sorry to be off topic but does anyone know a trick to log back into an Instagram account?? I stupidly lost the password. I would appreciate any assistance you can give me
🔥Firestone Thursday nights🔥Found it YESSS!! Don't ya hate when you always heard your fav track that would BlowyaUp ☝n it said same thing over n over like this one but you could never find out the tracks name n go2the dj n say it goes like this "Aaah yea aah yea" n sing it 2 him lol😂but could NEVER find it! So yea That part!! 😁Well here it is... 1 track I have loved since the beginning 94💋 and JUST FOUND IT RANDOMLY in 2018✌ Gotta LuV it! 8uP!!💯 🍭👯Ravebunny👯🍭🍭
FuCkInG A aHh yEaH...I uSeD tO dRoP tHiS almost eVeRy sEt when I sPuN tHe vInYlS wE cOmInG bAcK iN a bIg aSs wAy when aNd after 2020 hItS gIrL aNd wE aIn'T eVeR cOmInG dOwN after tHaT bEcAuSe I dOnE cHaNgEd tHe WORLd ANd sHiT aNd sTiLl sPiTtInG nUm BER oNe hItS eVedRy dAy lIkE gRiT eVeRy bOdY iS lIkE TiTtS tHiS iS tHe sHiTs wE forever gEtS sUcKeRs bEtTeR aDmIt wE rUn tHe sPlIt oR tHeY won't FiT wAyTcH mE LiT jUsT SiT wElCoMe tO tHe pIt oF dIrTy WiT gEn X cIrCuIt I wOrK iT above hEaVeN pUrR PiNk pUsSy cAt hOw iS mY sTaT aT bAt tHrOuGh THe sAt LaT sLaT gratuity annuity Fluidity city KiTtY!!!:D...
bY tHe wAy iT wasn't random tHeY fOUNd yOu tHrOuGh tHe aLgOrHyThMs I hAvE bEeN dOiNg sInCe 2016 aNd aM gOiNg tO cONtInUe tO dO fOr aS lOnG aS I aM hErE hIgH aToP tHe wOrLd wHERe tHe gIrLs gEt PeArLeD!!!:D...
Been loving this one since i first heard it on rick west Flavored beats one. my damn cd skips all the way through the big break down. so thanks for posting so i can enjoy all the way through. RESPECT FROM THE 727
holy shit man you know about it. havet order records at drop shop over the phone in ages. firestorm lore has been taught through my up coming from the pancyde tribe and happy killer. mow in tampa relocated from panama city. florida has some funky stuff.
Unfortunately Alex closed the Drop Shop. Bought many records there. Both in downtown and at the newer location on Bumby. Alex is super cool and is an unsung hero in electronic music.
i aM tHe pEsT THaT kEePs wRiTINg lYrIcS oN yOuR tRaCKS cOMMeNt SeCtIoN aNd i gOt THe pHoNe nUmBeR oFf oF eLeCtRoNIC energy bUt tHE nUMBeR wAs disconnected sO i wAs wOndErInG hOw wE cAn gO aBoUt connecting fOr the future aNd mAyBe tHe fRiCtIoN aNd SPiCe sAgA HaS mOrE tO sHaRe bEcAuSe i aM a bAd aSS Dj aNd iNsAnE lYrIsIsT WitH a completely dIFFeRENt sTyLe tHaN aNyBoDy eLsE tHaT i hAvE eVEr hEaRd aNd i pUt THaT oN mY WoRD bUt i aM gOiNg tO bE aT oNe WoRlD tRaDe pEnThOuSe sWeEt when i aM 55 sEe iT hAs already bEeN bOugHt fOr mE aNd i would LiKe tO hAvE yOu gUyS cOmE uP along WiTh qUiTE a fEw oThER Dj'S tO rEpResENt aT ONe WOrLd tRadE wE'lL dO a rOoFtoP EVeNt ViP only aNd iT Would bE FUcKiNg pHeNoMinaL if yOu gUyS wAnT tO cOmE uP aNd i WiLl pAy yOu gUyS whatever yOu wAnT bEcAuSe aLL pEoPlE that i kNoW that sTiCk WiTH Me fOr tHE nExT 15 yEaRS i aM gOiNg tO pAy fOr aLl tHeIr eXpEnSeS tHrOuGhOuT tHeIr wHoLe pAST aNd into The fUtURE…!!!:D...p.S. wE lOvE tO lOvE - We hAtE tO hAtE- wE hAtE tO lOvE AnD we LoVe tO hAtE...tHiS p.S. iS fOr yOu tO dIgEST iN oRDeR tO bE uNdErStAnDiNg fOr aNy iNsulT i mAy hAvE tHrOwN yOUR wAy bEcAusE i definitely fOrGiVe yOU fOr bEiNG anything fRom bEiNG aNgRy aNd aLl tHe eMoTiOnS iN between aNgRY aND Happy....wHaT i aM getting aT iS i lOvE wItH no kNoW sTrInGs attached bEcAuSE there iS nO OThEr wAy aNd if yOu tHINk tHErE iS yOu hAvE nOt awakened fRoM yOuR hYpNoTiZeD sTaTE oF mInD!!!:D...
