I feel bad for Henry Cavill. I believe he was a great Superman and gave it his all for the role. He was let down by a horrible production team that destroyed his opportunity to make a great legacy to the Superman franchise. MoS 2 should have been much higher on the priority list. DC just got scared because of Avengers and felt they had to scramble to pull out JL to try compete. They should have taken their time, focused on building the following of their solo characters and then launched JL with a bigger appeal. DC execs screwed it for everyone and blammed everyone except themselves.
Cavill got what I call “Pierce Brosnan-ed”... a situation where you have a perfect actor that fills the look and tone of an iconic character, but then curse them with absolutely terrible writing over and over, causing them to fail in the end.
@@muhwyndham No planned reshoot? Then you better explain to us all why Zack Snyder let everyone go off when the existing foortage sucks. Then in recent weeks, we were told that there was no cohesive footage to do a Zack Snyder version of Justice League. Now, either he finished shooting or he didn't. Which is it?
Run by assholes who park their Lamborghinis in the handicapped spots and when confronted, snicker "so fine me, see if I care", then have an underling pay for it from the studio's petty cash box.
@@ernestolombardo5811 honestly people need to stop watching these dumpster fires if they actually want these scumbags to change. the only way to make these assholes worried is when they start realizing theyre not getting anymore money from them.
Don't blame Hollywood. If you look at Kevin Feige's MCU and the recent Endgame movie, not only did he not suck at bringing an epic battle twice involving Thanos to the fans, he created a strong heartfelt movie experience even critics love.
@@sashaqueenie it was a little better than Justice league. I don't know what all the negativity is about. There were lots of moments in Justice league that were really great.
So you're talking about the Snyder cut which is my all rights less worse than the regular movie. But seriously, you're going to cheer about less worse. I guess that's what being a DC fan means just being not as bad as it was
No joke after watching endgame, I kinda wish the DCEU is as organised as Marvel so that they can make an actual good justice league movie with more heroes
mikeyyization ehhhh or how about letting writers who actually wrote for these hero’s on set and let them create the storyline then let the directors direct. these directors obviously has no back ground in hero’s sense they made this trash ass movie. How Barry have blue lightening but take 30 hours to push a car down the road. How does Barry have blue lightening but Superman was able to see him move and was able to touch Barry. Everything was literally trash about the movie and you can tell these mfs don’t know wtf they doing. Why is wonder women so weak compared to Superman in the movie. Why was cyborg useless ? He’s hella op and cool. Why did Barry run like a complete retard.
I'm a fan of Marvel, Dc and Star Wars except currently Marvel is smashing it. DC seriously needs to get their stuff together and start delivering better movies, Shazam and Aquaman are not enough
@Scorpinok300 about as much harm as when they eat a sharp rock or pebble. Ever heard of sea glass? Anyway not saying start dumping glass in the ocean lol but glass compared to plastic well glass is a much better option.
Because Zack Snyder didn't shit all over Superman nearly enough with Man of Steel and Batman V Superman. He needed THREE movies to completely destroy the character.
Before these movies was The Godfather 2nd Best Movie ever behind Citizen Kane. 177 Minutes Long. Highest Grossing movie after adjusted Inlfation Gone With the Wind.
WB is run by total incompetence. They have NEVER respected DC properties. I hate that WB owns DC. It is painful as a massive fan to see what the execs have done. I feel ripped off.
imagine if DC purchasex by disney, and true massive crossover between MCU and DCEU happen, superman and capt team up to beat thanos and darkseid its gonna be wild
Now you know how us Marvel fans feel about Fox and Sony. It took Fox seven tries to make a good Wolverine movie with "Logan". Seven! And don't get me started on Fantastic Four.
I feel you. Still waiting for a great Green Lantern movie and a Flash movie as well as a modern Superman movie that respects the character in his entirety and has a different villain than Zod or Luthor already.Being a fan of Geoff Johns comics its sad that he is no longer in charge of DC Entertainment films since nobody understands the characters better than he does. WB has owned DC lock stock and barrel since the 1970's and has never maximized that investment to it's true box office potential the same way Marvel has done in a fraction of the time on the big screen with most of their A level characters unavailable to them for various reasons.
Zack did not approve the final version of the film and has said that hasn’t even watched it. That doesn’t sound like someone who gave Joss Whedon his support.
@@goman335 - Which ones are you talking about? His only decent film was 300 when his style was new and fresh, then he proceeded to do the exact same style and get worse at it every time. His renown and job offers come from his only real success with 300 which is still just your average dark action film. He's been riding on that success ever since.
@@stevannox7519 I hate this movie for trying to jump right in the ensemble game without prepping anyone's story before hand to actually get us to care for the heros, just riding coat tails
@WhoDarestheMAN gamer LOL another bitter DC fan. Marvel did not rip off the idea of a multiple franchises crossing over into one main storyline. They are the first in history to do that. Doesn't matter the similarity of this or that character. Much of it is because the SAME people would hop back and forth between companies and would use another similar character when they jumped. They made it work with mostly B-list characters that nobody knew about. Once again you fail to recognize its the writing of the characters not the intellectual property itself. DC fans saying how great all their crap movies are is what delayed the course correction for DC and led to all the failures DC had. At least now DC is finding their footing. Im happy for them. WW and Aquaman were good. I really like Aquaman in particular.
@WhoDarestheMAN gamer There's nothing wrong with drawing inspiration or copying ideas from other people, as long as the execution will be good. At this point, people are used to cliches and redone storylines, with similar character archetypes. It just depends on whether or not the execution will be good, if we are INVESTED in the characters. That's why it doesn't matter shit on who copied who. Batman v Superman came out a year before Captain America: Civil War, and both are (on the surface-level) about a genius billionaire playboy philanthropist orphan in a suit fighting against a man who is the embodiment of truth, justice and the "American" way, with a character who is from a millennia-old secret society as a third party. They have differing details underneath, but if you look at it like that, it looks like Marvel copied DC. And guess which one was more received by fans, had a bigger impact on the overall future of their respective cinematic universe, etc? Marvel's. It doesn't fucking matter who copied who first. It matters who did it better.
WhoDarestheMAN gamer bro if they draw inspiration from the characters (or you could say rip off) and still massively success (atleast the movies) then they obviously did that job better
Stop saying it’s writers and zack Snyder It was Warner brothers Decorative like kevin Tsujihara and Geoff Johns thought he was going the the next kevin feign of the dceu compared to the mcu People Complained about how man of steel and BVS were too dark even though think that’s stupidReason I think those were the best better movies
Agreed. I can't fault any of the actors for their performances. The problem is the writing, directing, etc. Ben Affleck was amazing, but he had dreck to work with, so dreck is what we got.
How the DCEU phase 1 should of gone 1. Man of Steel 2. Batman 3. Worlds finest 4. Wonder Woman 5. The Flash 6. Green Lantern 7. Aquaman 8. Justice League (No cyborg involved because he is better off with the Titans)
"you can't rush art..."....this is why the MCU is successful- patience in building the franchise....DC clearly was in catch-up mode the whole time, and the results were disastrous...agree that more solo movies should've been released before bringing all the characters together...yeah- this would've been copying Marvel, but the pay-offs would have been larger in profits, storytelling, and honoring another iconic super-hero team-up...
Great List! But #8 should be Shazam and #9 should be a live action Justice League War, in which the mother box activates and creates Cyborg because of DarkS's Invasion.
That's simply your opinion of how it should have gone. By that logic, perhaps you would have been happier if the Xmen did solo films first, before teaming up. No one complained that solo Wolverine films came after the team up Xmen films. Not every cbm universe has to follow the same guidelines in order to be considered successful. Hell, the 1st 5 DCEU films were actually more successful than the first 6 MCU films, regardless of what paid off critics thought of them. The majority viewer actually enjoyed them. If they didn't, nobody would be asking for the Snyder cut of Justice League. Their would be no Snyder cut movement. Batman v Superman would have never been trending online 2 years after its release (which it was). Fans and haters alike wouldn't still be defending/hating/debating/arguing over films like BvS, 3 years since its release. ua-cam.com/video/lJJUKwlMwWo/v-deo.html
@@LaptokPL It was 3 hours and 2 min. Of course they weren't the first, but because it's so long and rare that it's incredible how many people are willing to show up.
@@kevinbanh5421 Not only would people have watched an actual good Justice League but Endgame is nearly breaking records.... DC was SOOOO stupid. They should have delayed it and just let Snyder finish his version and let him go down with the ship he created. At least that would have been the honorable way to go. Instead they pulled a Superman II on us and years later we finally got a Donner Cut. So many in 30 years we will see the Synder Cut.
Nah, just greedy execs meddling with creatives based on misguided opinions. They could have chosen one crew (snyder, whedon or whoever) and let them execute their one coherent vision and we'd have had a good move. But no. In the end they ruined the franchise and got paid the big bucks.
Yea, in developing their Superman reboot, they chose people who didn't understand the character and mythos, and also wanted to recreate what the Dark Knight Trilogy had successfully done. And despite a mixed response and underperforming at the box-office, they chose to make it the first chapter to their DCEU, and instead of doing a proper sequel, they chose to do a Batman/Superman versus crossover that also acts as a backdoor pilot for a Justice League movie.
Yea they also didn't like the dark tone. Infinity war: hold my beer. 3 hour would of been great for justice league since we didn't know half the characters
Donner's Superman was a Superman living in a cynic and dark World. The difference is that he was in opposition to that, he was hopeful, trusting and still believe in his morals. Remember, Lois laughs at his face, when he says he believes in Truth, Justice and the American Way. Mostly of why he is like that, its explained in the movie, he was "learning" with Jor El while the World and the US went through the dark times of the late 60's until the mid 70's. He is not only a country man in the city, an alien on Earth, but also kinda displaced in time.
Donner's Superman II should've ended like Empire Strikes Back and Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan. being its the first sequel where things did get to be darker throughout the film's picture. 3 evil Kryptonians are freed and come to Earth while he's distracted by Lois Lane whom he's fallen madly in love with. Superman also falls out with his father over Lois, and the world pays the price because he put his duties behind him as its champion/defender when is father's old nemesis General Zod and his two cohorts in Ursa and Non goes around the globe conquering it (Superman II's original intended scope). So agreed the times were dark for most sequels indeed. Had Donner not been fired from production, the film wouldn't still have its time reversal ending i'm sure. And might've had a ending where Superman would have to earn back the people's trust in the follow up Superman movie perhaps? Could've potentially happened if only Richard Donner wasn't fired though!
I can see that. But I would argue today's world is far, FAR more divided and cynical. Especially looking through the lens of immigration, which is constantly at the forefront of today's politics. An illegal immigrant can be a scapegoat to so many problems. But can you imagine if they came from space? Not to mention the religious ramifications... All that said, my point in the video is to understand Snyder's point of you for the character, opinion withdrawn.
oh sorry, I didn't mean to say: you are wrong because of this "small detail". I agree with you that world today is so divided and ultra-cynical that compared to the Donner movies the period back then seem kinda weirdly naive.
