Lucid Labyrinth and that woman smoking in the same room as her kids I’ve worked 4 jobs and this makes me sick now I’m working one and I don’t have even money to get my own place because of people like them.
Not only moneywise but they don't think about the future either. The environmental future I mean. Because it's all about "the right to have as many kids as I want. Me me me me me".
It would be different if they had jobs, then kids, & something happened like a disability or loss of job, but having the kids while on benefits is just wrong. I have a disability & cannot work. I'm on pension. I choose to not have children because it would be wrong for taxpayers to pay for my kids.
I don’t care how right you are about a subject, you should never lump people together as you did with....”I love how THEY ALWAYS say....”. That’s not how Jesus would speak of other people and neither should YOU
Peter reminds me of my father. I was so ashamed of him being a dole bludger his whole life. I swore that I would never be like him. I had no choice but to go to university. He never attended my graduation or even when I completed my post grad. I'm now 42, single mum but have children in private school, own 2 homes, work full time as a Science teacher and run a business after hours. I hope that I have put a stop to generations of unemployment in my family. Edit: 3 years later. Thank you for your support and words of encouragement. I never received this from my family. 😔 My first child has entered university this year. Unemployment cycle ended - 2nd generation employment cycle started.
Hellen Lo Good for you and I hope that your'e proud of yourself. Some parents don't wish the best for their children so they'll put them up for failure and get jealous when the kids do succeed.
Unless someone is willing to pay someone else's mortgage or rent, you don't get to say that she can't do whatever she wants. The UK has their own rules regarding smoking, not everything is restricted as it is here.
I love how the dad is worried about the noise from the construction with the babies while his wife holds a king size cigarette 2 inches from his infants face lol
They are so untidy and the way they smoke is unreal! Disgusting use of taxpayers money! The old man is so filthy. Wearing the same dirty clothes, not shaved. Yuck! Having kids with so many women, much younger than himself!
Sheila Outside & Travel !!. I'm here thinking to myself what ungrateful people. I thought that benefits was for when one is really down until you get back on ones feet but these people care less about working for themselves to better their lives and that of their kids. Their kids grow up thinking that it's normal and the cycle continues 😒😒
Yea. Keep voting liberal, liberals who use people like this to stay in office, people who are being hurt by liberal policies that make them complacent and lazy.
anne jacobsen my parents had me,my brother and sister plus my dad was in the military. He works his butt off to provide for his family and on and off the welfare system. But not on the welfare system long because we all had jobs and work damn hard.
What, this kind of legislation in an European wellfare state? In Germany the governement would be killed if they would even *consider* this. Unfortunately ...
@@yvonnegrant3736. I think if people are on benefits and keep having kids they should be “fixed” so they can’t have more kids. I saw the young girl in a car seat in the living room and looks like she has cerebral palsy. I imagine since they have so many she doesn’t get the attention she needs 😢.
Pete: 20:26" When the cap came in we lost 200 pound a week. It meant that some of my children couldn't have a new pair of shoes, couldnt have a new pair of trousers, couldnt have stuff that other chilrden get, playstations, xboxes...None of my children have got them, never had'em. That's because we can't afford' em." That's because you have 26! kids AND YOU'RE ON WELFARE! Absolutely disgusting this guy is.
Harmonizer87261 Yes, it's the taxpayer fault. This fat tub of lard did a good job ploughing the field with seeds, but can't take care of it, so the crops die out (figuratuively lol)
I can't believe some of these people who already have a roof over their heads and a check every month for free, have the audacity to demand a bigger house and more money. Good grief.
I can't even get a decent place for 2 kids. I sleep in the living room so my children can have their own rooms. I need a credit score of 660 and 3 times the rent a month in order to be considered for a decent place!
When you're on benefits and sitting on your ass all day, I guess sex helps pass the time. People don't have to be picky if they don't have to worry if their partner will contribute equally to the relationship or not since neither of them will have to worry about contributing at all.
@kaseymigliaccio2519 i live in canada ..i was born and grew up in england ...i can assure you that clean house standards were very high when i lived in england mother once told me my house was untiedy because she could see my shampoo bottles in the bathroom...she told me in a whisper u would tell someone something extremely embarrassing ...i was not offended.. i just laughed.
MANDATORY STERILIZATION!! But, we have freedom....freedom for taxpayers to support these families for a lifetime. And, when their teenagers reproduce as well. They will NEVER be able to earn enough income to support their families. What would ever make them want to work?!?! They get everything for free!!
I'm 50 and have no kids but I love my cat and I pay the vet bills.Where is the father(s)of all these raggamuffins.This is planned and it's a disgrace.There should be a penalty for having more than 1 on the system.Put the condoms next to the huggies I say.Compare costs in the short term and beyond.Standing cock has no consciecne....Fuck with a conscience and birth control.They will give it to you on the system.
How long can the World's Resources, fuel requirements, Climate Change, etc, maintain this? People taking/ theiving other peoples tax money should not be allowed to smoke, drink, get tat's, etc!
as long you want free shit like healthcare, child support, educations etc, which is paid for by taxes, which destroys jobs and makes everything extremely expensive; you're just as much part of the problem as them
Am who cares if the tax money( u don't fight to stop paying ) goes to someone who's willing to take it.. It's the system.... you pay someone doesn't.. that's the way it is.. GOVERNMENT
thats the problem with these people while here in the states the elderly and disabled get nothing and people like this get everything disgusting they choose their lot
Michiel Van Kets I’m curious how you think things should work then, because I’m not understanding how taxes destroy jobs and how elderly people or sick people will survive without some government assistance.
Nah that he must learn to teach his woman to swallow or take facial any where but the box between the legs!😢 At least if she swallow he providing protein lol
Angel Deville he also had his benefits capped and lost 200 a month? He needs that extra money, so that is where that cane comes in. It looks like he's faking for the show, his limp looks sooo forced, he needs that disability, yet he makes so many babies, I swear his limp kept changing sides and he looked like his foot was twisted but it's just a ruse, I wonder if anyone else thinks so.
Well he is an expert on " doing nothing". What an air of entitlement. A true sack of worthless shit. Sterilize them all. Can't believe I'm saying this. Also one last note. You would think that people home all day would have good children but they have the most unruly and disrespectful children. Future well fare recipients.
"Theyre gonna put two new bathrooms, We'll make do with that" Yeah nah mate, You pop em out, keep profiting, I'll keep working hard, struggling. Oh look, bit noisy too... aww, my heart bleeds!!!
The sense of entitled in these rats who continue to spawn rats and the next generation of dole bludgers is just appalling. But not surprising. My country has women who make sure they pop them out to get the money and if they’re told to start looking for work or study when the child reaches a certain age I know a LOT who have popped out another... and a LOT who, when the government cuts their oldest child’s benefits to the mother off at a certain age, they’ve gone and popped out another way to replace that money... No. I’m not kidding. Yes. It happens everywhere here. They anger me.
He hasn’t done anything to deserve a bigger house. Get a job. Keep having kids you’ll get more benefits and then you will look even more pathetic. You don’t deserve better. Unless you work for it.
Just imagine the scenario. "Honey, I have decided to become a professional baby maker to cheat the benefits system" Partners reaction: ..... I think we should see other people,xD
Grace Lapham They don't care about the working class they never did. Unless you're a millionaire they don't care about you. They will tax you to death until you don't have anything left.
Yeah no kidding that's like at the beginning when the mom was blowing bubbles she was having a smoke right in front of the kid I don't agree with that either
100% agree. There's a reason why every comment about the older children involves them being on benefits, as well. Children tend to live the lives they grew up in and none of these parents are setting them up to be contributing members of society. I don't think they're horrible parents that don't love their children but what type of example are you setting for these little guys?