fUcKiNg pIsseS mE oFf yOu gUyS hAvE tO gEt bAcK iNtO cOsMiC sTUDiOs aNd rEcORD WiTh tHe sAmE EqUiPmEnT oR tHe sAmE fLaVoR oF sOuL yOu cHoSe ToGeThEr aNd fUcK i hAtE tHaT tHe sTuDiO eVeR hAd tO cLoSe wHaT tHe fUcK mAn i'Ll gEt iT oPeNeD bAcK uP fOr yOu iF iT iS a mOnEy tHiNg i cAn jUsT cAlL mY pEoPlE aNd mY pEoPlE ArE gAiL fOrCeD WiNd tHaT uNdErStAnD aNd dOn'T pReTeNd tWo dEfEnD aNd MiNeD bEnD bUtT bLeNd eNd tO eNd oF a sAtUrAtEd dEgRaDaTeD fRiEnD tHaT wE rEsEnD aNd aMeNd tWo uPeNd sKiNnEd tReNd wHo gRiNnEd AbLe BoDiEd WiNnEd oRiGiNaL SiNnEd aLsO i hEaL aNd mEnD wOuNd tEnD tHeN lEnD a GeNdEr sEnDeR fUcK tHe DaTiNg iN tHiS WoRlD tEnDeR cHrOmEd oUt cAr WiTh A sHiNy fEnDeR i aM tHe iNtErNeT eXtEnDeR ThAt iS MuScUlAr sLeNdEr sEw dOn'T HiNdEr fUcKiNg WiTh tHe wAy i aM a vEnDoR i WiLl WiN cAuSe I WiLl nEvEr sUrReNdEr bUtT fAt i WiLl rEnDeR fOuR yOu tHe BiG SpEnDeR oNe oF tHeSE dAyS sOmE hOrNy BiTcH iS gOiNg tO LeT mE bEnD hEr tHaT WiLl bEe a dAy oF gReAt sPlEnDoR!!!:D...
man all the record shops went bust except for this 1 in cocoa "Kronik UnderGrounds".. might be some still open besides DropShop in O-Town?? Lots of FL dj's are going to repress the good stuff here soon. Like Eric Barretta Orlando Breakz Vol 2..Best cd out of all of them it was live at Club Firestone way back...I hardly remember, but I was there!!
+Justin Scott Dixon First off THANKS !!! Your original master sounds like the same version from The Beat Brothers Ah Yeah 12" ?? Just wondering if you could confirm or deny? Peace!
+Justin Scott Dixon Perfect thx for the quick response~ I've got my vinyl "Cosmic 004" copy and now your mastered copy for mixing in Traktor. Your beats still shake the speakers.
@@ElectronicMusicUnderground sweet! Thx for the reply! I totally forgot about this. But I really think you guys were one of the best. What state do you reside now days? Do you think I could email you? I could put my email on here then you could email me so it’s private. Anyway! Let me know.
