Thanks for watching and subscribing. We try to cover a broad spectrum of important and often difficult global issues and we really appreciate your positive feedback.
I am from Namibia, I was born and raised in the Lutheran faith, currently a practicing protestant, but my world was greatly shaped by the Lutheran faith.
Overall, DW does great work - one of the best global English language networks out there in terms of fairness and intelligent coverage, and of course, these docs, too!
DW and a few more german television channels made this doc in german language. This is only the translated version to english by DW, or better known as "Deutsche Welle".
Happy i came across this, i visited a friend in Norway, who took me to their church, everything was Catholic but no sign of the cross, and the main celebrant was a woman,i was surprised and when I asked about the church, she told me it's the Martin Luther church and believe me at first i thought she meant Martin Luther king. Ever since i have been wondering....why I am happy to come across this doc. Thank you DW for your amazing reports. I am a huge fan!
If you ask yourself why Dw is not making critical thinking about religion this time is because DW is from Germany and Martin Luther was from Germany (FAF)
It's a shame that people think that when they enter a church that is Lutheran they actually don't know the difference between Martin Luther and Martin Luther King. The later was born Michael King. He changed his name.
Was born & raised a Roman Catholic, but strayed on my own. Several teachings, and too many Papal doctrines I Could NOT/Would Not back have me "outside the church" . This documentary (1st time viewed, minutes ago) , would have had me a Martin Luther convert years ago, had I known all the details presented, back then. I was fed only sidesteps and condemnations (with no details) about Martin Luther. What an interesting way to start 2021... much investigation lies ahead for me. Thanks for throwing some light onto my path !
🟨🟨Jesus lived in the region called today Middle east,that's why you should check what historical sources in this region are saying,history is about sources not "theories",Jesus was the Messiah simply a man,a reformer of faith.The majority of people under Romans and then later Byzintines in Syria,Iraq,Egypt,North Africa,part of central Asia and even Goths in Eastern Europe and Spain, and Germanic nations believed in Jesus simply as a prophet of God but Romans and Byzintines under the fast spread of the movement founded by Jesus tried to save the ideology of the impire which is paganism by integrating the new faith into their ideology and this is how "christianity was born" and they forced it on people around the ancient World with persecution,burning religious books and hisorical sources ,all what happened from the 1st century AD till modern era has been about this struggle,nations in what's now called Muslim World and in Spain for some period of time accepted Islam since it's close to their faith and Islam gave them religious freedom and these nations fought with early Muslims and this why Islam spread so fast in few years , European nations stood against the Church in Rome and Constantinople but with time the Church was able to spread their political ideology,this period was called the "Darks ages" and it's the Church which made it dark ,later the European renaissace was just an other phase of this struggle. Europeans today have no idea of their true history simply because the "Catholic Church" especially wiped it out . I guess you're European I advise you to know you real history❤
That is a false and ridiculous quote. Just like the over used quote of yours, you're forgetting about ignorance. Nobody is going to care what you have to say, as long as your profile pictures is of a cross. Maybe you should think for yourself instead of regurgiting googled quotes of ancient scholars? By your profile pictures I can guarantee you have no tolerance when it comes to homosexuality, other people's religions, females as equal to males, a woman's right to do what she wants with her body? F**k the 'fix!
@@areyouawake-2532 Is any one saved because he/she thinks so? "But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you, or of man's judgment: yea, I judge not mine own self. 4 For I know nothing by myself; yet am I not hereby justified: but he that judgeth me is the Lord. 5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God."
Hi, I work in NYC and with the vaccine mandate I'm facing unemployment on Dec 27th 2021. I was led to this video I believe by the Holy Spirit. Today, instead of spending the day with my wife and kids as I would like, I have to put in time doing biblical research on how to defend my faith and trust in God to be my defense and deliverer during this pandemic as I appeal for religious exemption. The Holy Spirit brought this to my remembrance, "the just shall live by faith", then Psalm 91 and Hebrews 11. And so I'm here, drawing strength to defend my faith in God in writing to my employer and the State of New York. The Lord's will be done, Amen.
“Has it ever struck you that life is all memory, except for the one present moment that goes by you so quick you hardly catch it going?”― Tennessee Williams.
What I don't understand is why weren't the Lutherans able to discern the evil that was in hitler to reject him and never suffer the pain that he brought to the World including his own people!
This is actually an episode from the German TV channel ZDF and their history documentary series, Die Deutschen (The Germans.) DW just dubbed it into English; sadly, not the other episodes.
I stumbled upon this video and it caused me to watch it for several reasons. First of all as a young boy I was raised by my parents in the Lutheran church. Most people in the city I grew up in , St. Louis, Missouri, were either Roman Catholic or some form of protestant denominations. This denomination, namely being Lutheran, gave me a sense of God consciousness. I studied for two years prior to being confirmed as a young person in my early teens. Later, I began attending another protestant denomination in which salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ and His attorning work was similar but evangelistically oriented. This video is a good overview as to how Martin Luther, via the Reformation, came into existence. It is clear that Luther was learned of the bible, diligent in his research and fervent in his beliefs that the Pope was not infallible, that Catholicism was not only distorted in its teachings. It is clear that the selling of indulgences was a tool for the Pope of that era to raise money for his purposes. Some would say that the Catholic church has become more corrupt over the centuries or that it is not really a Christian church.
And yet there was and still is another side of Christianity, apart from Western Catholic and its protestant derivations- the Orthodox Church, the only one which kept the true faith and all the Patristic Councils decisions at its core. Reformation sprouted a zillion heretic movements, culminating in cults and who knows what those US Southerners are worshiping, certainly not the Holy Trinity.
The TV preachers tell their audience that faith is necessary and sufficient to receive forgiveness of all sins and gain entry to heaven. The best proof of faith is tithing to the church. These preachers are selling indulgences. Their audience has come to believe that God’s forgiveness is a license to sin.
@@charlesbrowne9590 The pope needed money to build St. Peter's, a magnificent building open to all. Today we have gold covered banks and weapons of universal death. Lutherans got rid of the pope and put the princes in charge, until the people realized they did not need the prince either and Luther went nuts against the democratic political rebels.
Pope and Luther were the same both lusting for power never for the poor or middle class but the rich & royalty. The fact he turned against his people is telling wolf in sheep's clothing he was
This is a fact most people dont realize, that Jesus died for us to save us from ETERNAL torment! This is why we NEED Jesus! He died for us, rose again and took away our ETERNAL PUNISHMENT for our evil sins, so that if we repent and Trust in Him ONLY and believe He is one with God and Gods son, and is The Savior of humanity, you will be saved and forgiven of your sins!
What many may not know is that Martin Luther also wrote a book called "The Jews and their lies". I love this documentary. Its very powerful, and one of the best I've seen. More people need to see this. It needs millions of views. Thank you.
It is man's pride that makes him think he has to have a part in earning or paying for salvation...salvation is paid in full by the sacrifice on the cross by Christ and him alone
Ich bewundere, was Martin Luther im Grunde gegen den Strom der Gesellschaft getan hat, was viel Mut erfordert. Im gegenwärtigen Moment bin ich sehr dankbar, dass ich eine lutherische Kirche besucht habe - ein erfrischender Einblick in eine intellektuelle Kirche. Wir feierten das Oktoberfest und ein Teilnehmer spendete sogar einen Haufen Bier. Endlich bin ich unter Gleichgesinnten, die ich mit Acrylfarben male, und arbeite daran, mein kleines Tierfotografie-Unternehmen zu gründen, also bin ich ein sehr glücklicher Camper. Vielen Dank für das Teilen dieses interessanten Videos. Vielen Dank
PLEASE READ GOD IS ASKING YOU TOO Something else that is not taught in schools anymore, there is only ONE way to enter heaven and that is by the blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, you don't get it by being "good" because non of us are, Humanity ALL breaks the commandments everyday and the wages of sin is DEATH, but the good news is that God has given us a gift of EVERLASTING LIFE!!!! Ephesians 2:8-9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by works, so that no one can boast. Heaven and Hell are REAL places and NOBODY other than Jesus Christ can get you in, No other "gods" can help you, ALL other so called gods are Fallen Angels not gods! they are CREATED not the CREATOR!!!!! The Hindu, Egyptian, Greek, Norse "gods" LIE and DECIEVE I used to fall for their pagan lies, I have explored beliefs all over the world and I promise there is no other that will not deceive you, Satan and his minions take any form they need to in order to make you believe they are the creators, They want the GLORY that belongs to GOD!! God bless all of you!
