Did the Trojan War Really Happen?

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 3,4 тис.

  • @KingsandGenerals
    @KingsandGenerals  4 роки тому +1369

    No heels were wounded and no wives were stolen during the making of this documentary. If you are planning to get Total War Saga: Troy for free, consider doing it via our link: bit.ly/30S8L66 - it will be available for FREE for 24 hours.

    • @peymanmostafaei6963
      @peymanmostafaei6963 4 роки тому +66

      So can we expect a video on Gilgamesh, too!?

    • @KingsandGenerals
      @KingsandGenerals  4 роки тому +75

      @@peymanmostafaei6963 that is a fun topic, I will add it to the list

    • @denniscleary7580
      @denniscleary7580 4 роки тому +10

      It might be silly but have you considered doing something on the odyssey?

    • @ajithsidhu7183
      @ajithsidhu7183 4 роки тому +3

      @@KingsandGenerals pls do one on iberians and the sikh empire an

    • @christermi
      @christermi 4 роки тому +3

      Just an observation ; why don't you provide the viewer with photos of the archaeological sites , so as for him to get close to the history ?

  • @dialaskisel5929
    @dialaskisel5929 4 роки тому +2338

    "Total War was inevitable"
    I'm slightly disappointed that you didn't flash up an ad for the game at that moment.

    • @hedgehog3180
      @hedgehog3180 4 роки тому +57

      Reminds me of the intro cinematics for Kingdoms which always ended with the narrator saying "Total War".

    • @cypz
      @cypz 4 роки тому +1

      If we ant him to continue he will need to earn money on this. Relax and let him do both.

    • @juliuscaesar8925
      @juliuscaesar8925 4 роки тому +2

      I was laughing so hard on that comment that my vocal chords hurt

    • @JonatasAdoM
      @JonatasAdoM 4 роки тому +3

      The gods have intervened to avoid such heinous act.

    • @JonatasAdoM
      @JonatasAdoM 4 роки тому +4

      @@hedgehog3180 Medieval II truly had some Apocalyptic level intros; and then the Mongols come midway through it.

  • @crusader7659
    @crusader7659 4 роки тому +1979

    He’s trying to start a fight between the history and classics majors

  • @princeamori
    @princeamori 3 роки тому +761

    Whoever made the graphics for this video, love it!

    • @elderscry74
      @elderscry74 3 роки тому

      @@deathmax1018 ergo sum

    • @elderscry74
      @elderscry74 3 роки тому

      @@deathmax1018 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non risus. Suspendisse lectus tortor, dignissim sit amet, adipiscing nec, ultricies sed, dolor. Cras elementum ultrices diam. Maecenas ligula massa, varius a, semper congue, euismod non, mi. Proin porttitor, orci nec nonummy molestie, enim est eleifend mi, non fermentum diam nisl sit amet erat. Duis semper. Duis arcu massa, scelerisque vitae, consequat in, pretium a, enim. Pellentesque congue. Ut in risus volutpat libero pharetra tempor. Cras vestibulum bibendum augue. Praesent egestas leo in pede. Praesent blandit odio eu enim. Pellentesque sed dui ut augue blandit sodales. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam nibh. Mauris ac mauris sed pede pellentesque fermentum. Maecenas adipiscing ante non diam sodales hendrerit.

    • @flyhighmcfree5755
      @flyhighmcfree5755 3 роки тому

      Shenim: Ne Anglisht me poshte, per audiencen e lexuesit nderkombetare, ne menyre qe ceshtja Shqiptare ne "Greqi" te nderkombetarizohet.
      Greece” will be soon excluded any participation and denied any and all voting rights in the European Union to any matters related to Albania.
      This because “Greece” has a flagrant, open and grave conflict of interest as a European Union member related to all matters concerning Albania in the European Union - starting with the Law of the Declaration of War against Albania, which is in effect in the present (i.e. Greece, currently, is in a state of war with Albania), and many other matters that constitute blatant conflict of interest of “Greece” in the European Union concerning Albania.
      Greece also has not yet paid the reparations of about 600 billion dollars to Albania - regarding the occupation through the Greek territory of Albania by Germany in 1943, and regarding the ethnocide and holocaust of Greece against Albanians in Albania (Chams and Albanians in southern Albania), and against its own citizens of Albanian descent (numbering over 9 million today in Greece).
      The vote of “Greece” in the European Union is the only thing left for this “Greece” to bully Albania related to all matters in the relations between this “Greece” and Albania.
      Albanian government should quickly set up a team of qualified attorneys to file a lawsuit with the European Commission to exclude Greece from any decision making in the European Commission regarding Albania.
      On the other hand, Albanian government should act as an equal and reciprocate - by immediately putting on the table its counter requirements that the European Union and European Commission must fulfill to open the road for the Albania joining the European Union in equal footing and as an equal partner and in parity.
      One of those non-negotiable requirements should be that “Greece” be excluded immediately from any decision making and vote regarding Albania and Albanian related matters in the European Union and European Commission.
      European Union and European Commission are not mafia type organizations, ”that will blindly do whatever a member of the mob organization would demand”.
      This “Greece” is acting like a member of the Camorra and/or a typical “Greek” mob underworld that can force its will on other mobsters by asking for other mob members total submission and obedience to its demands.
      Greece should also be expelled from the European Union and NATO - as a country that does not fulfill any and all criteria/requirements to be in the European Union and NATO, and because Greece is a dictatorship in the middle of Europe that does not recognize any rights at all for over 9 million Albanians/Arvanites and Chams in Greece.
      The so-called “Greece” is a made-up and fake country - made out of ethnic cleansing, racism, holocaust and ethnocide against Albanians (Arvanites and Chams) of Lower Albania.
      All (100%) leading and senior commanders of the 1821 revolution in the Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today - a name without any factual and historical meaning), where Albanians (Chams and Arvanites).
      Up until 1832, all that region (called “Greece” today) spoke only Albanian.
      Out of 100% of the people living there in that region up until 1832, about 92-95% were Albanians (Arvanites and Chams), the rest were minorities.
      The first session of the first newly elected Parliament in 1832, of this so-called nowadays "Greece", held its full Parliament proceedings in the Albanian language ("Greek/Koine" language did not exist back then in the region/area called “Greece” today).
      What is appalling to the international community of scientists and historians, is that "Greek" government today has put a total ban on the access, research and publication of the archival documentations (classified as "top secret") of the first Parliamentary session of 1832 in "Greece" - and this is a clear evidence that today, "Greek" government is trying by all and any means in its disposal to hide the historical truth about how this "Greece" of today it came about to be.
      Albanians are the descendants of Pelasgians and Illyrians (since 10,000 years and more ago).
      Alexander the Great -was a Pelasgian King of Illyrian/Pelasgian Confederation of Macedonia, falsely presented as "Greek" by con and "planted" historians.
      *The Trojan War - was a war between Kingdoms of Pelasgians and Illyrians - both ancient Albanian kingdoms/confederations, falsely represented as “Greek” by con and planted “historians” (like the one in this video here).*
      Homer's "Iliad and Odyssey" epic poems are Pelasgian era poems - falsely represented as "Greek" by con and planted "historians" (like the one in this video here).
      The Thermopylae Battle - was a battle between Pelasgian army (Sparta - a Pelasgian city) and Persian army, falsely represented as "Greek" battle against Persians by con and planted "historians".
      The Koine/”Greek” language (a made-up religious language of Roman Empire times - same as Latin language was a religious language for the western part of the Roman Empire), was forced onto Albanians of that region (Arvanites and Chams) after 1832, through ethnic cleansing, holocaust and ethnocide by European powers (through racist Prince Otto of Germany), Russian Empire of that time, and the dangerous anti-Christian sect/cult called “Anadolli Greek Orthodox Church”.
      There is no such thing as “Greece”.
      Greece is a scam country, artificially created by 1832, from the mafia type collusion of corrupt European powers of that time who brought Prince Otto of Germany to power in that region, Russian Empire of that time, and the dangerous anti-Christian sect/cult of so-called Anadolli Greek Orthodox Church of that time (1832).
      This country so-called “Greece”, has gone entirely bankrupt and belly-up five times from 1832 through 2018, has changed the “official language” of the country two times, and has changed the national flag three times from 1832 through 2019.
      The latest and current national flag of this “Greece” being a blue-color replica of the East India Company flag (the British company who ruled and controlled all trade to and from India during the British rule in India).
      This is enough to tell all, who this made-up country really is - a country with no real and true national identity, a zombie country.
      If it was not for the free money from Germany, Russian Empire and European powers of that time (1832) and European Union now being poured every year to this “Greece” since 1832 through present, this kind of country would cease to exist tomorrow.
      And the big joke is, that this “Greece” is in a state of war with Albania today.
      This “Greece” has officially declared war against Albania since October 1940 - through the Law of the Declaration of War against Albania, approved by the “Greek” parliament and the foreign powers’ installed King for “Greece” on October 1940.
      Freedom and full human and national rights to 9 million Albanians of Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today). Freedom to Albanians of Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today).
      Albanian should be the official language of the Lower Albania, and the country should be officially called and internationally recognized as Lower Albania.
      Sons of Laberia, Permeti Boys, Gjirokastra Boys, and Brotherhood of Arberors/Arvanites and Chams of Kryekuq-it, Athines, Varibobi-it, Malakasa-s, Arte-s, Lopesi-t, Ekali-t, Konice-s, Paramithise, Lluce-s, Parges, Janines, Bojati-t, Follorines, Koklat-it, Mani-t, Neokori-t, More-se, Livadhja-se, Tebes (Dhiva-s), Filatit, Kosturit, Patra-s, Atikes, Morsa-se, Eube-se, Makrijani-t, Eksohi-se, Plakes, Has-it (Fili-t), Menidhi-t, Mesongjise, Meliti-t, Thiva-s, Hurupisht-it, Ksanthi-se, Filipjadha-s, Komisi-t, Mecove-s, Sofiko-s, Kalohori-t, Pandalejmon-it, Argo-s, Kartereze-s, Vrastove-s, Shqefar-it, Arvanica-s, Drestiko-s, Qiuteza-s, Tholo-s, Mandrica-s, Selanikut, Tanagra-s, Sakko-s, Kliso-s, Peristeri-t, Thurio-s, Vothona-s, Komotini-se, Grebene-se, Gusmar-it, Prevezes, Andro-s, Mesollongji-t, Margellic-it, Skorpiona-s, Thrakes, Qipi-t, Frari-t, Liosio-s, Kapandriti-t, and the rest of more than 4500 Albanian villages and towns throughout Lower Albania - Athina, November 2020, Lower Albania

    • @underscore_nick1344
      @underscore_nick1344 3 роки тому +16

      Man what is wrong with the comment thread. It started out great and now look at it

    • @rickjohnson9558
      @rickjohnson9558 2 роки тому +1

      This is better than a semester of Greek History at a state college! Well done!

  • @tovarishlumberjack2356
    @tovarishlumberjack2356 4 роки тому +2903

    I love the myth that the surviving trojans went to italy under aneas and then became the ancestors of the romans and eventually formed rome

    • @SpyrosKos10
      @SpyrosKos10 4 роки тому +337

      if you google about cesar its says hes family decent from the founders of rome which themselves originates from aneas, it is well known that greeks always made colonies in italian penynsoula, and so many went there for refuge after wars.

    • @neutronalchemist3241
      @neutronalchemist3241 4 роки тому +163

      For that matter, Diomedes, after having to flee from Argo, was said to have founded several cities on the Adriatic Italian coast.

    • @tovarishlumberjack2356
      @tovarishlumberjack2356 4 роки тому +186

      @@SpyrosKos10 trojans r no greeks mate....

    • @Wallyworld30
      @Wallyworld30 4 роки тому +31

      hell hath no fury like a woman scorned

    • @tovarishlumberjack2356
      @tovarishlumberjack2356 4 роки тому +19

      @@Wallyworld30 what

  • @napoleonibonaparte7198
    @napoleonibonaparte7198 4 роки тому +1358

    We would have known more if Schliemann didn’t use TNT

    • @evocatus8
      @evocatus8 4 роки тому +114

      if not Schliemann, Troy might not have been discovered until today

    • @merchantofmogadishu3579
      @merchantofmogadishu3579 4 роки тому +297

      EVOCATUS but he destroyed half of it

    • @lucaslimo
      @lucaslimo 4 роки тому +63

      @@merchantofmogadishu3579 half is better than none

    • @supergkop5678
      @supergkop5678 4 роки тому +344

      @@evocatus8 Not really. Schliemann was not the one who actually discovered the location. He was told about it by Frank Calvert who owned some of the land the mound was on. Without Schliemann someone else could have just as easily done it and depending on the person(aka anyone with common sense who could figure out that using TNT on a historical site is dumb) likely better than Schliemann.

    • @kofi-kun6420
      @kofi-kun6420 4 роки тому +48

      In my mind this seems to be a misconception, I'm no expert but it rather sounded like that a bunch of potential arcological important places were indeed known just that nobody bothered to study them. As far as I know arcological studies indeed are a pretty "recent" thing.

  • @Iamav15
    @Iamav15 3 роки тому +406

    “Get up Prince of Troy, get up. I won’t let a rock take my glory”.

    • @marloyorkrodriguez9975
      @marloyorkrodriguez9975 3 роки тому +36

      'You sack of wine!'

    • @hexebarya7395
      @hexebarya7395 3 роки тому +13

      Stone not rock

    • @hexebarya7395
      @hexebarya7395 3 роки тому +9

      @@rhysnichols8608 I heared youre good at charming other mens wife

    • @giorgosgalanos9888
      @giorgosgalanos9888 3 роки тому +4

      Alexander the Great said something similar. He said...
      "I do not steal the victory".
      (Greek: Ου κλέπτω την νίκην).
      It was a reply to the suggestion made by Parmenion, before the Battle of Gaugamela, that he attack the Persian camp during the night.

    • @zoetropo1
      @zoetropo1 3 роки тому

      @@hexebarya7395 German not Breton?

  • @nikhtose
    @nikhtose 4 роки тому +1349

    Most historians agree now that the Bronze Age collapse was the result of a "systems failure" -- a series of simultaneous catastrophes, any one of which would not have been fatal, brought down the highly integrated multi-state trade and economic structures that ruined highly centralized societies. These include (1) drought, (2) famine, (3) sequential earthquakes and (4) consequent uprisings and sea-borne raids and plunder (the "Sea Peoples") by desperate masses.

    • @cbrtdgh4210
      @cbrtdgh4210 4 роки тому +160

      soon to be known as 'a 2020'.

    • @marcelo_pendragon
      @marcelo_pendragon 4 роки тому +82

      I watched that "Historia Civilis" video too

    • @ottovonbismarck2443
      @ottovonbismarck2443 4 роки тому +116

      It is believed, that the core of the Sea People came from modern Sicily, Sardinia and Italy. As with all major raiding parties these days, they would have "assimilated" any adventure-seeking "businessman" making the party very multi-cultural. If you think about it, Odysseus (if he existed) might as well have spent the ten years after the fall of Troy taking part in these raids. With all known empires (except for Egypt) going down, I assume the Sea People found a lot of opportunities as well as volunteers.

    • @oldrabbit8290
      @oldrabbit8290 4 роки тому +81

      it's would be awesome if the trigger is actually the Trojan War itself.. After all, it was a very long war fought on distant land - it would be very expensive both in term of material and manpower for the Mycenaean (and maybe the Hittite).. It could finally break the Mycenaean society and economy, which led to uprisings that destroyed many Mycenaean sites.. As the Mycenaean collapsed, their trade network followed suit; and when coupled with natural disaster like earthquakes, droughts, and Thera eruption , it led many seafaring communities that used to depend on trade, to turn to raiding (hence the Sea Peoples)..

    • @ottovonbismarck2443
      @ottovonbismarck2443 4 роки тому +27

      @@romandacil3984 If you mean Santorini, the Tsunami that followed the eruption literally washed the Minoan culture away. The volcanic winter added to the trouble.

  • @TREYtheExplainer
    @TREYtheExplainer 4 роки тому +798

    Man, this video was amazing! The production quality is down right fantastic 👏🏻 awesome work!

    • @REHANKHAN-en5zn
      @REHANKHAN-en5zn 4 роки тому +9

      You should also do one on such topics. I follow your channel.

    • @edenli6421
      @edenli6421 4 роки тому +12

      I did not expect to find you here! Love your content as well.

    • @neo-filthyfrank1347
      @neo-filthyfrank1347 4 роки тому +5

      Go away Trey, nobody likes you.

    • @loremastedex
      @loremastedex 4 роки тому +8

      Wow didnt expect you here, love your content man. Keep up the good work

    • @spinakker14
      @spinakker14 4 роки тому +6

      Hey Trey!

  • @mikolajtrzeciecki7979
    @mikolajtrzeciecki7979 4 роки тому +104

    A reason why Troy was such an important point remains unmentioned in this material.
    There is a constant sea current running from the Black Sea towards the Egean. Also winds blow predominantly in this direction. Merchant ships were dependant on winds (no merchant would pay for a numerous rowing crew), thus they had to wait weeks long at the entry of the Hellespont for favourable weather. This is why the control of this single point was crucial and profitable.

    • @nukarr
      @nukarr 4 роки тому

      see my comment on the truth of it all

    • @gregorynixon2945
      @gregorynixon2945 Рік тому

      I'm sure they would pay for rowers or simply shanghai them. Even against the winds (which are only southward for part of the year) and the currents they had ways of shore hopping. But you're right, the main way to get into the Black Sea was when the winds changed allowing them to go against the current.

  • @animeyahallo3887
    @animeyahallo3887 4 роки тому +862

    Trojan War is true, a trojan horse just entered my laptop and I was able to defeat it with my anti virus apps allies. It was a pyrrhic victory as i had to reformat my laptop to win. Glad I have google drive.

  • @fz0r
    @fz0r 4 роки тому +178

    Homer lived between 8-7 century bc . The Trojan campaign happened around 1100 BC . Between all these years , the story of Trojan war was spread into societies with songs by Aoidoi ( Αοιδός, skill singers that were playing ancient instruments and sing in festivals ) and Rhapsodoi ( Ραψωδός , professional performers that were speaking the poems , using staffs to keep the beat and actually Rap the epic stories ) . What Homer did was to gather all these folklore epic stories and connect them into his two famous masterpieces . Iliad and Odyssey

    • @mysteriousDSF
      @mysteriousDSF Рік тому +16

      Bro I wish I could hear the fire lines they spat in the 900 BC Aegean

    • @jakeg3733
      @jakeg3733 Рік тому +9

      Intuitively, I feel there must be some truth to the legend. The war makes sense from a strategic perspective, there is archeological evidence, and the fact the story was such a big deal and had been transmitted so far says that the basic points of the myth are probably true. Greek city states went to war with city states in Anatolia. It lasted years, and when they returned home they found invading tribes had taken over (Odysseus and the suitors, a reference to Dorians from the north I reckon). A lot of the Odyssey struck me as somewhere between allegory and metaphor for what was happening during the "bronze age collapse". And this is probably why modern Greeks are so damn excitable, always yelling and being intense

    • @gregorynixon2945
      @gregorynixon2945 Рік тому +2

      Obviously. And, by all indications, many of the legends from which Homer & suchlike drew were so ancient they came from a time before city palaces and or even before seafaring had been discovered by the proto-Greeks.

    • @gregorynixon2945
      @gregorynixon2945 Рік тому +1

      More like 1200 BCE. But your point is correct. After resisting the idea that Homer was mostly a fabulist who did pass on some ancient memories of weapons and names, I have to admit that archaeology reveals Homer knew nothing of real history. He was entirely unaware of the vast Hittite Empire that pretty much surrounded the Troad at that time.

      @DEATHBYJOKES01 Рік тому +1

      I spit hot fire wasn't a magic trick..

  • @Catman2123
    @Catman2123 4 роки тому +1435

    Calvert: “Yeah man, this hill? It’s totally Troy.”
    Schliemann: “No way! Really??”
    Calvert: **stifled laughter** “For sure.”
    Schliemann: **digs up 9 settlements dating back to possibly even the chalcolithic** “HOLY SHIT IT’S TROY!!!”
    Calvert: “huh?”

