There's a separate chamber in the head behind a 3rd valve. When in the gas side the valves are open to reduce compression and allow the mixture to get to the plugs. There is no throttle on the gas side so they like choke to stay running for about the first 30 seconds when cold, once the choke is opened it will run at a fixed speed until the engine is warmed and switched to diesel. The valve is then closed which raises the compression enough to burn diesel.
Nice Farmall super MD and I have a Farmall to it's a H
Need to take the fenders off
They look like 706/806 fenders to me but maybe I'm wrong.
Man I want your tractor
How do you keep the plugs from fouling out?
There's something in the engine that blocks of the spark plugs when the engine is switched to diesel
There's a separate chamber in the head behind a 3rd valve. When in the gas side the valves are open to reduce compression and allow the mixture to get to the plugs. There is no throttle on the gas side so they like choke to stay running for about the first 30 seconds when cold, once the choke is opened it will run at a fixed speed until the engine is warmed and switched to diesel. The valve is then closed which raises the compression enough to burn diesel.
My first tractor was a Super MD. It worked well for me.
What model are those finders from?
I believe they're flat-top fenders from something like a 656 with a custom bracket. They were on it when I bought it so I can't say for certain.
Nothing like a good tractor ride
They didn't make any 1954 super MD,