What struck me the most when I was a kid, is when Superman promises to Ms. Teschmacher that he'll save her mother first and... holds his promess. It resulted in an earthquake that could have killed Lois (it didn't in the Donner version) but still he held his word. Would Donner's Superman let Zod kill people (like in Snyder's version) to hold to his principle ?
Scott Pratt And still, it's not necessary to waste 10 years. Watchmen and Guardians of the Galaxy are two good examples that a movie can introduce several characters itself.
Humour isn't inherently good or bad. The original Star Wars trilogy had plenty of silly, campy humour, and were a huge success. The prequels took themselves too seriously, and are reviled. TLJ made 1.3 Billion, and was the most critically acclaimed entry since Empire. So frankly, your point is all over the goddamn place.
Cynicayke, TLJ performed significantly worse at the box office than TFA. It did fine at the beginning, but sales dropped off massively compared to TFA in the coming weeks. In the US, TFA made 390m in the first week, and TLJ made 296m. By week 10, TFA was still making 5 million a week, while TLJ was under a million. In addition, Solo, despite being a better movie, was a relative failure at the box office because of the bad taste TLJ left in people's mouths. Trust in the Star Wars brand has been all but lost in the core audience. (Source for sales numbers: www.boxofficemojo.com/showdowns/chart/?view=weekly&id=roguevforce.htm )
@@Cynicayke Although critically the film worked but for at least half of the star wars fanbase, the film was the worst thing ever created. The prequels suffered from poor writing and shoddy cgi but they were great world builders. I agree that humor is good when done right but in response to the op, humor was not the nail in the coffin. There were other issues as well.
After watching the Snyder cut everything is so much more clear. I know it was 4 hours and not a movie made to be in the theaters but I’m pretty sure they could have cut it down to 2 1/2 hours and still had a good movie with the right story of the Snyder cut still. In the theater version you can see how it’s two different movies put together it made for really awkward moments. The Snyder cut is now what we will remember and we will remember how the studios hears what we wanted and let us see what the movie could’ve and should’ve been
I would say that rather than making the Snyder Cut into 2 movies, they should have cut it down as you say to 2.5 hours and then released that 4 hour cut as an extended cut ala Lord of the Rings.
It would be interesting to know how that went down. Snyder might have been coerced to say "I'm stepping down to take time to grieve" in exchange for not losing credit (and earnings agreement) on the film. And in exchange, WB/Whedon make whatever changes executives want without protest from Snyder. Although, if he had known how much they'd fuck it up, I'm certain he would have said "Oh just take this from me! Don't put my name on this shit!"
“Hey, after butchering what should have been a 3 hr movie with Batman V Superman into a 2 1/2 hr incoherent mess that everyone hated, How about we butcher Justice League into an even MORE incoherent mess but make it at least a SHORT mess! People will LOVE THAT, won’t they?!”--Every clueless dimwit working at Warner Brothers
@@Rei_Tatekei He's right. Zack has no respect to the source material and has no original ideas. Nor Geoff Johns.. All they do now instead of creating original stories is copying some ideas from the comics books. First they made Flashpoint comic book to quickly go with it to make an animated version. Next internet went crazy about rumors that it's gonna be a Flash main plot in his solo movie. Flashpoint looks like a story of a character that has been a hero for a while, when DCEU's Flash is a newbie. Warner Bros co-operating with DC on movies is a fucking mess from the start. They own the DC so they don't have to fking work with comic book writers. Instead hire someone who knows something about DC's world and do a completely new storyline. But that's too hard for WB.
"Hey, now that we know the 3hr Batman v Superman was just as awful as the 2 1/2 version AND the equally shitty Man of Steel, let's see Zack Snyder's COMPLETE raping of Superman, Batman and the DC universe with his 'Snyder Cut' of Justice League." -- every clueless dimit Zack Snyder apologist
It would need to be a Kryptonian mirror because a regular Earth mirror wouldn't work. Regular lasers burn through mirrors sooner or later and something intense enough to burn off Superman's stache would be very powerful indeed. It's been established that Superman's hairs are incredibly strong and durable.
Jeff Stringer very good point! I had a thought just now, because it’s been so long for WB to catch up to comics & the progression of these characters, I think Zack Snyder was just so excited to get these darker portrayals on screen (The Dark Knight Returns & Injustice) before we had an established “normal” portrayal of these characters, to show the flip & add weight to the transition. They tried this too soon, we needed more story & screen time to develop a report with audiences that will buy in to an evil Superman, etc.
True that. I loved MoS, it had it's flaws but it had a ton of potential as a set up for sequel... then Snyder too that potential and made Superman a bitch and made Lex's plan ruin what could have been a much smarter movie. And yeah, I mean the Ultimate Cut too. That cut made some aspects of the movie worse
I agree. Great villians like darth vader, the joker, hannibal lector can make a movie great. The Steppenwolf character was so fucking stupid, boring and corny. Smh
The original villain was meant to be Darkseid. But that was changed, for who the fuck knows why. Hopefully we do get the Snyder version and he includes Darkseid in it
Please let Disney buy them so we can start getting better DC movies. As for AT&T's monopoly, it doesnt mean shit if there isnt any good material being produced.
@@willt3223 All the time??? But in this case it is simple: It would have explained what the fuck was wrong with Superman in the previous two movies.. He was turning evil.
Unlikely. People need to stop pretending like Zach Snyder is a good writer. His one good comic book movie was Watchmen, and that copied the comic dialogue almost verbatim.
Evil Superman would have been pointless since Snyder's Superman has never been good in the first place. The reason an evil Superman is so impactful is because Superman is the embodiment of good, the paragon, the best of us, the beacon of hope, and seeing such a man fall to darkness is is shocking and despairing. Snyder's Superman is a passive emo wimp, a cold ass who seems to not even like people, a profound hypocrite, but the one thing he never was was the beacon of hope, a man with a big heart who inspires people by character and example, and seeing this "light" get snuffed out is nothing because there was never any light and hope in Snyder's dreary world, including his Superman.
Actually they should have kept the stache and add some more stubble and have it to where he's not in the suit but he's getting back to the world. Then pt. 2 he's full on SM.
They should have seen it as an opportunity and gone full beard.Its amazing that so many minds are involved in the development of these films and on this one they said "Nope. No Facial hair." Superman has had a beard a few times, they could have easily made it wash off surprised moment. I'll never understand why clean shaven Superman was a priority. I'd bet ten dollars though that the decision was made by someone who didnt care either way.
@@Swellnesss they even said that adding facial hair with CG was easier than removing it. Say that his hair grows when he dies because he's Kryptonian or some shit like that.
I don´t think this "We hate Batman v Superman because is dark" is true, tho... I think its more like "We hate BvS because it was poorly written, boring, generic, lifeless..." At least that´s my case.
@@meceffeukada3767 not really the quality of that movie was bad combined with convoluted too many subplots going on at once which didn't give the movie narrative Focus
@@digitaldazzle5836 no it's very bad Disney Fanboys are not the only one who thinks this everyone does you're just too ignorant to even see it cuz you're blind
Damn, I oughta write a book about this film's production, it's just too good to forget about it. I could see the title being something like *_Injustice: How WB Almost Killed DC._* And each chapter could be titled with dates such as "3.25.16 - BvS Released" and "5.20.17 - Snyder Down, Whedon Up".
@Brayan Carmona Or that, _"INJUSTICE: How WB Killed DC"_ can work too, I'd need a title that at-least explains the entire story in a nutshell. *;)* And man, I am now already knee-deep in writing a detailed outline for my book idea, and it feels like it's got potential, I really do feel this is something that must be put out to the public as a part of recorded history and as minutely detailed as possible, so that 20-30 years from now people will know of what exactly happened when the DCEU was launched. The same can be said for Sony's previous aborted Amazing Spider-Man cinematic universe, and the Fox/Trank _Fant4stic_ reboot.
Here, here! I can still remember how pumped I was when I first saw the Man of Steel trailer. I'm pretty sure I watched it over a dozen times and it seemingly got better with every viewing. And then I saw the movie and was thoroughly let down I felt like I'd be lied to. Betrayed. Bamboozled. I've always been a Marvel fan but Man of Steel gave me hope that DC had something really special.
@NATsoHIGH ! No dumbass it wasn't, DC has been making films for years, marvel was the one who was riding on the back of DC's superhero films. DC were the ones who had their comic book characters be in a shared universe first before marvel so bringing that to the big screen was only an inevitability for both companies.
A CGI tech commented on Mustache Gate. It's apparently much easier to add convincing CGI facial hair than it is to rebuild a human mouth from scratch. Building a mouth can be done, but they needed time, and they didn't have it. Supposedly WB made an offer to Paramount that if Cavill shaved for the JL reshoots, WB would add the mustache in post for Paramount, but they didn't budge.
Idk why Carvel couldn't just wear a fake mustache and makeup stubble for the MI movie. It's pretty hard to tell that stuff is fake with practical makeup.
I said to myself after watching Justice League "You know, the whole story line should have just been about Superman coming back, having amnesia, and being the antagonist". Otherwise, the final scene of BvS where the ground shakes and the dirt starts to float is completely pointless and misleading (surely not the intention). Just have Superman explode out of the ground, and be insane. Then Batman TRULY has a reason to convene the Justice League --- to stop Superman physically, or --- by a eureka moment where the characters have to work together and come up with a crazy idea --- bring him back to his senses so he's not crazy anymore. Anyway, I really was hoping that Justice League would have been a competent, fun movie, instead it was just hard to watch most of the time. I would be very interested in seeing Zack Synder's version, as maybe that is the movie I wanted to see.
What's so heartbreaking about all of this, is the fact that Henry and Ben will most likely never get to shine in their own sequel solo movies. They both do a great job as the characters, and they only suffer from the material. And Ben had the best Batman costume and fight sequences to date! I really wish I could see solo movies for both of these actors to really show what they can do with good material. Such a bummer.
Like your WTF segments. Make me appreciate how much work goes into the movies. They messed up when they used Frank Miller's "The Dark Knight Returns" graphic novel as a template for Batman v Superman without staying more true its plot and story.
Seriously! I don't know why more people don't acknowledge that. If you take random iconography and plot points from a story and shove them into a film that not only doesn't make the "central conflict" that's the movie's namesake *the driving force of the story,* but also make almost no attempts to suggest that Batman and Superman have any clear-cut, opposing ideologies to create conflict between them in the first place, what is the point?! Why lean so hard into a theme that's not established? The end result is things just "happening", because they're supposed to and not because there's any internal logic. A big dramatic fight happens that's supposed to make an emotional impact, but it's happening between characters you know little about, and for the most contrived reason imaginable. How does someone defend the fact that there's no clear narrative? How do you claim that it's being "misunderstood" or simply criticized because "Marvel Fanboys"?
Everyone has their own opinion I guess.. Mine being, it was a complete dog shit of a movie. Usually happens when money & profit exceed artistic expression.
In the old Comics there is a Story where Superman hits red Kryptonite. This Stuff always makes strange and unpredictable things with a Kryptonier and in this case his Nails and hair growed rapidly like they never did in the past. He was scared that Lois Lane can see his secret because clark never had a beard, and he is not able to shave or clip his nails by himself. so he asked for help by supergirl and his superdog krypto and with double the power of the heat vision they shaved him. as stupid as this story was, it makes clear, that supermans nails and beard never growed.