    • @runner6607
      @runner6607 3 роки тому +21


    • @DarkAngelEU
      @DarkAngelEU 3 роки тому +63

      I was thinking the same thing while watching lol

    • @Universal..
      @Universal.. 3 роки тому +47

      Historical point =
      Homer in the Iliad and the Odyssey speaks only of Danaans, Achaeans, Argians and not of Greeks.
      The Hellenes (tribe of Southern Thessaly also called Argos Pelasgians), at his time, did not constitute yet a people or a Nation (Thucydides I,3).
      He affirms in the Iliad that "Zeus is Pelasgians and dodonean" (XVI,234).
      Precisely these Pelasgians (🇦🇱) were considered by all the ancient Greek authors as "the first inhabitants of Greece" before "The arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷)"!
      Another word that was misunderstood or glossed over. Indeed the Greeks arrived from somewhere because they were not indigenous.
      As they did not come from the North ( one wanted to make us believe the opposite), they could only be foreigners coming from elsewhere.
      It is this elsewhere which is difficult to define very precisely. But the legends, which are only embellished, idealized or metaphorized historical facts, give us some precious indications on the first foreign ethnic groups having occupied the country of the Pelasgians: the Danaans (Egyptians from whom the Dorians descend), the Cadmeans (Phoenicians) and the Pelopides (Assyrians).
      Among the peoples of archaic Greece the Ionians, Aeolians and Arcadians were descendants of the Pelasgians, indigenous populations conquered by the Hellenic invaders: they could claim to be indigenous populations.
      All the ancient authors, including Homer, Hesiod, Hecateus of Miletus, Acousilaos, Hellanicos, Herodotus, Thucydides or Ephorus, inform us succinctly but sufficiently to affirm that before the arrival of the Greeks the Pelasges (🇦🇱) occupied the country that was to become Greece.
      They also claim that these Pelasges were not Greeks but "Barbaros" i.e. not speaking Greek and, finally, that they LEGAVED TO THE GREEKS A LARGE PART OF THEIR CULTES AND DIVINE.
      Example: So, everyone has learned (at school etc ...) that Zeus was a Greek god, right?
      But why in the books of Homer (the basis of the bases!) we never see the so-called "Greek Zeus, Mycenaean Zeus or Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      Here is what Achilles (the greatest warrior of the Trojan War) tells us about Zeus =
      Achilles: - "Zeus, sovereign lord, O Dodonian prince, O you Pelasgic Zeus (🇦🇱), distant god who reigns over Dodona, in this harsh land of the Stool... "
      Source : Homer ( Iliad, XVI, 233/234 )
      Achilles did not say " O you Zeus the Greek, O you Zeus the Mycenaean or O you Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      So why did they tell us that Zeus was a Greek?
      With this alone, we can see that modern historiography is not honest!
      Zeus = Zâ, Zani ( gheg ), Zê, Zeri ( Tosk )
      Before securing power over the other gods, Zeus was the god of the luminous sky, of atmospheric phenomena (clouds, rain, wind, lightning, thunder).
      It was said of him "Zeus rains or Zeus thunders". With Homer and Hesiod, he acquired a preeminent role among the gods of Olympus and a place of choice in the mytological cosmogony.
      Some say that the name Zeus evokes the Sanskrit root "Dyaus" meaning "the day" (Latin Dies). However Homer states that "Zeus is Pelasgic 🇦🇱 and Dodonean" ( Iliad XVI,234).
      The oldest sanctuary, dedicated by the Pelasges to Zeus, is that of Dodone, in Thesprotia (ancient Pelasgia, called Epirus, the 5th century) .
      In Dodona was a sacred oak whose rustling leaves were interpreted by the oracle as the "VOICE" of Zeus.
      The attributes of Zeus are the Eagle, the Lightning and the Scepter. Moreover, lightning means "thunder", thus "noise" or "voice".
      Thus the name of Zeus can be explained by the Albanian "Zâ, Zani, the "voice", the verb".
      With the arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷) this oracle lost its importance to Delphi, the "Greek" sanctuary (of Apollo) par excellence.
      It should be noted that in Albania, God is called Zot (Zeus = Zojz = Zot), all religions combined. Moreover the expression "by Zeus" (who forgives) is always used there "për zotën".
      Porphyry (Life of Pythagoras) reports that Pythagoras used "Zan" to designate Zeus! )
      This alone is enough to convince us that a great civilization, not Greek, existed WELL BEFORE THE ARRIVAL OF THE HELLENES (🇬🇷)
      "The name Pelasgians was probably that of a nation and, in any case, THE GREEK EXPLANATIONS ON THIS SUBJECT ARE ABSURD!"
      Source: The History of Rome Volume I, p.507
      It is the meaning of this famous word "ARRIVED" that the modern authors (majority) did not quite seize (or occulted).
      Everything has been said and its opposite on this subject. Until the discovery of the so-called Mycenaean tablets, "deciphered" by Ventris and Chadwick, the doubt remained in their minds!
      But as soon as these two scholars decreed that the Mycenaean linear B (in reality Pelasgians!) was of the old Greek, all rocked in favor of the thesis of the continuity of the two civilizations (Mycenaean and Greek) and this in spite of FOUR CENTURIES, I repeat "FOUR CENTURIES !!!! "of MAGISTRATIC SILENCE!
      It is this theory that Mathieu Aref dismantles with arguments to SUPPORT because nobody suspected that this Mycenaean (total invention of Schliemann, who is not even an archaeologist but a Businessman! ) was none other than ancient Pelasgians (opinion of the Ancient Authors!) from which is derived, in part, the ancient Greek.
      Moreover of other flagrant argument comes to corroborate this last thesis:
      According to Herodotus ( I,57- VIII, 44- VII,95) the Ionians were Pelasgians (🇦🇱) become Hellenes (🇬🇷) by adopting the Greek language!
      The ethnonym "Ion" derives from the Pelasgic 🇦🇱 "I onë" ( in Albanian, I jonë ) meaning "ours", that is, by extension, "the one who is ( or was ) part of our family, of our ethnic group" .
      The assertion of Herodotus, according to which the Athenians and the inhabitants of Attica were of Pelasgic origin, is, before, confirmed by Hecateus of Miletus and, later, by Hellanicos of Mytilèbe (Lesbos) and other ancient authors.
      Curiously Thucydides, whose chauvinism is not any more to be shown, affirms that Pelops (conqueror of Peloponnese) was a was a foreigner come from Asia (I, 5): the only time when it evokes the foreign origin of one of its a
      - Therefore, the ancestors of the present Albanians, the Pelasgians, lived during the prehistoric periods in most of the then known world, developing a very important civilization and building works of exceptional value".
      Source: Great Greek Encyclopedia (Athens, volume. XIX p.873)
      - "Pelasgians, very ancient people living during the prehistoric period in Greece, in the Archipelago, on the coasts of Asia Minor and Italy. It is generally considered that the ancient Illyrians, Thracians, Phrygians, Lydians, Etruscans, Epirotes (...) and Albanians of today are the main branches of the Pelasgians".
      Source : Petit journal Larousse (Paris, 1950, p.1599)
      Karl O.Müller ( is a German archaeologist and mythologist )
      : - The more the intelligence will enter the history of Greece, the more the attention will return on the element Pelasgians sacrificed until now .
      (Prolegomena - 1825)
      "Will enter" "Pelasgians", "sacrificed".

    • @masstv9052
      @masstv9052 3 роки тому +79

      @@Universal.. Stop Spamming

    • @Universal..
      @Universal.. 3 роки тому +7

      @@masstv9052 I educate people ...
      I don't do anything wrong ...

  • @pathutchison9866
    @pathutchison9866 4 роки тому +461

    I’m starting to come around to the view that the “sea peoples” were a symptom of the Bronze Age collapse, and not the cause. They may have made the situation much worse, but you have to wonder why so many people were not only coming to invade, but also bringing their entire families and all their belongings with them. They were almost certainly looking for a place to settle, and the big question is why. What forced so many to relocate at the same time?

    • @shaolindreams
      @shaolindreams 4 роки тому +75

      The return of the Heracleidae or the Dorian invasion could be a possible explanation.The Dorians are one of the four main tribes of the Greeks, branches later became the Spartans and the Royal house of Macedonian. Achaean - Mycenaeans had to give up much of their land and settlements to the Dorians. Argos was taken and that's where the Macedonian Argead dynasty originated from, They claimed they were descended from Temenus who was a great-great-grandson of Heracles. Obviously it can't all be legit .. but we have to include this possible theory. If we take out the embellishments of myths we do find a lot of truths too.

    • @keithharper32
      @keithharper32 4 роки тому +131

      Well, let's look 2000 years later when something similar happened. As western Europe declined in power with the West Roman Empire, the peoples of the North saw an opening for raiding. At fisrt the vikings came to loot and plunder. Later, as they saw easier openings as the kingdoms unraveled from both internal politics and the strain of the raids, they began organized conquests, eventually bringing their families to settle areas they seized.
      Maybe that's what happened in the Mediterranean. The decline of the Superpowers created an opening for pirates that became increasingly emboldened until they moved in to stay. This is probably a bit simplistic, but may not be too far off in some ways.

    • @Bigmojojo
      @Bigmojojo 4 роки тому +19

      @@keithharper32 that's actually a very good theory and highly possible

    • @abalogan
      @abalogan 4 роки тому +13

      I heard an Archhiologest say this, when asked what do we know about the bronze age collapse "A Layer of destruction from Greece to Syria and Lebanon" so it's a symptom about as much as a major heart attack....

    • @Killzoneguy117
      @Killzoneguy117 4 роки тому +24

      @Evalation It's interesting you mention that. Herodotus notes that many of the Scythians and Thracians that lived around the Danube and Black Sea believed themselves to be direct descendants of Heracles. It makes me wonder now whether the Dorians could have been the ancestors of these Scythians and Thracians migrating south and settling in Greece, hence giving rise to the idea of the "Heracleida restoration".

  • @frankteunissen6118
    @frankteunissen6118 4 роки тому +423

    Strange that the strategic situation of the city that was once there isn’t mentioned. It controlled the entrance to the Dardanelles and thereby access to the Black Sea. It would be logical for the Mycenaeans to get into conflict with whoever controlled that access at some time or other, because the Black Sea was important to them economically. And that is entirely separate with their issues with the Hittites.

    • @camponotusinflatus9920
      @camponotusinflatus9920 3 роки тому +2


    • @amalialovesicecream
      @amalialovesicecream 3 роки тому +34

      Agree. In my day, we were taught that the war was for control of the Dardanelles Straits. As he said, the Mycenaeans were sea traders. Troy's control of the entrance of the straits with tariffs and fees and probably broken agreements (from both sides) was reason enough to wage war. He didn't mention that Mycenaeans had a few colonies -Ilion(troy) being one. They in turn developed closer ties with the Hittites and other local peoples alienating themselves from the Achaeans. Also, the name Assuwa was later called "Asia."

    • @camponotusinflatus9920
      @camponotusinflatus9920 3 роки тому

      @@amalialovesicecream 👍

    • @SourSoup87
      @SourSoup87 3 роки тому +7

      Trojans are currently thought to be actually a member of city states federation of Luwians, evidently the only piece of written relic acquired dating back to that time from the Trojan dig sites was a single piece of messenger seal, in Luwian.

    • @xyAKMxy
      @xyAKMxy 3 роки тому +27

      @@SourSoup87 there is a possibility that Troy originated as a mycenaean colony to control the Dardanelles strait, but it was later captured by a native luwian tribe which would shift the trojan identity towards an anatolian one.

  • @NickSibz
    @NickSibz 3 роки тому +228

    This story is, by far and away, my favorite ancient story that I TRULY hoped actually happened. I know there's a lot of hearsay and blah blah but how cool would it honestly be if there was a truth to this and there really was an Achilles and Hector and they actually fought? Always been so fascinated by this story and even got Achilles' shield inked on my shoulder due tot he pure awe and respect I have for this epic.

    • @Universal..
      @Universal.. 2 роки тому +6

      Historical point =
      Homer in the Iliad and the Odyssey speaks only of Danaans, Achaeans, Argians and not of Greeks.
      The Hellenes (tribe of Southern Thessaly also called Argos Pelasgians), at his time, did not constitute yet a people or a Nation (Thucydides I,3).
      He affirms in the Iliad that "Zeus is Pelasgians and dodonean" (XVI,234).
      Precisely these Pelasgians (🇦🇱) were considered by all the ancient Greek authors as "the first inhabitants of Greece" before "The arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷)"!
      Another word that was misunderstood or glossed over. Indeed the Greeks arrived from somewhere because they were not indigenous.
      As they did not come from the North ( one wanted to make us believe the opposite), they could only be foreigners coming from elsewhere.
      It is this elsewhere which is difficult to define very precisely. But the legends, which are only embellished, idealized or metaphorized historical facts, give us some precious indications on the first foreign ethnic groups having occupied the country of the Pelasgians: the Danaans (Egyptians from whom the Dorians descend), the Cadmeans (Phoenicians) and the Pelopides (Assyrians).
      Among the peoples of archaic Greece the Ionians, Aeolians and Arcadians were descendants of the Pelasgians, indigenous populations conquered by the Hellenic invaders: they could claim to be indigenous populations.
      All the ancient authors, including Homer, Hesiod, Hecateus of Miletus, Acousilaos, Hellanicos, Herodotus, Thucydides or Ephorus, inform us succinctly but sufficiently to affirm that before the arrival of the Greeks the Pelasges (🇦🇱) occupied the country that was to become Greece.
      They also claim that these Pelasges were not Greeks but "Barbaros" i.e. not speaking Greek and, finally, that they LEGAVED TO THE GREEKS A LARGE PART OF THEIR CULTES AND DIVINE.
      Example: So, everyone has learned (at school etc ...) that Zeus was a Greek god, right?
      But why in the books of Homer (the basis of the bases!) we never see the so-called "Greek Zeus, Mycenaean Zeus or Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      Here is what Achilles (the greatest warrior of the Trojan War) tells us about Zeus =
      Achilles: - "Zeus, sovereign lord, O Dodonian prince, O you Pelasgic Zeus (🇦🇱), distant god who reigns over Dodona, in this harsh land of the Stool... "
      Source : Homer ( Iliad, XVI, 233/234 )
      Achilles did not say " O you Zeus the Greek, O you Zeus the Mycenaean or O you Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      So why did they tell us that Zeus was a Greek?
      With this alone, we can see that modern historiography is not honest!
      Zeus = Zâ, Zani ( gheg ), Zê, Zeri ( Tosk )
      Before securing power over the other gods, Zeus was the god of the luminous sky, of atmospheric phenomena (clouds, rain, wind, lightning, thunder).
      It was said of him "Zeus rains or Zeus thunders". With Homer and Hesiod, he acquired a preeminent role among the gods of Olympus and a place of choice in the mytological cosmogony.
      Some say that the name Zeus evokes the Sanskrit root "Dyaus" meaning "the day" (Latin Dies). However Homer states that "Zeus is Pelasgic 🇦🇱 and Dodonean" ( Iliad XVI,234).
      The oldest sanctuary, dedicated by the Pelasges to Zeus, is that of Dodone, in Thesprotia (ancient Pelasgia, called Epirus, the 5th century) .
      In Dodona was a sacred oak whose rustling leaves were interpreted by the oracle as the "VOICE" of Zeus.
      The attributes of Zeus are the Eagle, the Lightning and the Scepter. Moreover, lightning means "thunder", thus "noise" or "voice".
      Thus the name of Zeus can be explained by the Albanian "Zâ, Zani, the "voice", the verb".
      With the arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷) this oracle lost its importance to Delphi, the "Greek" sanctuary (of Apollo) par excellence.
      It should be noted that in Albania, God is called Zot (Zeus = Zojz = Zot), all religions combined. Moreover the expression "by Zeus" (who forgives) is always used there "për zotën".
      Porphyry (Life of Pythagoras) reports that Pythagoras used "Zan" to designate Zeus! )
      This alone is enough to convince us that a great civilization, not Greek, existed WELL BEFORE THE ARRIVAL OF THE HELLENES (🇬🇷)
      "The name Pelasgians was probably that of a nation and, in any case, THE GREEK EXPLANATIONS ON THIS SUBJECT ARE ABSURD!"
      Source: The History of Rome Volume I, p.507
      It is the meaning of this famous word "ARRIVED" that the modern authors (majority) did not quite seize (or occulted).
      Everything has been said and its opposite on this subject. Until the discovery of the so-called Mycenaean tablets, "deciphered" by Ventris and Chadwick, the doubt remained in their minds!
      But as soon as these two scholars decreed that the Mycenaean linear B (in reality Pelasgians!) was of the old Greek, all rocked in favor of the thesis of the continuity of the two civilizations (Mycenaean and Greek) and this in spite of FOUR CENTURIES, I repeat "FOUR CENTURIES !!!! "of MAGISTRATIC SILENCE!
      It is this theory that Mathieu Aref dismantles with arguments to SUPPORT because nobody suspected that this Mycenaean (total invention of Schliemann, who is not even an archaeologist but a Businessman! ) was none other than ancient Pelasgians (opinion of the Ancient Authors!) from which is derived, in part, the ancient Greek.
      Moreover of other flagrant argument comes to corroborate this last thesis:
      According to Herodotus ( I,57- VIII, 44- VII,95) the Ionians were Pelasgians (🇦🇱) become Hellenes (🇬🇷) by adopting the Greek language!
      The ethnonym "Ion" derives from the Pelasgic 🇦🇱 "I onë" ( in Albanian, I jonë ) meaning "ours", that is, by extension, "the one who is ( or was ) part of our family, of our ethnic group" .
      The assertion of Herodotus, according to which the Athenians and the inhabitants of Attica were of Pelasgic origin, is, before, confirmed by Hecateus of Miletus and, later, by Hellanicos of Mytilèbe (Lesbos) and other ancient authors.
      Curiously Thucydides, whose chauvinism is not any more to be shown, affirms that Pelops (conqueror of Peloponnese) was a was a foreigner come from Asia (I, 5): the only time when it evokes the foreign origin of one of its a
      - Therefore, the ancestors of the present Albanians, the Pelasgians, lived during the prehistoric periods in most of the then known world, developing a very important civilization and building works of exceptional value".
      Source: Great Greek Encyclopedia (Athens, volume. XIX p.873)
      - "Pelasgians, very ancient people living during the prehistoric period in Greece, in the Archipelago, on the coasts of Asia Minor and Italy. It is generally considered that the ancient Illyrians, Thracians, Phrygians, Lydians, Etruscans, Epirotes (...) and Albanians of today are the main branches of the Pelasgians".
      Source : Petit journal Larousse (Paris, 1950, p.1599)
      Karl O.Müller ( is a German archaeologist and mythologist )
      : - The more the intelligence will enter the history of Greece, the more the attention will return on the element Pelasgians sacrificed until now .
      (Prolegomena - 1825)
      "Will enter" "Pelasgians", "sacrificed"..

    • @timbrwolf1121
      @timbrwolf1121 2 роки тому +2

      The trojan horse is believed to have been found. Large oddly shaped wooden object within the gates. Had a plaque on it with an inscription referenced in one of the epics.

    • @syreallewyatt5048
      @syreallewyatt5048 2 роки тому +7

      Agree, I doubt theres an older story known to man, regardless of race, creed, religion where the heroes are "known". Almost every retelling of it is enjoyable. I think mainly because its a BEAUTIFULLY told story, song, poem, that by the storytelling alone it passed to today. I mean think of that. Seriously. Its well over 3,000yrs old, being generous time-wise. And its still, known, told, retold, TALKED about today. That is impressive. That deserves credit for story telling.

    • @syreallewyatt5048
      @syreallewyatt5048 2 роки тому

      @Lucius Domitus Aurelianus The fuck you on about?? I nvr mentioned either of the 2. I mentioned the poem and the storytelling

    • @disguisedcentennial835
      @disguisedcentennial835 Рік тому +1

      It happened

  • @Τζει-ε5δ
    @Τζει-ε5δ 4 роки тому +398

    *Sing, Muse, of the rage of Achillies*
    Most badass quote ever.

    • @elijah_oofoof8891
      @elijah_oofoof8891 4 роки тому +2


    • @hariszark7396
      @hariszark7396 4 роки тому +7

      The Greek pronunciation was a bit.....yikes...but anyway. 😉

    • @andywomack3414
      @andywomack3414 4 роки тому +5

      The reason for his rage was petty and all about his ego.
      It was first directed at Agamemnon over the possession of a trophy sex slave, Briseis. That sex was involve is speculative but I say how can it not be?

    • @hariszark7396
      @hariszark7396 4 роки тому +5

      @@andywomack3414 Agamemnon had originally took an other girl Hriseis as his trophy. But after her father had a prayer to God Appolo to bring a curse on the "Greek" army he had to give her back. After that he wanted a new girl and the most beautiful was Briseis the trophy of Achilles.
      The "ego" of Achilles is something that needs a big talk because he had to have a big ego to be the better warrior in the battle.

    • @andywomack3414
      @andywomack3414 4 роки тому +3

      @@hariszark7396 I suppose there is a lesson about how that "ego" can lead a person to disaster. In the case of Achilles he basically went on strike which cost his fellow warriors dearly and ultimately the life of Patrocles. What followed was the dishonorable slaying and mutilation of Hector. I believe "Iliad" to be a unfavorable narrative toward people who behaved like the characters in these heroic epics by Homer. Of course I look at this with modern eyes.

  • @orioni
    @orioni 4 роки тому +324

    Not-so-fun fact: Schliemann blew up part of the mound with dynamite to more quickly get to the bottom layer.

    • @MyQuadell
      @MyQuadell 4 роки тому +58

      He was a thief and a vandal. I hope Satan blew up the top layers of hell, just to get Scheimann down to the bottom layers quicker.

    • @sonnguyenvan1599
      @sonnguyenvan1599 4 роки тому +19

      @@darken2417 I hate to say, but your reasoning is more compelling man. I forgot about the people who let Schliemann have his way to begin with.

    • @MyQuadell
      @MyQuadell 4 роки тому +53

      @@darken2417 I look forward to your defense of the Taliban blowing up ancient and irreplaceable Buddhist statues!

    • @ademdogukankon4726
      @ademdogukankon4726 3 роки тому +4

      @@darken2417 How the fuck the government knew that he was going to open his way through with dynamites. Moreover, government gave the permission to excavate in exchange that he keeps the artifacts in the empire. I recommend to search the events rather than pointing fingers like an ignorant.

    • @TheStrangerTom
      @TheStrangerTom 3 роки тому +13

      @@ademdogukankon4726 I think the only thing he smuggled away from Turkey was 'Priams' treasure, and he did that because had he handed it over, the treasure would be melted for the precious metal - local authorites at that time were pretty corrupt. Also, I'm pretty sure using dynamite for excavations wasn't illegal at that time, and nobody would care.

  • @ryanwelker9801
    @ryanwelker9801 3 роки тому +41

    I think it’s incredibly important that we realize that there is always truth in legends and myths; no matter how small the truth is, it is always there and we just have to find it.

