Marcelo Garcia: Bow & Arrow Choke Variation

  • Опубліковано 6 гру 2022
  • 2 Part Advanced Lesson - Marcelo shares a powerful variant of the sliding collar strangle from the back: An opponent who is keen on controlling your under-hooked elbow from Seatbelt Control may attempt to escape from their turtle position with a roll. Avoiding this particular trap by retracting your arm affords one with an opportunity to simultaneously initiate offense with a grip-feed; pull your elbow back to safety while seizing your opponent's far-side lapel so that you can later feed it to your choking-arm. If your opponent's far-side arm is open and still looking to trap your elbow, the space they leave available can be used to pry them back down onto their side with your under-hook. Once your opponent is broken down onto their side while you still have the collar-grip, you can incrementally adjust your grip and let all of the slack out until the collar begins cutting underneath their jawline. Once your choking-grip is set, reset your weight so that it now drops down on top of your opponent's shoulder, preventing them from turning back over onto their knees. Next, scoop up their far-leg as if pinning with a cradle and use it to help pull yourself away from their neck, throttling into the choke. [6:00] If your opponent decides to commit to the roll-away escape from the turtle position while you still have their collar in hand, you must be prepared to quickly maneuver your base and follow them over to keep your control. If your elbow is caught somewhat, you may even need to resort to a modified cartwheel of sorts in order to keep up with your opponent's momentum. However, if you are ahead in terms of timing, you can easily vault over onto your knees with your opponent caught upright and still in a defensive turtle position (i.e. Panda, et al.). Break them back down flat before they can fully recover and find another means of escape. When your choking grip is set, you can throw your weight over top of their shoulder and find their far-leg for the finish.