The really earth shaking question arising from the MoS Super-beard is: if bullets, fire, bombs and Supervillian eye-lasers can't even disturb his signature hairstyle, HOW CAN HE SHAVE!!!!???? The people of earth need answers.
I am SO SICK & TIRED of everyone who claims to have a problem with the "darker" version of Superman from Snyder & the fact that at the end of MoS Superman kills Zod. In MoS, a brand new Superman was faced with a fully powered fellow-Kryptonian who was born for the sole purpose of being a military leader. A Kryptonian who had just spent 20+ minutes destroying an entire city, leveling multiple buildings & killing untold thousands of innocents & was directly telling Superman that as long as he lived, he would continue to do so. And even after Superman kills Zod, he is appropriately conflicted & emotionally destroyed by it. Yet these same people bitching about MoS killing Zod have nothing but praise for Reeve's Superman, conveniently ignoring the fact that in Superman 2, Reeve's "hopeful" Superman, MURDERED A FULLY HUMAN Zod, who was NO THREAT to anyone. Bloody Hypocrites.
Excellent summation of what went wrong with this movie. While I didn't hate JL, it sure didn't measure up to even the poorest of the the MCU films. Now I feel sorry for everyone involved in it.
The two differences between the MCU and the DCEU film history is 1) DCEU did not commit to a consistent tone as MCU did for its movies, hence the conflicts. 2) MCU did not experience a major box office bomb, from Ironman to Endgame. If the first Avengers had flopped, MCU might have gone into the same panic mode, and changed everything.
Not quite right... The Incredible Hulk was a bomb. I also think they are not as consistent in tone as you might think... Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant-Man are comedic, while films like Winter Soldier, Infinity War and Civil War are really dark. I think, Marcel Studios just excelled at making each film a good character-driven story, while also managing to build toward the big event movies Infinity War and Endgame without really compromising the individual films. With the exception of maybe Captain Marvel, all of the characters have recognizable personalities, goals, philosophies and often unique powers. Even when there are similarities, character still feel distinct. For example, both Iron Man and Thor learn lessons in humility, but are still very different. That’s hard to pull off. Also, Marvel Studios were patient enough to slowly and deliberately build up their universe and not jump the gun. The Inifinity stones for instance were gradually introduced, each serving a specific story purpose in their film, and once they were all put together, we were already quite familiar with them. Compare that to the Mother Boxes in JL which basically came out of nowhere. That balancing act of 1. making each film and the characters within it stand on is own, and 2. using it to expand the cinematic universe and work towards the big stories of Infinity War and Endgame, was what they nailed and why these films are so successful. Warner‘s films didn’t stand on their own (except Wonder Woman and recently Aquaman and Shazam!) and they also didn’t really seem to have a long term plan, or might have even abandoned it midway through production. Also, none of their characters were really established... In 2017’s JL We didn’t know who this version of Superman is as a person and why he is fighting, same goes pretty much for Cyborg, Aquaman and Fash, who was just comic relief. Batman has a personality, but was painfully static in BvS and so, Wonder Woman was the only person who was fully established. That’s just weak for a big team up film.
@retsaM innavoiG It did just barely make a profit. Generally, for a movie to be a success, it needs to make about twice the money it costs. The Incredible Hulk was a 150 Million Dollar movie and made about 260 Million back. No comparison to Iron Man which made more than twice the amount at the same budget. As for critical reception, the film holds a 60-70 percent approval rating... which is about equal to the Star Wars prequels. So, no, it wasn't a complete disaster like, say, Suicide Squad, but it still was nowhere here the success of the other films. Which is part of the reason, why we never saw a direct sequel. Also, I say this as someone who really enjoys the film.
I talked to ZACK SNYDER himself on March 24 in Pasadena for his directors cut event. He confirmed the snyder cut is real. It’s 3hrs 34mins long, no reshoot footage. The score is also done, but the movie itself needs vfx work. He also said it’s up to WB if we ever want to see it.
I'll watch it, I've got nothing better to do and actually liked the director's cut edition of Batman V. Superman. The theatrical version of Justice League is such a steaming pile of... you know... I'm not really sure I could come around to liking it at all, but I'm willing to give it a shot.
I felt if they wanted to make the universe dark then don't make it edgy and if they want it to be comical then don't make it realistic they should have taken their time making this movie and started to it with Aquaman Green lantern and the flash then Wonder woman then they can do Batman and Superman last
@@JayBelafonte This. If they just accepted they were a few years behind Marvel and slow-rolled it, giving each member more development, it likely wouldn't have been so bad. Also, too many cooks in the kitchen. It really effed up the recipe. Lastly, they did what even Marvel drops the ball on often... a one-dimensional villain/antagonist. A hero (or in this case, HEROES) is only as good as the other side of the coin (the villain/s). Part of the success of the Infinity Saga, Spiderman Homecoming and Black Panther, were the deeply crafted villains, who had pretty much just as much character development as the protagonists.
I don't understand why WB's felt the need to rush into an Avengers-esque universe (thus treating it like the race to the moon in the 1960's). As if this could *only* be achieved by 2017???? Why not take the time to put out all of the individual films (character development), *then* put out a collaboration? If anything, it would have benefited them, considering Marvel would've already blown its load. Therefore, the competition would be minimal (if not non-existent). This is irrational and defies logic. Then, out of fear of box office failure-----they meddle with Snyder's vision, chop his film to bits and replace him ----only to end up with a box office failure. There's some chronic-idiocy afoot. And to think----the people who made these decisions are multi-millionaires. Unreal. The only other franchise to do a worse job at squandering its intellectual property is Star Wars. So many missed opportunities.
They should have cut Snyder after Man of Steel. Not doing so and then trying to course correct on the fly with him still involved for 1 and a half more films (and allowing his films to in some way influence an otherwise good Wonder Woman) was the cause of all these problems.
@@darthnihilus1849 Iron Monger was not a shitty villain. He had depth, and attacked Tony from an angle where it hurt most. The angle of trust. Loved that sleazy military profiteering scumbag CEO type persona he had. His lines were epic. The Red Skull was pretty good too, just hated that tesseract shit storyline. We just never got anymore out of him because the actor Hugo Weaving who played him was being a dick about reprising the role.
Because most paying audiences aren't aware of most of the behind-the-scenes drama, or do any research about the films online. They tend to see the ads, see the movie, end of story. So if a alternate version of a movie they already saw came out, they would be confused as to why it was happening, and why it was so different from the original. I would say 95% of my family would fit into this category. Mostly because they don't care, they just see movies for the fun of it.
@@TunkTheTank Maybe after some time has passed, as with Blade Runner and even Superman II (the Donner cut). But still - the film is long gone from theaters, there is no need to shoot any new material, only to assemble footage that already exists, so what is there to lose? Plus you are doing a service to the fans, do you really want to alienate the fans? ... You know what? Never mind with that last question. Whatever it is that the studios are doing is baffling, even to the studios themselves, a project like this like a half-billion dollar ship without a rudder and more captains than you can shake a stick at, all with Ferraris and Lamborghinis, so just try and imagine the gigantic egos, the anxieties and inferiority complexes. Toxic, mediocre stuff.
These are really excellent essays on the behind the scenes of some very popular movies. The level of research jumps out, and 13k likes is rare for a clip with 800k views. Very, very good and I highly recommend this series
I actually liked but didn't love Batman vs Superman. Mainly Aflecks Batman. It was the truest to the comic books. His size, strength and fighting style was truest to the comic book as well as his suit. The only thing I hated was Lex Luther in the movie. I feel a standalone movie starring Ben was a missed opportunity. Although I agree Justice League was trash.
chris1275cc oh so you think zack was adapting the golden age? Oh right. So he wasn’t adapting the established batman of the canon that everybody loves, he was adapting the shadow/zorro ripoff with no character traits at all? Ok got it.
The uncut, unrated version of BvS is honestly a great film!!! It really fleshed out the small little side stories that didn't make a ton of sense in the theatrical release. The cinematography and coloring was absolutely beautiful!!! Just look at how Snyder used lighting and reflections to create these epic looking super stylized moments. Even a lot of the writing was pretty good. Like when Lex Luthor's SON is on the helicopter pad with Superman. Throwing pictures of Supes mother at him of her tied up and calling her whore. Basically EVERYTHING said by Lex's son in the film built up to that moment. He was FURIOUS that he had all this knowledge but Supes has real power. So he used his mind to get what he wants. And that ONE LINE as he walks away...... "And now God... Bends to MY will!!!" That was FUCKING EPIC!!! And once again the beautiful backgrounds during the shots. Idk.... I really liked BvS uncut, but I rewatched it like 3 months ago and REALLY paid attention to every tiny detail. And it really is a FANTASTIC film with some of the best style direction and cinematography I have seen in a long time!!! MOS is also a BADASS movie, they should have just let Goyer/Snyder write and direct the film exactly how they wanted to. We would have got some truly incredible 3 hour epic super hero films!!!
This is what really pisses me off. Greedy CEO WB sacrificed a great movie for money. I thought it was against the law for a CEO to purposely sabotage interest in a product or service for self gain.
Lalram Engmawia True, but they do have it all over Marvel on TV. So far, none of DC’s tv shows have been cancelled (“Arrow” is being allowed to end naturally), while both of Marvel’s non-“Agents of SHIELD” projects were cancelled, and “AOS” hasn’t not been on the bubble in all of its six seasons. The best thing DC could have done was getting rid of Snyder. Too bad Whedon has burnt all his Marvel bridges behind him...
@@ThomasK96 Yeeeah well I doubt that they would invest more money on putting together a film that lost them money, Some movies that garner cult following do tend to make studio money on DVd/ Blue-ray sales but JL has neither, and i liked the film but sadly it is not a movie that is going to make them any money.
@@BrophyTime Both Blade Runner and Reindeer games lost Money and still got a director's cut and both were huge Improvements Batman Superman and Wonder Woman will always have a huge fan base it will be profitable to release a Snyder cut.
I really, REALLY don't like the idea of a darker version of the Man of Steel. It is a core concept of the character of Superman that he is a boy scout. He is a way of asking the question "is absolute power always absolutely corrupting?" and answering it "no. It IS possible for a real Hero to exist." Superman's ideals need to be challenged; it needs to be HARD for him to stick to them. But ultimately, if he doesn't, you're not being true to the character. That being said, a darker version COULD be done successfully, if written well. And you cannot possibly be successful at that with a mosaic script, a split-personality core concept, and micromanaged production. Zack Snyder could have accomplished a dark film successfully if he was allowed to do what Zack Snyder does best. Joss Whedon could have done a light(er) film that successfully balanced the huge power differentials between Superman and everyone else, if you stand back and let Whedon do what he does well. But these two visions are different species that are not compatible with each other. You can't Frankenstein parts of those two films together and expect a reasonable result. Now, two of my statements above are definitely arguable: (1) The Snyder could have done a good job if left alone, and (2) that Whedon could have. Maybe you agree or disagree because if your personal preferences. But I think it's very hard to argue that the films either man would have produced wouldn't have easily beat the film we got.
