More HCIM progress (still alive)

  • Опубліковано 1 лют 2025


  • @ryleymcrae7234
    @ryleymcrae7234 7 років тому +750

    "I have the perfect block list"
    *Literally completely changes it immediately after*

  • @MindOfCrim
    @MindOfCrim 7 років тому +100

    Dovydaddy give me your might!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @irrelevant6769
    @irrelevant6769 7 років тому +41

    I love it when you say bye bye dad

  • @justinb292011
    @justinb292011 7 років тому +53

    Zeah teleport portal in your house

    • @ronnietjikoeri9965
      @ronnietjikoeri9965 7 років тому +6

      slowbluesss or use skills neck to wc guild and ur prettty much already at dust devils/nechs

    • @xXfrenchy1XxUK
      @xXfrenchy1XxUK 7 років тому +2

      Or just gear at the bank right next to the dungeon AFTER teleporting to Kourend.

  • @alisunbul2305
    @alisunbul2305 7 років тому +5

    If you make kourend teleport in your house, you get outside of katacombs

  • @RunescapeGod
    @RunescapeGod 7 років тому +1

    Dude use fairy ring to chasm of fire, climb down rope to catacombs and you're right next to dust devils.

  • @LawlDrew
    @LawlDrew 7 років тому +17

    @A Friend, you could've just made a Kourend Portal in your POH

  • @Dergie
    @Dergie 7 років тому

    I haven't played Runescape in YEARS yet I enjoy watching your videos.

  • @j22karu
    @j22karu 7 років тому +1

    You didn't have to run to the center to get to the catacombs, just climb down the rope that is just outside southern bank.
    When you teleport to the house portal, go a little south-west, jump over the stepping stone and run north-west until you see the bank.

  • @dre_osrs3835
    @dre_osrs3835 7 років тому

    ran out of new pk vids, ran into this. (first time seeing your series) 1 bank tab on your HC is more than my main and my zerker's whole banks! time to copy your grind. thanks for the content

  • @Riperini
    @Riperini 7 років тому

    Perfect timing on the video, I was just chillin and boom a friend video!

  • @BeatleHD22
    @BeatleHD22 7 років тому +1

    You can unlock an entrance at the abbarant spectres near the dagannoths, that way you only have to teleport to xerics look-out and then run from there, that way you're also a lot closer to the dust devils.

  • @Matteotheoneandonly
    @Matteotheoneandonly 7 років тому +241

    ...kourend house portal?

    • @justinb292011
      @justinb292011 7 років тому

      Matt lol I didn't realize you said it. I just posted it as well oops

    • @BaconFurnace
      @BaconFurnace 7 років тому +4

      this. house portal to catacombs is so easy, makes slayer a piece of cake.

    • @MrJoshuathiele
      @MrJoshuathiele 7 років тому +2

      House tab, use pool/altar for regen, equip ancient mace, flick piety and spec undead training dummy, use kourend portal. If your wearing proslyte or like monk robes, you never need prayer pots.

    • @stevemcgraw4977
      @stevemcgraw4977 7 років тому +2

      thats what i was thinking as well, i had to pause the video because i was in shock a friend didnt have a kourend house portal

    • @AndeePandee
      @AndeePandee 7 років тому +2

      Matt I scrolled down to post this exact comment

  • @rogers4111
    @rogers4111 7 років тому +1

    This video title is genuinely not click bait enough, dovydad I expect more from you

  • @henkkarytimexz
    @henkkarytimexz 7 років тому

    A friend roasting fight caves, the hardest laugh I've ever had :DD

  • @Joe-cr1yl
    @Joe-cr1yl 7 років тому +3

    3:44 "Yeeeeeeeees Boiiiiiii!" - Dovydas 2017

  • @ddrz09
    @ddrz09 7 років тому +1

    aFRIEND! Quest Cape > Fairy Ring DJR = Access to a shortcut (east of ring) that drops you next to Aberrant Spectres, but very convenient when you're not on a spellbook to get to Kourend Catacombs!

