Part 1 Season 2 continues the marathon of great episodes that started around Cutie Mark Chronicles with not only a very good episode,but one that rightfully makes a lot of favorite episodes lists.I love Return of Harmony,I really have nothing to complain about in neither part 1 or 2 that's more than a nitpick,it was the perfect way to start this season,sjowing that the creators still can and will improve everything that makes this show so good:characters,humor,animation,story This also the introduction of most people's favorite villain and I probably don't need to explain why he is so popular with the fans. This really made me believe that it was worth the wait between seasons and I've felt like that about every season opener,but back then,when the show was still young,I wasn't as confident that it was going to be good as I am now after 97 episodes 2:41 Squeaky Belle is always the most adorable 2:50 I'm assuming it's Discord's influence/presents that leads to such a small disagreement to turn into such a fight 4:46 "Chocolate rain" Some stay dry and others feel the pain 5:43 Well I guess she doesn't need that book anymore 7:45 I love that his name is Discord,combined with what Cheerilee told us about the symbolic meaning of the draconequus He IS Discord both in the sense that it is his name and in a litteral sense 9:43 They are having such a hard time trying to comprehend just how big of a problem they have now 10:00 "What fun is there in making sense?" That is a line that we should always remember throughout this two parter,there is absolutely no point in pointing out how the things he does don't make sense or how his plans are flawed,he either choses for them not to make sense or willingly gives himself a handicap,so it's not as boring for him,or there is some kind of logick behind his actions that doesn't make sense to us/thecharacters 11:46 First time watching I didn't realize just how ingenious the solution to the riddle actually is,but more on that later 12:46 And there we have the immortal,almost all powerfull, Q-esque god of chaos and spirit of disharmony,voiced by John DeLancie Absolutely no one expected something like this and everyone was suprised in the best of ways 21:58 The 2nd riddle is just as clever as the first and I love the double meaning of the things he says If RBD makes the wrong choice her home will be destroyed,so she decides to leave the game and go and safe Cloudsdale,the consequences of that are that Ponyville is plunged into chaos and Ponyville is just as much her home as Cloudsdale The szenes in which he changes the Mane 6 are my favorite szenes in this episode and even the two parter as a whole I can enjoy a villain who is a danger or a threat because he is really powerfull,but nothing's better than a villain who uses intelligence and charisma and manipulates people,the fact that he could just snap his fingers and do whatever he wants,but chooses not to makes him even better in my oppinion Part 2 After how good the first part was it's hard to believe that the 2nd one is even better,but it is Sadly Discord is back to being a statue,but eventhough our time with him was short,it was still amazing and we will never forget it,they did everything right with this character and his status as most peoples favorite villain is well deserved,eventhough for me he is only number 2 Rarity and Twilight stole the show,they are both always awesome,but discorded Rarity with the whole Tom thing and extremely annoyed sarcastic Twilight are just so funny and entertaining First time watching it was also an episod ethat got me really worried about the characters,had me in a bad mood and sad for Twilight and ended with me being really happy and rooting for our heroines 27:17 I love this riddle,because it's not even really a riddle he is just straight up telling them what to do and what's going to happen,even that them misunderstanding the riddle and going into the labyrinth was part of his plan One thing I noticed and it could just be me overthinking things,but do you see how Pinkie is looking over her shoulder when Discord transports himself and Twilight as spectators to the past?I like to think that,because her fourth wall shattering abilties,she knows they're there 30:59 That was cold,but I love what this statement implies:At this point her lies are going so far that she is almost everytime saying the exact opposite of the truth,so when she says Spike brings out the worst in them for me that means that normal AJ thinks that Spike brings out the best in them What's also a nice detail is that throughout the two parter she is getting better and better at lying 32:19 The elements are back in Ponyville,where the events of this two parter