    • @Universal..
      @Universal.. 2 роки тому +4

      Historical point =
      Homer in the Iliad and the Odyssey speaks only of Danaans, Achaeans, Argians and not of Greeks.
      The Hellenes (tribe of Southern Thessaly also called Argos Pelasgians), at his time, did not constitute yet a people or a Nation (Thucydides I,3).
      He affirms in the Iliad that "Zeus is Pelasgians and dodonean" (XVI,234).
      Precisely these Pelasgians (🇦🇱) were considered by all the ancient Greek authors as "the first inhabitants of Greece" before "The arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷)"!
      Another word that was misunderstood or glossed over. Indeed the Greeks arrived from somewhere because they were not indigenous.
      As they did not come from the North ( one wanted to make us believe the opposite), they could only be foreigners coming from elsewhere.
      It is this elsewhere which is difficult to define very precisely. But the legends, which are only embellished, idealized or metaphorized historical facts, give us some precious indications on the first foreign ethnic groups having occupied the country of the Pelasgians: the Danaans (Egyptians from whom the Dorians descend), the Cadmeans (Phoenicians) and the Pelopides (Assyrians).
      Among the peoples of archaic Greece the Ionians, Aeolians and Arcadians were descendants of the Pelasgians, indigenous populations conquered by the Hellenic invaders: they could claim to be indigenous populations.
      All the ancient authors, including Homer, Hesiod, Hecateus of Miletus, Acousilaos, Hellanicos, Herodotus, Thucydides or Ephorus, inform us succinctly but sufficiently to affirm that before the arrival of the Greeks the Pelasges (🇦🇱) occupied the country that was to become Greece.
      They also claim that these Pelasges were not Greeks but "Barbaros" i.e. not speaking Greek and, finally, that they LEGAVED TO THE GREEKS A LARGE PART OF THEIR CULTES AND DIVINE.
      Example: So, everyone has learned (at school etc ...) that Zeus was a Greek god, right?
      But why in the books of Homer (the basis of the bases!) we never see the so-called "Greek Zeus, Mycenaean Zeus or Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      Here is what Achilles (the greatest warrior of the Trojan War) tells us about Zeus =
      Achilles: - "Zeus, sovereign lord, O Dodonian prince, O you Pelasgic Zeus (🇦🇱), distant god who reigns over Dodona, in this harsh land of the Stool... "
      Source : Homer ( Iliad, XVI, 233/234 )
      Achilles did not say " O you Zeus the Greek, O you Zeus the Mycenaean or O you Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      So why did they tell us that Zeus was a Greek?
      With this alone, we can see that modern historiography is not honest!
      Zeus = Zâ, Zani ( gheg ), Zê, Zeri ( Tosk )
      Before securing power over the other gods, Zeus was the god of the luminous sky, of atmospheric phenomena (clouds, rain, wind, lightning, thunder).
      It was said of him "Zeus rains or Zeus thunders". With Homer and Hesiod, he acquired a preeminent role among the gods of Olympus and a place of choice in the mytological cosmogony.
      Some say that the name Zeus evokes the Sanskrit root "Dyaus" meaning "the day" (Latin Dies). However Homer states that "Zeus is Pelasgic 🇦🇱 and Dodonean" ( Iliad XVI,234).
      The oldest sanctuary, dedicated by the Pelasges to Zeus, is that of Dodone, in Thesprotia (ancient Pelasgia, called Epirus, the 5th century) .
      In Dodona was a sacred oak whose rustling leaves were interpreted by the oracle as the "VOICE" of Zeus.
      The attributes of Zeus are the Eagle, the Lightning and the Scepter. Moreover, lightning means "thunder", thus "noise" or "voice".
      Thus the name of Zeus can be explained by the Albanian "Zâ, Zani, the "voice", the verb".
      With the arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷) this oracle lost its importance to Delphi, the "Greek" sanctuary (of Apollo) par excellence.
      It should be noted that in Albania, God is called Zot (Zeus = Zojz = Zot), all religions combined. Moreover the expression "by Zeus" (who forgives) is always used there "për zotën".
      Porphyry (Life of Pythagoras) reports that Pythagoras used "Zan" to designate Zeus! )
      This alone is enough to convince us that a great civilization, not Greek, existed WELL BEFORE THE ARRIVAL OF THE HELLENES (🇬🇷)
      "The name Pelasgians was probably that of a nation and, in any case, THE GREEK EXPLANATIONS ON THIS SUBJECT ARE ABSURD!"
      Source: The History of Rome Volume I, p.507
      It is the meaning of this famous word "ARRIVED" that the modern authors (majority) did not quite seize (or occulted).
      Everything has been said and its opposite on this subject. Until the discovery of the so-called Mycenaean tablets, "deciphered" by Ventris and Chadwick, the doubt remained in their minds!
      But as soon as these two scholars decreed that the Mycenaean linear B (in reality Pelasgians!) was of the old Greek, all rocked in favor of the thesis of the continuity of the two civilizations (Mycenaean and Greek) and this in spite of FOUR CENTURIES, I repeat "FOUR CENTURIES !!!! "of MAGISTRATIC SILENCE!
      It is this theory that Mathieu Aref dismantles with arguments to SUPPORT because nobody suspected that this Mycenaean (total invention of Schliemann, who is not even an archaeologist but a Businessman! ) was none other than ancient Pelasgians (opinion of the Ancient Authors!) from which is derived, in part, the ancient Greek.
      Moreover of other flagrant argument comes to corroborate this last thesis:
      According to Herodotus ( I,57- VIII, 44- VII,95) the Ionians were Pelasgians (🇦🇱) become Hellenes (🇬🇷) by adopting the Greek language!
      The ethnonym "Ion" derives from the Pelasgic 🇦🇱 "I onë" ( in Albanian, I jonë ) meaning "ours", that is, by extension, "the one who is ( or was ) part of our family, of our ethnic group" .
      The assertion of Herodotus, according to which the Athenians and the inhabitants of Attica were of Pelasgic origin, is, before, confirmed by Hecateus of Miletus and, later, by Hellanicos of Mytilèbe (Lesbos) and other ancient authors.
      Curiously Thucydides, whose chauvinism is not any more to be shown, affirms that Pelops (conqueror of Peloponnese) was a was a foreigner come from Asia (I, 5): the only time when it evokes the foreign origin of one of its a
      - Therefore, the ancestors of the present Albanians, the Pelasgians, lived during the prehistoric periods in most of the then known world, developing a very important civilization and building works of exceptional value".
      Source: Great Greek Encyclopedia (Athens, volume. XIX p.873)
      - "Pelasgians, very ancient people living during the prehistoric period in Greece, in the Archipelago, on the coasts of Asia Minor and Italy. It is generally considered that the ancient Illyrians, Thracians, Phrygians, Lydians, Etruscans, Epirotes (...) and Albanians of today are the main branches of the Pelasgians".
      Source : Petit journal Larousse (Paris, 1950, p.1599)
      Karl O.Müller ( is a German archaeologist and mythologist )
      : - The more the intelligence will enter the history of Greece, the more the attention will return on the element Pelasgians sacrificed until now .
      (Prolegomena - 1825)
      "Will enter" "Pelasgians", "sacrificed"..

    • @kharnthebetrayer8251
      @kharnthebetrayer8251 2 роки тому +5

      I always love seeing things and finding the probably cause for myths
      Like, the myth of giants, is thought to come from Giant Sloths, who's skeletons look very similar to humans, but are close to the size of elephants.
      Dragons likely came from dinosaur fossils
      And Cylcopses are likely from Elephant skulls, which have a large hole in the middle, which does look like where a big eye would be

    • @emperorkane317
      @emperorkane317 2 роки тому +1

      The Hittite Empire was widely considered to be mythical well into the 19th centrury. I firmly believe that just because we today have little physical evidence of its existence, doesn't mean it wasn't real. For all we know there could have been more evidence that used to exist, but could have been destroyed as a result from war, natural disaster or even age. That would be like if Thousands of years from now there could be historians arguing whether or not the Battles of Marathon or Thermopylae actually happened, or even the Fall of Constantinople or the Sieges of Vienna could become widely considered mythical, that being if much of the evidence of those events were lost or destroyed.

    • @AshleyWeech
      @AshleyWeech Рік тому

      Exactly! It's like a theory. The more strength a theory, the more truth.

    • @KuonilerariLoufanwald
      @KuonilerariLoufanwald Рік тому

      This is called euhemerism. An important concept to understand myths, religions, and their origins. Certainly, people can have very active imaginations but in order to have a religion or a widespread mythology, there must be some basis in fact. Over time, these real events are forgotten and fall into myths and legends.

  • @wargriffin5
    @wargriffin5 4 роки тому +171

    Instead of the Trojan War being an attempt to "preserve" the Mycenean world from the Bronze-Age collapse, could it be the other way around? Is it at all possible that, after a 10 year war which included people from all across the Bronze-Age world, there was a flood of war veterans and Trojan refugees looking to survive by raiding/invading other kingdoms? Could it be possible that Troy, in an extremely inter-connected economic world, was the first cog in the machine to fail? Just a thought.

    • @damnyourpasswords
      @damnyourpasswords 4 роки тому +5

      hey I had almost the same idea ! I wrote a comment on it!

    • @petarpoposki2994
      @petarpoposki2994 2 роки тому +15

      There is a chance that Troy was under ultimate rule by the Hittite Empire, with some limited authority. Either way, the Hittites also were at war with Egypt prior to the supposed time of the Trojan War, and the Assyrians. This would naturally put a strain on all kingdoms involved. Couple that with a colder climate which there is evidence to support and an increased piracy which we call The Sea Peoples, you have a recipe for collapse. My personal opinion is that it was a mix of several things going wrong at the wrong time, which ended these nations.

    • @rohanchen1yearago705
      @rohanchen1yearago705 2 роки тому

      cras, adveniebam

    • @woolenthreads
      @woolenthreads 2 роки тому +9

      There's another way of looking at it. Let's say that 95% of the able-bodied young men of the Greeks and Hittites fought over "Troy" in that 10 year period. Part of the poem states that, after an insult to his high priest, Poseidon "shot" individuals, making them so sick they couldn't stand up. Essentially it sounds like the Greek (and probably Hittite) Army suffered from rampant contagions probably due to poor camp conditions. So a large number of men died on the battlefield or in the camps, lets say two thirds of them. So a third of them return to their home which had already been suffering a shortage of man power to manage crops and herds (because of the men going to fight) and then begin to fight over the remains. Two major trading empires go to war? Screwing up trade, lowering Man Power, No longer able to trade goods around? Collapse? Well, of course the Bronze Age collapsed, they had destroyed their means to hold it together.

    • @iiZAPPx
      @iiZAPPx 2 роки тому +1

      @@woolenthreads I appreciated this read! Very cool perspective, and l learned a few different ways to think about things

  • @CulinVlau
    @CulinVlau 4 роки тому +424

    "These theories would persist until the 1930s, when an American archaeologist..."
    Me: Indy?

    • @aleksapetrovic6519
      @aleksapetrovic6519 3 роки тому +16

      Tatatatatata tatata!

    • @ardypangihutan3653
      @ardypangihutan3653 3 роки тому +11

      i can hear punching sfx and wilhelm scream

    • @astealthyfellow4795
      @astealthyfellow4795 3 роки тому +23

      "It belongs in a museum!!"

    • @douglasbubbletrousers4763
      @douglasbubbletrousers4763 3 роки тому +6

      @@astealthyfellow4795 I always say that in my head every time I see a picture of Prince Philip

    • @Universal..
      @Universal.. 3 роки тому +2

      Historical point =
      Homer in the Iliad and the Odyssey speaks only of Danaans, Achaeans, Argians and not of Greeks.
      The Hellenes (tribe of Southern Thessaly also called Argos Pelasgians), at his time, did not constitute yet a people or a Nation (Thucydides I,3).
      He affirms in the Iliad that "Zeus is Pelasgians and dodonean" (XVI,234).
      Precisely these Pelasgians (🇦🇱) were considered by all the ancient Greek authors as "the first inhabitants of Greece" before "The arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷)"!
      Another word that was misunderstood or glossed over. Indeed the Greeks arrived from somewhere because they were not indigenous.
      As they did not come from the North ( one wanted to make us believe the opposite), they could only be foreigners coming from elsewhere.
      It is this elsewhere which is difficult to define very precisely. But the legends, which are only embellished, idealized or metaphorized historical facts, give us some precious indications on the first foreign ethnic groups having occupied the country of the Pelasgians: the Danaans (Egyptians from whom the Dorians descend), the Cadmeans (Phoenicians) and the Pelopides (Assyrians).
      Among the peoples of archaic Greece the Ionians, Aeolians and Arcadians were descendants of the Pelasgians, indigenous populations conquered by the Hellenic invaders: they could claim to be indigenous populations.
      All the ancient authors, including Homer, Hesiod, Hecateus of Miletus, Acousilaos, Hellanicos, Herodotus, Thucydides or Ephorus, inform us succinctly but sufficiently to affirm that before the arrival of the Greeks the Pelasges (🇦🇱) occupied the country that was to become Greece.
      They also claim that these Pelasges were not Greeks but "Barbaros" i.e. not speaking Greek and, finally, that they LEGAVED TO THE GREEKS A LARGE PART OF THEIR CULTES AND DIVINE.
      Example: So, everyone has learned (at school etc ...) that Zeus was a Greek god, right?
      But why in the books of Homer (the basis of the bases!) we never see the so-called "Greek Zeus, Mycenaean Zeus or Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      Here is what Achilles (the greatest warrior of the Trojan War) tells us about Zeus =
      Achilles: - "Zeus, sovereign lord, O Dodonian prince, O you Pelasgic Zeus (🇦🇱), distant god who reigns over Dodona, in this harsh land of the Stool... "
      Source : Homer ( Iliad, XVI, 233/234 )
      Achilles did not say " O you Zeus the Greek, O you Zeus the Mycenaean or O you Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      So why did they tell us that Zeus was a Greek?
      With this alone, we can see that modern historiography is not honest!
      Zeus = Zâ, Zani ( gheg ), Zê, Zeri ( Tosk )
      Before securing power over the other gods, Zeus was the god of the luminous sky, of atmospheric phenomena (clouds, rain, wind, lightning, thunder).
      It was said of him "Zeus rains or Zeus thunders". With Homer and Hesiod, he acquired a preeminent role among the gods of Olympus and a place of choice in the mytological cosmogony.
      Some say that the name Zeus evokes the Sanskrit root "Dyaus" meaning "the day" (Latin Dies). However Homer states that "Zeus is Pelasgic 🇦🇱 and Dodonean" ( Iliad XVI,234).
      The oldest sanctuary, dedicated by the Pelasges to Zeus, is that of Dodone, in Thesprotia (ancient Pelasgia, called Epirus, the 5th century) .
      In Dodona was a sacred oak whose rustling leaves were interpreted by the oracle as the "VOICE" of Zeus.
      The attributes of Zeus are the Eagle, the Lightning and the Scepter. Moreover, lightning means "thunder", thus "noise" or "voice".
      Thus the name of Zeus can be explained by the Albanian "Zâ, Zani, the "voice", the verb".
      With the arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷) this oracle lost its importance to Delphi, the "Greek" sanctuary (of Apollo) par excellence.
      It should be noted that in Albania, God is called Zot (Zeus = Zojz = Zot), all religions combined. Moreover the expression "by Zeus" (who forgives) is always used there "për zotën".
      Porphyry (Life of Pythagoras) reports that Pythagoras used "Zan" to designate Zeus! )
      This alone is enough to convince us that a great civilization, not Greek, existed WELL BEFORE THE ARRIVAL OF THE HELLENES (🇬🇷)
      "The name Pelasgians was probably that of a nation and, in any case, THE GREEK EXPLANATIONS ON THIS SUBJECT ARE ABSURD!"
      Source: The History of Rome Volume I, p.507
      It is the meaning of this famous word "ARRIVED" that the modern authors (majority) did not quite seize (or occulted).
      Everything has been said and its opposite on this subject. Until the discovery of the so-called Mycenaean tablets, "deciphered" by Ventris and Chadwick, the doubt remained in their minds!
      But as soon as these two scholars decreed that the Mycenaean linear B (in reality Pelasgians!) was of the old Greek, all rocked in favor of the thesis of the continuity of the two civilizations (Mycenaean and Greek) and this in spite of FOUR CENTURIES, I repeat "FOUR CENTURIES !!!! "of MAGISTRATIC SILENCE!
      It is this theory that Mathieu Aref dismantles with arguments to SUPPORT because nobody suspected that this Mycenaean (total invention of Schliemann, who is not even an archaeologist but a Businessman! ) was none other than ancient Pelasgians (opinion of the Ancient Authors!) from which is derived, in part, the ancient Greek.
      Moreover of other flagrant argument comes to corroborate this last thesis:
      According to Herodotus ( I,57- VIII, 44- VII,95) the Ionians were Pelasgians (🇦🇱) become Hellenes (🇬🇷) by adopting the Greek language!
      The ethnonym "Ion" derives from the Pelasgic 🇦🇱 "I onë" ( in Albanian, I jonë ) meaning "ours", that is, by extension, "the one who is ( or was ) part of our family, of our ethnic group" .
      The assertion of Herodotus, according to which the Athenians and the inhabitants of Attica were of Pelasgic origin, is, before, confirmed by Hecateus of Miletus and, later, by Hellanicos of Mytilèbe (Lesbos) and other ancient authors.
      Curiously Thucydides, whose chauvinism is not any more to be shown, affirms that Pelops (conqueror of Peloponnese) was a was a foreigner come from Asia (I, 5): the only time when it evokes the foreign origin of one of its a
      - Therefore, the ancestors of the present Albanians, the Pelasgians, lived during the prehistoric periods in most of the then known world, developing a very important civilization and building works of exceptional value".
      Source: Great Greek Encyclopedia (Athens, volume. XIX p.873)
      - "Pelasgians, very ancient people living during the prehistoric period in Greece, in the Archipelago, on the coasts of Asia Minor and Italy. It is generally considered that the ancient Illyrians, Thracians, Phrygians, Lydians, Etruscans, Epirotes (...) and Albanians of today are the main branches of the Pelasgians".
      Source : Petit journal Larousse (Paris, 1950, p.1599)
      Karl O.Müller ( is a German archaeologist and mythologist )
      : - The more the intelligence will enter the history of Greece, the more the attention will return on the element Pelasgians sacrificed until now .
      (Prolegomena - 1825)
      "Will enter" "Pelasgians", "sacrificed".

  • @orktv4673
    @orktv4673 3 роки тому +35

    0:30 Fun fact, the originally text by Homer makes no reference to Achilles' immortality or invulnerability, or him being dipped in the Styx by his ankle. Achilles' death was foreordained, and in his duel with Hector he was wounded and bleeding.

    • @askers_
      @askers_ 2 роки тому +1

      Oh you were there?

    • @orktv4673
      @orktv4673 2 роки тому +13

      @@askers_ No, it's literally not in the Iliad.

    • @TheAchilles26
      @TheAchilles26 2 роки тому +10

      His mother wouldn't have jumped through so many hoops replacing his armor if he was invulnerable

  • @bismarck6959
    @bismarck6959 4 роки тому +113

    The Trojan war may not have been real but the Minotaur is definitely legit

    • @Fenniks-
      @Fenniks- 4 роки тому +1

      @GoodGirlKate Doubt it more likely they were Italtic people

    • @badrel2770
      @badrel2770 4 роки тому +16

      @GoodGirlKate i'm no real historian, but i think that the Romans always like to mythologize their origins, as they were perhaps great admirers of the Greek culture, moreover, this tale of troy survivors building a new civilization is pretty common for Mediterranean civilizations (e.x: Balearics), i guess, everyone want to be related to the trojans somehow hehehe

    • @bismarck6959
      @bismarck6959 4 роки тому +1

      GoodGirlKate truth be told I always took the Romulus and Remus legend at face value

    • @MiguelSanchezDelVillar
      @MiguelSanchezDelVillar 4 роки тому +2

      @vjal the Aeneid, a copy paste of the Oddissey made by romans in Augustus time

    • @young1191
      @young1191 4 роки тому

      @vjal i forgot which book but if you read any books on the origin of rome they always mention this fabricated mythology.

  • @shadydetective9285
    @shadydetective9285 4 роки тому +74

    Kings and Generals. You guys just made me love you a whole lot more when you guys started to talk about the Trojan War and sponsor Total War: Troy is released for FREE for the first 24 hours!!! Thank you guys ❤❤

    • @Albiliuss
      @Albiliuss 4 роки тому +1

      Not anymore :-(

    • @Universal..
      @Universal.. 2 роки тому

      Historical point =
      Homer in the Iliad and the Odyssey speaks only of Danaans, Achaeans, Argians and not of Greeks.
      The Hellenes (tribe of Southern Thessaly also called Argos Pelasgians), at his time, did not constitute yet a people or a Nation (Thucydides I,3).
      He affirms in the Iliad that "Zeus is Pelasgians and dodonean" (XVI,234).
      Precisely these Pelasgians (🇦🇱) were considered by all the ancient Greek authors as "the first inhabitants of Greece" before "The arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷)"!
      Another word that was misunderstood or glossed over. Indeed the Greeks arrived from somewhere because they were not indigenous.
      As they did not come from the North ( one wanted to make us believe the opposite), they could only be foreigners coming from elsewhere.
      It is this elsewhere which is difficult to define very precisely. But the legends, which are only embellished, idealized or metaphorized historical facts, give us some precious indications on the first foreign ethnic groups having occupied the country of the Pelasgians: the Danaans (Egyptians from whom the Dorians descend), the Cadmeans (Phoenicians) and the Pelopides (Assyrians).
      Among the peoples of archaic Greece the Ionians, Aeolians and Arcadians were descendants of the Pelasgians, indigenous populations conquered by the Hellenic invaders: they could claim to be indigenous populations.
      All the ancient authors, including Homer, Hesiod, Hecateus of Miletus, Acousilaos, Hellanicos, Herodotus, Thucydides or Ephorus, inform us succinctly but sufficiently to affirm that before the arrival of the Greeks the Pelasges (🇦🇱) occupied the country that was to become Greece.
      They also claim that these Pelasges were not Greeks but "Barbaros" i.e. not speaking Greek and, finally, that they LEGAVED TO THE GREEKS A LARGE PART OF THEIR CULTES AND DIVINE.
      Example: So, everyone has learned (at school etc ...) that Zeus was a Greek god, right?
      But why in the books of Homer (the basis of the bases!) we never see the so-called "Greek Zeus, Mycenaean Zeus or Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      Here is what Achilles (the greatest warrior of the Trojan War) tells us about Zeus =
      Achilles: - "Zeus, sovereign lord, O Dodonian prince, O you Pelasgic Zeus (🇦🇱), distant god who reigns over Dodona, in this harsh land of the Stool... "
      Source : Homer ( Iliad, XVI, 233/234 )
      Achilles did not say " O you Zeus the Greek, O you Zeus the Mycenaean or O you Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      So why did they tell us that Zeus was a Greek?
      With this alone, we can see that modern historiography is not honest!
      Zeus = Zâ, Zani ( gheg ), Zê, Zeri ( Tosk )
      Before securing power over the other gods, Zeus was the god of the luminous sky, of atmospheric phenomena (clouds, rain, wind, lightning, thunder).
      It was said of him "Zeus rains or Zeus thunders". With Homer and Hesiod, he acquired a preeminent role among the gods of Olympus and a place of choice in the mytological cosmogony.
      Some say that the name Zeus evokes the Sanskrit root "Dyaus" meaning "the day" (Latin Dies). However Homer states that "Zeus is Pelasgic 🇦🇱 and Dodonean" ( Iliad XVI,234).
      The oldest sanctuary, dedicated by the Pelasges to Zeus, is that of Dodone, in Thesprotia (ancient Pelasgia, called Epirus, the 5th century) .
      In Dodona was a sacred oak whose rustling leaves were interpreted by the oracle as the "VOICE" of Zeus.
      The attributes of Zeus are the Eagle, the Lightning and the Scepter. Moreover, lightning means "thunder", thus "noise" or "voice".
      Thus the name of Zeus can be explained by the Albanian "Zâ, Zani, the "voice", the verb".
      With the arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷) this oracle lost its importance to Delphi, the "Greek" sanctuary (of Apollo) par excellence.
      It should be noted that in Albania, God is called Zot (Zeus = Zojz = Zot), all religions combined. Moreover the expression "by Zeus" (who forgives) is always used there "për zotën".
      Porphyry (Life of Pythagoras) reports that Pythagoras used "Zan" to designate Zeus! )
      This alone is enough to convince us that a great civilization, not Greek, existed WELL BEFORE THE ARRIVAL OF THE HELLENES (🇬🇷)
      "The name Pelasgians was probably that of a nation and, in any case, THE GREEK EXPLANATIONS ON THIS SUBJECT ARE ABSURD!"
      Source: The History of Rome Volume I, p.507
      It is the meaning of this famous word "ARRIVED" that the modern authors (majority) did not quite seize (or occulted).
      Everything has been said and its opposite on this subject. Until the discovery of the so-called Mycenaean tablets, "deciphered" by Ventris and Chadwick, the doubt remained in their minds!
      But as soon as these two scholars decreed that the Mycenaean linear B (in reality Pelasgians!) was of the old Greek, all rocked in favor of the thesis of the continuity of the two civilizations (Mycenaean and Greek) and this in spite of FOUR CENTURIES, I repeat "FOUR CENTURIES !!!! "of MAGISTRATIC SILENCE!
      It is this theory that Mathieu Aref dismantles with arguments to SUPPORT because nobody suspected that this Mycenaean (total invention of Schliemann, who is not even an archaeologist but a Businessman! ) was none other than ancient Pelasgians (opinion of the Ancient Authors!) from which is derived, in part, the ancient Greek.
      Moreover of other flagrant argument comes to corroborate this last thesis:
      According to Herodotus ( I,57- VIII, 44- VII,95) the Ionians were Pelasgians (🇦🇱) become Hellenes (🇬🇷) by adopting the Greek language!
      The ethnonym "Ion" derives from the Pelasgic 🇦🇱 "I onë" ( in Albanian, I jonë ) meaning "ours", that is, by extension, "the one who is ( or was ) part of our family, of our ethnic group" .
      The assertion of Herodotus, according to which the Athenians and the inhabitants of Attica were of Pelasgic origin, is, before, confirmed by Hecateus of Miletus and, later, by Hellanicos of Mytilèbe (Lesbos) and other ancient authors.
      Curiously Thucydides, whose chauvinism is not any more to be shown, affirms that Pelops (conqueror of Peloponnese) was a was a foreigner come from Asia (I, 5): the only time when it evokes the foreign origin of one of its a
      - Therefore, the ancestors of the present Albanians, the Pelasgians, lived during the prehistoric periods in most of the then known world, developing a very important civilization and building works of exceptional value".
      Source: Great Greek Encyclopedia (Athens, volume. XIX p.873)
      - "Pelasgians, very ancient people living during the prehistoric period in Greece, in the Archipelago, on the coasts of Asia Minor and Italy. It is generally considered that the ancient Illyrians, Thracians, Phrygians, Lydians, Etruscans, Epirotes (...) and Albanians of today are the main branches of the Pelasgians".
      Source : Petit journal Larousse (Paris, 1950, p.1599)
      Karl O.Müller ( is a German archaeologist and mythologist )
      : - The more the intelligence will enter the history of Greece, the more the attention will return on the element Pelasgians sacrificed until now .
      (Prolegomena - 1825)
      "Will enter" "Pelasgians", "sacrificed"..