I bE BREAKiN iT dOwN tO tHe sOuND oF tHe UNdERGrOuND YEs I hAvE BEEN FOuNd bUt mY FEET ARE ON tHe gRoUnD I mOvE FASTER tHaN SOUNd aNd DOn't gEt oVERwOuNd I hAvE bEEN bOuNd aNd bOnDED dEsCeNt responded...rEjuViNaTeD NeVeR FAdEd sHiNe aNd sHaDeD I pAiD mAdE cReAtE rElAyEd dAdE lIvIn iN tHe sHaDe AiR rAiD WaDe tHeN tRaDe sMeLliNg gLaDe gAmE played WhAt I sLaYeD mAkInG tHe gRaDe iNvAdE preyed ThEn sWeUdE lIvInG iN jAdE FrEyEd hAiR BrAiD ThEn lAiD aNd pRaYeD SpRaYeD SpAiD AiD Kincaid sNiPeS BlAdE AnD QUaID EvAdE sAiD WeD eD SpEd kId kEd tOp TiEr bEd cHeCk ZeD dReAd pEd iS fEd tHaT bLeD tAlK TeD My cReD WiLl pOwEr LeD only gOt mY GeD bUt sUpErIoR pReD tHin sKiN sHeD sEeInG ReD ClUb MeD EaT bReAd sNoW sLeD fRiEnD JeD DoN't tReAd i'Ll sPrEaD WeLl ReAd TaLkInG hEaD lIfE oF dReAd oNcE fLeD gUiLtY pLeAd watch mE sHrEd bArNeY fReD sHuFfLe pReDiCt aNd dEpIcT eDiCt DiCtiOn FrIcTiON aNd sPiCe Ah yEaH sLiCe cOlD AS iCe WiLd RiCe rIgHt pRiCe yOuR ViCe aNd nIcE I eNtIcE tRuE DeViCe ToP oF Bryce tWo bAd mIcE rOlL tHe DiCe nUmBeR tHrIcE hEaD LiCe tWo dIfFeReNt pLaCeS sO tWiCe
FIRESTONE Saturday late night was THE SHIT!!!! Many fun nights.
Oh I remember.
This is still one of my prized vinyl possessions. This song is so perfect.
sorry to be off topic but does anyone know a trick to log back into an Instagram account??
I stupidly lost the password. I would appreciate any assistance you can give me
@Onyx Quinton Instablaster :)
Firestone ruled! And this song brought me back
FINALLY!!!!!!!!! Someone posted this amazing track! Surely, you must be Jesus! This is probably the single best FL breaks track ever produced!
The r/OldElectronicMusic subreddit brought me here!
🔥 💣 💚 💯 🎶 🔝 🔁 ‼️ 👉 🔨🔫🤯
🔥Firestone Thursday nights🔥Found it YESSS!! Don't ya hate when you always heard your fav track that would BlowyaUp ☝n it said same thing over n over like this one but you could never find out the tracks name n go2the dj n say it goes like this "Aaah yea aah yea" n sing it 2 him lol😂but could NEVER find it! So yea That part!! 😁Well here it is... 1 track I have loved since the beginning 94💋 and JUST FOUND IT RANDOMLY in 2018✌ Gotta LuV it! 8uP!!💯
FuCkInG A aHh yEaH...I uSeD tO dRoP tHiS almost eVeRy sEt when I sPuN tHe vInYlS wE cOmInG bAcK iN a bIg aSs wAy when aNd after 2020 hItS gIrL aNd wE aIn'T eVeR cOmInG dOwN after tHaT bEcAuSe I dOnE cHaNgEd tHe WORLd ANd sHiT aNd sTiLl sPiTtInG nUm BER oNe hItS eVedRy dAy lIkE gRiT eVeRy bOdY iS lIkE TiTtS tHiS iS tHe sHiTs wE forever gEtS sUcKeRs bEtTeR aDmIt wE rUn tHe sPlIt oR tHeY won't FiT wAyTcH mE LiT jUsT SiT wElCoMe tO tHe pIt oF dIrTy WiT gEn X cIrCuIt I wOrK iT above hEaVeN pUrR PiNk pUsSy cAt hOw iS mY sTaT aT bAt tHrOuGh THe sAt LaT sLaT gratuity annuity Fluidity city KiTtY!!!:D...
bY tHe wAy iT wasn't random tHeY fOUNd yOu tHrOuGh tHe aLgOrHyThMs I hAvE bEeN dOiNg sInCe 2016 aNd aM gOiNg tO cONtInUe tO dO fOr aS lOnG aS I aM hErE hIgH aToP tHe wOrLd wHERe tHe gIrLs gEt PeArLeD!!!:D...
Been loving this one since i first heard it on rick west Flavored beats one. my damn cd skips all the way through the big break down. so thanks for posting so i can enjoy all the way through. RESPECT FROM THE 727
Jeff,,, this sheit holds up to date,,, Going to mow foam to it...
Classic material
holy shit man you know about it. havet order records at drop shop over the phone in ages. firestorm lore has been taught through my up coming from the pancyde tribe and happy killer. mow in tampa relocated from panama city. florida has some funky stuff.