Mark Douglas same same because to the trash they call parents these kids are nothing more than a paycheck. I don’t understand how these people can be so dang proud to abuse the government and live off of the hard work of others while they themselves are able to work they just choose not to. The way they behave is doing nothing but setting up their kids to become nothing but leeches to the government when they grow up as well since mom and dad are so content with being bums. These people should have to do something in the way of work/volunteering a certain amount of hours a week if they want to keep getting these benefits. They shouldn’t just get them. Plus the way some of them think they’re entitled to the benefits disgusts me! In a different video about this issue one woman was complaining about how other people talked about her like she’s a no good government abusing pos... because according to her she doesn’t get ENOUGH money (900£ a week!!!!!) to live but, people think she’s got it made 🙄 I will never understand the way some people function lol these parasites need to be kicked off benefits and shown how hard life can be maybe they will get off their behinds then and get a job but I doubt that would motivate them they’d probably panhandle on the street or become hookers 😂😂😂
Agree, unfortunately some of them kids have useless bastard parents like the no good arse hole dad that left Blondie behind with 8 kids or the various useless arse holes who knows.
"My kids don't get Xboxes & Playstations like the other kids..." Dude, luxuries cost money. It's not the state's job to provide game consoles, you're lucky u have free rent, food, & money.
@Christina Reynolds what is stupid and irresponsible is having children bc it's more fun than caring for others and getting paid to do so, which was essentially your original comment before you deleted it. I think it was something like "it's more fun when they are your own", These are children, not toys.
@Christina Reynolds seems like she's not tho, I believe that was explained in the beginning of the film. This is not a hardship that came about out of blue and beyond her control, she's choosen this and it's abuse of the system. It's just wrong to take up resources that others that need to survive and most importantly her own children. They are learning responsibility from her poor example
@Christina Reynolds This woman has publicly said she expects her children to be cared for by the government. These benefits are needed for emergency circumstances, haphazardly planning 8 children is not one of them. It would be great if you didn't resort to ridiculous extremes bc I think adults should act responsibly. If you wanna talk then great, I'm bored and don't have much to do tonight, but if you're going to get belligerent and silly then let's stop the conversation here.
All of these breeders seem to have one thing in common: a false sense of entitlement. I suppose when you've spent your entire life reproducing and not working, you have no sense of the value of a dollar.
They all think they are owed something for creating children. Do they think they are doing humanity a favor? We arent having a human shortage. They arent raising kids thatll become doctors or scientists.
I'm not even living in the UK and I find this aggravating. I think they feel entitled because that's what they are told when filling out forms etc. "To get the most of their entitlement". Or what they are "entitled" to. Really? How are they entitled, that what I want to know.
Peter complaining about the Councellor: “This is what makes me laugh: Council leader gets 37% pay rise.” “Why is he entitled to that when I am not entitled to get a bigger room. He didn’t do anything to deserve it... what makes him think he’s worth that money?!” The cognitive dissonance is just astounding!!
25:12 He calls Ross a "twat" and has the nerve to ask him for money. Goes to show you what kind of person he is. Ever heard of the phrase " Don't bite the hand that feeds you." Peter? OMG some people!
Steve ~ l was just thinking the same thing. One thing the council people do that Peter doesn't is WORK. All this ''entitlement'' thinking is a big lie. We are NOT entitled to the fruits of others' labour. Never take ANYTHING for granted. Be grateful, and humble.
Right !! It's like well dude looks who's talking and he's over here saying he wants more money and a bigger place 🤔 for what exactly??? What did he do to earn that privilege
Lewis C. I agree. Nothing wrong if you want to have a lot of children when you can afford to feed them. Living in poverty sucks but these people are aware of that and they still choose to have kids and make them suffer
@@lorenaelizabethmontielvies563whatche mean work she has 8 kids thiers nothing wrong with being a stay at home mother the Da should be working if he's able bodied
@@yessam1460 he doesn't live with them or support them and that's why she claims welfare payments. The father should do the right thing and marry her and support his wife and kids instead of the tax payers.
"I'm not going to be a bum like them." That poor girl I feel for her. She wants a better life. But I have no doubt, her family will always try to drag her down. Because any step forward she makes, only shows what trash they are. Hopefully she can break the cycle, and get away from them.
+Chook G not sure if just a joke or actual statement; but hun i think she like literally breeds them for extra benefits, which just makes it all the more disgusting tbf.
people like my mum and dad are slaving away work 17 hours a day paying tax and they should be grateful that they actually get given ANY money for benefits because the government could stop benefits all together
When I was on social welfare, I was so embarrassed being seen once a month leaving the SW office. I can't imagine going on national television and telling everyone about it 🙈
@@paulah7587they are but it won't be a lot it's the same shit in every country who has a show that portraits people living off of some form of benefits. They specifically choose to show people like in this video so everyone thinks every person who recieves benefits is like this. Which in turn makes people who work hate them and focus their anger on them instead of corporations and politicians who are taking most of our money. I hope you still get what i'm trying to say english is not my first language
It’s hard to feel bad for the parents because this is what they wanted. To not accomplish anything in life and live off of handouts. The kids and the tax payers are the ones to have to pay for this
yep. when they start breeding kids for more money that's the cut off. anyone can need help but these people are taking advantage so they can breed like rabbits and not have to do anything.
Its one thing if you go to a public school WHILE PAYING taxes! However jobless and breeding is shit and doing nothing but taking from hard working people.
How doesn’t do her best for her kids? These shows here are manipulative into showing the worst of people. Even with that being said and done, Everytime she’s on the screen she’s helping her children, feeding them, dressing them, sorting them for school, doing food shopping, she’s not laying about smoking and ignoring her children. So yes she does do her best by her children. I will agree she may not be showing them an important work ethic as she’s not working here but she’s showing them their life skills and actually taking care of her children! Yanno it’s ok to give people a little compliment sometimes. You don’t always have to be negative! Just a thought !!
Getting a job themselves hasn't occurred to them, they just get upset that even lowly immigrants will work jobs and look down on them. No clear thought of getting a job.
@@roxyroxii1152 It beggars belief, these people genuinely believe their entire lives are the responsibility of the government to sort out. They are children in adult bodies.
I’m not sure about Britain, but in America these are the people who are hollering for sanctuary cities - the exact opposite of the people who are angry about immigrants taking jobs
They probably don't tell the father they are a father. These Lazy Brits who rely on Benefits are allowing the country to be handed over in the future to a neo fascist government who will kick off Welfare and use non whites as an excuse.
What a drain on society. There is no incentive for these people to work due to a rediculous benefit system. And then he's getting a 7 bedroom house and say well we'll make do. What a lazy waste of space!
i should stop watching this shit, i am only a few minutes in and already see an heartattack in progress these people are *disgusting FILTH* and even have the audacity to tell us that they don't bother anybody and just want to be left alone
Out of all the parents, I do like Marie the best. Her house is clean and organized. She talks about putting back into the system and I didn’t hear that from the others!
Yeah that's good... The baby teeth will rot out and creat problems that will affect thier dental hygiene. Smoking will cause asthma and persistent lung infections
sounds logical ......only if the farm is in africa or something ..UK land is at a premium.. send them somewhere with spare land ..USA..Australia canada africa russia etc etc
I couldn’t believe the audacity, the nerve to say something like that!! And now, he wants a big house all paid for. For what? Having bred multiple future leeches like him?🤦🏻♀️
u realize that if they were to stop welfare today, that u would see maybe a extra 2 dollars on ur paycheck. everyone acts that if they stop gov programs that the tax payer will instantly become richer. most of the services u use on a daily basis and have access u do pay less then a quarter towards. those social safety nets are important or we couldn't have the society that we have. there would be way to much homelessness and poverty
He made 26 kids, that's what he did to deserve it. He didn't abandon any of his kids. Some fathers only have one or two kids and abandon them so their single mothers have to look after them. It looks like this guy looks after all his kids even though he's not with the mothers anymore. The woman who has a "toy room" which the kids don't even use is stretching it.
