oh my everything that you are saying, I told my ex narc about a year ago....I made all these observations about him, and he just said I was crazy. I also suspected he was a bisexual...I remember the first time we engaged in sex, I told him he made love to me like I was a prostitute. It was very mechanical and non emotional. I had never experienced that ever in my life. It was strange, but I thought I could guide him somewhere, but it never got much better. Towards the near end of our relationship, he just withheld any physical contact and it was downhill from there.
I thought mine was gay and that he had just married me to make rank in the military. We had weird sex the first three months of marriage. There was no kissing or foreplay. He would just get on and get himself off. No foreplay, no kissing, no after cuddling. Just “doing it.” The last 9 years 9 months of our marriage, he never touched me, except to bite my skin open and smear blood on my body, or to try and choke me to death. I was hospitalized several times due to the almost being choked to death. I only left him when he began threatening to murder my daughters when I went to work. The court gave him custody of my daughter, and his parental rights were terminated but only five years after having raped her and torturing her brutally, from the time she was ten until she was almost 15. Courts and church men and women will often cover up for a male narcissist, in order to protect their lunacies of religion. Like in dysfunctional families or with men who abuse their wives and call them crazy, church people have really bad networks of people who will try to destroy the narcissist’s victim, in order to defend their religion or their own dysfunctional relationships. My daughter went to therapy and the therapist and medical doctor confirmed he had been raping her for years. His parental rights were terminated. My daughter later told me- years later and after all the therapy- that my ex almost always called her a “whore” after raping her. She was only ten years old when he started on her. A ten year old child is never a whore. Our system really does very, very little to help women who have been held captive by a narcissist spouse. My children and I were very nearly another Chris Watts murder story, as you have recently seen in the news. Had it not been for my psychiatrist, who vouched in writing as to my good mental health despite the circumstances, and close friends from the Middle East, my children and I would have ended up as mere statistics of murder. This Sam Vaknin and a few others have helped me identify exactly what I was living with in my ex husband, whom I would NEVER even speak to again, yet alone return to him. They do not change, in fact, are incapable of reform. He tried to destroy my daughters once he and his church got me out of my children’s lives. Only now, seventeen years later, am I just beginning to get to connect with my daughters again. To me, they are still so perfect, so pure, so beautiful and wonderful. I guess it is a Mom thing. But wow, the mental health struggles my children have, the waves of depression, the crying they go through. And I hope to Gd they stay in therapy and learn some tools on how not to get involved with narcissists in their own lives, based on what they learned as children. I converted to Judaism a second time, when I saw that church people are so corrupt they willfully condone the abuse of women and children.
you are the only person who has described my 27 yr marriage ( which has just ended)... I have gone through all the scenarios you describe, cyclically over the yrs, on and on with all you describe and more! I was the perpetual masachistic victim feeding the beast with my understanding! What a sigh of relief ! Wierdly I still love him but we cannot continue!
my narcissist ex-husband also also felt like he was an alien/vampire/batman. At least that's what he really felt he was meant for. He thought he was very good at hypnotism, "visiting people while he slept", and reading minds. He was not. But he was very good at barbequing.
You may wish to read up on Schizotypal Personality Disorder samvak.tripod.com/personalitydisorders24.html The Narcissist as VAMPIRE or MACHINE groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/narcissisticabuse/conversations/messages/4944 Narcissists as Drama Queens groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/narcissisticabuse/conversations/messages/4948
My ex too, he always thought he was related to aliens. He also calls himself the demon king and batman. He said he was to smart and brainy for this world so he must be related to the aliens.
My narc ex who is a body builder and very careful about his physique would get off on walking around showing me his muscles and "gains" just to say he did not want sex. He didn't have a sex drive and said he much rather masturbate because sex was dirty and it was too much work for such little reward. It was mechanical sex, never making love, he could not connect in that level. Very damaging and demeaning for me being in that situation.
This describes my ex perfectly. He goes in and out of relationships, but will never stop talking to other women. If we're dating he'll be adamant that he's not sleeping with them however if I ask him to stop talking to them he will not. Right now he's with a girl he proposed to after 3 weeks of dating. He wants nothing to do with me because he's faithful to the "love of his life." However in the same breath he'll spend hours on the phone with me, flirting. He also loathes his mom passionately.
You are describing the man I married. I never understood what was going on with him! Always keeping me at arms length... He was so angry when I found out about his affairs. He had me thinking there was something wrong with me! He would pity me for wanting to be loved!
Dr. Vaknin, you hit the nail right on the head with the "internal dialogue" you spoke of in this video..... this is EXACTLY how things turned out in my marraige to the N (or the P, I'm still confused, he seems to be both). I have never actually met anyone who thought I was sane for trying to explain this.... I find that I can't find anyone around who understands what it is like to be with a person like this....except for you and the Psycopath Free forun. Thank you for these videos.
I was engaged to a narcissist and was about to get married when I found out he cheated on me...I'm so glad it happened. I can now move on. Your videos help a lot, the stuff you say is like his horoscope, it's incredible
Thank you for your kind words. I suggest that you buy the book from Barnes and Noble (online or in a store near you). Copies sold via Amazon are second-hand and MUCH MORE expensive!
It's so odd! I suspected he was a narcissist on our first date. He told me that I was a strong woman and too independent. I lied and told him I wanted to have sex with him to see if he would but he told me no..I know you aren't that type of woman. Any time I tried he turned me down. I didn't stick around long. We never had sex thank God!
This explains every single ugly encounter from some weirdly turned on resentful guy who blows hot and cold completely when you do not care about his pick-up line. I have always been puzzled by these confused and bitter approaches by certain men , they were angry if you acknowledged the scheme to "court you" and madder if you ignore them. It is a relief to know that were only attracted to a persona they were projecting onto to myself and other women.
