The Reformation - 4K Documentary

  • Опубліковано 1 чер 2024
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    The Catholic Church is mired in corruption by the 16th century.In 1517 Martin Luther publishes his 95 Point Thesis at Wittenberg, starting the Protestant Reformation. He is summoned to the Diet of Worms, where Charles V declares him an outlaw. Along comes Frederick III of Saxony, Luther's prince to save him. The Magisterial Reformation succeeds not only in Germany, but in Sweden and Denmark too. The French and the English Reformations also start, but end with diverging results. Another consequence of the Reformation is the Knights Revolt and the Peasants War.
    In 1521 Huldrych Zwingli begins the Swiss Reformation. Groups of Anabaptists also emerge in Zürich. The Swiss Reformation continues with John Calvin.The Calvinist Reformation is particularly successful in France and the Low Countries, leading to religious wars.After the Council of Trent and the formation of the Jesuits, the Catholic Counter-Reformation picks up.
    Charles V is victorious in the First Schmalkaldic War, as Protestants are crushed at the Battle of Mühlberg. Nevertheless Charles is forced to grant religious freedom at the Peace of Augsburg in 1555. Confessionalism takes hold over Europe, and Catholics are on a crash course with Protestants...
    Collinson, P (2006). The Reformation A History
    Harline, C (2017). A World Ablaze The Rise of Martin Luther and the Birth of Reformation
    Hart D G (2013). Calvinism A History
    McNeill, J T (1967). The History and Character of Calvinism
    Nauert, C G (1995). Humanism and the Culture of Renaissance Europe
    MacCulloch, D (2003). The Reformation
    Spitz, L W (1962). The Reformation Material or Spiritual?
    Sessions, K C (1968). Reformation and Authority: The Meaning of the Peasants' Revolt
    Miller, D (2003). Armies of the German Peasant's War 1524-26
    Wilson, P H (2016). Heart of Europe: A History of the Holy Roman Empire
    Parker, C H (2007). Between the Middle Ages and Modernity
    Viesner-Hnks, M E (2006). Early Modern Europe 1450-1789
    Cobbett, W (2012). A History of the Protestant Reformation In England & Ireland
    Green, I (2000). Print and Protestantism in Early Modern England
    0:00 Start
    00:42 The State of the Church
    2:34 Pre-Reformers
    5:15 Humanism, Capitalism, Printing
    7:31 Road to Wittenberg
    9:18 Indulgences
    11:10 95 Point Theses
    12:33 Excommunication
    14:45 Diet of Worms
    16:48 Frederick III
    18:06 Zwickau Prophets
    19:29 Knight's Revolt
    21:09 Peasant's War
    24:17 Magisterial Reformation
    25:45 Lutheran Expansion
    28:18 France and England
    29:53 Schmalkaldic League
    32:21 Zwingli
    35:03 Marburg, Kappel Wars
    37:11 Anabaptists
    40:05 Calvin
    44:18 Schmalkaldic Wars
    49:30 Counter-Reformation
    54:13 Timeline and Chronology
    #Reformation #Luther #ReligiousWars


  • @pikeshotBattles
    @pikeshotBattles  2 роки тому +64

    What's new:
    -new narrator
    -excellent timeline/chronology
    -and some small tweaks

    • @leesnyder9144
      @leesnyder9144 2 роки тому +5

      Here in America Europe is hardly covered and lacks context. I love your video's Bibliography!

    • @sampugh6404
      @sampugh6404 2 роки тому

      Thank you for all your work!

    • @Khasidon
      @Khasidon 2 роки тому +2

      Great video and narration + animation. Thanks dude.

    • @olofiswatching
      @olofiswatching 2 роки тому +8

      Whats up with the new narrator? The old one was much more pleasant to listen to and also the sound quality is quite poor with the new one.

    • @johnnotrealname8168
      @johnnotrealname8168 2 роки тому +7

      Yeah while I am sure the guy is great, I did prefer your hard to place accent.

  • @Arcaryon
    @Arcaryon 2 роки тому +48

    One day, this channel will get the widespread recognition it deserves. It may take a while but I am absolutely certain of it.

  • @d.esanchez3351
    @d.esanchez3351 Рік тому +57

    I love this Channel. As a protestant and college history student.
    This has been the backbone of a whole semester of church classes trying to explain the protestant reformation. Its not said enough how well organized and clear this video is.
    Edit: Yesterday I finished my 2 cuatrimestres (idk how to say that in English but I'll assume it's clear) of Reform I and II. I covered from the Valdesians up to the 30 hears war in about 250 power point dispositives. Gotta thank you again because you made my work much easier and clearer, specially in how to cover so many things happening in so little time.

    • @chriscoke2505
      @chriscoke2505 Рік тому +2

      Turn to the Catholic faith. We affirm Christ, whereas Protestantism is a heresy against Christ. They deny the physical presence of Christ in the Eucharist- next step is to deny the Incarnation! And you see this trajectory in Protestant evolution