I love the way the self-righteous house wife says she has 7 kids and her HUSBAND works long hours to support them. Marie doesn't have a husband to work long hours - we don't know why, maybe he left her, maybe he died, they said they are all from 1 father. What would the house wife mum of 7 do if her husband left her or died without life insurance? She'd be in exactly the same situation as Marie.
+Europe Channel The only way their claim would be true is if they were well off when they had 8 children but their business collapsed at no fault of their own and they suddenly needed welfare. But if they started off poor and only made their situation worse by having kids left and right, then no, it is not their right.
As someone who has had to wait tables for a living through multiple times in my life it does really drive me mad to see people be too "soft" to put up with the way people treat people in the service industry because usually they're the people that also don't know how to treat a server or retail worker themselves. it reflects more how they see themselves than others' view of them. if you walk into work ready to make the most of it and give it your all then you'll always be proud of the job you perform. other people give you the respect you demand by showing that you deserve it. if you work hard you never doubt that, aside from a few bad rotten nasty apples, you are a respected member of society.
I moved to the UK as an immigrant some 10 years ago. Worked my backside off, payed all the taxes. But then I realised where the UK is heading and how the British are living off the tax payers money. I am glad that I left the UK for good and never looked back.
Simply put, this is unsustainable. Demanding that others pay for your choices is wrong. It's a dangerous sense of entitlement. The "government" does not have money of its own in a big box. Governments get ALL their funding from working taxpayers. Peter (and the couple getting a huge house expansion) confuse the terms "deserve/earn" with "take." And they prove there is such a thing as being "shameless."
I hope 12 year old Nathan (from the family with 26 kids) decides to work in culinary when he gets order. He pretty much catered the whole birthday party by himself, he has potential and is pretty mature for his age.
i absolutely agree you can have as many kids as you want BUT YOU SHOULD BLOODY PAY FOR THEM its not up to the decent tax payer to feed and cloth them its disgraceful and shocking
Bloody joke I am 66 minding Gran kids go to the school to collect them young friggers there not working all non nationals my son working 2 jobs and his wife makes my blood boil
My father had an expression he used to describe people on welfare having endless children while the hard working taxpayers citizens could only afford one or two. He said, "It's the rats who breed the most." After watching these disgusting public tax leeches I couldn't agree more with my departed dad! StocktonRob
Well said... Unfortunately bleeding heart enablers allow this behaviour...and your Television licence is spent on glorifying these scumbags via these programmes.
@Kendra Mackall please explain? you cant 'accidently' have 26 children, and you cant 'accidently' willingly not want to go out to work to provide for your family...?
AMEN Ms Lynn! It really should be setup that way. My parents adopted my younger brother at 3, from a family of around 13, who lived in squalor in one of NJ's ghettos. Most of the children were taken away from the biological mom and dad by DYFS. It's another one of the many sins of humanity that we inherited from our progenitors Adam and Eve... remember Adams response to GOD when GOD questioned him? " ...the woman you gave me, tricked me!"He refused to take responsibility for his own actions, even though Eve did wrong. Ever since both of their rebellion, we've been and will continue to pay the price. The wages of sin is death. GOD bless you ma'am.
I thought Americans were bad! I cant stop laughing and crying. That old man with 26 kids from 15 women had the nerve to say that the noise from the workers isnt good for the kids, yet his partner is holding a baby blowing cigarette smoke around. WOW!!!
Bleeding hearts donating to food bank. No one really starves anymore. Food bank frees up money for these people. Remember next time you donate, you're actually buying smokes
This makes me angry my parents worked so hard raise my bother and I, we never got an Xbox or play station but our parents gave us everything we needed and taught us the benefit of working for your money.
In 1982 I had a C-section with my daughter...then I got my tubes 1995 I got pregnant with my 2nd daughter... Doctor told me in 95 a womans tubes untie by themselves after 7 years😮
We make jokes about how bad people's teeth are in the UK. I can see why. The woman was filling the baby's bottle with Coca Cola. That's not all the reason but it's certainly a starter.
What statistics? Even if you counted all the toothless winos living on the streets of every major city in the US you'd still have more snaggled toothe people than the US has.
Oh yes! A survey and report by the British. Certainly we're suck that one up. How about one from outside, one where the motive isn't to convince Britain's citizens about how great the NHS is.
a dental hygienist told me there are a lot of Americans who have bad teeth, and there's no excuse to have bad teeth in the UK, its free...spoken by a brit living in the US
Wait a damn minute, Marie's kids all have cell phones and a toy room! But have to say the couple with 14 off spring are my favorite train wrecks. Coke Cola and second hand cigarette smoke for dinner. What do they put in their kids school lunch boxes heroine and whiskey ?
Where do they think their "free" money is coming from???? People like me that work all hours of the week, pay their taxes and try to be financially responsible. I am legally disabled, but I rather work than get disability benefits and I will work as long as I am able to. Being on benefits/welfare should be a hand up, a help in need, but NOT A CAREER!!!! Especially not over multiple generations in the same family!
Absolutely, a "hand up" to help out for a time. Not forever. These are career criminals. They are robbing from the govt. and from all hard working taxpaying citizens of GB. The same thing is happening here in the USA. It is coming to a stop now that Trump is in office. These people seem to think that there is nothing wrong with what they are doing. They have no social responsibility whatsoever. Incredible...........and sad.
If having taxpayers provide for your children, there should be a time limit and if you get pregnant again, that child should be taken into custody at birth because you can't provide for it nor do you have good judgment as a parent. If you don't provide for your own children, you are not a parent. Society is the parent raising your children, providing the parental responsibilities. The children of these parents should also have responsibility education to learn that adults support themselves, which their 'parents' are failing to role model. If one's home is a filthy as these, all the children should be taken from these people. Disgusting. They don't work so they should have time to clean and live like humans.
@@bigmak11969 I will not lie i am disappointed, in as much as she says she saved up and the cash is not from benefits it is about priorities. On the other hand may be the new boobs is an actual investment that will allow her to get a decent dude willing to take care of all them kids and reduce the tax burden.
@@chrysichrysi7889 It's not that they will think work is "evil" but the fact that they are being shown you don't have to work to get a house or food or money it can be just given you?
I love how they always say "it's MY choice to have as many kids as I want".... so it should be YOUR money that pays for them. Not anyone else's.
It also makes it harder for those that genuinely need the help to get it, when there are so many people abusing the system.
Lucid Labyrinth and that woman smoking in the same room as her kids I’ve worked 4 jobs and this makes me sick now I’m working one and I don’t have even money to get my own place because of people like them.
Not only moneywise but they don't think about the future either. The environmental future I mean. Because it's all about "the right to have as many kids as I want. Me me me me me".
It would be different if they had jobs, then kids, & something happened like a disability or loss of job, but having the kids while on benefits is just wrong. I have a disability & cannot work. I'm on pension. I choose to not have children because it would be wrong for taxpayers to pay for my kids.
I don’t care how right you are about a subject, you should never lump people together as you did with....”I love how THEY ALWAYS say....”. That’s not how Jesus would speak of other people and neither should YOU
Peter reminds me of my father. I was so ashamed of him being a dole bludger his whole life. I swore that I would never be like him. I had no choice but to go to university. He never attended my graduation or even when I completed my post grad. I'm now 42, single mum but have children in private school, own 2 homes, work full time as a Science teacher and run a business after hours. I hope that I have put a stop to generations of unemployment in my family.
Edit: 3 years later. Thank you for your support and words of encouragement. I never received this from my family. 😔
My first child has entered university this year. Unemployment cycle ended - 2nd generation employment cycle started.
Hellen Lo
Good for you and I hope that your'e proud of yourself.
Some parents don't wish the best for their children so they'll put them up for failure and get jealous when the kids do succeed.
Good on you for not continuing the cycle of laziness. I wish you well. You're a credit to yourself.
fantastic. a model for all.
Well done you are an excellent example of hard work and rewards be very proud of your self.
Your Children got a great mum!
Coca Cola in BABY BOTTLES and SMOKING while holding a NEWBORN - it is so hard to imagine that this is REAL!
