No one can ever match sant maskeen ji ... those all , who are trying to belittle him must see themselves first ... this person was universe of knowledge and wisdom. It's such an irony that people soak only what their mind is capable of ... Waheguru mehar karn sab te 🙏🏻
Bilkul 100% sahi gal. Nobody can reach Sant Maskeen ji level of knowledge. There's no bias in saying the truth. Only the ones who's own minds are biased will see the truth as biased
Im born buddhist, osho took me to Nanak, i fell in love with Nanak ji because of osho, osho has given such heart touching analysis on Nanak, i start my day with ek onkar satnam music, its a meditation for me, along with Buddham saranam gacchami music.
If ever you feel stuck in life remember this gurbani of the 2nd Guru Angad Dev ji who hold this position after nanak ji He says Nanak chinta mat karo, chinta tuss hi hai Jall meh jant upaiyan, rozi tis bhi de Oh nanak, don't worry, he(Almighty God) is resolving the issues Like he has made life under under, and even provides them food and life then why won't will do the same for you. Satnam shree waheguru🙏
@@vishaldugad3088 dharam word se itni problem kyu hai logo ko. Understanding Dharam is starving for truth. All dharmas have truth but if you say doing some ritual is a dharam you are wrong and people like you see only ritual. And since you landed here guru nanak gave the complete truth of universe just try to listen n read his words he told what god is gurbani is start and end. Many guru mahatma maulanas came and gone and baba nanak cleared all the clouds. Who are stick to gurbani are stick to truth otherwise yeah people like to hear random so called gurus and osho might be better than some randon so called guru who attracted people who were never into experience truth and bliss. Most of the osho followers came from the broken family or wester people who were away from sprituality.
Apko dharam ka mtlb pta hai ? Hmesha sach ka sath do, apne maa-baap ki sewa kro, kise ke sath dokha mt kro ye hai dharam, or aap jise dharm smj rhe ho, wo raste hai sbhi parmatma tk pohchne ke liye, like sikhism, hinduism etc
The name bhagwan”osho was given by the people who loved him. Osho never said he is Bhagwan. But at the same time he accepted word bhagwan as a gesture of love from his desciples. Because bhagwan means bhagehwaan. (A man with a good luck). But people thinks osho had ego. Just like sant maskeen ji said. I’ve learned alot from both. Osho and maskeen are jewels.
Osho is the great spiritual master . Those who understands him are the lucky individuals in the world... But those who cant understood osho are the unlucky ...
i love osho i have encountered osho books on 2006 when i started my search when i looked at his face on the cover of the book immidieatly i felt as if im looking at someone special but still didnt buy the book in later 2012 i encountered osho teaching my life has changed so i don't care what this guy thinks
maskeen ji was talking about a khatha on kesh.. and how at one time osho was a regular speaker with him or he spoke at one or two gurudwaras with him before osho declared him self "bhagwan" aka "god" technically we all are "bhagwan" since bhagwan is in us and this per maskeen ji due to oshos ego.. but even in the maskeen ji was respecting him because osho does have a deep sprituality/philosophy
u r illiterate, unaware, unenlightened person.... u need lotta knowledge to comprehend spiritualism...u dont have ur hair on head wht god made u ,...u didnt keep tht so u dont have right to compare...
Karan Singh i have read osho for more than 6 years of my life .dont teach me .hair has nothing to do with spirituality .it is a part of sikhism its fine but god doesnot come to you depending on your hairstyle .you can lose your limbs ,you can lose your eyes .he comes to the one who calls him with a true heart .god doesnot care about who you are or how you look .for being spiritual you need wisdom not knowledge .
Maskeen ji's thoughts about osho are correct. He started as an open minded rationalist, a truth seeker who critiqued established dogmatic religious traditions ,but in the end he himself got corrupted and began his own dogmatic cult.
Sant nee see oh giani san phir jo shaheed hoyey sikh jagat ohna nu bhai da khitaab kiyo oh marjeevrey ta giani I gee toh phir phichey reh gye Na guru na giani sidha sant Sadey guru sahib aa naal bhi dhakka ohbhi guru nayi jo sikhada oh teacher guru aa guru net sant da tag nee laya nahi maskeen gee ney kiha mai sant aa
We respect to maskeen ji ..but we love the osho as he is enlighted as well as most inspirable than order's, osho thoughts are straight forwards he is such a assertive person .
He said that osho was good speaker and philosopher but later on he join the name bhagwan with his name and start his own cult which is really wrong but sant maskeen ji never said to follow him he also gave examples from different religions and philosopher. So, Maskeen ji is totally right.
I was born in sikh family but when i come to know about osho, its like "no need of religion any more now". Believe me osho is great. I love osho. As i born in sikh, i know them very well, now sikhs are very egoistic, they can't tolerate that someone knows better than them. And yes maskeen ji also read many books of osho
Harkirat Singh, if i read a book it doesn't mean that i am following the concepts of that book in my own life and doesn't also mean i want to hold any discussions or discourses based on it but it is only to get insights of what author has to share. Secondly if Sikh youth is egoistic today is only because they are ignorant. They are ignorant about the very basic philosophy of sikh faith and they don't read their religious scriptures including Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji for spiritual knowledge and guidance. Instead they read books of some modern philosphers for which they spend their time, which they don't have for reading, understanding and analyzing gurbani in their day to day life. Now, i am not saying that we shouldn't read books of others but as a matter of fact, we should, in order to get knowledge about what others have to say. Remember, its ignorance which gives birth to all evils including pride and prejudice. Remember, you are talking about people who are ignorant and thus, egoistic and not the Sikh faith itself. The Sikh religion and people embracing it are separate entities. Ignorance among the people doesn't make the faith inferior. So if you are ignorant about your own faith, then how can you possibly understand other's. The journey has to begin from within ourselves and by reading our own conscience and by acknowledging where we actually stand.