  • @blaustein_autor
    @blaustein_autor 4 роки тому +38

    Also, Hittite sources talk about a prince whose name can be pronounces "Alek-shan-dush" - which fits with the Iliad, because Paris is alternatively named "Alexandros".

    • @blaustein_autor
      @blaustein_autor 4 роки тому +7

      @@moutsatsosa Could well be an "interpretatio Graecia", meaning that the Hittite name was unrelated to the Greek one and the Greek just took a name that came closest.

    • @gregorynixon2945
      @gregorynixon2945 Рік тому +2

      He (Alaksandu) would have lived about 80 years before the Final Fall of Troy. He was listed in Hatti records as a vassal-king of the Hittites. So though Paris may have shared the common name, Alexandros, they were not the same people. It does indicate Achaians at Troy early on, however.

    • @rodocar2736
      @rodocar2736 Рік тому +1

      @@gregorynixon2945 Hola, veo que tu sabes del tema. En efecto en las cronicas hititas se mencionan nombres como Aleksandu, y el dios de los rios, Apaliunas (Apolo). Pero no hay mas que relacionen dichas cronicas con el relato de la Iliada. Tambien dicen los arqueologos que se ha localizado el punto debil de las murallas de Troya, tal como menciona Homero. Troya habria sido estado vasallo de los hititas, pero nada de esto encaja con la mitologia griega

    • @FrostyGerardo-kr7xs
      @FrostyGerardo-kr7xs 10 місяців тому

      Básicamente sería una guerra fría con varias batallas . Un asedio y cada liga enviando aliados y mercenarios de todas partes del mundo

  • @gauravmalltarlok5354
    @gauravmalltarlok5354 4 роки тому +55

    Having studied the Illiad in Greek in Greece just last year, I'm so happy that you are doing a video on the epic and legendary story, and possibly history.

    • @terrylandess6072
      @terrylandess6072 3 роки тому +1

      The stories of history appear to create an unshakable bias that permeates much of archaeology. The always present need for many peoples self validation gives rise to the pursuit of these expeditions in hope of turning myth into fact. The romanticist in people fuel this as well as outside observers, craving more. Making fact fit theory is present in many forms of science, but can be as a set of blinders to truth. Were there cities at this location? Yes. Could it have been Troy? Thus begins the slippery slope.

    • @Universal..
      @Universal.. 2 роки тому +1

      Historical point =
      Homer in the Iliad and the Odyssey speaks only of Danaans, Achaeans, Argians and not of Greeks.
      The Hellenes (tribe of Southern Thessaly also called Argos Pelasgians), at his time, did not constitute yet a people or a Nation (Thucydides I,3).
      He affirms in the Iliad that "Zeus is Pelasgians and dodonean" (XVI,234).
      Precisely these Pelasgians (🇦🇱) were considered by all the ancient Greek authors as "the first inhabitants of Greece" before "The arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷)"!
      Another word that was misunderstood or glossed over. Indeed the Greeks arrived from somewhere because they were not indigenous.
      As they did not come from the North ( one wanted to make us believe the opposite), they could only be foreigners coming from elsewhere.
      It is this elsewhere which is difficult to define very precisely. But the legends, which are only embellished, idealized or metaphorized historical facts, give us some precious indications on the first foreign ethnic groups having occupied the country of the Pelasgians: the Danaans (Egyptians from whom the Dorians descend), the Cadmeans (Phoenicians) and the Pelopides (Assyrians).
      Among the peoples of archaic Greece the Ionians, Aeolians and Arcadians were descendants of the Pelasgians, indigenous populations conquered by the Hellenic invaders: they could claim to be indigenous populations.
      All the ancient authors, including Homer, Hesiod, Hecateus of Miletus, Acousilaos, Hellanicos, Herodotus, Thucydides or Ephorus, inform us succinctly but sufficiently to affirm that before the arrival of the Greeks the Pelasges (🇦🇱) occupied the country that was to become Greece.
      They also claim that these Pelasges were not Greeks but "Barbaros" i.e. not speaking Greek and, finally, that they LEGAVED TO THE GREEKS A LARGE PART OF THEIR CULTES AND DIVINE.
      Example: So, everyone has learned (at school etc ...) that Zeus was a Greek god, right?
      But why in the books of Homer (the basis of the bases!) we never see the so-called "Greek Zeus, Mycenaean Zeus or Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      Here is what Achilles (the greatest warrior of the Trojan War) tells us about Zeus =
      Achilles: - "Zeus, sovereign lord, O Dodonian prince, O you Pelasgic Zeus (🇦🇱), distant god who reigns over Dodona, in this harsh land of the Stool... "
      Source : Homer ( Iliad, XVI, 233/234 )
      Achilles did not say " O you Zeus the Greek, O you Zeus the Mycenaean or O you Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      So why did they tell us that Zeus was a Greek?
      With this alone, we can see that modern historiography is not honest!
      Zeus = Zâ, Zani ( gheg ), Zê, Zeri ( Tosk )
      Before securing power over the other gods, Zeus was the god of the luminous sky, of atmospheric phenomena (clouds, rain, wind, lightning, thunder).
      It was said of him "Zeus rains or Zeus thunders". With Homer and Hesiod, he acquired a preeminent role among the gods of Olympus and a place of choice in the mytological cosmogony.
      Some say that the name Zeus evokes the Sanskrit root "Dyaus" meaning "the day" (Latin Dies). However Homer states that "Zeus is Pelasgic 🇦🇱 and Dodonean" ( Iliad XVI,234).
      The oldest sanctuary, dedicated by the Pelasges to Zeus, is that of Dodone, in Thesprotia (ancient Pelasgia, called Epirus, the 5th century) .
      In Dodona was a sacred oak whose rustling leaves were interpreted by the oracle as the "VOICE" of Zeus.
      The attributes of Zeus are the Eagle, the Lightning and the Scepter. Moreover, lightning means "thunder", thus "noise" or "voice".
      Thus the name of Zeus can be explained by the Albanian "Zâ, Zani, the "voice", the verb".
      With the arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷) this oracle lost its importance to Delphi, the "Greek" sanctuary (of Apollo) par excellence.
      It should be noted that in Albania, God is called Zot (Zeus = Zojz = Zot), all religions combined. Moreover the expression "by Zeus" (who forgives) is always used there "për zotën".
      Porphyry (Life of Pythagoras) reports that Pythagoras used "Zan" to designate Zeus! )
      This alone is enough to convince us that a great civilization, not Greek, existed WELL BEFORE THE ARRIVAL OF THE HELLENES (🇬🇷)
      "The name Pelasgians was probably that of a nation and, in any case, THE GREEK EXPLANATIONS ON THIS SUBJECT ARE ABSURD!"
      Source: The History of Rome Volume I, p.507
      It is the meaning of this famous word "ARRIVED" that the modern authors (majority) did not quite seize (or occulted).
      Everything has been said and its opposite on this subject. Until the discovery of the so-called Mycenaean tablets, "deciphered" by Ventris and Chadwick, the doubt remained in their minds!
      But as soon as these two scholars decreed that the Mycenaean linear B (in reality Pelasgians!) was of the old Greek, all rocked in favor of the thesis of the continuity of the two civilizations (Mycenaean and Greek) and this in spite of FOUR CENTURIES, I repeat "FOUR CENTURIES !!!! "of MAGISTRATIC SILENCE!
      It is this theory that Mathieu Aref dismantles with arguments to SUPPORT because nobody suspected that this Mycenaean (total invention of Schliemann, who is not even an archaeologist but a Businessman! ) was none other than ancient Pelasgians (opinion of the Ancient Authors!) from which is derived, in part, the ancient Greek.
      Moreover of other flagrant argument comes to corroborate this last thesis:
      According to Herodotus ( I,57- VIII, 44- VII,95) the Ionians were Pelasgians (🇦🇱) become Hellenes (🇬🇷) by adopting the Greek language!
      The ethnonym "Ion" derives from the Pelasgic 🇦🇱 "I onë" ( in Albanian, I jonë ) meaning "ours", that is, by extension, "the one who is ( or was ) part of our family, of our ethnic group" .
      The assertion of Herodotus, according to which the Athenians and the inhabitants of Attica were of Pelasgic origin, is, before, confirmed by Hecateus of Miletus and, later, by Hellanicos of Mytilèbe (Lesbos) and other ancient authors.
      Curiously Thucydides, whose chauvinism is not any more to be shown, affirms that Pelops (conqueror of Peloponnese) was a was a foreigner come from Asia (I, 5): the only time when it evokes the foreign origin of one of its a
      - Therefore, the ancestors of the present Albanians, the Pelasgians, lived during the prehistoric periods in most of the then known world, developing a very important civilization and building works of exceptional value".
      Source: Great Greek Encyclopedia (Athens, volume. XIX p.873)
      - "Pelasgians, very ancient people living during the prehistoric period in Greece, in the Archipelago, on the coasts of Asia Minor and Italy. It is generally considered that the ancient Illyrians, Thracians, Phrygians, Lydians, Etruscans, Epirotes (...) and Albanians of today are the main branches of the Pelasgians".
      Source : Petit journal Larousse (Paris, 1950, p.1599)
      Karl O.Müller ( is a German archaeologist and mythologist )
      : - The more the intelligence will enter the history of Greece, the more the attention will return on the element Pelasgians sacrificed until now .
      (Prolegomena - 1825)
      "Will enter" "Pelasgians", "sacrificed"..

    • @henriquedossantos6519
      @henriquedossantos6519 3 місяці тому

      @@Universal.. You tell them, dominos delivery guy, where did it happen? in your undocumented cesspool mud hut village?

  • @LeoWarrior14
    @LeoWarrior14 4 роки тому +730

    I hereby pronounce myself first chairman of the "Schliemann sucks society".

    • @t.wcharles2171
      @t.wcharles2171 4 роки тому +13

      Can I be vice chairman

    • @t.wcharles2171
      @t.wcharles2171 4 роки тому +6

      But then again there's no challenge

    • @skepticalmagos_101
      @skepticalmagos_101 4 роки тому +18

      The liberal use of High explosives usually solves problems...sadly except here.

    • @varana
      @varana 4 роки тому +42

      Then I pronounce myself chairman of the "Schliemann was an important pioneer society". :D

    • @andywomack3414
      @andywomack3414 4 роки тому +18

      There is a long line of claimants ahead of you. Besides, I don't know if Schliemann should have known better. After all, he gave us an example of how not to do it.
      And Schliemann, if anything, was the archetype of the successful person of the age. Hell, he's an archetype of too many today. Ancient sites are looted and ruined for profit and wealthy people buy that stuff.
      I know little about archeology, but I'm sure that even Carl Blegen did things not consistent with current practice. We learn as a culture. Makes us civilized.

  • @billaros1338
    @billaros1338 3 роки тому +93

    Most videos that I have seen regarding this issue are extremely sloppy, just quoting the Iliad or sometimes not even the Iliad, rather the movie. Well you got the point, we don't want to hear about the story we already know it, we want to learn if there is any truth to it.
    But you have done a great job my friend. Speaking with evidence and including archeological data dating back to the 1850s and Schliemann's disastrous excavations up to the more recent was truly magnificent. You also raised some very important questions that we all hope that the archeological community will answer some day.
    Thanks again and congratulations for a very informative video.

    • @Universal..
      @Universal.. 2 роки тому +5

      Historical point =
      Homer in the Iliad and the Odyssey speaks only of Danaans, Achaeans, Argians and not of Greeks.
      The Hellenes (tribe of Southern Thessaly also called Argos Pelasgians), at his time, did not constitute yet a people or a Nation (Thucydides I,3).
      He affirms in the Iliad that "Zeus is Pelasgians and dodonean" (XVI,234).
      Precisely these Pelasgians (🇦🇱) were considered by all the ancient Greek authors as "the first inhabitants of Greece" before "The arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷)"!
      Another word that was misunderstood or glossed over. Indeed the Greeks arrived from somewhere because they were not indigenous.
      As they did not come from the North ( one wanted to make us believe the opposite), they could only be foreigners coming from elsewhere.
      It is this elsewhere which is difficult to define very precisely. But the legends, which are only embellished, idealized or metaphorized historical facts, give us some precious indications on the first foreign ethnic groups having occupied the country of the Pelasgians: the Danaans (Egyptians from whom the Dorians descend), the Cadmeans (Phoenicians) and the Pelopides (Assyrians).
      Among the peoples of archaic Greece the Ionians, Aeolians and Arcadians were descendants of the Pelasgians, indigenous populations conquered by the Hellenic invaders: they could claim to be indigenous populations.
      All the ancient authors, including Homer, Hesiod, Hecateus of Miletus, Acousilaos, Hellanicos, Herodotus, Thucydides or Ephorus, inform us succinctly but sufficiently to affirm that before the arrival of the Greeks the Pelasges (🇦🇱) occupied the country that was to become Greece.
      They also claim that these Pelasges were not Greeks but "Barbaros" i.e. not speaking Greek and, finally, that they LEGAVED TO THE GREEKS A LARGE PART OF THEIR CULTES AND DIVINE.
      Example: So, everyone has learned (at school etc ...) that Zeus was a Greek god, right?
      But why in the books of Homer (the basis of the bases!) we never see the so-called "Greek Zeus, Mycenaean Zeus or Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      Here is what Achilles (the greatest warrior of the Trojan War) tells us about Zeus =
      Achilles: - "Zeus, sovereign lord, O Dodonian prince, O you Pelasgic Zeus (🇦🇱), distant god who reigns over Dodona, in this harsh land of the Stool... "
      Source : Homer ( Iliad, XVI, 233/234 )
      Achilles did not say " O you Zeus the Greek, O you Zeus the Mycenaean or O you Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      So why did they tell us that Zeus was a Greek?
      With this alone, we can see that modern historiography is not honest!
      Zeus = Zâ, Zani ( gheg ), Zê, Zeri ( Tosk )
      Before securing power over the other gods, Zeus was the god of the luminous sky, of atmospheric phenomena (clouds, rain, wind, lightning, thunder).
      It was said of him "Zeus rains or Zeus thunders". With Homer and Hesiod, he acquired a preeminent role among the gods of Olympus and a place of choice in the mytological cosmogony.
      Some say that the name Zeus evokes the Sanskrit root "Dyaus" meaning "the day" (Latin Dies). However Homer states that "Zeus is Pelasgic 🇦🇱 and Dodonean" ( Iliad XVI,234).
      The oldest sanctuary, dedicated by the Pelasges to Zeus, is that of Dodone, in Thesprotia (ancient Pelasgia, called Epirus, the 5th century) .
      In Dodona was a sacred oak whose rustling leaves were interpreted by the oracle as the "VOICE" of Zeus.
      The attributes of Zeus are the Eagle, the Lightning and the Scepter. Moreover, lightning means "thunder", thus "noise" or "voice".
      Thus the name of Zeus can be explained by the Albanian "Zâ, Zani, the "voice", the verb".
      With the arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷) this oracle lost its importance to Delphi, the "Greek" sanctuary (of Apollo) par excellence.
      It should be noted that in Albania, God is called Zot (Zeus = Zojz = Zot), all religions combined. Moreover the expression "by Zeus" (who forgives) is always used there "për zotën".
      Porphyry (Life of Pythagoras) reports that Pythagoras used "Zan" to designate Zeus! )
      This alone is enough to convince us that a great civilization, not Greek, existed WELL BEFORE THE ARRIVAL OF THE HELLENES (🇬🇷)
      "The name Pelasgians was probably that of a nation and, in any case, THE GREEK EXPLANATIONS ON THIS SUBJECT ARE ABSURD!"
      Source: The History of Rome Volume I, p.507
      It is the meaning of this famous word "ARRIVED" that the modern authors (majority) did not quite seize (or occulted).
      Everything has been said and its opposite on this subject. Until the discovery of the so-called Mycenaean tablets, "deciphered" by Ventris and Chadwick, the doubt remained in their minds!
      But as soon as these two scholars decreed that the Mycenaean linear B (in reality Pelasgians!) was of the old Greek, all rocked in favor of the thesis of the continuity of the two civilizations (Mycenaean and Greek) and this in spite of FOUR CENTURIES, I repeat "FOUR CENTURIES !!!! "of MAGISTRATIC SILENCE!
      It is this theory that Mathieu Aref dismantles with arguments to SUPPORT because nobody suspected that this Mycenaean (total invention of Schliemann, who is not even an archaeologist but a Businessman! ) was none other than ancient Pelasgians (opinion of the Ancient Authors!) from which is derived, in part, the ancient Greek.
      Moreover of other flagrant argument comes to corroborate this last thesis:
      According to Herodotus ( I,57- VIII, 44- VII,95) the Ionians were Pelasgians (🇦🇱) become Hellenes (🇬🇷) by adopting the Greek language!
      The ethnonym "Ion" derives from the Pelasgic 🇦🇱 "I onë" ( in Albanian, I jonë ) meaning "ours", that is, by extension, "the one who is ( or was ) part of our family, of our ethnic group" .
      The assertion of Herodotus, according to which the Athenians and the inhabitants of Attica were of Pelasgic origin, is, before, confirmed by Hecateus of Miletus and, later, by Hellanicos of Mytilèbe (Lesbos) and other ancient authors.
      Curiously Thucydides, whose chauvinism is not any more to be shown, affirms that Pelops (conqueror of Peloponnese) was a was a foreigner come from Asia (I, 5): the only time when it evokes the foreign origin of one of its a
      - Therefore, the ancestors of the present Albanians, the Pelasgians, lived during the prehistoric periods in most of the then known world, developing a very important civilization and building works of exceptional value".
      Source: Great Greek Encyclopedia (Athens, volume. XIX p.873)
      - "Pelasgians, very ancient people living during the prehistoric period in Greece, in the Archipelago, on the coasts of Asia Minor and Italy. It is generally considered that the ancient Illyrians, Thracians, Phrygians, Lydians, Etruscans, Epirotes (...) and Albanians of today are the main branches of the Pelasgians".
      Source : Petit journal Larousse (Paris, 1950, p.1599)
      Karl O.Müller ( is a German archaeologist and mythologist )
      : - The more the intelligence will enter the history of Greece, the more the attention will return on the element Pelasgians sacrificed until now .
      (Prolegomena - 1825)
      "Will enter" "Pelasgians", "sacrificed"..

  • @nightviber2097
    @nightviber2097 4 роки тому +84

    Νο phones in sight only people living the time of their lives

  • @MuadDib27
    @MuadDib27 4 роки тому +57

    There’s an amazing ongoing graphic novel series about the Trojan War called Age of Bronze. One guy, Eric Shanower, writes and illustrates the whole thing. He did a whole bunch research from all kinds of historical and literary sources, blending all the mythological stories with a historical, grounded approach. He even tries to capture archaeological and ethnic accuracy in his illustrations. It’s an absolute must read for anyone who’s interested in the Trojan War. It’s bloody amazing!