Luther`s teaching changed England forever and also changed the world as we know it today too, whether for good or bad it`s your own mind that decides which. An excellent production many dankes.
It wasn't just his teaching. One of the greatest things was his translating the bible into German, the English translations, and Guttenberg's printing press which made so many bibles available to the common man. Now people could read the word of God for themselves and compare it with what the Catholic Church was teaching. That's why so many, like myself, left the Roman church.
@@kjvnews8326 teaching or Killin with teaching. It's easy to kill and convinsing... When your whole family has been killed in the name of your god. The god that is eternally good....
@@philipsangwal5824 By going against the church? Which goes back to the early apostles? Protestantism now is a confusing mess. 77 english translations of the bible alone, not to mention the many many different denominations that claim "sola scriptura", yet tell women they have to wear skirts and not pants, for example. (Baptist doctrine) This division and confusion is the result of Luther's movement and teaching. The best thing that came from this was the bible being made available to the common man. But not after Luther, in his own authority, removed books that have been there for generations.
I find these 5 minute long ads very annoying. They are NOT advertisements, they are programs that I am not interested in watching or buying anything they are selling.
Brilliant work ! We sadly are missing and need more people that have this unique thinking and resilience to evil and corruption. Especially today to teach us and direct us to be better.
That what the Bible is for! The Bible directs us to God truth and how he wants us to live. You may not be able to change the world but you can start by being guided by the Bible 💕
We are, but it's a shame ' The Only True Church ' does not recoqnize that, they are in their belief, the only one's who are saved. It's not up to them to decide, it's up to God. 😊❤😂😅😮😎👍👌
Another incredible DW Documentary. Captivating info; wonderfully, and graphically, presented. World class. Thank you! Throughout mankind’s written history there has always been a religious minority. A mis-understood, fighters against religious status quo, and consequently persecuted for their “radical” beliefs. Today is no different.
Remember when the Catholics burned the books creating the short stories we know today. Remember them taking up paganism and implementing it in christianity?
Wow! I've been looking for a documentary like this for many years I'm glad I found this one. By any chance do you have a documentary about the French Revolution?
@@DWDocumentary but it's more about favouring Martin Luther and show church wrong if it's history show as history but not in bias way....this one side story
@@dilipmathangi5434 that's way the title of this docu is Martin Luther. It is all about him and his bias. If you don't agree with this docu, please make yours!
Catholics are Christians. Actually, Catholics and Orthodox Christians existed for 1,400 years before any Protestant denomination came into being, which includes Lutheranism and every other 30,000 Protestant denominations.:/
What a great documentary on the founder of Protestantism! Thank you very much for this free resource on UA-cam. Do you have documentaries on the historicity of Moses, the origins of the Old Testament and the nation of Israel, or John Calvin? Thanks again and God bless DW!
Martin Luther is why we Lutherans have always been a thorn in the side of the political establishment of any country where we are present. We bow to God and not the state. Governments are transitory as God is eternal. Luther put into our mouths `My rights under God`` not under the state. Rights are granted by God and not the state which unfortunately is an all to common belief among our so called democracies.
Luther in the beginning did not object to corruption or some strange religious practices but was against the theology of the late Middle-ages that did not give a real witness of the belief of the redemption by Jesus Christ. Thats what made him insist on the justification doctrine. He only wanted to change the theology and in that way the church as a whole. He never ever had an idea to reform the church in the way it happend in Reformation. He even later opposed to some reforms that were made for instance in Wittenberg by the course of the reform movement. Luther even was more a mystic if you read him carefully.
Lutheranism was the driving force behind the character of the current Anglican church with it's retainment of bishops, vestments and in some case statues. It became in effect along with Anglicanism a happy half way house between Roman Catholic elaboracy and Reformed/Calvinist austerity.
Guy, "high church" liturgy in Anglicanism is far more elaborate than any Roman Catholic service I've ever been to. I've attended "high church" Episcopalian services (here in the US), Roman Catholic services, and non-denominational reformed services. The Catholic services and the non-denominational services were extremely similar, differing in only one minor aspect. The Anglo-Catholic services were over the top elaborate, highly ritualistic.
This is a great documentary about the legacy and contribution of Martin Luther.Resisting and inspiring the people to fight against the abuses of the powerful dogmatic Church and spreading the truth is truly remarkable.This gives me more reason to never ever go back and believe the Catholic Church. 1:14 am 9-15-22
Just try to apply the same standards toward the state today, especially in Germany. ha ha ha. Just try to find truth, freedom from abuses, and peace from the modern state. Lutheranism today is disappearing into yet another woke failure.
If God considered the Protestant reformation false he would've shattered it there and then it's obvious the church after centuries of wickedness had to reform and go back to the 1st century setting
@@ReformedR God already deemed protestantisim false, biggest nation of Protestants USA all of the Protestant churches acccept LGBTQ marriage and woman priests……. Also early Protestants helped invading Muslims and said "rather Turkish turban than the papal tiara" satanic statement…… You call your church "Lutherians"? Luther did nothing but divided Christianity and you Protestants have thousands of denominations that can’t even agree with yourselves…… Martin Luthifer was a demon. Notice how all of the Protestant nations have fallen to secular liberalism??? Catholic Church made by the Lord himself and commanded Saint Peter to start, God bless the church and may we all be united again and destroy this secular liberalism that Luthifer started.
They got the "dates and dead people" correct, but they missed the most important historical and spiritual fact, that is, God's work. Martin Luther and all the reformers worried about servants in the hands of God who is reclaiming the church and declaring the truth of the Gospel, which is salvation by grace alone.
Sehr Gutt. My name is Martin and although I'm American (Italian-American) I lived in Augsburg for four years. Ich habe in Augsburg fur vier jahren gewohnen. 🇺🇸🇩🇪.
The beast was wounded forever. Thanks to these brave christians, jan hus, wycliffe, luther, calvin, ulrick, etc for standing against the beast of Vatican
Luthifer divided Christianity and helped early Muslims attack the Catholic Church…….. he did nothing Burt divide like a demon….. The Catholic Church is still the biggest by far, and we trace back all the way to Jesus the lord himself and Saint Peter. "Rather the Turkish turban than the papal tiara"…….. well it looks like the Protestant nations are getting what they asked for with all the Muslim immigration and their satanic statement in the beginning. Protestantisim gave birth to secular liberalsim, Prots and Muslims tried destroying the Catholic Church and FAILED, God protects the Church, may we all be united under Christ again.
I am watching this documentary from Schmalkalden where the Schmalkaldic League was formed. Unknowing of the history of the place it fills me with great astonishment how every corner has a significance in history
“I will go peaceably and firmly to the Catholic Church: for if Faith is so important to our salvation, I will seek it where true Faith first began, seek it among those who received it from God Himself.” (St Elizabeth Anne Seton)
Catholics aren't the original Christian. They just pretend to be because they are the oldest surviving Church with propaganda telling people Jesus created it.
It's the inclusion of folklore and commentary that compromise so much of the "richness" of catholic dogma. The cult of Mary, the rosary, purgatory, relic veneration... Where in life of Jesus do you find any of this?? In the end, all later accretions. Martin Luther were reformers and minimalist, stripping the practice down to basics.
Catholics look too strictly like Pharisees to me? Like what the comment above said they have made up these new religious rituals that don’t have anything to do with preaching the gospel of Christ
More likely how could we not be aware, Luther here Luther there, what he ultimately archived was the slowly decline of Catholic Church and he sets the path to a more and more secular society. After the 30 Years War ravaged the German Landscape and People, one quarter of the German Population gets killed, starved and tortured to death, the HRE started to separate the Church from the Politics and embraced the Age of Humanism.
