Also, Kristoph being the mastermind isn’t supposed to be surprising? The fact that it develops just how far the two have been planning behind the scenes against each other is the shocking part. It’s what the first trial develops, and the last trial expounds upon. Trying to make Kristoph be a twist villain honestly would make it weaker in my opinion. I do not get that. that being said it’s definitely still not a GREAT game, I agree that the middle section slogs. I’m just not a fan of the missed potential argument personally
Also the phantoms breakdown isn’t really a plot hole if they acknowledge the fact the entire point is that it’s the first emotion the spy feels in god knows how long Ok enough criticizing for me because I still mostly agree with the rank (aside from being a dual destinies apologist) and most of the takes I agree with
Counter argument for the argument about Athena losing to gaspen In Academy she “beat” Blackquill, but broke down and needed a lot of help from others, and she did pretty much fail the first trial of that case, being saved by the trio. I don’t think that’s too bad she’d lose to gaspen
I love your takes on all the titles! Here's my list: 11: AAI (I mean I like the second case...) 10: AJ (Not looking forward to turnabout serenade) 9: SoJ (Don't have much to say except it's alright) 8: PL vs. PW (I love the music, setting and the impact it had on the series, although the plot twist flopped) 7: TGAA1 (It took me three months to get through the first case...) 6: JFA (second case is soooooo good) 5: DD (The DLC is painfully underrated imo) 4: AA:PW (Amazing even on replay, will forever be a classic) 3: TaT (Fantastic ending to a great trillogy also has Luke Atmey which is such good comedy) 2: AAI2 (This is the game I revisit the most and I adore how everyone is connected to the story) 1: TGAA2 (The music, theming, characters, EVERYTHING was brilliant. Masterpiece.) (top 2 and bottom 2 switch everyday lol)
I didn't play all of them, but I will rank those I did. I'm planning to get tgaa chronicles soon 8. AJ (need I say more?) 7. Dual Destinies (Cases 4 and 5 are one. Do like the dlc tho) 6. AAI1 (I don't like the plot but I like the gameplay more than traditional ace attorney) 5. SOJ (The vision thingies sucked but I really like turnabout revolution and story in general) 4. JFA (Terrible case, amazing, bad, amazing) 3. PW:AA (most balanced in terms of quality imo) 2.TaT (bridge to the turnabout alone is better than half this list) 1. AAI2 (I like the gameplay, the story and everything)
This is a good list, you justified your choices well. My thoughts: AJ isn't bad, it has tons of potential but I never got behind it. PLvsAA is a blast and it's incredible that it actually exists, but the ending is beyond bad. The other Layton games have crazy twists but they don't ruin the whole plot of the game. 90% of the game is enjoyable to me AAI has a bland plot that isn't that rewarding to unwind, but I really do love most of the investigation phases of the game. I wish they could have had the future games use similar systems. Dual Destinies is another mixed bag, Apollo gets mostly sidelined and Phoenix doesn't get much character development. Athena is a solid character and addition to the AA roster. I love Blackquill, and the DLC case is one of my favorite cases. TGAA - I feel like this should be higher, but dang the rest are all mostly bangers. You really have to pair it with its sequel even though they came out separated. I love what Takumi has done with the series after getting influenced by Layton and throwing in 1890s London and Holmes. SoJ - There's a lot of things to like here... but I dunno, most of the K'hurain plot is lost on me. I'm just not a fan of 6-3 and 6-4 as Maya returns just to get arrested then sidelined, then 6-5 goes nuts for Apollo. And the DLC case flopped for me. Nahyuta is a massive disappointment as a pivotal character. Frankly I think I'd rank this just above AAI PWAA - Can't argue with this. I also have big issues with 1-2, it could have been far better with some more modifications. But outside of that I love how the DL-6 case not only envelopes 1-2 and 1-4, but bleeds over into rest the series. And 1-5 is great outside of its slow pacing. JFA - I like the overall theme of this game, the tragedy of the Feys and the Minies, the gross underbelly of the circus and showbiz, and 2-4 being the ultimate test for Phoenix as a lawyer. And the magatama adds a much-needed segment to the investigations. T&T - This is my #1, I just can't get over how much I love how all of the cases feed into the final one. A great overarching villain, primary antagonist, and plenty of twists and turns around the way. No true filler case (no, 3-3 is not filler). 3-5 is the absolute perfect conclusion for the trilogy. TGAA2 - The overall package of TG1&2 comes close to T&T, but it's not quite there for me. Maybe it's the nostalgia. We'll see how the TG series ages for me. AAI2 - 100% agreed with you with how much better it is than AAI. Can't say it's my favorite but I'd put it over JFA. Like T&T, it has a phenomenal arc. The flashback case is fantastic. The new characters are mostly great too. We get a true villain, and the ultimate surprise antagonist. It's a massive shame this game never got localized.