started for the Mane 6,a rather simple solution,but when you think about it,it's actually really clever The elements are in the the Elements of Harmony Guidebook,the book that is litteraly the first you see when you start watching the show and the book Twilight was reading and that started her whole adventure 35:30 I've seen this at least a dozen times,but this still breaks my heart,seeing Twilight like this is so hard to watch for me On the other hand it's really good to see just how muc she cares about her friends 36:48 Based on what we see from and are told about Celestia in this show I like to think that she is sorry for every single one of those letters,because she must know what that is doing to Spike and I don't think she doesn't care 42:46 RBD is high up on my favorite character list,because despite her arrogance and behaviour we frequently see that there is more to her and that she does care for her friends and her home 43:55 "Friendship isn't always easy,but there's no doubt it's worth fighting for" She doesn't write a letter at the end of this episode,but I'm picking this as the lesson she would've written about 45:21 It's nice of them to throw in some Star Wars references too (actually going so far as to recreate this szene),but the Star Trek fans definately got more out of this episode The good episode marathon will continue for a while (You'll probably get a bunch of people warning you when the bad one is about to happen) and the next one is one of my favorites from season 2,because it's a very good episode,that does things that were on my wishlist for season 2 and it's focused mainly on my favorite character
Welcome to Season Two! Here are two fun (Science Fiction) facts about the episode: *First:* the Character of Discord -- the Mischievous Spirit of Chaos and Dis-Harmony -- was modeled off a character in the show _Star Trek: The Next Generation_. Specifically, the Draconequs was modeled after _Q._ This is awesome. What's even _more_ awesome is that they wanted to find the perfect voice for My Little Pony's version of _Q_ -- so they wound up asking John de Lancie (the actor who had played _Q_ back in Star Trek) if he'd do the voice work for Discord. John said yes. So Discord, a character directly based on John de Lancie's portrayal of _Q_ in Star Trek, is voiced by John de Lancie! This is even _more_ awesome! Also, given that they re-imprisoned him in stone, I keep hoping that Discord might find some way to escape again. He was so much fun! And having him back in the show would be super-cool. Ah well, perhaps the writers will find a way to return him to us again someday. Fifth season is on-going, so you never know! *Second:* The closing victory ceremony in Canterlot is a near shot-for-shot reconstruction of the victory ceremony in _Star Wars: Episode IV (A New Hope)_ after the destruction of the Death Star. You can see a side-by-side comparison of the two scenes here: So ... two great Science Fiction references in one Pony Episode!
@@lexibushnell4459 four years late, but you were saying you hoped Discord would return. And this was when the fifth season was going. So well after Keep Calm and Flutter On
The pink filly in the whirly hat is called "Screwball" by the fans and a popular headcanon among them is to pair her and Discord together as father and daughter. There's even a famous song in the community "Daddy Discord".
8:46 i.e My sister 9:37 Big air much wow 37:40 All the ponies in this town are crazy? It still applies Twilight you've just gotten used to it BTW you missed the Star Wars IV: A New Hope ending that they did at the end of Part 2. BTW if it's spring atm why do you have a Winter background?
Hawkx10 yeah, I heard that with the Star Wars ending from another comment, I never realize something like that while watching ^^ there is no real reason, I like winter a lot and found the background nice ^^ an in a few month it is winter again xD
Oh yeah your far away from America it's probably Fall where you are. Too bad you never watched Star Trek: The Next Generation so we could get a better Discord reaction but can't hope everybody watched it.
Hawkx10 He's in Germany, not Australia: We have spring here in Europe as well. ^_^ By the way, I have watched TNG as well, but it was more than two decades ago I think, so I did not recognize Q until I saw people talking about him in the comments.
Ich bin ein Teil von jener Kraft, Die Böses will und Gutes schafft. Ich bin der Geist der stets verneint, Der Böses will und Gutes meint. Und das mit Recht, denn alles was entsteht Ist wert, dass es zugrunde geht Denn besser wär's, dass nichts entstünde, So ist denn alles was Ihr Sünde, Zerstörung, kurz das Böse nennt, Mein eigentliches Element.