@@johnmarinville7818 I didn't think that the question latest version of the man of steel specially BvS was asking was "is absolute power always absolutely corrupting?". Superman still seems to be a good guy, he killed when there was a choice between letting innocent people die or killing a man who wants to kill innocents, and this all the movies before seems to focus of that only. The main question latest edition of Superman focused on is "Can we trust a super-powered alien who can basically do everything and destroy the earth if he wants to or maybe someday he gets angry?" I think this has been ignored before. Although I get why people don't like it, there are some characters people have so many time that they don't want them to be portrayed in a different way. But I think whatever they were building in BvS they messed it up in Justice League.
Henry Cavil was an awesome Superman. He fit the part in every way. I would have loved to see the Dark Superman angle play out in a two part or longer movie. Snyder was building to the Dark SM (or at very least having him understand his powers. ) I know it would have been epic.
Rush is an understatement...I still think they should've had a couple more solo movies first before the team up Took 40 yrs for the Donner Cut hopefully I see the Snyder cut in my lifetime
Snyder did insinuate that it was going to be Batman v Superman against his wishes early on rather that full on Batman vs Superman. I think the Martha moment was put in there against Zach's wishes Zach wanted full on war but Warner stopped and forced a reversal.
Cause actually to people that read comics this is nothing new, they have been writing SUPERMAN this way and in the new 52. He's not the boy scouts anymore. He has real human problems
The problem with the digital shave is that the area they had to "build" (upper lip/below the nose) is not exactly "simple". Lots of muscles moving in different directions three-dimensionally. It needs a lot of time to get that animated right, and they just didn't have that. So the movement looks "stiff", and that drops it right into the uncanny valley.
This is sad, DC fans deserve better than this...the characters deserve better than this.
*Haven't* *watched* *single* *new* *movie* *after* *jl* *went* *to* *shit*
Watched infinity war tho
Gonna watch endgame.
so the core fault its freaking WB exec.. no wonder...
@C M you're a idiot
@@JayBizzle2012 your one too if you feed the troll.his comment shows he got no life.don't give him one bro😂😂
The cast deserves better too. I thought they were all very well cast! Evidenced by man of steel, wonder woman, and aquaman's solo movies.
I feel bad for Henry Cavill. I believe he was a great Superman and gave it his all for the role. He was let down by a horrible production team that destroyed his opportunity to make a great legacy to the Superman franchise. MoS 2 should have been much higher on the priority list. DC just got scared because of Avengers and felt they had to scramble to pull out JL to try compete. They should have taken their time, focused on building the following of their solo characters and then launched JL with a bigger appeal. DC execs screwed it for everyone and blammed everyone except themselves.
Are you kidding? He knowingly signed a contract that said he couldnt shave
Cavill got what I call “Pierce Brosnan-ed”... a situation where you have a perfect actor that fills the look and tone of an iconic character, but then curse them with absolutely terrible writing over and over, causing them to fail in the end.
@@aristotelis1997 because at that time, THERE WERE NO PLANNED RESHOOT. He did the best as he can.
@@muhwyndham No planned reshoot? Then you better explain to us all why Zack Snyder let everyone go off when the existing foortage sucks. Then in recent weeks, we were told that there was no cohesive footage to do a Zack Snyder version of Justice League. Now, either he finished shooting or he didn't. Which is it?
Not DC execs it was the Warner execs
As usual, the story behind the film is more interesting than the film itself. Hollywood sure sucks at its job.
Run by assholes who park their Lamborghinis in the handicapped spots and when confronted, snicker "so fine me, see if I care", then have an underling pay for it from the studio's petty cash box.
@@ernestolombardo5811 honestly people need to stop watching these dumpster fires if they actually want these scumbags to change. the only way to make these assholes worried is when they start realizing theyre not getting anymore money from them.
No, they are doing their job, we're not doing our job of shutting up and giving them all our money!
Don't blame Hollywood. If you look at Kevin Feige's MCU and the recent Endgame movie, not only did he not suck at bringing an epic battle twice involving Thanos to the fans, he created a strong heartfelt movie experience even critics love.
@@sashaqueenie it was a little better than Justice league. I don't know what all the negativity is about. There were lots of moments in Justice league that were really great.
It's funny watching this now that the Snyder Cut will be officially coming out.
Even better now that it’s been out
@@PsychN1ckM3ta You got that right!
I know, right?!
So you're talking about the Snyder cut which is my all rights less worse than the regular movie. But seriously, you're going to cheer about less worse. I guess that's what being a DC fan means just being not as bad as it was
No joke after watching endgame, I kinda wish the DCEU is as organised as Marvel so that they can make an actual good justice league movie with more heroes
DROID POOL well anybody with Disney are going to have good movies
Dc has too much cunts interfering instead of letting the directors do their jobs it's straight shit warner brothers lol
Joey Cunningham well DC spent way more on this movie than Marvel did on any movie, it’s not like DC doesn’t have the resources too
jakeybball wtf did you not watch endgame? Or Infinity war?
mikeyyization ehhhh or how about letting writers who actually wrote for these hero’s on set and let them create the storyline then let the directors direct. these directors obviously has no back ground in hero’s sense they made this trash ass movie. How Barry have blue lightening but take 30 hours to push a car down the road. How does Barry have blue lightening but Superman was able to see him move and was able to touch Barry. Everything was literally trash about the movie and you can tell these mfs don’t know wtf they doing. Why is wonder women so weak compared to Superman in the movie. Why was cyborg useless ? He’s hella op and cool. Why did Barry run like a complete retard.
whats the point of forming a "justice league" if Superman just comes by and saves the day on his own?!
Because at the time, Superman was dead and they didn't know they could revive him.
@@MonteLeeMyPOV It still undermines the theme of the story.
@@taylorhaws6402 I respectfully disagree.
It's like what's the point of the Avengers if Brie Larson can just save the day what's the point of heroes if villains keep showing up because of them
@@MonteLeeMyPOV I think he wasn't dead he was like a state of hibernation or something...
im a marvel fan, but dc fans really deserve way better than this, this just makes me hella upset for them
thank you!
HELLA ffs are you 6 years old ???
go fuck you self!
QUANTUMquest The billionaire salesman cowboy stop bitching wtf 😂😂
I'm a fan of Marvel, Dc and Star Wars except currently Marvel is smashing it. DC seriously needs to get their stuff together and start delivering better movies, Shazam and Aquaman are not enough
"I'm here to protect the Ocean!", Immediately chucks a glass bottle into the ocean!....So bad 🙄
the ocean + a glass bottle = beautiful!
I said the same thing.
@@gtvrossa everybody talks about batman when they are in villages, nothing wrong with it, lol
Tbh glass doesn't do much harm to the ocean it just gets eroded or becomes part of it.
@Scorpinok300 about as much harm as when they eat a sharp rock or pebble. Ever heard of sea glass? Anyway not saying start dumping glass in the ocean lol but glass compared to plastic well glass is a much better option.
Warner bros with justice League: "keep it short"
Disney with Endgame: "make it 3 hours with no intermition"
Gaming Centrl: "Let me try to make as many spelling mistakes as I can in just two sentences."
@@jondunmore4268 why you salty?
@@jondunmore4268 you mean 2?
I was going to correct on intermission but i think you should leave it that way just to spite the 1st comment.
@@thecluckingassassin thanks friend I think I'll do just that.😁
I was honestly hoping that Evil Superman was the true antagonist. That would have been way cooler.
Way more believable,
Because Zack Snyder didn't shit all over Superman nearly enough with Man of Steel and Batman V Superman. He needed THREE movies to completely destroy the character.
I’m tired of Grimngritty Superman. Chris Evans’ Steve Rogers was a better Superman than Snyder’s bastardization.
@@archer1949 honestly! Chris Evans cap was serious but at least he was fucking hopeful, kind and most of all a fucking hopeful character
Superman III
DC "Cut it to 2 hours no one wants to see a longer movie"
Endgame, Gladiator, LOTR "Hold my beer"
When the studio said that, that set me off. If it’s made well enough, people will watch a 4 hour movie.
Before these movies was The Godfather 2nd Best Movie ever behind Citizen Kane. 177 Minutes Long. Highest Grossing movie after adjusted Inlfation Gone With the Wind.
@@Hamza_inayat Yeah cant believe i forgot godfather😩
Endgame was to short
endgame sucks
WB is run by total incompetence. They have NEVER respected DC properties. I hate that WB owns DC. It is painful as a massive fan to see what the execs have done. I feel ripped off.
imagine if DC purchasex by disney, and true massive crossover between MCU and DCEU happen, superman and capt team up to beat thanos and darkseid its gonna be wild
@@rcordh5657 no. No.... Never. They could make animated series but not live action.
Now you know how us Marvel fans feel about Fox and Sony. It took Fox seven tries to make a good Wolverine movie with "Logan". Seven! And don't get me started on Fantastic Four.
I feel you. Still waiting for a great Green Lantern movie and a Flash movie as well as a modern Superman movie that respects the character in his entirety and has a different villain than Zod or Luthor already.Being a fan of Geoff Johns comics its sad that he is no longer in charge of DC Entertainment films since nobody understands the characters better than he does.
WB has owned DC lock stock and barrel since the 1970's and has never maximized that investment to it's true box office potential the same way Marvel has done in a fraction of the time on the big screen with most of their A level characters unavailable to them for various reasons.
they are doing great with animation though
Zack did not approve the final version of the film and has said that hasn’t even watched it. That doesn’t sound like someone who gave Joss Whedon his support.
Arlington Forbes Zach has said on Vero that he didn’t know about any Russian family in the movie
Zach shouldn't have been a part of it in the first place anyways, look what he did with Man of Steel and BvS.
@@IgnorancEnArrogance He made masterpieces.
@@goman335 - Which ones are you talking about? His only decent film was 300 when his style was new and fresh, then he proceeded to do the exact same style and get worse at it every time. His renown and job offers come from his only real success with 300 which is still just your average dark action film. He's been riding on that success ever since.
I don't like any of Zack's movie except for the Zombie one. He's like Paul WS Anderson, he ruins franchises.
People cared less about the death of Superman than the death of Groot...
I see more groot merchandise than any DC merchandise anywhere
paco ramon It’s because people can actually relate to the MCU characters, they’ve become loved by the people(us) unlike dc(dead characters 🤣😂)
Wrong we hate this movie because superman wass kill by a insect
@@stevannox7519 I hate this movie for trying to jump right in the ensemble game without prepping anyone's story before hand to actually get us to care for the heros, just riding coat tails
some ppl yes
just watched endgame last night - DC need to give justice to it's characters
@WhoDarestheMAN gamer
lol cry more
@WhoDarestheMAN gamer LOL another bitter DC fan. Marvel did not rip off the idea of a multiple franchises crossing over into one main storyline. They are the first in history to do that. Doesn't matter the similarity of this or that character. Much of it is because the SAME people would hop back and forth between companies and would use another similar character when they jumped. They made it work with mostly B-list characters that nobody knew about. Once again you fail to recognize its the writing of the characters not the intellectual property itself. DC fans saying how great all their crap movies are is what delayed the course correction for DC and led to all the failures DC had. At least now DC is finding their footing. Im happy for them. WW and Aquaman were good. I really like Aquaman in particular.
