Really love you for doing and uploading this: of course it's entertaining to watch you teach Dan, but also, this can serve perfectly as a "Nothernlion Teaches Me SM64 Speedrunning" any time I want to attempt it. Love it
When egg said he had Dan patience in the last video I was like, this is definitely going to test it. But instead this was incredibly wholesome and enjoyable! Thoroughly enjoyed it boys.
2:36:00 yo ok, Dan going Mario cam is really funny but honestly I do feel like there's potential to judge the throws better if you're not very good at it? Would love to experiment
I was looking for this comment, I remember how contentious the shadow/no shadow sentiment was on NL’s channel. It looked like Dan maybe came in at an angle that NL hadn’t seen before. Amazing moment. The double take.
NL you inspired me to dust off and hook up my old N64 just to try this. I managed to do cannonless on my first attempt :D Edit: yoo and I did BLJs within a few minutes and now I have completed the game within one hour, first PB 16 stars egg% :D
I want to break the mystery of the cannon less set up. Finding the trick wasn’t AS impressive as you think. They found that you could clip through that wall if you fell off the plank at the correct angle, and then some guy sat down and tried to figure out a serious of commands you could perform to guarantee the correct angle. It just feels like magic
I imagine it's especially beguiling when you haven't played the game normally so you don't know what regular cannon mode is. So it truly does seem like the star comes out of nowhere
There's an old Dark Souls 1 trick called the ravioli step, named by the guy who discovered it, sir antione ravioli the third. Actually I have no idea why it's called that but it was always fun warping through people and backstabbing them.
He's never gonna do that. Once he can't really PB anymore, or the games drought ends, SM64 is gonna quietly vanish like say, warioware or the good life or...
@@sephiroth7655 eh, as far as I remember he had a good run with that. Many streams, got good at it. Basically saw everything. Time to move on. Grinding out the 99 space levels is completely unnecessary.
I know a lot of people are trying Mario speedrunning on the back of NL's runs, so here's a Bowser throwing tip. You can spin him up to top speed and then hold down on the analog stick. You'll keep him at whatever speed you built up so you can concentrate on throwing him at the bomb without spinning the stick at the same time
If you pause at just the right moment at 2:18:55 you can see NL's Mario turn into the low-poly version. The game must think he's getting a long way away when you do BLJs
Intel: most of the ridiculous mario tech (thinking cannonless setup) is found by TAS players. there is so much cool stuff in this game and they have found a lot of ways to make things that look impossible much more human friendly. as you know WR run attempts don't do the setup, they just run right into it, but that's ridiculously hard
Picked up the n64 emulator thing on switch cause of this video, then watched it again playing alongside. 6 hours well spent. I had no idea how much of a blast it would be.
Bro what is Daniel mashing when he’s trying to BLJ????!! Hes like DDRing his camera and like yanking his controller or something? You just mash the jump button LOL
Time stamps for the different levels/tricks:
0:00 Start
5:20 Bomb Land / Bomb Clip
13:28 Thwomp Land 1 (Side Flip)
17:00 Thwomp Land 2 (Cannonless)
23:11 Thwomp Land 3 (Thwomp)
33:19 Thwomp Land 4 (Tower)
36:33 Thwomp Land 5 (Owl)
39:37 Snow Land 1 (Penguin Slide)
43:15 Snow Land 2 (Yeet Off The Cliff)
59:06 Bowser 1 Level
1:05:54 Bowser 1 Fight
1:09:09 Sand Land (Bird/Boing and Pyramid)
1:19:50 Lava Coin Slide Puzzle
1:22:23 Hazy Maze Cave 1 (Elevator Clip)
1:26:24 Toad Tap
1:26:55 Hazy Maze Cave 2 (Rolling Rocks Wall Jump)
1:28:00 Hazy Maze Cave 3 (Side Flip Clip, Long Jump)
1:33:10 Mips Catch
1:36:00 Mips Clips
1:47:09 Dire, Dire Docks :)
1:52:10 Bowser 2 Level
1:58:22 Bowser 2 Fight
2:09:17 BLJs (I have dreamed a dream, and now that dream has found me)
2:25:00 Bowser 3 Level
2:33:54 Bowser 3 Fight
NL's Mario64 speedruns have been the best thing to happen to this channel in a hot minute.