Sam. This is what I know I've experienced and it made me realize the depths to this disease is beyond my realm of thinking and is nothing to stick around for. Thank you for the work you share
Every day I am thankful to these videos. I now have such clarity to my fears and my concerns. As a healer, I want to recognize and somehow find the tools to help myself and possibly help those suffering. lets put our minds and hearts together to help ALL suffering from such turmoil.
This is reminding me of how my husband described his mother and how the other women in his family described men. To be used. Inferior. To be scorned and laughed at. Only a few of the "worthy" ones escaped this ridicule. Misoandrists can create Misogynists.
+C.A Cary I have noticed this about a lot of narcs too, they often swing both ways because sex is about validation not real desire... any supply is good supply.
My husband would never be interested in sex unless he could "feel" female. And, it was just me giving "permission", that MIGHT have been O.K.?, but since I had no control over his mood changes, it diminished me to role of a unwilling participant in this distance dance. And, his "sheid" of early childhood abuse as an excuse for not being an adult partisipant in our relationship.
im definitly a big narcissist , this video is telling about me so accurate !! first time ill find someone that can explain my type of personality so perfectly ., sure im gona buy your book Sam , hope it will have some french version in future !! Thanks a lot your doing good work !!
i know why can't they leave women alone i've encountered two men who had this they were just fucked up , one of them was screwing everybody, the other one didn't want sex or women, he just led women on and frustrated them
The one I met was tall and handsome, a terrible flirt, but no delivery. Sexually frustrated with this man was an understatement. Made me feel dirty for wanting him so much, thank you for clearing that up.
I can't thank you enough for the absolute enormity of all the useful information! And I still have about 250 videos to go. By the end, I'm hoping to learn what behavior I should invoke and avoid while I try to maintain a healthy and positive relationship with my narcissistic father. Thanks again.
Holy fuck this makes so much sense. I flew across the country this weekend to see my now ex and he refused to be overly intimate with me and told me to have "better standards" when I asked why he wouldn't even kiss me when I arrived. He insisted he was still interested and wouldn't let me leave.
I started dating a narcassist. He went all out, giving attention, talking of marriage. This went on for months. We were intimate and that's when I noticed him pulling away... slowly. Once I realized what was going on(it only took me a couple of weeks) .. I kicked his ass to the curb so fast LOL! This was over a year ago and he still tries to get back with me but OH no I won't because he is a text book narcassist! I frustrate the hell out of him because I don't play by his rules! lol I think it's hilarious..
Approach-Avoidance Repetition Complex and Fear of Intimacy groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/narcissisticabuse/conversations/messages/5000 The Narcissist or Psychopath Hates your Independence and Personal Autonomy groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/narcissisticabuse/conversations/messages/4959
The fidelity isn't real. The only reason the Narcissist is claiming to be faithful is for adoration and attention from outside potential partners. The Narcissist will eventually physically cheat because of their mood swings or when they feel like control over their partner/spouse is being lost. As long as their partner/spouse never says no and does every thing the Narcissists way infidelity won't happen, but in all relationships eventually you and your partner will disagree.
wow .. finally find someone that can clearly explain my personality .. its so accurate .. thank Sam , thats really good work ,i definitly gona purchase your book , hope it will have french copy in the future !!
I had a relationship with a narcissist for three years, but since I was young, we were both into BDSM, and I saw that he was not boyfriend material, hates intimacy cannot commit, I suggested polyamory to him and he accepted. Even in the polyamory he STILL withdrew sex from time to time for no reason, just saying he was 'cold' and refusing to talk about it further. He would not compliment me or anything and would bring up the other women he was having sex with all the time to make me jealous, but I saw through it, and it did not work! I also had the mentality of 'we are poly, so good for you, go explore your desires.' He still kept trying it anyway. One night, when I said I missed my second boyfriend from England, he said 'it's a pity that whilst you're in this country you miss HIM, and while you're over there you miss ME.' He had the angriest, most sullen look on his face and was staring at the floor. I did not expect that from the 'ice man.' He lied that all these other women were 'ok with polyamory' which they were not, and instead of making ME jealous of them, one of them ended up being jealous of ME and making drama! It's kind of funny now when I think about it, how the situation turned on him, but it felt awful at the time. I scolded him for not being honest with them, and causing the drama in the first place! I guess polyamory doesn't work even for the kinkiest of narcissists! XD In the third year, he withdrew sex more and more, but in terms of talk and getting to know each other we were pretty close. He would come over once every week, we would watch obscure films and philosophise. On the outside, to everyone we looked like a couple, and it was obvious we both had feelings for each other. He did manage to connect with the interests we had in common ( we are both into VERY obscure stuff, art, weird music, very violent obscure art films, both into Spiritual Satanism). He could not find any other woman with these interests, which is why the thing lasted this long. Eventually, he made me into the 'madonna' sexless mother figure, and I couldn't take the sexual rejection anymore and I 'broke up' with him. The guy legit cried at the end of it. This situation confuses me and puzzles me to this day! Why would a narcissist keep this up for 3 years if he was using me, and cry (it did not look fake), for someone who was a hyper masculine, far right wing, 'stoic' kind of guy? He normally finds crying 'girly' and shameful. Doesn't make any sense...
I am thoroughly fascinated and horrified by how extremely accurate this video is at describing the thought process of the typical behaviour. Curious to know what your take would be on a narcissist suggesting (manipulating) his partner could have sex with others, because he is truly not willing or capable of pleasing them. I smell the makings of a double-edged sword or elaborate trap. That or they are already being unfaithful, and want to appease their guilt. Your thoughts?
Amazing. I was the alibi girlfriend. I sensed that I was serving some greater purpose for him and this is likely it! He always had reasons at the last minute to delay sex...he much preferred keeping the clothes on. The very few times we were intimate, he had no control. I wonder if he is conscious of what he does?
