Are Black Men Prepared for A Sincere Apology from Black Women?

  • Опубліковано 19 вер 2024


  • @savmac3844
    @savmac3844 2 роки тому +99

    One can apologize for spilling a drink or stepping on someone's foot. One cannot apologize for generations of ideologically driven disrespect, contempt and betrayal.

    • @johnnybjudah8889
      @johnnybjudah8889 2 роки тому +14


    • @daviabardonado1078
      @daviabardonado1078 2 роки тому +14

      @Black One Black Men have paid our dues to this earth ever since God cursed us. We made our bed and have suffered the most intolerable consequences. Who are you to make insidious claims about our character. The world was set against us not just the white man but the entire world turned on because of their own JEALOUS. Instead of being the irony and which you claim we are, make a change. Yes we kept the same energy because we had no choice. We are guilty without cause. Next time think before you ramble. You are also not a black man so please stop pretending.

    • @daviabardonado1078
      @daviabardonado1078 2 роки тому +3

      @Black One The delusion is in your comprehension skills not the message. Do not blame your ignorance on the content but rather get understanding. When I say we live our consequences I mean that we are unable to escape the mess WE CREATED FOR OURSELVES. Despite this issue i will not deflect and ignore the wrongs of the world and particularly black women. Black Men and only black men have been FORCED TO LIVE WITH OUR FLAWS. WE are GUILTY WITHOUT CAUSE. The world including black women can always deflect and are NEVER BROUGHT TO JUSTICE. You don't even realize the cognitive dissonance that you are displaying. You are so condition to reroute the blame to black men that you don't even realize it's WRONG. Seek therapy and get your mind with black men unified

    • @daviabardonado1078
      @daviabardonado1078 2 роки тому +5

      @Black One You said all of that and still don't get it. You are young and ignorant so you will continue to make mistakes. First and foremost vengeance is God and could never deal the blow that he will when the time is right. All I can do is inform like minded black men that the road we walk is one that is lonely and unique. Our journey is one that is full of trails and tribulations. Once again i will always take responsibility for our shortcomings. I won't turn a blind eye to the world's wicked ways nor will I take part in their consequences. All men and women alike must bare their own burden. I am not for the "everybody take blame" when in reality it is you way of diverting from their time for THEM TO ACCEPT THE CONSEQUENCES. You also speak of children being at fault... that statement let's me know you are nothing but a fool. The black child is the ONLY innocent party. Don't make that statement again. It's sad that you remain so blind. You can't build when you have no brick to build and nobody willing to cooperate. Just be quiet and learn for once in your life young fool.

    • @wilbertmcbride498
      @wilbertmcbride498 2 роки тому +2

      YUP THAT'S RIGHT!!!!!!

  • @AllFather-TheStoicGod
    @AllFather-TheStoicGod 2 роки тому +138

    "Trust not a woman when she weeps, for it is her nature to weep when she wants her will."
    ~ *Socrates* 👑💯

    • @freddywayne
      @freddywayne 2 роки тому +4

      Exactly!!! She's a joke and is only doing this strange performative art 🎭 video because she want some 🍫 'D' now. 🤷🏾‍♂️

    • @Sol5Tice5921
      @Sol5Tice5921 2 роки тому +4


    • @AdultSupervision.
      @AdultSupervision. 2 роки тому +5

      @Todd Muhammad You are right on the source of Wisdom of the Hellenes being the ancient Egyptians and Canaanites who were the founders of those colonies later called "Greek city states" and indeed they had dark hued complexions but surely we know they did not call themselves by Germanic words such as black or white.

    • @AllFather-TheStoicGod
      @AllFather-TheStoicGod 2 роки тому +2

      @Todd Muhammad Agreed...except that the earliest known civilization was not Egyptians but were Sumerians some 4,000 years before Egypt developed, in what became known as Iraq, (South central Iraq in Mesopotamia).

    • @amandlaawethu1538
      @amandlaawethu1538 2 роки тому +1

      Beautiful quote, I'm going 2 take that, 😁

  • @TheHarlan117
    @TheHarlan117 2 роки тому +150

    There is no such thing as a Verbal Apology; if it's not repentance and restitution, it's gaslighting.

  • @esmooth300
    @esmooth300 2 роки тому +77

    TOO LATE, the damage has been done already, decent black men need to just coexist within our own world and NEVER build reunite with any of these BAW. The BAW is the ultimate form of betrayal, there is no going back. It's like a man that was married and his wife left him to be a prostitute for 35 years, and all of a sudden comes back and says please accept me I love you, wanting you to forget about her past.

    • @trickywily2823
      @trickywily2823 2 роки тому +18

      I don't even feel anymore I just work trade crypto and repeat..

    • @BlackHawk0674
      @BlackHawk0674 2 роки тому +2

      @@trickywily2823 same

    • @busyrand
      @busyrand 2 роки тому +4

      Like Jenny did Forrest Gump...

    • @technopirate304
      @technopirate304 2 роки тому

      @@busyrand Hope his boy Lt. Dan had a blood test done

    • @esmooth300
      @esmooth300 2 роки тому +2

      @@trickywily2823 Same here bro, I wholesale houses, fill that roth, and vacation.

  • @mercermercepanama6334
    @mercermercepanama6334 2 роки тому +135

    I'm not buying it. She can save her crocodile tears. If BW want to show they are sorry, they must do it through their deeds. Words are easy to say; but actions are quite another thing, but I applaud her Academy Award-winning performance. Furthermore, centuries of collusion with white supremacy against us cannot be erased with an apology.

    • @knighthonor44
      @knighthonor44 2 роки тому +15

      This is also my concern. I see lots of disguised Black Feminist in our Black Manosphere circles. The issue is they say what we want to hear first to gain our trust, then they flip on us with all the Anti Black Male Misandry. Look a Cynthia G for a modern example of this. Chyna Fox as well and the list goes on

    • @1sexytoothe
      @1sexytoothe 2 роки тому +7

      @@knighthonor44 Brotha what you're saying are facts. I use to subscribe to Cyn G. It's interesting when you tube suspended her channel. When they allowed her to come back she did a 360. Now she part of the crew advocating abort all black boys.

    • @LukaDonesnitch
      @LukaDonesnitch 2 роки тому +8

      @@1sexytoothe I said in a different video Cyn G changed her tune after she went after white people and they canceled her for that, not to mention she got fired from her nursing job. F with a black woman’s money and you see the real her.

    • @CriticalTimez
      @CriticalTimez 2 роки тому +4

      She's done a total 360 degree turn in her attitude towards BM. Something must have happened to her to get such an extreme change in her thinking. I’m sure she’s known about these struggles during her times of accusing BM of being worthless. She has a PhD from Stanford but was totally unaware?😔🤔🤷🏽‍♀️

    • @LukaDonesnitch
      @LukaDonesnitch 2 роки тому +7

      @@CriticalTimez A 360 puts you back in the position you started at, you must mean a 180.

  • @MLR400
    @MLR400 2 роки тому +86

    IMHO opinion the BW apology must be in deedss. Not words. Not interested in hearing word salads or fantasy talk as that only served the BW's need for attention, validation and control over BM. No, I need to see concrete behavioral changes that I know will never come because the BW is way too comfortable with the status quo. Don't believe me. NO, BW need to stop talking and start doing and stop wasting our time.

    • @mentalog6018
      @mentalog6018 2 роки тому +9

      Facts! The betrayer speaks.

    • @jdeniro1844
      @jdeniro1844 2 роки тому +9

      Actions, works of faith would BE BW's start holding other BW's ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR NEGATIVE BEHAVIOR and HELP RAISE THE STANDARDS.

    • @renzopeterson153
      @renzopeterson153 2 роки тому +2

      *collective behavioral changes

    • @saintgermain6031
      @saintgermain6031 2 роки тому

      Acknowledgement in words is truly first. Then action succeeds that.
      I had an aunt that would be evil one day then know she was wrong and tried to act right the next day. But she never said a word she just acted it out.
      She acted out this dysfunction her entire life until.she died at 68 years old.
      Atonement has several stages. Acknowledgement is the first step. This is what she's doing.
      She has to forgive herself just like shes asking us to forgive us.

    • @jdeniro1844
      @jdeniro1844 2 роки тому +1

      @@saintgermain6031 Actions always speak LOUDER than words.