After watching "Unity towards the east p1" by Mark Woodman where he was explaining the way Luther was compelled to recant, I decided to watch his story. If you will make it to heaven, he will be one of the people that you will see, for he stood for the truth.
A fascinating vid and I am learning so much.But I felt like I waged a war with the loud dramatic music!It eventually won I only made it half way through a 2nd go of this vid.
“Evangelical” is not Latin. It is Greek coming from the words: “Ev” meaning good And the verb “angello” meaning bringing the message. Therefore, evangelical means: the good message.
In my opinion in the final analysis it is simply the longing for peace from within each individual through peace can you find purpose and serenity. And prosperity building a solid stance with balance then the individual decides to live a comfortable life. Accepting life with all it is. And finally feel moments of pure happiness. In a spiritual aspect.
The greatest man, that Germany 🇩🇪 has given, to Germany, and to the world, He never stop been catholic. There is a great need of men like this, for Europe, and the world. Thanks to God and Luter, i can read the Bible in Spanish.
Thanks him also for his sola scriptura doctrine that bring us today more that thousand of christian denomination all can interpret the bible in their own ways
@@Kitiwake God never mentioned a religious political entity that rules over the world. Remember, Jesus hated those kind of things he would rather be a commoner than a ruler. Which is why the Catholic Church is a flaw. The Catholic Church was never appointed by God. Especially if it takes money, and you know Jesus hates organizations that take money. I don't think Jesus would like the Catholic Church.
Brilliant teaching of history - but WHY, WHY, WHY do we have to put up with the constant background noise which adds nothing to the programme - we endure the 'noise man' to get at the facts. It's Irritating.
Isaiah 7:13-14 And he said, Hear ye now, O house of David; Is it a small thing for you to weary men, but will ye weary my God also? Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. *Matthew 1:22-23 Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.*
My local museum has original German bibles from this era. Very interesting to see the historical information. My small community is largely German and Mennonite. Next time I go and hold the Bible’s I’ll be thinking of this video. ✨
If you look back in history no civilization has done less according to their time scale. Take for example the Egyptian, The Indus Vally people, The Mesopotamians, and so on. Yet the Germanian people have done no less.
catholics aren't real christians. Waldensians or waldenese were the real christians that were slaughtered by catholics. martin luther knew that and that's why he went after catholics
What’s up with the shoe on the stick?? I have been trying to find information online about what it may symbolize or serve a purpose for, but can’t find anything
There wasn't just "nothing" before the big bang. All matter that would make up the universe were comprised into a very limited space. Also, "god" doesn't answer anything in that regard... Where did that god come from then? It's just a filler argument to propose an answer to something we can't know for sure yet. Atheism takes the humble road of saying: I don't know but I'm not convinced that there is a god.
+MacX85 your comment is incoherent There wasn't just "nothing" before the big bang. All matter that would make up the universe were comprised into a very limited space. hhhh This is child childish since the big bang proofs the universe hard a beginning so there was a point there was no matter ,space and time ,they all begun Also, "god" doesn't answer anything in that regard... Where did that god come from then? It's just a filler argument to propose an answer to something we can't know for sure yet. This is complete ignorance from your side ,since that question will lead us to infinite regression which will mean the universe will not have come to existence at all Atheism takes the humble road of saying: I don't know but I'm not convinced that there is a god. That is dogmatic
Thats probably agnosticism. Atheism makes a more bolder, declarative assertion that God does not exist and have a strict, sometimes overly rigid materialistic view of hard sciences, which in of itself isnt wrong. Religion and Science both exist and seek to answer questions from two vastly different avenues of life, the universe, the material world, the conscious and unconscious mind. Thats why some of the best post-modernists or existentialists like Pascal, Kierkegaard, Doestoesvky, even Nietzsche came from religious backgrounds, Nietzsche's father was a Lutheran minister and even trained in a Lutheran seminary before becoming irreligious and instead trained to be a lawyer and philosopher. Existentialist philosophers usually ask the hard, sobering, difficult questions about organized religions the best, IMHO, read Doestoevsky's The Idiot, Brothers Kamarov, Grand Inquisitor, Notes from the Underground, or Kierkegaard's The Absurdity of Belief which organized three types of moral behaviors for people: moral, aesthetic, and the spiritual. The Aesthetic is the lowest moral/ethical level behavior, moral is the second and medium moral/ethical level behavior, and the spiritual is the highest and most advanced moral/ethical individual behavior.
@mudu abdi The question "Where did god come from" is legitimate. At one point there has to be a beginning (aka the dawn of time) before which god couldn't possibly have existed. It's the same premise as: "What's behind the edges of the universe?" As far as we know space as we know it is limited. So behing the edges of our universe is what? Nothing? Another universe? The human mind has great difficulties understanding the concept of "Nothingness" and tries to fill it with things we know. Try to imagine "nothing". You probably will get to a big totally black area. But that's not "nothing", it's a big black area. The Big Bang theory is the universally accepted origin for space, time, (anti-)matter and everything as we know it. Almost everything (Quantum physics is still a bit off, but we're working on it) is we have observed so far points to one point of origin. But make no mistake -- the Big Bang isn't an explosion as we know it. It only lasted one microsecond and in that time the current laws of physics didn't apply and we can actually calculate back the state of the universe up to that point in time. What caused the Big Bang? Nobody knows, it could actually be god, or not. That's for every person to decide.
The Catholic Church is rellay wonderfull!!!! It is not sola scriptura. Wow!!! Otherwise we would not hv known what was there between the gap when the gospels were not there...... Traditions are damn important.
🟨🟨Jesus lived in the region called today Middle east,that's why you should check what historical sources in this region are saying,history is about sources not "theories",Jesus was the Messiah simply a man,a reformer of faith.The majority of people under Romans and then later Byzintines in Syria,Iraq,Egypt,North Africa,part of central Asia and even Goths in Eastern Europe and Spain, and Germanic nations believed in Jesus simply as a prophet of God but Romans and Byzintines under the fast spread of the movement founded by Jesus tried to save the ideology of the impire which is paganism by integrating the new faith into their ideology and this is how "christianity was born" and they forced it on people around the ancient World with persecution,burning religious books and hisorical sources ,all what happened from the 1st century AD till modern era has been about this struggle,nations in what's now called Muslim World and in Spain for some period of time accepted Islam since it's close to their faith and Islam gave them religious freedom and these nations fought with early Muslims and this why Islam spread so fast in few years , European nations stood against the Church in Rome and Constantinople but with time the Church was able to spread their political ideology,this period was called the "Darks ages" and it's the Church which made it dark ,later the European renaissace was just an other phase of this struggle. Europeans today have no idea of their true history simply because the "Catholic Church" especially wiped it out . I guess you're European I advise you to know you real history❤
@@علي-ش7ث8ب first of all, no, i am not an European. Secondly, if you are saying that what muslim taught about Jesus was right, then it's contradicting history as they don't believe in the crucifixion. Now, if the crucifixion is real, my question is, why was Jesus crucified? John, 5:18 - For this reason they tried all the more to kill him; not only was he breaking the Sabbath, but he was even calling God his own Father, making himself equal with God. John 1:14, 18; John 3:16, 18), Jesus presented himself as Son and not just as one who was the divinely appointed Messiah (and therefore "son" of God). He made himself out to be more than only someone chosen and anointed as divine representative to fulfil an eschatological role in and for the kingdom. All the apostles were martyred coz of preaching the divinity of Christ. As st. Paul says, If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. More than that, we are then found to be false witnesses about God, for we have testified about God that he raised Christ from the dead. If Jesus was just a man, i wonder why do people get healed by his name. I wonder, why is there power in that name.