  • @SYCPrescott
    @SYCPrescott 7 років тому

    @A Friend you know there are other entrances to the catacombs, you have to find them from inside the catacombs to access them from the surface. There is an entrance right next to the Hosidus bank that goes down to the King Sand Crabs right next to dusties. you can use Kourend house tabs and the shortcut across the river to get there quickly on ancients.

  • @rahooligan2133
    @rahooligan2133 7 років тому +1

    If you use the fairy ring code DJR, you can run East and go down a hole to get to Kourend Catacombs!

  • @imchris5000
    @imchris5000 7 років тому

    the zeah house tele portal puts you right on top of the catacombs

  • @ImM0hamed
    @ImM0hamed 7 років тому

    When I'm on ancients and doing slayer at the catacombs, you can make a great kourend portal in your house and use house tabs to get to your house. the portal takes you right to the catacombs enterance

  • @kurai_arashi
    @kurai_arashi 7 років тому

    when a friend forgot about the short cuts to certain places in the catacombs

  • @iseeyounoobs
    @iseeyounoobs 7 років тому

    A Friend has used the ring of life teleport so many times. Super lucky that he is still alive.

  • @TheRsMusicMaster
    @TheRsMusicMaster 7 років тому +7

    I swear I had a dream this morning that the white cat22 died and lost the ultimate ironman status... He was for some reason fully naked in the god wars dungeon or a similar place and accidentaly clicked on a spiritual mage and died. I saw it all so clear, coupled with dovydas' comments about how fricking stupid it was. Then I woke up, opened my computer and saw this video title (still alive). What a fricking emotional rollercoaster this morning has been.

    • @OrangeBroom
      @OrangeBroom 7 років тому

      I've got some bad news for ya..

  • @thefatpakyak2826
    @thefatpakyak2826 7 років тому +193

    1:23 WTF does gargoyles with huge wings have to do anything with afking?

    • @HiddenFearsRS
      @HiddenFearsRS 7 років тому +36

      TheFatPakYak kk you have to manually click the gargoyles a lot because the gargoyles can't hit you

    • @Tribute_RSA
      @Tribute_RSA 7 років тому +1

      TheFatPakYak kk ikr

    • @kurt9364
      @kurt9364 7 років тому +3

      TheFatPakYak kk it affects afking because there's pretty much no point in the room where It's easy for them to get far enough away from you to attack you, also sometimes they just don't agro

    • @thefatpakyak2826
      @thefatpakyak2826 7 років тому +15

      Kurtmerz have you visited slay tower? Like 10 in 1 room all going flap flap, all aggro and stuff

    • @Zerazed
      @Zerazed 7 років тому +9

      you can't afk gargoyles so good kid

  • @Yovu_
    @Yovu_ 7 років тому +2

    6:50 "turns out its complete bu-"...(thinks about wanting pmod back) "its bad.."

  • @sully0230
    @sully0230 7 років тому

    for zeah, use fairy rings to get to "chasm of fire" then a pothole you can climb down is close

  • @clitzdapoo5487
    @clitzdapoo5487 7 років тому

    Got so sad yesterday, almost thought I saw you but then realized it was an hcim named white cat21, thought I finally saw my first youtuber in semi irl :(

  • @swefrostofficial3007
    @swefrostofficial3007 7 років тому +1

    Just tweeted to Mod ash that it would be great if they could Buff/change the Dragonfire shield so the stats would remain perment and the charges would still be in use of the special attack but not affect the stats in any given way.
    Would be good if you guys retweeted and helped me here a little. The dfs special attack has been useless for a decad and i think its time that we get the chance to finally abuse that special attack without worrien that the stats will drop

  • @ebooog69
    @ebooog69 7 років тому

    Poor dovydas didn't realize you could just build a kourend portal in the POH without any FAVOUR :(

  • @xvoperel4342
    @xvoperel4342 7 років тому

    To get to kourend catacombs just put a kourend portal in your house, it brings you right there.