dann hab ichs von meinem alten Lehrer, der hat ständig Goethe zitiert ^^ Ich selbst kenn nur einen Teil von Goethes Faust, wollt ich auch schon lang mal änderen
So, rainbow dash is disloyal, Applejack is dishonest, Fluttershy is cruel, Pinkie is filled with hate, and rarity... I honestly see no difference from her normal self. XD
..ok ich brech mal mein versprechen und schreib den kommentrar auf deutsch. nun zur geschichte hinter discord. wie bereits in der letzten folge von mir angedeutet, wurde discord von einem bekannten schauspieler aus star trek, einem gewissen mister John de Lancie gesprochen. q, der character den de lancie spielt, und einer der bekanntesten und beliebsten charaktere der serie, ist die direkt inspiration für discord. das ging sogar soweit, das man für discord extra einen sprecher engagieren wollte der so nah wie möglich an de lancies stimme erinnerte. ironischer weise was es allerding de lancie selbst der sich am ehsten wie de lancie anhörte, weshalb er im endeffekt für die rolle genommen wurde. lauren faust, die erschafferin von fim, ist übrigens bekennender treki und war komplett geschockt als sie erfuhr das de lancie discord sprechen würde. nun ist es für uns natürlich etwas schwere das zu bemerken, da mann vermutlich sowieso nur die deutschen dubs kennt, wenn überhaupt, aber als die community damals bemerkt hat wer discord sprach brach die hölle los kann ich dir sagen (S02E01 war die erste folge die ich damals live gesehen habe, von daher erinner ich mich noch gut daran). ich erzähl dir das jetzt auch nur, da die kommentare der meisten video mit discord mit eben dieser erklärung zugespämmt werden und wenn du schon zig erklärungen über discords hintergrund bekommts, dann sollte auch eine dabei sein die du (hoffentlich) vernünftig verstehen kannst. als letztes noch... achja der pony creator. ist ne weile her das ich nen oc gesehen abe der damit erstellt wurde, aber ich muss zugeben das er für neulinge echt genial ist^^ nur schade das ich selbst nie einen oc haben werde =(
thechatteringclown kann mir gut vorstellen wie geschockt sie war, als der echte John de Lancie Discord sprechen würde xD nachdem ich die folge(n) aufgenommen hatte ist mir der gedanke auch gekommen, dass da vielleicht ein hintergrund zu den star trek fragen war direkt vor diesen episoden ^^ gibt es einen bestimmten, grund das du keinen OC haben wirst?
Madox naja, so ganz stimmts ja nicht. als hobby author hab ich eigentlich zig verschieden ocs da jeder meiner charactere eine eigene kreation ist. es geht hier eher um eine ponysona, also einen character der mich als person repräsentiert, und der grund dafür, das ich keine habe ist, das es meinen charcter schon gibt. nennt sich cheshire und ist von einem artist namens x-tatik. und da ich denke das dieser chara so ziemlich perfekt ist (minus ein, zwei details) und ich keinen anderen oc akzeptieren würde, müsste ich den chara also von der person stehlen was ich nicht will. von daher bleibt mir nichts anderes übrig als ponysona los durchs netz zu ziehen. ah was solls, gibt auf jeden fall schlimmeres^^
+L.T.D Lets Plays thanks ^^ it is really easy to make an own OC, my cousin gave me the link for that
Narrator007 1- ok, I can see the snake, but not really the horse xD Btw, in german they call him a Drachenpony, this would be Dragonpony back in english xD 2- Than the whole world is doomed... 5- And today I saw the return of Kung-fu Rarity in Dragon Quest ^^ 6- I don't know if I even want to know about one of them O.o If these song is that good, than I could do a reaction to that as well ^^ Btw. I don't know if you saw some of my later videos yet, but I got a QaA video open for Questions right now. Maybe you got one or two for me as well ^^
While Discord was called the spirit of chaos it's commonly accept that he is a god. On a side note Celestia and Luna are also considered gods but there nowhere near as powerful as Discord.
4:30: “Pinkie! You lost a tail!”
You my friend, are a comedy genius!
Part 1
Season 2 continues the marathon of great episodes that started around Cutie Mark Chronicles with not only a very good episode,but one that rightfully makes a lot of favorite episodes lists.I love Return of Harmony,I really have nothing to complain about in neither part 1 or 2 that's more than a nitpick,it was the perfect way to start this season,sjowing that the creators still can and will improve everything that makes this show so good:characters,humor,animation,story
This also the introduction of most people's favorite villain and I probably don't need to explain why he is so popular with the fans.
This really made me believe that it was worth the wait between seasons and I've felt like that about every season opener,but back then,when the show was still young,I wasn't as confident that it was going to be good as I am now after 97 episodes
2:41 Squeaky Belle is always the most adorable
2:50 I'm assuming it's Discord's influence/presents that leads to such a small disagreement to turn into such a fight
4:46 "Chocolate rain"
Some stay dry and others feel the pain
5:43 Well I guess she doesn't need that book anymore
7:45 I love that his name is Discord,combined with what Cheerilee told us about the symbolic meaning of the draconequus
He IS Discord both in the sense that it is his name and in a litteral sense
9:43 They are having such a hard time trying to comprehend just how big of a problem they have now
10:00 "What fun is there in making sense?"