*सपनों में सुख मिल जाता है* एक आदमी एक मनोवैज्ञानिक के पास गया और उसने कहा कि मेरी बड़ी मुसीबत है, मेरी सहायता करें। मैं रात सपना देखता हूं कि हजारों सुंदरियां नग्न मेरे चारों तरफ नाचती हैं। मनोवैज्ञानिक अपनी कुर्सी से टिका बैठा था, सम्हलकर बैठ गया। उसने कहा, “यह परेशानी है? अरे पागल! और क्या चाहता है? इसमें परेशानी कहां है? तू अपना राज बता, कैसे तू यह सपना पैदा करता है? क्या तेरी फीस है, बोल!’ उस आदमी ने कहा, “परेशानी यह है कि सपने में मैं भी लड़की होता हूं। यही झंझट है। मुझे किसी तरह सपने में आदमी रहने दो। यही पूछने आया हूं।’ सपनों में सुख मिल जाता है। सपने में तुम कभी सम्राट हुए? जरूर हुए होओगे। कोई कमी नहीं रह जाती। चीन में एक बड़ा सम्राट हुआ। उसका एक ही लड़का था। वह मरणासन्न पड़ा था। वह उसके पास तीन दिन से बैठा था, तीन रात से बैठा था। सारी आशा वही था। सारी महत्वाकांक्षा वही था। फिर झपकी लग गई उसकी; तीन दिन का जागा हुआ सम्राट, बैठे-बैठे सो गया। उसने एक सपना देखा कि उसके बारह लड़के हैं-एक से एक सुंदर, बलिष्ठ, प्रतिभाशाली, मेधावी। बड़ा उसका स्वर्ण से बना हुआ महल है। महल के रास्ते पर हीरे-जवाहरात जड़े हैं। बड़ा उसका साम्राज्य है। वह चक्रवर्ती है। तभी बाहर जो बेटा बिस्तर पर पड़ा था, वह मर गया। पत्नी चीख मारकर चिल्लाई, सपना टूटा और सम्राट ने सामने मरे हुए लड़के को पड़ा देखा। पत्नी को चीखते देखा। पत्नी जानती थी कि पति को बड़ा सदमा पहुंचेगा। घबड़ा गई, क्योंकि पति देखता ही रहा। न केवल रोया नहीं, हंसने लगा। पत्नी समझी कि पागल हो गया। उसने कहा, “यह तुम्हें क्या हुआ? तुम हंस क्यों रहे हो?’ उसने कहा, “मैं हंस रहा हूं इसलिए कि अब किसके लिए रोऊं! अभी सपने में बारह लड़के थे, बड़े सुंदर थे, यह कुछ भी नहीं! बड़े स्वस्थ, बलिष्ठ थे। जैसे उनकी मौत कभी आएगी ही न, ऐसे थे। अमृत-पुत्र थे। और बड़ा महल था, यह महल झोपड़ा है! सोने का बना था। राह पर हीरे-जवाहरात लगे थे। तेरी चीख ने सब गड़बड़ कर दिया। न तेरा मुझे पता था, न इस बेटे का मुझे पता था; सपने में तुम ऐसे ही खो गए थे, जैसे अब सपना खो गया। अब मैं सोचता हूं, किसके लिए रोना! उन बारह के लिए रोऊं पहले कि इस एक के लिए रोऊं? इसलिए हंसी आती है। हंसी आती है कि रोना व्यर्थ है। हंसी आती है कि वह भी एक सपना था, यह भी एक सपना है। वह आंख-बंद का सपना था, यह आंख-खुली का सपना है।’ तुम जिसे सुख मान लेते हो, वह सुख मालूम पड़ता है। कई दफा दुख को भी तुम सुख मान लेते हो, सुख मालूम पड़ता है। पहली दफा जब कोई सिगरेट पीता है तो सुख नहीं मिलता, दुख ही मिलता है, खांसी आ जाती है, धुआं सिर में चढ़ जाता है, चक्कर मालूम होता है, घबड़ाहट लगती है। आखिर धुआं ही है-गंदा धुआं है। उसको भीतर ले जाने से सुख कैसे हो सकता है? लेकिन फिर धीरे-धीरे अभ्यास करने से… जिनसूत्र ओशो
Harkirat Singh ji theres no other example that even cone close to humbleness of sri guru sahibans and their sikhs even when theywere being martyred didnt have any ego they were hapily being killed but did not leave sikhi and who could be more without ego than dhan dhan sri guru gobind singh ji Maharaj whos great grand father sri Arian dev ji father and 4 perfectly raised sons got martyred especially younger sons brutally killed by cowRd government ot the time but when guru sahib ji wrote a letter of victory to the emperor he was so calm and in peace that he even pointed out greatness of the emperor includig his cowardness
Veer but end te o aapne aap nu bhagwan mn betha c, same rawan vang, fr great kiwe hoeya, ha pr eh v sach hai y pehla o shi raah te c and shi glaa krda c🙏🏻
@@manjotsidhu8314 bai ohne sirf apne aap nu bhagwan nahi keha c ohne keha c sare bhagwaan bn sakde sarya andr bhagwan haega ohdi bhagwan di definition c jehra bhagwatta nu prapat ho gaya
I'm not a follower from oscho nor I accept him as bhagwan ...but I respect his sharp brain ..a genius ...billions of people on this planet. Everyone has his own philosophy. .hundreds of religions or beliefs. .some devotees of bholenath .even some criticize him.e.g. Islam will be much better place to live if we accept n respect all n every philosophy existing ..hairs or clean shave..does not any obstacle in path of God..Than its a personal very person matter
@@prabhkainth6542jaan de bharawa gurbani ch kehri eda di gal aa jihri sashtra ch hai nhi koi ik dass.phir ta lokki eh kahuge gurbani sashtra toh shpi aa jihre bnde rabb nu pa lainde aa ohna diyan gallan mail kha jandia tere warge Kai bnde eh v kehnde aa ke guru nanak ne kabeer nu copy kita moorkha di koi ghaat nhi es duniy te
प्रभुजी, नमस्कार आपके वीडियो मैने पिछले दो चार दिनो से देखे है। लगता है आपको मेरे बारे मे कुछ अहंकार रहित बात पता चले। मै इंदौर मे रहता हूँ। मुझे करीब ग्यारह बारह साल की उम्र मे एक गाँव मे 1982 के करीब विदेही होने का अनुभव हुआ, जब गाँव मे कोई गूरु भी नही था न किताबे। कभी कभी तो सोते वक्त शरीर कापता और सूक्षम शरीर के उडने जैसा लगता भय लगता था। विदेही का अनुभव हो गया था। इंदौर 1998 मे आने के बाद मै कुछ लोगो से मिला, कुछ लोगो मेरी उपस्थिति मे सैकंड मे ध्यान हो गया। भीतर कुंडलिनी दिखाई दी। माँस मज्जा, सारे प्रकाश केंद्र। मै इसे गाॅड गिफ्ट कहता हूँ। एक दोस्त की रिक्वेस्ट पर 1000 किमी दूर भी वह मेरी आवाज से ही ध्यानस्थ हुआ, वही कुंडलिनी, चक्र दिखे उसे। अभी पिछले माह भी मेरे से बात करते करते ही दो लोग और भीतर कुंडलिनी देख चुके। यस तो सैकंड मै पहली बार मे लोगो को हो जाता है। सब गाॅड गिफ्ट है ऐसा होना
Bilkul sahi Riar Singh or Avatar Singh ji Or vese vi osho di vichardhara ta bhukkhe man nu rajaun di c or bani kehndi ae Bhukheyaan bhukkh Na uttre je banna puriyaan bhar
are oh murakh logo...why are you comparing osho and maskeen ji.. Both are preacher but have a different mind n thoughts.. Jisko Osho ka satsang acha lagta hai wo waha jaye aur jisko maskeen ji ka wo unko sune end of the day ur satisfaction matters.. Osho pe log isliye attract hote hai kyki unka meditation sex ke bad start hota hai..yani ki kaam vasna ke baad aur maskeen ji bolte hai ki bande ko kaam krodh lobh moh aur ahankar oe kabu karne ke liye dhyaan lagana chahiye gurbani pad ke without keeping lust in mind..
After I lost my legs and my daughter in an automobile accident, I recognized how much time I wasted doing dumb stuff. I began seeing your and other people's inspirational videos which inspired me to create my own videos. It was challenging because I had to fight with the mental and physical pain. My wife left me, and all I could think of was how I could compensate for all the time I wasted. Fortunately I 'm able to talk and type with my left hand, so it's possible to communicate without revealing my hideous face. I will try and inspire as many people as possible, but I do not have many spectators.
He said that osho was good speaker and philosopher but later on he join the name bhagwan with his name and start his own cult which is really wrong but sant maskeen ji never said to follow him he also gave examples from different religions and philosophers. So, Maskeen ji is totally right. He always respected every religion.
maskeen ji.mijhe wo bhi yaad h..jab aap osho ke fan hua krte the.unki baato ko nanak ji ki baato se jodte tge.aur osho ne aapko khoob khri khoti sunayi thi..tb se aap unki mukhalfat krne lg gye the
Very sad n sick words from some people's comments....I have studied books from oscho ..a great n deep philosopher. .why insulting him??why insulting sant hi??really sick mind...
@@fillmyworld4074 they all are hypocrite. They read osho.. learn from him about spirituality for their own discourses or lectures.. but nvr give credit to him..forget about praising him nd showing reverence. Maskeen and his likes are just a khu de daddu. They can nvr go beyond guru granth Sahib ji.
koi bhi kattar samaj jo religion ki bediyo mai jakda ho vo kbhi bhi osho ko nhi samjh sakta,, osho ek esa sach hai jisko sunne se har dharam k kattar log dar jate hai
True teacher never complains about anybody ... sorry to say but this is wrong said about Osho .... he was a free thinker in a society of religious mind trapped beings
I understand your explanation very well and whatever you called out was already in my understanding. I can say now that sant Giani Singh was a moral preacher as it appears from his talk given.So, I don't object directly now as to know the enlightened being like osho one should have a unconditioned mind,freed from any dogma n scriptures,unsubjugated.He should be detached from preconceived notions grasping from old tradition.I am not saying that I am understanding osho because I posses all this qualities. But I experienced something beyond mind and now able to live moment to moment...without clinging to past and aspirations of future. So,this problem deals with conditioned mind not to the person who is talking. Thanks for sharing your views.