Nice video, nice work and well explained, I respect your choices 😔 1 Trials and tribulation 2 Spirit of justice 3 Apollo justice 4 Ace attorney 1 5 Justice for all 6 Dual destinies 7 The great ace attorney 1 Didn't play the others
1 The Great Ace Attorney 2 2 Investigations 2 3 Trials And Tribulations 4 Ace Attorney 5 Spirit Of Justice 6 The Great Ace Attorney 1 7 Justice For All 8 Dual Destinies 9 Apollo Justice 10 Investigations 1
Always neat to see other peoples' rankings of these games. Here's mine, I guess: (Haven't played Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright) #10: Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney #9: Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth #8: Spirit of Justice #7: The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures #6: Justice For All #5: Dual Destinies #4: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney #3: The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve #2: Trials and Tribulations #1: Gyakuten Kenji 2
While I do think The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles is a much better package, looking at them individually I like Spirit of Justice a tad bit more, but that's just my wrong opinion 😁 But thank you for your comment! 😊
@@tage8936 I disagree for 4-1 and 4-2 are a good and a decent case while the only redeeming thing about aai1 is the last 30 minutes of its 4th case, plus subjectively it has the best artstyle for the characters and one of the best osts
@@XinNix06 I would say definitely start with the first Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy, then Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy, then Ace Attorney Investigations Collection, then The Great ace Attorney Chronicle 😊
I've just coming out of completing the "Apollo Justice" trilogy so. I have opinions. And I am going to share them. Sorry, this turned out to be extremely long. First of all, I'm not going to rank the crossover anywhere on this list. I'm both a huge PL and a huge AA fan, and I can appreciate the crossover from both points of view - however, it barely counts as an Ace Attorney game. If I were to rank my favourite PL games, however, it would be my 2nd favourite. That being said, I enjoyed playing the crossover more than I've enjoyed playing many of the actual AA titles, but that's just because it's such a good Layton game. 10 - Dual Destinies. This too barely counts as an Ace Attorney game for me. I've been an AA fan for 16 years, some of the titles I've played what has to be close to 20 times. DD is the only one that I've only played twice, the second time since 2013 being last week. There are some things I expect out of an AA game - good humour, skillful writing, amazing characters, this sort of unexplainable Ace Attorney logic that was installed into me at the ripe old age of 13 - and DD took all of that. It's miserable to play through this game. It's boring, the cases are uninteresting, the characters (both old and new) are shallow and annoying. Returning characters don't feel like themselves. New characters feel like paper dolls. I don't remember anyone's names. I have to look up the answer because the AA logic mentioned above isn't there. I hate this game. It's not only an awful Ace Attorney game, but an awful game in general. 9 - Spirit of Justice There's a leap in quality here. I don't hate this game. I don't even dislike it. It's a good game, just not a very good Ace Attorney game. It has its moments, there are multiple positive things I can say about it: returning characters are designed well. The writing and jokes are closer to the quality I'm used to. There are three cases I'm actually interested in playing, and two of the new characters are likable enough that I know their names and most of their backstories. You can examine the new locations - this is a big one! Some of the cases are pretty whack but they're still enjoyable. And, they improved the godawful 3D models of DD, significantly so. On the negative side, I think it leans too heavily into nostalgia baiting, Apollo didn't need a 4756237th backstory, and Klavier is dead, apparently. That's on Dual Destinies though, add that to the DD sins. Also, the worst OST of the entire series, no competition. 8 - Apollo Justice Another huge leap in quality! Starting here I love every game, AJ just a little less than the rest. Based on my bottom 3 you could misjudge me and think I hate Apollo Justice, but you know what. That guy is actually one of my top 5 guys ever. I love him. The saving grace of the two games above. Anyway! I like the attempt of pushing Phoenix to the background. They should have kept him there. I also liked that Nick still had a role to play, but he did admittedly steal Apollo's agenda quite a bit. The cases in this game are rough. The first one is phenomenal - the last one may be one of, if not the weakest last case in the entire series, but it's still better than the two in the middle. Awful cases that I unfortunately have to replay because somehow I managed to miss the achievement in BOTH despite looking them up in advance to avoid that. Pros besides Apollo include the actual angel of god Klavier Gavin, Trucy Wright, and one of the best Pursuit themes the series has. Also the game looks great on the DS (except for the flashback) - it's not as big of a improvement on the Switch, but I really like the more vibrant scheme AJ has. Except for the flashback, which even in this HD version looks like sh1t because for whatever reason they didn't update the graphics of that section to match with AJ, but rather with the HD 123!? 7. Investigations 1 Sue me. I love this game. I genuinely think people who dislike this game have tiktok brains. You don't have to be bombarded with content and colours and explosive chiptunes 24/7 for the game to slap. Hard. I love that it's more grounded than the other games are. This is stuff that could actually almost happen in the real world! The OST is phenomenal! Miles Edgeworth is my 2nd favourite character of all of AA I might be bigoted idk idc! The best assistant is here! There's one case that is top tier (the 4th one) and the rest vary between okay and good. This might be the epitome of mid when it comes to Ace Attorney, I'll admit that. But I have so, so much love for this game, have always had and will always have.
(PLvsAA would be here) 6. The Great Ace Attorney 1 I hesitate to separate this from its sequel, because I think the two TGAA games form such a solid story that you really need to play them both to understand either. TGAA1 doesn't really work as a standalone. Not a single plot thread is resolved by the end. All the weak games the duology has have been conveniently put into this game. Even most of the main characters start developing their arcs in the 2nd game. TGAA1 feels like a game-long tutorial case of TGAA2. And yet. It brought interesting gimmicks, amazing characters and the best orchestral OST to the table. The cases may be long, but you're (or at least I am) unable to look away - in short, nothing seems to drag. Visually, it's the best improvement in quality we've seen in AA's entire run. The switch from PW to AJ was fun, the switch from 2D to 3D was awful, but this? This was beautiful. Prior to DGS I firmly believed AA should never have switched to 3D, but DGS and especially the improved look of TGAA really proved me wrong. 5. Justice for All Somehow this game has both 2 of some of the best as well as 2 of some of the worst cases in the entire series. It also has Franziska von Karma, which is why I'm ranking it above TGAA1. My list, my bias, my rules. JFA really righted most of PWAA's wrongs and also brought along the original (and arguably, the best) gimmick. My gripe is with the two bad cases, namely 2-1 and 2-3. Both are almost unplayable. I like to replay the original trilogy about yearly - that's autism for you babey - and every time I really struggle with this part. The best part about 2-1 is that it's very short and very easy, so it's over quickly. Same cannot be said about 2-3, which not only drags on and on but also has the grating circus music playing the entire time. And two pedophiles! So you might ask, why isn't it ranked lower. Because of 1) Franziska and 2) Gumshoe. This game is peak Gumshoe. He will never again be quite as good as he is here. When I first played JFA, I really disliked 2-2 because I hated the culprit so much, and only saw the good in it when I first replayed it after I had also played T&T. Much like TGAA1, standing on its own I still don't think much of 2-2, but as a warm-up to T&T, it's fantastic. 2-4 as we all know is among the best cases in the series, although I do think it's a tad overrated. Worst OST of the original trilogy! 