I lived exactly the same. it's all on purpose. Remember that they are sadistic and masochistic, that is why they do it, to make you feel bad and frustrated and also because they do not mind depriving themselves of feeling pleasure if with them they manage to ruin anda sabotage the relationship with their attitudes
by going so far and then crying "we shant!" and professing devotion to his common law wife (they really put the "common" in common law), the n I knew thought he came off as romantically adventurous and torn between two loves. The red flags of the n are becoming more and more well known. Even a couple years ago this information wasn't as well known.
He is describing the father of my daughter to a tee. It is very scary to hear all of his attributes summarized in one video. I have felt this overwhelming pressure in my life since our union (7 years ago). I have have left twice only to return. What steps can I take to remove this N from my life? He drains me financially, emotionally, spiritually, sexually and mentally.
Hello,Sam i can't even explain to you how i fill because ever thing ever single word is what i am going true with my husband...Its been four years of a completely destroy relationship i am so unhapy and desperate...cant find my way out of it!
Narcissistic and psychopathic parents and their children - click on the links: groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/narcissisticabuse/conversations/messages/4727
@sam vaknin...your videos have been the missing link to a lifetime of codependent behavior. Even with self revealation, how can a person change attraction to a healthy relationship, especially when there is no "attraction" to healthy? It all seems like a cruel joke life has played....is anyone normal? In watching these videos. I wonder if it would be better to be a narc, in the dark! I have no self satisfaction in understanding, only sadness for mankind. then you for sharing your knowledge...
I am going through the same thing..I am praying Jesus comes..thank you for explaining his symptoms to a tee..at least I feel justified instead of being the scapegoat..my mother was my first Narcissist
My ex narc who I unfortunately still live with and who is saying he wants to make things work (I’m over it and done) but he swears he would never cheat and never has but he talks so happily about all the women he used to cheat on, how he was a player, how I’m lucky to have this version of him because he used to be “a dog” and how if I go back to his home town how all the women there would hate me cus I “got him” and he’s Mr. Takoma Washington *eye roll* anyways my main point is he actually never initiated sex with me and would go weeks and sometimes a month without initiating sex with me. When we would have sex it would be so short, quick and emotionless, connectionless, and just left me feeling empty, unsatisfied, uncared for. He would wipe himself off and toss me the same dirty cloth to wipe up and just go on to his business or go smoke weed every time. When I tried to practice tantric sex with him and told him it was important to me to have loving, passionate, intentional and conscious sex and it started some of the biggest arguments and times he would call me crazy, too demanding, if I helped more he wouldn’t be too tired for sex, etc. He and I haven’t had sex in a month and he thinks nothing of it and I hate it but I refuse to ever have sex with him again I respect myself and am learning to respect myself more. He is not for me and he doesn’t care about me or my daughter. I need to let go of this need to prove it and show him I know he’s unfaithful but I just need to let go of it and not care because I don’t want him anymore anyways now that I’ve learned who he truly is and who I’ve been and i don’t want to be that person anymore. I will be better and heal so I don’t accept this kind of behavior ever again.
He’s a straight up narc. Looks like it’s time to take the trash out sis. Life is so much better without them in it. It’s difficult when you have a kid together, but taking them out of your child’s life completely is a blessing and if possible should be done. They KILL your desires, goals, dreams and hope, STEAL your time, energy and resources, DESTROY your trust, self worth, and psyche. It’s what they do best.
Same situation. 12 years with my narc husband, living together, 4 year old kid. Sex 1 time a week. He is porn addicted prefers porn over sex with me now. I looked deeper into this, he was into "woman who enjoyed forced sex acts", anal, and woman who pushed there sexual limits 2 extremities. I never knew. None of this he wanted w me. Is this normal porn use or not? Scared.
My book is available only in English. If you are planning to buy the PRINT edition of my book "Malignant Self-love: Narcissism Revisited" (thank you!), my advice is: do NOT purchase it from Amazon. I sell only Kindle e-books via Amazon. New, authentic, cheaper PRINT copies of my book, directly from my publisher are available ONLY via Barnes and Noble.
Since you asked.........1)Do not attempt to get into a relationship with a woman/women, do not get married, do not have sex with a female as you run the risk of having children until you have sought professional help.. If narcissistic personality disorder is genetic then the disorder can end with you. 2)Save the general public from yourself as you are a destroyer of relationships anyway until you have sought professional help. 3) Keep your manipulative ways to yourself. Do not use people. They have just as much right to be here and be treated with dignity and respect as you do. They have a right to be in loving relationship. 4) Always remember that.