Dear Jitender, Thanks for your useful reply. I have already cleared and replied to earlier emails regarding my comments over sant Giani maskeen.Life is full of duality if we go on thinking and life is full of contradiction too if we are capable of responding to responding rather than reacting to each point being raised time to time.Then its becomes superfluous whether we are reacting to some comments n questions.Here I could see how you react to my comments from schizophrenic point of view rather than pure and conscious perspective. It is seen that you have collect more information about Osho and not tried his methods to brought yourself to a point where words becomes useless and person gains some wisdom.It is very easy to define Osho in terms of Sex,marriage and live in as we people are very much promp in collecting info. only but when it comes to practically experience those methods what Osho has siggested, no one is interested.We are becoming more promp in exchange info. through FB,what's up and UA-cam.But in this unconscious effort of getting pleasures,we miss their core teachings and this era seems to be unable to live intellectually and with wisdom. Who told you that Osho suggest free sex? Who told you that Osho against marriage? Osho neither suggest free sex nor he was against marriage or support marriage. He gives several methods to remain witness to the activity of mind includes its constant rambling over thoughts,memories of past,future expectations and pictorial images that are wondering throughout each moment. His core teaching mainly focused on "How to live moment to moment here n present moment which actually a life..and how to get rid of past memories/thoughts which is already dead and future which is not yet come". Because whenever you dwell in past memories/thoughts and future aspirations,tension bound to happen and life will become full of worries and stress. And to achieve such conscious and awaken state,he has suggested and invented several methods of mediations,which is the actual fruit of his whole work. And we live in country where natural requirements of human being is condemned n suppressed so badly that people learn to ignore them whenever someone highlight them.In India,Sex love and death becomes the greatest taboo n no one wants to discuss these even for a moment.He suggested to become aware and alert while doing each activity..and face the reality as it is..don't even try to judge your thoughts whether they r good or bad etc. .. that is don't get attached to the thoughts whenever it comes to you..other u will b trapped in the game of mind. People are doing free sex because the they are doing it unconciously n no effort has been taken to be in a moment of sex completely sex also becomes a mechanical act only. He suggested whether you are going to marry or not....Just be aware of this present moment and marriage will become such serene n peaceful relation between two hearts.So it depends on individuals what quality they posses and at what extent their awareness reached. An enlightened person doesn't mean that he should have rebellion approch each time like Osho.Enlightenment is a individual phenomena where a person achieve a state of non-doing and awareness to feel the eternal cosmic bliss of which you are also a part. I'm not a follower of osho or any other as a it is ugly thing to follow someone. May be I had criticized Sant maskeen but that is my own outlook.You need to provide some logical and meaningful reply over my comments so that my points being erased.But I have not yet received any reply of that caliber where I could get mutually agreed with them. I am saying this as I have experienced the glimpse of divine and bliss showered me in no-mind state time to time. I have to write this much because words are limitless to describe the truth that I have experienced. Hope this would bring more clarity now to all the members who replied/not replied to my comments. Thanks again,
+pavan patle Thanks Pavan, let's leave this topic here because I love both of them maskeen ji & Osho. I have learned a lot from both of them. I want to thank you for your way of communication without using any abusive language excluding your first comment. you have the virtue of tolerance. Thanks again
Mayank Agnihotri do u read guru nanak sahib z bani have totally wrong knowledge about them afsoooos di gal hai....Guru ji always consider himself DAS means slave.. NEECH means no class..Nanak neech kahe bichar, Nanak das mukh te jo bole..
Buddhists also claimed Buddha as GOD. Some ordinary Sikhs who haven't read SGGS properly also claim Guru Nanak as GOD. We Hindus Claim Vishnu, Shiva as GOD. But who will teach those followers and fans that there is no one above Supreme Lord, Brahman, Akaal Purakh, Satguru, Parmatama , Allah. NoOne. Its just us followers from every religion calls them as GOD.
name mayank bhai aapki baat sahi hai apni jagah .. Har kisi ki apni apni soch hai or baaki is topic pe to saari umar bhi vaartalap karoge to bhi zindgi kam padegi bhai.. Yahan pe har bande ki apni apni philosphy hai..
Maskeen is a theologian and is confined to Sikhism only. Whereas Osho is a contemporary mystic who is free from all traditions and religions. So it's natural that these theologians and traditionalists cannot understand him.
M also a sikh but jithe tk m osho aur maskeen g nu suneya aa dono hi great person the but osho ne kdi dikhawe wali life nhi jee.. Osho apni manjil tk pohuche huye person the aur un k hr ek baat unko anbhub se niklti the... Maskeen g osho k vre mein es liye aesa bol rhe hai kyu k sikh osho ko sun kr apna marg na bhatak jaye kyu k osho ki kus baaten se kabi kabi bhaut dhakaa lgta hai but osho ki hr baat ka koi na koi shi karan jrur hota hai... Es liye osho great person hi the...
@A he had kept the word 'bhagwan' deliberately He had his own reasons Thinking & making mind such easily will be just silly He had also said this in his discourses
He said that osho was good speaker and philosopher but later on he join the name bhagwan with his name and start his own cult which is really wrong but sant maskeen ji never said to follow him he also gave examples from different religions and philosopher. So, Maskeen ji is totally right.
Yaar tusi sabh bewakoof ta nahi.... Is katha vich ( jo sirf im chota ja part hai) maskee ji ne osho di nindeya kithe kiti jo osho de kuch bhakt bol rahe ne??? Apas ch gaalan kadke tuhanu Rabb mil jau?? Be sensible
I have very repect for sant maskeen ji but one bitter truth is statement comes after his death.when is was live no sant no philosopher challenge him and neither can able to do debate. He never called himself a god .these are peoples who called him bhagwan.
I listen to both of them and they are both talking about same thing. we need to understand - Maskeen ji never said he himself was a Guru. He infact always called himself a Daas/a disciple. A disciple learns until the last breath. Don’t make conclusions based on one or two recordings that he must have hated Osho forever. or in his opinion Osho was this or that. Please. Osho was a Guru - The peak of consciousness. Maskeen ji was a devotee -the peak of devotion. Both are just different ways to get at the same destination.
@@polasingh430 there is no big difference between one who call him a saint or one who is not a saint and i haven't said him a saint ... and am not bonded to any religion nor should any human
@Truth Finder Bhai mee Sabko sun chuka hu, aur gurbani ki thori bahut smj bhi rkhta hu, jo bat guru sahib ki sath milti hai vo sahi hai baki sab bekar,waste,garbage hai. Osho ki kai batee gurbani prr lagu nahi hoti.... voo sab bakvas hai... bilkul low level
No one can ever match sant maskeen ji ... those all , who are trying to belittle him must see themselves first ...
this person was universe of knowledge and wisdom. It's such an irony that people soak only what their mind is capable of ...
Waheguru mehar karn sab te 🙏🏻
Kar diti biased gall
Bilkul 100% sahi gal.
Nobody can reach Sant Maskeen ji level of knowledge. There's no bias in saying the truth. Only the ones who's own minds are biased will see the truth as biased
He is copied osho
Im born buddhist, osho took me to Nanak, i fell in love with Nanak ji because of osho, osho has given such heart touching analysis on Nanak, i start my day with ek onkar satnam music, its a meditation for me, along with Buddham saranam gacchami music.
