I was tempted, but it was a little discoloured too. Don't make them like they used to. Plus, my constitution is not what it was. I had plenty of snacks. I usually put some music over videos where the original sound is rubbish/wind noise etc. Thanks for watching.
Nice video of an adventure with no annoying music. I'd of eaten the mug shot as it's dried but then I ignore use by dates 🙂
I was tempted, but it was a little discoloured too. Don't make them like they used to. Plus, my constitution is not what it was. I had plenty of snacks. I usually put some music over videos where the original sound is rubbish/wind noise etc. Thanks for watching.
I really need to get my bike out and start exploring the routes around here. Great video mate 👍
Cheers mate. There are plenty of off-road bridleways etc. But still some underwater. Hoping to do a proper multi-day ride soon.