    • @kjvnews8326
      @kjvnews8326 Рік тому

      @@chriscoke2505 Baloney! It's the most evil institution on the face of the earth. And I was raised a Catholic, went to a Catholic school. My mother's sister was a nun and my family goes back Catholic more than 3 centuries on both sides. Read and STUDY the bible. Almost everything the church teaches is condemned in the bible, such as praying to Mary and saints. it is rightly called the Mother of Harlots and ABOMINATIONS of the earth in Revelation. Almost every verse SCREAMS Roman Catholic Church!
      In Chapter 17 there are many descriptions of a woman that’s riding on a beast, and she is described as “THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH”. To begin with, this woman is called "MYSTERY' Babylon. (Revelation 17 VERSE 5) The Catholic church ADMITS that it is a 'Mystery Religion”, due to the supposed Mystery of transubstantiation. She has also continued all of the other MYSTERIES of ancient Babylon including celibacy, oral confessions & idol worship. She is also defined as a “MOTHER”, a mother of Harlots and abominations of the earth. No other institution but the Catholic Church has ever referred to itself as “MOTHER” Who has not heard priests, bishops, Cardinals and popes all use the term “Our holy “MOTHER’ the Church”?
      What about the Harlots? Throughout the centuries, the priestly vow of celibacy caused a need for prostitutes (harlots) like never before and the church has made a fortune taxing the houses of prostitution in Rome and throughout the Papal States.
      What about her abominations? Just a few of these include the Crusades, Inquisitions and concordats that the Vatican signed with three dictators - Franco, Mussolini and Hitler, not to mention the thousands of sodomite and pedophile Roman Catholic priests stationed all over the world. Need any more be said about abominations?
      This woman is described as having “A Golden Cup in Her Hand” (VERSE 4). The gold communion cup that the priest uses during mass is the symbol of the church, and you can see this “GOLDEN CUP” held high in the air by every priest, bishop & pope. According to Canon Law (church rules), this cup MUST either be pure gold, or solid silver and plated with gold.
      This woman has committed fornication [or made deals] with the kings of the earth (VERSE 2). The Roman Catholic Church historically has made deals and signed concordats with world leaders since the time of Pepin in the 8th Century (and before), through his son Charlemagne, with all of the Holy Roman Emperors, Henry VIII, Bloody Mary, etc. Moreover, these “deals” have continued all the way down through Reagan, Gorbachev, Elizabeth II, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump & Biden. I already mentioned Hitler and some of the other dictators that this “WOMAN” made deals with. According to VERSE 18, she also reigneth or RULES over the kings of the earth. The RC Church has always claimed the power to depose Kings and Emperors and she has done this many times in the past, and through the Jesuits and others the church has often had religious and world leaders murdered.
      The woman is “DRUNK” with the blood of the saints and with the martyrs of Jesus (VERSE 6). History records the millions of true Christians & Jews that were slaughtered during the Roman, Medieval and Spanish inquisitions? VERSE 4 also notes that her colors are described as purple and scarlet. These are the official colors of the Roman Catholic Church. All of the cardinals dress in purple and are even called “the Purpled Ones”, and all of the Bishop's vestments are scarlet RED.
      VERSE 18 tells us that the woman is “A CITY” (VERSE 18), and that it is located on seven mountains or hills (VERSE 9) Rome is located on seven NAMED mountains and the city of Seven Hills is as descriptive a name for Rome as the Windy City is for Chicago! Even the Roman Catholic Encyclopedia refers to Rome as the city of Seven Hills. And in Rev 17 & 18, it says CITY over and over again! Even in Revelation Chapter 14 It reads: Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great CITY because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornications.
      There can be no doubt from all of these identifying characteristics just one chapter that the woman identified is Rome & the Roman Catholic Church. There are even more identifying characteristics. that can ALL be found in the following chapters of the book of Revelation. Now it would take a whole lot of faith to believe that ALL of these identifying characteristics are just a coincidence. All of the reformers knew this, and they all wrote about it! Just as each of the reformers could see the popes as Anti-Christs! Please read and STUDY the book of Revelation & bible for yourself. And please don’t take my word for it. I might lie to you. Just read & study it for yourself! The bible reads: Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (2 Tim. 2:15).

    • @kjvnews8326
      @kjvnews8326 Рік тому +7

      @@chriscoke2505 As far as the physical presence, you have heard John chapter six read at mass more than any other chapter in the bible, as I have. When Jesus said: he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood..., but first of all that was NOT said at the last supper, but over a year before. But most of all, they will NEVER finish the chapter when Jesus explains the meaning to his disciples. Jesus said: It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are SPIRIT and they are life. (John 6:63). Jesus said that His words were SPIRITUAL, not physical. He also said I am the true vine. I am the door of the sheep, the light of the world, the good shepherd, the lamb of God, etc. Are they all to be taken literally? He said at the last supper: Do this in MEMORY of me. It's a MEMORIAL TO REMEMBER what he did on the cross. It's not physical. A recent survey of Roman Catholics today showed that most, over 60%, don't even believe in transubstantiation.
      The R.C. Church will ALWAYS repeat the same things from the bible and repeat them over and over, and take them out of context like "Thou art Peter... The rock was on the WORDS that Peter had just spoken when Peter declared Him to be the Son of God. And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. (Matthew 16:16) All of the early church fathers wrote about this including St. Augustine. Moreover, just a few verses later Jesus calls Peter Satan! Get thee behind me Satan! Even Peter himself wrote that Jesus was the rock. And St. Paul wrote: For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. (1 Cor 3:11) Read the first 3 chapters of first Corinthians.

    • @chriscoke2505
      @chriscoke2505 Рік тому

      @@kjvnews8326 . Your citation of 6:63 is a misconception. Jesus is talking of the Holy Spirit there, and the flesh is referring to the natural man’s fleshly attitude. Completely different than Christ’s pure Body He referred to earlier in the passage

    • @jazzjj7665
      @jazzjj7665 10 місяців тому +5

      @@chriscoke2505no one cares, the 30 years war was almost 400 years ago. Move on old man

  • @localnwah7044
    @localnwah7044 7 місяців тому +11

    Whilst a Protestant the reformation has always occupied a peculiar place within my heart. I’m greatly conflicted, I’m joyous and praise God that it happened to bring about a reforming and purifying of doctrine via the scriptures, but I’m also greatly distressed and depressed at the friction, animosity and his unity it brought within the church at large. May the Lord Jesus Christ be merciful to us and forgive me for being double minded

    • @mattverville9227
      @mattverville9227 20 днів тому +1

      The church became too powerful and got corrupted. It had to be done. If not then it would have been later on. They were going to keep going with power plays until someone called out their folly

  • @ogmakefirefiregood
    @ogmakefirefiregood 4 місяці тому +10

    Within 5 seconds you already have great liberty with historical accuracy. Martin Luther had no idea his 95 thesis had been translated from Latin to German by some of his students. It was mass produced on the newly developed printing press, and it spread like wildfire. However it was not something Martin himself had orchestrated.

  • @bloodyplebs
    @bloodyplebs 2 роки тому +51

    Kinda miss your voice tbh

  • @Coby_Got
    @Coby_Got 2 місяці тому

    What a fantastic breakdown and video! Thanks for the amazing lesson.

  • @bradleymcdonald6273
    @bradleymcdonald6273 9 місяців тому +11

    Pope Leo saying that the pope surpasses even the Word of God
    shaking my head in disbelief

    • @PhthaloGreenskin
      @PhthaloGreenskin 7 місяців тому +1

      Pope Leo: "I AM THE BIBLE" Leo is a freaking Sith lord.

    • @ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc
      @ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc 5 місяців тому +1

      👆 Right. Speaking & Hearing an
      Unknown/little known Language is in STARK CONTRAST to what happened per the Book of Acts.
      All of the people gathered heard
      The Gospel Truth in their known language.
      This was Holy Father GOD’s will,
      Savior Jesus’ promise and the empowerment of Holy Spirit.
      The Bible was Forbidden per the Council of Trent.
      How many people, for how long were deprived of The Gospel ?
      Why was The Gospel hidden and forbidden against the instruction of Savior Jesus ?
      Spiritual War =
      ⚔️ TRUTH v DECEPTION ⚔️

    • @strongman5835
      @strongman5835 2 місяці тому

      The pope is the antichrist!