That is a line that we should always remember throughout this two parter,there is absolutely no point in pointing out how the things he does don't make sense or how his plans are flawed,he either choses for them not to make sense or willingly gives himself a handicap,so it's not as boring for him,or there is some kind of logick behind his actions that doesn't make sense to us/thecharacters
11:46 First time watching I didn't realize just how ingenious the solution to the riddle actually is,but more on that later
12:46 And there we have the immortal,almost all powerfull, Q-esque god of chaos and spirit of disharmony,voiced by John DeLancie
Absolutely no one expected something like this and everyone was suprised in the best of ways
21:58 The 2nd riddle is just as clever as the first and I love the double meaning of the things he says
If RBD makes the wrong choice her home will be destroyed,so she decides to leave the game and go and safe Cloudsdale,the consequences of that are that Ponyville is plunged into chaos and Ponyville is just as much her home as Cloudsdale
The szenes in which he changes the Mane 6 are my favorite szenes in this episode and even the two parter as a whole
I can enjoy a villain who is a danger or a threat because he is really powerfull,but nothing's better than a villain who uses intelligence and charisma and manipulates people,the fact that he could just snap his fingers and do whatever he wants,but chooses not to makes him even better in my oppinion
Part 2
After how good the first part was it's hard to believe that the 2nd one is even better,but it is
Sadly Discord is back to being a statue,but eventhough our time with him was short,it was still amazing and we will never forget it,they did everything right with this character and his status as most peoples favorite villain is well deserved,eventhough for me he is only number 2
Rarity and Twilight stole the show,they are both always awesome,but discorded Rarity with the whole Tom thing and extremely annoyed sarcastic Twilight are just so funny and entertaining
First time watching it was also an episod ethat got me really worried about the characters,had me in a bad mood and sad for Twilight and ended with me being really happy and rooting for our heroines
27:17 I love this riddle,because it's not even really a riddle he is just straight up telling them what to do and what's going to happen,even that them misunderstanding the riddle and going into the labyrinth was part of his plan
One thing I noticed and it could just be me overthinking things,but do you see how Pinkie is looking over her shoulder when Discord transports himself and Twilight as spectators to the past?I like to think that,because her fourth wall shattering abilties,she knows they're there
30:59 That was cold,but I love what this statement implies:At this point her lies are going so far that she is almost everytime saying the exact opposite of the truth,so when she says Spike brings out the worst in them for me that means that normal AJ thinks that Spike brings out the best in them
What's also a nice detail is that throughout the two parter she is getting better and better at lying
32:19 The elements are back in Ponyville,where the events of this two parter started for the Mane 6,a rather simple solution,but when you think about it,it's actually really clever
The elements are in the the Elements of Harmony Guidebook,the book that is litteraly the first you see when you start watching the show and the book Twilight was reading and that started her whole adventure
35:30 I've seen this at least a dozen times,but this still breaks my heart,seeing Twilight like this is so hard to watch for me
On the other hand it's really good to see just how muc she cares about her friends
36:48 Based on what we see from and are told about Celestia in this show I like to think that she is sorry for every single one of those letters,because she must know what that is doing to Spike and I don't think she doesn't care
42:46 RBD is high up on my favorite character list,because despite her arrogance and behaviour we frequently see that there is more to her and that she does care for her friends and her home
43:55 "Friendship isn't always easy,but there's no doubt it's worth fighting for"
She doesn't write a letter at the end of this episode,but I'm picking this as the lesson she would've written about
45:21 It's nice of them to throw in some Star Wars references too (actually going so far as to recreate this szene),but the Star Trek fans definately got more out of this episode
The good episode marathon will continue for a while (You'll probably get a bunch of people warning you when the bad one is about to happen) and the next one is one of my favorites from season 2,because it's a very good episode,that does things that were on my wishlist for season 2 and it's focused mainly on my favorite character
BlueBlazer These episodes were so much better than I espected to be ^^
And who knows, she is Pinkie pie, she knows everything xD
I'm telling you, there is an army of shapeshifters basking in the fandom's love for background ponies
Welcome to Season Two! Here are two fun (Science Fiction) facts about the episode:
*First:* the Character of Discord -- the Mischievous Spirit of Chaos and Dis-Harmony -- was modeled off a character in the show _Star Trek: The Next Generation_. Specifically, the Draconequs was modeled after _Q._ This is awesome.