If ever you feel stuck in life remember this gurbani of the 2nd Guru Angad Dev ji who hold this position after nanak ji
He says
Nanak chinta mat karo, chinta tuss hi hai
Jall meh jant upaiyan, rozi tis bhi de
Oh nanak, don't worry, he(Almighty God) is resolving the issues
Like he has made life under under, and even provides them food and life then why won't will do the same for you.
Satnam shree waheguru🙏
@@Gurvindernagra-bk5zkwaheguru g
Osho ne kisi dharam ka parchaar nhi kiya .osho ki soch universal hai.
Oshe ne sach ka parchaar kiya. Nice
Bhai kosne sach Ka prachar Kiya hai ....jara batao ge....ya raati rautai line cheap di
Daya singh nice joke
@@polasingh430 ha , yakin nahi toh khud sunlo osho on 3 eye ... UA-cam pe miljayenga
@@vishaldugad3088 dharam word se itni problem kyu hai logo ko. Understanding Dharam is starving for truth. All dharmas have truth but if you say doing some ritual is a dharam you are wrong and people like you see only ritual. And since you landed here guru nanak gave the complete truth of universe just try to listen n read his words he told what god is gurbani is start and end. Many guru mahatma maulanas came and gone and baba nanak cleared all the clouds. Who are stick to gurbani are stick to truth otherwise yeah people like to hear random so called gurus and osho might be better than some randon so called guru who attracted people who were never into experience truth and bliss. Most of the osho followers came from the broken family or wester people who were away from sprituality.
Apko dharam ka mtlb pta hai ? Hmesha sach ka sath do, apne maa-baap ki sewa kro, kise ke sath dokha mt kro ye hai dharam, or aap jise dharm smj rhe ho, wo raste hai sbhi parmatma tk pohchne ke liye, like sikhism, hinduism etc
Greatest intellectual of modern times but I think Indian Govt. harassed him !
World govt*
Not only the Indian government haha. All governments. Nothing is as dangerous for any government as someone telling the truth!
@@marcjacobs5988 exactly
Not only Indian government z indians too.. pakhandi pandits couldn't digest his words.
The name bhagwan”osho was given by the people who loved him. Osho never said he is Bhagwan. But at the same time he accepted word bhagwan as a gesture of love from his desciples. Because bhagwan means bhagehwaan. (A man with a good luck). But people thinks osho had ego. Just like sant maskeen ji said.
I’ve learned alot from both. Osho and maskeen are jewels.
100% Correct ❤❤
But fer Osho tantrik videya wall keo peya ??
Maskeen is very respected but osho was enlighten master!
मस्कीन जी b एनलाइटेंड है
Jagdish singh Maskeen is nothing in comparison to OSHO
@@navminhas412 I maybe unaware of my level. But, I know of Maskeen's level. The lowest - DIRT.
@@navminhas412 This idiot Maskeen could not hurt my feelings even if he tried. I just feel pity for him. and for you for admiring this ass-clown.
All people are entitled to their opinions. Even idiots like Maskeen.
Maskeen ji is the real gem❤️
Copy cat of osho
@@harwindersingh4170copy cat how???? Pls elaborate your claim
Claps for maskeen ji and osho ji 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
OSHO used to say, don't make comparison, every single human personality is unique, so there's no question to comparison.... 🌹🌷
Kede babes pishe lge o
Sala sex kronda ashram ch
Osho is the great spiritual master . Those who understands him are the lucky individuals in the world... But those who cant understood osho are the unlucky ...
It's better be Unlucky than being a stupid and dumb.
Tumto Jaan gye mil gya hoga nirvan
@@ajaysahare30hahaha...bhaiiiii aisa ni bolte...aap bhi theek ho aur woh bhi...
We all understand osho. He is just a cult leader. Anyone who thinks otherwise are the unlucky ones who got brainwashed.
@@mcdonaldsgaming3974 what about jesus?
We young energetic people don't need to come in this sort of controversial conceptions,be calm and immerse in your self.
Davinder Singh read Jiddu Krishnamurti
When i saw him i said Thanks Osho you came to us :)
Osho the most misunderstood being, I believe.
Well said
Both are gems osho and maskeen g... Gems of india.. And great souls on earth
Sant Singh Maskeen Ji is pro-Khalistan, not India
@@highgroundgaming9161 shut up .kuch bolna se pehla socha karo
Now go listen 10 years to osho and then come back to maskeen ji again
@@highgroundgaming9161 bilkul
Osho was/is greatest ever! Thousands love over him!
it sounds like osho is a top man, he sees reality. respect to him.
i love osho i have encountered osho books on 2006 when i started my search when i looked at his face on the cover of the book immidieatly i felt as if im looking at someone special but still didnt buy the book in later 2012 i encountered osho teaching my life has changed so i don't care what this guy thinks
@M the video is incomplete
Same happened with me I saw his book in college library but couldn't read in 2007 then I started reading his books in 2012
Sant maskeen Ji ka koi Sani nahi he is great sant in the world.i miss him .
If u really understood what he was saying you would respect both osho and maskeen Ji.
Maskeen sahib ne osho nu ਜਾਣਿਆ nahi. Oh ਤਾਂਤਰਿਕ ਨਹੀਂ ਸੀ। ਸ਼ਾਇਦ ਓਸ਼ੋ 200 ਅੱਗੇ ਦੀ ਸੋਚਦਾ ਸੀ। ਉਸ ਦੀ ਜੀਵਨ ਯਾਤਰਾ ਖਤਮ ਹੋਣ ਤੋਂ ਬਾਅਦ ਓਸ਼ੋ ਨੂੰ ਲੋਕ ਜਿਆਦਾ ਪੜ੍ਹ ਰਹੇ ਆ ਤੇ ਸਹਿਮਤੀ ਦਿੰਦੇ ਆ ਉਸਦੇ ਵਿਚਾਰਾਂ ਨਾਲੋ।
ਸਹੀ ਗੱਲ ਆ,, ਸਭ ਨੇ ਓਸ਼ੋ ਨੂੰ ਪੜ੍ਹਿਆ ਤੇ ਉਸਦੇ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਵੇਚੇ,, ਪਰ ਉਸਦੇ ਮਰਨ ਤੋਂ ਬਾਅਦ ਉਸਨੂੰ ਨਿੰਦਿਆ
maskeen ji was talking about a khatha on kesh..
and how at one time osho was a regular speaker with him or he spoke at one or two gurudwaras with him before osho declared him self "bhagwan" aka "god" technically we all are "bhagwan" since bhagwan is in us and this per maskeen ji due to oshos ego..
but even in the maskeen ji was respecting him because osho does have a deep sprituality/philosophy
osho is unmatched .all others seem to be nothing in front of him.
u r illiterate, unaware, unenlightened person.... u need lotta knowledge to comprehend spiritualism...u dont have ur hair on head wht god made u ,...u didnt keep tht so u dont have right to compare...
+Karan Singh sure no hair and no nails too. he brushes his teeth daily. he is a monster
Karan Singh i have read osho for more than 6 years of my life .dont teach me .hair has nothing to do with spirituality .it is a part of sikhism its fine but god doesnot come to you depending on your hairstyle .you can lose your limbs ,you can lose your eyes .he comes to the one who calls him with a true heart .god doesnot care about who you are or how you look .for being spiritual you need wisdom not knowledge .
+gary mann follow or be yourself is the key that a rush does not learn .veer
+Kamal Dev yes agreed veer .
Maskeen ji's thoughts about osho are correct. He started as an open minded rationalist, a truth seeker who critiqued established dogmatic religious traditions ,but in the end he himself got corrupted and began his own dogmatic cult.
Dhan Guru granth sahib ji Maharaj
Sant maskeen ji ur gr8
Maskeen ji
Wow such knowledge and wisdom
I used to sit with my family listening to his lectures
Gyan da Sagar Sant maskeen Ji 🙏
Sant nee see oh giani san phir jo shaheed hoyey sikh jagat ohna nu bhai da khitaab kiyo oh marjeevrey ta giani I gee toh phir phichey reh gye
Na guru na giani sidha sant
Sadey guru sahib aa naal bhi dhakka ohbhi guru nayi jo sikhada oh teacher guru aa guru net sant da tag nee laya nahi maskeen gee ney kiha mai sant aa
We respect to maskeen ji ..but we love the osho as he is enlighted as well as most inspirable than order's, osho thoughts are straight forwards he is such a assertive person .