wow. i m completely shocked whenever the unbelievably all too rare occurrences of a narcissist actually self analyzing n self realizing is experienced n observed... !!!!!!!!???????? fer realz yo?! is it even possible?! if u r for real in owning yer narcissism... n truly doing the ongoing, thorough, fearless, searching, authentic transcendental amendment healing work urgently essential for u... then, for me, yer comment is the beginning of something awesome; something that's nothing short of being awe inspiring n amazing. it is also a big part of why sam's world n humanity service work for a people n towards a healthier, happier world n planet n all inhabitants... is so important. i mean sam is thee only self proclaimed narcissist i have ever even heard of before seeing yer comment. sam is the only narcissist who i have heard of who seems to have any capacity for self reflection, perspective, analysis... who is authentically practicing meaningful healing work, n who acknowledges how narcissism n narcissistic abuse is so harmful, toxic, draining, unaffordable, unworthwhile, unfulfilling, intolerable, unbearable etc etc... for those of us who have been targeted by parasitic narcissist abusers n who have been n/or r so negatively effected by narcissist predators. it is generally considered fact; is typically 'common' wisdom... (once a people r in the know...) that narcissists have zero capacity for nor any interest in nor openness nor willingness to conduct conscious, committed, authentic self analysis, for any meaningful transcendental amendment healing work, for owning any of what is their accountability n responsibility whether they ever choose to do what is right n own it or not... n most of us who r doing our best to heal our cptsd etc... due to the narcissistic abusers perpetually perpetrating severe, horrendous abuse, trauma, stress against us... have had to come to realizing that they don't change; they don't 'get better...' in general... for the most part... at least at this point in the societal, cultural, 'collective - narcissist zeitgeist;' where narcs r at in terms of their stuck, same ol' lame ol' ass, spiritually, psychologically lazy, sadistic, sick, diseased, unwell state; their 'never changing;' 'never gonna get better...'' non-'evolution...' that is the overarching understanding; the unfortunately collectively individual en mass experiential forbearance; the gleaned interconnected consensus at this time... hopefully sam's intensive work, n others, similarly, in this field of powerful, meaningful, authentic, transcendental amending healing work, re: narcissism, narcissistic abuse, etc... will truly help us all to get well for real; empaths, apaths, narcissists, etc... everyone; all of us; individually... n collectively... our world is sick. our world must get well. we a people need to get well. we a people must get well. individually n collectively. best wishes for yer healing n wellness path. i do hope u r truly committed to doing yer life long, ongoing, authentic, meaningful, thorough, searching, fearless, self examining n analyzing, transcendental, amending, spiritual, psychological, physiological health, healing n wellness work... n that yer conscious commitment to yer wellness path is exemplary n commendable... may it b so. may u b one of the all too rare; much too few, n one of the first 'exceptions to the rule...' n may u help to b one of the potently positive changers to that 'rule...' may u b part of the beginning of this merciful, graceful, transcendental, amending, positive, profound, healing change. may u help to lead by example... on our collective n individual consciously committed healing paths towards our collective n individual wellness. infinite blessings n wellness wishes!!! so be it. ***
Imo, the only way possible to make a Narc tell you that he is a Narc is by pointing out their ability to manipulate. If one makes it right they may blunt out some infos unintentionally of how capable they are to play with other ppls. minds because of their achievements connected to their intelligence!
My ex narc told me right after our free party that he thought it was a privilege to have sex with me? At that moment I did not ask myself any questions, now I would like to know what he meant by that??
Feminists. I watched a video yesterday and your quote about misoandrists, above, accurately depicts they're state of mind. Is it fair to say that most hard-core feminists are female narcissists? (do you sell signed copies of your book?)
Thank you doctor,no body was capable of explaine to me why mi ex,dont touch me..does narcissist an psicopats are asexual?,can they be in the case of necessity for obtain somthing important,bisexual?,i will thakyou very much your answer.
My soon to be ex..ar first when we did have sex, after he would be angry or distant, as if I had taken something. Later, he made any physical intimate contact a huge chore or exercise in futility for me. I was always doing something wrong it seemed. He had told me that his relationships with women were so bad that he had thought at one point that maybe he was gay so he tried a relationship with a man. It didn't change anything. And I know he has used our marriage as an "out" with other women....he would lead them on and then when they pressured for more, he'd remind them he was married. Now he is using our impending divorce to get sympathy supply...and he will have to deal with those women knowing he no longer has the wife excuse. He'll probably say he's depressed and unable for a long time..UGH.
Sam,lets not forget that there are MILLIONS of Narcissistic women out there also.You seem to only talk about male narcissists----Thats only on one half of the equation.
Well coming from the spouse point of view, I think he should be ignoring other women (whores) who are lingering around single and available for married men. Theyre disgusting home wreckers. While the decent married woman works so hard on her marraige and being faithful to 1 man so that they can live an honest life together.
Thank you for your kind words. I suggest that you buy the book from Barnes and Noble (online or in a store near you). Copies sold via Amazon are second-hand and MUCH MORE expensive!
knowlege is huge huge huge power
These videoed are a life saver . Thannk you Sam Vaknin.
You're right. Without it I'd still be in the loop. Now I am able to feel disgust when he calls.
oh my everything that you are saying, I told my ex narc about a year ago....I made all these observations about him, and he just said I was crazy. I also suspected he was a bisexual...I remember the first time we engaged in sex, I told him he made love to me like I was a prostitute. It was very mechanical and non emotional. I had never experienced that ever in my life. It was strange, but I thought I could guide him somewhere, but it never got much better. Towards the near end of our relationship, he just withheld any physical contact and it was downhill from there.
I thought mine was gay and that he had just married me to make rank in the military. We had weird sex the first three months of marriage. There was no kissing or foreplay. He would just get on and get himself off. No foreplay, no kissing, no after cuddling. Just “doing it.” The last 9 years 9 months of our marriage, he never touched me, except to bite my skin open and smear blood on my body, or to try and choke me to death. I was hospitalized several times due to the almost being choked to death. I only left him when he began threatening to murder my daughters when I went to work.
The court gave him custody of my daughter, and his parental rights were terminated but only five years after having raped her and torturing her brutally, from the time she was ten until she was almost 15. Courts and church men and women will often cover up for a male narcissist, in order to protect their lunacies of religion. Like in dysfunctional families or with men who abuse their wives and call them crazy, church people have really bad networks of people who will try to destroy the narcissist’s victim, in order to defend their religion or their own dysfunctional relationships.
My daughter went to therapy and the therapist and medical doctor confirmed he had been raping her for years. His parental rights were terminated. My daughter later told me- years later and after all the therapy- that my ex almost always called her a “whore” after raping her. She was only ten years old when he started on her. A ten year old child is never a whore.
Our system really does very, very little to help women who have been held captive by a narcissist spouse. My children and I were very nearly another Chris Watts murder story, as you have recently seen in the news. Had it not been for my psychiatrist, who vouched in writing as to my good mental health despite the circumstances, and close friends from the Middle East, my children and I would have ended up as mere statistics of murder.