Then you don't know the UK Dee Dee. There's a lot of people not just in the UK who live life the way they want.
who smokes in the house with little kids all over let alone smoking holding a newborn. disgusting.
I think in England its normal to smoke Inside, Well it seems that way.
You're killing your kids by smoking near them. And by teaching them to live off benefits.
Unless someone is willing to pay someone else's mortgage or rent, you don't get to say that she can't do whatever she wants. The UK has their own rules regarding smoking, not everything is restricted as it is here.
I love how the dad is worried about the noise from the construction with the babies while his wife holds a king size cigarette 2 inches from his infants face lol
God save those children, please!
I think they did it intentionally😂😂
Wow.. the arrogance and the entitlement of these people... Just wow
Sheila Outside & Travel !! And I thought the US was bad! These ppl are PROUD to be WORTHLESS!
They are so untidy and the way they smoke is unreal! Disgusting use of taxpayers money! The old man is so filthy. Wearing the same dirty clothes, not shaved. Yuck! Having kids with so many women, much younger than himself!
Sheila Outside & Travel !!. I'm here thinking to myself what ungrateful people. I thought that benefits was for when one is really down until you get back on ones feet but these people care less about working for themselves to better their lives and that of their kids. Their kids grow up thinking that it's normal and the cycle continues 😒😒
F**K t-RumP trump is amazing 😁😉💖
Yea. Keep voting liberal, liberals who use people like this to stay in office, people who are being hurt by liberal policies that make them complacent and lazy.
"IF YA CANT FEED EM, DON'T BREED EM". Well said to whoever wrote that in the newspaper.
“If you can’t feed the baby, then don’t have the baby.” - Michael Jackson
satsumamoon I see nothing wrong with that. The world is over populated anyway
Makes one wonder how democracy will work in the long run. Given the birth rate, these people will eventually outnumber..
Well said!
Here in Denmark you can only claim benefits for max 2 children. Maybe they should have the same law in UK?
They sure as hell should!
anne jacobsen my parents had me,my brother and sister plus my dad was in the military. He works his butt off to provide for his family and on and off the welfare system. But not on the welfare system long because we all had jobs and work damn hard.
anne jacobsen yep....
I think its max in the USA
What, this kind of legislation in an European wellfare state? In Germany the governement would be killed if they would even *consider* this. Unfortunately ...
Smoking in the house and holding a newborn baby!? What an amazing mother! Wow!! She deserves a nice big high five to the face!
This is why education is so important. Morals and ethics. Birth control!
Omgosh I was about to write the same thing, it's Disgusting
@@yvonnegrant3736. I think if people are on benefits and keep having kids they should be “fixed” so they can’t have more kids. I saw the young girl in a car seat in the living room and looks like she has cerebral palsy. I imagine since they have so many she doesn’t get the attention she needs 😢.
Real talk
Pete: 20:26" When the cap came in we lost 200 pound a week. It meant that some of my children couldn't have a new pair of shoes, couldnt have a new pair of trousers, couldnt have stuff that other chilrden get, playstations, xboxes...None of my children have got them, never had'em. That's because we can't afford' em."
That's because you have 26! kids AND YOU'RE ON WELFARE! Absolutely disgusting this guy is.
Harmonizer87261 Yes, it's the taxpayer fault. This fat tub of lard did a good job ploughing the field with seeds, but can't take care of it, so the crops die out (figuratuively lol)
Delia D umjoljlI'lljokjhookjulijFLKellioleokilokIkeglycoproteinhhhritualstph
Harmonizer87261 what a complete mess, the UK pay for these lazy shites
+Harmonizer87261 Yeah, blame the government for not being able to buy your kids new playstations....haha, ridiculous
+Harmonizer87261 I cringed when I herd him say that. ...well more like struck with a lightening bolt...the nerve of some people.
I can't believe some of these people who already have a roof over their heads and a check every month for free, have the audacity to demand a bigger house and more money. Good grief.
Robin Maxfield I was a single parent, had a full and part-time and raised mine. I can’t understand how these people get away with it.
They fucking grew up used to asking for free shit,of course they will want more and more.
I can't even get a decent place for 2 kids. I sleep in the living room so my children can have their own rooms. I need a credit score of 660 and 3 times the rent a month in order to be considered for a decent place!
I think thats why they made the show
I just can't imagine 15 women willing to sleep with Peter.
Lindsay I think he have very powerful thing 😂 or UK women are very horny 😂
it's so cold in england though ... lolxxx
I can't imagine even ONE woman sleeping with him!
Lindsay took the words right out of my mouth! He’s gross🤮
When you're on benefits and sitting on your ass all day, I guess sex helps pass the time. People don't have to be picky if they don't have to worry if their partner will contribute equally to the relationship or not since neither of them will have to worry about contributing at all.
So many able-bodied people and Peter's house is disgustingly filthy.
@kaseymigliaccio2519 i live in canada ..i was born and grew up in england ...i can assure you that clean house standards were very high when i lived in england mother once told me my house was untiedy because she could see my shampoo bottles in the bathroom...she told me in a whisper u would tell someone something extremely embarrassing ...i was not offended.. i just laughed.
They need to make free vasectomies a benefit.
Absolutely. That would be so helpful. Give the men a better chance to not be in poverty at least
Here in Brazil, the poorest have more children. That is why blacks have become the majority in the country.
Try MANDATORY Vasectomies...
@SquillyMon I don't think that would go over well at all. I do think it should be an insurance covered options tho
MANDATORY STERILIZATION!! But, we have freedom....freedom for taxpayers to support these families for a lifetime. And, when their teenagers reproduce as well. They will NEVER be able to earn enough income to support their families. What would ever make them want to work?!?! They get everything for free!!
The sense of entitlement of these people is mind boggling 🤯😳
they get 80.000 gbp every year ?????????????? WTF........
One day i'll be able to afford a kitten. Until then I'll continue paying for someone else's children.
I'm 50 and have no kids but I love my cat and I pay the vet bills.Where is the father(s)of all these raggamuffins.This is planned and it's a disgrace.There should be a penalty for having more than 1 on the system.Put the condoms next to the huggies I say.Compare costs in the short term and beyond.Standing cock has no consciecne....Fuck with a conscience and birth control.They will give it to you on the system.
IKR how is this fair?
Shadow Knows yeah I’d like to have a goldfish myself. Maybe someday. :(
Shadow Knows 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
These people are the minority.
The little guy who was making the food and was proud of his culinary accomplishments with the cake is going places
He's going to be on benifits as well.. and you know it
...Going straight to the welfare office.
He says he's allowed to have as many kids as he likes and if he 'needs help' then he's entitled to it... Never been so angry in my life
How long can the World's Resources, fuel requirements, Climate Change, etc, maintain this? People taking/ theiving other peoples tax money should not be allowed to smoke, drink, get tat's, etc!
as long you want free shit like healthcare, child support, educations etc, which is paid for by taxes, which destroys jobs and makes everything extremely expensive; you're just as much part of the problem as them
Am who cares if the tax money( u don't fight to stop paying ) goes to someone who's willing to take it.. It's the system.... you pay someone doesn't.. that's the way it is.. GOVERNMENT
thats the problem with these people while here in the states the elderly and disabled get nothing and people like this get everything disgusting they choose their lot
Michiel Van Kets I’m curious how you think things should work then, because I’m not understanding how taxes destroy jobs and how elderly people or sick people will survive without some government assistance.
Peter's 4 bedroom house should be conditional upon his vasectomy.
agreed and the women's tubes being tied. I think both sure be required.
Yeah fuck them I say have another kid and their benefits drop lol
@Voche68 : Agreed! Although that should’ve been done LONG AGO!!
A bit late now by the look of him😂
Nah that he must learn to teach his woman to swallow or take facial any where but the box between the legs!😢 At least if she swallow he providing protein lol
Peter saying that the councilman is getting money for doing nothing, is a bit like the pot calling the kettle black, don't you think?