Unfortunately Alex closed the Drop Shop. Bought many records there. Both in downtown and at the newer location on Bumby. Alex is super cool and is an unsung hero in electronic music.
This is actually one of the last tracks produced @ cosmic studios...
Production is solid. Mix seamless. On the dancefloor or a road trip from I-10 to I-75 works. Please contact if I can impose.---R
i aM tHe pEsT THaT kEePs wRiTINg lYrIcS oN yOuR tRaCKS cOMMeNt SeCtIoN aNd i gOt THe pHoNe nUmBeR oFf oF eLeCtRoNIC energy bUt tHE nUMBeR wAs disconnected sO i wAs wOndErInG hOw wE cAn gO aBoUt connecting fOr the future aNd mAyBe tHe fRiCtIoN aNd SPiCe sAgA HaS mOrE tO sHaRe bEcAuSe i aM a bAd aSS Dj aNd iNsAnE lYrIsIsT WitH a completely dIFFeRENt sTyLe tHaN aNyBoDy eLsE tHaT i hAvE eVEr hEaRd aNd i pUt THaT oN mY WoRD bUt i aM gOiNg tO bE aT oNe WoRlD tRaDe pEnThOuSe sWeEt when i aM 55 sEe iT hAs already bEeN bOugHt fOr mE aNd i would LiKe tO hAvE yOu gUyS cOmE uP along WiTh qUiTE a fEw oThER Dj'S tO rEpResENt aT ONe WOrLd tRadE wE'lL dO a rOoFtoP EVeNt ViP only aNd iT Would bE FUcKiNg pHeNoMinaL if yOu gUyS wAnT tO cOmE uP aNd i WiLl pAy yOu gUyS whatever yOu wAnT bEcAuSe aLL pEoPlE that i kNoW that sTiCk WiTH Me fOr tHE nExT 15 yEaRS i aM gOiNg tO pAy fOr aLl tHeIr eXpEnSeS tHrOuGhOuT tHeIr wHoLe pAST aNd into The fUtURE…!!!:D...p.S. wE lOvE tO lOvE - We hAtE tO hAtE- wE hAtE tO lOvE AnD we LoVe tO hAtE...tHiS p.S. iS fOr yOu tO dIgEST iN oRDeR tO bE uNdErStAnDiNg fOr aNy iNsulT i mAy hAvE tHrOwN yOUR wAy bEcAusE i definitely fOrGiVe yOU fOr bEiNG anything fRom bEiNG aNgRy aNd aLl tHe eMoTiOnS iN between aNgRY aND Happy....wHaT i aM getting aT iS i lOvE wItH no kNoW sTrInGs attached bEcAuSE there iS nO OThEr wAy aNd if yOu tHINk tHErE iS yOu hAvE nOt awakened fRoM yOuR hYpNoTiZeD sTaTE oF mInD!!!:D...
fUcKiNg pIsseS mE oFf yOu gUyS hAvE tO gEt bAcK iNtO cOsMiC sTUDiOs aNd rEcORD WiTh tHe sAmE EqUiPmEnT oR tHe sAmE fLaVoR oF sOuL yOu cHoSe ToGeThEr aNd fUcK i hAtE tHaT tHe sTuDiO eVeR hAd tO cLoSe wHaT tHe fUcK mAn i'Ll gEt iT oPeNeD bAcK uP fOr yOu iF iT iS a mOnEy tHiNg i cAn jUsT cAlL mY pEoPlE aNd mY pEoPlE ArE gAiL fOrCeD WiNd tHaT uNdErStAnD aNd dOn'T pReTeNd tWo dEfEnD aNd MiNeD bEnD bUtT bLeNd eNd tO eNd oF a sAtUrAtEd dEgRaDaTeD fRiEnD tHaT wE rEsEnD aNd aMeNd tWo uPeNd sKiNnEd tReNd wHo gRiNnEd AbLe BoDiEd WiNnEd oRiGiNaL SiNnEd aLsO i hEaL aNd mEnD wOuNd tEnD tHeN lEnD a GeNdEr sEnDeR fUcK tHe DaTiNg iN tHiS WoRlD tEnDeR cHrOmEd oUt cAr WiTh A sHiNy fEnDeR i aM tHe iNtErNeT eXtEnDeR ThAt iS MuScUlAr sLeNdEr sEw dOn'T HiNdEr fUcKiNg WiTh tHe wAy i aM a vEnDoR i WiLl WiN cAuSe I WiLl nEvEr sUrReNdEr bUtT fAt i WiLl rEnDeR fOuR yOu tHe BiG SpEnDeR oNe oF tHeSE dAyS sOmE hOrNy BiTcH iS gOiNg tO LeT mE bEnD hEr tHaT WiLl bEe a dAy oF gReAt sPlEnDoR!!!:D...