Best thing since crossword
best thing since chess?
@@xiricada7121 that's what I was gonna say
Best thing since slay the spire watcher
thank mr chib
Give a man a star and he’ll pog for a day.
Teach a man to star and he’ll pog for the rest of his life.
This is gonna do wonders for Egg's PB, because he is now really training all the segments multiple times.
Yeah IL practice is what he needs
Dan being unable to beat Bowser normally, and then perfecting it once he puts it into first person mode is absolutely peak Dan behavior
Honestly briefly locking the viewpoint for a throw is not the dumbest strat
Looking forward to Dan becoming the Mozart to NL's Salieri.
Who tf is Salieri? ;)
@@Jungleman-dq9kz exactly
Can’t wait for the Amadeus arc
Underrated comment :D
@@heyitsmort7744 ivuvviv v vivivividly vivivivivivividly vivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvivivivvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvivivvivivivivivvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvivivivivivivvvivivivivivivivivivvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvvivivvivivivivivivivivivivivivvivivivivivivivivvivvivivivivivvivivivivivivivivivivvivivivivivivivivivivvvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvivivivivivvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvivivivvivivivivivivivivivivivvivivivvivivivvivivivvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvvivivivivivvivivvivivivivivivivivivivivivivvivvvivivivivivvivivvivivvivivivivivivivivvivivivivivivivivivivivivivvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvivivvivivivivvivivvivivivivivivivivvvivivivivivivivvivivivivivvvvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvivivivivvivivvivivivivivivvvivvivvivvivivivivivivivivivivivivvvvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvivvivivivivivivvivivivvivivivivivivivivivivivvivivivivivivivivivivivvivivivvivivivvvivivivivivivivivivivvivivivvivivivivivvvivivivivivivivivivivvvivivivivivivvivivivvivivivivvivivivivivivvvvivvivivivvivivivivivivivivivivvivivivivivivivivivivvivivivivivivivivvivivivivivivivvivivivivivivivivivvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvvvivivivivivivivivvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvivvivivvivivivvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvivivivivivivivvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvvivivivvivivivvivivivivvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvvivivivvivivivivvvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvivivivivivvvivivivvvvivivivvivivivivivivvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvivivivivivivvivivivvvivivivivivivivivivvivivivivivivivivivivivvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvivivivivivivvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvivivivivivivivivivivivivvvivivivivivivivivivvvivivvvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvivivivivvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvivivvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivvivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvvuvuvuvuvuvvuvvvvvvuvuvuvvuvuvvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvvvvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuuvuvuvuvuvuvvuvuvuvvuvvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvvuvvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvvuvuvu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The weird sequel to "Playing Hand and Brain Chess with 230 ELO player"
It's in the hand and brain genre, it's more of a spiritual successor
I lost it when 2 hours into the run Dan asks "Give me buttons" and stone cold NL replies "A is jump".
Really love you for doing and uploading this: of course it's entertaining to watch you teach Dan, but also, this can serve perfectly as a "Nothernlion Teaches Me SM64 Speedrunning" any time I want to attempt it. Love it
Sharing knowledge is always wholesome. Some of the details I even missed when NL is doing them real fast.
I was having a bad day... and then I saw the length of this video. Bless NL for comforting me in these trying times.
i bet he's totally on coffee doing this
There’s a multiplayer mod for pc that works super well, it would be hilarious for you and Dan to try it out
They could play the entire 120 star game like that
Would love to see that.
NL seems to be against using any sort of emulation so probably not gonna happen :(
okay but How. I NEED this
@@Aeonyxx64 This is emulation though
If doing the same thing over and over again is insanity, then I never want to be cured of this pog
It's only insanity if you expect different results, so don't worry carry on your "Poggers" good sir!
When egg said he had Dan patience in the last video I was like, this is definitely going to test it. But instead this was incredibly wholesome and enjoyable! Thoroughly enjoyed it boys.