    • @Universal..
      @Universal.. 2 роки тому +5

      Historical point =
      Homer in the Iliad and the Odyssey speaks only of Danaans, Achaeans, Argians and not of Greeks.
      The Hellenes (tribe of Southern Thessaly also called Argos Pelasgians), at his time, did not constitute yet a people or a Nation (Thucydides I,3).
      He affirms in the Iliad that "Zeus is Pelasgians and dodonean" (XVI,234).
      Precisely these Pelasgians (🇦🇱) were considered by all the ancient Greek authors as "the first inhabitants of Greece" before "The arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷)"!
      Another word that was misunderstood or glossed over. Indeed the Greeks arrived from somewhere because they were not indigenous.
      As they did not come from the North ( one wanted to make us believe the opposite), they could only be foreigners coming from elsewhere.
      It is this elsewhere which is difficult to define very precisely. But the legends, which are only embellished, idealized or metaphorized historical facts, give us some precious indications on the first foreign ethnic groups having occupied the country of the Pelasgians: the Danaans (Egyptians from whom the Dorians descend), the Cadmeans (Phoenicians) and the Pelopides (Assyrians).
      Among the peoples of archaic Greece the Ionians, Aeolians and Arcadians were descendants of the Pelasgians, indigenous populations conquered by the Hellenic invaders: they could claim to be indigenous populations.
      All the ancient authors, including Homer, Hesiod, Hecateus of Miletus, Acousilaos, Hellanicos, Herodotus, Thucydides or Ephorus, inform us succinctly but sufficiently to affirm that before the arrival of the Greeks the Pelasges (🇦🇱) occupied the country that was to become Greece.
      They also claim that these Pelasges were not Greeks but "Barbaros" i.e. not speaking Greek and, finally, that they LEGAVED TO THE GREEKS A LARGE PART OF THEIR CULTES AND DIVINE.
      Example: So, everyone has learned (at school etc ...) that Zeus was a Greek god, right?
      But why in the books of Homer (the basis of the bases!) we never see the so-called "Greek Zeus, Mycenaean Zeus or Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      Here is what Achilles (the greatest warrior of the Trojan War) tells us about Zeus =
      Achilles: - "Zeus, sovereign lord, O Dodonian prince, O you Pelasgic Zeus (🇦🇱), distant god who reigns over Dodona, in this harsh land of the Stool... "
      Source : Homer ( Iliad, XVI, 233/234 )
      Achilles did not say " O you Zeus the Greek, O you Zeus the Mycenaean or O you Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      So why did they tell us that Zeus was a Greek?
      With this alone, we can see that modern historiography is not honest!
      Zeus = Zâ, Zani ( gheg ), Zê, Zeri ( Tosk )
      Before securing power over the other gods, Zeus was the god of the luminous sky, of atmospheric phenomena (clouds, rain, wind, lightning, thunder).
      It was said of him "Zeus rains or Zeus thunders". With Homer and Hesiod, he acquired a preeminent role among the gods of Olympus and a place of choice in the mytological cosmogony.
      Some say that the name Zeus evokes the Sanskrit root "Dyaus" meaning "the day" (Latin Dies). However Homer states that "Zeus is Pelasgic 🇦🇱 and Dodonean" ( Iliad XVI,234).
      The oldest sanctuary, dedicated by the Pelasges to Zeus, is that of Dodone, in Thesprotia (ancient Pelasgia, called Epirus, the 5th century) .
      In Dodona was a sacred oak whose rustling leaves were interpreted by the oracle as the "VOICE" of Zeus.
      The attributes of Zeus are the Eagle, the Lightning and the Scepter. Moreover, lightning means "thunder", thus "noise" or "voice".
      Thus the name of Zeus can be explained by the Albanian "Zâ, Zani, the "voice", the verb".
      With the arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷) this oracle lost its importance to Delphi, the "Greek" sanctuary (of Apollo) par excellence.
      It should be noted that in Albania, God is called Zot (Zeus = Zojz = Zot), all religions combined. Moreover the expression "by Zeus" (who forgives) is always used there "për zotën".
      Porphyry (Life of Pythagoras) reports that Pythagoras used "Zan" to designate Zeus! )
      This alone is enough to convince us that a great civilization, not Greek, existed WELL BEFORE THE ARRIVAL OF THE HELLENES (🇬🇷)
      "The name Pelasgians was probably that of a nation and, in any case, THE GREEK EXPLANATIONS ON THIS SUBJECT ARE ABSURD!"
      Source: The History of Rome Volume I, p.507
      It is the meaning of this famous word "ARRIVED" that the modern authors (majority) did not quite seize (or occulted).
      Everything has been said and its opposite on this subject. Until the discovery of the so-called Mycenaean tablets, "deciphered" by Ventris and Chadwick, the doubt remained in their minds!
      But as soon as these two scholars decreed that the Mycenaean linear B (in reality Pelasgians!) was of the old Greek, all rocked in favor of the thesis of the continuity of the two civilizations (Mycenaean and Greek) and this in spite of FOUR CENTURIES, I repeat "FOUR CENTURIES !!!! "of MAGISTRATIC SILENCE!
      It is this theory that Mathieu Aref dismantles with arguments to SUPPORT because nobody suspected that this Mycenaean (total invention of Schliemann, who is not even an archaeologist but a Businessman! ) was none other than ancient Pelasgians (opinion of the Ancient Authors!) from which is derived, in part, the ancient Greek.
      Moreover of other flagrant argument comes to corroborate this last thesis:
      According to Herodotus ( I,57- VIII, 44- VII,95) the Ionians were Pelasgians (🇦🇱) become Hellenes (🇬🇷) by adopting the Greek language!
      The ethnonym "Ion" derives from the Pelasgic 🇦🇱 "I onë" ( in Albanian, I jonë ) meaning "ours", that is, by extension, "the one who is ( or was ) part of our family, of our ethnic group" .
      The assertion of Herodotus, according to which the Athenians and the inhabitants of Attica were of Pelasgic origin, is, before, confirmed by Hecateus of Miletus and, later, by Hellanicos of Mytilèbe (Lesbos) and other ancient authors.
      Curiously Thucydides, whose chauvinism is not any more to be shown, affirms that Pelops (conqueror of Peloponnese) was a was a foreigner come from Asia (I, 5): the only time when it evokes the foreign origin of one of its a
      - Therefore, the ancestors of the present Albanians, the Pelasgians, lived during the prehistoric periods in most of the then known world, developing a very important civilization and building works of exceptional value".
      Source: Great Greek Encyclopedia (Athens, volume. XIX p.873)
      - "Pelasgians, very ancient people living during the prehistoric period in Greece, in the Archipelago, on the coasts of Asia Minor and Italy. It is generally considered that the ancient Illyrians, Thracians, Phrygians, Lydians, Etruscans, Epirotes (...) and Albanians of today are the main branches of the Pelasgians".
      Source : Petit journal Larousse (Paris, 1950, p.1599)
      Karl O.Müller ( is a German archaeologist and mythologist )
      : - The more the intelligence will enter the history of Greece, the more the attention will return on the element Pelasgians sacrificed until now .
      (Prolegomena - 1825)
      "Will enter" "Pelasgians", "sacrificed"....

    • @PhyrexJ
      @PhyrexJ Рік тому

      @@Universal.. wow.. most nonsense I have ever read.. Albanians will do anything in mind tricks to try and claim history as if they were the original people.
      You do understand, for starters, that ‘Zeus’ sounds nothing like that in Greek, right? Your whole comparisons to Zot is based on an English version of his name.

    • @texasfuneral4787
      @texasfuneral4787 Рік тому

      ​@@Universal..oh snap, small world I just seen your comments on the Greek War for independence and someone saying that they can't wait for the Albanians to say they fought for Greece. I like how you present your comments

    • @animatorofanimation128
      @animatorofanimation128 Рік тому

      ​@@texasfuneral4787 It's neat on the surface and as you start but it's one of those things that has a lot of holes in it. His part about the etymology of Zeus in particular makes no sense. but yeah the whole thing is basically just Albanian nationalist propaganda lol.

  • @bogdancr4292
    @bogdancr4292 4 роки тому +19

    Another amazing video, as always. As an archaeologist i had the pleasure of working with part of the german team that excavated at Hisarlik during the 90's and 2000's. The stories they had....my god. On the other hand, the origins of the enigmatic "Sea People" is still a subject of debate among archaeologists around the world. I still remember when I was in my first year of bachelor studies, i kept annoying one of my professor with questions regarding the sea people and the bronzs age collapse.

  • @krankarvolund7771
    @krankarvolund7771 4 роки тому +252

    "To some the father of modern archaeology. To others a conman and thief."
    Well, as archaeologists in the XIXth and early XXth centuries were often thieves, he was probably both :p

    • @varana
      @varana 4 роки тому +2

      Although I have no idea where they got the "conman" from.

    • @okisoba
      @okisoba 4 роки тому +17

      @@varana some people suspect the Agamemnon mask he found was altered with the late 19th century/modern hipster looking mustache or a complete hoax altogether

    • @brianjauch9958
      @brianjauch9958 4 роки тому

      Yeah, Indiana Jones!

    • @marcbartuschka6372
      @marcbartuschka6372 4 роки тому +5

      @@varana This may go back to the fact that he was very good in selling hiw own story and making things up a little bit so that they fit his ideas. He created his own legends for example how he came to the idea of discovering Troy (dating the wish back to his youth) and so on. The story how he discovered his treasure of Priam may also be made up a little bit and the pieces may be collected from various smaller treasures he found at Troy. These stories were believed in (especially in Germany) over a long time.

    • @atzuras
      @atzuras 4 роки тому +8

      Well just look at the British Museum. All the loot of centuries of archeological activities is there

  • @AnjumulHaque
    @AnjumulHaque 4 роки тому +20

    One amazing thing from this is that Trojan War must have been an important cornerstone of an end of an Era as mentioned in Homer's epic as well as from the guy who is generally seen as the being the first poet and writer of Greek mythology and culture since Bronze age Collapse, Hesiod. Also Rome mythology asserts the founders of the city as well as etruscans to have been descendants of survivors of Troy. There is a strong link between the Collapse of Bronze Age and Fall of Troy vii with fall of hittite empire.

    • @phoenixj1299
      @phoenixj1299 Рік тому +1

      Hittite followed Vedic traditions and Greeks ancestors followed Vedic traditions as well. So there you go with the link.

  • @historicaladventurevideos
    @historicaladventurevideos 4 роки тому +62

    Excellent! I made a video about a month ago on the exact same topic. Although I put a little more focus on the Hittite texts as the mentions of Wilusa are very interesting.

    • @simonholyoak8869
      @simonholyoak8869 3 роки тому

      Yes. The Tawagalawas letter is very revealing. (apologies for any spelling error)

  • @christermi
    @christermi 4 роки тому +45

    For anyone wondering , the Iliad of Homer ends with Achilles giving Hector's body to the latter's father (Priam , king of Troy) in order to be buried.

    • @BoxStudioExecutive
      @BoxStudioExecutive 4 роки тому +25

      @GoodGirlKate Nah what's more beautiful is that in the Iliad, Achilles gives his entire motivation for joining the war so that he can become immortal through the stories of man by engaging in glorious and honorable combat in war, but in the Odyssey when Odysseus meets him in Hades, Achilles is a broken soul and says that he would rather be a nameless slave and have a longer life than to be Achilles.

    • @DerBuffBaer
      @DerBuffBaer 4 роки тому +16

      GoodGirlKate not so beautiful if you consider that Achilles dragged Hectors body around the city tied to his chariot before that and Priam had to beg on his knees before Achilles to get his son’s corpse.

    • @luked4043
      @luked4043 4 роки тому +11

      DerBuffBär na, still beautiful. He brutalized Hector but he recognizes Priam’s bravery and the love of a father. Achilles calls him the bravest of all and has a soft moment even after all of his “rage”

    • @DerBuffBaer
      @DerBuffBaer 4 роки тому

      Luke D True, but I just can’t get over the barbaric actions of Achilles before.

    • @luked4043
      @luked4043 4 роки тому +1

      DerBuffBär ah fair enough. I guess emotional or profound would be a better word to describe the end

  • @stevenv6463
    @stevenv6463 Рік тому +10

    I visited Troy and it was so cool to see such an old site from the bronze age (as opposed to the more common Greco-Roman ruins or medieval buildings). I watched the movie Troy there and noticed that they used a ton of things from the archaeological site (Priam's alleged jewelry, the walls, the fire, etc.)

  • @LocalHeretic-ck1kd
    @LocalHeretic-ck1kd 4 роки тому +218

    This is a fascinating story. We learned so much yet we know so little.

    • @serenemountain6769
      @serenemountain6769 4 роки тому +1

      so little ? what do you want to know ?

    • @paulryan2128
      @paulryan2128 3 роки тому

      If by "we" you mean you, then yes.

    • @douglasbubbletrousers4763
      @douglasbubbletrousers4763 3 роки тому +2

      @@serenemountain6769 Where do babies come from and why do they choose to come here? It seems to me that they are invading our world in much the same way as the Sea Peoples. How do we stop them from overrunning us?

    • @pimplejuice8774
      @pimplejuice8774 3 роки тому +1

      @@douglasbubbletrousers4763 bro this comment is deadass brutally underrated, literally “underrated” is an understatement.

    • @marko_kraljevic
      @marko_kraljevic 3 роки тому +1

      This was a story exactly... Not a documentary because it has only artwork and no evidences architectural, cultural, DNK, etnical or any other with not even a single one photo of the things that are mentioned in video... Therefore it's not history but a tale... on the otherwise, there are real evidence about Troy in the center of Europe it the mentioned time... Skadar... Even Homer's tales about the geographical position are totally matching with it...

  • @22vx
    @22vx 4 роки тому +523

    Did the Trojan War really happen?
    I vote YES.

    • @crusader7659
      @crusader7659 4 роки тому +38

      Rule of cool applies, it happened even if it really didn’t

    • @alfredocubelo1109
      @alfredocubelo1109 4 роки тому +1

      @@altinbardhi Maybe it did happen but instead of Troy, maybe the real life events wasn't named Troy. And it inspired Homer to wrote Illad because of the war.

    • @lordblenkinsopp1537
      @lordblenkinsopp1537 4 роки тому +6

      I vote no. At least not in the way the Iliad says. First, the Iliad was written much later after the war, before lots of written history existed, so “Homer” didn’t really have actual sources. Second a 10 year war over one city is impossible, the logistics for that didn’t exist. However we do know that Troy existed, and based on complex Mycenaean politics of the time it was probably a large, regional conflict, ending with Troy falling.

    • @1985Shoota
      @1985Shoota 4 роки тому

      Well.. yes but actually.. no

    • @elasolezito
      @elasolezito 4 роки тому +2

      @@lordblenkinsopp1537 Well yes, the siege of Troy was the escalation of war. It was a big deal back then it seems, like an old world war between Greeks vs Hittites. There are letters about this, "warning like ones" about the conflict. Possibly some refugees went to Italy and got mixed with other tribes. About Illiad, i bet it talks about the conflict but making it overexaggerating. Doubt someone woke up one day and wrote this epic, even Odyssey's monsters got their inspiration from real life locations like the strait of Messina aka bad weather charybdis.

  • @supermax5000
    @supermax5000 Рік тому +4

    I love this myth being the only myth having both a mythical and actual event in history.

    • @KingsandGenerals
      @KingsandGenerals  Рік тому +2

      Many myths work this way. For instance, among the ones we have covered recently, Arthur and SubRoman Britain/Saxon invasion

  • @FxTR22
    @FxTR22 4 роки тому +28

    Love the complexety of your historical research. This shows us that you went deeper into the historical facts then just the "yes and no" questions answered. Realy appreciate that a lot!!

  • @mihaicst87
    @mihaicst87 Рік тому +6

    What if Troy was a thracian city? Nice work by the way , keep going!

  • @patl4615
    @patl4615 4 роки тому +268

    “Unlike the Greeks were excellent archers”
    Teucer: “Am I a joke to you”?

    • @BoxStudioExecutive
      @BoxStudioExecutive 4 роки тому


    • @patl4615
      @patl4615 4 роки тому +13

      BoxStudioExecutive read the Iliad homey!

    • @CliveBurr4
      @CliveBurr4 4 роки тому +33

      Godess Artemis cries in a corner...

    • @BoxStudioExecutive
      @BoxStudioExecutive 4 роки тому

      @@patl4615 I have. He's clearly not memorable.

    • @shakazulu84
      @shakazulu84 4 роки тому +14

      He was half Trojan though, Priam's nephew.

  • @casamir1
    @casamir1 4 роки тому +13

    I've watched so much Kings and Generals over the last few months that just hearing the intro music makes me happy :)

    • @Universal..
      @Universal.. 2 роки тому

      Historical point =
      Homer in the Iliad and the Odyssey speaks only of Danaans, Achaeans, Argians and not of Greeks.
      The Hellenes (tribe of Southern Thessaly also called Argos Pelasgians), at his time, did not constitute yet a people or a Nation (Thucydides I,3).
      He affirms in the Iliad that "Zeus is Pelasgians and dodonean" (XVI,234).
      Precisely these Pelasgians (🇦🇱) were considered by all the ancient Greek authors as "the first inhabitants of Greece" before "The arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷)"!
      Another word that was misunderstood or glossed over. Indeed the Greeks arrived from somewhere because they were not indigenous.
      As they did not come from the North ( one wanted to make us believe the opposite), they could only be foreigners coming from elsewhere.
      It is this elsewhere which is difficult to define very precisely. But the legends, which are only embellished, idealized or metaphorized historical facts, give us some precious indications on the first foreign ethnic groups having occupied the country of the Pelasgians: the Danaans (Egyptians from whom the Dorians descend), the Cadmeans (Phoenicians) and the Pelopides (Assyrians).
      Among the peoples of archaic Greece the Ionians, Aeolians and Arcadians were descendants of the Pelasgians, indigenous populations conquered by the Hellenic invaders: they could claim to be indigenous populations.
      All the ancient authors, including Homer, Hesiod, Hecateus of Miletus, Acousilaos, Hellanicos, Herodotus, Thucydides or Ephorus, inform us succinctly but sufficiently to affirm that before the arrival of the Greeks the Pelasges (🇦🇱) occupied the country that was to become Greece.
      They also claim that these Pelasges were not Greeks but "Barbaros" i.e. not speaking Greek and, finally, that they LEGAVED TO THE GREEKS A LARGE PART OF THEIR CULTES AND DIVINE.
      Example: So, everyone has learned (at school etc ...) that Zeus was a Greek god, right?
      But why in the books of Homer (the basis of the bases!) we never see the so-called "Greek Zeus, Mycenaean Zeus or Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      Here is what Achilles (the greatest warrior of the Trojan War) tells us about Zeus =
      Achilles: - "Zeus, sovereign lord, O Dodonian prince, O you Pelasgic Zeus (🇦🇱), distant god who reigns over Dodona, in this harsh land of the Stool... "
      Source : Homer ( Iliad, XVI, 233/234 )
      Achilles did not say " O you Zeus the Greek, O you Zeus the Mycenaean or O you Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      So why did they tell us that Zeus was a Greek?
      With this alone, we can see that modern historiography is not honest!
      Zeus = Zâ, Zani ( gheg ), Zê, Zeri ( Tosk )
      Before securing power over the other gods, Zeus was the god of the luminous sky, of atmospheric phenomena (clouds, rain, wind, lightning, thunder).
      It was said of him "Zeus rains or Zeus thunders". With Homer and Hesiod, he acquired a preeminent role among the gods of Olympus and a place of choice in the mytological cosmogony.
      Some say that the name Zeus evokes the Sanskrit root "Dyaus" meaning "the day" (Latin Dies). However Homer states that "Zeus is Pelasgic 🇦🇱 and Dodonean" ( Iliad XVI,234).
      The oldest sanctuary, dedicated by the Pelasges to Zeus, is that of Dodone, in Thesprotia (ancient Pelasgia, called Epirus, the 5th century) .
      In Dodona was a sacred oak whose rustling leaves were interpreted by the oracle as the "VOICE" of Zeus.
      The attributes of Zeus are the Eagle, the Lightning and the Scepter. Moreover, lightning means "thunder", thus "noise" or "voice".
      Thus the name of Zeus can be explained by the Albanian "Zâ, Zani, the "voice", the verb".
      With the arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷) this oracle lost its importance to Delphi, the "Greek" sanctuary (of Apollo) par excellence.
      It should be noted that in Albania, God is called Zot (Zeus = Zojz = Zot), all religions combined. Moreover the expression "by Zeus" (who forgives) is always used there "për zotën".
      Porphyry (Life of Pythagoras) reports that Pythagoras used "Zan" to designate Zeus! )
      This alone is enough to convince us that a great civilization, not Greek, existed WELL BEFORE THE ARRIVAL OF THE HELLENES (🇬🇷)
      "The name Pelasgians was probably that of a nation and, in any case, THE GREEK EXPLANATIONS ON THIS SUBJECT ARE ABSURD!"
      Source: The History of Rome Volume I, p.507
      It is the meaning of this famous word "ARRIVED" that the modern authors (majority) did not quite seize (or occulted).
      Everything has been said and its opposite on this subject. Until the discovery of the so-called Mycenaean tablets, "deciphered" by Ventris and Chadwick, the doubt remained in their minds!
      But as soon as these two scholars decreed that the Mycenaean linear B (in reality Pelasgians!) was of the old Greek, all rocked in favor of the thesis of the continuity of the two civilizations (Mycenaean and Greek) and this in spite of FOUR CENTURIES, I repeat "FOUR CENTURIES !!!! "of MAGISTRATIC SILENCE!
      It is this theory that Mathieu Aref dismantles with arguments to SUPPORT because nobody suspected that this Mycenaean (total invention of Schliemann, who is not even an archaeologist but a Businessman! ) was none other than ancient Pelasgians (opinion of the Ancient Authors!) from which is derived, in part, the ancient Greek.
      Moreover of other flagrant argument comes to corroborate this last thesis:
      According to Herodotus ( I,57- VIII, 44- VII,95) the Ionians were Pelasgians (🇦🇱) become Hellenes (🇬🇷) by adopting the Greek language!
      The ethnonym "Ion" derives from the Pelasgic 🇦🇱 "I onë" ( in Albanian, I jonë ) meaning "ours", that is, by extension, "the one who is ( or was ) part of our family, of our ethnic group" .
      The assertion of Herodotus, according to which the Athenians and the inhabitants of Attica were of Pelasgic origin, is, before, confirmed by Hecateus of Miletus and, later, by Hellanicos of Mytilèbe (Lesbos) and other ancient authors.
      Curiously Thucydides, whose chauvinism is not any more to be shown, affirms that Pelops (conqueror of Peloponnese) was a was a foreigner come from Asia (I, 5): the only time when it evokes the foreign origin of one of its a
      - Therefore, the ancestors of the present Albanians, the Pelasgians, lived during the prehistoric periods in most of the then known world, developing a very important civilization and building works of exceptional value".
      Source: Great Greek Encyclopedia (Athens, volume. XIX p.873)
      - "Pelasgians, very ancient people living during the prehistoric period in Greece, in the Archipelago, on the coasts of Asia Minor and Italy. It is generally considered that the ancient Illyrians, Thracians, Phrygians, Lydians, Etruscans, Epirotes (...) and Albanians of today are the main branches of the Pelasgians".
      Source : Petit journal Larousse (Paris, 1950, p.1599)
      Karl O.Müller ( is a German archaeologist and mythologist )
      : - The more the intelligence will enter the history of Greece, the more the attention will return on the element Pelasgians sacrificed until now .
      (Prolegomena - 1825)
      "Will enter" "Pelasgians", "sacrificed"..

  • @TheInquisitor2012
    @TheInquisitor2012 4 роки тому +23

    Amazing animation, drawing and scenery
    and the animated shadows makes it come to life beautifully

  • @JahRandom
    @JahRandom 4 роки тому +26

    I've said it before, I'll say it again now, and I'll say it many more times in the future: Kings and Generals > your favorite channel, no contest.
    But seriously though, no exaggeration at all this is such an amazing channel; definitely my favorite channel on UA-cam. The information is _always_ so interesting, the narrator's voice is *perfect* for the content, and the visuals are simply indescribably beautiful. Keep up the good work and *_NEVER_* stop putting out your Damn near flawless content.
    I truly cannot even begin to thank the entire K&G team for all you do!!