  • @indianajones443
    @indianajones443 2 роки тому +93

    I'm an 80s,,,My father was a dope fiend and he left me and all my siblings as little kids and never came back... Breaks my heart til this day,,,, it became a vendetta for me to be the best dad I could be,,,, but when my son was born my children's mother took him halfway across the country and wouldn't come back,,,, and I cried all the time to my mother and she told me she didn't want to hear that weak ass shit! That affected me to the core. She was my hero, my only example in my whole life. A piece of me died when I realized the only person that love me didn't even care about how much I was hurting......again 😢

    • @frazier2420able
      @frazier2420able 2 роки тому +23

      Same realization on my mother & sister it shook me to my core & made me seek Gods purpose for my life

    • @mr.edwardhyde4234
      @mr.edwardhyde4234 2 роки тому +40

      in other words we as black str8 men are completely on our own

    • @brianamplified3253
      @brianamplified3253 2 роки тому +13

      Damn .

    • @brianamplified3253
      @brianamplified3253 2 роки тому +18

      @@frazier2420able Be strong Blackman .. you got this .

    • @wg5717
      @wg5717 2 роки тому +20

      I can relate, hurt was deep but I'm stronger now. Sysbm

  • @ZeAlfredo
    @ZeAlfredo 2 роки тому +83

    Further, the apology is cool.
    However, it's rather convenient that now that automation, pandemics and economic crises are increasing in frequency NOW black women begin apologizing?
    When things were GOOD, we weren't shit. Now that problems are getting worse, now we want to "sorry" and we are just supposed to forget all that?
    NOW, loyalty to black men matters?
    Is THIS all that our loyalty gets us?
    Nah, bro I'm good on this.

    • @busyrand
      @busyrand 2 роки тому +12

      Indeed... I need to see a tangibly better product. I need to see a woman who has the ability to apologize in real time and yield like a feminine woman does to the men around her. I'm not talking about romantic situations either. I mean the general respect every other culture shows towards their men due to deference and appreciation.

    • @jayclarke777
      @jayclarke777 2 роки тому +13

      Bingo and bullseye. It was all good a few years ago

    • @KiamKweli
      @KiamKweli 2 роки тому +11

      Spot on. Their timing blows and proves that the writing is on the wall.

  • @Projekt8020
    @Projekt8020 2 роки тому +20

    She still puts it on men! We don't owe you BW SH*T. How do you make demands at the end of an apology? Hard Pass for me.

  • @furiousangel6508
    @furiousangel6508 2 роки тому +94

    Dr. Johnson.....
    Thanks for posting was - INTERESTING. I was in the live comments section and I think I can speak for the overwhelming majority of black men.....WE DON'T CARE! We're not angry, nor hurt, nor bitter, nor resentful....we're the worst type of emotion: ambivalent! We've overcome our pain/trauma/triggers...
    some dudes have gone IBMOR, some have gone SYSBM others like me have gone our own way (almost monk now 🌝). The simple fact's too late....I write that with zero emotion..... we've moved on collectively. Some of us fought it tooth and nail, others evolved into it... we've just grown tired of dealing with whamin - especially our own.
    This happened LONG before Kevin Samuels so please don't go blaming him.... we're just done.
    Quick story (I realize how long this post has been, bare with me). I've got a friend....strong proud black man...I'm lucky to have him in my life.... when I first met him he was 100% BW!!! No other woman could EVER come close in his mind. He LIVED for BM as a collective and for his wife) family....years later (recently) he's admitted to me that due to years of taking abuse... he's done!
    We're collectively a bunch of abused men that have overcome our abuse, forgiven our abusers and are now in our "happy place" looking back at them with ...... ambivalence/pity
    Thanks for reading.

    • @joeyjackson595
      @joeyjackson595 2 роки тому +8

      Same here 💯💯💯

      @THESEVENDON 2 роки тому +5

      Great post.

    • @BigReggii
      @BigReggii 2 роки тому +5

      Im 39 Ive been Monk mode since 20 .

    • @BigReggii
      @BigReggii 2 роки тому +1

      : having or showing very different feelings (such as love and hate) about someone or something at the same time

    • @jayclarke777
      @jayclarke777 2 роки тому +2

      Amen. 💯

  • @Ismail-ie5gi
    @Ismail-ie5gi 2 роки тому +48

    It’s hard for me to accept the “I didn’t know” reasoning from any BW. 4 degrees later. Listen BW you raised us (sorta), we grew up alongside you…WE KNOW YOU; sometimes better than you know yourself. The reality is BW didn’t and to large extent still truly doesn’t wanna know BM in good faith. No, #SYSBM. And for those that have to have a woman of African descendant, the diaspora is vast and diverse. Life is too short to deal with conditional feminism, 25th hour enlightenment, etc. Don’t limit yourself. Listen very closely to the points she REPEATS. Yeah…I’m good #BMI #BMA

    • @darrdarr7920
      @darrdarr7920 2 роки тому +7

      They DO know, they benefit from it, it's just gotten to the point where they believe their own lies now.

    • @barrylittle2969
      @barrylittle2969 2 роки тому +1

      Sam Cooke (R.I.P.) said it best:

    • @Ismail-ie5gi
      @Ismail-ie5gi 2 роки тому +2

      @@barrylittle2969 that’s it, I quit…moving on. 😎

    • @analogueconsciousness8112
      @analogueconsciousness8112 2 роки тому +2

      She states a whole bunch of facts yet she didn't know after all this time. BS . She just chose willful ignorance. She didn't need to read it in books because the oppression was all around us. Keep the pity party miss. We're tending to ourselves, holding each other accountable while self improving spiritually, physically, financially and emotionally. We're not your property, we're not your boys, and we're not your wounded animals. We finally realized there's a whole world out here for us . She needs to worry about healing herself because it sounds like she got some serious unresolved personal issues that she's never attended to. Her beef ain't got nothing to do with us.

    • @geekylove3603
      @geekylove3603 2 роки тому

      Shouldn't we be apologising for making them victims of an American genocide? Black women and GIRLS are murdered every 5 hours in America. The majority of the killing is not done by black women or white people.

  • @renzopeterson153
    @renzopeterson153 2 роки тому +101

    Honestly, I'm a believer in valuing what women do rather than what they say. Given a set of circumstances, a woman will say anything if it sounds good. They don't process or operate with a sense of integrity, honor and/or a code that isn't amongst themselves i. e ( the sistahood). A woman's true nature is an opportunistic one. So while an apology sounds good but meaningless if their actions don't reflect that. It's funny how most of the one's who are genuine are usually 40 years old and up smh. They only seem to have remorse when their SMV and expiration date is way past due.

    • @CriticalTimez
      @CriticalTimez 2 роки тому +6

      She's done a total 360 degree turn in her attitude towards BM. Something must have happened to her to get such an extreme change in her thinking😒🤔

    • @colinc5531
      @colinc5531 2 роки тому +10

      @@CriticalTimez yeah its called The Wall !

    • @colinc5531
      @colinc5531 2 роки тому +5

      @@CriticalTimez yeah its called The Wall !

    • @ManafterYahsownheart
      @ManafterYahsownheart 2 роки тому +3


    • @malarki5
      @malarki5 2 роки тому +4

      @@CriticalTimez Yeah.......probably finally
      realized her status among high
      value white men lol
      There is very little doubt given
      how she said she felt about BM
      she'd swirled/divested at some
      stage during her hostility!
      She got her ninja wake-up call!

  • @blackurustrikes2328
    @blackurustrikes2328 2 роки тому +26

    Hold the line, Brothers. HOLD THE LINE!

  • @herbertlewis8442
    @herbertlewis8442 2 роки тому +73

    I'm one of few Native Black American males who doesn't need nor care for an apology from 'our' sisters. The only one who might have owed me an apology for her treatment of me is no longer in physical form. 90% aren't worth the time investment
    Aside from her, the rest can kick rocks

    • @LukaDonesnitch
      @LukaDonesnitch 2 роки тому +2


    • @straightlead8
      @straightlead8 2 роки тому +8

      You ice cold brah

    • @MoveInSilence23
      @MoveInSilence23 2 роки тому +2


    • @quixgofar
      @quixgofar 2 роки тому +8

      ALL can Kick rocks!... They've had their time in the sun.