Angel Deville he also had his benefits capped and lost 200 a month? He needs that extra money, so that is where that cane comes in. It looks like he's faking for the show, his limp looks sooo forced, he needs that disability, yet he makes so many babies, I swear his limp kept changing sides and he looked like his foot was twisted but it's just a ruse, I wonder if anyone else thinks so.
Angel Deville well peter is doing something obviously, FUCKING!!! 😂😂😂
Well he is an expert on " doing nothing". What an air of entitlement. A true sack of worthless shit. Sterilize them all. Can't believe I'm saying this. Also one last note. You would think that people home all day would have good children but they have the most unruly and disrespectful children. Future well fare recipients.
Angel Deville no shit he's too dumb to realize the guy is working a fucking JOB
Ann Menzzasalma. And a spotless house.
"Theyre gonna put two new bathrooms, We'll make do with that"
Yeah nah mate, You pop em out, keep profiting, I'll keep working hard, struggling.
Oh look, bit noisy too... aww, my heart bleeds!!!
Thing is…there is an able bodied MAN in that house….wtf
The poor cameraman. I can only imagine the smell of these people and their houses.
I can even smell the mess they leave in their kitchens
Yeh I worked for company and delivering new washing machines the houses smelt like shit. People don’t take there shoes 👞 off in England
Yes! I didn't even think of that!
I can imagine the dirty carpet smell.
Imagine the smell of dirty diapers all the time.
2:21 the gall he has, mocking Ross for being a male nurse while having been unemployed for over 20 years
Pieter-Jan disgusting isn’t it how rude
What's the bet he never got that cash back the old prick leeched out of him to pay his fine to the bailiffs too.
He’s holding out for a managerial position 😂
@@laffingtaffy4762 Which he'll never get if he doesn't straighten up his attitude.
"He hasn't done anything to DESERVE that money." Says man who'd like you to pay for a home for he and his 26 children.
Peter should be looking in the mirror saying "he hasn't done anything to deserve that money." The councilman is the one working.
This shit is shocking....I'm 🤯
Me too, I’m 62 and been had mine 43 years and only 2 children
The sense of entitled in these rats who continue to spawn rats and the next generation of dole bludgers is just appalling.
But not surprising. My country has women who make sure they pop them out to get the money and if they’re told to start looking for work or study when the child reaches a certain age I know a LOT who have popped out another... and a LOT who, when the government cuts their oldest child’s benefits to the mother off at a certain age, they’ve gone and popped out another way to replace that money...
No. I’m not kidding.
Yes. It happens everywhere here.
They anger me.
He hasn’t done anything to deserve a bigger house. Get a job. Keep having kids you’ll get more benefits and then you will look even more pathetic. You don’t deserve better. Unless you work for it.
This show makes me feel like I've thrown my life away being a corporate slave when I could be throwing my uterus around town and getting paid!
Good one!
Send uterus slanging PM
Lmao loving the wording
Barefoot and pregnant seen but not heard fully obedient to your husband and respectful to him
The fact that they find nothing wrong with how they are living is disgusting.... Oh boy...
I work full time and EARN nowhere near what they RECEIVE..... makes a man want to cry....
Just stop working have like 20 kids and then you'll get like tones of chase. XD
Just imagine the scenario. "Honey, I have decided to become a professional baby maker to cheat the benefits system" Partners reaction: ..... I think we should see other people,xD
Don't cry. You still have your dignity. They can buy that with benefits.
Grace Lapham They don't care about the working class they never did. Unless you're a millionaire they don't care about you. They will tax you to death until you don't have anything left.
Me too i clean and wipe bums and am a single mum getting no support from the dad or benefits. We barely get by and i am knackered all the time.
I can't help but notice the level of intelligence in these people.
Dolts marry and breed other dolts. You won't find an intellectual hanging out with dolts (usually) and finding them compatible.
@Little Foot Again, not about education but IQ.
Or lack there of.
Lack of intelligence you mean?
It was invented so a widow or cripple wouldn't starve to death. Now we're being outbred. 1 taxpayer can't support 2 bums
How can you have 9 kids and not understand that midnight isn’t an appropriate bed time for a primary school kid
PROTIP: If you're putting coke in a baby bottle, you're doing something wrong.
That baby will grow up with calcium deficiency, weak bones
That's a good one! My daughter is almost 19 and has never drank a soda!
Yeah no kidding that's like at the beginning when the mom was blowing bubbles she was having a smoke right in front of the kid I don't agree with that either
Sure she hasn’t Bonnie.
I don't feel sorry for the parents, I feel sorry for the kids.
100% agree. There's a reason why every comment about the older children involves them being on benefits, as well. Children tend to live the lives they grew up in and none of these parents are setting them up to be contributing members of society. I don't think they're horrible parents that don't love their children but what type of example are you setting for these little guys?
That's the trick those parents(?) employ.
Mark Douglas same same because to the trash they call parents these kids are nothing more than a paycheck. I don’t understand how these people can be so dang proud to abuse the government and live off of the hard work of others while they themselves are able to work they just choose not to. The way they behave is doing nothing but setting up their kids to become nothing but leeches to the government when they grow up as well since mom and dad are so
content with being bums. These people should have to do something in the way of work/volunteering a certain amount of hours a week if they want to keep getting these benefits. They shouldn’t just get them. Plus the way some of them think they’re entitled to the benefits disgusts me! In a different video about this issue one woman was complaining about how other people talked about her like she’s a no good government abusing pos... because according to her she doesn’t get ENOUGH money (900£ a week!!!!!) to live but, people think she’s got it made 🙄 I will never understand the way some people function lol these parasites need to be kicked off benefits and shown how hard life can be maybe they will get off their behinds then and get a job but I doubt that would motivate them they’d probably panhandle on the street or become hookers 😂😂😂
Agree, unfortunately some of them kids have useless bastard parents like the no good arse hole dad that left Blondie behind with 8 kids or the various useless arse holes who knows.
@Stephen Tumlin have you tried counseling? Your outburst of anger towards him over something so trivial is disconcerting.
"My kids don't get Xboxes & Playstations like the other kids..." Dude, luxuries cost money. It's not the state's job to provide game consoles, you're lucky u have free rent, food, & money.
Woa woa woa lady call of duty isn't a 'luxury' 😁
Ugh! So true! My kids don’t even get brand new toys - too busy paying bills and saving for their future education costs I guess 🧐
Thats a comment of a true American
The kittle boy at the end, who shows pride in cooking has a future!!!
How are these people not embarrassed???? No pride, and absolutely no shame to their games. SMH
This shocks me to the core.
Hard to be embarrassed when it was your plan all along
If she's addicted to babies.....
« Work? What’s that weird word? » lol
I imagine that’s what she would say...
Seriously! Voice of reason thank u
@Christina Reynolds what is stupid and irresponsible is having children bc it's more fun than caring for others and getting paid to do so, which was essentially your original comment before you deleted it. I think it was something like "it's more fun when they are your own", These are children, not toys.
@Christina Reynolds seems like she's not tho, I believe that was explained in the beginning of the film. This is not a hardship that came about out of blue and beyond her control, she's choosen this and it's abuse of the system. It's just wrong to take up resources that others that need to survive and most importantly her own children. They are learning responsibility from her poor example
@Christina Reynolds This woman has publicly said she expects her children to be cared for by the government. These benefits are needed for emergency circumstances, haphazardly planning 8 children is not one of them.
It would be great if you didn't resort to ridiculous extremes bc I think adults should act responsibly. If you wanna talk then great, I'm bored and don't have much to do tonight, but if you're going to get belligerent and silly then let's stop the conversation here.
All of these breeders seem to have one thing in common: a false sense of entitlement. I suppose when you've spent your entire life reproducing and not working, you have no sense of the value of a dollar.
They all think they are owed something for creating children. Do they think they are doing humanity a favor? We arent having a human shortage. They arent raising kids thatll become doctors or scientists.