@@xavierdcruze3917 1-The Coran clearly says that Jesus may peace be upon him was crucified but God saved him from this cursed death,I'm not accountable for some Muslims missunderstanding,I only follow what the Coran says(if you want me to explain to you why some Muslims believe that Jesus wasn't crucified I'll be happy to explain that to you) 2-The new testament and the old testament are not a "western" sources,they were borrowed from the "Middle East",when historical sources and religions go from a culture to an other cuture they get misunderstood because the lack of knowledge of culture,language,history,geography,religious creeds of the original land and also due to politics.(new religions are not welcomed and they get absorbed in local cultures) 3-Jesus was a historical figure who influenced all the ancient World and especially what's called now Europe,it's bizzare that this particular region lacks historical sources about such an influential man that modern western historians have started questionning the very existence of Jesus!!you should ask yourself what has happened to these local sources???!!! 4-Why the Church was so scared when the Bible 'which is the only historical source for "Europeans"'was translated and was made accessible for commun people? The should've been happy because it will spread their creed and made Christianity stronger!!!❤
Tradition on top of tradition on top of tradition created a church so far removed from the real gospel of Christ that it took someone at the time the bible could finally be published to declare to the masses the most obvious thing on earth- the church needs to place itself below scripture, not above it. What a revolution.
@@shellieperreault6262 The scriptures go against all the teachings of the Church Unfortunately,Christians leave the scriptures and stick to the Church interpretations These interpretations are deep rooted in their minds that when they read the Bible they can't see what it really tells, I can't blame them because the Church did a "great" job! It's not a surprise when the Bible which is the only scriptures left,was translated and was made accessible to commun people the Church was so scared!❤
Acts 17:23 For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you.
It was a schism indeed. If you would like to see a REAL reformer read about St. Francis of Assisi or St. Ignatius of Loyola or St. Catherine of Sienna. Martin Luther was a pronounced and true apostate
@@kafon6368 A divide is necessary if it is against the Bible and how Yah justifies one through His Son Jesus. If you can’t see this then you need to cry out to Him and receive His free gift of salvation. The Catholic Church is a joke and has no authority to be a mediator between God and man. There is only One and His name is Jesus. Period. There is a reason Catholic doctrine isn’t anywhere to be found in the Scriptures. 🤷♂️
It was a schism. Yes, the church was corrupt at that time, and it's a human thing of corruption, greed and power, and was the mentality of people at that time. The church needed reformation, yes, but not split and form your own church. It just created more confusion.
@@zenvirgil If you don’t agree with the basics of Christianity and how one is justified in Christ then you are not apart of the true church which is described in the scriptures. There needs to be a split if there a Christian’s who don’t even agree with the basic principles of Christianity. The Catholic church isn’t Christian because they believe they can save themselves and twist the Word of God for their own unbiblical traditions.
If at all anyone is to be conferred “Sainthood” it should have been the good Doctor who threw open Scripture to the world. It has taken the world a full 500 years to realize what a monumental task he did.
I am blown away by the quality of this documentary, DW - excellent job!!!
Thanks for watching and subscribing. We try to cover a broad spectrum of important and often difficult global
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I am from Namibia, I was born and raised in the Lutheran faith, currently a practicing protestant, but my world was greatly shaped by the Lutheran faith.
Overall, DW does great work - one of the best global English language networks out there in terms of fairness and intelligent coverage, and of course, these docs, too!
DW and a few more german television channels made this doc in german language. This is only the translated version to english by DW, or better known as "Deutsche Welle".
Well, it's German. The English Language is derived from the Germanic language and Galic. In Ireland, Scotland and Britian they spoke Galic.
@@wandasewell4501 you,should look up the definition of pedantic
@@DTk5584 good one! 😆
@@friesensdiecastcollection2734 we know!
Thank you DW. May you give more of such documentary. Sometimes we get lost in the crowd ... everyone knows everything
Happy i came across this, i visited a friend in Norway, who took me to their church, everything was Catholic but no sign of the cross, and the main celebrant was a woman,i was surprised and when I asked about the church, she told me it's the Martin Luther church and believe me at first i thought she meant Martin Luther king. Ever since i have been wondering....why I am happy to come across this doc. Thank you DW for your amazing reports. I am a huge fan!
Go to a real Lutheran church and not the fake apostate state run churches that are liberal.
Hahaha! Girl thank God I’m not the only one I def thought MLK at first lol
If you ask yourself why Dw is not making critical thinking about religion this time is because DW is from Germany and Martin Luther was from Germany (FAF)
It's a shame that people think that when they enter a church that is Lutheran they actually don't know the difference between Martin Luther and Martin Luther King. The later was born Michael King. He changed his name.
I like the documentary and I will use it for class in Church history. I am not German but have grown up with DW and I love them entirely! Thank you DW
My church is in Iceland and often refer to Martin Luther in my study sessions
Love from an Indian student
Your documentary help me a lot in my graduation studies ..
Was born & raised a Roman Catholic, but strayed on my own. Several teachings, and too many Papal doctrines I Could NOT/Would Not back have me "outside the church" . This documentary (1st time viewed, minutes ago) , would have had me a Martin Luther convert years ago, had I known all the details presented, back then. I was fed only sidesteps and condemnations (with no details) about Martin Luther.
What an interesting way to start 2021... much investigation lies ahead for me.
Thanks for throwing some light onto my path !
🟨🟨Jesus lived in the region called today Middle east,that's why you should check what historical sources in this region are saying,history is about sources not "theories",Jesus was the Messiah simply a man,a reformer of faith.The majority of people under Romans and then later Byzintines in Syria,Iraq,Egypt,North Africa,part of central Asia and even Goths in Eastern Europe and Spain, and Germanic nations believed in Jesus simply as a prophet of God but Romans and Byzintines under the fast spread of the movement founded by Jesus tried to save the ideology of the impire which is paganism by integrating the new faith into their ideology and this is how "christianity was born" and they forced it on people around the ancient World with persecution,burning religious books and hisorical sources ,all what happened from the 1st century AD till modern era has been about this struggle,nations in what's now called Muslim World and in Spain for some period of time accepted Islam since it's close to their faith and Islam gave them religious freedom and these nations fought with early Muslims and this why Islam spread so fast in few years , European nations stood against the Church in Rome and Constantinople but with time the Church was able to spread their political ideology,this period was called the "Darks ages" and it's the Church which made it dark ,later the European renaissace was just an other phase of this struggle.
Europeans today have no idea of their true history simply because the "Catholic Church" especially wiped it out .
I guess you're European I advise you to know you real history❤
Where are you from? We were taught this in school and it seems very biased not to teach it
“Nothing can be loved or hated unless it is first understood.”― Leonardo da Vinci.
Are you saved by Grace through faith? In the Gospel and blood of Jesus Christ
No so, people hate that which they do not understand everyday. It's called prejudice, to pre judge before one has all the information.
Only feared
That is a false and ridiculous quote. Just like the over used quote of yours, you're forgetting about ignorance.
Nobody is going to care what you have to say, as long as your profile pictures is of a cross. Maybe you should think for yourself instead of regurgiting googled quotes of ancient scholars?
By your profile pictures I can guarantee you have no tolerance when it comes to homosexuality, other people's religions, females as equal to males, a woman's right to do what she wants with her body?
F**k the 'fix!
@@areyouawake-2532 Is any one saved because he/she thinks so? "But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you, or of man's judgment: yea, I judge not mine own self.
4 For I know nothing by myself; yet am I not hereby justified: but he that judgeth me is the Lord.
5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God."
Great work DW !! Fabulous cinematography and Fantastic narration. Informative and quality documentary 👏
got assigned this for class, stellar work DW
Thank you! We hope the film was helpful. Go ace that class. :-)
Hi, I work in NYC and with the vaccine mandate I'm facing unemployment on Dec 27th 2021. I was led to this video I believe by the Holy Spirit. Today, instead of spending the day with my wife and kids as I would like, I have to put in time doing biblical research on how to defend my faith and trust in God to be my defense and deliverer during this pandemic as I appeal for religious exemption. The Holy Spirit brought this to my remembrance, "the just shall live by faith", then Psalm 91 and Hebrews 11. And so I'm here, drawing strength to defend my faith in God in writing to my employer and the State of New York. The Lord's will be done, Amen.
“Has it ever struck you that life is all memory, except for the one present moment that goes by you so quick you hardly catch it going?”― Tennessee Williams.