Can I just say how wild it is that you perfectly predicted a 3 hour learning process
2:36:00 yo ok, Dan going Mario cam is really funny but honestly I do feel like there's potential to judge the throws better if you're not very good at it? Would love to experiment
@@morganlak4337 This guy might be onto something
It’s so funny that Dan had a owl shadow and nl gave him a look
I was looking for this comment, I remember how contentious the shadow/no shadow sentiment was on NL’s channel. It looked like Dan maybe came in at an angle that NL hadn’t seen before. Amazing moment. The double take.
I feel like these words should make sense to me but they don't
NL you inspired me to dust off and hook up my old N64 just to try this. I managed to do cannonless on my first attempt :D Edit: yoo and I did BLJs within a few minutes and now I have completed the game within one hour, first PB 16 stars egg% :D
* egg%
Hell yeah mate!
This is premium content. “UA-cam rewind 2022 but it’s just 3 hours of NL teaching Dan The Super Mario 64 speed run”
"Still teaching in 2022 would be career suicide" Cereal
First having to teach those who only speak Korean. Now teaching those who only speak Danglish
Dan is actually really good at this
He definitely has the building blocks, I'd like to see what kind of time he puts down for a solo run
Bowser though…
@@pultofcat8615 He made a completely revolutionairy tech on his first run tho
@@pultofcat8615 His bowser is so horrible 😅😭
I was gonna say NL is a pretty good teacher but then I remembered he was a teacher for his day job xD
Pressure like a mips, mips clip and it won't let go - whoa oh
Pressure like a mips, mips clip til its ready to BLOW - WHOA OH OH OH
A good comment
I love how excited Dan gets to split 😆
I want to break the mystery of the cannon less set up.
Finding the trick wasn’t AS impressive as you think. They found that you could clip through that wall if you fell off the plank at the correct angle, and then some guy sat down and tried to figure out a serious of commands you could perform to guarantee the correct angle. It just feels like magic
I imagine it's especially beguiling when you haven't played the game normally so you don't know what regular cannon mode is. So it truly does seem like the star comes out of nowhere
@@george5954 true facts.
You’re like “this is my first experience with SM64 and I have to input the Konami code to clip through the wall????!!!”
The speedruns are getting longer and longer. NL YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG
According to whom?
@@GrammasFavorite joe
@@zegerV who's joe?
@@thisbarb OHHHHHH!
Dan's genuine giddy joy when he finally got a blj to work
NL's laugh fills me with so much joy
The BLJ segment is pure friggin gold.
You’re not wrong, but I’d like to mention that technically every split is gold, as it’s Dan’s first run
@@elijahmentch4125 that's the beauty of speedrunning
im gonna learn it with this video finally a fun tutorial
Oh heck yeah I was SOOO hoping dan would get into this and having a 3 hour vod of NL teaching him is honestly bliss!
There's an old Dark Souls 1 trick called the ravioli step, named by the guy who discovered it, sir antione ravioli the third. Actually I have no idea why it's called that but it was always fun warping through people and backstabbing them.
Give me the Formuoli
Do this with sips it would be a 8 hour video
Extremely Canadian "this game is fucking bullshit!"
I still have hope for a legit playthrough. At least to 70 stars and if the views are good, make it to 120.
If you jump in when the big hand is on 12, the level is frozen, and the coins are ez
He's never gonna do that. Once he can't really PB anymore, or the games drought ends, SM64 is gonna quietly vanish like say, warioware or the good life or...
@@MajorasWrath1 spelunky 2 :C
@@sephiroth7655 eh, as far as I remember he had a good run with that. Many streams, got good at it. Basically saw everything. Time to move on. Grinding out the 99 space levels is completely unnecessary.
NL's predictive algorithm is working really well. He knew what I wanted before I knew what I wanted.
the back and forth between dna and ryab never fails to put a smile on my face
Dan and egg in the morning, love to see it!
Oh my god Dan NEEDS to see watch for rolling rocks half a press
NL and Dan always a good combo!
Dan is just an all round great guy, ya know?
Honestly that strat at the end seems pretty useful
Dan " I am going first person."