If only the sense of entitlement WERE false.
I'm not even living in the UK and I find this aggravating. I think they feel entitled because that's what they are told when filling out forms etc. "To get the most of their entitlement". Or what they are "entitled" to. Really? How are they entitled, that what I want to know.
@@lolasmom5816 you're absolutely correct.
Also it cracks me up "the council leader is getting that money for doing nothing" seems you two have something in common !
Peter complaining about the Councellor:
“This is what makes me laugh: Council leader gets 37% pay rise.”
“Why is he entitled to that when I am not entitled to get a bigger room. He didn’t do anything to deserve it... what makes him think he’s worth that money?!”
The cognitive dissonance is just astounding!!
It's mind blowing
Who the hell is he to complain anyway? He’s not paying the taxes anyway.
25:12 He calls Ross a "twat" and has the nerve to ask him for money. Goes to show you what kind of person he is. Ever heard of the phrase " Don't bite the hand that feeds you." Peter? OMG some people!
Steve ~ l was just thinking the same thing. One thing the council people do that Peter doesn't is WORK. All this ''entitlement'' thinking is a big lie. We are NOT entitled to the fruits of others' labour. Never take ANYTHING for granted. Be grateful, and humble.
Right !! It's like well dude looks who's talking and he's over here saying he wants more money and a bigger place 🤔 for what exactly???
What did he do to earn that privilege
The "tramp stamp" dedication to one of her kids, pretty much says it all. : )-"
That honestly grossed me out.
LMAO 😂😂 so true
"It's my choice to have as many kids as I want" umm.. well the taxpayers should be able to choose that you don't get benefits!
The poster boy for why there should be mandated vasectomies for men who don't wear condoms
These people are mentally ill.
Lewis C. I agree. Nothing wrong if you want to have a lot of children when you can afford to feed them. Living in poverty sucks but these people are aware of that and they still choose to have kids and make them suffer
26 towel..
marie actually seems like a decent mum she keeps her house clean and her kids look clean too
She doesn`t work! Is the least she could do.
Please ....she can't afford them..stop making excuses for this ignorant woman
@@lorenaelizabethmontielvies563whatche mean work she has 8 kids thiers nothing wrong with being a stay at home mother the Da should be working if he's able bodied
That’s what she supposed to do
@@yessam1460 he doesn't live with them or support them and that's why she claims welfare payments. The father should do the right thing and marry her and support his wife and kids instead of the tax payers.
Soda in baby bottles?! Smoking whilst holding your wee one & the lot in the same room?! Now that's a great parent..ya right
Rene Boober yeah disgusting smoking in her new born babys face...should be ashamed!
Dirty chav spongers
I hope social services dropped around for a chat.
"I'm not going to be a bum like them." That poor girl I feel for her. She wants a better life. But I have no doubt, her family will always try to drag her down. Because any step forward she makes, only shows what trash they are. Hopefully she can break the cycle, and get away from them.
condoms apparently aren't available in this town.
+Chook G not sure if just a joke or actual statement; but hun i think she like literally breeds them for extra benefits, which just makes it all the more disgusting tbf.
+Tawny I don't understand, what exactly are you proud of?
+Tawny Sorry, I thought you said proud not proof. My bad...
people like my mum and dad are slaving away work 17 hours a day paying tax and they should be grateful that they actually get given ANY money for benefits because the government could stop benefits all together
People shouldn't be grateful towards the government for anything. It exists and very well fed to serve citizens, no the other way around.
When I was on social welfare, I was so embarrassed being seen once a month leaving the SW office. I can't imagine going on national television and telling everyone about it 🙈
They probably get paid for that too.
@@paulah7587they are but it won't be a lot it's the same shit in every country who has a show that portraits people living off of some form of benefits. They specifically choose to show people like in this video so everyone thinks every person who recieves benefits is like this. Which in turn makes people who work hate them and focus their anger on them instead of corporations and politicians who are taking most of our money. I hope you still get what i'm trying to say english is not my first language
They're loud and Proud😂
the wrong people always pop out the most kids
I agree
As stupid as the film Idiocracy is its spot on
@Little Foot Yes, if you have 3 kids or more, statistically your IQ is likely to be low.
We need a war and these people should be used as cannon fodder. Population control.
It’s hard to feel bad for the parents because this is what they wanted. To not accomplish anything in life and live off of handouts. The kids and the tax payers are the ones to have to pay for this
Maybe the houses would not seem as small if they put a cautious effort into cleaning them and keeping clutter low.
All of these people say it's their choice and their right...shouldn't tax payers have the choice and the right to say no too?
yep. when they start breeding kids for more money that's the cut off. anyone can need help but these people are taking advantage so they can breed like rabbits and not have to do anything.
You know when you live in a country where you see the Royals living the good life you tell yourself why not me.
Did you go to a public school, do you use health services, did you receive help with college??? Then you too have taken from the public teat.
Absolutely. There is a HUGE between using help to get from a rough spot and using it as your job.
Its one thing if you go to a public school WHILE PAYING taxes! However jobless and breeding is shit and doing nothing but taking from hard working people.
I know Maire is on benefits but I think she’s a real grafter and does her best for her kids,, she’s definitely the most likeable on this episode
She doesn`t do the best for her kids... She is not teaching them well.
How doesn’t do her best for her kids? These shows here are manipulative into showing the worst of people. Even with that being said and done, Everytime she’s on the screen she’s helping her children, feeding them, dressing them, sorting them for school, doing food shopping, she’s not laying about smoking and ignoring her children. So yes she does do her best by her children. I will agree she may not be showing them an important work ethic as she’s not working here but she’s showing them their life skills and actually taking care of her children! Yanno it’s ok to give people a little compliment sometimes. You don’t always have to be negative! Just a thought !!
She is selfish
If you think she does well for her kids, your standards are extremely low.
@@betsybabf748 ehh not really though!! I think she does well given the circumstances that she has! And given the other examples on this show!
These are the people who are angry that immigrants are taking their jobs, lol!
Getting a job themselves hasn't occurred to them, they just get upset that even lowly immigrants will work jobs and look down on them.
No clear thought of getting a job.
@@roxyroxii1152 It beggars belief, these people genuinely believe their entire lives are the responsibility of the government to sort out. They are children in adult bodies.
Immigrants are also on welfare.
I’m not sure about Britain, but in America these are the people who are hollering for sanctuary cities - the exact opposite of the people who are angry about immigrants taking jobs
@@kylevernon9625 sorry can you explain wat that is 'sanctuary cities' thanks
Smoking while patting a baby on her shoulder, da hell is wrong with her!
Seems to be a UK thing. Americans are more concerned about health
Ikr... she doesnt deserve children
I was just about to say the exact same thing, where the fuck is child protective services?
Angela Hatton yes I thought the same thing ,,where is child protective services ?? The baby on that filthy floor of peter's
So many of the "chav" types in the UK seem to be absolutely addicted to smoking.
Support needs to be short term . Not for life. And generation after generation .
Zhang Wei that’s how it is is America. The state only helps for 5 years.
The Only
if its your choice to have that many kids, its your responsibility to pay for them as well.
Exactly! Fucking ridiculous how they THINK tax payers should pay for their CHOICE smh
You are so right. These people take no responsibility for their actions and expect everyone else to pay up!
Yeah- you can always get your tubes tied or a vasectomy if it's that hard to stay on birth control/wear a rubber. SMH.
They probably don't tell the father they are a father. These Lazy Brits who rely on Benefits are allowing the country to be handed over in the future to a neo fascist government who will kick off Welfare and use non whites as an excuse.
What a drain on society. There is no incentive for these people to work due to a rediculous benefit system. And then he's getting a 7 bedroom house and say well we'll make do. What a lazy waste of space!