Welll said that was deeeeep
What I don't understand is why weren't the Lutherans able to discern the evil that was in hitler to reject him and never suffer the pain that he brought to the World including his own people!
So blessed than most nations at that time, this is how pride can bring trouble....
we’ve all noticed?
Timeline documentaries are the best videos on UA-cam. Thanks so much!!!
Thank you for watching and taking the time to comment! :-)
All the DW documents are rich in content. Keep up tho good work DW.
Hi @Benjamin chelliah, we are glad you think so :)
This is actually an episode from the German TV channel ZDF and their history documentary series, Die Deutschen (The Germans.) DW just dubbed it into English; sadly, not the other episodes.
"All"? Yeeh, right! How many have you seen? 2?
I stumbled upon this video and it caused me to watch it for several reasons. First of all as a young boy I was raised by my parents in the Lutheran church. Most people in the city I grew up in , St. Louis, Missouri, were either Roman Catholic or some form of protestant denominations. This denomination, namely being Lutheran, gave me a sense of God consciousness. I studied for two years prior to being confirmed as a young person in my early teens. Later, I began attending another protestant denomination in which salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ and His attorning work was similar but evangelistically oriented. This video is a good overview as to how Martin Luther, via the Reformation, came into existence. It is clear that Luther was learned of the bible, diligent in his research and fervent in his beliefs that the Pope was not infallible, that Catholicism was not only distorted in its teachings. It is clear that the selling of indulgences was a tool for the Pope of that era to raise money for his purposes. Some would say that the Catholic church has become more corrupt over the centuries or that it is not really a Christian church.
And yet there was and still is another side of Christianity, apart from Western Catholic and its protestant derivations- the Orthodox Church, the only one which kept the true faith and all the Patristic Councils decisions at its core. Reformation sprouted a zillion heretic movements, culminating in cults and who knows what those US Southerners are worshiping, certainly not the Holy Trinity.
The TV preachers tell their audience that faith is necessary and sufficient to receive forgiveness of all sins and gain entry to heaven. The best proof of faith is tithing to the church. These preachers are selling indulgences. Their audience has come to believe that God’s forgiveness is a license to sin.
@@charlesbrowne9590 The pope needed money to build St. Peter's, a magnificent building open to all. Today we have gold covered banks and weapons of universal death. Lutherans got rid of the pope and put the princes in charge, until the people realized they did not need the prince either and Luther went nuts against the democratic political rebels.
And now, protestants do just as catholics did
Pope and Luther were the same both lusting for power never for the poor or middle class but the rich & royalty. The fact he turned against his people is telling wolf in sheep's clothing he was
'What we do in this life, echoes throughout eternity'
This is a fact most people dont realize, that Jesus died for us to save us from ETERNAL torment! This is why we NEED Jesus! He died for us, rose again and took away our ETERNAL PUNISHMENT for our evil sins, so that if we repent and Trust in Him ONLY and believe He is one with God and Gods son, and is The Savior of humanity, you will be saved and forgiven of your sins!
by Russell Crowe in "Gladiator"
@@korthjw Yup
This is one of the coolest moments in Christian history! Martian Luther is one of my personal heroes for his work.
The first historian interviewed in this documentary looks more like Luther than the actor that was used.
The Germans became a dangerous. Religious experience.
Wasted, irrelevant comment!
@@briancherry3159 , that was stupid.
People tend to look different when jounger, perhaps.
Go to (5:06) to see the historian.
Such a splendid documentary!!!
I have no words, because I'm over the moon.
*Thanks a lot DW Documentry*
Thanks for watching and taking the time to comment. We're glad you liked the documentary! 🙂
@@DWDocumentary 😊😊😊
What many may not know is that Martin Luther also wrote a book called "The Jews and their lies". I love this documentary. Its very powerful, and one of the best I've seen. More people need to see this. It needs millions of views. Thank you.
Do I understand correctly that you *like* that book?
It is man's pride that makes him think he has to have a part in earning or paying for salvation...salvation is paid in full by the sacrifice on the cross by Christ and him alone
Which is what is explained in the story of Job.
The Protestant Reformation 2 say that it was a pivotal in Western culture. And therefore the world there's is an understatement
It is an understatement rather
For Better or For Worse from there sprung modernity
Battling for the hearts and Minds I guess that's what it always came down to otherwise who could stand the hordes when Unleashed upon a Target
Ich bewundere, was Martin Luther im Grunde gegen den Strom der Gesellschaft getan hat, was viel Mut erfordert. Im gegenwärtigen Moment bin ich sehr dankbar, dass ich eine lutherische Kirche besucht habe - ein erfrischender Einblick in eine intellektuelle Kirche. Wir feierten das Oktoberfest und ein Teilnehmer spendete sogar einen Haufen Bier. Endlich bin ich unter Gleichgesinnten, die ich mit Acrylfarben male, und arbeite daran, mein kleines Tierfotografie-Unternehmen zu gründen, also bin ich ein sehr glücklicher Camper. Vielen Dank für das Teilen dieses interessanten Videos. Vielen Dank
"Peace if possible, truth at all costs." Martin Luther
Beautiful quote...
And died as a polytheist very bad luck didn't discovered the truth 😰🤦♀️
A polytheist?! He believed in ONE god.
The truth about Speculative Philosophy may not be good news for christians.
Go back to the meddle east
Thank you for giving me a history lesson not found in school.
Read the extreme Jesuit oath and read The Papacy by James Wiley...
The Rekindling the Reformation Walter vieth...
Something else that is not taught in schools anymore, there is only ONE way to enter heaven and that is by the blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, you don't get it by being "good" because non of us are, Humanity ALL breaks the commandments everyday and the wages of sin is DEATH, but the good news is that God has given us a gift of EVERLASTING LIFE!!!! Ephesians 2:8-9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by works, so that no one can boast. Heaven and Hell are REAL places and NOBODY other than Jesus Christ can get you in, No other "gods" can help you, ALL other so called gods are Fallen Angels not gods! they are CREATED not the CREATOR!!!!! The Hindu, Egyptian, Greek, Norse "gods" LIE and DECIEVE I used to fall for their pagan lies, I have explored beliefs all over the world and I promise there is no other that will not deceive you, Satan and his minions take any form they need to in order to make you believe they are the creators, They want the GLORY that belongs to GOD!!
God bless all of you!
Where are you from? I’m Swedish and we learned this in school, I’m just using it as a refresher
Muito obrigado ao Canal, ensinando história sem alardes nem hermetismo. Valeu!
This is certainly a great documentary - simultaneously informative, balanced and highly entertaining.
Thank you very much for this experience :)
It’s definitely not balanced.
Luther`s teaching changed England forever and also changed the world as we know it today too, whether for good or bad it`s your own mind that decides which. An excellent production many dankes.
It wasn't just his teaching. One of the greatest things was his translating the bible into German, the English translations, and Guttenberg's printing press which made so many bibles available to the common man. Now people could read the word of God for themselves and compare it with what the Catholic Church was teaching. That's why so many, like myself, left the Roman church.
@@kjvnews8326 teaching or Killin with teaching. It's easy to kill and convinsing... When your whole family has been killed in the name of your god. The god that is eternally good....
Changed by force changed by the sword. You choose
Beautifully made. Inspiring and an insight into the legacy of Martin Luther.
Marthin luthar has prove he is a servan of God
demonic legacy of separation of the church instead of unity.
And the father of the Lutheran Faith
@@philipsangwal5824 By going against the church? Which goes back to the early apostles? Protestantism now is a confusing mess. 77 english translations of the bible alone, not to mention the many many different denominations that claim "sola scriptura", yet tell women they have to wear skirts and not pants, for example. (Baptist doctrine) This division and confusion is the result of Luther's movement and teaching. The best thing that came from this was the bible being made available to the common man. But not after Luther, in his own authority, removed books that have been there for generations.
Thank you DW, Happy Reformation Day, greeting from Jakarta, Indonesia
I find these 5 minute long ads very annoying. They are NOT advertisements, they are programs that I am not interested in watching or buying anything they are selling.