4. Phoenix Wright What can I say. It's a solid game. The last time Ace Attorney had a shred of sense in it. My biggest complaint is the 3 day trial thing, thank god they dropped that by JFA. Other than that, I wouldn't change a thing. It establishes the main cast and their relationships so well that I can type this effing essay on youtube and base most of my reasoning onto how well each game either represents said main cast or manages to copy the formula. One thing I have to say: Rise from the Ashes is extremely overrated. It's a good case! It's way worse than 1-4 though. And it kind of ruins the ending of the first game, because it was already so good. I understand why it exists, and it's still my 2nd favourite case in PW, but it feels extremely out of place. I almost feel like it should have been published on its own, or in another format. My solution has been to mentally decide that game 1 ends after 1-4, and 1-5 is just a separate thing that happens to be bundled in the same game. 3. TGAA2 It's getting really tough now. TGAA2 is a masterpiece. It effortlessly picks up from where TGAA1 left off and then puts everything in a blender. The plot twists take you wherever the hell they want and all you can do is stand and watch as it all unravels in front of your eyes. Somehow it both breaks your heart and makes your heart so incredibly warm. It's only brought down a notch below the top 2 by the fact that again, as a standalone it doesn't work that well. It's not supposed to, I know. But I have to base this rating on something, right? 2. Trials and Tribulations My top 2 change positions like hourly. Right now this is the order they are in my head, probably because I played AAI2 last. Anyway! T&T has the best character arcs in all of Ace Attorney. Actually, even the side characters are top tier here. The weakest case (3-3) is still somewhere between good and great. The big plot is lethal, and so good. The main antagonist is the best antagonist in the series. We get to play as Mia, twice. I also cry multiple times every time I play this game, and not only in the final case. And speaking of that last case. Phenomenal. That's peak Ace Attorney, only one case comes even close to what Bridge to the Turnabout did. It's so good that at times, it's almost overwhelming to play it. Especially the last trial. I will never forget the moment it hit me. Only Ghost Trick has stumped me like that since. I don't have a single truly bad thing to say about Trials and Tribulations. It even has the best OST of the original trilogy, although funnily enough the most heartbreaking piece is a slight remix of a PW piece, so... 1. Investigations 2 This game has it all. It has the most consistent quality throughout the entire game. It has the best assistant, and the best protagonist, AND the best antagonist. The cast of characters is absolutely phenomenal, every single one is so well-written and developed it's crazy. Three characters - Justine/Verity, Sebastian/Eustace and Simon/Simeon - go through parallel (but in opposite directions!) developmental arcs that complement their agencies SO well. I've never gone from absolutely hating a character to loving them to pieces AND VICE VERSA as violently and in as short a time as in this game. And don't let me even get STARTED on Edgeworth's arc. Or his dad. I'm going to cry. Easily the best OST of the entire series, the most improvement when compared to the title before it, one of the best gimmicks, and just. A banger case after a banger case after a banger case. And how beautifully it wraps up at the end. The final case is the only one in the same tier with 3-5, although just a tad below it. But still. This is the only game I sometimes just play a random case of just because I want to.
I fully agree with this. I think dual destinies should be a little lower. I agree that the pacing sucks, but there are a few more problems. I hate that you can't investigate unless promted to and 5-2 really pisses me off. They didnt need to show florent killing kyubi because as soon as you see him its pretty obvious he's the killer. 3-5 feels a little too long and I feel like blackquill has way too much evidence prepared ahead of time pointing against your client. It feels like he has way too much against you from the start even though he's in prison. I just have slight issues with this game as it feels as if it needed a few things touched up on it. The rest of your ranking is fanatastic though.
I only watched my friend and people online play Ace Attorney instead of playing the games myself but I would like to share my list 11. AAI (pretty forgettable cases with some pacing issues, I really like Calisto Yew tho, she is the og Phantom) 10. SOJ (Turnabout Revolution is great but the rest of the game is pretty mediocre and I don't like how they portrayed Phoenix in this game) 9. AA1 (extremely hot take I know, imo if you take away the fact that this game started it all I feel like it's just lacking in substance compared to the other games, case 1 is a great tutorial case but extremely boring case if you treat it like an actual turnabout, case 2 is pretty decent but not anything impressive, it does however establish the dynamics of the characters well, case 3 is a third case, case 4 is the only standout and is easily one of the best cases in all of Ace Attorney but it alone can't carry the game, case 5 is pretty good narrative wise but the gameplay sucks) 8. JFA (similar to AA1 but it's Farewell my turnabout instead) 7. DD (it retconned a lot of things from AJ, some of the returning characters felt like they were added because of a need for continuity/fan service rather than a role for the story, that being said Blackquill is amazing, Athena is....I'll be honest, I never liked Athena that much but I still think she is a well written character) 6. PL vs PW (I don't remember much about the game but from what I heard this should be an appropriate spot, I will say that the characters were all entertaining) 5. TGAA1 (Bad pacing is this game's biggest downfall, I have nothing positive to say about this game that nobody else already said) 4. AJ (extremely unique approach to the series which I appreciate, I personally think case 1 and 4 are peak *even if the latter has some gameplay issues* case 3 ain't even that bad aside from bad pacing and some weird leaps of logic) 3. T&T (I actually prefer AJ over T&T but ignoring my bias, T&T is just the better game with consistently entertaining characters, great antagonists and a satisfying ending) 2. AAI2 (nothing to explain) 1. TGAA2 (nothing to explain)
I get the frustration with the new names and not sticking with the fan translated names, but on the other hand not everyone had the chance to play the fan translated version and will play thos game fresh. I'm not too disappointed with their new names coz I'm just so happy that we're finally getting this game worldwide 😊 But I do understand the frustration. But Eustace Winner also sounds like Useless Winner which does kinda fit with Debeste 😁
Nah, Apollo was a more likeable character to me than Trucy. I had to go through the entire AJ game twice as well as the 2 sequels just to decide that Trucy was indeed a decent character. At the very least, better than Maya for sure. I enjoyed Apollo way more in AJ than I did in either of the other two games he was in. And your proposed narrative of us spending more time with Kristoph would have cut Phoenix and Trucy out of the game for far more time. Which would have underdeveloped Trucy and broken the entire formula of having a girl investigate with you. It would have changed EVERYTHING about the game, all for what? More Kristoph development? Why? He is just another Dahlia Hawthorne. He didn't need to be built up more as the big mastermind, because the game wasnt ABOUT him. The same way Manfred von Karma didn't need to be fleshed out more, sometimes people are just crazy and do bad things for seemingly no reason. If every villain was built up to and fleshed out then we would get bored of that too. Klavier should have gotten more development, yes. The game isn't perfect, but none of the AA games are. Yes, the cases are hit or miss, but at least it is more of an AA game than the Layton crossover. I am not saying any of this to say you are so wrong for liking it the least, because that's fair, the second case is very slow, but it wasn't as bad as you make it sound either, and changing the entire narrative would have changed all the characters involved. Which is not necessarily a good thing. Dai Gyakuten Saiban is...alright. But I didn't care for the overly Britishness. I wish more of it was set in old timey Japan instead. I was able to get through the first 2 cases and then half the 3rd before I got bored. Spirit of Justice is kinda overhyped honestly. I liked Athena's case the most. I loved Uendo Toneido especially. He is honestly my favorite witness ever in the series. But the rest was just over the top in a way that AA games aren't usually. And people overly appreciate it, they praise nearly everything about it and I just do not get it.