This Sam Vaknin and a few others have helped me identify exactly what I was living with in my ex husband, whom I would NEVER even speak to again, yet alone return to him. They do not change, in fact, are incapable of reform. He tried to destroy my daughters once he and his church got me out of my children’s lives. Only now, seventeen years later, am I just beginning to get to connect with my daughters again.
To me, they are still so perfect, so pure, so beautiful and wonderful. I guess it is a Mom thing. But wow, the mental health struggles my children have, the waves of depression, the crying they go through. And I hope to Gd they stay in therapy and learn some tools on how not to get involved with narcissists in their own lives, based on what they learned as children.
I converted to Judaism a second time, when I saw that church people are so corrupt they willfully condone the abuse of women and children.
Oh, he's gay gay... you were going to offer him legitimacy while being an unwitting covert beard. SMH
you are the only person who has described my 27 yr marriage ( which has just ended)... I have gone through all the scenarios you describe, cyclically over the yrs, on and on with all you describe and more! I was the perpetual masachistic victim feeding the beast with my understanding! What a sigh of relief ! Wierdly I still love him but we cannot continue!
my narcissist ex-husband also also felt like he was an alien/vampire/batman. At least that's what he really felt he was meant for. He thought he was very good at hypnotism, "visiting people while he slept", and reading minds. He was not. But he was very good at barbequing.
You may wish to read up on Schizotypal Personality Disorder samvak.tripod.com/personalitydisorders24.html The Narcissist as VAMPIRE or MACHINE groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/narcissisticabuse/conversations/messages/4944 Narcissists as Drama Queens groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/narcissisticabuse/conversations/messages/4948
I know this comment is old, but it's hilarious all the same! Always good to apply a bit of humor to a serious subject.
My ex too, he always thought he was related to aliens. He also calls himself the demon king and batman. He said he was to smart and brainy for this world so he must be related to the aliens.
So funny
Laugh out loud funny!
My narc ex who is a body builder and very careful about his physique would get off on walking around showing me his muscles and "gains" just to say he did not want sex. He didn't have a sex drive and said he much rather masturbate because sex was dirty and it was too much work for such little reward. It was mechanical sex, never making love, he could not connect in that level. Very damaging and demeaning for me being in that situation.
This describes my ex perfectly. He goes in and out of relationships, but will never stop talking to other women. If we're dating he'll be adamant that he's not sleeping with them however if I ask him to stop talking to them he will not. Right now he's with a girl he proposed to after 3 weeks of dating. He wants nothing to do with me because he's faithful to the "love of his life." However in the same breath he'll spend hours on the phone with me, flirting. He also loathes his mom passionately.
You are describing the man I married. I never understood what was going on with him! Always keeping me at arms length... He was so angry when I found out about his affairs. He had me thinking there was something wrong with me! He would pity me for wanting to be loved!
Dr. Vaknin, you hit the nail right on the head with the "internal dialogue" you spoke of in this video..... this is EXACTLY how things turned out in my marraige to the N (or the P, I'm still confused, he seems to be both). I have never actually met anyone who thought I was sane for trying to explain this.... I find that I can't find anyone around who understands what it is like to be with a person like this....except for you and the Psycopath Free forun. Thank you for these videos.
I was engaged to a narcissist and was about to get married when I found out he cheated on me...I'm so glad it happened. I can now move on. Your videos help a lot, the stuff you say is like his horoscope, it's incredible
Same happened to me. Glad theyre gone from our lives!
Speaking from my experience surrounded by abusers, the female narcissists and female victims also hate women just as passionately.
Thank you for your kind words. I suggest that you buy the book from Barnes and Noble (online or in a store near you). Copies sold via Amazon are second-hand and MUCH MORE expensive!
Do not RETURN the next time you leave him¨!
It's so odd! I suspected he was a narcissist on our first date. He told me that I was a strong woman and too independent. I lied and told him I wanted to have sex with him to see if he would but he told me no..I know you aren't that type of woman. Any time I tried he turned me down. I didn't stick around long. We never had sex thank God!
This explains every single ugly encounter from some weirdly turned on resentful guy who blows hot and cold completely when you do not care about his pick-up line. I have always been puzzled by these confused and bitter approaches by certain men , they were angry if you acknowledged the scheme to "court you" and madder if you ignore them.
It is a relief to know that were only attracted to a persona they were projecting onto to myself and other women.
Sam. This is what I know I've experienced and it made me realize the depths to this disease is beyond my realm of thinking and is nothing to stick around for. Thank you for the work you share
Female narcissists are misoandrists: they hate men.
I never knew the word there thanks Sam vankin!
Man, I WISH I was a misoandrist.
Misandrists. Typo.
@G J Ever heard of searching the channel before you bother people?
Sadistic, sick and twisted people.
Every day I am thankful to these videos. I now have such clarity to my fears and my concerns. As a healer, I want to recognize and somehow find the tools to help myself and possibly help those suffering. lets put our minds and hearts together to help ALL suffering from such turmoil.
Thats a correct description of my ex. I had been so confused of his behaviour for 7yrs of my marriage..
My ex literally called me a "parasite" so it is funny that you used that word.
Great insight again Dr. Vaknin!
You may be the leading authority on NPD at the this time as far as I am aware.
i'll have to listen to this one again...
I wish I knew this before I consented. It would have been a breeze to walk away and my head wouldnt have been clouded.
So true!!!!Thank you for offering your videos freely & sharing information that is valueable & helpful
This is reminding me of how my husband described his mother and how the other women in his family described men. To be used. Inferior. To be scorned and laughed at. Only a few of the "worthy" ones escaped this ridicule.
Misoandrists can create Misogynists.
The worthy ones?
