місяців тому

      Eyup Dr Nathan! Here's the link for my book. :)

  • @mikga45
    @mikga45 5 місяців тому

    Wensday there and Thursday 5:00 am here in the Philippines.

  • @nickspeyer8742
    @nickspeyer8742 5 місяців тому

    that mug is everything, need for work

  • @briangable08
    @briangable08 5 місяців тому

    Is the D shape not just a C shape two frets up?

  • @phiddler1
    @phiddler1 5 місяців тому

    Thank very helpfull

  • @ReneBPena
    @ReneBPena 5 місяців тому

    Ricky, if I buy your book how will future lessons be covered, will you wait to publish a new book or make supplemental lesson pages available for purchase?

    • @davidnolan6087
      @davidnolan6087 5 місяців тому

      The lessons are all on his website. The links are in the book. Just buy it, you won't regret it.

    • @ReneBPena
      @ReneBPena 5 місяців тому

      Thanks David

  • @mikga45
    @mikga45 5 місяців тому

    Cool coffee cup.

  • @Realybigandmassive4112
    @Realybigandmassive4112 5 місяців тому

    great streem

  • @greghoward1561
    @greghoward1561 5 місяців тому