  • @Yora21
    @Yora21 2 роки тому +20

    Ironically, the one big issue that made Luther break with other leading reformer, the presence of Christ's spirit in the communion, seems to have become completely irelevant to German Lutherans today. I've never seen it treated as anything but purely symbolic, which is just as Zwingli and Calvin saw it.

    • @robert48044
      @robert48044 Рік тому

      I've only ever viewed it as symbolic

    • @AllhailTDLjimpic
      @AllhailTDLjimpic 7 місяців тому

      In the 1800-s Prussia forcefully united the Reformed and Lutheran Church. Unfortunately it just wound up being Reformed, because of this the ”lutheran” Church in Germany holds a Reformed view of the holy Eucharist to this day.

    • @eddiespiked
      @eddiespiked Місяць тому

      goes to show that Protestantism is a theological dead end that leads to atheism

    • @aitornavarro6597
      @aitornavarro6597 17 днів тому

      Calvin and his followers held the view of spiritual presence not merely a symbol.

  • @cidadao.romano
    @cidadao.romano 2 роки тому +1

    Congratulations for the channel brother, people like you lead humanity forward! success always.

  • @rurulahse9242
    @rurulahse9242 Рік тому

    Thank you 🤩

  • @sergiolp6058
    @sergiolp6058 2 роки тому +21

    This is some damn good documentary! Congratulations

  • @subhamomm5930
    @subhamomm5930 2 роки тому +5

    I like your videos very much. This is nice . Very much awesome. A nice video. Please keep it up this type of admiring work.

  • @doodle_smitts4782
    @doodle_smitts4782 Рік тому +4

    Excellent stuff, very thought out and well executed documentary. Thank you for making it

  • @user-lz6qo3qq3n
    @user-lz6qo3qq3n 8 місяців тому

    Thank you good friend..

  • @yavok
    @yavok 2 роки тому +1

    Excellent video. Thanks for creating such beautiful content!

  • @jannetteberends8730
    @jannetteberends8730 Рік тому +1

    Finally a good explanation of all the differences between the Protestant groups.

  • @RileyRampant
    @RileyRampant Рік тому +1

    That you so very much ! This fills in a lot of holes. The 16th Century was busy ! Surprising that the Amish/Mennonites had such radical roots in the Anabaptists :)

  • @psalm3721
    @psalm3721 2 роки тому +1

    Why little views, very good video explaination!!

  • @BombshellBibleProphecies
    @BombshellBibleProphecies Рік тому +1

    Hi, One question please. Is the editor of Pike & Shot Channel a Roman Catholic or a Protestant himself?

  • @strongman5835
    @strongman5835 2 місяці тому +1

    Thank you

  • @PyrrhosOfEpeiros
    @PyrrhosOfEpeiros 2 роки тому +3


  • @arca376
    @arca376 2 роки тому

    Awesome content as always

  • @Sofakineazy
    @Sofakineazy 6 місяців тому

    Great video. Can you make something about John Knox?

  • @samthemacman
    @samthemacman 2 роки тому +2

    Well done. Thumbs up!

  • @JanHans
    @JanHans 2 роки тому +2

    Such a great video and then again this freaking mix-up with berne and basel. This time it is even of relevance at 32:40.

  • @haze154
    @haze154 Рік тому

    Amazing work, surprised this isn’t more widespread

  • @magimon91834
    @magimon91834 2 роки тому +4

    Great video

  • @bradb7342
    @bradb7342 Рік тому +3

    This has answered so many of my questions

  • @leomagnvs4525
    @leomagnvs4525 2 роки тому +25

    Good video, would enjoy more like this. Can you do one specifically dedicated to Calvins reign of terror?

    • @baltichammer6162
      @baltichammer6162 2 роки тому +3

      That will have to be a mini-series at minimum.

    • @KnightFel
      @KnightFel 6 місяців тому +4

      Imagine thinking Calvin orchestrated a reign of terror.

  • @davidpovara6050
    @davidpovara6050 Рік тому

    underrated video

  • @Xanctus
    @Xanctus 2 роки тому +1

    this is amazing content. gracias

  • @masberrycreek782
    @masberrycreek782 2 роки тому +6

    Funny, I didn’t know this was a comedy channel until now. Very funny clowns.

  • @AliceMarieM
    @AliceMarieM 2 роки тому +2

    best short summary I have seen.

  • @carreraspain1900
    @carreraspain1900 2 роки тому


  • @40beretta1
    @40beretta1 9 місяців тому

    excellent work... very well done

  • @Rico-Suave_
    @Rico-Suave_ 5 місяців тому

    Great video, thank you very much , note to self(nts) watched all of it 1:00:08 , but need to watch again

    @MrKHAILEE 7 місяців тому +2

    The Son of God to die for mortal and sinful men, yet sinful men continued to sin until the son of god return once and for all eternity!

  • @Drirai.giacomelli
    @Drirai.giacomelli 2 роки тому +3

    Please, make a video about the Wars of the Vendee. Another tópic could be the Tyrolean rebellion.
    I Love your videos.
    Congratulations from Brazil

  • @irvhh143
    @irvhh143 Рік тому +3

    2023: nothing has changed

  • @ThePapsforshort
    @ThePapsforshort 11 місяців тому

    ...the best pre‐reformation documentary I've ever seen, imo!

  • @matthewsauer6522
    @matthewsauer6522 Рік тому +4

    There were Protestants even back in the 1200s?! I thought Hus and Luthor were the first one. I wonder if there were more before that? This is making me question my Catholicism.

    • @TheSunderingSea
      @TheSunderingSea Рік тому

      They were not Protestants, they often had wildly different, often extremely heretical beliefs. Also, Hus and the Hussites were not Protestants, they differed in a number of ways from Lutherans, especially on the issue of images.

    • @chriscoke2505
      @chriscoke2505 Рік тому

      Matthew, Luther was inspired by Satan. By their fruits ye shall know them. The fruits of Protestantism are atheism