    • @herbertlewis8442
      @herbertlewis8442 2 роки тому +6

      @@straightlead8 I made my mother leave while she was recovering from colon cancer. Peace of mind cost & I paid enough. Time to render unto Caesar

  • @CardioRoyalty
    @CardioRoyalty 2 роки тому +22

    I am a 51 year old man.. in my 51 years I can't remember being hugged and told "I love you" from my mother in 51 years.. now everything wrong with me (in her opinion) she screamed that from the mountain top. At the age of 49 I tried to have a heart to heart to no avail.. when asked about the not being told I was loved from my MOTHER, I was told "you just know"....yeah I'm good on those convos moving forward and that's for my own mental and spiritual health..unfortunate but real...I have moved on

    • @saintgermain6031
      @saintgermain6031 2 роки тому +2

      Me too. I'm 54 and was told " I love you" by my mother once in her death bed after years of verbal abuse from her my entire life.
      As I've went thru my journey in this life I came to realize that our women are destroyed and completely broken inside.
      Sharazad Ali said it back in the 80s that our Blackwoman deep sick psychological and emotional state has never been examined. And all her issues derive from slavery. No amount of PhD's from white institutions will fix her psychological and emotional problems.

    • @kingjamu5241
      @kingjamu5241 2 роки тому +2

      I tried to patch things up with my mother but it was a colossal failure...Movin Down the Highway like The Isley Brothers

    • @sickofguysnamedtodd2293
      @sickofguysnamedtodd2293 2 роки тому +3

      @@saintgermain6031 that’s fucked up bro. And the timing. As she’s on her death bed, now she wants to tell you she loves you. Only when the end is nigh at hand..and she didn’t do it for you, she did it for HER. For her own benefit, to clear her conscience to make herself feel better, not for you. So sorry to say you didn’t really even get a sincere apology, just a half ass attempt that was meant to help her die in peace.

    • @saintgermain6031
      @saintgermain6031 2 роки тому

      @@sickofguysnamedtodd2293 you are 100% correct bro.

    • @busyrand
      @busyrand 2 роки тому

      Brother, withholding love from someone is a form of abuse. Brother, you were emotionally abused as a child... I know it is difficult to hear, but it's important to know that because it has scarred and injured you in ways you've had to hobble through. As someone who woke up in night terrors deep into my thirties, even after years of therapy and deep meditation, you may need to take time and circle back to dealing with things. Don't feel any guilt about moving on if you need to because you deserve to put yourself first from this point on. You don't own anyone jack ish brother... I'm a amazed you survived such a thing. I was physically abused, but I couldn't imagine being withheld affection.

  • @imaz2616
    @imaz2616 2 роки тому +72

    As a ex Foster child who was raised by several black women they have yet to apologize to me my sister's and brothers and I don't expect them too🤷. It's against the sistahood code.... Even our own mama refuse too apologize...

    • @yvesbony8571
      @yvesbony8571 2 роки тому +14

      It’s very unfortunate! I cut my mother and sisters off completely for over 15 years plus ands it’s unfortunate my mother will die not remembering how her youngest child and only son looks like now and she is 87 years old and I’m 48 as of this past Monday. Her along with my sisters destroyed my father and he died from a broken heart, and they tried it with me. I almost went out for the count but I fought my way out of it and I’m thankful.
      It hurts to say this but I know there are good woman out there but far to many of them are not for us black men at all and it hurts. This woman that’s speaking isn’t saying shit because it’s only her out of millions to billions of these women who most probably saying fuck them niggah.

    • @thePraddagee
      @thePraddagee 2 роки тому +15

      @@yvesbony8571 Im in a similar situation. My mother always claims abuse and to this day still uses the “just like your daddy” shaming tactic whenever we have a disagreement. I never seen him physically hurt her but I have seen her stab him in the head with a fork over custody battles. He’s never done drugs or alcohol and I’ve seen her do both. Did the foster care thing as well. He thing now is that she forgives HERSELF and she’s paid her dues (to herself) so she has nothing to be accountable for. I seek no closure nor compensation, but I won’t be in your face either. This cycle of dysfunction ENDS with me. I REFUSE to give these western women my seed. Either I find someone else or I DIE content without offspring.

    • @sctalk3778
      @sctalk3778 2 роки тому +6

      @@yvesbony8571 great testimony brother. To be honest, I should have cut my mother off ten years ago. She only had bad things to say when I called to get support. I cut them off this year and some of my cousins and other family. Mama to them can do no wrong, but let's see if alot of these mom can protect themselves from young sons who don't have a conscious. They in trouble and im.not here to save those said wm.

    • @yvesbony8571
      @yvesbony8571 2 роки тому +13

      @@thePraddagee this is fucked up. Majority of us are great men but the system isn’t for us and a lot of these women know that trying to play naive. I’ve seen my mother try to smash a wine bottle over my father’s head when I was 8 years old but turns around and tells everyone my father tried to kill her. That’s another thing. Our women are claiming they are for us but are the 1st to call the police on us not caring if we get killed because of their lies and wanting to control. I had to save my father from going to jail by telling them she was a liar. She even did the same to me when I became a young man.
      The only thing I can say to you all including myself is to become successful or work your way to it. The most high will provide the right woman or women to come to you to assist you on your true needs.

    • @busyrand
      @busyrand 2 роки тому +3

      @@thePraddagee Amen Brother... Bless you for all the interpersonal work you've done and how you're moving forward. Well done.

  • @taylorjah7104
    @taylorjah7104 2 роки тому +16


  • @blackmanswimming4373
    @blackmanswimming4373 2 роки тому +13

    A Lot of people not going agree with me on this, but Apology NOT ACCEPTED the damage has been done. To little, to late, 1 women is not enough. Don't Apologize, fix.
    How? I don't care, you broke it. I have turned my back on the African American Women period.

    • @geekylove3603
      @geekylove3603 2 роки тому

      Shouldn't we be apologising for making them victims of an American genocide? Black women and GIRLS are murdered every 5 hours in America. The majority of the killing is not done by black women or white people.

  • @YoungGrizzly
    @YoungGrizzly 2 роки тому +60

    Wait did this woman say she has all this education but she actually screwed her ex's friend? 😳 This isnt an apology, its a dang confession of her sins. 🤣 She looking for a retirement package.

    • @jayclarke777
      @jayclarke777 2 роки тому +17

      Exactly. She's trying to expunge herself of guilt.

    • @Skinny_Pimp
      @Skinny_Pimp 2 роки тому +12

      @@jayclarke777 FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK!!!!!!!

    • @coolitnow0013
      @coolitnow0013 2 роки тому +19

      They see the dollar signs in men places ans seeing all these BW channels are crumbling.

    • @mr.edwardhyde4234
      @mr.edwardhyde4234 2 роки тому +14

      i wasn't listening i couldn't get pass the desert patch on her head🤔

    • @blackurustrikes2328
      @blackurustrikes2328 2 роки тому +9

      19:40. I THINK she was apologizing for what Black WOMEN have done. Maybe not just what she has done. But would it surprise me that she PERSONALLY revenge fvcked her man's best friend? No, that would not surprise me one bit.

  • @broken_blade2087
    @broken_blade2087 2 роки тому +30

    She lost me at, "I didn't know...." . Unless she was raised in some wierd "bubble" situation, she should have been aware enough. I have major issues with social interactions to this day because my mother was over protective of myself and my sisters. She told me recently she was especially protective of me because she knew the system would target me. You don't have to be a BM to see what this system is.

    • @saintgermain6031
      @saintgermain6031 2 роки тому +2

      She didnt. You see she says she has several degrees even a PhD. All that knowledge is from white institutions that taught her nothing of herself.
      I can completely understand her position, Why? I have several people in my family that are highly educated, females and males that know nothing of their own history nor knowledge of self. And some don't know nor understand shit about what is still happening to us today.

    • @tonyjones1560
      @tonyjones1560 2 роки тому +4

      IKR? Lost me at the same place as well. Didn't know...more like just didn't CARE.

    @RAMZAVFX 2 роки тому +40

    Prepared? Sure. Doesn't mean I'm coming back... Costa Rica, South Africa, S Korea, and Columbia are poppin. I can find feminine black women outside the US but Im no longer feeling guilty for not being exclusive black.