Thank you so much for your comment. It is always interesting to hear other people's opinions. You've convinced me with your take on Kristoph and it makes sense. Sadly, AJ is still my least favourite in the franchise, but I definitely don't hate it. Which is why I love the AA series 😊
Interesting ranking I disagree with some points but still valid ranking My ranking would be(there will be spoilers so beware people who did not play some games) AJ DD AAI1 JFA TGAA1 Crossover PW SOJ TGAA2 T&T AAI2 Now my reasons I actually hate AJ with burning passion So my hate comes from hobo phoenix-basically assasinated phoenix,apollo being there so you can remove him,kristoph is one of the worst final villains, klavier is the worst written prosecutor,all cases were bad for me, and the buildup is screamed "we have a biased jury,screw you" DD I dislike most of the cases(except case 4 and DLC) Athena is underutulized, phantom sucks as a villain,pacing is horrendous, culprits were honestly one of the worst in the series, and the dark age of the law-the worst plot in the series AAI1 I like case 2,4 and half of case 5 The story and characters are Forgetable, pacing is really bad There are a lot of unlikable characters and edgeworth is the same-no development JFA I only liked case 4, franziska is poorly written and honestly one of the worst prosecutors in the series for me But characters,story, saved this game for me from putting it lower TGAA1 I hate case 1 and 2 (one of the worst in the series for me), case 3 is very good but the plot twist logic is dumb, case 4 is ok case 5 is mid The pacing is the worst in the series here All cases except 3 drag as hell Also I hate joint and reasoning cause of you waste so much time on it and it is incredibly easy, Crossover Case 1 is ok but boring case 2 and 3 are very good case 4 is bad The whole plot twist ruined my interest in the game immediately Also characters are Forgetable PW I like case 1,case 2 is really bad,case 3 is good case 4 and 5 are fantastic But pacing is bad(especially in case 2,3 and 5) Anything else is good SOJ I like case 1 I love case 2(my fav 2nd case in the series) case 3 is good(even tho the beginning is bad but then case pacing picks up quite nicely) case 4 is ok and case 5 is fantastic I like nahyuta more than franziska in JFA(she felt more annoying and more repetitive,also she is not relevant to the plot) I like this story and this court system, it brings intense right off the bat Garan is a great villain She is underrated(she is better than kristoph and phantom) Rayfa has a good character development Apollo develops correctly this time Unlike many people I somehow enjoyed nahyuta development TGAA2 I like all cases except 2 which I hate(it has redeeming qualities tho) Pacing is better but It can still drag on Case 1 is very good but pacing Case 3 is fantastic but pacing and sithe was a underwhelming culprit Case 4 is good Case 5 is fantastic but I hate the hologram sholmes with burning passion I got the feeling that this game was rushed(in later cases) some stuff was explained poorly But still very good game T&T Case 1 is good case 2 is fantastic with flaws, case 3 is mid case 3 is good case 5 is fantastic It is the best conclusion to the trilogy,all characters arcs are done Dahlia is the best culprit in the trilogy(not my fav tho) But there are flaws This game is poorly paced sometimes,case 3 logic and other stuff was just obnoxious, and larry is the victim of flanderization AAI2 The best game for me It is not flawless Not by a long shot But I had the least amount of problems in this game than the aforementioned ones All cases were at least good Case 1 is fantastic, case 2 is good Case 3 is very good,case 4 is fantastic, case 5 is fantastic All culprits were enjoyable for me, logic is good,mysteries are very creative, and finally edgeworth and gumshoe developed Even kay and lang to some degree developed Logic chess is the best mechanic for me It is easy but very challenging I liked the most character than in the other entries, story is very good, simon keyes is the best culprit without a doubt(also the best plot twist) He is smart,cunning has a good backstory,well-written and finally The final villain is just a normal guy with no power whatsoever-so refreshing Playing as gregory also puts it this high,and we see badd again(my fav character from AAI1) And the way the plot connects itself-beautiful But there are flaws,such as pacing lotta was annoying,courtney was not well written but still I love her, Dane gustavia is underwhelming but still a good culprit, and SS-5 felt like a idea from the start but it also felt like it was squeezed in case 5(case 5 should have been split into two for better pacing) Despite those flaws,this is the game I enjoyed the most Hope you make more vid about AA
Before I provide my list, I must first instill hope in those who read this comment, that yes, GK2 WILL be localized soon. Considering DGS1 and 2 were also Japan exclusive and localized in a Chronicles bundle, it would make sense for GK1 and GK2 to receive the same fate, localizing the latter in so doing. It would also be a great move for Capcom financially since everyone is going to eat up the AA Investigations Chronicles like hotcakes. It may come out after GS7, but I highly doubt it since it wouldn't make sense at this point. So here's my rankings from worst to best: GK2 SOJ TAT JFA PW Crossover DGS2 AJ DD GK1 DGS1
You're delusional, Investigations 2 is a dead game. It would never be translated and shown off in a Nintendo Direct. Just stop giving yourself false hope.
Great list, it’s always so hard for me to rank these games because there’s not really a bad one imo
COMPLETELY misread Kristoph and Phoenix’s relationship, no they’re not buddies they very clearly loathe each other and the last case explains that
Also, Kristoph being the mastermind isn’t supposed to be surprising? The fact that it develops just how far the two have been planning behind the scenes against each other is the shocking part. It’s what the first trial develops, and the last trial expounds upon. Trying to make Kristoph be a twist villain honestly would make it weaker in my opinion. I do not get that.
that being said it’s definitely still not a GREAT game, I agree that the middle section slogs. I’m just not a fan of the missed potential argument personally
Also the phantoms breakdown isn’t really a plot hole if they acknowledge the fact the entire point is that it’s the first emotion the spy feels in god knows how long
Ok enough criticizing for me because I still mostly agree with the rank (aside from being a dual destinies apologist) and most of the takes I agree with
@@Abasedbymygrief Thank you for your in-depth comment 😊
they are sort of friends on the surface while plotting against each other under the table
Counter argument for the argument about Athena losing to gaspen
In Academy she “beat” Blackquill, but broke down and needed a lot of help from others, and she did pretty much fail the first trial of that case, being saved by the trio. I don’t think that’s too bad she’d lose to gaspen
I can see where you're coming from. Thank you for your comment 😊
I live for the Investigation 2 love! :D I haven't played it myself, but I've watched a full playthrough and man, I love it! Solid list :)
Thank you very much! Let's hope Capcom releases this game worldwide as well 😊
I love your takes on all the titles! Here's my list:
11: AAI (I mean I like the second case...)