    • @kjvnews8326
      @kjvnews8326 Рік тому

      You should question it. It's the most evil institution on the face of the earth. And I was raised a Catholic, went to a Catholic school. My mother's sister was a nun and my family goes back Catholic more than 3 centuries on both sides. Read and STUDY the bible. Almost everything the church teaches is condemned in the bible, such as praying to Mary and saints. it is rightly called the Mother of Harlots and ABOMINATIONS of the earth in Revelation. Almost every verse SCREAMS Roman Catholic Church!
      In Chapter 17 there are many descriptions of a woman that’s riding on a beast, and she is described as “THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH”. To begin with, this woman is called "MYSTERY' Babylon. (Revelation 17 VERSE 5) The Catholic church ADMITS that it is a 'Mystery Religion”, due to the supposed Mystery of transubstantiation. She has also continued all of the other MYSTERIES of ancient Babylon including celibacy, oral confessions & idol worship. She is also defined as a “MOTHER”, a mother of Harlots and abominations of the earth. No other institution but the Catholic Church has ever referred to itself as “MOTHER” Who has not heard priests, bishops, Cardinals and popes all use the term “Our holy “MOTHER’ the Church”?
      What about the Harlots? Throughout the centuries, the priestly vow of celibacy caused a need for prostitutes (harlots) like never before and the church has made a fortune taxing the houses of prostitution in Rome and throughout the Papal States.
      What about her abominations? Just a few of these include the Crusades, Inquisitions and concordats that the Vatican signed with three dictators - Franco, Mussolini and Hitler, not to mention the thousands of sodomite and pedophile Roman Catholic priests stationed all over the world. Need any more be said about abominations?
      This woman is described as having “A Golden Cup in Her Hand” (VERSE 4). The gold communion cup that the priest uses during mass is the symbol of the church, and you can see this “GOLDEN CUP” held high in the air by every priest, bishop & pope. According to Canon Law (church rules), this cup MUST either be pure gold, or solid silver and plated with gold.
      This woman has committed fornication [or made deals] with the kings of the earth (VERSE 2). The Roman Catholic Church historically has made deals and signed concordats with world leaders since the time of Pepin in the 8th Century (and before), through his son Charlemagne, with all of the Holy Roman Emperors, Henry VIII, Bloody Mary, etc. Moreover, these “deals” have continued all the way down through Reagan, Gorbachev, Elizabeth II, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump & Biden. I already mentioned Hitler and some of the other dictators that this “WOMAN” made deals with. According to VERSE 18, she also reigneth or RULES over the kings of the earth. The RC Church has always claimed the power to depose Kings and Emperors and she has done this many times in the past, and through the Jesuits and others the church has often had religious and world leaders murdered.
      The woman is “DRUNK” with the blood of the saints and with the martyrs of Jesus (VERSE 6). History records the millions of true Christians & Jews that were slaughtered during the Roman, Medieval and Spanish inquisitions? VERSE 4 also notes that her colors are described as purple and scarlet. These are the official colors of the Roman Catholic Church. All of the cardinals dress in purple and are even called “the Purpled Ones”, and all of the Bishop's vestments are scarlet RED.
      VERSE 18 tells us that the woman is “A CITY” (VERSE 18), and that it is located on seven mountains or hills (VERSE 9) Rome is located on seven NAMED mountains and the city of Seven Hills is as descriptive a name for Rome as the Windy City is for Chicago! Even the Roman Catholic Encyclopedia refers to Rome as the city of Seven Hills. And in Rev 17 & 18, it says CITY over and over again! Even in Revelation Chapter 14 It reads: Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great CITY because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornications.
      There can be no doubt from all of these identifying characteristics just one chapter that the woman identified is Rome & the Roman Catholic Church. There are even more identifying characteristics. that can ALL be found in the following chapters of the book of Revelation. Now it would take a whole lot of faith to believe that ALL of these identifying characteristics are just a coincidence. All of the reformers knew this, and they all wrote about it! Just as each of the reformers could see the popes as Anti-Christs! Please read and STUDY the book of Revelation & bible for yourself. And please don’t take my word for it. I might lie to you. Just read & study it for yourself! The bible reads: Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (2 Tim. 2:15).

    • @ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc
      @ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc 5 місяців тому

      Waldonians,, Lollards, Hussites and Humanists were all
      PRE-Reformation (before Luther)

  • @thehaus6998
    @thehaus6998 2 роки тому +6

    NICE,Me and my friends in the 1529 mod for Attila very much do love your vids

  • @stephniegoodman4422
    @stephniegoodman4422 Рік тому +1

    Ahhh, Baldrick and his beloved turnip 😂

  • @jansundvall2082
    @jansundvall2082 Рік тому +1

    Brilliant, as a swede in mid 60’s I learnt the history of Martin Luther in 3rd class in school. It was a thrilling story our teacher told us. And later we learnt the Swedish reformation from 1520’s until the council of Uppsala 1593, which ends when papist king is dethroned by his uncle, Gustav Adolf’s father, in early 17th century.

  • @dariusx4829
    @dariusx4829 Рік тому +1

    Absolutely superb 💯👍🏾

  • @Leningrad_Underground
    @Leningrad_Underground Рік тому

    It's a spelling mistake. They put a Capital "R" at the begining of the word it should have been a "D".

  • @thedukeofswellington1827
    @thedukeofswellington1827 Рік тому

    10:00 you know how fkn insane that sounds 🤣🤣

  • @johnnymartinez8162
    @johnnymartinez8162 Рік тому

    Crazy funny maps!!!

  • @willhovell9019
    @willhovell9019 Рік тому +2

    Excellent overview of the reformist developments and leaders, and the loosening Papal grip on West and Central Europe.

  • @Marshaluranus
    @Marshaluranus Рік тому +1

    german peasant: Ich habe einen listigen Plan

  • @robkunkel8833
    @robkunkel8833 Рік тому +5

    1:95 “Mass (by parish priests) was often nothing more than priests reciting verses in broken Latin that neither he nor his Congregation understood.” So interesting and true, I am sure. I’ve often wondered about how people found something meaningful from that practice … or even in Hebrew, as in my Congregation. Maybe the familiar sonic portion of the sounds are like a cat purring. Comforting … Especially in this epic, the 1500s. Mumbo jumbo must have been quite an art. I like the graphics and story. Thanks.

    • @johncalligeros2108
      @johncalligeros2108 Рік тому +2

      That is a very interesting observation. The fetishization of Latin over the vernaculars is comparable to the incantation of mantras in Vedic sacrificial ceremonies and Hinduism in general. Their recitation imputes magical potency to the sounds themselves, so that they become tantamount to spells.

    • @robkunkel8833
      @robkunkel8833 Рік тому

      @@johncalligeros2108…. yep. Makes perfect sense to me. Now, the tough question: Did Jesus die on the cross? I say no, it wasn’t a big deal for a healthy man who had the right care afterwards. Perhaps that gold frankincense and myrrh at birth legend, if true, gave the the ladies a head start in comprehension of herbal healing and the money to get more. I’m a skeptic. Thanks for the reply.

    • @johncalligeros2108
      @johncalligeros2108 Рік тому

      @@robkunkel8833 In addition to the plethora of references to the death of Jesus by crucifixion in the New Testament, there is that of Suetonius t al.. You sound more like a conspiracy theorist than a skeptic. What you choose to believe accords - up to a point - with Muslim belief. Where is their evidence - in short, willful imagination. ( )

    • @jordantheriverman6143
      @jordantheriverman6143 Рік тому +2

      You have a massive burden on yourself to prove that in light of the nature of crucifixion. It was “a big deal.” In fact.. to survive this Roman torture would be a near miraculous feat. You may prefer this option as Jesus is Lord and King, your Creator and Judge, yet, if you do minimal historical research, you’ll find it a ridiculous assertion.

