Thanks for sharing your video. I changed my capacitor a week ago, and have bought an extra in case it goes out again in the future. Do capacitors go stale or deteriorate when stored on a shelf for 5-6 years?
I recently had a 'soft start' kit put on my 3 ton Amana central air conditioner. I have heard the term 'soft start" and "hard start". What is the difference? I did notice my Generac 20kw natural gas generator squatted when the air conditioner came on. My HVAC company put the "soft start" kit on it and now when the Generac generator cycles there is a slight sound of the Generac engine but nothing like it was before the kit was installed.
They are typically the same thing. It is a start cap and potential relay. They soften the start by lowering starting amps. You should def have one if you have a genny of any sorts. It’s easier on both the ac and the generator. They have been called start cap kits, hard starts, soft starts, easy starts, kickstarts. They all do the same thing and most are identical. Where I’m from, most call them kick starts but I have traditionally called them hard starts. It was a great add on in my opinion when they added it to yours. I personally believe every ac or heat pump should have one. I have one on mine! Hope this helps! Be sure to subscribe and share! Thanks for watching! Have a great day!
Hard starters actually increase the start-up current giving the compressors a harder and louder kick at each start,.Thus extending the life of a failing compressor. A soft starter significantly reduces the start-up current making a softer and quieter.
Increasing the wotking voltage of a capacitor is always a good idea as long as it fits in the allotted space. Going from 370AC to 440AC ( or higher) provides more overhead against failure of the dielectric due to arching. A common failure in all capacitor types ;especially electrolytics .. IMHO.
Thanks for sharing your video. I changed my capacitor a week ago, and have bought an extra in case it goes out again in the future. Do capacitors go stale or deteriorate when stored on a shelf for 5-6 years?
I recently had a 'soft start' kit put on my 3 ton Amana central air conditioner.
I have heard the term 'soft start" and "hard start". What is the difference?
I did notice my Generac 20kw natural gas generator squatted when the air conditioner came on. My HVAC company put the "soft start" kit on it and now when the Generac generator cycles there is a slight sound of the Generac engine but nothing like it was before the kit was installed.
They are typically the same thing. It is a start cap and potential relay. They soften the start by lowering starting amps. You should def have one if you have a genny of any sorts. It’s easier on both the ac and the generator. They have been called start cap kits, hard starts, soft starts, easy starts, kickstarts. They all do the same thing and most are identical. Where I’m from, most call them kick starts but I have traditionally called them hard starts. It was a great add on in my opinion when they added it to yours. I personally believe every ac or heat pump should have one. I have one on mine! Hope this helps! Be sure to subscribe and share! Thanks for watching! Have a great day!
Hard starters actually increase the start-up current giving the compressors a harder and louder kick at each start,.Thus extending the life of a failing compressor. A soft starter significantly reduces the start-up current making a softer and quieter.
Increasing the wotking voltage of a capacitor is always a good idea as long as it fits in the allotted space. Going from 370AC to 440AC ( or higher) provides more overhead against failure of the dielectric due to arching. A common failure in all capacitor types ;especially electrolytics .. IMHO.