No match of maskeen g he is d best ...
Maskeen Ji is Real Saint, we can't compare him with anyone.
I am a Sikh, but will totally disagree with Sant Singh Maskeen. He needs to be respectful to an enlightened master....this shows his shallowness.
Ohna sahi keha
He said that osho was good speaker and philosopher but later on he join the name bhagwan with his name and start his own cult which is really wrong but sant maskeen ji never said to follow him he also gave examples from different religions and philosopher. So, Maskeen ji is totally right.
Jis din osho ko suna bas osho hi osho reh gaye osho is universe
I was born in sikh family but when i come to know about osho, its like "no need of religion any more now". Believe me osho is great. I love osho. As i born in sikh, i know them very well, now sikhs are very egoistic, they can't tolerate that someone knows better than them. And yes maskeen ji also read many books of osho
Harkirat Singh, if i read a book it doesn't mean that i am following the concepts of that book in my own life and doesn't also mean i want to hold any discussions or discourses based on it but it is only to get insights of what author has to share. Secondly if Sikh youth is egoistic today is only because they are ignorant. They are ignorant about the very basic philosophy of sikh faith and they don't read their religious scriptures including Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji for spiritual knowledge and guidance. Instead they read books of some modern philosphers for which they spend their time, which they don't have for reading, understanding and analyzing gurbani in their day to day life. Now, i am not saying that we shouldn't read books of others but as a matter of fact, we should, in order to get knowledge about what others have to say. Remember, its ignorance which gives birth to all evils including pride and prejudice. Remember, you are talking about people who are ignorant and thus, egoistic and not the Sikh faith itself. The Sikh religion and people embracing it are separate entities. Ignorance among the people doesn't make the faith inferior. So if you are ignorant about your own faith, then how can you possibly understand other's. The journey has to begin from within ourselves and by reading our own conscience and by acknowledging where we actually stand.
*सपनों में सुख मिल जाता है*
एक आदमी एक मनोवैज्ञानिक के पास गया और उसने कहा कि मेरी बड़ी मुसीबत है, मेरी सहायता करें। मैं रात सपना देखता हूं कि हजारों सुंदरियां नग्न मेरे चारों तरफ नाचती हैं। मनोवैज्ञानिक अपनी कुर्सी से टिका बैठा था, सम्हलकर बैठ गया। उसने कहा, “यह परेशानी है? अरे पागल! और क्या चाहता है? इसमें परेशानी कहां है? तू अपना राज बता, कैसे तू यह सपना पैदा करता है? क्या तेरी फीस है, बोल!’
उस आदमी ने कहा, “परेशानी यह है कि सपने में मैं भी लड़की होता हूं। यही झंझट है। मुझे किसी तरह सपने में आदमी रहने दो। यही पूछने आया हूं।’
सपनों में सुख मिल जाता है। सपने में तुम कभी सम्राट हुए? जरूर हुए होओगे। कोई कमी नहीं रह जाती।
चीन में एक बड़ा सम्राट हुआ। उसका एक ही लड़का था। वह मरणासन्न पड़ा था। वह उसके पास तीन दिन से बैठा था, तीन रात से बैठा था। सारी आशा वही था। सारी महत्वाकांक्षा वही था। फिर झपकी लग गई उसकी; तीन दिन का जागा हुआ सम्राट, बैठे-बैठे सो गया। उसने एक सपना देखा कि उसके बारह लड़के हैं-एक से एक सुंदर, बलिष्ठ, प्रतिभाशाली, मेधावी। बड़ा उसका स्वर्ण से बना हुआ महल है। महल के रास्ते पर हीरे-जवाहरात जड़े हैं। बड़ा उसका साम्राज्य है। वह चक्रवर्ती है। तभी बाहर जो बेटा बिस्तर पर पड़ा था, वह मर गया। पत्नी चीख मारकर चिल्लाई, सपना टूटा और सम्राट ने सामने मरे हुए लड़के को पड़ा देखा। पत्नी को चीखते देखा। पत्नी जानती थी कि पति को बड़ा सदमा पहुंचेगा। घबड़ा गई, क्योंकि पति देखता ही रहा। न केवल रोया नहीं, हंसने लगा। पत्नी समझी कि पागल हो गया। उसने कहा, “यह तुम्हें क्या हुआ? तुम हंस क्यों रहे हो?’
उसने कहा, “मैं हंस रहा हूं इसलिए कि अब किसके लिए रोऊं! अभी सपने में बारह लड़के थे, बड़े सुंदर थे, यह कुछ भी नहीं! बड़े स्वस्थ, बलिष्ठ थे। जैसे उनकी मौत कभी आएगी ही न, ऐसे थे। अमृत-पुत्र थे। और बड़ा महल था, यह महल झोपड़ा है! सोने का बना था। राह पर हीरे-जवाहरात लगे थे। तेरी चीख ने सब गड़बड़ कर दिया। न तेरा मुझे पता था, न इस बेटे का मुझे पता था; सपने में तुम ऐसे ही खो गए थे, जैसे अब सपना खो गया। अब मैं सोचता हूं, किसके लिए रोना! उन बारह के लिए रोऊं पहले कि इस एक के लिए रोऊं? इसलिए हंसी आती है। हंसी आती है कि रोना व्यर्थ है। हंसी आती है कि वह भी एक सपना था, यह भी एक सपना है। वह आंख-बंद का सपना था, यह आंख-खुली का सपना है।’
तुम जिसे सुख मान लेते हो, वह सुख मालूम पड़ता है। कई दफा दुख को भी तुम सुख मान लेते हो, सुख मालूम पड़ता है। पहली दफा जब कोई सिगरेट पीता है तो सुख नहीं मिलता, दुख ही मिलता है, खांसी आ जाती है, धुआं सिर में चढ़ जाता है, चक्कर मालूम होता है, घबड़ाहट लगती है। आखिर धुआं ही है-गंदा धुआं है। उसको भीतर ले जाने से सुख कैसे हो सकता है? लेकिन फिर धीरे-धीरे अभ्यास करने से…
Harkirat Singh read Jiddu Krishnamurti books. he is better.
Harkirat Singh ji theres no other example that even cone close to humbleness of sri guru sahibans and their sikhs even when theywere being martyred didnt have any ego they were hapily being killed but did not leave sikhi and who could be more without ego than dhan dhan sri guru gobind singh ji Maharaj whos great grand father sri Arian dev ji father and 4 perfectly raised sons got martyred especially younger sons brutally killed by cowRd government ot the time but when guru sahib ji wrote a letter of victory to the emperor he was so calm and in peace that he even pointed out greatness of the emperor includig his cowardness
A person can not be better by writting good books.
Osho ko sunlo phir hi koi comment karna
He was such a genius person
You tube pr unki bahut vedio audio hai
I listen and 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Or jo maskeen ji bta rhe hain wo koi intelligent nhi hain ...he is ginius
Osho to osho hi the unko samjhna har kisi k bas ki baat nahi hai mere dost
Or thark pn .... ache baste kro bs adr se kya tha hawsi he
@@pardeepmurrahandkushtilove7247 osho agar aj hota tu uska chuss leta
Right,MASKEEN ji may not be the dust of the Rajneesh but certainly he is the dust of the almighty and the sadh sangat.
aap Almighty c mil k aye ho ki dono mn difference bta rhe ho
Osho is not comparable to maskeen...maskeen kol sirf knowledge se sach Nahi ...
Pardeep Singh tnu kive pta v mskeen ji kol sch nhi te osho kol hai??