  • @haroldkomar6003
    @haroldkomar6003 6 років тому

    'Because gargoyles have very big wings you cannot afk them properly'

  • @OkagaCalifornia
    @OkagaCalifornia 7 років тому +1

    That's exactly how I feel about all of OSRS (aka ezscape)

  • @Ryanftw85
    @Ryanftw85 7 років тому

    You can unlock kourend tele by finding book in the library there,it gives u a scroll then you can always tele to the tower/statue when you use redirect scrolls

  • @LTnexLT
    @LTnexLT 7 років тому

    That moment when Dovy hits you with a double bye bye

  • @Jordon197100
    @Jordon197100 7 років тому

    When you are smithing armor for favour,the favour depends on the armor level.

  • @scuffedjays3862
    @scuffedjays3862 7 років тому

    You can get a house portal to Kourend that takes you right outside the statue.

  • @Dragonboy1300
    @Dragonboy1300 7 років тому

    there's a shortcut to dust devils by the bank at hosidius I think (haven't played in a bit). takes you to king crabs, walk 10 feet and you're at dusts.

  • @ChilledGames
    @ChilledGames 7 років тому

    A Friend, you dont need 100% favor, just put a Kourend Portal in your Player owned house and all you need is house tabs

  • @TheLowHybrid
    @TheLowHybrid 7 років тому +4

    I was suffering from withdrawal because I needed A friend

  • @xxpoll763xx
    @xxpoll763xx 7 років тому

    You know you can put a portal in your house, or go the the house party world and use anyone's who has one.

  • @Taz_H
    @Taz_H 7 років тому

    A Friend -only halway into the video- I'm sure many people have already said this in the comments but you can make a house portal that teleports you directly to the Kourend statue. You just need to find the book called 'Transportation Incantations' in the arceuus library before you build the portal. House favours (besides arceuus) are not required.

  • @th3R4p1ds
    @th3R4p1ds 7 років тому

    There's a dungeon entrance right next to the hosidious bank that goes right too the dust devils

  • @blakemaupin7073
    @blakemaupin7073 7 років тому +4

    Why would you go to the Zeah Castle for dust devil tasks? The hole next to the bank in the Hosidius area is like right next to them. I can only assume you are talking about for nechs and abbys too

  • @ijoeblow
    @ijoeblow 7 років тому

    I like the way "monk" sounds when he says monkfish

  • @MrSamyboy234
    @MrSamyboy234 7 років тому +1

    Or you could simply build a portal in your house that teleports you directly in front of the statue

  • @Nate1The1Great1
    @Nate1The1Great1 7 років тому

    for dust devils i just use my house teleport, i put the kourend tele in my house, but if u have the kourend tab (the poh in kourend) theres a hole next to bank that takes u right next to dust devils... so u didnt really have to get all favour

  • @cxmpieav1789
    @cxmpieav1789 7 років тому

    there's a spirit tree patch you can grow right by catacombs also theres several different potholes closer than statue like by the bank

  • @Dwiddly
    @Dwiddly 7 років тому

    kourend house portal takes you straight to center... without favor

  • @jarrettmertz5340
    @jarrettmertz5340 7 років тому

    "How ya like that" -A Friend 2017

  • @tonyzheng6117
    @tonyzheng6117 7 років тому +2

    A bye bye this time damn someone's happy

  • @666maidenfan
    @666maidenfan 7 років тому

    You can also get the portal to the center of kourend in your house if you find the spell in the arceuss library

  • @dakloos316
    @dakloos316 7 років тому

    When i saw your block list i nearly got a heart attack. I felt so sad, haha :(

  • @GildedOnyx
    @GildedOnyx 7 років тому +1

    xerics talisman to lookout and then run to abby spectre hole. you can fairy ring right next to the abby spectre hole near the first ever lizardmen shamans. kourend center teleport portal in your house takes you right to center.

