А.Флярковский - Двадцать четыре прелюдии и фуги для фортепиано "Композитор", 1992г. номер с 9569 к
:) yes, this nice In my opinion, this pair is the culmination of the whole cycle. P.S. Of course, there is still №22 (C minor) ahead, but my opinion is adamant
А.Флярковский - Двадцать четыре прелюдии и фуги для фортепиано
"Композитор", 1992г. номер с 9569 к
1:00 ooooooohhhh
:) yes, this nice
In my opinion, this pair is the culmination of the whole cycle.
P.S. Of course, there is still №22 (C minor) ahead, but my opinion is adamant