Technology in education: A tool on whose terms

  • Опубліковано 15 лип 2024
  • The 2023 Global Education Monitoring Report
    argues that education systems should always
    ensure that learners’ interests are placed at the
    center and that digital technologies are used to
    support an education based on human interaction
    rather than aiming at substituting it.
    It examines the education challenges for which
    appropriate use of technology can offer solutions,
    while recognizing that many of the current
    solutions proposed may also be detrimental.
    The report examines issues of access, equity,
    and inclusion in education, looking at ways through
    which technology can help reach disadvantaged
    learners but also ensure more knowledge reaches
    more learners in more engaging and cheaper
    formats. It focuses on how quality can be improved,
    both in teaching and learning basic skills, and in
    developing the digital skills needed in daily life.
    It recognizes the role of technology in system
    management with special reference to assessment
    data and other education management information
    that can be widely used for planning.
    Find out more: Bit.ly2023gemreport


  • @AllSchoolsExpo
    @AllSchoolsExpo 4 місяці тому

    Very Key questions, How we all look at it matters ,Both from the Pro and Con side, but the pro overrides the cons, #EducationwithTechnology

  • @DanielsAyala
    @DanielsAyala 11 місяців тому

    In this era of rapid change, we stand at the precipice of a transformative revolution that promises to reshape education as we know it. However, this voyage is not without its share of trials, where challenges of accessibility, instructor training, and inclusivity must be overcome with unwavering determination. Together, as a united community, we have the power to surmount these obstacles and unlock the golden gateways of technology-driven education. Embracing this journey with open hearts and nimble minds, we shall pave the way for a brighter, more enlightened tomorrow - where knowledge flows freely, transcending barriers, and empowering all to soar to new heights of unimaginable learning.

  • @ezra1562
    @ezra1562 10 місяців тому

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