10: AJ (Not looking forward to turnabout serenade)
9: SoJ (Don't have much to say except it's alright)
8: PL vs. PW (I love the music, setting and the impact it had on the series, although the plot twist flopped)
7: TGAA1 (It took me three months to get through the first case...)
6: JFA (second case is soooooo good)
5: DD (The DLC is painfully underrated imo)
4: AA:PW (Amazing even on replay, will forever be a classic)
3: TaT (Fantastic ending to a great trillogy also has Luke Atmey which is such good comedy)
2: AAI2 (This is the game I revisit the most and I adore how everyone is connected to the story)
1: TGAA2 (The music, theming, characters, EVERYTHING was brilliant. Masterpiece.)
(top 2 and bottom 2 switch everyday lol)
Thank you very much for your list 😊
I didn't play all of them, but I will rank those I did. I'm planning to get tgaa chronicles soon
8. AJ (need I say more?)
7. Dual Destinies (Cases 4 and 5 are one. Do like the dlc tho)
6. AAI1 (I don't like the plot but I like the gameplay more than traditional ace attorney)
5. SOJ (The vision thingies sucked but I really like turnabout revolution and story in general)
4. JFA (Terrible case, amazing, bad, amazing)
3. PW:AA (most balanced in terms of quality imo)
2.TaT (bridge to the turnabout alone is better than half this list)
1. AAI2 (I like the gameplay, the story and everything)
A really complete video! Even if I differ on some points, I can relate to a lot of your opinions.
Thank you very much for your comment! 😊
This is a good list, you justified your choices well. My thoughts:
AJ isn't bad, it has tons of potential but I never got behind it.
PLvsAA is a blast and it's incredible that it actually exists, but the ending is beyond bad. The other Layton games have crazy twists but they don't ruin the whole plot of the game. 90% of the game is enjoyable to me
AAI has a bland plot that isn't that rewarding to unwind, but I really do love most of the investigation phases of the game. I wish they could have had the future games use similar systems.
Dual Destinies is another mixed bag, Apollo gets mostly sidelined and Phoenix doesn't get much character development. Athena is a solid character and addition to the AA roster. I love Blackquill, and the DLC case is one of my favorite cases.
TGAA - I feel like this should be higher, but dang the rest are all mostly bangers. You really have to pair it with its sequel even though they came out separated. I love what Takumi has done with the series after getting influenced by Layton and throwing in 1890s London and Holmes.
SoJ - There's a lot of things to like here... but I dunno, most of the K'hurain plot is lost on me. I'm just not a fan of 6-3 and 6-4 as Maya returns just to get arrested then sidelined, then 6-5 goes nuts for Apollo. And the DLC case flopped for me. Nahyuta is a massive disappointment as a pivotal character. Frankly I think I'd rank this just above AAI
PWAA - Can't argue with this. I also have big issues with 1-2, it could have been far better with some more modifications. But outside of that I love how the DL-6 case not only envelopes 1-2 and 1-4, but bleeds over into rest the series. And 1-5 is great outside of its slow pacing.
JFA - I like the overall theme of this game, the tragedy of the Feys and the Minies, the gross underbelly of the circus and showbiz, and 2-4 being the ultimate test for Phoenix as a lawyer. And the magatama adds a much-needed segment to the investigations.
T&T - This is my #1, I just can't get over how much I love how all of the cases feed into the final one. A great overarching villain, primary antagonist, and plenty of twists and turns around the way. No true filler case (no, 3-3 is not filler). 3-5 is the absolute perfect conclusion for the trilogy.
TGAA2 - The overall package of TG1&2 comes close to T&T, but it's not quite there for me. Maybe it's the nostalgia. We'll see how the TG series ages for me.
AAI2 - 100% agreed with you with how much better it is than AAI. Can't say it's my favorite but I'd put it over JFA. Like T&T, it has a phenomenal arc. The flashback case is fantastic. The new characters are mostly great too. We get a true villain, and the ultimate surprise antagonist. It's a massive shame this game never got localized.
Thank you for your comment and your indepth thoughts on all the games! 😊
love seeing a big top enjoyer
@@questionmarkquestionmarkques 😊🙌
3-the First game(with rfta)
4-tgaa adventures
5-tgaa resolve
7-investigations 1
8-dual destinies
9-layton vs wright crossover
10-investigations 2 (prosecutors path)
11-spirit of justice
Thank you for your list! 😊
List needs putting down
Nice video, nice work and well explained, I respect your choices 😔
1 Trials and tribulation
2 Spirit of justice
3 Apollo justice
4 Ace attorney 1
5 Justice for all
6 Dual destinies
7 The great ace attorney 1
Didn't play the others
Thank you very much for your respect and for your list! 😊
1 The Great Ace Attorney 2
2 Investigations 2
3 Trials And Tribulations
4 Ace Attorney
5 Spirit Of Justice
6 The Great Ace Attorney 1
7 Justice For All
8 Dual Destinies
9 Apollo Justice
10 Investigations 1
Thank you very much for your list! 😊
@@bokchoi96for me it’s investigations 2t&t DD gaa2 aa1 gaa1 JFA PFPW AJ i1 Soj
Always neat to see other peoples' rankings of these games. Here's mine, I guess:
(Haven't played Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright)
#10: Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
#9: Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth
#8: Spirit of Justice
#7: The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures
#6: Justice For All
#5: Dual Destinies
#4: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
#3: The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve
#2: Trials and Tribulations
#1: Gyakuten Kenji 2
Thank you for your list! 😊
No way DD is that high up 💀
@@Nandinandito 😭
To see the great ace Attorney bellow spirit of Justice hurts my soul 😢
While I do think The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles is a much better package, looking at them individually I like Spirit of Justice a tad bit more, but that's just my wrong opinion 😁 But thank you for your comment! 😊
Apollo justice is NOT worse than AAI1
@@bokchoi96 lol
Apollo Justice is MUCH worse than any other ace attorney game lol
@@tage8936 I disagree for 4-1 and 4-2 are a good and a decent case while the only redeeming thing about aai1 is the last 30 minutes of its 4th case, plus subjectively it has the best artstyle for the characters and one of the best osts
@@nappeywappey yeah tbh Idrc about the artstyle when the story is awful and they ruin characters and none of the cases make sense
My 3 favourite games are: Spirit of Justice, Great Ace Attorney 2 and Investigations 2
@@dylanpeddle6859 Thank you for your comment! 😊
What you recommend for people who will start playing Ace attorney? What game is good to start in Nintendo Switch??