Psycopaths lmao
What about the narcissit that was heterosexual while in a relationship but homosexual after he's discarded you?
+C.A Cary Homosexual and Transsexual Narcissists samvak.tripod.com/faq18.html
+C.A Cary I have noticed this about a lot of narcs too, they often swing both ways because sex is about validation not real desire... any supply is good supply.
Yuck I sm sick
My husband would never be interested in sex unless he could "feel" female. And, it was just me giving "permission", that MIGHT have been O.K.?, but since I had no control over his mood changes, it diminished me to role of a unwilling participant in this distance dance. And, his "sheid" of early childhood abuse as an excuse for not being an adult partisipant in our relationship.
im definitly a big narcissist , this video is telling about me so accurate !! first time ill find someone that can explain my type of personality so perfectly ., sure im gona buy your book Sam , hope it will have some french version in future !! Thanks a lot your doing good work !!
Dr. Vaknin, Thank you!!
You explained everything!!!
Thank you....
i know why can't they leave women alone i've encountered two men who had this they were just fucked up , one of them was screwing everybody, the other one didn't want sex or women, he just led women on and frustrated them
The one I met was tall and handsome, a terrible flirt, but no delivery. Sexually frustrated with this man was an understatement. Made me feel dirty for wanting him so much, thank you for clearing that up.
I can't thank you enough for the absolute enormity of all the useful information! And I still have about 250 videos to go. By the end, I'm hoping to learn what behavior I should invoke and avoid while I try to maintain a healthy and positive relationship with my narcissistic father. Thanks again.
Holy fuck this makes so much sense. I flew across the country this weekend to see my now ex and he refused to be overly intimate with me and told me to have "better standards" when I asked why he wouldn't even kiss me when I arrived. He insisted he was still interested and wouldn't let me leave.
you just desribed my husband 100% wow
Thank you for your videos and for your insight.
He cant be rejected...if he hates them anyway...so he is a coward.
I started dating a narcassist. He went all out, giving attention, talking of marriage. This went on for months. We were intimate and that's when I noticed him pulling away... slowly. Once I realized what was going on(it only took me a couple of weeks) .. I kicked his ass to the curb so fast LOL! This was over a year ago and he still tries to get back with me but OH no I won't because he is a text book narcassist! I frustrate the hell out of him because I don't play by his rules! lol I think it's hilarious..
Approach-Avoidance Repetition Complex and Fear of Intimacy
The Narcissist or Psychopath Hates your Independence and Personal Autonomy
The fidelity isn't real. The only reason the Narcissist is claiming to be faithful is for adoration and attention from outside potential partners. The Narcissist will eventually physically cheat because of their mood swings or when they feel like control over their partner/spouse is being lost. As long as their partner/spouse never says no and does every thing the Narcissists way infidelity won't happen, but in all relationships eventually you and your partner will disagree.
wow .. finally find someone that can clearly explain my personality .. its so accurate .. thank Sam , thats really good work ,i definitly gona purchase your book , hope it will have french copy in the future !!
Thanks you sir for SPEAKING FACTS.
It's as if my life has become narrated by Sam. Cheers.
Ted Danson?
I had a relationship with a narcissist for three years, but since I was young, we were both into BDSM, and I saw that he was not boyfriend material, hates intimacy cannot commit, I suggested polyamory to him and he accepted. Even in the polyamory he STILL withdrew sex from time to time for no reason, just saying he was 'cold' and refusing to talk about it further. He would not compliment me or anything and would bring up the other women he was having sex with all the time to make me jealous, but I saw through it, and it did not work! I also had the mentality of 'we are poly, so good for you, go explore your desires.' He still kept trying it anyway. One night, when I said I missed my second boyfriend from England, he said 'it's a pity that whilst you're in this country you miss HIM, and while you're over there you miss ME.' He had the angriest, most sullen look on his face and was staring at the floor. I did not expect that from the 'ice man.' He lied that all these other women were 'ok with polyamory' which they were not, and instead of making ME jealous of them, one of them ended up being jealous of ME and making drama! It's kind of funny now when I think about it, how the situation turned on him, but it felt awful at the time. I scolded him for not being honest with them, and causing the drama in the first place!
I guess polyamory doesn't work even for the kinkiest of narcissists! XD
In the third year, he withdrew sex more and more, but in terms of talk and getting to know each other we were pretty close. He would come over once every week, we would watch obscure films and philosophise. On the outside, to everyone we looked like a couple, and it was obvious we both had feelings for each other. He did manage to connect with the interests we had in common ( we are both into VERY obscure stuff, art, weird music, very violent obscure art films, both into Spiritual Satanism). He could not find any other woman with these interests, which is why the thing lasted this long. Eventually, he made me into the 'madonna' sexless mother figure, and I couldn't take the sexual rejection anymore and I 'broke up' with him. The guy legit cried at the end of it.
This situation confuses me and puzzles me to this day! Why would a narcissist keep this up for 3 years if he was using me, and cry (it did not look fake), for someone who was a hyper masculine, far right wing, 'stoic' kind of guy? He normally finds crying 'girly' and shameful. Doesn't make any sense...
I am thoroughly fascinated and horrified by how extremely accurate this video is at describing the thought process of the typical behaviour. Curious to know what your take would be on a narcissist suggesting (manipulating) his partner could have sex with others, because he is truly not willing or capable of pleasing them. I smell the makings of a double-edged sword or elaborate trap. That or they are already being unfaithful, and want to appease their guilt. Your thoughts?
+Noize Girl Psychology of Swinging (The Lifestyle) ua-cam.com/video/iWgsz09ajWU/v-deo.html
amazingly spot on. thank you.
I REALLY appreciate these clips. Very valuable.
Extraordinary insight, many thanks for your video posting, it is much appreciated.