  • @liamsluck
    @liamsluck 7 років тому

    The house portal teleport teleports you directly to the statue...

  • @4ustincoop
    @4ustincoop 7 років тому

    This series has reminded me how grindy Runescape really is

  • @KakarotOwns
    @KakarotOwns 7 років тому

    Double bye at the end, happy endings do exist!

  • @zoodude2793
    @zoodude2793 7 років тому

    you can get the portal in your house that teleports you to the middle of zeah at the dungeon entrance.....

  • @xmldigitz1
    @xmldigitz1 7 років тому

    You don't even need the full favors just build a portal in your house

  • @qc_pauly8751
    @qc_pauly8751 7 років тому

    Thanks for changing that block list it was painful to watch . Also you couldve just made the kourend tele portal in your house it teles you to the statue

  • @RisingSunWalker
    @RisingSunWalker 7 років тому +1

    There is a shortcut to dust devil next to the bank near saltepetre

  • @MrAustinStaley
    @MrAustinStaley 7 років тому

    If you make a Kourend portal in your house, you don't need favour and it teleports you to the center. Lol

  • @ilovecodemonkeys
    @ilovecodemonkeys 7 років тому

    Hey A Friend, you should do a monthly update video on all the accounts (or every 2 months). It doesn't have to be too detailed. Maybe just a "Done" and "To Do/Goal" list. Every different upload is slightly jarring because I forget where the account currently is
    Just a suggestion though. Great vids keep them up baldman

  • @zoli9876
    @zoli9876 7 років тому

    9:44 you just described OSRS as a whole.

  • @jamescordinel6639
    @jamescordinel6639 7 років тому

    I don't know if you look at comments a friend, but when ur buying death runes buy them from the Mage in the wildly, but only buy down to 230 gp ea so it's the same price. That way there will be 60+ per world and it's a lot more than the other shops

  • @Brane_Ded
    @Brane_Ded 7 років тому +1

    Kourend poh portal drops you off right by statue. Use house tabs. I used your mort myre fungi method with fairy rings 👌

  • @MirinMeBro
    @MirinMeBro 7 років тому

    If you quest cape to DJR, you'll be right next to south rope of the catacombs, thats pretty close to dusts

  • @Pvt-Cab00se
    @Pvt-Cab00se 7 років тому

    You can just make a portal in your house which takes you to the middle Of Kourend and you don't need any favour, just the book from Arceus

  • @jamEZ_o7
    @jamEZ_o7 7 років тому

    That fight cave roast at the end xD

  • @SinoukProductions
    @SinoukProductions 7 років тому

    You can also put a portal in your house to Great Kourend.

  • @drewwagner9893
    @drewwagner9893 7 років тому

    skills necklace, woodcutting guild, down the hole

  • @cakeOFnemis
    @cakeOFnemis 7 років тому +1

    You can build the kourend teleport in your house, the teleport to the catacombs

  • @chancesakovich3511
    @chancesakovich3511 7 років тому

    Hey Dovy, you know that you can put a Kourend teleport portal in your house right? It takes you directly to the catacombs entrace...

  • @MrCodHub
    @MrCodHub 7 років тому +1

    Is anyone else infatuated with the way he says super restores?

  • @SayYesToTheOSRS
    @SayYesToTheOSRS 7 років тому

    Hey I recommend blood spells for abyssal tasks, much nicer imo. Easier to stack and you dont even have to pray

  • @banaatti
    @banaatti 7 років тому

    Hate to break it to you but you could just make bunch of house tabs and build Kourend portal into your house. It teleports you to the entrance ;)
    All favours are still sweet to have done tho

  • @therealrangeclient
    @therealrangeclient 7 років тому

    For kourend teleport, you could have just put the teleport in your house in a portal and it would have taken you to the statute.

  • @nonameentered1918
    @nonameentered1918 7 років тому

    if you still wonder how to get to catacombs: make a kourend portal in your house.