@WhoDarestheMAN gamer There's nothing wrong with drawing inspiration or copying ideas from other people, as long as the execution will be good. At this point, people are used to cliches and redone storylines, with similar character archetypes. It just depends on whether or not the execution will be good, if we are INVESTED in the characters.
That's why it doesn't matter shit on who copied who. Batman v Superman came out a year before Captain America: Civil War, and both are (on the surface-level) about a genius billionaire playboy philanthropist orphan in a suit fighting against a man who is the embodiment of truth, justice and the "American" way, with a character who is from a millennia-old secret society as a third party. They have differing details underneath, but if you look at it like that, it looks like Marvel copied DC.
And guess which one was more received by fans, had a bigger impact on the overall future of their respective cinematic universe, etc? Marvel's. It doesn't fucking matter who copied who first. It matters who did it better.
WhoDarestheMAN gamer bro if they draw inspiration from the characters (or you could say rip off) and still massively success (atleast the movies) then they obviously did that job better
Who's here after HBO Max announced the Snyder Cut?
Me too
Me ofc!!
Hell yeah !
The ONLY reason I got HBO Max
Actally it came out couple days ago
The problem is not the actors, it is the writers and director.
Stop saying it’s writers and zack Snyder It was Warner brothers Decorative like kevin Tsujihara and Geoff Johns thought he was going the the next kevin feign of the dceu compared to the mcu People Complained about how man of steel and BVS were too dark even though think that’s stupidReason I think those were the best better movies
Agreed. I can't fault any of the actors for their performances. The problem is the writing, directing, etc.
Ben Affleck was amazing, but he had dreck to work with, so dreck is what we got.
Wb, writers and directors but cant really blame zack for justice league seeing as a he had no choice to leave
it was everyone involved....theyre idiots.
So Ben is horrible at Batman. It even close to what we expect of Batman. Now bale, dude was awesome
At least Green Lantern was absolutely amazing in Justice League....oh...wait
Wrong dude. That was deadpool!!
Wasn’t no Martian man hunter either 😫😫😫
@@joeycunningham7126 He was in the movie, in almost every scene, but he just forgot how to un-turn invisible^^
Para Dox 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 classic
Para Dox
Green Lantern?!
What about The Martian Hunter? He was outstanding!
How the DCEU phase 1 should of gone
1. Man of Steel
2. Batman
3. Worlds finest
4. Wonder Woman
5. The Flash
6. Green Lantern
7. Aquaman
8. Justice League
(No cyborg involved because he is better off with the Titans)
"you can't rush art..."....this is why the MCU is successful- patience in building the franchise....DC clearly was in catch-up mode the whole time, and the results were disastrous...agree that more solo movies should've been released before bringing all the characters together...yeah- this would've been copying Marvel, but the pay-offs would have been larger in profits, storytelling, and honoring another iconic super-hero team-up...
Great List! But #8 should be Shazam and #9 should be a live action Justice League War, in which the mother box activates and creates Cyborg because of DarkS's Invasion.
That's simply your opinion of how it should have gone. By that logic, perhaps you would have been happier if the Xmen did solo films first, before teaming up. No one complained that solo Wolverine films came after the team up Xmen films.
Not every cbm universe has to follow the same guidelines in order to be considered successful.
Hell, the 1st 5 DCEU films were actually more successful than the first 6 MCU films, regardless of what paid off critics thought of them. The majority viewer actually enjoyed them. If they didn't, nobody would be asking for the Snyder cut of Justice League. Their would be no Snyder cut movement. Batman v Superman would have never been trending online 2 years after its release (which it was). Fans and haters alike wouldn't still be defending/hating/debating/arguing over films like BvS, 3 years since its release.
Steve Selinsky maybe Cyborg can be teased pre JL and fully introduced in JL again. That’s how spider man was introduced and it’s not all that bad
A martian manhunter movie would be fucking sick
I come here from the not so distant future of 2021. The original version has been released, its 4 hours and fans love it
Studio: cut it to 2 hours. No one wants to see a superhero movie for that long
Marvel fans 3 hours in endgame: I could keep going all day
Every film in Nolan's trilogy had at least 2 hours and 20 minutes. Why people act like Endgame is the first film to have 2 hours and 40 minutes??
@@LaptokPL lols annnd thats not the issue the thread poster said
Don't you mean I can do this all day ?
@@LaptokPL It was 3 hours and 2 min. Of course they weren't the first, but because it's so long and rare that it's incredible how many people are willing to show up.
@@kevinbanh5421 Not only would people have watched an actual good Justice League but Endgame is nearly breaking records.... DC was SOOOO stupid. They should have delayed it and just let Snyder finish his version and let him go down with the ship he created. At least that would have been the honorable way to go. Instead they pulled a Superman II on us and years later we finally got a Donner Cut. So many in 30 years we will see the Synder Cut.
They tried to emulate the MCU and unfortunately rushed the hell out of it instead of setting it up properly.
WB want this not #RealeseTheSnyderCut
Nah, just greedy execs meddling with creatives based on misguided opinions.
They could have chosen one crew (snyder, whedon or whoever) and let them execute their one coherent vision and we'd have had a good move. But no.
In the end they ruined the franchise and got paid the big bucks.
Yea, in developing their Superman reboot, they chose people who didn't understand the character and mythos, and also wanted to recreate what the Dark Knight Trilogy had successfully done. And despite a mixed response and underperforming at the box-office, they chose to make it the first chapter to their DCEU, and instead of doing a proper sequel, they chose to do a Batman/Superman versus crossover that also acts as a backdoor pilot for a Justice League movie.
@Snoi Med It is nuts, it seems like he wanted to full Injustice with those movies. Though even Injustice video games have a compelling story arc.
Best comment winner
DC: Superhero movies over 2 hours won't work.
End Game: *uncle scrooge money bin swimming* Sorry I didn't get the memo.
Yea they also didn't like the dark tone. Infinity war: hold my beer. 3 hour would of been great for justice league since we didn't know half the characters
that was the producer fault, and endgame is a shit movie
Paul H *ahem* Watchmen
Outside oRAG infinity war was dark? There was a wise crack every other 5 minutes
@@oRAGAK fr tho
I really like Henry as Superman, I'm sad that he's not going to be doing it anymore.
Well he was kind of a poseur wasn't he?
Likewise, He looked the part and had more to offer.
Funny you should say...
Well he’s coming back to film in October
Donner's Superman was a Superman living in a cynic and dark World. The difference is that he was in opposition to that, he was hopeful, trusting and still believe in his morals. Remember, Lois laughs at his face, when he says he believes in Truth, Justice and the American Way. Mostly of why he is like that, its explained in the movie, he was "learning" with Jor El while the World and the US went through the dark times of the late 60's until the mid 70's. He is not only a country man in the city, an alien on Earth, but also kinda displaced in time.
Donner's Superman II should've ended like Empire Strikes Back and Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan. being its the first sequel where things did get to be darker throughout the film's picture. 3 evil Kryptonians are freed and come to Earth while he's distracted by Lois Lane whom he's fallen madly in love with. Superman also falls out with his father over Lois, and the world pays the price because he put his duties behind him as its champion/defender when is father's old nemesis General Zod and his two cohorts in Ursa and Non goes around the globe conquering it (Superman II's original intended scope).
So agreed the times were dark for most sequels indeed. Had Donner not been fired from production, the film wouldn't still have its time reversal ending i'm sure. And might've had a ending where Superman would have to earn back the people's trust in the follow up Superman movie perhaps? Could've potentially happened if only Richard Donner wasn't fired though!
@@MGSBigBoss77 yup! I would love to see that movie.
I can see that. But I would argue today's world is far, FAR more divided and cynical. Especially looking through the lens of immigration, which is constantly at the forefront of today's politics. An illegal immigrant can be a scapegoat to so many problems. But can you imagine if they came from space? Not to mention the religious ramifications... All that said, my point in the video is to understand Snyder's point of you for the character, opinion withdrawn.
oh sorry, I didn't mean to say: you are wrong because of this "small detail". I agree with you that world today is so divided and ultra-cynical that compared to the Donner movies the period back then seem kinda weirdly naive.
What struck me the most when I was a kid, is when Superman promises to Ms. Teschmacher that he'll save her mother first and... holds his promess. It resulted in an earthquake that could have killed Lois (it didn't in the Donner version) but still he held his word. Would Donner's Superman let Zod kill people (like in Snyder's version) to hold to his principle ?
Ok..the Snyder Cut is by far a better movie, and it actually makes me want more and more DC stuff now..
DC can build it up
MCU spent 10 + years building a story that ended in 2 masterpieces
DC throws a bunch of heroes together and hopes for the best
Scott Pratt And still, it's not necessary to waste 10 years. Watchmen and Guardians of the Galaxy are two good examples that a movie can introduce several characters itself.
@@HoOmBrEdEaCciOoN guardians is literally part of the 10 years I mentioned.....
Scott Pratt That's not my point. Was any character of GotG previously introduced?
@@HoOmBrEdEaCciOoN yes they had 2 movies before endgame...
@@HoOmBrEdEaCciOoN every MCU movie was building towards infinity war and endgame
Critics: Batman v Superman is full of plot holes.
WB: Ok, let's add more jokes to the next movie.
That makes no fucking sense
@@dcmarvelcomicfans9458 Exactly. That is one of the reasons JL sucked.
@@Metaphysician2 👍👍
Endgame has massive plot holes.
@@alexnorth3393 that's true mostly due to time travel. but even with that you can still understand what they want.
“The films needed more humor” look how Star Wars 8 turned out
Humour isn't inherently good or bad. The original Star Wars trilogy had plenty of silly, campy humour, and were a huge success. The prequels took themselves too seriously, and are reviled. TLJ made 1.3 Billion, and was the most critically acclaimed entry since Empire. So frankly, your point is all over the goddamn place.
No, humor is inherently good. It just has to be put in the right place at the right time. For example; Marvel movies.
...as the best Star Wars film ever...? What's your point here?
Cynicayke, TLJ performed significantly worse at the box office than TFA. It did fine at the beginning, but sales dropped off massively compared to TFA in the coming weeks. In the US, TFA made 390m in the first week, and TLJ made 296m. By week 10, TFA was still making 5 million a week, while TLJ was under a million.
In addition, Solo, despite being a better movie, was a relative failure at the box office because of the bad taste TLJ left in people's mouths. Trust in the Star Wars brand has been all but lost in the core audience.
(Source for sales numbers: www.boxofficemojo.com/showdowns/chart/?view=weekly&id=roguevforce.htm )
@@Cynicayke Although critically the film worked but for at least half of the star wars fanbase, the film was the worst thing ever created. The prequels suffered from poor writing and shoddy cgi but they were great world builders. I agree that humor is good when done right but in response to the op, humor was not the nail in the coffin. There were other issues as well.