    • @Universal..
      @Universal.. 2 роки тому

      Historical point =
      Homer in the Iliad and the Odyssey speaks only of Danaans, Achaeans, Argians and not of Greeks.
      The Hellenes (tribe of Southern Thessaly also called Argos Pelasgians), at his time, did not constitute yet a people or a Nation (Thucydides I,3).
      He affirms in the Iliad that "Zeus is Pelasgians and dodonean" (XVI,234).
      Precisely these Pelasgians (🇦🇱) were considered by all the ancient Greek authors as "the first inhabitants of Greece" before "The arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷)"!
      Another word that was misunderstood or glossed over. Indeed the Greeks arrived from somewhere because they were not indigenous.
      As they did not come from the North ( one wanted to make us believe the opposite), they could only be foreigners coming from elsewhere.
      It is this elsewhere which is difficult to define very precisely. But the legends, which are only embellished, idealized or metaphorized historical facts, give us some precious indications on the first foreign ethnic groups having occupied the country of the Pelasgians: the Danaans (Egyptians from whom the Dorians descend), the Cadmeans (Phoenicians) and the Pelopides (Assyrians).
      Among the peoples of archaic Greece the Ionians, Aeolians and Arcadians were descendants of the Pelasgians, indigenous populations conquered by the Hellenic invaders: they could claim to be indigenous populations.
      All the ancient authors, including Homer, Hesiod, Hecateus of Miletus, Acousilaos, Hellanicos, Herodotus, Thucydides or Ephorus, inform us succinctly but sufficiently to affirm that before the arrival of the Greeks the Pelasges (🇦🇱) occupied the country that was to become Greece.
      They also claim that these Pelasges were not Greeks but "Barbaros" i.e. not speaking Greek and, finally, that they LEGAVED TO THE GREEKS A LARGE PART OF THEIR CULTES AND DIVINE.
      Example: So, everyone has learned (at school etc ...) that Zeus was a Greek god, right?
      But why in the books of Homer (the basis of the bases!) we never see the so-called "Greek Zeus, Mycenaean Zeus or Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      Here is what Achilles (the greatest warrior of the Trojan War) tells us about Zeus =
      Achilles: - "Zeus, sovereign lord, O Dodonian prince, O you Pelasgic Zeus (🇦🇱), distant god who reigns over Dodona, in this harsh land of the Stool... "
      Source : Homer ( Iliad, XVI, 233/234 )
      Achilles did not say " O you Zeus the Greek, O you Zeus the Mycenaean or O you Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      So why did they tell us that Zeus was a Greek?
      With this alone, we can see that modern historiography is not honest!
      Zeus = Zâ, Zani ( gheg ), Zê, Zeri ( Tosk )
      Before securing power over the other gods, Zeus was the god of the luminous sky, of atmospheric phenomena (clouds, rain, wind, lightning, thunder).
      It was said of him "Zeus rains or Zeus thunders". With Homer and Hesiod, he acquired a preeminent role among the gods of Olympus and a place of choice in the mytological cosmogony.
      Some say that the name Zeus evokes the Sanskrit root "Dyaus" meaning "the day" (Latin Dies). However Homer states that "Zeus is Pelasgic 🇦🇱 and Dodonean" ( Iliad XVI,234).
      The oldest sanctuary, dedicated by the Pelasges to Zeus, is that of Dodone, in Thesprotia (ancient Pelasgia, called Epirus, the 5th century) .
      In Dodona was a sacred oak whose rustling leaves were interpreted by the oracle as the "VOICE" of Zeus.
      The attributes of Zeus are the Eagle, the Lightning and the Scepter. Moreover, lightning means "thunder", thus "noise" or "voice".
      Thus the name of Zeus can be explained by the Albanian "Zâ, Zani, the "voice", the verb".
      With the arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷) this oracle lost its importance to Delphi, the "Greek" sanctuary (of Apollo) par excellence.
      It should be noted that in Albania, God is called Zot (Zeus = Zojz = Zot), all religions combined. Moreover the expression "by Zeus" (who forgives) is always used there "për zotën".
      Porphyry (Life of Pythagoras) reports that Pythagoras used "Zan" to designate Zeus! )
      This alone is enough to convince us that a great civilization, not Greek, existed WELL BEFORE THE ARRIVAL OF THE HELLENES (🇬🇷)
      "The name Pelasgians was probably that of a nation and, in any case, THE GREEK EXPLANATIONS ON THIS SUBJECT ARE ABSURD!"
      Source: The History of Rome Volume I, p.507
      It is the meaning of this famous word "ARRIVED" that the modern authors (majority) did not quite seize (or occulted).
      Everything has been said and its opposite on this subject. Until the discovery of the so-called Mycenaean tablets, "deciphered" by Ventris and Chadwick, the doubt remained in their minds!
      But as soon as these two scholars decreed that the Mycenaean linear B (in reality Pelasgians!) was of the old Greek, all rocked in favor of the thesis of the continuity of the two civilizations (Mycenaean and Greek) and this in spite of FOUR CENTURIES, I repeat "FOUR CENTURIES !!!! "of MAGISTRATIC SILENCE!
      It is this theory that Mathieu Aref dismantles with arguments to SUPPORT because nobody suspected that this Mycenaean (total invention of Schliemann, who is not even an archaeologist but a Businessman! ) was none other than ancient Pelasgians (opinion of the Ancient Authors!) from which is derived, in part, the ancient Greek.
      Moreover of other flagrant argument comes to corroborate this last thesis:
      According to Herodotus ( I,57- VIII, 44- VII,95) the Ionians were Pelasgians (🇦🇱) become Hellenes (🇬🇷) by adopting the Greek language!
      The ethnonym "Ion" derives from the Pelasgic 🇦🇱 "I onë" ( in Albanian, I jonë ) meaning "ours", that is, by extension, "the one who is ( or was ) part of our family, of our ethnic group" .
      The assertion of Herodotus, according to which the Athenians and the inhabitants of Attica were of Pelasgic origin, is, before, confirmed by Hecateus of Miletus and, later, by Hellanicos of Mytilèbe (Lesbos) and other ancient authors.
      Curiously Thucydides, whose chauvinism is not any more to be shown, affirms that Pelops (conqueror of Peloponnese) was a was a foreigner come from Asia (I, 5): the only time when it evokes the foreign origin of one of its a
      - Therefore, the ancestors of the present Albanians, the Pelasgians, lived during the prehistoric periods in most of the then known world, developing a very important civilization and building works of exceptional value".
      Source: Great Greek Encyclopedia (Athens, volume. XIX p.873)
      - "Pelasgians, very ancient people living during the prehistoric period in Greece, in the Archipelago, on the coasts of Asia Minor and Italy. It is generally considered that the ancient Illyrians, Thracians, Phrygians, Lydians, Etruscans, Epirotes (...) and Albanians of today are the main branches of the Pelasgians".
      Source : Petit journal Larousse (Paris, 1950, p.1599)
      Karl O.Müller ( is a German archaeologist and mythologist )
      : - The more the intelligence will enter the history of Greece, the more the attention will return on the element Pelasgians sacrificed until now .
      (Prolegomena - 1825)
      "Will enter" "Pelasgians", "sacrificed".

    • @resentfuldragon
      @resentfuldragon 2 роки тому

      @@Universal.. funfact: pyrrus of epirus, one of the greatest leaders of the ancient world, was born in modern day albania.

  • @TiagoVoltaire
    @TiagoVoltaire 4 роки тому +249

    Greece and Turkey: two of greatest places on Earth to visit.

  • @AndreskoGaribaldi
    @AndreskoGaribaldi Рік тому +3

    Greek states imported food (mostly grain) from the Black Sea region. Troy stood at the crucial choke-point between the Sea of Marmara and Aegean Sea, thus controling this trade route. The city was probably independent, but soon the Hittite start dominating it. The greek has to attack....

  • @johnkeefer8760
    @johnkeefer8760 4 роки тому +79

    Homer’s name in Greek was missing the m sound mu (μ). It should be Όμηρος

    • @ksenos69
      @ksenos69 4 роки тому +4

      Πολύ σωστά!

    • @MyQuadell
      @MyQuadell 4 роки тому +2

      @@ksenos69 Classic reply!

    • @MyQuadell
      @MyQuadell 4 роки тому +5

      Yeah, "Hoeros" just doesn't have the same ring to it.

    • @ksenos69
      @ksenos69 4 роки тому +1

      @@MyQuadell Mine or John Keefer's?

    • @sd3nsd744
      @sd3nsd744 3 роки тому +3

      Όμηρος Σίμψον

  • @NYCfrankie
    @NYCfrankie 4 роки тому +11

    Possibly my favorite video you guys have done and thats saying something incredible I've always been fascinated by Troy and what really happened this was awesome

  • @LuisTheFilmHack
    @LuisTheFilmHack 3 роки тому +6

    At 6:45 the word Homer is misspelled in Greek. It should be " Ὅμηρος" not " Ὅηρος".

  • @phoenixprotocol452
    @phoenixprotocol452 4 роки тому +49

    History is so magical.
    Born too late to discover the earth
    Born too early to discover other planets
    Born just in time to brows dank memes

    • @socracle2774
      @socracle2774 4 роки тому +2

      Born just in time to learn how to spell "browse" you illiterate Athenian

  • @vellerephonte674
    @vellerephonte674 4 роки тому +34

    The rage sing o Goddess, of Achilles of Peleus

  • @worrierqueen5695
    @worrierqueen5695 2 місяці тому +2

    Very interesting theory is that the Trojan Horse was not some ridiculous wooden horse but the name of the Trojan Cavalry that for the 10 year war had remained outside the city performing hit and run raids that kept the Greeks from actually being able to besiege the city itself.
    In the last year of the war when the Greens did besiege Troy, their attacks were fruitless until they come up with the idea to dress up some Greek cavalry using captured Trojan Horse outfits. They then pretend to break through the Greek siege lines being chased by a large number of Greek horsemen and the Trojans open the gates for their supposedly fleeing companions only for them to turn on the Trojans with the help of the pursuing Greek cavalry, both keeping the gate open long enough for the Greek hoplites to storm inside.
    Not saying it happened but I definitely would try this trick before some dumb wooden horse.

  • @carlosnevarez4003
    @carlosnevarez4003 4 роки тому +53

    I'm not going to lie, the movie Troy with Brad Pitt is one of my favourite movies. I absolutely loved the duel between Hector and Achilles. Good work, team! ^.^

    • @KingsandGenerals
      @KingsandGenerals  4 роки тому +12

      I don't hate that movie :-)

    • @MrGOTAMA420
      @MrGOTAMA420 4 роки тому +4

      the old film had a bad assfight scene were achiles takes hector and drags him back to camp

    • @carlosnevarez4003
      @carlosnevarez4003 4 роки тому

      @The Martial Lord of Loyalty Yes they did ^.^

    • @arthurgrmg2850
      @arthurgrmg2850 4 роки тому +1

      @The Martial Lord of Loyalty huh, i thought they were both cousins **and** implied lovers in the original illiad and that the movie merely downplayed the latter , but like in the original it still left it open for interpretation.

    • @arthurgrmg2850
      @arthurgrmg2850 4 роки тому +1

      @The Martial Lord of Loyalty You don't need to throw that preachy comment at me. i personally believe myself that those two were indeed lovers, given how greek society used to be. But according to my research Homer in the original illiad did *not* explicitly stated that they were lovers. But pretty much everybody (including later greek authors) assumed they were.

  • @maapaa2010
    @maapaa2010 4 роки тому +5

    This video was 11/10 best i ever saw on UA-cam of this type. You guys did flawlessly

  • @shatteredknight1129
    @shatteredknight1129 4 роки тому +5

    Thank you for this video! Been playing Troy nonstop for a month now. Eight factions with their own full campaign. I have only played two so far, and haven't even completed. Best Total War game.

    • @Universal..
      @Universal.. 2 роки тому

      Historical point =
      Homer in the Iliad and the Odyssey speaks only of Danaans, Achaeans, Argians and not of Greeks.
      The Hellenes (tribe of Southern Thessaly also called Argos Pelasgians), at his time, did not constitute yet a people or a Nation (Thucydides I,3).
      He affirms in the Iliad that "Zeus is Pelasgians and dodonean" (XVI,234).
      Precisely these Pelasgians (🇦🇱) were considered by all the ancient Greek authors as "the first inhabitants of Greece" before "The arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷)"!
      Another word that was misunderstood or glossed over. Indeed the Greeks arrived from somewhere because they were not indigenous.
      As they did not come from the North ( one wanted to make us believe the opposite), they could only be foreigners coming from elsewhere.
      It is this elsewhere which is difficult to define very precisely. But the legends, which are only embellished, idealized or metaphorized historical facts, give us some precious indications on the first foreign ethnic groups having occupied the country of the Pelasgians: the Danaans (Egyptians from whom the Dorians descend), the Cadmeans (Phoenicians) and the Pelopides (Assyrians).
      Among the peoples of archaic Greece the Ionians, Aeolians and Arcadians were descendants of the Pelasgians, indigenous populations conquered by the Hellenic invaders: they could claim to be indigenous populations.
      All the ancient authors, including Homer, Hesiod, Hecateus of Miletus, Acousilaos, Hellanicos, Herodotus, Thucydides or Ephorus, inform us succinctly but sufficiently to affirm that before the arrival of the Greeks the Pelasges (🇦🇱) occupied the country that was to become Greece.
      They also claim that these Pelasges were not Greeks but "Barbaros" i.e. not speaking Greek and, finally, that they LEGAVED TO THE GREEKS A LARGE PART OF THEIR CULTES AND DIVINE.
      Example: So, everyone has learned (at school etc ...) that Zeus was a Greek god, right?
      But why in the books of Homer (the basis of the bases!) we never see the so-called "Greek Zeus, Mycenaean Zeus or Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      Here is what Achilles (the greatest warrior of the Trojan War) tells us about Zeus =
      Achilles: - "Zeus, sovereign lord, O Dodonian prince, O you Pelasgic Zeus (🇦🇱), distant god who reigns over Dodona, in this harsh land of the Stool... "
      Source : Homer ( Iliad, XVI, 233/234 )
      Achilles did not say " O you Zeus the Greek, O you Zeus the Mycenaean or O you Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      So why did they tell us that Zeus was a Greek?
      With this alone, we can see that modern historiography is not honest!
      Zeus = Zâ, Zani ( gheg ), Zê, Zeri ( Tosk )
      Before securing power over the other gods, Zeus was the god of the luminous sky, of atmospheric phenomena (clouds, rain, wind, lightning, thunder).
      It was said of him "Zeus rains or Zeus thunders". With Homer and Hesiod, he acquired a preeminent role among the gods of Olympus and a place of choice in the mytological cosmogony.
      Some say that the name Zeus evokes the Sanskrit root "Dyaus" meaning "the day" (Latin Dies). However Homer states that "Zeus is Pelasgic 🇦🇱 and Dodonean" ( Iliad XVI,234).
      The oldest sanctuary, dedicated by the Pelasges to Zeus, is that of Dodone, in Thesprotia (ancient Pelasgia, called Epirus, the 5th century) .
      In Dodona was a sacred oak whose rustling leaves were interpreted by the oracle as the "VOICE" of Zeus.
      The attributes of Zeus are the Eagle, the Lightning and the Scepter. Moreover, lightning means "thunder", thus "noise" or "voice".
      Thus the name of Zeus can be explained by the Albanian "Zâ, Zani, the "voice", the verb".
      With the arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷) this oracle lost its importance to Delphi, the "Greek" sanctuary (of Apollo) par excellence.
      It should be noted that in Albania, God is called Zot (Zeus = Zojz = Zot), all religions combined. Moreover the expression "by Zeus" (who forgives) is always used there "për zotën".
      Porphyry (Life of Pythagoras) reports that Pythagoras used "Zan" to designate Zeus! )
      This alone is enough to convince us that a great civilization, not Greek, existed WELL BEFORE THE ARRIVAL OF THE HELLENES (🇬🇷)
      "The name Pelasgians was probably that of a nation and, in any case, THE GREEK EXPLANATIONS ON THIS SUBJECT ARE ABSURD!"
      Source: The History of Rome Volume I, p.507
      It is the meaning of this famous word "ARRIVED" that the modern authors (majority) did not quite seize (or occulted).
      Everything has been said and its opposite on this subject. Until the discovery of the so-called Mycenaean tablets, "deciphered" by Ventris and Chadwick, the doubt remained in their minds!
      But as soon as these two scholars decreed that the Mycenaean linear B (in reality Pelasgians!) was of the old Greek, all rocked in favor of the thesis of the continuity of the two civilizations (Mycenaean and Greek) and this in spite of FOUR CENTURIES, I repeat "FOUR CENTURIES !!!! "of MAGISTRATIC SILENCE!
      It is this theory that Mathieu Aref dismantles with arguments to SUPPORT because nobody suspected that this Mycenaean (total invention of Schliemann, who is not even an archaeologist but a Businessman! ) was none other than ancient Pelasgians (opinion of the Ancient Authors!) from which is derived, in part, the ancient Greek.
      Moreover of other flagrant argument comes to corroborate this last thesis:
      According to Herodotus ( I,57- VIII, 44- VII,95) the Ionians were Pelasgians (🇦🇱) become Hellenes (🇬🇷) by adopting the Greek language!
      The ethnonym "Ion" derives from the Pelasgic 🇦🇱 "I onë" ( in Albanian, I jonë ) meaning "ours", that is, by extension, "the one who is ( or was ) part of our family, of our ethnic group" .
      The assertion of Herodotus, according to which the Athenians and the inhabitants of Attica were of Pelasgic origin, is, before, confirmed by Hecateus of Miletus and, later, by Hellanicos of Mytilèbe (Lesbos) and other ancient authors.
      Curiously Thucydides, whose chauvinism is not any more to be shown, affirms that Pelops (conqueror of Peloponnese) was a was a foreigner come from Asia (I, 5): the only time when it evokes the foreign origin of one of its a
      - Therefore, the ancestors of the present Albanians, the Pelasgians, lived during the prehistoric periods in most of the then known world, developing a very important civilization and building works of exceptional value".
      Source: Great Greek Encyclopedia (Athens, volume. XIX p.873)
      - "Pelasgians, very ancient people living during the prehistoric period in Greece, in the Archipelago, on the coasts of Asia Minor and Italy. It is generally considered that the ancient Illyrians, Thracians, Phrygians, Lydians, Etruscans, Epirotes (...) and Albanians of today are the main branches of the Pelasgians".
      Source : Petit journal Larousse (Paris, 1950, p.1599)
      Karl O.Müller ( is a German archaeologist and mythologist )
      : - The more the intelligence will enter the history of Greece, the more the attention will return on the element Pelasgians sacrificed until now .
      (Prolegomena - 1825)
      "Will enter" "Pelasgians", "sacrificed".

    • @haideramvs3891
      @haideramvs3891 2 роки тому

      How old are you ?

  • @kostasmpourou898
    @kostasmpourou898 4 роки тому +34

    When Alexander the Great begun his invasion in the persian Empire, he honoured Protesilaus tomb (the first greek who died at the Trojan war, according to Homer) and Achilles tomb, too. These were written by Arrianus. As a Greek, I'm very proud of my forefathers. We're one of the oldest nations, and what we do right now is to have an economic crisis.. what a shame.

    • @marsupilavli
      @marsupilavli 4 роки тому +11

      I hope you guys get over your financial struggles soon. Respects and loves from Turkey.

    • @kostasmpourou898
      @kostasmpourou898 4 роки тому +8

      @@marsupilavli One of the last turks that respect the greeks. Thank you.

    • @marsupilavli
      @marsupilavli 4 роки тому +6

      @@kostasmpourou898 unlike government most of Turks loves and respects Greeks. It's sad to see all this political hate and anger.

    • @soundwave2481
      @soundwave2481 4 роки тому +3

      @@kostasmpourou898 As a Turk as well I too respect Greek history,culture and people and I love reading about its' Myth not in small part to God Of War haha
      I just want some Greeks to stop calling me Mongol (Not that I get offended it's just sooo historically wrong that it triggers my history OCD lol) and telling me to go back to Central Asia as you can see too neither we or you are truly native to here...

    • @kostasmpourou898
      @kostasmpourou898 4 роки тому +4

      @@soundwave2481 the first turks were of Mongol origin, nowadays the turks have various dna types. There are greeks, Armenians, serbians, Bulgarians etc. Because the ottoman empire selected the most dynamic kids, and the most beautiful women from the whole empire. We all know that. The greeks are truly native in the greek peninsula, and kinda native in Anatolia (Pontus, Cappadocia and Eastern Thrace). There were sooo much greeks in Anatolia, from the times of alexander the Great and at west asia minor nearly from 800 B.C. If I'm telling something wrong you can correct me.

  • @nres1
    @nres1 3 роки тому +8

    It took place on Hollywood, I remember so vividly.

  • @CraigPendlebury
    @CraigPendlebury 4 роки тому +6

    This was one of your best videos you have put together, simply fascinating - if it went for three times as long I'd have still watched every second of it.

    • @Universal..
      @Universal.. 2 роки тому

      Historical point =
      Homer in the Iliad and the Odyssey speaks only of Danaans, Achaeans, Argians and not of Greeks.
      The Hellenes (tribe of Southern Thessaly also called Argos Pelasgians), at his time, did not constitute yet a people or a Nation (Thucydides I,3).
      He affirms in the Iliad that "Zeus is Pelasgians and dodonean" (XVI,234).
      Precisely these Pelasgians (🇦🇱) were considered by all the ancient Greek authors as "the first inhabitants of Greece" before "The arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷)"!
      Another word that was misunderstood or glossed over. Indeed the Greeks arrived from somewhere because they were not indigenous.
      As they did not come from the North ( one wanted to make us believe the opposite), they could only be foreigners coming from elsewhere.
      It is this elsewhere which is difficult to define very precisely. But the legends, which are only embellished, idealized or metaphorized historical facts, give us some precious indications on the first foreign ethnic groups having occupied the country of the Pelasgians: the Danaans (Egyptians from whom the Dorians descend), the Cadmeans (Phoenicians) and the Pelopides (Assyrians).
      Among the peoples of archaic Greece the Ionians, Aeolians and Arcadians were descendants of the Pelasgians, indigenous populations conquered by the Hellenic invaders: they could claim to be indigenous populations.
      All the ancient authors, including Homer, Hesiod, Hecateus of Miletus, Acousilaos, Hellanicos, Herodotus, Thucydides or Ephorus, inform us succinctly but sufficiently to affirm that before the arrival of the Greeks the Pelasges (🇦🇱) occupied the country that was to become Greece.
      They also claim that these Pelasges were not Greeks but "Barbaros" i.e. not speaking Greek and, finally, that they LEGAVED TO THE GREEKS A LARGE PART OF THEIR CULTES AND DIVINE.
      Example: So, everyone has learned (at school etc ...) that Zeus was a Greek god, right?
      But why in the books of Homer (the basis of the bases!) we never see the so-called "Greek Zeus, Mycenaean Zeus or Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      Here is what Achilles (the greatest warrior of the Trojan War) tells us about Zeus =
      Achilles: - "Zeus, sovereign lord, O Dodonian prince, O you Pelasgic Zeus (🇦🇱), distant god who reigns over Dodona, in this harsh land of the Stool... "
      Source : Homer ( Iliad, XVI, 233/234 )
      Achilles did not say " O you Zeus the Greek, O you Zeus the Mycenaean or O you Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      So why did they tell us that Zeus was a Greek?
      With this alone, we can see that modern historiography is not honest!
      Zeus = Zâ, Zani ( gheg ), Zê, Zeri ( Tosk )
      Before securing power over the other gods, Zeus was the god of the luminous sky, of atmospheric phenomena (clouds, rain, wind, lightning, thunder).
      It was said of him "Zeus rains or Zeus thunders". With Homer and Hesiod, he acquired a preeminent role among the gods of Olympus and a place of choice in the mytological cosmogony.
      Some say that the name Zeus evokes the Sanskrit root "Dyaus" meaning "the day" (Latin Dies). However Homer states that "Zeus is Pelasgic 🇦🇱 and Dodonean" ( Iliad XVI,234).
      The oldest sanctuary, dedicated by the Pelasges to Zeus, is that of Dodone, in Thesprotia (ancient Pelasgia, called Epirus, the 5th century) .
      In Dodona was a sacred oak whose rustling leaves were interpreted by the oracle as the "VOICE" of Zeus.
      The attributes of Zeus are the Eagle, the Lightning and the Scepter. Moreover, lightning means "thunder", thus "noise" or "voice".
      Thus the name of Zeus can be explained by the Albanian "Zâ, Zani, the "voice", the verb".
      With the arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷) this oracle lost its importance to Delphi, the "Greek" sanctuary (of Apollo) par excellence.
      It should be noted that in Albania, God is called Zot (Zeus = Zojz = Zot), all religions combined. Moreover the expression "by Zeus" (who forgives) is always used there "për zotën".
      Porphyry (Life of Pythagoras) reports that Pythagoras used "Zan" to designate Zeus! )
      This alone is enough to convince us that a great civilization, not Greek, existed WELL BEFORE THE ARRIVAL OF THE HELLENES (🇬🇷)
      "The name Pelasgians was probably that of a nation and, in any case, THE GREEK EXPLANATIONS ON THIS SUBJECT ARE ABSURD!"
      Source: The History of Rome Volume I, p.507
      It is the meaning of this famous word "ARRIVED" that the modern authors (majority) did not quite seize (or occulted).
      Everything has been said and its opposite on this subject. Until the discovery of the so-called Mycenaean tablets, "deciphered" by Ventris and Chadwick, the doubt remained in their minds!
      But as soon as these two scholars decreed that the Mycenaean linear B (in reality Pelasgians!) was of the old Greek, all rocked in favor of the thesis of the continuity of the two civilizations (Mycenaean and Greek) and this in spite of FOUR CENTURIES, I repeat "FOUR CENTURIES !!!! "of MAGISTRATIC SILENCE!
      It is this theory that Mathieu Aref dismantles with arguments to SUPPORT because nobody suspected that this Mycenaean (total invention of Schliemann, who is not even an archaeologist but a Businessman! ) was none other than ancient Pelasgians (opinion of the Ancient Authors!) from which is derived, in part, the ancient Greek.
      Moreover of other flagrant argument comes to corroborate this last thesis:
      According to Herodotus ( I,57- VIII, 44- VII,95) the Ionians were Pelasgians (🇦🇱) become Hellenes (🇬🇷) by adopting the Greek language!
      The ethnonym "Ion" derives from the Pelasgic 🇦🇱 "I onë" ( in Albanian, I jonë ) meaning "ours", that is, by extension, "the one who is ( or was ) part of our family, of our ethnic group" .
      The assertion of Herodotus, according to which the Athenians and the inhabitants of Attica were of Pelasgic origin, is, before, confirmed by Hecateus of Miletus and, later, by Hellanicos of Mytilèbe (Lesbos) and other ancient authors.
      Curiously Thucydides, whose chauvinism is not any more to be shown, affirms that Pelops (conqueror of Peloponnese) was a was a foreigner come from Asia (I, 5): the only time when it evokes the foreign origin of one of its a
      - Therefore, the ancestors of the present Albanians, the Pelasgians, lived during the prehistoric periods in most of the then known world, developing a very important civilization and building works of exceptional value".
      Source: Great Greek Encyclopedia (Athens, volume. XIX p.873)
      - "Pelasgians, very ancient people living during the prehistoric period in Greece, in the Archipelago, on the coasts of Asia Minor and Italy. It is generally considered that the ancient Illyrians, Thracians, Phrygians, Lydians, Etruscans, Epirotes (...) and Albanians of today are the main branches of the Pelasgians".
      Source : Petit journal Larousse (Paris, 1950, p.1599)
      Karl O.Müller ( is a German archaeologist and mythologist )
      : - The more the intelligence will enter the history of Greece, the more the attention will return on the element Pelasgians sacrificed until now .
      (Prolegomena - 1825)
      "Will enter" "Pelasgians", "sacrificed"...

