I actually got free tickets for my cousins because they love figure skating and Kristi Yamaguchi was one of the judges that night. There were five of us that went to see the show. Before the show started, a lot of the skaters were on and off the ice warming up. I didn't know it was Tie Domi's birthday but some people in the audience did. There were quite a few people sitting in different spots that actually made posters for him. When Tie came out to warm up, there was one group of young girls (who made a great poster) who yelled out "Happy Birthday Tie" when he skated past them. He ignored them the first time then when he skated past them again, they yelled out Happy Birthday". What did he do? He didn't even look in their direction and just waved his hand in the air in an ungrateful, whatever manner. What a way to break their hearts. He was an egotistical jerk with no appreciation that they made a poster for him and wished him a happy birthday. That night he got eliminated and you know when they talk to both the skaters and ask how they are feeling and their thoughts etc. Well, Tuffy was talking and saying some emotional words and what does Tie do? I saw it but it was not pointed out. His body language was like, yah yah blah blah and he motioned with his hands (circling) like hurry up. She saw that and stopped talking just for a split second and then continued talking. You can tell she was surprised and hurt by that. Then the Jerk got to talk....and I stopped listening.
lol is he wearing hockey skates? Cause I don't know which would be funnier, Tie Domi in figure skates, or Tie Domi figure skating in hockey skates...XD
I actually got free tickets for my cousins because they love figure skating and Kristi Yamaguchi was one of the judges that night. There were five of us that went to see the show. Before the show started, a lot of the skaters were on and off the ice warming up. I didn't know it was Tie Domi's birthday but some people in the audience did. There were quite a few people sitting in different spots that actually made posters for him. When Tie came out to warm up, there was one group of young girls (who made a great poster) who yelled out "Happy Birthday Tie" when he skated past them. He ignored them the first time then when he skated past them again, they yelled out Happy Birthday". What did he do? He didn't even look in their direction and just waved his hand in the air in an ungrateful, whatever manner. What a way to break their hearts. He was an egotistical jerk with no appreciation that they made a poster for him and wished him a happy birthday. That night he got eliminated and you know when they talk to both the skaters and ask how they are feeling and their thoughts etc. Well, Tuffy was talking and saying some emotional words and what does Tie do? I saw it but it was not pointed out. His body language was like, yah yah blah blah and he motioned with his hands (circling) like hurry up. She saw that and stopped talking just for a split second and then continued talking. You can tell she was surprised and hurt by that. Then the Jerk got to talk....and I stopped listening.
lol is he wearing hockey skates? Cause I don't know which would be funnier, Tie Domi in figure skates, or Tie Domi figure skating in hockey skates...XD
Yeah - he never graduated to figure skates.
All tie needs to do now is get a figure.
@GOODPLAYA20 because divorces cost a lot of money.