After watching the Snyder cut everything is so much more clear. I know it was 4 hours and not a movie made to be in the theaters but I’m pretty sure they could have cut it down to 2 1/2 hours and still had a good movie with the right story of the Snyder cut still. In the theater version you can see how it’s two different movies put together it made for really awkward moments. The Snyder cut is now what we will remember and we will remember how the studios hears what we wanted and let us see what the movie could’ve and should’ve been
Fuck. Just make 2 parts and sell it out as two different movies. Seriously. It was that good. So fleshed out and shit made sense
I would say that rather than making the Snyder Cut into 2 movies, they should have cut it down as you say to 2.5 hours and then released that 4 hour cut as an extended cut ala Lord of the Rings.
If Zack snyder is actually fired rather than stepping down, then that means WB is using his daughter's death as an excuse to the public. That is sick.
Jessen's Channel no. They gave him an out
Yer we know. They said that in the video.
Hell u never know they may have caused it
It would be interesting to know how that went down.
Snyder might have been coerced to say "I'm stepping down to take time to grieve" in exchange for not losing credit (and earnings agreement) on the film. And in exchange, WB/Whedon make whatever changes executives want without protest from Snyder.
Although, if he had known how much they'd fuck it up, I'm certain he would have said "Oh just take this from me! Don't put my name on this shit!"
No it is not sick,. Chinese eating deep fried fetus is sick
Yeah, this was a “movie by committee”. But we’re finally going to get the cut we deserve, I hope so anyway.
It’s going to suck like BvS did.
@Fesh Pince It was so damn tedious. Could barely stay awake. It was one massive ego trip.
“Hey, after butchering what should have been a 3 hr movie with Batman V Superman into a 2 1/2 hr incoherent mess that everyone hated, How about we butcher Justice League into an even MORE incoherent mess but make it at least a SHORT mess! People will LOVE THAT, won’t they?!”--Every clueless dimwit working at Warner Brothers
Zack Snyder is a shit director and shouldn't have been allowed to touch Superman.
@@Chimera1591 Fuck off troll.
@@Rei_Tatekei He's right. Zack has no respect to the source material and has no original ideas. Nor Geoff Johns.. All they do now instead of creating original stories is copying some ideas from the comics books. First they made Flashpoint comic book to quickly go with it to make an animated version. Next internet went crazy about rumors that it's gonna be a Flash main plot in his solo movie. Flashpoint looks like a story of a character that has been a hero for a while, when DCEU's Flash is a newbie. Warner Bros co-operating with DC on movies is a fucking mess from the start.
They own the DC so they don't have to fking work with comic book writers. Instead hire someone who knows something about DC's world and do a completely new storyline. But that's too hard for WB.
"Hey, now that we know the 3hr Batman v Superman was just as awful as the 2 1/2 version AND the equally shitty Man of Steel, let's see Zack Snyder's COMPLETE raping of Superman, Batman and the DC universe with his 'Snyder Cut' of Justice League." -- every clueless dimit Zack Snyder apologist
@@Chimera1591 He is a good director, the story for BvS was just trash. Nothing could have saved it.
They should’ve shown supes shaving off the stache with his heat vision and a mirror ala John Byrne.
As cheesy as it may sound, that would have been cool. That is what happens in comics.
I think in some comic book Supes used to shave with is finger nails, using them like a knife. That would also be a cool thing to see
that would not have solved the problem idiot.
Or kept it for a while.
It would need to be a Kryptonian mirror because a regular Earth mirror wouldn't work. Regular lasers burn through mirrors sooner or later and something intense enough to burn off Superman's stache would be very powerful indeed. It's been established that Superman's hairs are incredibly strong and durable.
The Flash actor had one job, portray that he can run fast. Failed miserably.
Lautaro Hunzicker that’s what you get for hiring Steven segal to coach Ezra :)
I think he's said in interviews he really has no control they tried different runs and they liked that one the best
@@peterfrknpan6674 good one!
Lol😂 I remember that. Oh wow😂😂
@@tangerinetech5300 that's one way to put it. In my opinion it looks like some fake running in one spot in front of a green screen
BATMAN is dark. SUPERMAN is light. That was the FIRST thing they tossed out the window.
True that was the start of the downfall
Instead they said Batman is super dark or edgy and Superman is dark instead of lighthearted
Emo Superman TF.
Jeff Stringer very good point! I had a thought just now, because it’s been so long for WB to catch up to comics & the progression of these characters, I think Zack Snyder was just so excited to get these darker portrayals on screen (The Dark Knight Returns & Injustice) before we had an established “normal” portrayal of these characters, to show the flip & add weight to the transition. They tried this too soon, we needed more story & screen time to develop a report with audiences that will buy in to an evil Superman, etc.
I loved the darker edgier Superman, rather than the corny patronising one from the terrible CW shows.
And that Cyborg actor and Jason Mamoa was so excited during those Comic con panels, and yet this happened, feel bad for them! Cyborg film is no more 😂
Pretty sure Jason Momoa is happy...
Jason Momoa is just glad to have some fun filming superhero or action flicks and it shows because he emanates charisma when he is on the screen.
That's because it was going to cost $200 million
That is a shame....Cyborg was the most interesting character IN "Justice League." I want to see his story told, and done well.
@@les4767 lmao nah
if they make a movie about this fuckup it'll probably be a solid drama lol and might aswel win an Oscar
And it should be a Marvel movie to just for the lols
Snyder to direct it lmao
Man of Steel was by far the best movie out of all of them!
pd9971 hell no ... you cant call it a Superman Movie.... it had nothing to do with Superman ....
True that. I loved MoS, it had it's flaws but it had a ton of potential as a set up for sequel... then Snyder too that potential and made Superman a bitch and made Lex's plan ruin what could have been a much smarter movie. And yeah, I mean the Ultimate Cut too. That cut made some aspects of the movie worse
nope it´s Aquaman
pd9971 agree. But that’s like bragging that you’re the fastest runner in a room of wheelchairs ridden people
@@peterfrknpan6674 ...........True that!
This movie is missing a good villain in my opinion.
I agree. Great villians like darth vader, the joker, hannibal lector can make a movie great. The Steppenwolf character was so fucking stupid, boring and corny. Smh
Vader: “I.. am you father!”
Thanos: “I am... inevitable.”
Joker: “Wanna know how I got these scars?”
Steppenwolf....: “mother...”
The studio played that part good in real life.
A memorable villain, for sure
The original villain was meant to be Darkseid. But that was changed, for who the fuck knows why. Hopefully we do get the Snyder version and he includes Darkseid in it
Watch your Back Warner Brothers there's a Mouse with a cheque book behind you!
don't you mean at&t?, cause at&t bought wb
Yeah, but the Mouse House will eventually buy AT&T, and then... the world 😮
@@bobblueford wtf are you sniffing? disney is big fish sure but AT&T is whale
Please let Disney buy them so we can start getting better DC movies. As for AT&T's monopoly, it doesnt mean shit if there isnt any good material being produced.
If the evil superman was true, that would've made for a much better movie
Why must superman be evil all the time?
@@willt3223 All the time???
But in this case it is simple: It would have explained what the fuck was wrong with Superman in the previous two movies.. He was turning evil.
Unlikely. People need to stop pretending like Zach Snyder is a good writer. His one good comic book movie was Watchmen, and that copied the comic dialogue almost verbatim.
Evil Superman would have been pointless since Snyder's Superman has never been good in the first place. The reason an evil Superman is so impactful is because Superman is the embodiment of good, the paragon, the best of us, the beacon of hope, and seeing such a man fall to darkness is is shocking and despairing. Snyder's Superman is a passive emo wimp, a cold ass who seems to not even like people, a profound hypocrite, but the one thing he never was was the beacon of hope, a man with a big heart who inspires people by character and example, and seeing this "light" get snuffed out is nothing because there was never any light and hope in Snyder's dreary world, including his Superman.
Actually they should have kept the stache and add some more stubble and have it to where he's not in the suit but he's getting back to the world. Then pt. 2 he's full on SM.
They should have seen it as an opportunity and gone full beard.Its amazing that so many minds are involved in the development of these films and on this one they said "Nope. No Facial hair." Superman has had a beard a few times, they could have easily made it wash off surprised moment. I'll never understand why clean shaven Superman was a priority. I'd bet ten dollars though that the decision was made by someone who didnt care either way.
@@Swellnesss they even said that adding facial hair with CG was easier than removing it. Say that his hair grows when he dies because he's Kryptonian or some shit like that.
@@Everik-ct6pg The fact that he wasn't technically dead. He could have just said my hair just continued to grow while I was unconscious.
As a bearded man, I like the idea!
I don´t think this "We hate Batman v Superman because is dark" is true, tho... I think its more like "We hate BvS because it was poorly written, boring, generic, lifeless..." At least that´s my case.
It's being too dark played a part in it but that wasn't the biggest issue
@Warri Garian thanks
BVS was way better compared to JL
@@meceffeukada3767 not really the quality of that movie was bad combined with convoluted too many subplots going on at once which didn't give the movie narrative Focus
@@digitaldazzle5836 no it's very bad Disney Fanboys are not the only one who thinks this everyone does you're just too ignorant to even see it cuz you're blind
Damn, I oughta write a book about this film's production, it's just too good to forget about it. I could see the title being something like *_Injustice: How WB Almost Killed DC._* And each chapter could be titled with dates such as "3.25.16 - BvS Released" and "5.20.17 - Snyder Down, Whedon Up".
@Brayan Carmona Or that, _"INJUSTICE: How WB Killed DC"_ can work too, I'd need a title that at-least explains the entire story in a nutshell. *;)*
And man, I am now already knee-deep in writing a detailed outline for my book idea, and it feels like it's got potential, I really do feel this is something that must be put out to the public as a part of recorded history and as minutely detailed as possible, so that 20-30 years from now people will know of what exactly happened when the DCEU was launched. The same can be said for Sony's previous aborted Amazing Spider-Man cinematic universe, and the Fox/Trank _Fant4stic_ reboot.
Damn, that's sounds good
Thanks dude. I mean it, I've never been so serious about doing such a subject.
@@DemonBoy3223 i would've bought that book, honestly
Doomsday for DC: The story behind Justice League
WB screwed up with this movie. Period. Forced.
Even though I'm a mcu fan ...i feel really bad about how tragic thing turned to be for DCU 😓
Here, here! I can still remember how pumped I was when I first saw the Man of Steel trailer. I'm pretty sure I watched it over a dozen times and it seemingly got better with every viewing. And then I saw the movie and was thoroughly let down I felt like I'd be lied to. Betrayed. Bamboozled.
I've always been a Marvel fan but Man of Steel gave me hope that DC had something really special.
Yes me too
Abdullah Omeragha I loved Man of Steel , It was nice to get away from that campy Boy Scout crap
Things didn't turn out tragically the DCEU is still very successful and doing much better than the mcu did when it began.
@NATsoHIGH ! No dumbass it wasn't, DC has been making films for years, marvel was the one who was riding on the back of DC's superhero films. DC were the ones who had their comic book characters be in a shared universe first before marvel so bringing that to the big screen was only an inevitability for both companies.
I never noticed "the upper lip” CGI in the cinema
Herb heard people say this and not sure how... I noticed it in the first scene with Superman
you didn't think something looked odd in that cellphone footage?
omg the cell phone footage was awful at the fire scene
Oh, everyone in the theater I was in noticed. There was an audible chuckle.