Dude seriously and now I can’t even skip them makes me watch 2 ads in a row
i got a hour long ad no joke
View you videos on Bing. There are no ads or interference at all then.
get a free adblock, I never get adds
Use Firefox and get the free Ad Blocker. There are several and work very well.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the Germans are a pretty special people.... throughout our history
Nice try, Mohammed.
true, we wouldn't have nearly as much technological advance if it wasn't for some of the brave 20th century germans
The Germans are extremely powerful!!!
@@GalacticGaming360 HAHAHA That was a beautifully tasteful joke my friend. Europe is for Europeans
@@ProjectCreativityGuy96 also extremely racist...
Brilliant work ! We sadly are missing and need more people that have this unique thinking and resilience to evil and corruption. Especially today to teach us and direct us to be better.
Thanks for watching and sharing your thoughts!
That what the Bible is for! The Bible directs us to God truth and how he wants us to live. You may not be able to change the world but you can start by being guided by the Bible 💕
You don’t need a human being to direct you, all you need is your Bible 💕 God bless!
@@noemicervantes6751 Amen!
I think no matter what side of christian you come from We should all be united as brothers And sisters
Amen brother. Hello from Los Angeles California USA
We are, but it's a shame ' The Only True Church ' does not recoqnize that, they are in their belief, the only one's who are saved. It's not up to them to decide, it's up to God. 😊❤😂😅😮😎👍👌
@tomrudolsen6235 right ✅️ At the end of the day God has the final judgment
Unity on essentials
Liberty on non essentials
Love in all else....
NOT Unity at all costs !!!
@@tomrudolsen6235what true church u talking about?
Remarkable documentary... Good job DW..
Another incredible DW Documentary. Captivating info; wonderfully, and graphically, presented. World class. Thank you! Throughout mankind’s written history there has always been a religious minority. A mis-understood, fighters against religious status quo, and consequently persecuted for their “radical” beliefs. Today is no different.
Everybody should be able to read the Holy Bible 📖
This is a powerful statement ..God bless you !!
Remember when the Catholics burned the books creating the short stories we know today. Remember them taking up paganism and implementing it in christianity?
The sentence is three words too long.
but bad intepretations are the cause of so many cults
Not compulsory for everyone it's only for those who believe in bible
Wow! I've been looking for a documentary like this for many years I'm glad I found this one. By any chance do you have a documentary about the French Revolution?
Hi @Carlos Reyes, we don´t have a documentary about the French Revolution for the moment. Thanks for your comment :)
@@DWDocumentary No worries, I'm sure you guys will have it available in a near future. Thank you for replying.
@@DWDocumentary but it's more about favouring Martin Luther and show church wrong if it's history show as history but not in bias way....this one side story
@@dilipmathangi5434 that's way the title of this docu is Martin Luther. It is all about him and his bias.
If you don't agree with this docu, please make yours!
@@carloswater7 Deutsche Welle shall have a documentary on the French Revolution? Why?
Another masterpiece from DW ... sadly this present world of myopia and materialism is missing the passion and power of men like DR Martin Luther
This is great. In a short space of time I learned a century of history.
Far from it, pal - far, far from it
I grew up as Catholic but eventually converted to Christian. Martin Luther was such a courageous individual for standing up to the Catholic Church.
1 Tim 2:15
Luther hated Jews and changed words in The Holy Bible.
Catholics are Christians. Actually, Catholics and Orthodox Christians existed for 1,400 years before any Protestant denomination came into being, which includes Lutheranism and every other 30,000 Protestant denominations.:/
Luther was spot on
The Bible is very clear about faith and works. It says faith without works is dead. Faith brings about Good Works
Roman catholics do works without faith...still dead
Not necessarily. Which works did the thief on the cross do?
Eph. 2:8-9 - "For BY GRACE are ye SAVED THROUGH FAITH; and that NOT OF
YOURSELVES: it is the GIFT of God: NOT OF WORKS, lest any man should boast."
@@musoneramanasseh1832 Not always but work or action is expected but is not what saved our sins.
Evaluate the answer of MARTIN LUTHER to the question: Why we call our priests today "priest"?
What a great documentary on the founder of Protestantism! Thank you very much for this free resource on UA-cam. Do you have documentaries on the historicity of Moses, the origins of the Old Testament and the nation of Israel, or John Calvin?
Thanks again and God bless DW!
Moses is accepted by the consensus of historians as myth.
Good documentary !! Much love to my German brothers from Sweden, you have had such impact on history and the smartest people 💙
“For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;”
1 Timothy 2:5
Martin Luther is why we Lutherans have always been a thorn in the side of the political establishment of any country where we are present. We bow to God and not the state. Governments are transitory as God is eternal. Luther put into our mouths `My rights under God`` not under the state. Rights are granted by God and not the state which unfortunately is an all to common belief among our so called democracies.
A wonderful presentation!
I'm so glad I can watch it without believing any of the doctrines of the participants.
Thanks for watching and taking the time to comment.
"A mighty fortress is our God, a bulwark never failing."
I loo
@@glennbaxter9549 tg ft VT gvgvvg v 4th v v v. G BBC g VT
@@glennbaxter9549 tg ft VT gvgvvg v 4th v v v. G BBC g VT
@@glennbaxter9549 tg ft VT gvgvvg v 4th v v v. G BBC g VT
Thank you for this. I love history. God Bless You. Have A Blessed Day. Stay Safe. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year!
Hi @John Cowie, thanks for your comment. Merry Christmas :)
Great documentary... thank you🌷🥀
Luther in the beginning did not object to corruption or some strange religious practices but was against the theology of the late Middle-ages that did not give a real witness of the belief of the redemption by Jesus Christ. Thats what made him insist on the justification doctrine. He only wanted to change the theology and in that way the church as a whole. He never ever had an idea to reform the church in the way it happend in Reformation. He even later opposed to some reforms that were made for instance in Wittenberg by the course of the reform movement. Luther even was more a mystic if you read him carefully.
Lutheranism was the driving force behind the character of the current Anglican church with it's retainment of bishops, vestments and in some case statues. It became in effect along with Anglicanism a happy half way house between Roman Catholic elaboracy and Reformed/Calvinist austerity.
Guy, "high church" liturgy in Anglicanism is far more elaborate than any Roman Catholic service I've ever been to. I've attended "high church" Episcopalian services (here in the US), Roman Catholic services, and non-denominational reformed services. The Catholic services and the non-denominational services were extremely similar, differing in only one minor aspect. The Anglo-Catholic services were over the top elaborate, highly ritualistic.
@@WallStwizkid yes check a latin catholic mass...thats pure liturgy. Vetus ordo
That’s not true at all.
This is a great documentary about the legacy and contribution of Martin Luther.Resisting and inspiring the people to fight against the abuses of the powerful dogmatic Church and spreading the truth is truly remarkable.This gives me more reason to never ever go back and believe the Catholic Church.
1:14 am 9-15-22
Just try to apply the same standards toward the state today, especially in Germany. ha ha ha. Just try to find truth, freedom from abuses, and peace from the modern state. Lutheranism today is disappearing into yet another woke failure.
Brilliant documentary once again. 🙏
Protestant reformation gave rise to nationalism across world.Excellent documentary
Rome could have had him killed. God led and protected Luther to bring followers of Christ closer to God's word. May we be eternally grateful for that.
If God considered the Protestant reformation false he would've shattered it there and then it's obvious the church after centuries of wickedness had to reform and go back to the 1st century setting
@@ReformedR God already deemed protestantisim false, biggest nation of Protestants USA all of the Protestant churches acccept LGBTQ marriage and woman priests……. Also early Protestants helped invading Muslims and said "rather Turkish turban than the papal tiara" satanic statement…… You call your church "Lutherians"? Luther did nothing but divided Christianity and you Protestants have thousands of denominations that can’t even agree with yourselves…… Martin Luthifer was a demon. Notice how all of the Protestant nations have fallen to secular liberalism??? Catholic Church made by the Lord himself and commanded Saint Peter to start, God bless the church and may we all be united again and destroy this secular liberalism that Luthifer started.