Maskeen g kol vishwas c guru te,,maskeen never claimed to be enlightened,,he was a sewak of guru
Osho is great parnam
❤❤❤my two favourite maskeen ji and osho
Sant Maskeen ji is great
I listen 10 years continues maskeen ji than I able to understand great OSHO .
@@baagi2187 only .0000001 people can understand To OSHO nd even most of them r white people , so on one can take place of the Great OSHO
Veer but end te o aapne aap nu bhagwan mn betha c, same rawan vang, fr great kiwe hoeya, ha pr eh v sach hai y pehla o shi raah te c and shi glaa krda c🙏🏻
@manjotsidhu8314 very good point.
Maskeen ji even refused the honour of being a rajsi sant that India wanted to honour him with.
@@manjotsidhu8314 bai ohne sirf apne aap nu bhagwan nahi keha c ohne keha c sare bhagwaan bn sakde sarya andr bhagwan haega ohdi bhagwan di definition c jehra bhagwatta nu prapat ho gaya
Main v dona nu suneya bhut saal par maskeen ji bhut syane ne osho toh osho diya glah vich hunqar v aa ty gussa v jaldi krda
ਮੈਂ ਮਸਕੀਨ ਨੂੰ ਬਹੁਤ ਸੁਣਿਆ।ਲਗਭਗ ਮਸਕੀਨ ਜੀ ਦੀ ਹਰ ਆਡੀਓ ਮੇਰੇ ਲੈਪਟਾਪ ਵਿਚ ਅੱਜ ਵੀ ਪਈ ਹੈ।ਮੈਂ ਮਸਕੀਨ ਜੀ ਨੂੰ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਪੀ ਟੀ ਸੀ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਟਾਈਮ ਟੀਵੀ ਤੇ ਵੀ ਕਾਫੀ ਸੁਣਿਆ ਪਰ ਜਦੋਂ ਦਾ ਉਸ਼ੋ ਪੜਿਆ ਕਿਸੇ ਹੋਰ ਨੂੰ ਸੁਣਨ ਦੀ ਜਰੂਰਤ ਹੀ ਨਹੀ ਪਈ ।ਓਸ਼ੋ ਦਾ ਹਰ ਇਕ ਵਚਨ ਹੀਰਿਆਂ ਵਾਂਗ ਅਨਮੋਲ ਅਤੇ ਖਰਾ ਹੈ । ਮਸਕੀਨ ਜੀ ਸਿਰਫ ਸਿੱਖ ਧਰਮ ਦੀ ਮਹਾਨਤਾ ਹੀ ਬਿਆਨ ਕਰਦੇ ਰਹੇ ਪਰ ਕੌੜੇ ਸਚ ਕਹਿਣ ਦੀ ਕਦੇ ਹਿੰਮਤ ਨਾਂ ਕਰ ਸਕੇ।ਉਸ਼ੋ ਨੇ ਹਰ ਧਰਮ ਵਿੱਚ ਫੈਲੇ ਅੰਧਵਿਸ਼ਵਾਸ ਦੀ ਅਲੋਚਨਾ ਕੀਤੀ ਪਰ ਗੁਰੂ ਨਾਇਕ ਦੇਵ, ਕਬੀਰਦਾਸ, ਭਗਤ ਰਵਿਦਾਸ,ਮੀਰਾ ਬਾਈ ਰਾਮਕਰਿਸ਼ਨ ਪਰਮਹੰਸ ਮਹਾਤਮਾ ਬੁੱਧ, ਭਗਵਾਂਨ ਮਹਾਂਵੀਰ ਜੀ ਦੀ ਕਦੇ ਬੁਰਾਈ ਨਹੀ ਕੀਤੀ ।ਉਸ਼ੋ ਵੀਹਵੀ ਸਦੀ ਦਾ ਇਕ ਮਹਾਂਨ ਸੰਤ ਸੀ ਬ੍ਰਹਮਗਿਆਨੀ ਸੀ।ਮਸਕੀਨ ਵਿਦਵਾਨ ਸੀ ਕਥਾਵਾਚਕ ਸੀ ਪਰ ਉਸ਼ੋ ਦੇ ਨੇੜੇ ਤੇੜੇ ਵੀ ਨਹੀਂ।ਕਿਸੇ ਇਕ ਧਰਮ ਨੂੰ ਪਰਮੋਟ ਕਰਨ ਨਾਲ ਉਹ ਧਰਮ ਤਾਂ ਬ੍ਰਹਮਗਿਆਨੀ ਮੰਨੇਗਾ ਪਰ ਸੰਸਾਰ ਨਹੀ ।ਬਾਕੀ ਉਸ਼ੋ ਤੇ ਮਸਕੀਨ ਦੀਆਂ ਦਲੀਲਾਂ ਦੋਨੋ ਹੀ ਅੱਜ ਦੇ ਅਖੌਤੀ ਵਿਦਵਾਨਾਂ ਤੋਂ ਬਹੁਤ ਅੱਗੇ ਹਨ।
Osho nu gyan bhut jyada c pr ohna diya gllan to lgda hai k ohna nu brahm gyan di prapti nhi hoi..
Maskeen Ji ko bharam gyaan tha ❤❤
ਸੁਣਨ ਚ ਅਤੇ ਸਮਜਣ ਫਰਕ ਹੁੰਦਾ ਭਰਾ। ਨਾਲੇ ਸਿੱਖੀ ਵਿਚਾਰਧਾਰਾ ਤੋਂ ਉਪਰ ਕੁਝ ਨੀ
I am a Sikh and i respect Maskeen ji, but i think it was little wrong off him to make this statement.
@A lol that's what I was wandering
He is talking about Tantrik vidhya this is totally false
I'm not a follower from oscho nor I accept him as bhagwan ...but I respect his sharp brain ..a genius ...billions of people on this planet. Everyone has his own philosophy. .hundreds of religions or beliefs. .some devotees of bholenath .even some criticize him.e.g. Islam will be much better place to live if we accept n respect all n every philosophy existing ..hairs or clean shave..does not any obstacle in path of God..Than its a personal very person matter
Love u osho sir 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Sound is not clear
Osho on guru Nanak dev ji teaches more about the great Sikh guru than anything ever did, pranams
should read sikh authors, listen to sikh katha
Acha ji sikh vidwaan gyaani jida muk gye ne sansaar ch ? Lol
Sun ke dekho
Maskeen ji was a man of god
Those who speak harsh words against Sant ji will definitely punished by god.