"So we're a big family. We don't bovver no one." No one except the hard-working taxpayers of Great Britain.
i should stop watching this shit, i am only a few minutes in and already see an heartattack in progress
these people are *disgusting FILTH* and even have the audacity to tell us that they don't bother anybody and just want to be left alone
I can't help but like Marie. She's seems like a good mother who rarely complains and seems to appreciate everything she gets.
All those kids grow up to pay income tax, strengthening the economy down the track
Out of all the parents, I do like Marie the best. Her house is clean and organized. She talks about putting back into the system and I didn’t hear that from the others!
Same and she's not smoking while holding her newborn im a smoker just not n my house car or near my kids
Sorry, these women are not thinking of these kids
@@blake9358Will they?
The entitled attitudes are unreal. 😳
Coke in baby bottles, AND smoking in the house with a baby in hand! SHOCKING.
Yeah that's good... The baby teeth will rot out and creat problems that will affect thier dental hygiene. Smoking will cause asthma and persistent lung infections
Smoking in the house with kids in it ? What is this ? The 1970s?
Yeah the coke in the bottle was a bit disgusting
Sasja Mazurkiewicz ignorant mafuckys
Sasja Mazurkiewicz for real! Take their kids away then their benefits! Obviously these poor kids don’t stand a chance in life with parents like these!
"You cant fill your life with expensive things when youre on benefits" *camera scans to 2 babies both playing with iphones*
Bahaha I got to your comment just as it was happening 😂😂😂
stluee : If only you could be right... I really hope so.
@stluee But is your phone an IPhone.
@stluee You see. You are wise with your money. These folks aren't. They make bad decisions with their welfare money.
The more I watch this program, the more I'm really happy to be living in Ontario, Canada. Much love and respect from Canada everyone.
Send them all to a farm and let them grow their own food, chop wood and raise chickens and the like
That´s an idea.
that requires work...
That's the perfect solution but it won't happen...
The Amish just said hold their non alcoholic cider
sounds logical ......only if the farm is in africa or something ..UK land is at a premium.. send them somewhere with spare land ..USA..Australia canada africa russia etc etc
They capped the benefits and now his multitude of children cant get xboxes like every other kid . The government are just so mean :(
I couldn’t believe the audacity, the nerve to say something like that!! And now, he wants a big house all paid for. For what? Having bred multiple future leeches like him?🤦🏻♀️
10:39 there's a xbox lmao and if you look harder they have multiple compters in there house
That's how 3rd worlders breed very irresponsible and expect others to float the bill.
“We don’t bother anyone” ... just the tax payers. 80 grand a year!
u realize that if they were to stop welfare today, that u would see maybe a extra 2 dollars on ur paycheck. everyone acts that if they stop gov programs that the tax payer will instantly become richer. most of the services u use on a daily basis and have access u do pay less then a quarter towards. those social safety nets are important or we couldn't have the society that we have. there would be way to much homelessness and poverty
Just ridiculous
@I8thumper lol so true !
@@soulsreaper7145 sorry,but that 2 dollars a week is my money. if you want to have kids then pay for them.
thats no many..
Sad... Poor little girl only one clapping when she blew out her candles broke my heart for her. Min 43:49
Wait !!!!! What makes you think you deserve to have a bigger house. You did nothing to deserve a bigger house
its there right.
It was their choice to bring 14 children into this world. Don't have that many children if you don't have the means to care for them.
He made 26 kids, that's what he did to deserve it.
He didn't abandon any of his kids.
Some fathers only have one or two kids and abandon them so their single mothers have to look after them.
It looks like this guy looks after all his kids even though he's not with the mothers anymore.
The woman who has a "toy room" which the kids don't even use is stretching it.
I love the way the self-righteous house wife says she has 7 kids and her HUSBAND works long hours to support them.
Marie doesn't have a husband to work long hours - we don't know why, maybe he left her, maybe he died, they said they are all from 1 father.
What would the house wife mum of 7 do if her husband left her or died without life insurance?
She'd be in exactly the same situation as Marie.
@@adotholland22 RIP english lol
They think it's their right to have 8 and more children, but not their responsability to care for them. Classic.
+Europe Channel The only way their claim would be true is if they were well off when they had 8 children but their business collapsed at no fault of their own and they suddenly needed welfare. But if they started off poor and only made their situation worse by having kids left and right, then no, it is not their right.
That man prob brings in more cash than many professionals
It’s insane. Uneducated but incredibly arrogant and entitled
I wouldn't even want that many kids even if they payed for everything! Lol
Loni Gray ...I know. That’s a round the clock job with no breaks. No thanks!!
No amount of money could be enough for me! I could pay to not have an extra kid around...
What a nightmare! It would be a living hell for me!!!
I would quite like to have 8 to be honest 😊 but could never afford it.
As someone who has had to wait tables for a living through multiple times in my life it does really drive me mad to see people be too "soft" to put up with the way people treat people in the service industry because usually they're the people that also don't know how to treat a server or retail worker themselves. it reflects more how they see themselves than others' view of them. if you walk into work ready to make the most of it and give it your all then you'll always be proud of the job you perform. other people give you the respect you demand by showing that you deserve it. if you work hard you never doubt that, aside from a few bad rotten nasty apples, you are a respected member of society.
I moved to the UK as an immigrant some 10 years ago. Worked my backside off, payed all the taxes. But then I realised where the UK is heading and how the British are living off the tax payers money. I am glad that I left the UK for good and never looked back.
Same story here!
Same here! I can’t believe they left EU and truly think they will prosper..
Their sense of entitlement is unbelievable!!!
I can't even get a text back and this old dude has 15 baby mommas
I don't get why yall say this, do you not see the caliber of women he has kids like women with limited teeth and bad hygiene?
If you want bad teeth, bad body, bad manners and low expectations they are easy to get 🤮
Don’t worry... I’m sure theyre not the type of women any self respecting man would want 😂😂😂
Too c o complicated
I wouldn’t touch him with a 10 foot pole. Eeeew
The Queen has extra rooms in her palace that would make excellent lodgings for children🤣😂🤣😂.
Simply put, this is unsustainable. Demanding that others pay for your choices is wrong. It's a dangerous sense of entitlement.
The "government" does not have money of its own in a big box. Governments get ALL their funding from working taxpayers. Peter (and the couple getting a huge house expansion) confuse the terms "deserve/earn" with "take." And they prove there is such a thing as being "shameless."
I hope 12 year old Nathan (from the family with 26 kids) decides to work in culinary when he gets order. He pretty much catered the whole birthday party by himself, he has potential and is pretty mature for his age.
Lexie Brooks one out of the 26 stands a chance in life. Not great odds.
Hope he is able to have a good life in the future
i absolutely agree you can have as many kids as you want BUT YOU SHOULD BLOODY PAY FOR THEM its not up to the decent tax payer to feed and cloth them its disgraceful and shocking
Bloody joke I am 66 minding Gran kids go to the school to collect them young friggers there not working all non nationals my son working 2 jobs and his wife makes my blood boil
every one of those children = future benefits recipients
Yep. I have family members that are in this cycle. So very sad
My father had an expression he used to describe people on welfare having endless children while the hard working taxpayers citizens could only afford one or two. He said, "It's the rats who breed the most." After watching these disgusting public tax leeches I couldn't agree more with my departed dad! StocktonRob
@Kendra Mackall This sentence is so dumb! Do you understand hypocrisy?
Robert Charpent... I so agree with your farther he is right .
Well said...
Unfortunately bleeding heart enablers allow this behaviour...and your Television licence is spent on glorifying these scumbags via these programmes.
Never heard that phrase, but its spot on. Ty. He was a smart guy. 👍
@Kendra Mackall please explain? you cant 'accidently' have 26 children, and you cant 'accidently' willingly not want to go out to work to provide for your family...?
Coke in an baby’s bottle ,yeah great parenting there
It might be fruit juice!
Rotted teeth!
Wasn't she the same one smoking a cigerette innside while holding a baby?
Kelly Cochran. Yes, I take offence to that. We now know how deadly they are and 2nd hand smoke
@@KellyCochran138 yes.