Great analysis, but life is so more much complex then any breakdown.
Chris Mckenzie K,so let's just throw this out of the window then.
Amazing. I was the alibi girlfriend.
I sensed that I was serving some greater purpose for him and this is likely it! He always had reasons at the last minute to delay sex...he much preferred keeping the clothes on. The very few times we were intimate, he had no control. I wonder if he is conscious of what he does?
I lived exactly the same. it's all on purpose. Remember that they are sadistic and masochistic, that is why they do it, to make you feel bad and frustrated and also because they do not mind depriving themselves of feeling pleasure if with them they manage to ruin anda sabotage the relationship with their attitudes
by going so far and then crying "we shant!" and professing devotion to his common law wife (they really put the "common" in common law), the n I knew thought he came off as romantically adventurous and torn between two loves. The red flags of the n are becoming more and more well known. Even a couple years ago this information wasn't as well known.
He is describing the father of my daughter to a tee. It is very scary to hear all of his attributes summarized in one video. I have felt this overwhelming pressure in my life since our union (7 years ago). I have have left twice only to return. What steps can I take to remove this N from my life? He drains me financially, emotionally, spiritually, sexually and mentally.
This is so me... most accurate video yet.
i can't even explain to you how i fill because ever thing ever single word is what i am going true with my husband...Its been four years of a completely destroy relationship
i am so unhapy and desperate...cant find my way out of it!
Oh yah that's exactly what my narc husband does. But why he hates his mom that much ? What did she do to him ? Please explain.
Narcissistic and psychopathic parents and their children - click on the links:
@sam vaknin...your videos have been the missing link to a lifetime of codependent behavior.
Even with self revealation, how can a person change attraction to a healthy relationship, especially when there is no "attraction" to healthy? It all seems like a cruel joke life has played....is anyone normal?
In watching these videos. I wonder if it would be better to be a narc, in the dark!
I have no self satisfaction in understanding, only sadness for mankind.
then you for sharing your knowledge...
I very much agree with you
The video you just posted describes my ex perfectly.
I am going through the same thing..I am praying Jesus comes..thank you for explaining his symptoms to a tee..at least I feel justified instead of being the scapegoat..my mother was my first Narcissist
Ahhhhhh this explains it all...
My ex narc who I unfortunately still live with and who is saying he wants to make things work (I’m over it and done) but he swears he would never cheat and never has but he talks so happily about all the women he used to cheat on, how he was a player, how I’m lucky to have this version of him because he used to be “a dog” and how if I go back to his home town how all the women there would hate me cus I “got him” and he’s Mr. Takoma Washington *eye roll* anyways my main point is he actually never initiated sex with me and would go weeks and sometimes a month without initiating sex with me. When we would have sex it would be so short, quick and emotionless, connectionless, and just left me feeling empty, unsatisfied, uncared for. He would wipe himself off and toss me the same dirty cloth to wipe up and just go on to his business or go smoke weed every time. When I tried to practice tantric sex with him and told him it was important to me to have loving, passionate, intentional and conscious sex and it started some of the biggest arguments and times he would call me crazy, too demanding, if I helped more he wouldn’t be too tired for sex, etc. He and I haven’t had sex in a month and he thinks nothing of it and I hate it but I refuse to ever have sex with him again I respect myself and am learning to respect myself more.
He is not for me and he doesn’t care about me or my daughter.
I need to let go of this need to prove it and show him I know he’s unfaithful but I just need to let go of it and not care because I don’t want him anymore anyways now that I’ve learned who he truly is and who I’ve been and i don’t want to be that person anymore. I will be better and heal so I don’t accept this kind of behavior ever again.
He’s a straight up narc. Looks like it’s time to take the trash out sis. Life is so much better without them in it. It’s difficult when you have a kid together, but taking them out of your child’s life completely is a blessing and if possible should be done. They KILL your desires, goals, dreams and hope, STEAL your time, energy and resources, DESTROY your trust, self worth, and psyche. It’s what they do best.
Same situation. 12 years with my narc husband, living together, 4 year old kid. Sex 1 time a week. He is porn addicted prefers porn over sex with me now. I looked deeper into this, he was into "woman who enjoyed forced sex acts", anal, and woman who pushed there sexual limits 2 extremities. I never knew. None of this he wanted w me. Is this normal porn use or not? Scared.
Except the part about the mother.
Sam..would you say that the lack of physical affection would be the basic cause of becoming a narcissist?
what abour a female narcissicist, married, who has multiple affairs, flirts with others, ect?
Intersting wow!! Now i understand
My book is available only in English. If you are planning to buy the PRINT edition of my book "Malignant Self-love: Narcissism Revisited" (thank you!), my advice is: do NOT purchase it from Amazon. I sell only Kindle e-books via Amazon. New, authentic, cheaper PRINT copies of my book, directly from my publisher are available ONLY via Barnes and Noble.
IM in shock.. this is 100% me.. :( what can i do?..
+fanaticfloyd Lots and lots of psychotherapy.
Since you asked.........1)Do not attempt to get into a relationship with a woman/women, do not get married, do not have sex with a female as you run the risk of having children until you have sought professional help.. If narcissistic personality disorder is genetic then the disorder can end with you.
2)Save the general public from yourself as you are a destroyer of relationships anyway until you have sought professional help.
3) Keep your manipulative ways to yourself. Do not use people. They have just as much right to be here and be treated with dignity and respect as you do. They have a right to be in loving relationship.
4) Always remember that.