    • @Nimai_Aquino
      @Nimai_Aquino 9 місяців тому

      People found something meaningful because it is. If you were a christian and heard someone praying in arabic or chinese, it isn’t meaningful because you don’t understand his language?
      The mass was (and the latin rite is still celebrated in many places) and should be in latin because we are the Roman Catholic church in the west. Our tradition comes from latin. If we were greeks we would celebrate in Greek, if we were Armenians we would celebrate in armenian, if we were lebanese we would celebrate in aramaic and the same thing for the 24 rites of the Catholic Church.
      The thing is, protestants hate authority and tradition, they want to be their own religious leader. They ignore that one can be more versed than him in the things of God and should be followed. They think that anyone who can read can be a religious leader.

  • @Mopmipmup
    @Mopmipmup Рік тому

    sorry but mic quality is very bad

  • @samichjpg
    @samichjpg 7 місяців тому +1

    Lutherans confess Sacramental Union, not Consubstantiation. Consubstantiation implies the body and blood of the Lord is with the bread and the wine, where Lutherans confess that the body and blood of Christ are the bread and the wine, it is a mystery, but they are united

  • @blockmasterscott
    @blockmasterscott 2 роки тому

    Dang, talk about stepping on someone's toes!

  • @gerddergaertner5071
    @gerddergaertner5071 Рік тому +2

    Thomas Müntzer gang ✊

  • @ConfessionGang
    @ConfessionGang 5 місяців тому

    Good video but you are where also wrong aboutCalvin's view of the Eucharist, While he denied the physical presence of the body and blood of Chris, He believed the body and blood of Christ in elements where literally Spiritually present, but the physical properties remain the same.

  • @larrybedouin2921
    @larrybedouin2921 Рік тому +3

    History lesson:
    The year was 538 A.D. and the Emperor of Rome was Justinain, and the General of his army was Belsarius, who was fighting the Ostrogoths, one of the ten remnant kingdoms after 476 A.D. at the gates of Rome.
    The Bishop of Rome was Silvanus, who was said to be a man of God, but he refused to open the gates to either army.
    Then the queen, who was said to be a devoted Christain, was petitioned by Justinain and Belsarius to persuade the bishop to open the city gates, which he did, but he was unaware of the plan that Justinain and his General made previously to arrest him and replace him with one who was more like them.
    History tells that they did just that, and also placed upon bishop Vigilius the Roman emperor's sceptre and the title of Pontifex Maximus, which they all claimed from emperor Constantine.
    This is the account of the revealing of the son of perdition, and birth of the Little Horn antichrist power.
    The Ostrogoths, the Heruli, and the Vandals, where all exterminated.
    This 'little' horn is the same beast that came up from out of the sea, and the woman (Jezebel) who rides the seven headed beast in the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
    She would be diverse from all others in that she claimed the power of both church and state for one thousand, two hundred and threescore years.
    She also persecuted the saints of Christ during that time we know of today, as the dark ages.
    It took another emperor in Napoleon, and another General, to take back the temporal sword, that Justinain had bestowed on her in 538 A.D.
    Exactly one thousand, two hundred and threescore years later in 1798 A.D. which is the same as a time, and a times, and the dividing of time (a half of time), which is the same as 42 months. Seven times in the book of Daniel and the book of Revelation are we given this prophecy of the time of the Little Horn.
    God does not want us to get this wrong, for if we don't know who the antichrist beast is, then we will except his mark of authority.
    This is when the beast was put into captivity, and prophecy tells us that this wound will be healed, and will ascend out of the bottomless pit and go into perdition, after the deadly wound is healed.

  • @Stebokanebo
    @Stebokanebo Рік тому


  • @nadzach
    @nadzach Рік тому +1

    I find it encouraging that something closer to the gospel of Jesus should have begun in Lyons. Lyons was the place of the pagan altar of Dagon for sacrifices made to overthrow the Roman Republic. Later, the church in Rome would adopt the demon worship of Lyon's remaining worshippers of Dagon. The ornate altar enclosure resides in the Vatican Museum. Witnesses have attested to child sacrifice on an altar in the Vatican basement, as recently as just a few years ago. The popes and cardinals continue to wear the garments adopted when Dagon worship merged with the church in Rome establishing the Roman Catholic Church. This should be remembered every time you see the Dagon Mitre which signifies the pope as the head of the demonic religion. This does not make the members evil. Good people should simply reject the idea that Roman Catholic traditions are equal to devine scriptures. All Christians are members of the holy catholic church--meaning that we are one. We all partake of the same Word of life. With this bread within, together we reconstitute the body of Christ on earth. "I believe in the Holy catholic church, the communion of the saints, the forgiveness of sins and the resurrection of the body"