Beloved Master of Master Osho
Sant maskeen singh je❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
OSHO was indeed supernatural ... no words can praise him. His philosophy is very close to SIKHI philosophy for the most part. W A H E G U R U
One apniaa sariaa books gurbani to hi chepiaa ne
@@prabhkainth6542jaan de bharawa gurbani ch kehri eda di gal aa jihri sashtra ch hai nhi koi ik dass.phir ta lokki eh kahuge gurbani sashtra toh shpi aa jihre bnde rabb nu pa lainde aa ohna diyan gallan mail kha jandia tere warge Kai bnde eh v kehnde aa ke guru nanak ne kabeer nu copy kita moorkha di koi ghaat nhi es duniy te
प्रभुजी, नमस्कार
आपके वीडियो मैने पिछले दो चार दिनो से देखे है। लगता है आपको मेरे बारे मे कुछ अहंकार रहित बात पता चले।
मै इंदौर मे रहता हूँ।
मुझे करीब ग्यारह बारह साल की उम्र मे एक गाँव मे 1982 के करीब विदेही होने का अनुभव हुआ, जब गाँव मे कोई गूरु भी नही था न किताबे। कभी कभी तो सोते वक्त शरीर कापता और सूक्षम शरीर के उडने जैसा लगता भय लगता था। विदेही का अनुभव हो गया था।
इंदौर 1998 मे आने के बाद मै कुछ लोगो से मिला, कुछ लोगो मेरी उपस्थिति मे सैकंड मे ध्यान हो गया। भीतर कुंडलिनी दिखाई दी। माँस मज्जा, सारे प्रकाश केंद्र। मै इसे गाॅड गिफ्ट कहता हूँ। एक दोस्त की रिक्वेस्ट पर 1000 किमी दूर भी वह मेरी आवाज से ही ध्यानस्थ हुआ, वही कुंडलिनी, चक्र दिखे उसे। अभी पिछले माह भी मेरे से बात करते करते ही दो लोग और भीतर कुंडलिनी देख चुके। यस तो सैकंड मै पहली बार मे लोगो को हो जाता है।
सब गाॅड गिफ्ट है ऐसा होना
Osho is great guru Bhagwan rajnish ji osho jinna gyan aaj tak kise v kol v nhi si osho is god
Osho is god😂 bro tu eh bolke hi dsta aa ki tu kina glt bolrea te tenu kush vi nhi pta hle god vlo
ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ
Osho great
Love you osho ❤❤
Bada dukh hoea maskeen ji de muho eh vichaar sunke osho ta gyan da samundar c
Devinder Singh dukh vali gall koi ni aa, maskeen ji hamesha sach bolde ne jida odho bolda hora lai
veer ji sach sach hi hoda kde shaij pad kreo sab bharm bhulekhe door ho jan gye
Bilkul sahi Riar Singh or Avatar Singh ji
Or vese vi osho di vichardhara ta bhukkhe man nu rajaun di c or bani kehndi ae
Bhukheyaan bhukkh Na uttre je banna puriyaan bhar
Bahut sunder dil ko shoo lene wala parvachn
Bhagwan Rajneesh osho🙏
Beloved OSHO♥️♥️
love osho
we always love u maskeen gggggggg
Rabb sabka bhalla kre
Osho and maskeen g are two faces of same who listen both will be totally religious and meditative
Maskeen ji and osho both of great 🙏🙏
osho jaisa koi nhii ,, or naa kbhi ho ga
Waheguru ji 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
are oh murakh logo...why are you comparing osho and maskeen ji..
Both are preacher but have a different mind n thoughts.. Jisko Osho ka satsang acha lagta hai wo waha jaye aur jisko maskeen ji ka wo unko sune end of the day ur satisfaction matters.. Osho pe log isliye attract hote hai kyki unka meditation sex ke bad start hota hai..yani ki kaam vasna ke baad aur maskeen ji bolte hai ki bande ko kaam krodh lobh moh aur ahankar oe kabu karne ke liye dhyaan lagana chahiye gurbani pad ke without keeping lust in mind..
Adhuri video hai poori video upload Kara Karo.
Osho is undoubtedly one of the greatest and finest mystics of this century! To listen to the ramblings of this Maskeen was a big blunder...
Osho is master of god
ਮਸਕੀਨ ਜੀ। ਤੁਹਾਡੀਆਂ ਅਧੇ ਨਾਲੋਂ ਜਿਆਦਾ ਗਲਾਂ ਤੇ ਓਹਨਾ ਚ ਉਦਾਹਰਨਾ ਡਿਟੋ ਕਾਪੀ ਹੁੰਦੀਆਂ ਓਛੋ ਦੀਆਂ। ਤੁਸੀਂ ਖੁਦ ਓਹਦੀ ਡਿਟੋ ਕਾਪੀ ਕਰਦੇ ਹੋ। ਇਹ ਤਕੀਆ ਕਲਾਮ ਵੀ ਕਿ ਕਿਤੇ ਔਖੇ ਨਾ ਹੋ ਜਾਣਾ ਮੈਨੂੰ ਕਹਿਣ ਦੇਣਾ। ਇਹ ਵੀ ਓਛੋ ਦਾ ਈ ਆ 😆
After I lost my legs and my daughter in an automobile accident, I recognized how much time I wasted doing dumb stuff. I began seeing your and other people's inspirational videos which inspired me to create my own videos. It was challenging because I had to fight with the mental and physical pain. My wife left me, and all I could think of was how I could compensate for all the time I wasted. Fortunately I 'm able to talk and type with my left hand, so it's possible to communicate without revealing my hideous face. I will try and inspire as many people as possible, but I do not have many spectators.
I wish he was still here to fight against the UA-camrs who are spreading lies about Sikhi and saying so much garbage.
I am Huge fan of maskeen ji and I respect him ....but I don't know why maskeen ji said this about osho ...osho was good philosopher and master.
He said that osho was good speaker and philosopher but later on he join the name bhagwan with his name and start his own cult which is really wrong but sant maskeen ji never said to follow him he also gave examples from different religions and philosophers. So, Maskeen ji is totally right. He always respected every religion.
@@ManpreetSingh-qr9zc100% right veer👍🙏🏻
Waheguru jiiii
maskeen ji.mijhe wo bhi yaad h..jab aap osho ke fan hua krte the.unki baato ko nanak ji ki baato se jodte tge.aur osho ne aapko khoob khri khoti sunayi thi..tb se aap unki mukhalfat krne lg gye the
Koi proof hai is baat ka ???
Very sad n sick words from some people's comments....I have studied books from oscho ..a great n deep philosopher. .why insulting him??why insulting sant hi??really sick mind...
Sabhi sant Osho ko parte Hain apny kattar smaj k dar se Osho k khilaf bolny se bhi nahi chookte I love my osho
@@fillmyworld4074 they all are hypocrite. They read osho.. learn from him about spirituality for their own discourses or lectures.. but nvr give credit to him..forget about praising him nd showing reverence. Maskeen and his likes are just a khu de daddu. They can nvr go beyond guru granth Sahib ji.
koi bhi kattar samaj jo religion ki bediyo mai jakda ho vo kbhi bhi osho ko nhi samjh sakta,, osho ek esa sach hai jisko sunne se har dharam k kattar log dar jate hai
James, it's called ignorance; The stuff that keeps powerful and controlling people in that same power and control....
True teacher never complains about anybody ... sorry to say but this is wrong said about Osho .... he was a free thinker in a society of religious mind trapped beings
Maskeen ji speaking with knowledge but osho is saying his experience.
I understand your explanation very well and whatever you called out was already in my understanding. I can say now that sant Giani Singh was a moral preacher as it appears from his talk given.So, I don't object directly now as to know the enlightened being like osho one should have a unconditioned mind,freed from any dogma n scriptures,unsubjugated.He should be detached from preconceived notions grasping from old tradition.I am not saying that I am understanding osho because I posses all this qualities. But I experienced something beyond mind and now able to live moment to moment...without clinging to past and aspirations of future.
So,this problem deals with conditioned mind not to the person who is talking.
Thanks for sharing your views.
Dear Jitender,
Thanks for your useful reply.
I have already cleared and replied to earlier emails regarding my comments over sant Giani maskeen.Life is full of duality if we go on thinking and life is full of contradiction too if we are capable of responding to responding rather than reacting to each point being raised time to time.Then its becomes superfluous whether we are reacting to some comments n questions.Here I could see how you react to my comments from schizophrenic point of view rather than pure and conscious perspective. It is seen that you have collect more information about Osho and not tried his methods to brought yourself to a point where words becomes useless and person gains some wisdom.It is very easy to define Osho in terms of Sex,marriage and live in as we people are very much promp in collecting info. only but when it comes to practically experience those methods what Osho has siggested, no one is interested.We are becoming more promp in exchange info. through FB,what's up and UA-cam.But in this unconscious effort of getting pleasures,we miss their core teachings and this era seems to be unable to live intellectually and with wisdom.
Who told you that Osho suggest free sex?
Who told you that Osho against marriage?
Osho neither suggest free sex nor he was against marriage or support marriage.
He gives several methods to remain witness to the activity of mind includes its constant rambling over thoughts,memories of past,future expectations and pictorial images that are wondering throughout each moment. His core teaching mainly focused on "How to live moment to moment here n present moment which actually a life..and how to get rid of past memories/thoughts which is already dead and future which is not yet come". Because whenever you dwell in past memories/thoughts and future aspirations,tension bound to happen and life will become full of worries and stress.