What's even _more_ awesome is that they wanted to find the perfect voice for My Little Pony's version of _Q_ -- so they wound up asking John de Lancie (the actor who had played _Q_ back in Star Trek) if he'd do the voice work for Discord.
John said yes.
So Discord, a character directly based on John de Lancie's portrayal of _Q_ in Star Trek, is voiced by John de Lancie! This is even _more_ awesome!
Also, given that they re-imprisoned him in stone, I keep hoping that Discord might find some way to escape again. He was so much fun! And having him back in the show would be super-cool. Ah well, perhaps the writers will find a way to return him to us again someday. Fifth season is on-going, so you never know!
*Second:* The closing victory ceremony in Canterlot is a near shot-for-shot reconstruction of the victory ceremony in _Star Wars: Episode IV (A New Hope)_ after the destruction of the Death Star. You can see a side-by-side comparison of the two scenes here:
So ... two great Science Fiction references in one Pony Episode!
I just... find your comment odd. Like, really odd.
Eastwind4869 odd? Why? It makes total sense to me.
@@lexibushnell4459 four years late, but you were saying you hoped Discord would return. And this was when the fifth season was going. So well after Keep Calm and Flutter On
You should see XxSoundSpeedxX reaction to John De- I mean Discord. PRICELESS.
SonicTheBrony I just watched it and my ears are still ringing xD
I loved Ladix's reaction.
Willow Moonriser JoshingTonsPonyVille
AmyDOA's was pretty good, too!
ShTHfan 1
Yeah. I think she literally orgasmed as she noticed it.
The pink filly in the whirly hat is called "Screwball" by the fans and a popular headcanon among them is to pair her and Discord together as father and daughter. There's even a famous song in the community "Daddy Discord".
Screwball is PURPLE. NOT PINK
+AMBER ROSE LEE 1. She's light magenta 2. Calm down. It's just a color.
8:46 i.e My sister
9:37 Big air much wow
37:40 All the ponies in this town are crazy? It still applies Twilight you've just gotten used to it
BTW you missed the Star Wars IV: A New Hope ending that they did at the end of Part 2. BTW if it's spring atm why do you have a Winter background?
Hawkx10 yeah, I heard that with the Star Wars ending from another comment, I never realize something like that while watching ^^
there is no real reason, I like winter a lot and found the background nice ^^
an in a few month it is winter again xD
Oh yeah your far away from America it's probably Fall where you are. Too bad you never watched Star Trek: The Next Generation so we could get a better Discord reaction but can't hope everybody watched it.
Hawkx10 yeah now I'm sorry about this too. I watched a few other commentators and there reactions were awesome ^^
Hawkx10 He's in Germany, not Australia: We have spring here in Europe as well. ^_^ By the way, I have watched TNG as well, but it was more than two decades ago I think, so I did not recognize Q until I saw people talking about him in the comments.
Ich bin ein Teil von jener Kraft,
Die Böses will und Gutes schafft.
Ich bin der Geist der stets verneint,
Der Böses will und Gutes meint.
Und das mit Recht, denn alles was entsteht
Ist wert, dass es zugrunde geht
Denn besser wär's, dass nichts entstünde,
So ist denn alles was Ihr Sünde,
Zerstörung, kurz das Böse nennt,
Mein eigentliches Element.
Schroedingers Cat irgendwoher mein ich das zu kennen, weiß aber nicht woher...
hmm versuch es mal mit Goethe's Faust
dann hab ichs von meinem alten Lehrer, der hat ständig Goethe zitiert ^^
Ich selbst kenn nur einen Teil von Goethes Faust, wollt ich auch schon lang mal änderen
Your cousin is officially awesome.
She knows, and she reminds me of it all the time xD
Oh yeah. Wait for my Pinkie Pride reaction and you will know what a little mastermind she can be ^^
So, rainbow dash is disloyal, Applejack is dishonest, Fluttershy is cruel, Pinkie is filled with hate, and rarity... I honestly see no difference from her normal self. XD
Anyone else excited to see his reaction to the next episode?