    • @kjvnews8326
      @kjvnews8326 Рік тому

      Baloney! It's the most evil institution on the face of the earth. And I was raised a Catholic, went to a Catholic school. My mother's sister was a nun and my family goes back Catholic more than 3 centuries on both sides. Read and STUDY the bible. Almost everything the church teaches is condemned in the bible, such as praying to Mary and saints. it is rightly called the Mother of Harlots and ABOMINATIONS of the earth in Revelation. Almost every verse SCREAMS Roman Catholic Church!
      In Chapter 17 there are many descriptions of a woman that’s riding on a beast, and she is described as “THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH”. To begin with, this woman is called "MYSTERY' Babylon. (Revelation 17 VERSE 5) The Catholic church ADMITS that it is a 'Mystery Religion”, due to the supposed Mystery of transubstantiation. She has also continued all of the other MYSTERIES of ancient Babylon including celibacy, oral confessions & idol worship. She is also defined as a “MOTHER”, a mother of Harlots and abominations of the earth. No other institution but the Catholic Church has ever referred to itself as “MOTHER” Who has not heard priests, bishops, Cardinals and popes all use the term “Our holy “MOTHER’ the Church”?
      What about the Harlots? Throughout the centuries, the priestly vow of celibacy caused a need for prostitutes (harlots) like never before and the church has made a fortune taxing the houses of prostitution in Rome and throughout the Papal States.
      What about her abominations? Just a few of these include the Crusades, Inquisitions and concordats that the Vatican signed with three dictators - Franco, Mussolini and Hitler, not to mention the thousands of sodomite and pedophile Roman Catholic priests stationed all over the world. Need any more be said about abominations?
      This woman is described as having “A Golden Cup in Her Hand” (VERSE 4). The gold communion cup that the priest uses during mass is the symbol of the church, and you can see this “GOLDEN CUP” held high in the air by every priest, bishop & pope. According to Canon Law (church rules), this cup MUST either be pure gold, or solid silver and plated with gold.
      This woman has committed fornication [or made deals] with the kings of the earth (VERSE 2). The Roman Catholic Church historically has made deals and signed concordats with world leaders since the time of Pepin in the 8th Century (and before), through his son Charlemagne, with all of the Holy Roman Emperors, Henry VIII, Bloody Mary, etc. Moreover, these “deals” have continued all the way down through Reagan, Gorbachev, Elizabeth II, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump & Biden. I already mentioned Hitler and some of the other dictators that this “WOMAN” made deals with. According to VERSE 18, she also reigneth or RULES over the kings of the earth. The RC Church has always claimed the power to depose Kings and Emperors and she has done this many times in the past, and through the Jesuits and others the church has often had religious and world leaders murdered.
      The woman is “DRUNK” with the blood of the saints and with the martyrs of Jesus (VERSE 6). History records the millions of true Christians & Jews that were slaughtered during the Roman, Medieval and Spanish inquisitions? VERSE 4 also notes that her colors are described as purple and scarlet. These are the official colors of the Roman Catholic Church. All of the cardinals dress in purple and are even called “the Purpled Ones”, and all of the Bishop's vestments are scarlet RED.
      VERSE 18 tells us that the woman is “A CITY” (VERSE 18), and that it is located on seven mountains or hills (VERSE 9) Rome is located on seven NAMED mountains and the city of Seven Hills is as descriptive a name for Rome as the Windy City is for Chicago! Even the Roman Catholic Encyclopedia refers to Rome as the city of Seven Hills. And in Rev 17 & 18, it says CITY over and over again! Even in Revelation Chapter 14 It reads: Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great CITY because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornications.
      There can be no doubt from all of these identifying characteristics just one chapter that the woman identified is Rome & the Roman Catholic Church. There are even more identifying characteristics. that can ALL be found in the following chapters of the book of Revelation. Now it would take a whole lot of faith to believe that ALL of these identifying characteristics are just a coincidence. All of the reformers knew this, and they all wrote about it! Just as each of the reformers could see the popes as Anti-Christs! Please read and STUDY the book of Revelation & bible for yourself. And please don’t take my word for it. I might lie to you. Just read & study it for yourself! The bible reads: Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (2 Tim. 2:15).

    • @jdk67
      @jdk67 9 місяців тому

      Does that include Mormans and Jehovah Witnesses?

    • @ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc
      @ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc 5 місяців тому

      Does the Pagan Alter of Dagon come from Religion of Babylon ?
      as in “Mystery Babylon” in the book of Revelation ?

    • @nadzach
      @nadzach 5 місяців тому

      @@ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc Dagon is the fish God, half man and half fish. I think he is found by other names in other nations. The Greeks had Poisiden and the Romans had Neptune. The Philistines who were of the Phonetian sea people worshipped Dagon. It was centuries later when the Roman Octavian had the Dagon altar constructed for Lyons at the west end of the Roman Republic and another for the east at Pergamum. (The Pergamum altar, known as the seat of Satan, was captured by Hilter.) Octavian had some idea that these altars would achieve his greatness. We do remember him as the Caesar Augustus who had all the babies urdered in the vicinity of Bethlehem. I wish the altars had been destroyed. There will always be some evil-minded person who would want to raise up demons for his own glory.

  • @lakeffex
    @lakeffex 11 місяців тому

    How are Anabaptists older than Lutherans? What is their history??

  • @justust4872
    @justust4872 2 роки тому


  • @CliffCardi
    @CliffCardi 2 роки тому +4

    No mention of Girolamo Savonarola?

    • @pikeshotBattles
      @pikeshotBattles  2 роки тому +3

      I think I mentioned him in the Italian Wars. But you can't really call him a reformer, since his ideas were all over the place.

    • @CliffCardi
      @CliffCardi 2 роки тому +2

      @@pikeshotBattles but he did call out the church on its corruption and the Bonfire of the Vanities did feel like a reforming practice, in one point of view

  • @maxrcrypto
    @maxrcrypto 7 місяців тому +2

    I don't know what's worse, the stuff the Popes were doing, or Henry 8 starting a new church just so he could find another wife 💀

    • @PhthaloGreenskin
      @PhthaloGreenskin 7 місяців тому

      Dude he beheaded 3 of his wives because they wouldn't give him a male heir.

    • @maxrcrypto
      @maxrcrypto 7 місяців тому

      @@PhthaloGreenskin But the Pope is supposed to be above this earthly stuff. Instead they were having kids, conquering lands, etc.

  • @AgnelloAffonso-xp5gm
    @AgnelloAffonso-xp5gm 13 днів тому


  • @marie-christinemontegu9503
    @marie-christinemontegu9503 Рік тому

    Ce sont les Papes dans majorité qui auront le plus travaillé à l’Amoindrissement et à la Destruction de l’Eglise Catholique. Et le Pape actuel n’est pas le moindre responsable de ce lent chemin vers là chute inexorable de l’Eglise dans sa Structure et fonctionnement actuel.

  • @wellston2826
    @wellston2826 Рік тому +2

    All God was trying to tell Luther is, "Stay inside when it's raining."

  • @DivineOwnageEVE
    @DivineOwnageEVE 8 місяців тому +1

    Good video but catholic church is overly demonized. Corruption was incredibly bad and I would protest the church too as a Catholic myself. But some parts are skewed to make the church look worse than they were.

    • @ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc
      @ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc 5 місяців тому

      Savior JESUS Himself “protested” against Religious Leaders.
      There were 12 apostles
      There were 5 bishops in Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem,
      Constantinople and Rome.
      HOW did 1 apostle + 1 bishop become Dominant ?
      You won’t find the truth in RCC.

  • @apearse91
    @apearse91 10 днів тому

    "Some were open homosexuals, and cardinals and bishops were not much better.". WTF???

  • @bradleyhoyt3188
    @bradleyhoyt3188 11 місяців тому +1

    How can you say ("Sola Scriptura") and say that Christ is not present in the Elements? Christ literally said("This is My Body Broken for You") and ("This is My blood shed for you in the new covenant") I always thought Christ meant exactly what he said.