A CGI tech commented on Mustache Gate. It's apparently much easier to add convincing CGI facial hair than it is to rebuild a human mouth from scratch. Building a mouth can be done, but they needed time, and they didn't have it. Supposedly WB made an offer to Paramount that if Cavill shaved for the JL reshoots, WB would add the mustache in post for Paramount, but they didn't budge.
That's exactly what happened.
idk why WB didn't just give him the beard for all of his post-resurrection scenes in JL. That's like half his scenes in the movie.
Idk why Carvel couldn't just wear a fake mustache and makeup stubble for the MI movie. It's pretty hard to tell that stuff is fake with practical makeup.
because Paramount has zero obligations to WB? WB could have waited until he was cleared from Paramount.
Trailer of this movie: 90%
Actual movie: 20%
Endgame trailer: 0.4%
Endgame movie: 200%
sorry for the maths
@@pjdeocareza5000 your math is killing me
And 90% just because of flash. Worst flash ever. I love the trailer.
I said to myself after watching Justice League "You know, the whole story line should have just been about Superman coming back, having amnesia, and being the antagonist". Otherwise, the final scene of BvS where the ground shakes and the dirt starts to float is completely pointless and misleading (surely not the intention). Just have Superman explode out of the ground, and be insane. Then Batman TRULY has a reason to convene the Justice League --- to stop Superman physically, or --- by a eureka moment where the characters have to work together and come up with a crazy idea --- bring him back to his senses so he's not crazy anymore. Anyway, I really was hoping that Justice League would have been a competent, fun movie, instead it was just hard to watch most of the time. I would be very interested in seeing Zack Synder's version, as maybe that is the movie I wanted to see.
What's so heartbreaking about all of this, is the fact that Henry and Ben will most likely never get to shine in their own sequel solo movies. They both do a great job as the characters, and they only suffer from the material. And Ben had the best Batman costume and fight sequences to date! I really wish I could see solo movies for both of these actors to really show what they can do with good material. Such a bummer.
Like your WTF segments. Make me appreciate how much work goes into the movies. They messed up when they used Frank Miller's "The Dark Knight Returns" graphic novel as a template for Batman v Superman without staying more true its plot and story.
Seriously! I don't know why more people don't acknowledge that. If you take random iconography and plot points from a story and shove them into a film that not only doesn't make the "central conflict" that's the movie's namesake *the driving force of the story,* but also make almost no attempts to suggest that Batman and Superman have any clear-cut, opposing ideologies to create conflict between them in the first place, what is the point?! Why lean so hard into a theme that's not established?
The end result is things just "happening", because they're supposed to and not because there's any internal logic. A big dramatic fight happens that's supposed to make an emotional impact, but it's happening between characters you know little about, and for the most contrived reason imaginable. How does someone defend the fact that there's no clear narrative? How do you claim that it's being "misunderstood" or simply criticized because "Marvel Fanboys"?
I honestly and ironically liked Justice League, the biggest issue was that Steppenwolf looked soooo damn generic.
Yeah it's actually hilarious when you don't take it seriously. It's the room of superhero movies.
@@Avratin I think they tried to go for "fun" and they succeeded.
Everyone has their own opinion I guess.. Mine being, it was a complete dog shit of a movie. Usually happens when money & profit exceed artistic expression.
Fire all of your guns at once, explode into space
There's about a hundred issues with this turd of a film and what you said doesn't even figure in the list.
"wb got so sick of the issues"
Issues they started. Wedden did the best with what they gave him
it is illegal for superman to ever have a beard........except when he had a beard in man of steel, then it was fine
But he died without beard. How can his character grow beard when he was dead. 🤦
@@SAM_1077 the same way he rebuilt a wall with his eyes and made louis lane forget with a kiss
@@chimchimcharoo56 🤣🤣🤣🤜🤛
In the old Comics there is a Story where Superman hits red Kryptonite. This Stuff always makes strange and unpredictable things with a Kryptonier and in this case his Nails and hair growed rapidly like they never did in the past.
He was scared that Lois Lane can see his secret because clark never had a beard, and he is not able to shave or clip his nails by himself. so he asked for help by supergirl and his superdog krypto and with double the power of the heat vision they shaved him.
as stupid as this story was, it makes clear, that supermans nails and beard never growed.
The really earth shaking question arising from the MoS Super-beard is: if bullets, fire, bombs and Supervillian eye-lasers can't even disturb his signature hairstyle, HOW CAN HE SHAVE!!!!????
The people of earth need answers.
the should hire whoever worked in Injustice 2
OMG! You are so right!!!!!!!
Or bring back Christopher Nolan🤷🏾♂️
Mr.Bond Christopher doesnt like working on superhero movies and he himself said batman wasn't a superhero movie which is why it worked so well
Or who worked for animated movies.
@@gamingjunkie707 animated movie storywriter do nothing but make changes few changes to comics and viola .......
Cavill's mustache > DCEU
Isn't it odd that James Gunn made Brightburn after Zack Snyder wasn't allowed to use Sups as a villain?
I am SO SICK & TIRED of everyone who claims to have a problem with the "darker" version of Superman from Snyder & the fact that at the end of MoS Superman kills Zod.
In MoS, a brand new Superman was faced with a fully powered fellow-Kryptonian who was born for the sole purpose of being a military leader. A Kryptonian who had just spent 20+ minutes destroying an entire city, leveling multiple buildings & killing untold thousands of innocents & was directly telling Superman that as long as he lived, he would continue to do so. And even after Superman kills Zod, he is appropriately conflicted & emotionally destroyed by it.
Yet these same people bitching about MoS killing Zod have nothing but praise for Reeve's Superman, conveniently ignoring the fact that in Superman 2, Reeve's "hopeful" Superman, MURDERED A FULLY HUMAN Zod, who was NO THREAT to anyone.
Bloody Hypocrites.
Excellent summation of what went wrong with this movie. While I didn't hate JL, it sure didn't measure up to even the poorest of the the MCU films. Now I feel sorry for everyone involved in it.
"Warner Brother forked over THOUSANDS...to digitally remove the mustahe" hahahaha
The two differences between the MCU and the DCEU film history is 1) DCEU did not commit to a consistent tone as MCU did for its movies, hence the conflicts. 2) MCU did not experience a major box office bomb, from Ironman to Endgame. If the first Avengers had flopped, MCU might have gone into the same panic mode, and changed everything.
Not quite right... The Incredible Hulk was a bomb. I also think they are not as consistent in tone as you might think... Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant-Man are comedic, while films like Winter Soldier, Infinity War and Civil War are really dark.
I think, Marcel Studios just excelled at making each film a good character-driven story, while also managing to build toward the big event movies Infinity War and Endgame without really compromising the individual films. With the exception of maybe Captain Marvel, all of the characters have recognizable personalities, goals, philosophies and often unique powers. Even when there are similarities, character still feel distinct. For example, both Iron Man and Thor learn lessons in humility, but are still very different. That’s hard to pull off. Also, Marvel Studios were patient enough to slowly and deliberately build up their universe and not jump the gun. The Inifinity stones for instance were gradually introduced, each serving a specific story purpose in their film, and once they were all put together, we were already quite familiar with them. Compare that to the Mother Boxes in JL which basically came out of nowhere.
That balancing act of 1. making each film and the characters within it stand on is own, and 2. using it to expand the cinematic universe and work towards the big stories of Infinity War and Endgame, was what they nailed and why these films are so successful.
Warner‘s films didn’t stand on their own (except Wonder Woman and recently Aquaman and Shazam!) and they also didn’t really seem to have a long term plan, or might have even abandoned it midway through production. Also, none of their characters were really established... In 2017’s JL We didn’t know who this version of Superman is as a person and why he is fighting, same goes pretty much for Cyborg, Aquaman and Fash, who was just comic relief. Batman has a personality, but was painfully static in BvS and so, Wonder Woman was the only person who was fully established.
That’s just weak for a big team up film.
@retsaM innavoiG It did just barely make a profit. Generally, for a movie to be a success, it needs to make about twice the money it costs. The Incredible Hulk was a 150 Million Dollar movie and made about 260 Million back. No comparison to Iron Man which made more than twice the amount at the same budget. As for critical reception, the film holds a 60-70 percent approval rating... which is about equal to the Star Wars prequels. So, no, it wasn't a complete disaster like, say, Suicide Squad, but it still was nowhere here the success of the other films. Which is part of the reason, why we never saw a direct sequel.
Also, I say this as someone who really enjoys the film.
@retsaM innavoiG On both we can agree :)
I talked to ZACK SNYDER himself on March 24 in Pasadena for his directors cut event. He confirmed the snyder cut is real. It’s 3hrs 34mins long, no reshoot footage. The score is also done, but the movie itself needs vfx work. He also said it’s up to WB if we ever want to see it.
I'll watch it, I've got nothing better to do and actually liked the director's cut edition of Batman V. Superman. The theatrical version of Justice League is such a steaming pile of... you know... I'm not really sure I could come around to liking it at all, but I'm willing to give it a shot.
If I had insane amounts of money I would just throw it at Warner Bros. and tell them “make it happen!!!”
An evil Superman? 🤔 I would've loved that plot.
ChannelTheGamer would have*
Would’ve is the abbreviation of “would” and “have” not “would” and “of”.
@@WildHart_z Thanks! My grammar is awful lol
ChannelTheGamer no problem :)
@@WildHart_z "An evil Superman? 🤔 I would have loved that plot"
What's wrong with that sentence? xD
Brightburn is coming.
They made this movie too quickly. I think DC was looking at Marvel and they rushed things. This movie should have been better
Agreed I felt every studio fell into this trap except for Fox and universal
I felt if they wanted to make the universe dark then don't make it edgy and if they want it to be comical then don't make it realistic they should have taken their time making this movie and started to it with Aquaman Green lantern and the flash then Wonder woman then they can do Batman and Superman last
They never established the characters at all. They just rushed and put together a group of strangers to us.
@@JayBelafonte This. If they just accepted they were a few years behind Marvel and slow-rolled it, giving each member more development, it likely wouldn't have been so bad. Also, too many cooks in the kitchen. It really effed up the recipe. Lastly, they did what even Marvel drops the ball on often... a one-dimensional villain/antagonist. A hero (or in this case, HEROES) is only as good as the other side of the coin (the villain/s). Part of the success of the Infinity Saga, Spiderman Homecoming and Black Panther, were the deeply crafted villains, who had pretty much just as much character development as the protagonists.
The fact Zack legit rapid fire shot all the things he wanted, then sequenced it at home
And waited to see if anyone cared.
Your welcome boss
I don't understand why WB's felt the need to rush into an Avengers-esque universe (thus treating it like the race to the moon in the 1960's). As if this could *only* be achieved by 2017???? Why not take the time to put out all of the individual films (character development), *then* put out a collaboration? If anything, it would have benefited them, considering Marvel would've already blown its load. Therefore, the competition would be minimal (if not non-existent). This is irrational and defies logic.
Then, out of fear of box office failure-----they meddle with Snyder's vision, chop his film to bits and replace him ----only to end up with a box office failure. There's some chronic-idiocy afoot. And to think----the people who made these decisions are multi-millionaires. Unreal.