They got the "dates and dead people" correct, but they missed the most important historical and spiritual fact, that is, God's work. Martin Luther and all the reformers worried about servants in the hands of God who is reclaiming the church and declaring the truth of the Gospel, which is salvation by grace alone.
Two times a week Lent or not. Sounds good.
Sehr Gutt. My name is Martin and although I'm American (Italian-American) I lived in Augsburg for four years. Ich habe in Augsburg fur vier jahren gewohnen.
After 4 years in Augsburg you still can't used the proper tense of wohnen?
Good job DW entire team god bless you....
One of the best presentations I've ever listened to about the great reformer.
He wounded the Roman Catholic church and the scars will forever be remembered. We love you Martin
The beast was wounded forever. Thanks to these brave christians, jan hus, wycliffe, luther, calvin, ulrick, etc for standing against the beast of Vatican
Luthifer divided Christianity and helped early Muslims attack the Catholic Church…….. he did nothing Burt divide like a demon….. The Catholic Church is still the biggest by far, and we trace back all the way to Jesus the lord himself and Saint Peter.
"Rather the Turkish turban than the papal tiara"…….. well it looks like the Protestant nations are getting what they asked for with all the Muslim immigration and their satanic statement in the beginning. Protestantisim gave birth to secular liberalsim, Prots and Muslims tried destroying the Catholic Church and FAILED, God protects the Church, may we all be united under Christ again.
I am watching this documentary from Schmalkalden where the Schmalkaldic League was formed. Unknowing of the history of the place it fills me with great astonishment how every corner has a significance in history
“I will go peaceably and firmly to the Catholic Church: for if Faith is so important to our salvation, I will seek it where true Faith first began, seek it among those who received it from God Himself.” (St Elizabeth Anne Seton)
Catholics aren't the original Christian. They just pretend to be because they are the oldest surviving Church with propaganda telling people Jesus created it.
It's the inclusion of folklore and commentary that compromise so much of the "richness" of catholic dogma. The cult of Mary, the rosary, purgatory, relic veneration... Where in life of Jesus do you find any of this??
In the end, all later accretions. Martin Luther were reformers and minimalist, stripping the practice down to basics.
Catholics look too strictly like Pharisees to me? Like what the comment above said they have made up these new religious rituals that don’t have anything to do with preaching the gospel of Christ
You should seek true faith from God, not from any specific denomination tbh
Hats off to you, DW!
Thanks for watching and taking the time to comment.
Is the average German aware of the impact that Luther had upon their country and over half of all Christendom?
More likely how could we not be aware, Luther here Luther there, what he ultimately archived was the slowly decline of Catholic Church and he sets the path to a more and more secular society.
After the 30 Years War ravaged the German Landscape and People, one quarter of the German Population gets killed, starved and tortured to death, the HRE started to separate the Church from the Politics and embraced the Age of Humanism.
Hardly. Italy Spain and HRE Portugal and Brazil and orthdox Christianity.
After watching "Unity towards the east p1" by Mark Woodman where he was explaining the way Luther was compelled to recant, I decided to watch his story. If you will make it to heaven, he will be one of the people that you will see, for he stood for the truth.
thank you. beautifully made documentary.
Hi there... how are you doing? Hope you are fine and staying safe??
Totally agree with you!
A fascinating vid and I am learning so much.But I felt like I waged a war with the loud dramatic music!It eventually won I only made it half way through a 2nd go of this vid.
Thank you for watching and for your feedback!
“Evangelical” is not Latin. It is Greek coming from the words:
“Ev” meaning good
And the verb “angello” meaning bringing the message.
Therefore, evangelical means: the good message.
The word GOSPEL means the same thing
It is originally Greek, having been borrowed into Latin, and from there into German.
Great documentary,very informative!!
Absolutely Brilliant! Keep it up DW.
This is heartwarming documentary about a man of God who steadfast and stand against all persecutions like Dominem (Christ) until death.
The best documentaries aremade by DW
Perhaps their funding sources give them the opportunity to research based on authentic journalistic discovery.
In my opinion in the final analysis it is simply the longing for peace from within each individual through peace can you find purpose and serenity. And prosperity building a solid stance with balance then the individual decides to live a comfortable life. Accepting life with all it is. And finally feel moments of pure happiness. In a spiritual aspect.
The greatest man, that Germany 🇩🇪 has given, to Germany, and to the world, He never stop been catholic. There is a great need of men like this, for Europe, and the world. Thanks to God and Luter, i can read the Bible in Spanish.
When you reject the authority of the one true church you cease to be catholic.
@@Kitiwake ..and why is it the one true church. Please explain (not meant sarcastically). God bless.
@@nkley1 because its founded on the apostle peter the rock. Matthew 16:18.
Thanks him also for his sola scriptura doctrine that bring us today more that thousand of christian denomination all can interpret the bible in their own ways
@@Kitiwake God never mentioned a religious political entity that rules over the world. Remember, Jesus hated those kind of things he would rather be a commoner than a ruler. Which is why the Catholic Church is a flaw. The Catholic Church was never appointed by God. Especially if it takes money, and you know Jesus hates organizations that take money. I don't think Jesus would like the Catholic Church.
Brilliant teaching of history - but WHY, WHY, WHY do we have to put up with the constant background noise which adds nothing to the programme - we endure the 'noise man' to get at the facts. It's Irritating.
Brilliant documentary it’s great fun to watch your videos
As a Lutheran pastor, I often refer to Martin's life and teachings in my study sessions in my congregation
Do you talk about the "synagogue of Satan"?
@KitchenerLeslieGirlfrien-bv2mm not too much. I cover it, but don't go dive deep into it
And my church is in Iceland
Isaiah 7:13-14 And he said, Hear ye now, O house of David; Is it a small thing for you to weary men, but will ye weary my God also?
Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
*Matthew 1:22-23 Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.*
My local museum has original German bibles from this era. Very interesting to see the historical information. My small community is largely German and Mennonite. Next time I go and hold the Bible’s I’ll be thinking of this video. ✨
Martin Luther one of my heroes. Thanks for your contribution to western civilization and Christianity
Jn. 6:29, This is the work of God, believe in the one whom he has sent.
The very best documentaries have millions of views but these are the same ones taken down.
If you look back in history no civilization has done less according to their time scale. Take for example the Egyptian, The Indus Vally people, The Mesopotamians, and so on. Yet the Germanian people have done no less.
Thank you so much for making this excellent video , humanity's need this TRUTH. GOD BLESS US.
Martin Luther slandered Christians because he said that Catholics believed that you could pay to give your sins forgiven.
catholics aren't real christians. Waldensians or waldenese were the real christians that were slaughtered by catholics. martin luther knew that and that's why he went after catholics
What’s up with the shoe on the stick?? I have been trying to find information online about what it may symbolize or serve a purpose for, but can’t find anything
It's interesting how people ignore the contributions of Jan Hus.
They don't ignore him. they've simply never heard of him.
@@davidwright8432 And many people do not want to listen and learn something new at all.
Hus helped God fuel the fires of hell with the wood and straw of his writings.
All the great reformers....
@@davidwright8432 watch Rekindling the Reformation Walter Veith...
thanks DW for making my history grade what it is today
Quite possibly the first step on the road to rational thinking, atheism and the death of religion in the Western world. So well done you.
There wasn't just "nothing" before the big bang. All matter that would make up the universe were comprised into a very limited space.
Also, "god" doesn't answer anything in that regard... Where did that god come from then? It's just a filler argument to propose an answer to something we can't know for sure yet.
Atheism takes the humble road of saying: I don't know but I'm not convinced that there is a god.
your comment is incoherent
There wasn't just "nothing" before the big bang. All matter that would make up the universe were comprised into a very limited space. hhhh This is child childish since the big bang proofs the universe hard a beginning so there was a point there was no matter ,space and time ,they all begun
Also, "god" doesn't answer anything in that regard... Where did that god come from then? It's just a filler argument to propose an answer to something we can't know for sure yet.
This is complete ignorance from your side ,since that question will lead us to infinite regression
which will mean the universe will not have come to existence at all
Atheism takes the humble road of saying: I don't know but I'm not convinced that there is a god.