    • @adamguy33
      @adamguy33 8 місяців тому

      Do this in remembrance of me. If you think that the bread becomes his body or the wine his blood is just rediculous sense the sacrafice was once and for all, not over and over again. It is a rememberance

    • @bradleyhoyt3188
      @bradleyhoyt3188 8 місяців тому

      @@adamguy33 he also said ("This is my blood shed for you and my body broken for you in the new covenant") not(This represents)

    • @adamguy33
      @adamguy33 8 місяців тому +1

      @@bradleyhoyt3188 what are you talking about? What we do is a rememberance of a event that took place 2000 years ago. The bread represents a rememberance of that once and for all event that took place in a certain place at a certain time once and for all. It doesn't occur over and over again. Saying that the bread becomes the body of Christ and the blood the wine is just imaginations and not reality. It is finished once and for all and all we do is remember what has already taken place . this is simple and not complicated, but man loves to complicate things sometimes. The Catholic church is a man made institution spinkled with JESUS, but it is not the true and only church, because the true church is something that can not be institutionalised

    • @bradleyhoyt3188
      @bradleyhoyt3188 8 місяців тому

      @@adamguy33 do you deny that the scripture he also said this is my body broken for you in my blood shed for you in the new covenant? He said this is my blood and my body. Seems pretty straightforward to me, anything else is a vile heresy.

    • @adamguy33
      @adamguy33 8 місяців тому

      @@bradleyhoyt3188 yeah JESUS was talking about his body and that happened 2000 years ago. Why do you think its still happening over and over again. Because if you do, well thats just imaginations in your head just as the Catholic church has many imaginations that are not true. When we take communion it is a rememberance of an event that happened 2000 years ago. And if you think for a moment that the Lord was actually talking about cannibalism of his body and actually drinking his real blood your delusional and thinking of a very pagan practice that the Lord JESUS would never condone. If you knew the Lord and had the Holy spirit of God living in you you would understand this. JESUS was using symbology in this case. This just goes to show how bad Catholics hermeneutical biblical study is skewed by their pagan imaginations and practices

  • @sarahbean6170
    @sarahbean6170 5 місяців тому

    I wonder if there was a prophet then, would people have listened and there would have been more peace? Less killing and more understanding? Man, the world needs a good prophet and mouthpiece of God. Humans can’t do it right. All churches seem to have this crazy confusion and split then split again. There is a a unity of faith and highway to holiness somewhere? How to find it???

    • @kykyloves2240
      @kykyloves2240 2 місяці тому +1

      I doubt it. Even in the times of prophets most people did not listen to them and either sent them to prison, tried to kill them, or actually killed them. Think about the prophets Jeremiah and Isaiah. Or the Apostle Paul.

  • @comeintotheforest
    @comeintotheforest 9 місяців тому +1

    Great documentary, but I really disagree with calling the anabaptists anything related to communism. Communism is a specific ideology based around a handful of 18th and 19th century philosophies, and not just a word to refer to collective ownership. Saying communism is just untrue and misleading.

  • @rebeccaharder6573
    @rebeccaharder6573 7 місяців тому

    More political, than reformation history

  • @chumaktv5386
    @chumaktv5386 Рік тому

    Damn reformation times were kind of a shitshow huh

  • @darklord7069
    @darklord7069 2 роки тому +2

    I don’t like the new narrator honestly. Original narrator sounds better with the background music and pacing in narration

  • @mattverville9227
    @mattverville9227 20 днів тому

    John Calvin was the man. So smart and brave

  • @ZillyWhale
    @ZillyWhale 2 роки тому +1

    Me and the boys after wrecking the social balance of Europe.

  • @jaggedstarrPI
    @jaggedstarrPI 13 днів тому

    By describing the Bible as "the most popular classic of the day" you've given away your whole game. Allow me to yawn in your general direction; and if that doesn't work, I retort: "Oh yeah? Your mom!"
    Go with God.

  • @thetruthshallsetyoufree2040
    @thetruthshallsetyoufree2040 Рік тому +1

    Great video! Cheers from a former roman catholic :D

  • @andersestes
    @andersestes Рік тому

    Religion has done some serious damage

  • @alfredoandaya3031
    @alfredoandaya3031 4 місяці тому


  • @taealvon1710
    @taealvon1710 19 днів тому

    It’s clear God raised movements to restore what the Catholic system had destroyed

  • @kwesistone9195
    @kwesistone9195 Рік тому +2

    Thank christ this separation happened
    Catholicism is not biblical
    sadly the current Lutheran people have gone back to this evil
    Martin Luther will be rolling in his grave

    • @charlesramirez587
      @charlesramirez587 Рік тому +2

      We wrote the Bible though, we compiled the books in our councils and founded the theological basis which holds western Christian doctrines.

    • @unsrescyldas9745
      @unsrescyldas9745 Рік тому

      @@charlesramirez587 just to use it to sell indulgences to pedophiles yes great work.

    • @larrybedouin2921
      @larrybedouin2921 Рік тому +4

      No you did not write the Bible.

    • @larrybedouin2921
      @larrybedouin2921 Рік тому

      @@charlesramirez587 Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the tabernacle: for, See, saith God, that thou make all things according to *the pattern* shewed to thee in the mount.
      {Hebrews 8:5}
      The *sanctuary* [tabernacle] was a pattern of types and shadows of the heavenly temple, and Jesus Christ is the substance of those types and shadows.
      He is the door to the sanctuary; Jesus is the door to the Kingdom of heaven.
      He is the inner court surrounded by white linen; which is symbolic of being covered Christ prefect righteousness.
      He is our passover sacrificed for us on burnt alter for sacrifice.
      He is the laver for washing; symbolic of the rebirth, being born again of the Spirit.
      He is the table of Showbread; the two stacks of loves of bread are symbolic of the word of God (the bread of life) in two testaments / witnesses, also the twelve tribes of Israel and the twelve Apostles.
      He is the Lampstand; the oil being symbolic of his Spirit; the Lampstand symbolic of his light unto the world.
      He is our Altar of incense; making intercession for his saints.
      He is our Mercy seat covering the Ark of the covenant; Jesus is both our advocate standing for his saints with the Father and He is our judge in judment.
      Jesus Christ caused the sacrifices and their oblations to cease, (Dan 9:27) by his one perfect sacrifice.
      In contrast to the time of the Gentiles, wherefore the sanctuary of God is trodden under foot for forty and two months.
      How so?
      This church who calls herself the mother church, claims to be *the door* to salvation.
      And the white linen surrounding the inner court is the righteousness of Mary and the saints of the Roman church.
      She claims that Christ sacrifice and Atonement for sin was not sufficient, for she instituted seven (works) sacraments.
      She through infant baptism makes a mockery of the rebirth of the new man.
      Her Catechism thinks to replace the inspired word of God.
      Her prayers to dead saints and to Mary, thinks to replace Christ work of intercession at the altar of incense.
      Hers is a false spirit which thinks to cover the light of truth.
      This beast and her king think to change times and laws of God.
      And goeth into perdition.