    • @watdog2012
      @watdog2012 2 роки тому +16

      The world belongs to us to bro. Enjoy it. 😉

    • @sagittariusbeauty
      @sagittariusbeauty 2 роки тому +1

      Absolutely gross how some desperate old woman got these old goofies thinking we actually apologizing and want them. Thank God us gen z not with it

    • @sagittariusbeauty
      @sagittariusbeauty 2 роки тому +1

      @@jjdieselcowboytraveler79sm71 Trust I stay with my Bible opened

    • @plebefpv
      @plebefpv 2 роки тому +1

      Been to South Korea, Columbia is on the bucket list, thanks for reminding me of Costa Rica

    • @neoeyebeleave
      @neoeyebeleave 2 роки тому +2

      I would never travel to seek BW. If I'm going international, I'm pulling NON-BW all day long. Brothers irk me when they travel the world and still beg BW for company.

  • @MRHEEL-ys2rq
    @MRHEEL-ys2rq 2 роки тому +67

    Two things are evident here: 1) its a BIT LATE in the game to try and apologize to us now when you said we werent shit, were lame, corny , not good enough to have a family with. Its a sign when I as a black man get more respect, interest and admiration from other groups of women that see more potential in me as a husband and father than the woman who says theyre "ours". 2) The wall much like karma is timeless, insurmountable and undefeated
    P.S.: To this woman in the video, BW controlled the narrative that was put on us so I find your "apology" empty. So I feel nothing for you

    • @mercermercepanama6334
      @mercermercepanama6334 2 роки тому +5

      I agree with you 💯%. Couldn't have said it any better.

    • @MRHEEL-ys2rq
      @MRHEEL-ys2rq 2 роки тому +8

      @@mercermercepanama6334 it took being married to one and remembering hoe she treated me during the marriage and if I had it to do over again, no possible way... To me, and its only an opinion but I honestly believe that a black mans best hope to guarantee his line living on is getting with women of other races that are truly marriage minded and would make good wives and mothers to your children.. The modern ABW is done except for maybe( use of air quotes) 5% Thats worth a damn and im being generous

    • @truthserum6672
      @truthserum6672 2 роки тому +8

      She is gas lighting us anyway with the blonde bs on her head fake worthless empty apologies 🤮 keep it go with 😈👈him we don't trust you we only want your obedience NOTHING ELSE WILL SUFFICE

    • @versatylepoetry
      @versatylepoetry 2 роки тому +1

      Exactly.... excellent observation

    • @Genisvell1983
      @Genisvell1983 2 роки тому +1


  • @jayclarke777
    @jayclarke777 2 роки тому +126

    Is Lifetime or Tyler Perry gonna pick up the script? Her acting was phenomenal.

    • @jayclarke777
      @jayclarke777 2 роки тому +12

      Hope I didn't have to add /sarcasm

    • @barrylittle2969
      @barrylittle2969 2 роки тому +13

      Word...Though I bet Ava DuVernay will probably get first dibs...🥃🚬

    • @coolitnow0013
      @coolitnow0013 2 роки тому +14

      All that crying and no tears,good to see brothers peeping game.

    • @coolitnow0013
      @coolitnow0013 2 роки тому +9

      All that crying and no tears,good to see brothers peeping game.

    • @mr.edwardhyde4234
      @mr.edwardhyde4234 2 роки тому +4

      Lifetime is better they should definitely make a comedy special

  • @mikelove7951
    @mikelove7951 2 роки тому +81

    The wall is undefeated.

  • @jasonakumetsu4929
    @jasonakumetsu4929 2 роки тому +110

    This seems to be an apology to the wrong set of men in our group: the 16%ers, the ones who impregnated and ran, the abusers, and the scammers. I am yet to hear an acknowledgement for the men who stayed, the ones who stepped up up literally, the ones who protected you before 1830, the ones who were the living personifications of the love songs that you said you loved but wanted it in a bad boy package, and the ones who made themselves a success despite your disdain.
    Men have listened to your pleas, berating and stereotypes and made changes but it was never enough. And only when fear, loneliness, uncertainty and doubt stand right outside your door do you see that you need us, the ones you traded and abused for short term benefit.
    The way I need to see this as even remotely valid is to see women warning and raising the future generations of women not to follow the trail of misandry their predecessors have set, to remove the white woman's quarrel with her man from their psyche and stop viewing men and boys as misters or potential misters. Remove the first thought from their minds that we're phalluses or atms... Then I will look back in 50 years and then say damn... She meant it.

      @TURBOBEATZZZ 2 роки тому +7

      That was heavy brother.

    • @versatylepoetry
      @versatylepoetry 2 роки тому +3


    • @sickofguysnamedtodd2293
      @sickofguysnamedtodd2293 2 роки тому +1

      Damn, that was a mic 🎤 drop if I ever heard one

    • @davidstewart4842
      @davidstewart4842 2 роки тому +4

      Yes indeed .. I'm not so much doubting the sincerity of her apology as I am the placement of her apology...she still managed to make us look like weak victims. And in an underhanded way, she blamed and shamed us whether she was aware of it or not..Bw still find it hard to acknowledge their own fallicies with out blaming BM for their fallicies. Do I think it was a misplaced apology? Sure I do

    • @jasonakumetsu4929
      @jasonakumetsu4929 2 роки тому +1

      @@davidstewart4842 true. The blame can't be wholly theirs, at best it's mutual... At worse, course misandry.

  • @k.a.w.5357
    @k.a.w.5357 2 роки тому +11

    Black women need to stop saying they did not know. There is no way they could not know. They chose to treat black men a certain way. They were not forced to do it. They fed their daughters and granddaughters information that was not true about black men. They caused the situation the black community is in today. I will never believe they were ignorant. Instead, they chose to be mean and hateful toward black men. Therefore, it is very hard to accept an apology.

  • @busyrand
    @busyrand 2 роки тому +144

    Her gesture is appreciated. The apology is real [authentic apologies are rare and usually include rambles that veer off course because adults rarely apologize], and I take her at her word... However, my interest is in a tangible difference in outcomes. There is no excuse why I've had to deal with distrustful misandry from everyone up to my own sister, who I've had to cut off recently due to her spite. I'm numb from heartbreak. This life has injured me, my brothers, my friends, and damned my father to a tortured existence that he took out on me. Brothers want to be loved, cherished, and respected as men the way every other man is by their women. The sad fact is, this country and our women have made us amazing resilient men for other women, and environments that are less hostile to our existence... Most of us are just too big-hearted to leave and mean it...

    • @jdeniro1844
      @jdeniro1844 2 роки тому +20

      I can't UP VOTE this comment ENOUGH!!!!!

    • @busyrand
      @busyrand 2 роки тому +13

      @@jdeniro1844 Thank you Sir! That means a lot to me... I'm always nervous to speak up even though I do it a lot as I take internet breaks and comment to support content creators. I needed to hear that...

    • @ksager123
      @ksager123 2 роки тому +20

      It's a fake apology. She attacked bm a while back

    • @Yop067
      @Yop067 2 роки тому +4

      Well said 👏

    • @JetBlackAir
      @JetBlackAir 2 роки тому +3

      That hurt to read, but you may have mentioned this to me before, and ppl need to know this.

  • @Antwaun7
    @Antwaun7 2 роки тому +5

    These women are scared that most black men have left the plantation and left with no protection. The Asian, Caribbean and Latin women took their spot, and now they want to wake up when they old

  • @doomdogg5766
    @doomdogg5766 2 роки тому +11

    Loneliness breeds clarity, the best apology is a change in behavior.

  • @Rahsim
    @Rahsim 2 роки тому +15

    I’m so numb to black women, that I don’t even know how to take her or if I could even trust her (a black women).. but I think she was sincere. But she’s only one black women.. thank you 🙏🏿

  • @sergeantmajorstorytime
    @sergeantmajorstorytime 2 роки тому +36

    BM need to take the time to heal and become the best version of theirselves. There is no critical mass of BM who feel this wall so in order to survive we must turn out back on the them and find mates outside of the this current structure and build their like they Moors did in Sicily. Betrayal can be forgiven but you should never allow that person to be in your presence again to ensure that you won’t be triggered by the past.

  • @mr.k9144
    @mr.k9144 2 роки тому +19

    Not taking such "apologies" seriously. Just another manipulative approach for the men who still have a soft spot for them. The surviving black men who have endured their treatment, honestly want nothing to do with them, let alone an apology. It sounded more like a rant disguised as an apology to satisfy her ego or personal guilt.