And to achieve such conscious and awaken state,he has suggested and invented several methods of mediations,which is the actual fruit of his whole work.
And we live in country where natural requirements of human being is condemned n suppressed so badly that people learn to ignore them whenever someone highlight them.In India,Sex love and death becomes the greatest taboo n no one wants to discuss these even for a moment.He suggested to become aware and alert while doing each activity..and face the reality as it is..don't even try to judge your thoughts whether they r good or bad etc. .. that is don't get attached to the thoughts whenever it comes to you..other u will b trapped in the game of mind.
People are doing free sex because the they are doing it unconciously n no effort has been taken to be in a moment of sex completely sex also becomes a mechanical act only.
He suggested whether you are going to marry or not....Just be aware of this present moment and marriage will become such serene n peaceful relation between two hearts.So it depends on individuals what quality they posses and at what extent their awareness reached.
An enlightened person doesn't mean that he should have rebellion approch each time like Osho.Enlightenment is a individual phenomena where a person achieve a state of non-doing and awareness to feel the eternal cosmic bliss of which you are also a part.
I'm not a follower of osho or any other as a it is ugly thing to follow someone.
May be I had criticized Sant maskeen but that is my own outlook.You need to provide some logical and meaningful reply over my comments so that my points being erased.But I have not yet received any reply of that caliber where I could get mutually agreed with them.
I am saying this as I have experienced the glimpse of divine and bliss showered me in no-mind state time to time.
I have to write this much because words are limitless to describe the truth that I have experienced.
Hope this would bring more clarity now to all the members who replied/not replied to my comments.
Thanks again,
+pavan patle Thanks Pavan, let's leave this topic here because I love both of them maskeen ji & Osho. I have learned a lot from both of them. I want to thank you for your way of communication without using any abusive language excluding your first comment. you have the virtue of tolerance. Thanks again
+samester123 Thanks.
Maskeen ji and rajneesh ji full knowledge master
Waheguru Ji
he just shared his views
Sant Maskeen ji is great 🙏
@@ruhaniofficialchannelbabab2236 Waheguru ji 🙏🏻
Vidio puri uplod krea kro .. eda loka nu aps ch ldana tci ??? Cmnt prhlo hun
Bhagwaan shabd premiyo ne lagaya tha..Osho ne toh kabhi nhi kaha ki mujhe Bhagwan keh ke pukaro
premi ta sirse waler de vi bhut ne lol
Osho khud ko ji nahi sabi ko bagvaan kehte the..unke kehne ka matlub vo nahi jo aap samj rahe hain
Mayank Agnihotri do u read guru nanak sahib z bani have totally wrong knowledge about them afsoooos di gal hai....Guru ji always consider himself DAS means slave.. NEECH means no class..Nanak neech kahe bichar, Nanak das mukh te jo bole..
Buddhists also claimed Buddha as GOD. Some ordinary Sikhs who haven't read SGGS properly also claim Guru Nanak as GOD. We Hindus Claim Vishnu, Shiva as GOD. But who will teach those followers and fans that there is no one above Supreme Lord, Brahman, Akaal Purakh, Satguru, Parmatama , Allah. NoOne. Its just us followers from every religion calls them as GOD.
name mayank bhai aapki baat sahi hai apni jagah .. Har kisi ki apni apni soch hai or baaki is topic pe to saari umar bhi vaartalap karoge to bhi zindgi kam padegi bhai.. Yahan pe har bande ki apni apni philosphy hai..
Maskeen is a theologian and is confined to Sikhism only. Whereas Osho is a contemporary mystic who is free from all traditions and religions. So it's natural that these theologians and traditionalists cannot understand him.
Maskeen ji was a very respected person.
He was a nice speaker.
But osho is a saint like budh kabeer jesus
M also a sikh but jithe tk m osho aur maskeen g nu suneya aa dono hi great person the but osho ne kdi dikhawe wali life nhi jee.. Osho apni manjil tk pohuche huye person the aur un k hr ek baat unko anbhub se niklti the... Maskeen g osho k vre mein es liye aesa bol rhe hai kyu k sikh osho ko sun kr apna marg na bhatak jaye kyu k osho ki kus baaten se kabi kabi bhaut dhakaa lgta hai but osho ki hr baat ka koi na koi shi karan jrur hota hai... Es liye osho great person hi the...
shocked to see such a learned man talking this way about osho....baakio ka to chlta hai maskeen ji lekin aapse yeh umeed nahi thi....
Yes true...he lost all respect i had for him. Since i heard this from him.
@A he had kept the word 'bhagwan' deliberately
He had his own reasons
Thinking & making mind such easily will be just silly
He had also said this in his discourses
He said that osho was good speaker and philosopher but later on he join the name bhagwan with his name and start his own cult which is really wrong but sant maskeen ji never said to follow him he also gave examples from different religions and philosopher. So, Maskeen ji is totally right.
मैं आप जी दा बहुत आदर करदा सी ,पार ऐ ह वीडियो देख्न तो बाद तुसी अपना लेबल मेरी नज़र बीच बहुत थाले डेग लेया है।
Incomplete hai eh video
Yaar tusi sabh bewakoof ta nahi.... Is katha vich ( jo sirf im chota ja part hai) maskee ji ne osho di nindeya kithe kiti jo osho de kuch bhakt bol rahe ne??? Apas ch gaalan kadke tuhanu Rabb mil jau?? Be sensible
I have very repect for sant maskeen ji but one bitter truth is statement comes after his death.when is was live no sant no philosopher challenge him and neither can able to do debate. He never called himself a god .these are peoples who called him bhagwan.
I listen to both of them and they are both talking about same thing. we need to understand - Maskeen ji never said he himself was a Guru. He infact always called himself a Daas/a disciple. A disciple learns until the last breath. Don’t make conclusions based on one or two recordings that he must have hated Osho forever. or in his opinion Osho was this or that. Please. Osho was a Guru - The peak of consciousness. Maskeen ji was a devotee -the peak of devotion. Both are just different ways to get at the same destination.
ਸਭ ਨੂੰ ਪਤਾ ਓਸ਼ੋ ਤਾਂਤਰਿਕ ਨਹੀਂ ਸੀ,। ਉਸਨੇ ਕਿਤਾਬਾਂ ਪੜੀਆਂ,, ਉਹ ਪ੍ਰੋਫੈਸਰ ਸੀ,, ਜੋ ਉਸਨੂੰ ਨਿੰਦ ਰਹੇ ਆ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਨੇ ਕਿ ਪੜ੍ਹਿਆ। ਓਸ਼ੋ ਦੇ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਵੇਚ ਰਹੇ ਨੇ ਸਭ
sant g tusi great ho..
osho naman
osho ek highest level da spiritual bnda c oda koi mukabla ni esa century ch
@@polasingh430 there is no big difference between one who call him a saint or one who is not a saint and i haven't said him a saint ... and am not bonded to any religion nor should any human
@@polasingh430 i haven't said maskeen is what good or bad no one is bad for me
@Truth Finder Bhai mee Sabko sun chuka hu, aur gurbani ki thori bahut smj bhi rkhta hu, jo bat guru sahib ki sath milti hai vo sahi hai baki sab bekar,waste,garbage hai. Osho ki kai batee gurbani prr lagu nahi hoti.... voo sab bakvas hai... bilkul low level
@@MyJerrytv I have heard osho, but it was not appreciable, believe me, I do not bark without knowing anything....
@@MyJerrytv for ur true sake, we have our Guru Granth Sahib ji, every talk which goes against guru ji is false,waste, garbage
Somewhere the talk of Maskeen ji is cut abruptly. Can you add the complete talk.
dimag hil gya maskeen da.
Lagda tan ehi hai.....sant aadmi di ninda karti maskeen ji ne.
ਸਹੀ ਕਿਹਾ
waheguru ji
Maskeen g shi keh reh