avanti is a long distance spike. the tokyo version of the avanti doesnt have a spike plate. not the greatest shoe. the spikes push on the bottom of your forefoot as well. can feel bruising from where the spikes push through a few days after. The avanti tokyo version just feets like a racing flat with spikes. the energy rods dont give as much snap as a spike plate. this black version looks like they addressed that problem.
they are not for 800m or 1500m so yr review is pointless....... it like take a garden spade and telling us its not very good for cutting up your meat pie on your plate. Adidas Ambition are the spikes designed for 800m/1500m......... no need to thank me.
Thanks for the review I haven't heard much more about them
Are they the same as the tokyo ones you already reviewed or a totally different feel? Have you tried the ambition?
avanti is a long distance spike. the tokyo version of the avanti doesnt have a spike plate. not the greatest shoe. the spikes push on the bottom of your forefoot as well. can feel bruising from where the spikes push through a few days after. The avanti tokyo version just feets like a racing flat with spikes. the energy rods dont give as much snap as a spike plate. this black version looks like they addressed that problem.
So its the upgrade to the Tokyo one just not the same Name?
The long distance version ( which is the one he is testing)
But this are for 5-10k !!!
they are not for 800m or 1500m so yr review is pointless....... it like take a garden spade and telling us its not very good for cutting up your meat pie on your plate. Adidas Ambition are the spikes designed for 800m/1500m......... no need to thank me.