    • @kingjamu5241
      @kingjamu5241 2 роки тому +3

      ZACKLY!!...I want nothing to do with them...They are 304s now anyway

  • @Rkelly91182
    @Rkelly91182 2 роки тому +33

    You women can keep your apology. What's done is done. It's best that black women look out for each other cause we're done. Enough is enough.

    • @ronibeziako
      @ronibeziako 2 роки тому +5

      25% of bw are lesbians... highest of any group...

  • @sharodM
    @sharodM 2 роки тому +21

    Only time I ever heard of a Black woman apologizing . after they divorced a they lonely. ...or got him locked up over some made up domestic abuse 🦬💩.....interestingly it was the Same brother and 2 different women.....but he was somewhat of playa

  • @quixgofar
    @quixgofar 2 роки тому +9

    Honestly, I've moved on and I'm indifferent to BWs. After decades of their behavior, I no longer care.
    Life is short.

    • @geekylove3603
      @geekylove3603 2 роки тому

      Shouldn't we be apologising for making them victims of an American genocide? Black women and GIRLS are murdered every 5 hours in America. The majority of the killing is not done by black women or white people.

  • @henrygarner4649
    @henrygarner4649 2 роки тому +27

    Typical female "apology". I apologize for what I did to you and understand why you did what you did to me(making it about her instead of just apologizing for what she did). I think she was sincere about certain parts but her "ignorance" of our pain and that ramble about how could she be so blind to our pain kinda negated the sincere parts. I will say her gesture is a nice start. Now she and all BW who think/feel as she does must back that up with WORK, ACTIONS, AND CHANGES in how they treat us. The ball is in their court...

    • @freddywayne
      @freddywayne 2 роки тому +4

      Exactly!!! In my opinion, she's a joke and is only doing this strange performative art 🎭 video because she want some 🍫 'D' now. 🤷🏾‍♂️

    • @wilbertmcbride498
      @wilbertmcbride498 2 роки тому +2

      Ha, Ha,......Good Luck, Hope It Happens In Our Lifetime......BUT, I DOUBT It!!!!!!

  • @supremeibmor3393
    @supremeibmor3393 2 роки тому +13

    6 minutes and 45 seconds of the video we still get blamed for hurting her. And I have not even gotten to the end.

  • @dageekundaground0469
    @dageekundaground0469 2 роки тому +29

    Honestly speaking, I would walk out while she was apologizing.

    • @joeyjackson595
      @joeyjackson595 2 роки тому +6


    • @mr.edwardhyde4234
      @mr.edwardhyde4234 2 роки тому +2


    • @geekylove3603
      @geekylove3603 2 роки тому

      Shouldn't we be apologising for making them victims of an American genocide? Black women and GIRLS are murdered every 5 hours in America. The majority of the killing is not done by black women or white people.

    • @dageekundaground0469
      @dageekundaground0469 2 роки тому

      @@geekylove3603 Despite the fact that you are talking to me from a troll account; I'll admit that you BW who feel this way have given yourself Stockholm syndrome. Stop gaslighting yourself to "feel better" and actually DO the WORK. I KNOW BETTER than to argue with a damaged person.

    • @geekylove3603
      @geekylove3603 2 роки тому

      "Troll account"
      The go to accusation for those who have no argument.
      "Do the work"
      Best I can do I feel is raise my black sons well and respect my woman like she respects me. I will continue to be a decent man and challenge minds when needed. You can go back to conversing with teenage white boys on reddit now about how women are the evil of the world. Peace.

  • @KeithBassJr.
    @KeithBassJr. 2 роки тому +12

    All I’m gonna say is Shaharazad Ali tried to tell y’all…y’all didn’t want to listen…🤷🏾…tear latent apologies are often met with no action for change which breeds the mistrust we have.

  • @Nonetomuch
    @Nonetomuch 2 роки тому +6

    This is why I call us black men/ADOS men specifically the invisible men because I really dont think people really SEE us. I dont think the truly see us as being human. No one cares about our pain or our problems. The running joke in our community is when you ask a black man how is he doing he always had these things he says like" oh man I'm making it", or " man I'm still here", or my favorite "I ain't complaining because nobody will listen". I here this last one more often than not. That last one is deep because it speaks volumes that most black men can relate to this.

  • @k.williams3874
    @k.williams3874 2 роки тому +47

    I want to believe she's genuine but we've been here many times. Crazy thing is I actually feel like I'm wrong for not blindly accepting the apology. Its a hard to explain outside of conditioning

    • @darrdarr7920
      @darrdarr7920 2 роки тому +13

      Definitely the conditioning. Most, if not all of us have been taught we have to forgive BW for their fuggery and to "take them as they are" mostly through our mothers, the women in our family, and even sometimes our fathers that has been brought up the same way. Don't feel bad, the mind is a powerful thing, and what messes BM up in general is that we don't have respect for the psychological and how it affects us on the daily. It took me until I was in my late 20's to finally break the programming my family has done on me.

    • @BigReggii
      @BigReggii 2 роки тому +3

      Im at Ambivalence
      : having or showing very different feelings (such as love and hate) about someone or something at the same time

    • @k.williams3874
      @k.williams3874 2 роки тому +1

      @@BigReggii nice ty brother

    @FREE_WILL_DEFENDER 2 роки тому +14

    Words from a woman mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. Black men especially my generation onwards see females more and more as a thing as another noun to watch out for. As many of us know men overall are more and more separating from the "system" and just being indifferent.

  • @enviedeveryday2835
    @enviedeveryday2835 2 роки тому +13

    Notice you never see a young blk women make videos like this. Or a beautiful blk woman say this. I picked her words apart she just want a man

    • @blackinthemiddlerecords
      @blackinthemiddlerecords 2 роки тому +1

      At the end of the day that's fine. People are motivated by pain and pleasure. If her wanting a man makes black women make changes then the so be it.

    • @enviedeveryday2835
      @enviedeveryday2835 2 роки тому +1

      @@blackinthemiddlerecords it’s a scam she should have said this twenty years ago

    • @gabriellejurdine8125
      @gabriellejurdine8125 2 роки тому

      We haven't been taught.

    • @enviedeveryday2835
      @enviedeveryday2835 2 роки тому +1

      @@gabriellejurdine8125 people tried y’all rejected the teachings

  • @josefrsr1
    @josefrsr1 2 роки тому +5

    Too late. I cant forget:
    My children were stripped in family court
    Wealth stolen
    Put in the streets in the dead of winter to die.
    Well, she's no longer the only millionaire in the room inspite of it all without a sisters help. Now as I turn my back I silently
    I dont need an apology anymore. But thanks.

  • @devonwaunn
    @devonwaunn 2 роки тому +9

    My brother's don't fall for this... What about her asking for our forgiveness. She said at least 7 times about her forgiving us.... the pure arrogance of this woman. It sounds nice but as always if you listen long enough they will let you know their true intentions miss me with this. actions speak way louder than words I'm not from Missouri but you're gonna have to show me sweetie... in the words of the great poet mr. Shawn Carter "we don't believe you, you need more people"

  • @kalonjikala9887
    @kalonjikala9887 2 роки тому +10

    After the first 30 seconds I disbelieved her sincerity. Where was she all of this time? You mean she just read all of this history in the last few weeks.It doesn't matter what one says only what one does.

  • @barrylittle2969
    @barrylittle2969 2 роки тому +15

    She "didn't know..." and she "forgives us..."
    Okay... 🙄🤨😏

  • @Yop067
    @Yop067 2 роки тому +25

    Very moving. However there's a disconnect . I feel like BM are on the right track. We are not hurt, We are growing, We are not pained , We are not guilty, (it's tough I can't lie) but, We gone keep progressing in brotherhood, wealth, and legacy . Hold the line fellas .

    • @busyrand
      @busyrand 2 роки тому

      Well said Brother....

  • @thisrichbastard.809
    @thisrichbastard.809 2 роки тому +6 my opinion, is the appropriate response to this. Keep it moving.

  • @ruminantmelanoid5444
    @ruminantmelanoid5444 2 роки тому +5

    I slept on this last night to let it marinate. What stands out to me is that, at the end she wanted to *ENGAGE ACCORDING TO HER TERMS.* Whether you say she wanted black men to come into *HER FRAME,* or she wanted to *MAINTAIN LOCUS OF CONTROL,* the bottom line is that engagement was to take place on her terms.