@@XinNix06 I would say definitely start with the first Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy, then Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy, then Ace Attorney Investigations Collection, then The Great ace Attorney Chronicle 😊
1. TGAA2
2. T&T
5. JFA
TGAA and JFA could go either way. I’m also gonna start playing the AJ trilogy soon.
Thank you for your list!😊
I've just coming out of completing the "Apollo Justice" trilogy so. I have opinions. And I am going to share them. Sorry, this turned out to be extremely long.
First of all, I'm not going to rank the crossover anywhere on this list. I'm both a huge PL and a huge AA fan, and I can appreciate the crossover from both points of view - however, it barely counts as an Ace Attorney game. If I were to rank my favourite PL games, however, it would be my 2nd favourite. That being said, I enjoyed playing the crossover more than I've enjoyed playing many of the actual AA titles, but that's just because it's such a good Layton game.
10 - Dual Destinies.
This too barely counts as an Ace Attorney game for me. I've been an AA fan for 16 years, some of the titles I've played what has to be close to 20 times. DD is the only one that I've only played twice, the second time since 2013 being last week. There are some things I expect out of an AA game - good humour, skillful writing, amazing characters, this sort of unexplainable Ace Attorney logic that was installed into me at the ripe old age of 13 - and DD took all of that. It's miserable to play through this game. It's boring, the cases are uninteresting, the characters (both old and new) are shallow and annoying. Returning characters don't feel like themselves. New characters feel like paper dolls. I don't remember anyone's names. I have to look up the answer because the AA logic mentioned above isn't there. I hate this game. It's not only an awful Ace Attorney game, but an awful game in general.
9 - Spirit of Justice
There's a leap in quality here. I don't hate this game. I don't even dislike it. It's a good game, just not a very good Ace Attorney game. It has its moments, there are multiple positive things I can say about it: returning characters are designed well. The writing and jokes are closer to the quality I'm used to. There are three cases I'm actually interested in playing, and two of the new characters are likable enough that I know their names and most of their backstories. You can examine the new locations - this is a big one! Some of the cases are pretty whack but they're still enjoyable. And, they improved the godawful 3D models of DD, significantly so. On the negative side, I think it leans too heavily into nostalgia baiting, Apollo didn't need a 4756237th backstory, and Klavier is dead, apparently. That's on Dual Destinies though, add that to the DD sins. Also, the worst OST of the entire series, no competition.
8 - Apollo Justice
Another huge leap in quality! Starting here I love every game, AJ just a little less than the rest. Based on my bottom 3 you could misjudge me and think I hate Apollo Justice, but you know what. That guy is actually one of my top 5 guys ever. I love him. The saving grace of the two games above. Anyway! I like the attempt of pushing Phoenix to the background. They should have kept him there. I also liked that Nick still had a role to play, but he did admittedly steal Apollo's agenda quite a bit. The cases in this game are rough. The first one is phenomenal - the last one may be one of, if not the weakest last case in the entire series, but it's still better than the two in the middle. Awful cases that I unfortunately have to replay because somehow I managed to miss the achievement in BOTH despite looking them up in advance to avoid that. Pros besides Apollo include the actual angel of god Klavier Gavin, Trucy Wright, and one of the best Pursuit themes the series has. Also the game looks great on the DS (except for the flashback) - it's not as big of a improvement on the Switch, but I really like the more vibrant scheme AJ has. Except for the flashback, which even in this HD version looks like sh1t because for whatever reason they didn't update the graphics of that section to match with AJ, but rather with the HD 123!?
7. Investigations 1
Sue me. I love this game. I genuinely think people who dislike this game have tiktok brains. You don't have to be bombarded with content and colours and explosive chiptunes 24/7 for the game to slap. Hard. I love that it's more grounded than the other games are. This is stuff that could actually almost happen in the real world! The OST is phenomenal! Miles Edgeworth is my 2nd favourite character of all of AA I might be bigoted idk idc! The best assistant is here! There's one case that is top tier (the 4th one) and the rest vary between okay and good. This might be the epitome of mid when it comes to Ace Attorney, I'll admit that. But I have so, so much love for this game, have always had and will always have.
(PLvsAA would be here)
6. The Great Ace Attorney 1
I hesitate to separate this from its sequel, because I think the two TGAA games form such a solid story that you really need to play them both to understand either. TGAA1 doesn't really work as a standalone. Not a single plot thread is resolved by the end. All the weak games the duology has have been conveniently put into this game. Even most of the main characters start developing their arcs in the 2nd game. TGAA1 feels like a game-long tutorial case of TGAA2. And yet. It brought interesting gimmicks, amazing characters and the best orchestral OST to the table. The cases may be long, but you're (or at least I am) unable to look away - in short, nothing seems to drag. Visually, it's the best improvement in quality we've seen in AA's entire run. The switch from PW to AJ was fun, the switch from 2D to 3D was awful, but this? This was beautiful. Prior to DGS I firmly believed AA should never have switched to 3D, but DGS and especially the improved look of TGAA really proved me wrong.
5. Justice for All
Somehow this game has both 2 of some of the best as well as 2 of some of the worst cases in the entire series. It also has Franziska von Karma, which is why I'm ranking it above TGAA1. My list, my bias, my rules. JFA really righted most of PWAA's wrongs and also brought along the original (and arguably, the best) gimmick. My gripe is with the two bad cases, namely 2-1 and 2-3. Both are almost unplayable. I like to replay the original trilogy about yearly - that's autism for you babey - and every time I really struggle with this part. The best part about 2-1 is that it's very short and very easy, so it's over quickly. Same cannot be said about 2-3, which not only drags on and on but also has the grating circus music playing the entire time. And two pedophiles! So you might ask, why isn't it ranked lower. Because of 1) Franziska and 2) Gumshoe. This game is peak Gumshoe. He will never again be quite as good as he is here. When I first played JFA, I really disliked 2-2 because I hated the culprit so much, and only saw the good in it when I first replayed it after I had also played T&T. Much like TGAA1, standing on its own I still don't think much of 2-2, but as a warm-up to T&T, it's fantastic. 2-4 as we all know is among the best cases in the series, although I do think it's a tad overrated. Worst OST of the original trilogy!
4. Phoenix Wright
What can I say. It's a solid game. The last time Ace Attorney had a shred of sense in it. My biggest complaint is the 3 day trial thing, thank god they dropped that by JFA. Other than that, I wouldn't change a thing. It establishes the main cast and their relationships so well that I can type this effing essay on youtube and base most of my reasoning onto how well each game either represents said main cast or manages to copy the formula. One thing I have to say: Rise from the Ashes is extremely overrated. It's a good case! It's way worse than 1-4 though. And it kind of ruins the ending of the first game, because it was already so good. I understand why it exists, and it's still my 2nd favourite case in PW, but it feels extremely out of place. I almost feel like it should have been published on its own, or in another format. My solution has been to mentally decide that game 1 ends after 1-4, and 1-5 is just a separate thing that happens to be bundled in the same game.