Thanks bro
wow. i m completely shocked whenever the unbelievably all too rare occurrences of a narcissist actually self analyzing n self realizing is experienced n observed... !!!!!!!!???????? fer realz yo?! is it even possible?! if u r for real in owning yer narcissism... n truly doing the ongoing, thorough, fearless, searching, authentic transcendental amendment healing work urgently essential for u... then, for me, yer comment is the beginning of something awesome; something that's nothing short of being awe inspiring n amazing. it is also a big part of why sam's world n humanity service work for a people n towards a healthier, happier world n planet n all inhabitants... is so important. i mean sam is thee only self proclaimed narcissist i have ever even heard of before seeing yer comment. sam is the only narcissist who i have heard of who seems to have any capacity for self reflection, perspective, analysis... who is authentically practicing meaningful healing work, n who acknowledges how narcissism n narcissistic abuse is so harmful, toxic, draining, unaffordable, unworthwhile, unfulfilling, intolerable, unbearable etc etc... for those of us who have been targeted by parasitic narcissist abusers n who have been n/or r so negatively effected by narcissist predators. it is generally considered fact; is typically 'common' wisdom... (once a people r in the know...) that narcissists have zero capacity for nor any interest in nor openness nor willingness to conduct conscious, committed, authentic self analysis, for any meaningful transcendental amendment healing work, for owning any of what is their accountability n responsibility whether they ever choose to do what is right n own it or not... n most of us who r doing our best to heal our cptsd etc... due to the narcissistic abusers perpetually perpetrating severe, horrendous abuse, trauma, stress against us... have had to come to realizing that they don't change; they don't 'get better...' in general... for the most part... at least at this point in the societal, cultural, 'collective - narcissist zeitgeist;' where narcs r at in terms of their stuck, same ol' lame ol' ass, spiritually, psychologically lazy, sadistic, sick, diseased, unwell state; their 'never changing;' 'never gonna get better...'' non-'evolution...' that is the overarching understanding; the unfortunately collectively individual en mass experiential forbearance; the gleaned interconnected consensus at this time... hopefully sam's intensive work, n others, similarly, in this field of powerful, meaningful, authentic, transcendental amending healing work, re: narcissism, narcissistic abuse, etc... will truly help us all to get well for real; empaths, apaths, narcissists, etc... everyone; all of us; individually... n collectively... our world is sick. our world must get well. we a people need to get well. we a people must get well. individually n collectively. best wishes for yer healing n wellness path. i do hope u r truly committed to doing yer life long, ongoing, authentic, meaningful, thorough, searching, fearless, self examining n analyzing, transcendental, amending, spiritual, psychological, physiological health, healing n wellness work... n that yer conscious commitment to yer wellness path is exemplary n commendable... may it b so. may u b one of the all too rare; much too few, n one of the first 'exceptions to the rule...' n may u help to b one of the potently positive changers to that 'rule...' may u b part of the beginning of this merciful, graceful, transcendental, amending, positive, profound, healing change. may u help to lead by example... on our collective n individual consciously committed healing paths towards our collective n individual wellness. infinite blessings n wellness wishes!!! so be it. ***
Imo, the only way possible to make a Narc tell you that he is a Narc is by pointing out their ability to manipulate. If one makes it right they may blunt out some infos unintentionally of how capable they are to play with other ppls. minds because of their achievements connected to their intelligence!
Wow, pretty creepy. Such behavior usually tends to rebound in some way.
My ex narc told me right after our free party that he thought it was a privilege to have sex with me? At that moment I did not ask myself any questions, now I would like to know what he meant by that??
while i don't believe my friend was a cerebral narcissist, this fits my friend to a K.
What about the Narcissist that is a sex addict? Is that not possible?
This is fantastic. I want to take the narcissist test. I hope I am one.
Feminists. I watched a video yesterday and your quote about misoandrists, above, accurately depicts they're state of mind. Is it fair to say that most hard-core feminists are female narcissists? (do you sell signed copies of your book?)
Thank you doctor,no body was capable of explaine to me why mi ex,dont touch me..does narcissist an psicopats are asexual?,can they be in the case of necessity for obtain somthing important,bisexual?,i will thakyou very much your answer.
Narcissists, psychopaths, sex, and marital fidelity
VIDEOS The Narcissist's Sexuality
I'm so awesome.
Why do you say that narcissists hate women? What about narcissists who ARE women? Or homosexually men?
Sam,you talk about narcissism like its a bad thing. LOL
Interesting, would have been nice to hear if it differs from a female narcissist or are none of us females narcissists lol.
Sounds much like a person I know.
My soon to be ex..ar first when we did have sex, after he would be angry or distant, as if I had taken something. Later, he made any physical intimate contact a huge chore or exercise in futility for me. I was always doing something wrong it seemed. He had told me that his relationships with women were so bad that he had thought at one point that maybe he was gay so he tried a relationship with a man. It didn't change anything. And I know he has used our marriage as an "out" with other women....he would lead them on and then when they pressured for more, he'd remind them he was married. Now he is using our impending divorce to get sympathy supply...and he will have to deal with those women knowing he no longer has the wife excuse. He'll probably say he's depressed and unable for a long time..UGH.
sounds like my son.
"ostentatious" PERFECT DICTION!
RSD brought me here
Sam,lets not forget that there are MILLIONS of Narcissistic women out there also.You seem to only talk about male narcissists----Thats only on one half of the equation.
Sound like madness
נרקסיזם נשי ,יש סרטום לזה?
Female narcissists samvak.tripod.com/faq34.html
Narcissists should fear women. . .lol
Personality disorders are genetic
And you are God
or at least his REPRESENTATIVE
This is so sick and twisted
I am sick. Yuck
Well coming from the spouse point of view, I think he should be ignoring other women (whores) who are lingering around single and available for married men. Theyre disgusting home wreckers. While the decent married woman works so hard on her marraige and being faithful to 1 man so that they can live an honest life together.
My point is that women can be narcissists too...
Thank you for your kind words. I suggest that you buy the book from Barnes and Noble (online or in a store near you). Copies sold via Amazon are second-hand and MUCH MORE expensive!