    • @jarvisaddison8560
      @jarvisaddison8560 2 роки тому +2

      Facts! I knew it was BS and she old and dusty so now clarity has set in ,but its to late!

    • @jarvisaddison8560
      @jarvisaddison8560 2 роки тому +2

      Facts! I knew it was BS and she old and dusty so now clarity has set in ,but its to late!

    • @BlackHawk0674
      @BlackHawk0674 2 роки тому +1

      @@jarvisaddison8560 thing is, they seemingly have that clarity when their SMV is virtually nonexistent and that's when they seek out good men. No men are rushing en mass to marry old women her age.

    • @jarvisaddison8560
      @jarvisaddison8560 2 роки тому +1

      @@BlackHawk0674 Boom Brother! Facts!

  • @djdrammeh
    @djdrammeh 2 роки тому +22

    If she really means this, then she needs to go and educate the young women coming behind her so they don't make her same mistakes. 80% of what she said is knowledge black men already have because of lived experience. She needs to say this to black women so they do a better job raising their sons they choose to have with Pookie and Ray Ray, or better yet, make better mating choices. Lip service is nice but faith without works is dead.

    • @playablue
      @playablue 2 роки тому

      She does

    • @thespadestable
      @thespadestable 2 роки тому +4

      @@playablue -
      And those women are like her years and decades ago. Women only somewhat learn once their options have ran out, and that's when they can no longer take advantage of opportunities.

  • @freddywayne
    @freddywayne 2 роки тому +20

    🙄 That was some strange 'Performative' Art 🎭 she'd put on right there. Unfortunately, the 'GOTCHA' moment for me (the problem with her performance) was in how she had admitted her own ignorance in being so slow with putting 2 & 2 together about the Black male experience while also pointing out that she has multiple degrees. 🤦🏾‍♂️ MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!

  • @douglasjefferson3633
    @douglasjefferson3633 2 роки тому +9

    Is it just me or does it seem like she spent more time asking black men to forgive themselves for what they did to black women out of hurt vs apologizing to black men for what black women have done to them out of anger and misunderstanding?

    • @beats4life971
      @beats4life971 2 роки тому

      She hit the wall and trying to get some chocolate D. Get your passport and go elsewhere.

  • @cihmounp
    @cihmounp 2 роки тому +7

    If the apology is going to use the, "I didn't know! You were hurting me too bad for me to see!" angle, I'm good.

  • @Cozy566
    @Cozy566 2 роки тому +19

    They can keep their apologies. It's too late in my opinion. 🤷🏿‍♂️

    • @mercermercepanama6334
      @mercermercepanama6334 2 роки тому +8

      I have to agree. It is too little too late for an apology. The damage has already been done.

    • @sickofguysnamedtodd2293
      @sickofguysnamedtodd2293 2 роки тому +2

      That and the only real apology is changed behavior. You can use all the buzzwords you want, apologize all you want but it don’t mean 💩 if you continue to engage in the very same behaviors that you’re apologizing for. It just makes the words that much more hollow. Talk is cheap. Actions, more specific change in actions is how you show sincerity.

    • @geekylove3603
      @geekylove3603 2 роки тому

      Shouldn't we be apologising for making them victims of an American genocide? Black women and GIRLS are murdered every 5 hours in America. The majority of the killing is not done by black women or white people.

    • @Cozy566
      @Cozy566 2 роки тому

      @@geekylove3603 black boys and men are by far dying more. Our community is dysfunctional. Bm and BW

    • @geekylove3603
      @geekylove3603 2 роки тому

      Of course black men and boys are dying more. But why are black women and girls dying more than white men despite being only 6 or 7 % of the American population?

  • @Nonetomuch
    @Nonetomuch 2 роки тому +5

    The other problem I see with this apology is you can't tell someone to forgive themselves so they can forgive you. That's not how this works. If you did someone wrong then YOU are responsible for the wrong you did towards them. Even in her apology she didnt see that she is telling black men how to accept her apology and move forward. To apologize is to admit wrong doing to ask for forgiveness is to show humbleness after admitting the wrong doing. You can't ask black men to forgive themselves because you did some messed up stuff and you "know" they have too, no. How about you apologize and ask for forgiveness and let the black men determine how we move forward. We have had enough of people telling us how to feel, what to say and how to move past our issues with society. We are quite capable of doing this under our own weight.

  • @markswift
    @markswift 2 роки тому +5

    Naw, keep your apology and your mouth closed. That is the peace we need.

  • @TorressvsTyler
    @TorressvsTyler 2 роки тому +8

    We need our women to do this is their 20s

  • @LukaDonesnitch
    @LukaDonesnitch 2 роки тому +7

    Sincere apology, to be honest no. I’m tired and done. All the deflecting, gaslighting, mental and verbal gymnastics, selective competitiveness, cattiness, attitude, divaness lack of accountability & awareness, etc. I don’t want nor care for an apology from black women. Or, women in general, but since this is about bw im strictly focusing on them.

  • @thePraddagee
    @thePraddagee 2 роки тому +18

    Isaiah 9:17
    “Therefore the Lord shall have no joy in their young men, neither shall have mercy on their fatherless and widows: for every one is an hypocrite and an evildoer, and every mouth speaketh folly. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.”

    • @frazier2420able
      @frazier2420able 2 роки тому +3

      Brother can you please elaborate on this scripture seeking understanding

    • @busyrand
      @busyrand 2 роки тому +2

      @@frazier2420able Same... I got a Genius IQ and got a perfect score on the Reading, English Usage, and Scientific Reasoning portions of the ACT College Entrance Exams... But I've never been able to understand bible verses. The prose is too obtuse and/or cyclical...

    • @thePraddagee
      @thePraddagee 2 роки тому +10

      I just woke up and can give verses that go into it better later, but for now in short before I drift back off it simply means that the accountability phase isn’t as simple as mouth language and then everything’s all-good again. They still have to finish out the sentencing (punishments) judged to them. And even though his anger is not turned away, his hand is still stretched out;
      As if eventually helping a drowning person who’ve done you wrong and who’ve made themselves your enemy out of the water (but not without letting them struggle a bit first).
      Although the verse is relatable to ALL of Gods people, it can be transcribed and analogized with the gender war; because Black MEN are the embodiment of God (ye are Gods, and you will die like men), and the struggle with our women is the SAME struggle The Most High has with us as men. Our women’s rebellion is akin to OUR rebellion against our father. We share the same battle.
      So in conclusion we are still angry, just like God is still angry. But “our hands are stretched out still” and we will eventually succumb to forgiveness but not without a lot of pain that’s coming first. They are going to have to struggle a bit flapping in that strong current that’s coming and proving themselves to us first before we grab hold and pull them up.
      I hope that made some sense.
      They can grab hold of that stretch forthed hand at any time, but they first need to LET GO of feminism, that masculine attitude, authority, insubordination etc. Can’t hold on to all of that AND get pulled out of the raging waters at the same time. They have to make a choice, not just talk. God can snatch us out easily, but he wants US to want him: he wants us to do the work to reach out and grab his hand to safety.
      Same thing we want BW to do after all the deeds they put us through, not simply speak hypocritical words as she did.

    • @busyrand
      @busyrand 2 роки тому +1

      @@thePraddagee Thank you! Whenever I see your avatar I heard Grandpa say "Huey... Say something Deep..."

    • @thePraddagee
      @thePraddagee 2 роки тому +1

      @@busyrand i love that scene lol. And Huey P. Newton is probably my favorite Hebrew of all time next to the masiach.

  • @Helminthis
    @Helminthis 2 роки тому +5

    They know and they don't care.

  • @malekkushimuzik3580
    @malekkushimuzik3580 2 роки тому +6

    She still doesn't comprehend anything. She speaks still as if we are a monolith.
    I never been to jail. I never gang banged. I never been the street guy, but I always been in the hood like most brothers I know who don't fit her stereotypes.
    Most dudes in Baltimore don't fall into the minority which she is apologizing to. She isn't apologizing to all of us, just Tyrone.

    • @malekkushimuzik3580
      @malekkushimuzik3580 2 роки тому

      @@Noir_Nouveau I don't have a victim mentality and I don't need an apology from anyone.
      Death is certain and draws closer every moment.
      Make the most of your time and let go of the "threat/liability" stuff. Nobody views you that way, especially as a Black Male. If you think that, they already have your soul
      Most of all, don't let anything outside of you and your desires, control your time and energy.