    • @ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc
      @ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc 5 місяців тому +1

      End of Vatican 2
      = Start of Ecumenicalism
      Ecumenical Movement
      = Start of One World Religion
      There are Irreconcilable Differences between Catholicism and Gospel centered Christianity.
      * Different Foundation
      Peter v What Peter said
      * Different Authority
      Peter/Popes v Holy Scripture +
      Holy Spirit.
      GOSPEL TRUTH was Hidden and Forbidden for years, Decades,
      CENTURIES. Speaking Latin kept
      Gospel hidden. Council of Trent made Gospel aka Bible forbidden.

  • @There-ought-to-be-clowns
    @There-ought-to-be-clowns Рік тому

    Just think for a minute about how silly this is.

  • @vaughnlonganecker986
    @vaughnlonganecker986 9 місяців тому

    Good deal of this video is okay, however, they couldn't be more incorrect when they say that Calvin was mainly concerned with ethics and morality. He is the premier theologian of the reformation and one of the best of all time.

    • @ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc
      @ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc 5 місяців тому

      There was a Cleric who didn’t use the Vulgate Bible which is rumored to have been altered.
      Instead, he somehow got older Greek scripture. From that he translated.
      Anybody know more than this ?

    • @ConfessionGang
      @ConfessionGang 5 місяців тому

      they where also wrong aboutCalvin's view of the Eucharist, While he denied the physical presence of the body and blood of Chris, He believed the elements where literally Spiritually present.

  • @lumo5691
    @lumo5691 5 місяців тому

    I'm ashamed of my Catholic roots...😢
    I will convert accordingly. Luther was correct all along. Excellent video. Thank you ❤🙏

    • @Jacob-sb9lw
      @Jacob-sb9lw 4 місяці тому

      I highly recommend watching Dr. David Anders' talk on the reformation, it's very informative! Corruption within the Church does cause scandal, however I urge you not to renounce your faith because of Judas.

    • @srich7503
      @srich7503 Місяць тому

      Iam ashamed of my Catholic roots also that “some” Catholic have perpetuated. It doesnt shake my faith from Jesus Christ, body, blood, soul, and divinity in the Eucharist in the one true church.👍🏻

  • @PeterJohn-hl3ox
    @PeterJohn-hl3ox 5 місяців тому

    Getting the truth from a You Tube video hosted by a Brit - sure why not.

  • @3brenm
    @3brenm 7 місяців тому

    Im an atheist but Luther is a champ

  • @joemccarthy4270
    @joemccarthy4270 Рік тому

    Why would you use academia's explanation for reform, "humanism and the classics" and leave the roman church with the titles Christian and Biblical??????????????. The only reason for reform was not humanist or classical ,a major example being Rome( though not the only one) which is very human and very classical(traditional). The behavior of Rome was similar to every collective that promoted "humanity" (them being the foremost in their own minds) and "tradition"(social programs profess charity for the weakest physically and eat widows houses). The Social Democrat is a creation of Rome .

  • @vaughnlonganecker986
    @vaughnlonganecker986 8 місяців тому

    This is mostly good information, but not all of it. It's obviously not from a Christian or Providential perspective , so it has many unbiblical biases and prejudices in its assessment of what was happening, so be very cautious. Have a Bible in one hand as you go through it. But if you do not know Christ then that is the first order of your business to make sense of this or anything.

  • @tonyohalloran8817
    @tonyohalloran8817 Рік тому

    Martin Luther.
    His last book was his best book, right on the money! (shekels)

  • @dundundun4242
    @dundundun4242 Рік тому +45

    I’m Catholic but Luther is my hero

    • @patrickfarrell5092
      @patrickfarrell5092 Рік тому +13

      I feel exactly the same 👍

    • @Procopius464
      @Procopius464 11 місяців тому +3


    • @jdk67
      @jdk67 9 місяців тому +11

      Yeah he did a lot of bad things and a lot of good things. Indulgences definitely were an evil practice and he was right to challenge the Pope on that front. But I don’t like how his theology led to such divisions. Now we have over 10,000 different denominations of Christianity, all of which disagree. The Reformation led to chaos within the church.

    • @Procopius464
      @Procopius464 9 місяців тому +12

      @@jdk67 There were already multiple denominations before then.

    • @jdk67
      @jdk67 9 місяців тому

      @@Procopius464 sure, not thousands upon thousands though. Generally there was the church in the west (Rome) and the churches in the east (eastern orthodox). Others were considered heretical.

  • @LlywelynapGruffydd
    @LlywelynapGruffydd Рік тому

    Wales isn't England and done the reformation differently. Ignorance :(

  • @larrybedouin2921
    @larrybedouin2921 Рік тому +3

    A reformation truth!
    Every reformer of the reformation from John Wycliffe to John Wesley, came to the same conclusion on the truth of the antichrist beast and that man of sin by studying the scriptures.
    The Popes of Rome are THAT man of sin, and the Roman church is that woman that rides the beast of Revelation 17, having power over the nations and rulers of the earth.
    "And all the world wondered after the beast"
    She is both a church and a secular kingdom, diverse from all other previous beast which came before.
    But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.
    {2 Peter 2:22}
    The Mother has many daughters today, who have fallen away from the faith.

  • @dustinsmith4068
    @dustinsmith4068 Місяць тому

    I thought Martin Luther was black.

  • @JoeMode213
    @JoeMode213 2 роки тому +2

    This is the worst attempt at theology or doctrine I've ever watched. It's laughable! Did you even read any primary sources from this period before making this?

  • @Exodus26.13Pi
    @Exodus26.13Pi 2 роки тому +2

    Wait until you discover that Hebrew Cosmology is true.

    • @cooldude-gb2mq
      @cooldude-gb2mq 2 роки тому +5

      Shhhhh, you aren't supposed to let the Gentiles know how we manipulate the stock market

    • @pikeshotBattles
      @pikeshotBattles  2 роки тому +4

      @@cooldude-gb2mq Bring it on! I've been shorting the markets since last week. ;)

  • @TheBookofTruth-fn1bh
    @TheBookofTruth-fn1bh 3 місяці тому

    Can't follow any one sided view.

  • @adenjones1802
    @adenjones1802 2 роки тому +4

    Watch Catholics in the comments try to defend the pope as the Good guy.

  • @mfredcourtney5876
    @mfredcourtney5876 Рік тому +1

    How sad that the nobility of what Jesus preached was so corrupted. Jesus wept.

    • @ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc
      @ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc 5 місяців тому

      Savior JESUS Warned about ~
      The Deceiver with his devises, schemes, tactics + Demons aka unclean spirits + False Prophets + Hireling Shepherds.
      Despite the clear instruction of Christ= Spread The Gospel Truth,
      The Bible aka Word of God aka Scripture was hidden & forbidden
      for years, Decades & CENTURIES.
      Scripture was HIDDEN and
      FORBIDDEN for Centuries.