That is dogmatic
Thats probably agnosticism. Atheism makes a more bolder, declarative assertion that God does not exist and have a strict, sometimes overly rigid materialistic view of hard sciences, which in of itself isnt wrong. Religion and Science both exist and seek to answer questions from two vastly different avenues of life, the universe, the material world, the conscious and unconscious mind. Thats why some of the best post-modernists or existentialists like Pascal, Kierkegaard, Doestoesvky, even Nietzsche came from religious backgrounds, Nietzsche's father was a Lutheran minister and even trained in a Lutheran seminary before becoming irreligious and instead trained to be a lawyer and philosopher. Existentialist philosophers usually ask the hard, sobering, difficult questions about organized religions the best, IMHO, read Doestoevsky's The Idiot, Brothers Kamarov, Grand Inquisitor, Notes from the Underground, or Kierkegaard's The Absurdity of Belief which organized three types of moral behaviors for people: moral, aesthetic, and the spiritual. The Aesthetic is the lowest moral/ethical level behavior, moral is the second and medium moral/ethical level behavior, and the spiritual is the highest and most advanced moral/ethical individual behavior.
amen Luther knew the truth John 8:32 "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
@mudu abdi The question "Where did god come from" is legitimate. At one point there has to be a beginning (aka the dawn of time) before which god couldn't possibly have existed.
It's the same premise as: "What's behind the edges of the universe?" As far as we know space as we know it is limited. So behing the edges of our universe is what? Nothing? Another universe?
The human mind has great difficulties understanding the concept of "Nothingness" and tries to fill it with things we know. Try to imagine "nothing". You probably will get to a big totally black area. But that's not "nothing", it's a big black area.
The Big Bang theory is the universally accepted origin for space, time, (anti-)matter and everything as we know it. Almost everything (Quantum physics is still a bit off, but we're working on it) is we have observed so far points to one point of origin.
But make no mistake -- the Big Bang isn't an explosion as we know it. It only lasted one microsecond and in that time the current laws of physics didn't apply and we can actually calculate back the state of the universe up to that point in time.
What caused the Big Bang? Nobody knows, it could actually be god, or not. That's for every person to decide.
I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess. Martin Luther
After having seen the Documentary on Cranach, it is evident how intertwined their lives were at this time.
Hi there... how are you doing? Hope you are fine and staying safe??
I once told someone that I'm related to Martin Luther. He said "Really? You don't look black."
The Catholic Church is rellay wonderfull!!!!
It is not sola scriptura. Wow!!!
Otherwise we would not hv known what was there between the gap when the gospels were not there...... Traditions are damn important.
🟨🟨Jesus lived in the region called today Middle east,that's why you should check what historical sources in this region are saying,history is about sources not "theories",Jesus was the Messiah simply a man,a reformer of faith.The majority of people under Romans and then later Byzintines in Syria,Iraq,Egypt,North Africa,part of central Asia and even Goths in Eastern Europe and Spain, and Germanic nations believed in Jesus simply as a prophet of God but Romans and Byzintines under the fast spread of the movement founded by Jesus tried to save the ideology of the impire which is paganism by integrating the new faith into their ideology and this is how "christianity was born" and they forced it on people around the ancient World with persecution,burning religious books and hisorical sources ,all what happened from the 1st century AD till modern era has been about this struggle,nations in what's now called Muslim World and in Spain for some period of time accepted Islam since it's close to their faith and Islam gave them religious freedom and these nations fought with early Muslims and this why Islam spread so fast in few years , European nations stood against the Church in Rome and Constantinople but with time the Church was able to spread their political ideology,this period was called the "Darks ages" and it's the Church which made it dark ,later the European renaissace was just an other phase of this struggle.
Europeans today have no idea of their true history simply because the "Catholic Church" especially wiped it out .
I guess you're European I advise you to know you real history❤
@@علي-ش7ث8ب first of all, no, i am not an European.
Secondly, if you are saying that what muslim taught about Jesus was right, then it's contradicting history as they don't believe in the crucifixion. Now, if the crucifixion is real, my question is, why was Jesus crucified?
John, 5:18 - For this reason they tried all the more to kill him; not only was he breaking the Sabbath, but he was even calling God his own Father, making himself equal with God.
John 1:14, 18; John 3:16, 18), Jesus presented himself as Son and not just as one who was the divinely appointed Messiah (and therefore "son" of God). He made himself out to be more than only someone chosen and anointed as divine representative to fulfil an eschatological role in and for the kingdom.
All the apostles were martyred coz of preaching the divinity of Christ. As st. Paul says, If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. More than that, we are then found to be false witnesses about God, for we have testified about God that he raised Christ from the dead.
If Jesus was just a man, i wonder why do people get healed by his name. I wonder, why is there power in that name.
1-The Coran clearly says that Jesus may peace be upon him was crucified but God saved him from this cursed death,I'm not accountable for some Muslims missunderstanding,I only follow what the Coran says(if you want me to explain to you why some Muslims believe that Jesus wasn't crucified I'll be happy to explain that to you)
2-The new testament and the old testament are not a "western" sources,they were borrowed from the "Middle East",when historical sources and religions go from a culture to an other cuture they get misunderstood because the lack of knowledge of culture,language,history,geography,religious creeds of the original land and also due to politics.(new religions are not welcomed and they get absorbed in local cultures)
3-Jesus was a historical figure who influenced all the ancient World and especially what's called now Europe,it's bizzare that this particular region lacks historical sources about such an influential man that modern western historians have started questionning the very existence of Jesus!!you should ask yourself what has happened to these local sources???!!!
4-Why the Church was so scared when the Bible 'which is the only historical source for "Europeans"'was translated and was made accessible for commun people?
The should've been happy because it will spread their creed and made Christianity stronger!!!❤
Tradition on top of tradition on top of tradition created a church so far removed from the real gospel of Christ that it took someone at the time the bible could finally be published to declare to the masses the most obvious thing on earth- the church needs to place itself below scripture, not above it. What a revolution.
The scriptures go against all the teachings of the Church
Unfortunately,Christians leave the scriptures and stick to the Church interpretations
These interpretations are deep rooted in their minds that when they read the Bible they can't see what it really tells,
I can't blame them because the Church did a "great" job!
It's not a surprise when the Bible which is the only scriptures left,was translated and was made accessible to commun people the Church was so scared!❤
Acts 17:23
For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you.
Luther was brave to do what he did. The church needed reformation at that time. The church was doing vile things.
It was a schism and not needed.
It was a schism indeed. If you would like to see a REAL reformer read about St. Francis of Assisi or St. Ignatius of Loyola or St. Catherine of Sienna. Martin Luther was a pronounced and true apostate
@@kafon6368 A divide is necessary if it is against the Bible and how Yah justifies one through His Son Jesus. If you can’t see this then you need to cry out to Him and receive His free gift of salvation. The Catholic Church is a joke and has no authority to be a mediator between God and man. There is only One and His name is Jesus. Period. There is a reason Catholic doctrine isn’t anywhere to be found in the Scriptures. 🤷♂️
It was a schism. Yes, the church was corrupt at that time, and it's a human thing of corruption, greed and power, and was the mentality of people at that time. The church needed reformation, yes, but not split and form your own church. It just created more confusion.
If you don’t agree with the basics of Christianity and how one is justified in Christ then you are not apart of the true church which is described in the scriptures. There needs to be a split if there a Christian’s who don’t even agree with the basic principles of Christianity. The Catholic church isn’t Christian because they believe they can save themselves and twist the Word of God for their own unbiblical traditions.
If at all anyone is to be conferred “Sainthood” it should have been the good Doctor who threw open Scripture to the world. It has taken the world a full 500 years to realize what a monumental task he did.
The work of sovereign God... the truth shall always prevail. Glory to God for his servant Martin Luther. Dw thank you❤
Evet gerçek galip gelecektir yani İslam ☝️
Servent what do you mean ? Was he an angel or a prophet?
Luther was certainly an agent of Satan.
DW is showing Great knowledge to us go DW show more about history
Hey u from Maharashtra