I don’t, I use 17lb fluorocarbon. Couple reasons for this. The first is I like the slight stretch that it has versus braid. That split second helps make sure the fish has the bait in my opinion. The other reason is fluorocarbon is much less prone to wrapping around cover as it’s more rigid than braid. Prevents you from getting hung in laydowns, bushes, or docks as often.
Do you use braid when fishing a buzz bait?
I don’t, I use 17lb fluorocarbon. Couple reasons for this. The first is I like the slight stretch that it has versus braid. That split second helps make sure the fish has the bait in my opinion. The other reason is fluorocarbon is much less prone to wrapping around cover as it’s more rigid than braid. Prevents you from getting hung in laydowns, bushes, or docks as often.
Ever fish down towards Mistletoe State Park?
I fish in Mistletoe some during herring spawn and summer time. There’s some good points and brush piles in there!