legend :)
Man you guys killed it in Orlando in the 90,s I remember when you guys played at UV on colonial avenue
temazo temazo temaqzo temazo temazo!!!!!!!!
man all the record shops went bust except for this 1 in cocoa "Kronik UnderGrounds".. might be some still open besides DropShop in O-Town?? Lots of FL dj's are going to repress the good stuff here soon. Like Eric Barretta Orlando Breakz Vol 2..Best cd out of all of them it was live at Club Firestone way back...I hardly remember, but I was there!!
Knightlife Records
HAHA,,, you guys are crazy!!!!!
Heres the original master on sound cloud!!!
+Justin Scott Dixon First off THANKS !!! Your original master sounds like the same version from The Beat Brothers Ah Yeah 12" ??
Just wondering if you could confirm or deny? Peace!
it is,,,,
its just been re-recorded from DAT and mastered at 96K
+Justin Scott Dixon Perfect thx for the quick response~ I've got my vinyl "Cosmic 004" copy and now your mastered copy for mixing in Traktor.
Your beats still shake the speakers.
NeXt iS GoInG tWo bEe FiVe alive!!!:D...
agrees with mst3k54, been looking for the origanl v of feel so good for awhile....
Someone needs to re-post Friction & Spice "You Make Me Feel So Good"(Friction's Original Concept) ASAP!!!
Justin Scott Dixon, are you part of Friction & Spice
@@ElectronicMusicUnderground sweet! Thx for the reply! I totally forgot about this. But I really think you guys were one of the best. What state do you reside now days? Do you think I could email you? I could put my email on here then you could email me so it’s private. Anyway! Let me know.
Dat shirt on spice tho lol...
90s to the fullest!
@mst3k54 agreed
Yes you are. I see. So what are you doing with your life etc. these days
I bE BREAKiN iT dOwN tO tHe sOuND oF tHe UNdERGrOuND YEs I hAvE BEEN FOuNd bUt mY FEET ARE ON tHe gRoUnD I mOvE FASTER tHaN SOUNd aNd DOn't gEt oVERwOuNd I hAvE bEEN bOuNd aNd bOnDED dEsCeNt responded...rEjuViNaTeD NeVeR FAdEd sHiNe aNd sHaDeD I pAiD mAdE cReAtE rElAyEd dAdE lIvIn iN tHe sHaDe AiR rAiD WaDe tHeN tRaDe sMeLliNg gLaDe gAmE played WhAt I sLaYeD mAkInG tHe gRaDe iNvAdE preyed ThEn sWeUdE lIvInG iN jAdE FrEyEd hAiR BrAiD ThEn lAiD aNd pRaYeD SpRaYeD SpAiD AiD Kincaid sNiPeS BlAdE AnD QUaID EvAdE sAiD WeD eD SpEd kId kEd tOp TiEr bEd cHeCk ZeD dReAd pEd iS fEd tHaT bLeD tAlK TeD My cReD WiLl pOwEr LeD only gOt mY GeD bUt sUpErIoR pReD tHin sKiN sHeD sEeInG ReD ClUb MeD EaT bReAd sNoW sLeD fRiEnD JeD DoN't tReAd i'Ll sPrEaD WeLl ReAd TaLkInG hEaD lIfE oF dReAd oNcE fLeD gUiLtY pLeAd watch mE sHrEd bArNeY fReD sHuFfLe pReDiCt aNd dEpIcT eDiCt DiCtiOn FrIcTiON aNd sPiCe Ah yEaH sLiCe cOlD AS iCe WiLd RiCe rIgHt pRiCe yOuR ViCe aNd nIcE I eNtIcE tRuE DeViCe ToP oF Bryce tWo bAd mIcE rOlL tHe DiCe nUmBeR tHrIcE hEaD LiCe tWo dIfFeReNt pLaCeS sO tWiCe
What the hell is this?fsol wannabes?