  • @MalusProductions
    @MalusProductions 7 років тому

    You do know there are 4 other entrances to the kourend catecombs right? you find the ropes in the 4 corners and you can then enter or exit at will once you exit each one to unlock it
    there is one just north-west of the poh portal on the south-west edge of the bank in hosidius

  • @SGM260190
    @SGM260190 7 років тому

    You can add Great Kourend as a portal in your POH.

  • @francisfournier2834
    @francisfournier2834 7 років тому

    Little do we know, he actually got double speced out by dclaws

  • @JustWildy
    @JustWildy 7 років тому

    @A Friend put a kourend house portal in your poh. It takes you outside the statue.

  • @Grunzaa
    @Grunzaa 7 років тому

    Skills necklace woodcutting guild teleport and use the ladder at the bank. Takes you right to dust devils.

  • @JordanC052
    @JordanC052 7 років тому

    It's about time you unblocked dust devils

  • @Duckiil
    @Duckiil 7 років тому

    You can put a kourend teleport in your house that teleports you to the caves. Its so good haha

  • @brandonwillis9475
    @brandonwillis9475 7 років тому

    Use the entrance by the south bank, all you have to do is go up it one time :P

  • @rizz7012
    @rizz7012 7 років тому

    Hey A Friend, you may build Kourend portal in POH, and it takes you right to statur which is middle of catacombs.

  • @4232Nis
    @4232Nis 7 років тому

    Do a video on how people don't know the difference between a karambwanji and a karambwan

  • @gss9965
    @gss9965 7 років тому +71

    Last time i was this early England was A country

    • @cloneskiller
      @cloneskiller 7 років тому +4

      Addre E N G L A N D I S M Y C I T Y

    • @Mistyfgdf
      @Mistyfgdf 7 років тому

      Addre and that make guy "had" Disney flow

    • @EmiliaB94
      @EmiliaB94 7 років тому

      england is a country?

    • @upwardgaming9311
      @upwardgaming9311 7 років тому +2

      TheSilver312 GeT wItH tHe MeMeZ

    • @RenegadeShepTheSpacer
      @RenegadeShepTheSpacer 7 років тому

      Last time I was this early Lee Rigby still had a head.

  • @friendlydeath8098
    @friendlydeath8098 7 років тому

    Tele to woodcutting guild, run North to the long bank, go down the hole, run past the giant sand crabs, and the dust devils are right there. That or for normal players someone's POH if you're on ancients

  • @PwnT0mmy
    @PwnT0mmy 7 років тому

    A friend use prayer gear with bonecrusher at dust devils, I legit don't have to use a single prayer potion for the whole task.

  • @PandaOnRitalin
    @PandaOnRitalin 7 років тому

    *Perfect slayer block list* Sure buddy whatever you say.

  • @kylew3274
    @kylew3274 7 років тому +1

    House tele tabs? an have the Portal to Kourend it will take you right outside the catacombs

  • @Olivysg
    @Olivysg 7 років тому

    Make a kourend portal in your house, teleports you right at the entrance of the catacombs... are you serious???

  • @StancedMK
    @StancedMK 7 років тому

    There are shortcut holes and one is next to a bank in hosidius, i tought a friend is a runescape expert

  • @rpgfan007
    @rpgfan007 7 років тому

    u don't have to walk all the way to the statue after u use ur house tab at the bank theres a shortcut leading to the giant sand crabs

  • @NfrXD
    @NfrXD 7 років тому

    Or you know, unlock Teleport to Kourend from library and make a portal to Kourend in your house..

  • @ZerkSaysWTF
    @ZerkSaysWTF 7 років тому

    I'm going to cry if you ever lose hardcore

  • @TehFrozenGaming
    @TehFrozenGaming 7 років тому

    you can get to the dust devils quicker by using the rooe dungeon thing next to the bank above the house teleport

  • @IvanDo0m
    @IvanDo0m 7 років тому

    @A Friend
    You can use Xerics talisman, it has 5 teleports to all the corners of kourend...