The only other franchise to do a worse job at squandering its intellectual property is Star Wars. So many missed opportunities.
Did u not watch the video it was quite obvious..... money
They should have cut Snyder after Man of Steel. Not doing so and then trying to course correct on the fly with him still involved for 1 and a half more films (and allowing his films to in some way influence an otherwise good Wonder Woman) was the cause of all these problems.
My attention spans worse than a Goldfish but I watched the entirety of this video. Great Job Uploader really enjoyed this.
Its only 17 minutes...
how do you watch movies?
He has already forgotten you guys
I can say confidently that the main problem with any comic book adaptation failure always includes a villain that sucks...
A hero can only be as good as a villain is.
Wonderboywonderings disagree, Iron man 1 had a shitty villain same with captain America
@@darthnihilus1849 yea so did Wonder Woman...I guess a better observation is that a good villain pushes a movie from good to great...
@@darthnihilus1849 Iron Monger was not a shitty villain. He had depth, and attacked Tony from an angle where it hurt most. The angle of trust. Loved that sleazy military profiteering scumbag CEO type persona he had. His lines were epic. The Red Skull was pretty good too, just hated that tesseract shit storyline. We just never got anymore out of him because the actor Hugo Weaving who played him was being a dick about reprising the role.
Cavill might actually be Kryptonian... given the destructive power of JUST HIS MUSTACHE.
Yellow sun makes Kryptonians powerful. What does Red sun do for earthlings?🤔
in the comics Superman has had a Beard a few times, if they'd followed that NO CGI woulda been needed.
Why would releasing a Zack Snyder cut confuse viewers?
Because most paying audiences aren't aware of most of the behind-the-scenes drama, or do any research about the films online. They tend to see the ads, see the movie, end of story. So if a alternate version of a movie they already saw came out, they would be confused as to why it was happening, and why it was so different from the original. I would say 95% of my family would fit into this category. Mostly because they don't care, they just see movies for the fun of it.
2hrs isn't enough, we need a 4hr version???
@@TunkTheTank Maybe after some time has passed, as with Blade Runner and even Superman II (the Donner cut).
But still - the film is long gone from theaters, there is no need to shoot any new material, only to assemble footage that already exists, so what is there to lose?
Plus you are doing a service to the fans, do you really want to alienate the fans? ... You know what? Never mind with that last question. Whatever it is that the studios are doing is baffling, even to the studios themselves, a project like this like a half-billion dollar ship without a rudder and more captains than you can shake a stick at, all with Ferraris and Lamborghinis, so just try and imagine the gigantic egos, the anxieties and inferiority complexes. Toxic, mediocre stuff.
@@TunkTheTank so what they wouldn't care they are in it for the entertainment
These are really excellent essays on the behind the scenes of some very popular movies. The level of research jumps out, and 13k likes is rare for a clip with 800k views. Very, very good and I highly recommend this series
I actually liked but didn't love Batman vs Superman. Mainly Aflecks Batman. It was the truest to the comic books. His size, strength and fighting style was truest to the comic book as well as his suit. The only thing I hated was Lex Luther in the movie. I feel a standalone movie starring Ben was a missed opportunity. Although I agree Justice League was trash.
you think a batman that has no regard for human life is the truest batman to the comics? What fucking comics have you been reading?
@@ericsonofjohn9384 Maybe the original comics where Bats carries a gun and regularity kills people?
chris1275cc oh so you think zack was adapting the golden age? Oh right. So he wasn’t adapting the established batman of the canon that everybody loves, he was adapting the shadow/zorro ripoff with no character traits at all? Ok got it.
The uncut, unrated version of BvS is honestly a great film!!! It really fleshed out the small little side stories that didn't make a ton of sense in the theatrical release. The cinematography and coloring was absolutely beautiful!!! Just look at how Snyder used lighting and reflections to create these epic looking super stylized moments. Even a lot of the writing was pretty good. Like when Lex Luthor's SON is on the helicopter pad with Superman. Throwing pictures of Supes mother at him of her tied up and calling her whore. Basically EVERYTHING said by Lex's son in the film built up to that moment. He was FURIOUS that he had all this knowledge but Supes has real power. So he used his mind to get what he wants. And that ONE LINE as he walks away...... "And now God... Bends to MY will!!!" That was FUCKING EPIC!!! And once again the beautiful backgrounds during the shots. Idk.... I really liked BvS uncut, but I rewatched it like 3 months ago and REALLY paid attention to every tiny detail. And it really is a FANTASTIC film with some of the best style direction and cinematography I have seen in a long time!!! MOS is also a BADASS movie, they should have just let Goyer/Snyder write and direct the film exactly how they wanted to. We would have got some truly incredible 3 hour epic super hero films!!!
He was a good batman for sure.
You are right Joblo. A Snyder Cut will never be released. Those foolish fans need to stop.
This is what really pisses me off. Greedy CEO WB sacrificed a great movie for money. I thought it was against the law for a CEO to purposely sabotage interest in a product or service for self gain.
Snyder movies suck.
@@marcusluera89 Ditto. The DCEU was going to crash and burn no matter by 2017.
As a fan, by comparing with mcu, dc is a mess...im disappointed
Lalram Engmawia True, but they do have it all over Marvel on TV. So far, none of DC’s tv shows have been cancelled (“Arrow” is being allowed to end naturally), while both of Marvel’s non-“Agents of SHIELD” projects were cancelled, and “AOS” hasn’t not been on the bubble in all of its six seasons. The best thing DC could have done was getting rid of Snyder.
Too bad Whedon has burnt all his Marvel bridges behind him...
they both suck
@@CabezasDePescado Exactly, their writing is absolutely disgusting and the humor is for 10 year olds.
@@cubdukat Yes, get rid of Snyder that actually can convey incredible atmosphere and welcome the idiots that write scripts for retards.
RogueNinja imagine defining a movie by humor and nothing else
this is also sad bc seeing Deathstroke
post credit was the greatest thing ever and i really want to see him in a movie w batman
Thank you. This is well piece together. If only the studios would have cared so much for their own movie.
We Got The Donner cut!
we can Get The Snyder Cut!.
Yeah but we got it 30 years later
@@BrophyTime We didn't have the Internet back then.
And even if it does take 30 years so be it
@@ThomasK96 Yeeeah well I doubt that they would invest more money on putting together a film that lost them money, Some movies that garner cult following do tend to make studio money on DVd/ Blue-ray sales but JL has neither, and i liked the film but sadly it is not a movie that is going to make them any money.
@@BrophyTime Both Blade Runner and Reindeer games lost Money and still got a director's cut and both were huge Improvements
Batman Superman and Wonder Woman will always have a huge fan base it will be profitable to release a Snyder cut.
Thomas K96 so did Legend but those movies found an audience after release in theaters, JL does not have that type of following.
Thats why it is hard to be a DC fan nowadays
Don't worry breathern it seems like Joker will be our saving grace.
@@ipodtouch470 was Aquaman not one?
@@kevinbanh5421 tbh with you I didn't bother to watch it. So I wouldn't know
U mean being a DC cinematic universe fan. The comics has been sooo goood since early 2000 till now. Killing marvel comics everywhere
@@ck260594 So are animated works.
I liked a darker version of Man of steel.
So did i but i understand and accept we are not the majority.
@@user-wy1et9dk9w MoS blew Justice League away.
I really, REALLY don't like the idea of a darker version of the Man of Steel. It is a core concept of the character of Superman that he is a boy scout. He is a way of asking the question "is absolute power always absolutely corrupting?" and answering it "no. It IS possible for a real Hero to exist." Superman's ideals need to be challenged; it needs to be HARD for him to stick to them. But ultimately, if he doesn't, you're not being true to the character.
That being said, a darker version COULD be done successfully, if written well. And you cannot possibly be successful at that with a mosaic script, a split-personality core concept, and micromanaged production.
Zack Snyder could have accomplished a dark film successfully if he was allowed to do what Zack Snyder does best. Joss Whedon could have done a light(er) film that successfully balanced the huge power differentials between Superman and everyone else, if you stand back and let Whedon do what he does well. But these two visions are different species that are not compatible with each other. You can't Frankenstein parts of those two films together and expect a reasonable result.
Now, two of my statements above are definitely arguable: (1) The Snyder could have done a good job if left alone, and (2) that Whedon could have. Maybe you agree or disagree because if your personal preferences. But I think it's very hard to argue that the films either man would have produced wouldn't have easily beat the film we got.
@@johnmarinville7818 I didn't think that the question latest version of the man of steel specially BvS was asking was "is absolute power always absolutely corrupting?". Superman still seems to be a good guy, he killed when there was a choice between letting innocent people die or killing a man who wants to kill innocents, and this all the movies before seems to focus of that only. The main question latest edition of Superman focused on is "Can we trust a super-powered alien who can basically do everything and destroy the earth if he wants to or maybe someday he gets angry?" I think this has been ignored before. Although I get why people don't like it, there are some characters people have so many time that they don't want them to be portrayed in a different way. But I think whatever they were building in BvS they messed it up in Justice League.
If they do it right like injustice then I have no problem with it
Got recommended by UA-cam to this and I will forever love it for this
Wow. Now the Snyder Cut is coming out. The fans win!
And WB can go fxxk themselves.
We will see...
Henry Cavil was an awesome Superman. He fit the part in every way. I would have loved to see the Dark Superman angle play out in a two part or longer movie. Snyder was building to the Dark SM (or at very least having him understand his powers. ) I know it would have been epic.
About to watch the true Justice League Zack intended for us, glad this story, which was left unfinished in this video, finally has an ending
And now we get the Zack Snyder Justice League
3:25 nah JL was always intended to be lighter. Terrio confirmed that. Not as light as the theatrical release, but lighter
They made Barry so annoying, they made Batman the brunt of every joke
Rush is an understatement...I still think they should've had a couple more solo movies first before the team up
Took 40 yrs for the Donner Cut hopefully I see the Snyder cut in my lifetime
Snyder did insinuate that it was going to be Batman v Superman against his wishes early on rather that full on Batman vs Superman.
I think the Martha moment was put in there against Zach's wishes Zach wanted full on war but Warner stopped and forced a reversal.
jesus christ this is such a well made video! excellent work!
Superman: Do you bleed?
Bat man: No, I shave.
Holy crap this video essay was well made, kept me consistently intrigued and interested throughout, and the amount of research is just insane 👍👍
Who’s here after watching the Snyder Cut?
The Snyder Cut is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥!
Snyder was the only guy even letting dc compete
MoS was truly amazing.
Props to Hans Zimmer too
I like this style. Well done!
Cause actually to people that read comics this is nothing new, they have been writing SUPERMAN this way and in the new 52. He's not the boy scouts anymore. He has real human problems
I can do this all day..... oh wait wrong film🤭🤣
Said the vicar to the actress!!!!!
wrong universe !!
The problem with the digital shave is that the area they had to "build" (upper lip/below the nose) is not exactly "simple".
Lots of muscles moving in different directions three-dimensionally.
It needs a lot of time to get that animated right, and they just didn't have that.
So the movement looks "stiff", and that drops it right into the uncanny valley.