    • @ariesone3221
      @ariesone3221 2 роки тому

      @@Noir_Nouveau House is burning, perhaps its time to get out the house (Babylon)

  • @MTXSHO9732vV8SHO
    @MTXSHO9732vV8SHO 2 роки тому +25

    She's describing what I call, "The Bad Negro Syndrome". This is the notion that Black Men are always in Mr. Hyde Mode socially, sexually and otherwise. I'm only as good as my next mistake.
    I've got so much experience with that now... i'm able to monetize it. I'll be retiring soon and moving to Vegas where I'll be spending the rest of my adult life as a Sports Gambler.

  • @kingpepper8570
    @kingpepper8570 2 роки тому +6

    The white man gets a pass tho 🤣

  • @CrisisCoreMC
    @CrisisCoreMC 2 роки тому +8

    Gotta hold that L chief. You chose sides already. The blood has been spilled

  • @YoungGrizzly
    @YoungGrizzly 2 роки тому +18

    Tbh im so far gone, what she and other women say dont really matter. Good luck to them though.

    • @ciphbudd7102
      @ciphbudd7102 2 роки тому +2

      “We don’t believe you, You need more People.”

    • @ciphbudd7102
      @ciphbudd7102 2 роки тому +1


    • @morr9998
      @morr9998 2 роки тому +2

      @@ciphbudd7102 yoooooo!! Hip Hop quotes..

  • @Tre38843
    @Tre38843 2 роки тому +2

    In my opinion, black women have done too much. The damage is far too heavy. No amount of apologies can make up for this. That ish is just flat out UNFORGIVEN!!!!

  • @stilman3780
    @stilman3780 2 роки тому +44

    How does one apologize to men while at the same time placing blame on men as the source of her pain? I'm trying to meet her apology half way with an open mind. All I hear is, I'm sorry I stabbed you with a knife because you threw a book at me. I'm trying to make sense of her apology. It's not working for me Family.

    • @enviedeveryday2835
      @enviedeveryday2835 2 роки тому +13

      This was masterful gaslighting.

    • @coolitnow0013
      @coolitnow0013 2 роки тому +13

      This is not an apology,she is leveraging hetself to be accepted in BM spaces cause thats where the smart money is at.Al. these BW dating coaches,gurus and relationship industry hustlers are taking Ls.There whole structure is crumbling and been debunked,a lot of non blacks and non Americans are absorbing brothers talking points and platforms.And nodding in agreement and fascinated with curiosity of our experience.

    • @mr.edwardhyde4234
      @mr.edwardhyde4234 2 роки тому +3

      you actually tried to understand this back stabbing GERM?🤔

    • @mr.edwardhyde4234
      @mr.edwardhyde4234 2 роки тому

      you actually tried to understand this back stabbing GERM?🤔

  • @MrTimeless101
    @MrTimeless101 2 роки тому +5

    well, apologies are great but i feel like we're way past the point of mere apologies and mea culpas. the agenda to destroy black men grinds on, brothers have got to stay focused on there own empowerment first.

  • @mr_willwhite8465
    @mr_willwhite8465 2 роки тому +8

    I sat with this for a while before commenting. The depth of the acknowledgement of the behavior is appreciated. The 🔑 thing I heard her said was that she never researched/sought after the truth, only accepted what was given to her directly through the sistahood/indirectly through white supremacy. HOWEVER, anything less than continuous changed behavior from bw who are aware & a psychological reset amongst them will be meaningless. Bc the fact is, this is still an emotional-based response. Emotions change from day-to-day, sustainable corrected behavior doesn't. Unfortunately, the damage for the larger group of blk community runs so deep, it will never be resolved. KS talks about even just a 10% shift in the community can pay massive dividends (which I agree with) but from where we are now, even 10% won't be reached in my lifetime (I'm 37). This is a great monologe from her, but I keep it in perspective. It's just words. Men aren't accepted by words alone, but by actions. I can't take anything less than that

  • @donovanjackson7999
    @donovanjackson7999 2 роки тому +5

    She may be talking to the generation Xers and older millenials that may be suckered into believeing her. But to us young millienals and gen Zs(zoomers) and generation alphas. What shes saying is going in one ear and out the other

  • @karlosjones6966
    @karlosjones6966 2 роки тому +5

    5:00........ Still AintTaking Responsibility💎

  • @keithanom187
    @keithanom187 2 роки тому +9

    I had to watch this twice (3x actually) To try and figure out how to, or rather how should I feel about this. If I assume her words are genuine (and I do) then this is a well worded, well intended and sincere apology. It probably speaks more the deep rooted schism between BW and BM that something deep inside me remains dismissive & distrustful of her. For me, I realized that the problem is that while I can accept her apology, her words amount to little more than a grain of sand in an large container. That granule of love, respect, remorse, contrition, accountability etc. represented as a lengthy video apology cannot make up for the vast void of such life/soul affirming nourishment needed to fill said container (The container representing the collective spirit of the BM). In this metaphor her apology is so small and miniscule its rather insignificant when placed against the decades willful neglect and contempt for your brother. If this apology is just the beginning of her journey to begin working directly with other women to help change the narratives and steer the new generation in a better direction then her apology will have some worth. Her kind words are appreciated but the problem is too big for any one apology to absolve.

  • @TheBigggguy
    @TheBigggguy 2 роки тому +4

    The sad thing is my knee jerk response to women crying during what they are saying is having to suppress an eye roll and try not to be too insulted by what I’m about to hear.

  • @malarki5
    @malarki5 2 роки тому +28

    I'm not sure whether what l'm about to
    say makes sense but l feel no empathy
    for her alleged empathy for us men!
    Maybe this is because her 'apology'
    transforms into her 'forgiving' men.
    Now this would position her as the
    victim of Black men, wouldn't it?
    Her 'apology' is expansive but there is a
    bait 'n' switch' element inherent within it
    as far as l can tell.
    Perhaps l'm being disingenuous....yes,
    perhaps l am. Maybe this 'apology' is
    too little too late.
    60 years of societal racial slander can't
    be erased in 30 minutes. This much is

    • @riseshiningundam
      @riseshiningundam 2 роки тому +3

      Take anyone who wronged you for years who finally apologized sure you can accept but what’s done is done .

    • @malarki5
      @malarki5 2 роки тому +2

      @@riseshiningundam ...actions
      speak louder than words, no?

  • @walterking85
    @walterking85 2 роки тому +13

    Finally, A Baby Boomer coming Clean. As a Gen-Xer, I had alot of resentment with Baby Boomer and Some Gen-Xer BW who would never admit that they had a leg up on us and gave us their ass to kiss.

  • @thePraddagee
    @thePraddagee 2 роки тому +12

    The black MAN is god. But we shall die like men.

  • @sctalk3778
    @sctalk3778 2 роки тому +13

    I'm sorry the apologies are too late..We need to see money from BW invested in BM. That's the only way you know they are sincere. The truth is, black men and boys are retaliating and now they are scared so the apologies are coming. It's too late, you have watched your boys and men catch hell and put foot on our neck. Most of them are on their own, only the good BW will be protected.

    • @darrdarr7920
      @darrdarr7920 2 роки тому +4

      BM and boys are NOT retaliating against BW, at least not in a violent way, even though I would love for that to be true considering how they keep falsely saying we're murking them "en masse." I can bring up multiple articles from the past few months of BW offing BM for just trying to LEAVE the relationship, or BW murking their sons.

  • @tribeofjesse6191
    @tribeofjesse6191 2 роки тому +4

    “This’ll be the realest shit I ever wrote!”
    The man was here on earth for eons with God, and spirits, before the woman & civilization.
    Therefore he must stand alone.
    No one else can relate with him, except God.
    Women infiltrated, and corrupted man’s relationship with God, by turning tricks, that the Devil taught her.
    She’ll take orders from the Devil before she’ll take orders from God?!