NL "DO NOT GO first person."
the rare big brother click bait from NL
Big laughs at dan mashing so hard he ripped his cord out then the button mashing sounds w mario kicking
Dan the man
I know a lot of people are trying Mario speedrunning on the back of NL's runs, so here's a Bowser throwing tip. You can spin him up to top speed and then hold down on the analog stick. You'll keep him at whatever speed you built up so you can concentrate on throwing him at the bomb without spinning the stick at the same time
Watching NL hit bomb clip again and again was so satisfying
The first BLJ that NL did was the smoothest I've ever seen
The synchronicity at 32:20 pog
This NL guy should look into becoming a teacher
I am just impressed how many twitch streamer appear to never have played Mario 64. It is an all-time classic.
Great video 🥚
yo the picture in picture is awesome though, great stuff
2:13:45 "I streamed a stream but now that stream is gone from me"
Watched on Dans channel but hitting the comment for algorithm.
Great video. The bit where NL can’t get up the stairs with the BLJ’s was hilarious.
Should have put a pic of dan to really get those clicks eggman masterful title work bud
It's always hilarious when NL is trying to explain how difficult each thing is then just does it first try no problem
what's better than an NL super mario vid? a 2.5 hour one with Dan involved!
dan hitting the sideflip at 14:23 is unadulterated pog
1:31:42 So you have a Mind perspective too like a mini map in your mind?
the guy who found cannonless was Sockfolder the legend. hes mostly known for ocorina of time
I did my very first 16 star run along with this. Huge help NL appreciate the vid and hope to see dan do a few runs after this!
Finally NL will get some practice, the next full run will be more pogged up
Did NOT know how much I wanted this.
I can't wait for the Unity SM64 race!
The student has become the master
Perfect content doesn't exi-
Cool stuff enjoyed getting see more in depth view of the run
Dan is actually becoming a real gamer. Way to go Dan.
this was super wholesome to watch
“He knows about the shadow”
If you pause at just the right moment at 2:18:55 you can see NL's Mario turn into the low-poly version. The game must think he's getting a long way away when you do BLJs
Dan: *sneezes* Is that a split?
If nl created bljs they would be nljs
wholesome and legit impressive
Oh man the clickbait title for the new audiences. I love it xD
Blessed chunky 3 hour video.
I wish nl would long jump the ice bridge like that all the time
It's Mario AND it's Dan?! So good.
Intel: most of the ridiculous mario tech (thinking cannonless setup) is found by TAS players. there is so much cool stuff in this game and they have found a lot of ways to make things that look impossible much more human friendly. as you know WR run attempts don't do the setup, they just run right into it, but that's ridiculously hard
I was wondering where the wahoowahoowahoowhwhwhwhwhwhwhhwhwh came from on my phone. I guess it was the video BLJing into my feed
the guy who found canon less actually found it within a day or two funnily enough
Excited about voice acting in a nintendo 64 game? Look up Conkers Bad Fur Day my friend
One of the best N64 games. For me its banjo kazooie, tooie, mario 64 and konkers bad 4ur day
this video made me anxious
Dan at Bowser explains so much about PUBG
36:00 me when I talk to my grandpa at Thanksgiving
Now that is a solid timestamp
Am I the only one thinking Dan sounds like GPB
i've been told to just mash for bljs you don't need to time it with the butt touching the stairs.
Pretty sure the timing for starting BLJ on anything but the first step is 1 frame, so it makes more sense to mash rather than try to 1-frame time it.
Is it really true that the credits song gets content id matched?
Sockfolder found the cannonless setup
Why does dan lowkey have the sideflip tech in the Repertoire
I'm just waiting for the return of the golden goblet speed run edition. 7 days to get the best PB
"Is that a split?" A split is whatever the runner determines is a split lol. The splits are for you not for us. We only care about the total time.
Idk bout yall but im pogged the fuck up
What are they playing this on? It’s not the 3d collection right?
jar opening stream?
NL hitting bomb clip first try while talking... Who is this man and what happened to old NL?!
Picked up the n64 emulator thing on switch cause of this video, then watched it again playing alongside. 6 hours well spent. I had no idea how much of a blast it would be.
Bro what is Daniel mashing when he’s trying to BLJ????!! Hes like DDRing his camera and like yanking his controller or something? You just mash the jump button LOL
Based Mario cam enjoyer