Limit the number of kids that the government will pay for. If you want the kids, get a job and support them.
AMEN Ms Lynn! It really should be setup that way. My parents adopted my younger brother at 3, from a family of around 13, who lived in squalor in one of NJ's ghettos. Most of the children were taken away from the biological mom and dad by DYFS. It's another one of the many sins of humanity that we inherited from our progenitors Adam and Eve... remember Adams response to GOD when GOD questioned him? " ...the woman you gave me, tricked me!"He refused to take responsibility for his own actions, even though Eve did wrong. Ever since both of their rebellion, we've been and will continue to pay the price. The wages of sin is death. GOD bless you ma'am.
atleast there have kids,,,how manykids jou have .,,because jou look so ugly cnat amzing that a man is breeding with jou to make a baby.
@@adotholland22 Are you one of the kids of the documentary?
Go back to school
jou sounds like a Nazi fascist...bahhh
Lynn Vasquez you are RIGHT on!!!
Living off the babies, "UK VALUES" they are Proud of their Queen and Proud of the Dole.
I thought Americans were bad! I cant stop laughing and crying. That old man with 26 kids from 15 women had the nerve to say that the noise from the workers isnt good for the kids, yet his partner is holding a baby blowing cigarette smoke around. WOW!!!
Ingrid Ewers where do you think America got it from 😂
Faith Olsen .... I live in Illinois. I feel like I’m a good judge of what Americans are lol
And his children are having children.
Ingrid Ewers in America its the minorities that breed like this.
usa is not a handout country not even close
Best ad for condoms ever made.
Best ad for home euthanasia kits ever made.
Paul O'Connor what?? Their is suicide and murder
men hate using condoms. That is the only down side.
@@user-qr7eb1sf3l There not their.
I don't get who would sleep with these ppl?
I can’t understand how all these people getting benefits are able to smoke so many cigarettes and drink beer. Are those actually necessity¿
Renae Bepler and be over weight
@@user-qr7eb1sf3l They're overweight because they eat the worst types of food and sit on their entitled asses too much... Pathetic ...
It's a way of the government getting two thirds of the benefits bill straight back into the public trough.
Bleeding hearts donating to food bank. No one really starves anymore. Food bank frees up money for these people. Remember next time you donate, you're actually buying smokes
It’s not against the law for you to be able to spend the money on whatever you want.
Oh god I can smell that house of that family of 26 through the tv 🤮🤮
Nathan, the 12 year old, Love that he’s interested in cooking and baking. I hope he pursues it as his career.
This makes me angry my parents worked so hard raise my bother and I, we never got an Xbox or play station but our parents gave us everything we needed and taught us the benefit of working for your money.
Holy Shit! I'm pretty lazy, and young enough to pop out a few. Hold on Britain, I'll be there in a minute.
Terri Weekly lmmfao!!!
You poor vulnerable soul. Don't forget to get some disabilities as well! $$$$$$$$$
Second Sun Lab : 😂😂😂😂
And it won't take long Terri Weekly if you're not too fussy. The fat, ugly ones seems to be the most fertile.
In 1982 I had a C-section with my daughter...then I got my tubes 1995 I got pregnant with my 2nd daughter... Doctor told me in 95 a womans tubes untie by themselves after 7 years😮
We make jokes about how bad people's teeth are in the UK. I can see why. The woman was filling the baby's bottle with Coca Cola. That's not all the reason but it's certainly a starter.
Surely you don't expect the child to drink it's rum straight-up, do you?
+Maximus Minimus lol
What statistics? Even if you counted all the toothless winos living on the streets of every major city in the US you'd still have more snaggled toothe people than the US has.
Oh yes! A survey and report by the British. Certainly we're suck that one up. How about one from outside, one where the motive isn't to convince Britain's citizens about how great the NHS is.
a dental hygienist told me there are a lot of Americans who have bad teeth, and there's no excuse to have bad teeth in the UK, its free...spoken by a brit living in the US
I don’t understand why their homes are always dirty and a mess if they are home all day
because they've never worked, they don't understand the value for care and respect
they are Lazy....
Pure laziness
True head scratcher on that one.... that don't give a fuck.
Getting children and teens to do chores is kinda like herding Cats.
When he said they don’t bother anyone... Yeah just the tax payers....
And the environment.
The poor tax payer
2 episodes in and I've lost count of the # of times I've heard the word "entitled". 🙄😫🤦
Wait a damn minute, Marie's kids all have cell phones and a toy room! But have to say the couple with 14 off spring are my favorite train wrecks. Coke Cola and second hand cigarette smoke for dinner. What do they put in their kids school lunch boxes heroine and whiskey ?
Pamela Mojo Fabulous 😂
This why ppl cross the unforgiving seas and deserts to live in Britain.
Where do they think their "free" money is coming from???? People like me that work all hours of the week, pay their taxes and try to be financially responsible. I am legally disabled, but I rather work than get disability benefits and I will work as long as I am able to. Being on benefits/welfare should be a hand up, a help in need, but NOT A CAREER!!!! Especially not over multiple generations in the same family!
Happens here in the US too. Lots of generations are poor.
Well said and so true
Absolutely, a "hand up" to help out for a time. Not forever. These are career criminals. They are robbing from the govt. and from all hard working taxpaying citizens of GB. The same thing is happening here in the USA. It is coming to a stop now that Trump is in office. These people seem to think that there is nothing wrong with what they are doing. They have no social responsibility whatsoever. Incredible...........and sad.
At least the single mom of 8 keeps a clean house and kids!!!🤷♂️💝
My first thought...look shes not a hoarder 😄
And the kids look clean and dressed well. They seem well behaved too. Kids are kids but they seem pretty good.
are those 8 kids from one father?
adcolt54 I think so.
adcolt54 yes
If having taxpayers provide for your children, there should be a time limit and if you get pregnant again, that child should be taken into custody at birth because you can't provide for it nor do you have good judgment as a parent. If you don't provide for your own children, you are not a parent. Society is the parent raising your children, providing the parental responsibilities. The children of these parents should also have responsibility education to learn that adults support themselves, which their 'parents' are failing to role model. If one's home is a filthy as these, all the children should be taken from these people. Disgusting. They don't work so they should have time to clean and live like humans.
Smoking a cigarette while she's rocking the baby! That's child abuse to my way of thinking!
And putting coke in a bottle should be abuse as well. Are they trying to rot their kids teeth and make them diabetics for more money? I don’t get it
Was looking for this comment! THANK YOU!
And her poor little neck 😭
You apparently never suffered REAL child abuse.
Marie's kids seem the most well behaved...she is doing something right there..and no smoking or alcohol which is a plus too..on her end..
And her house was fairly tidy to have that many children with all their toys.
Don't forget, she is a single parent and only one willing to work
@@bigmak11969 I will not lie i am disappointed, in as much as she says she saved up and the cash is not from benefits it is about priorities. On the other hand may be the new boobs is an actual investment that will allow her to get a decent dude willing to take care of all them kids and reduce the tax burden.
Angeline Perales Good comment. They cry not enough money for food, etc., but always money for smokes or alcohol!
Out of all the family's shown on this program,she seems to be the only person willing and motivated to get a job
That "mother" cant even get them up for school... it's not just about pushing them out luv, you have to be responsible for all their needs. Get tied.
2024 February 6 Houston Texas 😂watched this long a go and I’m back again 🤣
LOL same
Sadly this becomes a cycle. The kids/babies will end up doing what their parents do when they grow up because that's the only life they know.
Exactly out of them all maybe one or two will actually go out and get jobs and that's a maybe
Such bull. That's only if they're raised to believe that work is "evil". Lol.
@@chrysichrysi7889 It's not that they will think work is "evil" but the fact that they are being shown you don't have to work to get a house or food or money it can be just given you?
@@daniellesarver2738 A Dynasty on benefits
Like you can see on Peters kids - becoming a parent when still a child themselves….