    • @kingjamu5241
      @kingjamu5241 2 роки тому +1

      Yezur!!!...Genesis Chapter 3...Eve wicked as a mug

  • @caliwestmiami
    @caliwestmiami 2 роки тому +2

    Oh now she wants to apologize when she's gonna die alone and is literally no use to a man. Laughable at best. Black men are prepared for the Apology but we are not obligated nor have the desire to accept it

  • @sweethoneythoughts
    @sweethoneythoughts 2 роки тому +1

    The best way any black woman can support black men is to raise our sons as strong men. Raising them in opposition to all the traps and tricks put out there from birth. Bring understanding to our husbands, our bruthas, and listen when they are ready to talk and release their pain. And don’t hind the truth from our sons and daughters as we raise them. Show them their beauty and power everyday. Fight for them everyday in our schools. Because not everyone can afford private schools or homeschooling. These are the things WE had to do for OUR son. He is going on 23, graduated from college, living on his own in the same city of his college and has a brilliant future! WE thank God EVERYDAY for blessing us and him and we pray he continues. No one is perfect. But to do these things, and more, is what we all need to do to heal these generational wounds. Peace love and blessings✊🏾

  • @johnh8705
    @johnh8705 2 роки тому +8

    She didn't realize any of that?

  • @Dr.Zaius3000
    @Dr.Zaius3000 2 роки тому +3

    One other thing; I hate the word "co-parenting!!!"
    Any woman quick to be comfortable with term/scenario, then that is one you shouldn't marry.

  • @scrbroadcast
    @scrbroadcast 2 роки тому +1

    This comment is coming from Houston, TX from a 27 yr old black man, who's just now about to move out of his family home. I say all this to give a sense of context towards my next remarks. BW I don't care. In no way am I ugly, in no way am I hurting financially, and in no way do I hate you, however, I don't care for any form of apology except the one with tangible evidence aka actions. What are going to be your actions in order to make up for these 3 major things: 1) Choosing the United States government over your men effectively handing our population over to said government to create a prison pipeline (mind, body & soul) out of us for generations, 2) Choosing feminism over your men who never sought to "oppress" you or "dominate" you in any type of way, but you have played a pivotal role in our disrespect worldwide for generations & finally 3) Choosing to weaponize your femininity against your own people by tearing apart the family structure which has made millionaires and billionaires out of other communities such as African west, east and even south furthermore literally EVERY ONE ELSE. Black men as a whole from the previous generation and from what I can tell in the next three have decided to go their own way, not all but a majority of us don't hear your shaming language, but we see your entitlement and territorial nature and shall I say it plainly abuse of us in every way. I DO NOT ACCEPT YOUR APOLOGY! Stay strong, independent and NOT needing us!

  • @borgeltaubert
    @borgeltaubert 2 роки тому +3

    That Ayahuasca trip hit different for black women

  • @asowerofseed4896
    @asowerofseed4896 2 роки тому +8

    The more I hear her speak, the more I like what she's trying to say.
    Now, if we can make sure getting the younger women to understand this early.

    • @jdeniro1844
      @jdeniro1844 2 роки тому +2

      Might take 3 generations and 2053 is coming UP quick!?

    • @riseshiningundam
      @riseshiningundam 2 роки тому +3

      Wishful thinking at best .

    • @KiamKweli
      @KiamKweli 2 роки тому +6

      That's the thing. They aren't training their daughters in any noticeable capacity to be wives for someone's son. I say this as a man with sons.

    • @jdeniro1844
      @jdeniro1844 2 роки тому +4

      @@KiamKweli THEIR training them, watch any Tyler Perry/Madea's movie!!! The angry BW template

  • @coolitnow0013
    @coolitnow0013 2 роки тому +10

    Crocidile tears and gaslighting the broad is an actress.Don't,Don't,Don't believe the Hype!!
    She must really think we are guilliable,it would be nice if she was sincere.Experience have taught me better.
    Kick Rocks Lady!!

  • @MicMaine
    @MicMaine 2 роки тому +5

    It really is too little too late. What we gonna build with a post wall 60 year old that is still stuck in her ways who is in menopause? Not a damn thing, you've already raised our daughters and sons to spite us also. This is merely a desperate call for attention because that loneliness is finally setting in and she can't shake it. The degrees aren't filling those voids and she can't get men her age to pay her no mind, not even the simps. Make your actions say sorry, we are done with the empty promises after seeing decades of yall enjoying demonizing us and stepping on our necks for entertainment. Know your worth Kings, don't settle for less than what you've earned.

  • @cihmounp
    @cihmounp 2 роки тому +9

    18:06 - 18:14
    They've been educated right into being the first line of defense for WS

    • @plebefpv
      @plebefpv 2 роки тому +1

      They were the ones injecting black men in the Tuskegee experiments

    • @cihmounp
      @cihmounp 2 роки тому +3

      @@plebefpv true. but hey at least they were making their own money, right...?

    • @neoeyebeleave
      @neoeyebeleave 2 роки тому

      They volunteer (present tense) to be the first line of defense for WS. Nothing BW do or say will make them our ally.

  • @malarki5
    @malarki5 2 роки тому +7

    Red Alert:
    I have just visited this woman's channel
    watched and listened to three videos of
    hers. Dr Johnson....l get why you threw
    this 'apology' video out there for us to
    judge for ourselves!
    Her 'apology' was worthy of a Hillary or
    Bill Clinton i.e. angst-ridden n seemingly
    sincere; but ultimately insincere IMO.
    In the video link below we see at various
    points how she describes her black male
    'friends' as virtual children..and cautions
    her black females viewers to be wary of
    "Black male triggers" so as to avoid them
    acting out like....emotionally volatile kids
    with ADHD or autism.
    To be fair, this woman is quite open about
    her own "emotional triggers"... and PTSD
    (l appreciate the disclosure). But all along
    one gets a sense of her describing some
    sort of predatory animal.... around whom
    dangers are ever present.
    There is a thin line between patronizing
    and empathy...& often the line's blurred.
    Such seems to be the case in the video
    Start from the 24 mins 17 sec mark and
    all maybe become apparent.

    • @ronibeziako
      @ronibeziako 2 роки тому +1

      yea... something is very wrong with these women

  • @Mr.St.Patrick
    @Mr.St.Patrick 2 роки тому +6

    Something about this message doesn't sit well with me, it's like I heard this before the broken promises that was made. Nothing a BW says can be trusted until she puts in the action. Just my experience....

  • @miguelito6944
    @miguelito6944 2 роки тому +3

    That was a very convincing performance. Words come easy to some. Show me, black woman. Don't talk about it. BE ABOUT IT..!

  • @D.remedy
    @D.remedy 2 роки тому +11

    The best apology from the bw is through actions. A video can fall to obscurity through algorithms. A video can be deleted. But actions can change lives and communities. So until that happens I'd like ranch with that word salad. I don't believe you you need more people.

    • @riseshiningundam
      @riseshiningundam 2 роки тому

      We can only take accountability for ourselves blaming everyone for the actions of a few is part of the problem imo

  • @awesomepost3542
    @awesomepost3542 Рік тому +3

    This is not an apology, this is about her coming of age and hitting the wall. At best it is disingenuous, at worse it is about her hero complex and saving the 12-23% of black males, not black men, that fit her narrow perspective and definition of black men. Notice, she never once speaks on the achievements of the 70-85% of invisible successful and caring black men, that are good guys and viewed by modern women's as boring and disposable. The absurdity and foolishness! Men hold the line, protect your hearts, and selves at all times.

  • @CriticalTimez
    @CriticalTimez 2 роки тому +2

    Shaharazad Ali has been trying to help BW to understand this for decades and some BW still have hate and anger towards her. 😔🤷🏽‍♀️

  • @jacary
    @jacary 2 роки тому +3

    I'm not accepting any apology from a BW you betrayed us and I'll never trust a Bw again ✊🏿👊🏿

  • @mentalog6018
    @mentalog6018 2 роки тому +9

    She needs the work of God. She thinks she gets benefits out of the virtue of being nonthreatening. All I can do is SMH.

  • @08billw
    @08billw 2 роки тому +4

    Nope. Done with all the words. Proof is in the action. I dont believe nothing a BW says only her actions speak. Get on our program or get gone. No need for a history lesson we are living with there betrayal.

  • @nicklausb
    @nicklausb 2 роки тому +8

    She went off the rails with the ".... physical manifestation of God....." stuff.
    Take it easy, sis.

    • @barrylittle2969
      @barrylittle2969 2 роки тому +3

      Yeah, she started going into Umar Johnson Shakra Territory...

  • @lovetruth6501
    @lovetruth6501 2 роки тому +5

    I hear her but I don’t 100 percent feel her. The part that irks me is after apologizing she gives the black man a call to action not to forgive but to let her help him heal and be appreciated. Last time I checked you can’t get healing in the same place that made you sick, right?