3. TGAA2
It's getting really tough now. TGAA2 is a masterpiece. It effortlessly picks up from where TGAA1 left off and then puts everything in a blender. The plot twists take you wherever the hell they want and all you can do is stand and watch as it all unravels in front of your eyes. Somehow it both breaks your heart and makes your heart so incredibly warm. It's only brought down a notch below the top 2 by the fact that again, as a standalone it doesn't work that well. It's not supposed to, I know. But I have to base this rating on something, right?
2. Trials and Tribulations
My top 2 change positions like hourly. Right now this is the order they are in my head, probably because I played AAI2 last. Anyway! T&T has the best character arcs in all of Ace Attorney. Actually, even the side characters are top tier here. The weakest case (3-3) is still somewhere between good and great. The big plot is lethal, and so good. The main antagonist is the best antagonist in the series. We get to play as Mia, twice. I also cry multiple times every time I play this game, and not only in the final case. And speaking of that last case. Phenomenal. That's peak Ace Attorney, only one case comes even close to what Bridge to the Turnabout did. It's so good that at times, it's almost overwhelming to play it. Especially the last trial. I will never forget the moment it hit me. Only Ghost Trick has stumped me like that since. I don't have a single truly bad thing to say about Trials and Tribulations. It even has the best OST of the original trilogy, although funnily enough the most heartbreaking piece is a slight remix of a PW piece, so...
1. Investigations 2
This game has it all. It has the most consistent quality throughout the entire game. It has the best assistant, and the best protagonist, AND the best antagonist. The cast of characters is absolutely phenomenal, every single one is so well-written and developed it's crazy. Three characters - Justine/Verity, Sebastian/Eustace and Simon/Simeon - go through parallel (but in opposite directions!) developmental arcs that complement their agencies SO well. I've never gone from absolutely hating a character to loving them to pieces AND VICE VERSA as violently and in as short a time as in this game. And don't let me even get STARTED on Edgeworth's arc. Or his dad. I'm going to cry. Easily the best OST of the entire series, the most improvement when compared to the title before it, one of the best gimmicks, and just. A banger case after a banger case after a banger case. And how beautifully it wraps up at the end. The final case is the only one in the same tier with 3-5, although just a tad below it. But still. This is the only game I sometimes just play a random case of just because I want to.
@@unski7051 Thank you very much for your list and your in-depth thoughts on all of them! 😊
I fully agree with this. I think dual destinies should be a little lower. I agree that the pacing sucks, but there are a few more problems. I hate that you can't investigate unless promted to and 5-2 really pisses me off. They didnt need to show florent killing kyubi because as soon as you see him its pretty obvious he's the killer. 3-5 feels a little too long and I feel like blackquill has way too much evidence prepared ahead of time pointing against your client. It feels like he has way too much against you from the start even though he's in prison. I just have slight issues with this game as it feels as if it needed a few things touched up on it. The rest of your ranking is fanatastic though.
@@Itsamemaro Thank you for your thoughts and comments! 😊
11. Vs
10. Dgs1
8. Aai1
7. Jfa
6. Aai2
5. Dgs2
4. T&t
3. AA1
2. Spirit of justice
1. Dual destinies
Thank you for your list 😊
Update: we're gonna get both edgeworth games on switch!!!!!!
Yahooooo! 🥳
I only watched my friend and people online play Ace Attorney instead of playing the games myself but I would like to share my list
11. AAI (pretty forgettable cases with some pacing issues, I really like Calisto Yew tho, she is the og Phantom)
10. SOJ (Turnabout Revolution is great but the rest of the game is pretty mediocre and I don't like how they portrayed Phoenix in this game)
9. AA1 (extremely hot take I know, imo if you take away the fact that this game started it all I feel like it's just lacking in substance compared to the other games, case 1 is a great tutorial case but extremely boring case if you treat it like an actual turnabout, case 2 is pretty decent but not anything impressive, it does however establish the dynamics of the characters well, case 3 is a third case, case 4 is the only standout and is easily one of the best cases in all of Ace Attorney but it alone can't carry the game, case 5 is pretty good narrative wise but the gameplay sucks)
8. JFA (similar to AA1 but it's Farewell my turnabout instead)
7. DD (it retconned a lot of things from AJ, some of the returning characters felt like they were added because of a need for continuity/fan service rather than a role for the story, that being said Blackquill is amazing, Athena is....I'll be honest, I never liked Athena that much but I still think she is a well written character)
6. PL vs PW (I don't remember much about the game but from what I heard this should be an appropriate spot, I will say that the characters were all entertaining)
5. TGAA1 (Bad pacing is this game's biggest downfall, I have nothing positive to say about this game that nobody else already said)
4. AJ (extremely unique approach to the series which I appreciate, I personally think case 1 and 4 are peak *even if the latter has some gameplay issues* case 3 ain't even that bad aside from bad pacing and some weird leaps of logic)
3. T&T (I actually prefer AJ over T&T but ignoring my bias, T&T is just the better game with consistently entertaining characters, great antagonists and a satisfying ending)
2. AAI2 (nothing to explain)
1. TGAA2 (nothing to explain)
plvspw at 10 is crazy
@@absoIute-Iy Yep, it is 😭
Bro this is literally my list but swap DD and SOJ lol
eyy, that's awesome! 😄
We're finally getting AAI2 😭
Although... EUSTACE WINNER? Come on, they could do better than that lol.
I get the frustration with the new names and not sticking with the fan translated names, but on the other hand not everyone had the chance to play the fan translated version and will play thos game fresh. I'm not too disappointed with their new names coz I'm just so happy that we're finally getting this game worldwide 😊 But I do understand the frustration. But Eustace Winner also sounds like Useless Winner which does kinda fit with Debeste 😁
he'll always be sebastian debeste in my heart, but it is in character for blaise to hate him enough to name him EUSTACE
Are you excited to get hugged by Eddie Fender?