  • @thatguywesmaranan
    @thatguywesmaranan 4 роки тому +41

    * *screams in brad pitt* *

    • @Universal..
      @Universal.. 2 роки тому

      Historical point =
      Homer in the Iliad and the Odyssey speaks only of Danaans, Achaeans, Argians and not of Greeks.
      The Hellenes (tribe of Southern Thessaly also called Argos Pelasgians), at his time, did not constitute yet a people or a Nation (Thucydides I,3).
      He affirms in the Iliad that "Zeus is Pelasgians and dodonean" (XVI,234).
      Precisely these Pelasgians (🇦🇱) were considered by all the ancient Greek authors as "the first inhabitants of Greece" before "The arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷)"!
      Another word that was misunderstood or glossed over. Indeed the Greeks arrived from somewhere because they were not indigenous.
      As they did not come from the North ( one wanted to make us believe the opposite), they could only be foreigners coming from elsewhere.
      It is this elsewhere which is difficult to define very precisely. But the legends, which are only embellished, idealized or metaphorized historical facts, give us some precious indications on the first foreign ethnic groups having occupied the country of the Pelasgians: the Danaans (Egyptians from whom the Dorians descend), the Cadmeans (Phoenicians) and the Pelopides (Assyrians).
      Among the peoples of archaic Greece the Ionians, Aeolians and Arcadians were descendants of the Pelasgians, indigenous populations conquered by the Hellenic invaders: they could claim to be indigenous populations.
      All the ancient authors, including Homer, Hesiod, Hecateus of Miletus, Acousilaos, Hellanicos, Herodotus, Thucydides or Ephorus, inform us succinctly but sufficiently to affirm that before the arrival of the Greeks the Pelasges (🇦🇱) occupied the country that was to become Greece.
      They also claim that these Pelasges were not Greeks but "Barbaros" i.e. not speaking Greek and, finally, that they LEGAVED TO THE GREEKS A LARGE PART OF THEIR CULTES AND DIVINE.
      Example: So, everyone has learned (at school etc ...) that Zeus was a Greek god, right?
      But why in the books of Homer (the basis of the bases!) we never see the so-called "Greek Zeus, Mycenaean Zeus or Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      Here is what Achilles (the greatest warrior of the Trojan War) tells us about Zeus =
      Achilles: - "Zeus, sovereign lord, O Dodonian prince, O you Pelasgic Zeus (🇦🇱), distant god who reigns over Dodona, in this harsh land of the Stool... "
      Source : Homer ( Iliad, XVI, 233/234 )
      Achilles did not say " O you Zeus the Greek, O you Zeus the Mycenaean or O you Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      So why did they tell us that Zeus was a Greek?
      With this alone, we can see that modern historiography is not honest!
      Zeus = Zâ, Zani ( gheg ), Zê, Zeri ( Tosk )
      Before securing power over the other gods, Zeus was the god of the luminous sky, of atmospheric phenomena (clouds, rain, wind, lightning, thunder).
      It was said of him "Zeus rains or Zeus thunders". With Homer and Hesiod, he acquired a preeminent role among the gods of Olympus and a place of choice in the mytological cosmogony.
      Some say that the name Zeus evokes the Sanskrit root "Dyaus" meaning "the day" (Latin Dies). However Homer states that "Zeus is Pelasgic 🇦🇱 and Dodonean" ( Iliad XVI,234).
      The oldest sanctuary, dedicated by the Pelasges to Zeus, is that of Dodone, in Thesprotia (ancient Pelasgia, called Epirus, the 5th century) .
      In Dodona was a sacred oak whose rustling leaves were interpreted by the oracle as the "VOICE" of Zeus.
      The attributes of Zeus are the Eagle, the Lightning and the Scepter. Moreover, lightning means "thunder", thus "noise" or "voice".
      Thus the name of Zeus can be explained by the Albanian "Zâ, Zani, the "voice", the verb".
      With the arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷) this oracle lost its importance to Delphi, the "Greek" sanctuary (of Apollo) par excellence.
      It should be noted that in Albania, God is called Zot (Zeus = Zojz = Zot), all religions combined. Moreover the expression "by Zeus" (who forgives) is always used there "për zotën".
      Porphyry (Life of Pythagoras) reports that Pythagoras used "Zan" to designate Zeus! )
      This alone is enough to convince us that a great civilization, not Greek, existed WELL BEFORE THE ARRIVAL OF THE HELLENES (🇬🇷)
      "The name Pelasgians was probably that of a nation and, in any case, THE GREEK EXPLANATIONS ON THIS SUBJECT ARE ABSURD!"
      Source: The History of Rome Volume I, p.507
      It is the meaning of this famous word "ARRIVED" that the modern authors (majority) did not quite seize (or occulted).
      Everything has been said and its opposite on this subject. Until the discovery of the so-called Mycenaean tablets, "deciphered" by Ventris and Chadwick, the doubt remained in their minds!
      But as soon as these two scholars decreed that the Mycenaean linear B (in reality Pelasgians!) was of the old Greek, all rocked in favor of the thesis of the continuity of the two civilizations (Mycenaean and Greek) and this in spite of FOUR CENTURIES, I repeat "FOUR CENTURIES !!!! "of MAGISTRATIC SILENCE!
      It is this theory that Mathieu Aref dismantles with arguments to SUPPORT because nobody suspected that this Mycenaean (total invention of Schliemann, who is not even an archaeologist but a Businessman! ) was none other than ancient Pelasgians (opinion of the Ancient Authors!) from which is derived, in part, the ancient Greek.
      Moreover of other flagrant argument comes to corroborate this last thesis:
      According to Herodotus ( I,57- VIII, 44- VII,95) the Ionians were Pelasgians (🇦🇱) become Hellenes (🇬🇷) by adopting the Greek language!
      The ethnonym "Ion" derives from the Pelasgic 🇦🇱 "I onë" ( in Albanian, I jonë ) meaning "ours", that is, by extension, "the one who is ( or was ) part of our family, of our ethnic group" .
      The assertion of Herodotus, according to which the Athenians and the inhabitants of Attica were of Pelasgic origin, is, before, confirmed by Hecateus of Miletus and, later, by Hellanicos of Mytilèbe (Lesbos) and other ancient authors.
      Curiously Thucydides, whose chauvinism is not any more to be shown, affirms that Pelops (conqueror of Peloponnese) was a was a foreigner come from Asia (I, 5): the only time when it evokes the foreign origin of one of its a
      - Therefore, the ancestors of the present Albanians, the Pelasgians, lived during the prehistoric periods in most of the then known world, developing a very important civilization and building works of exceptional value".
      Source: Great Greek Encyclopedia (Athens, volume. XIX p.873)
      - "Pelasgians, very ancient people living during the prehistoric period in Greece, in the Archipelago, on the coasts of Asia Minor and Italy. It is generally considered that the ancient Illyrians, Thracians, Phrygians, Lydians, Etruscans, Epirotes (...) and Albanians of today are the main branches of the Pelasgians".
      Source : Petit journal Larousse (Paris, 1950, p.1599)
      Karl O.Müller ( is a German archaeologist and mythologist )
      : - The more the intelligence will enter the history of Greece, the more the attention will return on the element Pelasgians sacrificed until now .
      (Prolegomena - 1825)
      "Will enter" "Pelasgians", "sacrificed"..

  • @iamscoutstfu
    @iamscoutstfu 4 роки тому +6

    They say that, after their civilization fell apart, the refugee's of the Troy traveled to Europe where they become nomadic folk who used chariots and horsemanship to conquer the locals.
    Makes a lot of sense, actually. If you have the genetically preserved psychological trauma of a long, agonizing siege like that.
    Helen represented Menelaus claim to Sparta through her descendant from Tyndarius. Her husband was King of Sparta and so Paris was essentially stealing an entire Kingdom from Menelaus. But, interestingly, Helen's name means "torch" and it's spelling links it to Venus, the illuminator, the "Lucifer". I almost want to go full tin foil and ask if Helen, as with Zeus and the other gods, not a pseudonym for something else. Something that functions like a torch and, when in your possession, makes you the king of Sparta.

  • @grantaum9677
    @grantaum9677 4 роки тому +6

    The raid of Theseus against the Cretan minotaur was a contemporary event if we believe Helen is a person and not an object, because Theseus once stole the Helen

  • @aGr3atD4y
    @aGr3atD4y Рік тому +1

    WOW! I love and appreciate how deep you dig to find all the necessary info!

  • @CraigPendlebury
    @CraigPendlebury 4 роки тому +14

    Achilles was killed by Paris, not Hector

    • @serenemountain6769
      @serenemountain6769 4 роки тому +2


    • @Danaluni59
      @Danaluni59 4 роки тому +5

      Achilles killed Hektor, the greatest figure in the Illiad. He was in turn killed by Paris, the biggest dork of the story.

    • @serenemountain6769
      @serenemountain6769 3 роки тому

      @@Danaluni59 yes, the founders of the Roman Empire ...

    • @parabelluminvicta8380
      @parabelluminvicta8380 3 роки тому

      @@serenemountain6769 you mean Aeneas.

  • @DingleCerri
    @DingleCerri 4 роки тому +11

    “Total War was a possibility”
    Ahhhhh I see what you did there!

    • @Universal..
      @Universal.. 2 роки тому

      Historical point =
      Homer in the Iliad and the Odyssey speaks only of Danaans, Achaeans, Argians and not of Greeks.
      The Hellenes (tribe of Southern Thessaly also called Argos Pelasgians), at his time, did not constitute yet a people or a Nation (Thucydides I,3).
      He affirms in the Iliad that "Zeus is Pelasgians and dodonean" (XVI,234).
      Precisely these Pelasgians (🇦🇱) were considered by all the ancient Greek authors as "the first inhabitants of Greece" before "The arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷)"!
      Another word that was misunderstood or glossed over. Indeed the Greeks arrived from somewhere because they were not indigenous.
      As they did not come from the North ( one wanted to make us believe the opposite), they could only be foreigners coming from elsewhere.
      It is this elsewhere which is difficult to define very precisely. But the legends, which are only embellished, idealized or metaphorized historical facts, give us some precious indications on the first foreign ethnic groups having occupied the country of the Pelasgians: the Danaans (Egyptians from whom the Dorians descend), the Cadmeans (Phoenicians) and the Pelopides (Assyrians).
      Among the peoples of archaic Greece the Ionians, Aeolians and Arcadians were descendants of the Pelasgians, indigenous populations conquered by the Hellenic invaders: they could claim to be indigenous populations.
      All the ancient authors, including Homer, Hesiod, Hecateus of Miletus, Acousilaos, Hellanicos, Herodotus, Thucydides or Ephorus, inform us succinctly but sufficiently to affirm that before the arrival of the Greeks the Pelasges (🇦🇱) occupied the country that was to become Greece.
      They also claim that these Pelasges were not Greeks but "Barbaros" i.e. not speaking Greek and, finally, that they LEGAVED TO THE GREEKS A LARGE PART OF THEIR CULTES AND DIVINE.
      Example: So, everyone has learned (at school etc ...) that Zeus was a Greek god, right?
      But why in the books of Homer (the basis of the bases!) we never see the so-called "Greek Zeus, Mycenaean Zeus or Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      Here is what Achilles (the greatest warrior of the Trojan War) tells us about Zeus =
      Achilles: - "Zeus, sovereign lord, O Dodonian prince, O you Pelasgic Zeus (🇦🇱), distant god who reigns over Dodona, in this harsh land of the Stool... "
      Source : Homer ( Iliad, XVI, 233/234 )
      Achilles did not say " O you Zeus the Greek, O you Zeus the Mycenaean or O you Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      So why did they tell us that Zeus was a Greek?
      With this alone, we can see that modern historiography is not honest!
      Zeus = Zâ, Zani ( gheg ), Zê, Zeri ( Tosk )
      Before securing power over the other gods, Zeus was the god of the luminous sky, of atmospheric phenomena (clouds, rain, wind, lightning, thunder).
      It was said of him "Zeus rains or Zeus thunders". With Homer and Hesiod, he acquired a preeminent role among the gods of Olympus and a place of choice in the mytological cosmogony.
      Some say that the name Zeus evokes the Sanskrit root "Dyaus" meaning "the day" (Latin Dies). However Homer states that "Zeus is Pelasgic 🇦🇱 and Dodonean" ( Iliad XVI,234).
      The oldest sanctuary, dedicated by the Pelasges to Zeus, is that of Dodone, in Thesprotia (ancient Pelasgia, called Epirus, the 5th century) .
      In Dodona was a sacred oak whose rustling leaves were interpreted by the oracle as the "VOICE" of Zeus.
      The attributes of Zeus are the Eagle, the Lightning and the Scepter. Moreover, lightning means "thunder", thus "noise" or "voice".
      Thus the name of Zeus can be explained by the Albanian "Zâ, Zani, the "voice", the verb".
      With the arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷) this oracle lost its importance to Delphi, the "Greek" sanctuary (of Apollo) par excellence.
      It should be noted that in Albania, God is called Zot (Zeus = Zojz = Zot), all religions combined. Moreover the expression "by Zeus" (who forgives) is always used there "për zotën".
      Porphyry (Life of Pythagoras) reports that Pythagoras used "Zan" to designate Zeus! )
      This alone is enough to convince us that a great civilization, not Greek, existed WELL BEFORE THE ARRIVAL OF THE HELLENES (🇬🇷)
      "The name Pelasgians was probably that of a nation and, in any case, THE GREEK EXPLANATIONS ON THIS SUBJECT ARE ABSURD!"
      Source: The History of Rome Volume I, p.507
      It is the meaning of this famous word "ARRIVED" that the modern authors (majority) did not quite seize (or occulted).
      Everything has been said and its opposite on this subject. Until the discovery of the so-called Mycenaean tablets, "deciphered" by Ventris and Chadwick, the doubt remained in their minds!
      But as soon as these two scholars decreed that the Mycenaean linear B (in reality Pelasgians!) was of the old Greek, all rocked in favor of the thesis of the continuity of the two civilizations (Mycenaean and Greek) and this in spite of FOUR CENTURIES, I repeat "FOUR CENTURIES !!!! "of MAGISTRATIC SILENCE!
      It is this theory that Mathieu Aref dismantles with arguments to SUPPORT because nobody suspected that this Mycenaean (total invention of Schliemann, who is not even an archaeologist but a Businessman! ) was none other than ancient Pelasgians (opinion of the Ancient Authors!) from which is derived, in part, the ancient Greek.
      Moreover of other flagrant argument comes to corroborate this last thesis:
      According to Herodotus ( I,57- VIII, 44- VII,95) the Ionians were Pelasgians (🇦🇱) become Hellenes (🇬🇷) by adopting the Greek language!
      The ethnonym "Ion" derives from the Pelasgic 🇦🇱 "I onë" ( in Albanian, I jonë ) meaning "ours", that is, by extension, "the one who is ( or was ) part of our family, of our ethnic group" .
      The assertion of Herodotus, according to which the Athenians and the inhabitants of Attica were of Pelasgic origin, is, before, confirmed by Hecateus of Miletus and, later, by Hellanicos of Mytilèbe (Lesbos) and other ancient authors.
      Curiously Thucydides, whose chauvinism is not any more to be shown, affirms that Pelops (conqueror of Peloponnese) was a was a foreigner come from Asia (I, 5): the only time when it evokes the foreign origin of one of its a
      - Therefore, the ancestors of the present Albanians, the Pelasgians, lived during the prehistoric periods in most of the then known world, developing a very important civilization and building works of exceptional value".
      Source: Great Greek Encyclopedia (Athens, volume. XIX p.873)
      - "Pelasgians, very ancient people living during the prehistoric period in Greece, in the Archipelago, on the coasts of Asia Minor and Italy. It is generally considered that the ancient Illyrians, Thracians, Phrygians, Lydians, Etruscans, Epirotes (...) and Albanians of today are the main branches of the Pelasgians".
      Source : Petit journal Larousse (Paris, 1950, p.1599)
      Karl O.Müller ( is a German archaeologist and mythologist )
      : - The more the intelligence will enter the history of Greece, the more the attention will return on the element Pelasgians sacrificed until now .
      (Prolegomena - 1825)
      "Will enter" "Pelasgians", "sacrificed"..

  • @thodorostheofanous3911
    @thodorostheofanous3911 4 роки тому +2

    This is one of the most thorough and meticulous approaches on the matter of Troy and the early bronze age! Well explained and thematically cohesive video! Once again, bravo!

  • @katea.7415
    @katea.7415 3 роки тому +62

    Homer deserves our full respect, makes us proud after 2500 years 🙏🇬🇷

    • @blockie9706
      @blockie9706 3 роки тому +4

      The question is, what does ancient writer Homer has to do with this indian company flag 🇬🇷 ?

    • @katea.7415
      @katea.7415 3 роки тому +7

      @@blockie9706 you know nothing. 🇬🇷

    • @davidscwimer1974
      @davidscwimer1974 3 роки тому +7

      @@blockie9706 more than albano Slavic Bulgars 😂

    • @davidscwimer1974
      @davidscwimer1974 3 роки тому +5

      @@blockie9706 prove it 🤪 show me evidence 😂
      Blockboy 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

    • @davidscwimer1974
      @davidscwimer1974 3 роки тому +5

      Real history time 😆
      historians state that the current flag derived from an older design, the virtually identical flag of the powerful Cretan Kallergis family. This flag was based on their coat of arms, whose pattern is supposed to be derived from the standards of their claimed ancestor, Byzantine Emperor Nicephorus II Phocas (963-969 AD). This pattern (according to not easily verifiable descriptions) included nine stripes of alternating blue and white, as well as a cross, assumed to be placed on the upper left.
      Whoops 😬 your Albo history teacher got it wrong 😑 😂

  • @casek6930
    @casek6930 3 роки тому +3

    The greatest opening line in all literature:
    Achilles sing, O Goddess! Peleus’ son;
    His wrath pernicious, who ten thousand woes
    Caused to Achaia’s host, sent many a soul
    Illustrious into Ades premature
    (Cowper trans. slays all)

    • @fernandomaron87
      @fernandomaron87 3 роки тому +1

      Yes, it makes me chill every time i read this. I love this translation right here as well:
      Sing, Goddess, Achilles' rage,
      Black and murderous, that cost the Greeks
      Incalculable pain, pitched countless souls
      Of heroes into Hades' dark,
      And left their bodies to rot as feasts
      For dogs and birds, as Zeus' will was done.
      Begin with the clash between Agamemnon--The Greek warlord Achilles.

    • @casek6930
      @casek6930 3 роки тому

      Check out the lesser known Thebaid of Statius (90 A.D.):
      "Shading her brown a hundred snakes stood high,
      The threatening terror of her ghastly head.
      A steely glint shone in her sunken eyes,
      Like the red pallor of the laboring moon.
      Among the clouds bewitched by magic spells,
      Upon her taut and poison-tainted skin.
      Corruption swelled; from blacken lips she breathed
      A fiery vapor laden with disease."
      I have no idea why this poem is virtually unheard of. 330 pages too. Not short.

  • @athenian9795
    @athenian9795 4 роки тому +28

    I can imagine Hector's reaction after killing Patroclos:
    "Ahh shit, I am f*cked."

    • @aceshotz5051
      @aceshotz5051 3 роки тому +2

      Pretty damn accurate
      I’d imagine Hector immediately looks up at the sky and says “I’m dead now aren’t I?”