35:53 Hi ScrewBall. 😁😁😁
..ok ich brech mal mein versprechen und schreib den kommentrar auf deutsch.
nun zur geschichte hinter discord. wie bereits in der letzten folge von mir angedeutet, wurde discord von einem bekannten schauspieler aus star trek, einem gewissen mister
John de Lancie gesprochen. q, der character den de lancie spielt, und einer der bekanntesten und beliebsten charaktere der serie, ist die direkt inspiration für discord. das ging sogar soweit, das man für discord extra einen sprecher engagieren wollte der so nah wie möglich an de lancies stimme erinnerte. ironischer weise was es allerding de lancie selbst der sich am ehsten wie de lancie anhörte, weshalb er im endeffekt für die rolle genommen wurde. lauren faust, die erschafferin von fim, ist übrigens bekennender treki und war komplett geschockt als sie erfuhr das de lancie discord sprechen würde.
nun ist es für uns natürlich etwas schwere das zu bemerken, da mann vermutlich sowieso nur die deutschen dubs kennt, wenn überhaupt, aber als die community damals bemerkt hat wer discord sprach brach die hölle los kann ich dir sagen (S02E01 war die erste folge die ich damals live gesehen habe, von daher erinner ich mich noch gut daran).
ich erzähl dir das jetzt auch nur, da die kommentare der meisten video mit discord mit eben dieser erklärung zugespämmt werden und wenn du schon zig erklärungen über discords hintergrund bekommts, dann sollte auch eine dabei sein die du (hoffentlich) vernünftig verstehen kannst.
als letztes noch... achja der pony creator. ist ne weile her das ich nen oc gesehen abe der damit erstellt wurde, aber ich muss zugeben das er für neulinge echt genial ist^^ nur schade das ich selbst nie einen oc haben werde =(
thechatteringclown kann mir gut vorstellen wie geschockt sie war, als der echte John de Lancie Discord sprechen würde xD
nachdem ich die folge(n) aufgenommen hatte ist mir der gedanke auch gekommen, dass da vielleicht ein hintergrund zu den star trek fragen war direkt vor diesen episoden ^^
gibt es einen bestimmten, grund das du keinen OC haben wirst?
Madox naja, so ganz stimmts ja nicht. als hobby author hab ich eigentlich zig verschieden ocs da jeder meiner charactere eine eigene kreation ist.
es geht hier eher um eine ponysona, also einen character der mich als person repräsentiert, und der grund dafür, das ich keine habe ist, das es meinen charcter schon gibt. nennt sich cheshire und ist von einem artist namens x-tatik. und da ich denke das dieser chara so ziemlich perfekt ist (minus ein, zwei details) und ich keinen anderen oc akzeptieren würde, müsste ich den chara also von der person stehlen was ich nicht will. von daher bleibt mir nichts anderes übrig als ponysona los durchs netz zu ziehen. ah was solls, gibt auf jeden fall schlimmeres^^
das ist nachvollziehbar, man sollte sich ja schließlich mit seinem OC identifizieren können ^^
+L.T.D Lets Plays
thanks ^^
it is really easy to make an own OC, my cousin gave me the link for that
Narrator007 1- ok, I can see the snake, but not really the horse xD
Btw, in german they call him a Drachenpony, this would be Dragonpony back in english xD
2- Than the whole world is doomed...
5- And today I saw the return of Kung-fu Rarity in Dragon Quest ^^
6- I don't know if I even want to know about one of them O.o
If these song is that good, than I could do a reaction to that as well ^^
Btw. I don't know if you saw some of my later videos yet, but I got a QaA video open for Questions right now. Maybe you got one or two for me as well ^^
I thought I had posted some questions on your Q&A vid. If you don't see them let me know so I can message them to you.
yes, now I remember it ^^
I wasn't sure about it ^^
While Discord was called the spirit of chaos it's commonly accept that he is a god. On a side note Celestia and Luna are also considered gods but there nowhere near as powerful as Discord.
I mean, I think spirit is just as accurate. His power is godlike, but I don't think he is part of any kind of pantheon, ya know?
nice oc too bad i dont have one