@@Lichtkrieger13 I sure am 😁
Nah, Apollo was a more likeable character to me than Trucy. I had to go through the entire AJ game twice as well as the 2 sequels just to decide that Trucy was indeed a decent character. At the very least, better than Maya for sure. I enjoyed Apollo way more in AJ than I did in either of the other two games he was in. And your proposed narrative of us spending more time with Kristoph would have cut Phoenix and Trucy out of the game for far more time. Which would have underdeveloped Trucy and broken the entire formula of having a girl investigate with you. It would have changed EVERYTHING about the game, all for what? More Kristoph development? Why? He is just another Dahlia Hawthorne. He didn't need to be built up more as the big mastermind, because the game wasnt ABOUT him. The same way Manfred von Karma didn't need to be fleshed out more, sometimes people are just crazy and do bad things for seemingly no reason. If every villain was built up to and fleshed out then we would get bored of that too. Klavier should have gotten more development, yes. The game isn't perfect, but none of the AA games are. Yes, the cases are hit or miss, but at least it is more of an AA game than the Layton crossover. I am not saying any of this to say you are so wrong for liking it the least, because that's fair, the second case is very slow, but it wasn't as bad as you make it sound either, and changing the entire narrative would have changed all the characters involved. Which is not necessarily a good thing.
Dai Gyakuten Saiban is...alright. But I didn't care for the overly Britishness. I wish more of it was set in old timey Japan instead. I was able to get through the first 2 cases and then half the 3rd before I got bored.
Spirit of Justice is kinda overhyped honestly. I liked Athena's case the most. I loved Uendo Toneido especially. He is honestly my favorite witness ever in the series. But the rest was just over the top in a way that AA games aren't usually. And people overly appreciate it, they praise nearly everything about it and I just do not get it.
Thank you so much for your comment. It is always interesting to hear other people's opinions. You've convinced me with your take on Kristoph and it makes sense. Sadly, AJ is still my least favourite in the franchise, but I definitely don't hate it. Which is why I love the AA series 😊
Interesting ranking
I disagree with some points but still valid ranking
My ranking would be(there will be spoilers so beware people who did not play some games)
Now my reasons
I actually hate AJ with burning passion
So my hate comes from hobo phoenix-basically assasinated phoenix,apollo being there so you can remove him,kristoph is one of the worst final villains, klavier is the worst written prosecutor,all cases were bad for me, and the buildup is screamed "we have a biased jury,screw you"
I dislike most of the cases(except case 4 and DLC) Athena is underutulized, phantom sucks as a villain,pacing is horrendous, culprits were honestly one of the worst in the series, and the dark age of the law-the worst plot in the series
I like case 2,4 and half of case 5
The story and characters are Forgetable, pacing is really bad
There are a lot of unlikable characters and edgeworth is the same-no development
I only liked case 4, franziska is poorly written and honestly one of the worst prosecutors in the series for me
But characters,story, saved this game for me from putting it lower
I hate case 1 and 2 (one of the worst in the series for me), case 3 is very good but the plot twist logic is dumb, case 4 is ok case 5 is mid
The pacing is the worst in the series here
All cases except 3 drag as hell
Also I hate joint and reasoning cause of you waste so much time on it and it is incredibly easy,
Case 1 is ok but boring case 2 and 3 are very good case 4 is bad
The whole plot twist ruined my interest in the game immediately
Also characters are Forgetable
I like case 1,case 2 is really bad,case 3 is good case 4 and 5 are fantastic
But pacing is bad(especially in case 2,3 and 5)
Anything else is good
I like case 1 I love case 2(my fav 2nd case in the series) case 3 is good(even tho the beginning is bad but then case pacing picks up quite nicely) case 4 is ok and case 5 is fantastic
I like nahyuta more than franziska in JFA(she felt more annoying and more repetitive,also she is not relevant to the plot)
I like this story and this court system, it brings intense right off the bat
Garan is a great villain
She is underrated(she is better than kristoph and phantom)
Rayfa has a good character development
Apollo develops correctly this time
Unlike many people I somehow enjoyed nahyuta development
I like all cases except 2 which I hate(it has redeeming qualities tho)
Pacing is better but It can still drag on
Case 1 is very good but pacing
Case 3 is fantastic but pacing and sithe was a underwhelming culprit
Case 4 is good
Case 5 is fantastic but I hate the hologram sholmes with burning passion
I got the feeling that this game was rushed(in later cases) some stuff was explained poorly
But still very good game
Case 1 is good case 2 is fantastic with flaws, case 3 is mid case 3 is good case 5 is fantastic
It is the best conclusion to the trilogy,all characters arcs are done
Dahlia is the best culprit in the trilogy(not my fav tho)
But there are flaws
This game is poorly paced sometimes,case 3 logic and other stuff was just obnoxious, and larry is the victim of flanderization
The best game for me
It is not flawless
Not by a long shot
But I had the least amount of problems in this game than the aforementioned ones
All cases were at least good
Case 1 is fantastic, case 2 is good
Case 3 is very good,case 4 is fantastic, case 5 is fantastic
All culprits were enjoyable for me, logic is good,mysteries are very creative, and finally edgeworth and gumshoe developed
Even kay and lang to some degree developed
Logic chess is the best mechanic for me
It is easy but very challenging
I liked the most character than in the other entries, story is very good, simon keyes is the best culprit without a doubt(also the best plot twist)
He is smart,cunning has a good backstory,well-written and finally
The final villain is just a normal guy with no power whatsoever-so refreshing
Playing as gregory also puts it this high,and we see badd again(my fav character from AAI1)
And the way the plot connects itself-beautiful
But there are flaws,such as pacing lotta was annoying,courtney was not well written but still I love her,
Dane gustavia is underwhelming but still a good culprit, and SS-5 felt like a idea from the start but it also felt like it was squeezed in case 5(case 5 should have been split into two for better pacing)
Despite those flaws,this is the game I enjoyed the most
Hope you make more vid about AA
Thank you for your list and in-depth thoughts. Always great to hear other people's opinions. 😊
Before I provide my list, I must first instill hope in those who read this comment, that yes, GK2 WILL be localized soon. Considering DGS1 and 2 were also Japan exclusive and localized in a Chronicles bundle, it would make sense for GK1 and GK2 to receive the same fate, localizing the latter in so doing. It would also be a great move for Capcom financially since everyone is going to eat up the AA Investigations Chronicles like hotcakes. It may come out after GS7, but I highly doubt it since it wouldn't make sense at this point.
So here's my rankings from worst to best:
Thank you for your list and yes, let's hope GK2 released soon! 😊
You're delusional, Investigations 2 is a dead game. It would never be translated and shown off in a Nintendo Direct. Just stop giving yourself false hope.
1: T&T
2. AAI2
3. AAI1
4. AA1
5. JFA
6. AJ
Thank you for your list 😊