    • @Universal..
      @Universal.. 2 роки тому

      Historical point =
      Homer in the Iliad and the Odyssey speaks only of Danaans, Achaeans, Argians and not of Greeks.
      The Hellenes (tribe of Southern Thessaly also called Argos Pelasgians), at his time, did not constitute yet a people or a Nation (Thucydides I,3).
      He affirms in the Iliad that "Zeus is Pelasgians and dodonean" (XVI,234).
      Precisely these Pelasgians (🇦🇱) were considered by all the ancient Greek authors as "the first inhabitants of Greece" before "The arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷)"!
      Another word that was misunderstood or glossed over. Indeed the Greeks arrived from somewhere because they were not indigenous.
      As they did not come from the North ( one wanted to make us believe the opposite), they could only be foreigners coming from elsewhere.
      It is this elsewhere which is difficult to define very precisely. But the legends, which are only embellished, idealized or metaphorized historical facts, give us some precious indications on the first foreign ethnic groups having occupied the country of the Pelasgians: the Danaans (Egyptians from whom the Dorians descend), the Cadmeans (Phoenicians) and the Pelopides (Assyrians).
      Among the peoples of archaic Greece the Ionians, Aeolians and Arcadians were descendants of the Pelasgians, indigenous populations conquered by the Hellenic invaders: they could claim to be indigenous populations.
      All the ancient authors, including Homer, Hesiod, Hecateus of Miletus, Acousilaos, Hellanicos, Herodotus, Thucydides or Ephorus, inform us succinctly but sufficiently to affirm that before the arrival of the Greeks the Pelasges (🇦🇱) occupied the country that was to become Greece.
      They also claim that these Pelasges were not Greeks but "Barbaros" i.e. not speaking Greek and, finally, that they LEGAVED TO THE GREEKS A LARGE PART OF THEIR CULTES AND DIVINE.
      Example: So, everyone has learned (at school etc ...) that Zeus was a Greek god, right?
      But why in the books of Homer (the basis of the bases!) we never see the so-called "Greek Zeus, Mycenaean Zeus or Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      Here is what Achilles (the greatest warrior of the Trojan War) tells us about Zeus =
      Achilles: - "Zeus, sovereign lord, O Dodonian prince, O you Pelasgic Zeus (🇦🇱), distant god who reigns over Dodona, in this harsh land of the Stool... "
      Source : Homer ( Iliad, XVI, 233/234 )
      Achilles did not say " O you Zeus the Greek, O you Zeus the Mycenaean or O you Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      So why did they tell us that Zeus was a Greek?
      With this alone, we can see that modern historiography is not honest!
      Zeus = Zâ, Zani ( gheg ), Zê, Zeri ( Tosk )
      Before securing power over the other gods, Zeus was the god of the luminous sky, of atmospheric phenomena (clouds, rain, wind, lightning, thunder).
      It was said of him "Zeus rains or Zeus thunders". With Homer and Hesiod, he acquired a preeminent role among the gods of Olympus and a place of choice in the mytological cosmogony.
      Some say that the name Zeus evokes the Sanskrit root "Dyaus" meaning "the day" (Latin Dies). However Homer states that "Zeus is Pelasgic 🇦🇱 and Dodonean" ( Iliad XVI,234).
      The oldest sanctuary, dedicated by the Pelasges to Zeus, is that of Dodone, in Thesprotia (ancient Pelasgia, called Epirus, the 5th century) .
      In Dodona was a sacred oak whose rustling leaves were interpreted by the oracle as the "VOICE" of Zeus.
      The attributes of Zeus are the Eagle, the Lightning and the Scepter. Moreover, lightning means "thunder", thus "noise" or "voice".
      Thus the name of Zeus can be explained by the Albanian "Zâ, Zani, the "voice", the verb".
      With the arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷) this oracle lost its importance to Delphi, the "Greek" sanctuary (of Apollo) par excellence.
      It should be noted that in Albania, God is called Zot (Zeus = Zojz = Zot), all religions combined. Moreover the expression "by Zeus" (who forgives) is always used there "për zotën".
      Porphyry (Life of Pythagoras) reports that Pythagoras used "Zan" to designate Zeus! )
      This alone is enough to convince us that a great civilization, not Greek, existed WELL BEFORE THE ARRIVAL OF THE HELLENES (🇬🇷)
      "The name Pelasgians was probably that of a nation and, in any case, THE GREEK EXPLANATIONS ON THIS SUBJECT ARE ABSURD!"
      Source: The History of Rome Volume I, p.507
      It is the meaning of this famous word "ARRIVED" that the modern authors (majority) did not quite seize (or occulted).
      Everything has been said and its opposite on this subject. Until the discovery of the so-called Mycenaean tablets, "deciphered" by Ventris and Chadwick, the doubt remained in their minds!
      But as soon as these two scholars decreed that the Mycenaean linear B (in reality Pelasgians!) was of the old Greek, all rocked in favor of the thesis of the continuity of the two civilizations (Mycenaean and Greek) and this in spite of FOUR CENTURIES, I repeat "FOUR CENTURIES !!!! "of MAGISTRATIC SILENCE!
      It is this theory that Mathieu Aref dismantles with arguments to SUPPORT because nobody suspected that this Mycenaean (total invention of Schliemann, who is not even an archaeologist but a Businessman! ) was none other than ancient Pelasgians (opinion of the Ancient Authors!) from which is derived, in part, the ancient Greek.
      Moreover of other flagrant argument comes to corroborate this last thesis:
      According to Herodotus ( I,57- VIII, 44- VII,95) the Ionians were Pelasgians (🇦🇱) become Hellenes (🇬🇷) by adopting the Greek language!
      The ethnonym "Ion" derives from the Pelasgic 🇦🇱 "I onë" ( in Albanian, I jonë ) meaning "ours", that is, by extension, "the one who is ( or was ) part of our family, of our ethnic group" .
      The assertion of Herodotus, according to which the Athenians and the inhabitants of Attica were of Pelasgic origin, is, before, confirmed by Hecateus of Miletus and, later, by Hellanicos of Mytilèbe (Lesbos) and other ancient authors.
      Curiously Thucydides, whose chauvinism is not any more to be shown, affirms that Pelops (conqueror of Peloponnese) was a was a foreigner come from Asia (I, 5): the only time when it evokes the foreign origin of one of its a
      - Therefore, the ancestors of the present Albanians, the Pelasgians, lived during the prehistoric periods in most of the then known world, developing a very important civilization and building works of exceptional value".
      Source: Great Greek Encyclopedia (Athens, volume. XIX p.873)
      - "Pelasgians, very ancient people living during the prehistoric period in Greece, in the Archipelago, on the coasts of Asia Minor and Italy. It is generally considered that the ancient Illyrians, Thracians, Phrygians, Lydians, Etruscans, Epirotes (...) and Albanians of today are the main branches of the Pelasgians".
      Source : Petit journal Larousse (Paris, 1950, p.1599)
      Karl O.Müller ( is a German archaeologist and mythologist )
      : - The more the intelligence will enter the history of Greece, the more the attention will return on the element Pelasgians sacrificed until now .
      (Prolegomena - 1825)
      "Will enter" "Pelasgians", "sacrificed"..

  • @alexandrecali7710
    @alexandrecali7710 4 роки тому +4

    A very interesting video, as always. Thanks for providing such quality content !

  • @thegamingpigeon3216
    @thegamingpigeon3216 10 місяців тому +1

    I've always been fascinated by Troy for the pure reason that for so long, we thought it had to be a myth, and then it had to be a myth based on a real city, and then it MAY be a real city and then we started putting the pieces together, matching geographical descriptions with real life areas and suddenly we find a fucking city buried in the dirt and then *8 MORE BURIED BENEATH IT!* How we went from "Well, that city obviously never existed" to "Well, it existed.... 9 times". And from there, the Trojan War was turned on its head. Like, just the logic that "Well, the city appears to have been real, so maybe there's glimpses of truth in the war being real".

  • @danielkovacs6672
    @danielkovacs6672 4 роки тому +3

    This video is awesome! The graphics are especially spectacular! I really like that you red the first line of the Iliad in greek. This o ne was indeed very informative. One of the best of your work, like the series on the Roman and Sumerian history, it is a pinnacle!

    • @otgunz
      @otgunz 4 роки тому

      Strangely I also painted&animated Sumerian series and some of Roman videos like Servile Wars series, Caesar's Civil War and Sertorius :) Nice coincidence, thanks for watching!

  • @braidend4379
    @braidend4379 4 роки тому +3

    Ancient Greek and Antonina armies often started battle with a duel of their "Heroes". So I'd suggest that a battle between Hector and Achilles was highly possible and would have been a main feature told in the following war stories.

    • @shaolindreams
      @shaolindreams 4 роки тому

      What do you mean "Antonina" armies? Did you misspell something...

    • @braidend4379
      @braidend4379 4 роки тому

      @@shaolindreams Search Results
      Web results
      Anatolia, yes miss spelled the place name while commenting from my phone. Thought it was still quite obvious to figure out where I was referring to.

    • @shaolindreams
      @shaolindreams 4 роки тому

      @@braidend4379 Yeah that's what i thought.. It just my name is Antoniades.. you had me intrigued for a second lol

    • @braidend4379
      @braidend4379 4 роки тому

      @@shaolindreams haha, I think that may be what happened. I butchered the spelling and auto correct must have made it into the name spelling.

    • @shaolindreams
      @shaolindreams 4 роки тому

      @@braidend4379 ​ @1337beej No worries my friend. My dad's name is Antonis Antoniades from Cyprus ... so you can see why i was curious when you said that :)

  • @Geostationary0rbit
    @Geostationary0rbit 2 роки тому +1

    Man the illustrations have really improved in this channel!

    • @otgunz
      @otgunz 2 роки тому +1


  • @EricNielsen85
    @EricNielsen85 4 роки тому +2

    You are officially my favorite channel ever. Thank you.

  • @conorbroughton
    @conorbroughton 4 роки тому +6

    Beautiful artwork, music and ambient sounds!

    • @Universal..
      @Universal.. 2 роки тому

      Historical point =
      Homer in the Iliad and the Odyssey speaks only of Danaans, Achaeans, Argians and not of Greeks.
      The Hellenes (tribe of Southern Thessaly also called Argos Pelasgians), at his time, did not constitute yet a people or a Nation (Thucydides I,3).
      He affirms in the Iliad that "Zeus is Pelasgians and dodonean" (XVI,234).
      Precisely these Pelasgians (🇦🇱) were considered by all the ancient Greek authors as "the first inhabitants of Greece" before "The arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷)"!
      Another word that was misunderstood or glossed over. Indeed the Greeks arrived from somewhere because they were not indigenous.
      As they did not come from the North ( one wanted to make us believe the opposite), they could only be foreigners coming from elsewhere.
      It is this elsewhere which is difficult to define very precisely. But the legends, which are only embellished, idealized or metaphorized historical facts, give us some precious indications on the first foreign ethnic groups having occupied the country of the Pelasgians: the Danaans (Egyptians from whom the Dorians descend), the Cadmeans (Phoenicians) and the Pelopides (Assyrians).
      Among the peoples of archaic Greece the Ionians, Aeolians and Arcadians were descendants of the Pelasgians, indigenous populations conquered by the Hellenic invaders: they could claim to be indigenous populations.
      All the ancient authors, including Homer, Hesiod, Hecateus of Miletus, Acousilaos, Hellanicos, Herodotus, Thucydides or Ephorus, inform us succinctly but sufficiently to affirm that before the arrival of the Greeks the Pelasges (🇦🇱) occupied the country that was to become Greece.
      They also claim that these Pelasges were not Greeks but "Barbaros" i.e. not speaking Greek and, finally, that they LEGAVED TO THE GREEKS A LARGE PART OF THEIR CULTES AND DIVINE.
      Example: So, everyone has learned (at school etc ...) that Zeus was a Greek god, right?
      But why in the books of Homer (the basis of the bases!) we never see the so-called "Greek Zeus, Mycenaean Zeus or Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      Here is what Achilles (the greatest warrior of the Trojan War) tells us about Zeus =
      Achilles: - "Zeus, sovereign lord, O Dodonian prince, O you Pelasgic Zeus (🇦🇱), distant god who reigns over Dodona, in this harsh land of the Stool... "
      Source : Homer ( Iliad, XVI, 233/234 )
      Achilles did not say " O you Zeus the Greek, O you Zeus the Mycenaean or O you Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      So why did they tell us that Zeus was a Greek?
      With this alone, we can see that modern historiography is not honest!
      Zeus = Zâ, Zani ( gheg ), Zê, Zeri ( Tosk )
      Before securing power over the other gods, Zeus was the god of the luminous sky, of atmospheric phenomena (clouds, rain, wind, lightning, thunder).
      It was said of him "Zeus rains or Zeus thunders". With Homer and Hesiod, he acquired a preeminent role among the gods of Olympus and a place of choice in the mytological cosmogony.
      Some say that the name Zeus evokes the Sanskrit root "Dyaus" meaning "the day" (Latin Dies). However Homer states that "Zeus is Pelasgic 🇦🇱 and Dodonean" ( Iliad XVI,234).
      The oldest sanctuary, dedicated by the Pelasges to Zeus, is that of Dodone, in Thesprotia (ancient Pelasgia, called Epirus, the 5th century) .
      In Dodona was a sacred oak whose rustling leaves were interpreted by the oracle as the "VOICE" of Zeus.
      The attributes of Zeus are the Eagle, the Lightning and the Scepter. Moreover, lightning means "thunder", thus "noise" or "voice".
      Thus the name of Zeus can be explained by the Albanian "Zâ, Zani, the "voice", the verb".
      With the arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷) this oracle lost its importance to Delphi, the "Greek" sanctuary (of Apollo) par excellence.
      It should be noted that in Albania, God is called Zot (Zeus = Zojz = Zot), all religions combined. Moreover the expression "by Zeus" (who forgives) is always used there "për zotën".
      Porphyry (Life of Pythagoras) reports that Pythagoras used "Zan" to designate Zeus! )
      This alone is enough to convince us that a great civilization, not Greek, existed WELL BEFORE THE ARRIVAL OF THE HELLENES (🇬🇷)
      "The name Pelasgians was probably that of a nation and, in any case, THE GREEK EXPLANATIONS ON THIS SUBJECT ARE ABSURD!"
      Source: The History of Rome Volume I, p.507
      It is the meaning of this famous word "ARRIVED" that the modern authors (majority) did not quite seize (or occulted).
      Everything has been said and its opposite on this subject. Until the discovery of the so-called Mycenaean tablets, "deciphered" by Ventris and Chadwick, the doubt remained in their minds!
      But as soon as these two scholars decreed that the Mycenaean linear B (in reality Pelasgians!) was of the old Greek, all rocked in favor of the thesis of the continuity of the two civilizations (Mycenaean and Greek) and this in spite of FOUR CENTURIES, I repeat "FOUR CENTURIES !!!! "of MAGISTRATIC SILENCE!
      It is this theory that Mathieu Aref dismantles with arguments to SUPPORT because nobody suspected that this Mycenaean (total invention of Schliemann, who is not even an archaeologist but a Businessman! ) was none other than ancient Pelasgians (opinion of the Ancient Authors!) from which is derived, in part, the ancient Greek.
      Moreover of other flagrant argument comes to corroborate this last thesis:
      According to Herodotus ( I,57- VIII, 44- VII,95) the Ionians were Pelasgians (🇦🇱) become Hellenes (🇬🇷) by adopting the Greek language!
      The ethnonym "Ion" derives from the Pelasgic 🇦🇱 "I onë" ( in Albanian, I jonë ) meaning "ours", that is, by extension, "the one who is ( or was ) part of our family, of our ethnic group" .
      The assertion of Herodotus, according to which the Athenians and the inhabitants of Attica were of Pelasgic origin, is, before, confirmed by Hecateus of Miletus and, later, by Hellanicos of Mytilèbe (Lesbos) and other ancient authors.
      Curiously Thucydides, whose chauvinism is not any more to be shown, affirms that Pelops (conqueror of Peloponnese) was a was a foreigner come from Asia (I, 5): the only time when it evokes the foreign origin of one of its a
      - Therefore, the ancestors of the present Albanians, the Pelasgians, lived during the prehistoric periods in most of the then known world, developing a very important civilization and building works of exceptional value".
      Source: Great Greek Encyclopedia (Athens, volume. XIX p.873)
      - "Pelasgians, very ancient people living during the prehistoric period in Greece, in the Archipelago, on the coasts of Asia Minor and Italy. It is generally considered that the ancient Illyrians, Thracians, Phrygians, Lydians, Etruscans, Epirotes (...) and Albanians of today are the main branches of the Pelasgians".
      Source : Petit journal Larousse (Paris, 1950, p.1599)
      Karl O.Müller ( is a German archaeologist and mythologist )
      : - The more the intelligence will enter the history of Greece, the more the attention will return on the element Pelasgians sacrificed until now .
      (Prolegomena - 1825)
      "Will enter" "Pelasgians", "sacrificed".

  • @thegreatkhan9938
    @thegreatkhan9938 4 роки тому +4

    As a Turk, I have great fascination in ancient greek history and appreciation of its culture. Must have came from my Genetic greek genes...

    • @Badnercalabrese
      @Badnercalabrese 4 роки тому

      How many Turks today do you think have Greek ancestry?

    • @serenemountain6769
      @serenemountain6769 4 роки тому +1

      Turk if you are Fascinated by the Trojan Wars, know this, they existed, and the Trojans lived on, they migrated after the war to northern Italy, they were called Etruscan's, they later morphed to the Romans, has they conquered Greece, the Trojan's were avenged.

    • @thegreatkhan9938
      @thegreatkhan9938 4 роки тому +1

      @@serenemountain6769 yes ive read the Aeneid. Of how the Trojan refugees settled in Italy 😊

    • @thegreatkhan9938
      @thegreatkhan9938 4 роки тому

      @@Badnercalabrese Perhaps many, especially in west anatolia.

    • @thegreatkhan9938
      @thegreatkhan9938 4 роки тому +1

      @@serenemountain6769 Nice page, might try some of your music while I study

  • @fernandomaron87
    @fernandomaron87 3 роки тому +2

    I find it intriguing that Herodotus, who's one of the only few other greeks who mentioned the war in his writing, said that Helen was in Egypt during the war, she and Alexandrus(Paris) were, according to Herodotus, both kidnapped in Egypt, that's why King Priam didn't returned her to Agammenon and Menelaus. I think the story actually happened, but Homer fictionalized everything, keeping only a few real events mixed up with his tale.

  • @1987MartinT
    @1987MartinT 4 роки тому +12

    I really wish Schliemann had been more careful with his findings. The treasures that were lost due to his mismanagement make me depressed by their loss.

  • @tanzanos
    @tanzanos 3 роки тому +2

    I find it funny how foreigners totally mispronounce ancient Greek.
    Good video.

  • @thabomuso6254
    @thabomuso6254 4 роки тому +7

    Kings and Generals = Making Archeology Cool Again.

  • @kenpatton8761
    @kenpatton8761 2 роки тому +3

    Actual city of Troy is located just west of the current city of Tevfikiye in NW Turkey. It is several miles inland (approximately 5) from the Dardanelles Strait which eventually leads into the Sea of Marmara and to Istanbul and the Black Sea. Been there several times while stationed in Turkey while in the US AirForce. Good place to visit, town has a museum dedicated to Troy. The city of Ephesus, south of Izmir, is fracking AWESOME and a must visit! Don’t forget to visit Ajax’s tomb while you are there. It’s about 6.8 km north of Troy on the coast. Cheers

    • @arzhvr9259
      @arzhvr9259 Рік тому

      You should not brag about being an imperialist lackey man

    • @skarbuskreska
      @skarbuskreska Рік тому

      @@arzhvr9259 The US invaded Turkey? New to me, more like they are two very strong parties connected militarily over NATO.

  • @theahmedmustafa
    @theahmedmustafa 2 роки тому +1

    The parallel between Troy 7 being built on the foundations of an earthquake struck Troy 6 and the myth of Heracles rampaging Troy decades before the Trojan war is really satisfying

  • @planbgaming2533
    @planbgaming2533 4 роки тому +4

    Great video as always Kings and Generals! Thank you for making us Greeks more educated and proud of our heritage and for teaching some of the most interesting periods of early European history. A small note. In greek it is Όμηρος in 6.50, you typed Οηρος. Great video as always!

    • @Universal..
      @Universal.. 2 роки тому

      Historical point =
      Homer in the Iliad and the Odyssey speaks only of Danaans, Achaeans, Argians and not of Greeks.
      The Hellenes (tribe of Southern Thessaly also called Argos Pelasgians), at his time, did not constitute yet a people or a Nation (Thucydides I,3).
      He affirms in the Iliad that "Zeus is Pelasgians and dodonean" (XVI,234).
      Precisely these Pelasgians (🇦🇱) were considered by all the ancient Greek authors as "the first inhabitants of Greece" before "The arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷)"!
      Another word that was misunderstood or glossed over. Indeed the Greeks arrived from somewhere because they were not indigenous.
      As they did not come from the North ( one wanted to make us believe the opposite), they could only be foreigners coming from elsewhere.
      It is this elsewhere which is difficult to define very precisely. But the legends, which are only embellished, idealized or metaphorized historical facts, give us some precious indications on the first foreign ethnic groups having occupied the country of the Pelasgians: the Danaans (Egyptians from whom the Dorians descend), the Cadmeans (Phoenicians) and the Pelopides (Assyrians).
      Among the peoples of archaic Greece the Ionians, Aeolians and Arcadians were descendants of the Pelasgians, indigenous populations conquered by the Hellenic invaders: they could claim to be indigenous populations.
      All the ancient authors, including Homer, Hesiod, Hecateus of Miletus, Acousilaos, Hellanicos, Herodotus, Thucydides or Ephorus, inform us succinctly but sufficiently to affirm that before the arrival of the Greeks the Pelasges (🇦🇱) occupied the country that was to become Greece.
      They also claim that these Pelasges were not Greeks but "Barbaros" i.e. not speaking Greek and, finally, that they LEGAVED TO THE GREEKS A LARGE PART OF THEIR CULTES AND DIVINE.
      Example: So, everyone has learned (at school etc ...) that Zeus was a Greek god, right?
      But why in the books of Homer (the basis of the bases!) we never see the so-called "Greek Zeus, Mycenaean Zeus or Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      Here is what Achilles (the greatest warrior of the Trojan War) tells us about Zeus =
      Achilles: - "Zeus, sovereign lord, O Dodonian prince, O you Pelasgic Zeus (🇦🇱), distant god who reigns over Dodona, in this harsh land of the Stool... "
      Source : Homer ( Iliad, XVI, 233/234 )
      Achilles did not say " O you Zeus the Greek, O you Zeus the Mycenaean or O you Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      So why did they tell us that Zeus was a Greek?
      With this alone, we can see that modern historiography is not honest!
      Zeus = Zâ, Zani ( gheg ), Zê, Zeri ( Tosk )
      Before securing power over the other gods, Zeus was the god of the luminous sky, of atmospheric phenomena (clouds, rain, wind, lightning, thunder).
      It was said of him "Zeus rains or Zeus thunders". With Homer and Hesiod, he acquired a preeminent role among the gods of Olympus and a place of choice in the mytological cosmogony.
      Some say that the name Zeus evokes the Sanskrit root "Dyaus" meaning "the day" (Latin Dies). However Homer states that "Zeus is Pelasgic 🇦🇱 and Dodonean" ( Iliad XVI,234).
      The oldest sanctuary, dedicated by the Pelasges to Zeus, is that of Dodone, in Thesprotia (ancient Pelasgia, called Epirus, the 5th century) .
      In Dodona was a sacred oak whose rustling leaves were interpreted by the oracle as the "VOICE" of Zeus.
      The attributes of Zeus are the Eagle, the Lightning and the Scepter. Moreover, lightning means "thunder", thus "noise" or "voice".
      Thus the name of Zeus can be explained by the Albanian "Zâ, Zani, the "voice", the verb".
      With the arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷) this oracle lost its importance to Delphi, the "Greek" sanctuary (of Apollo) par excellence.
      It should be noted that in Albania, God is called Zot (Zeus = Zojz = Zot), all religions combined. Moreover the expression "by Zeus" (who forgives) is always used there "për zotën".
      Porphyry (Life of Pythagoras) reports that Pythagoras used "Zan" to designate Zeus! )
      This alone is enough to convince us that a great civilization, not Greek, existed WELL BEFORE THE ARRIVAL OF THE HELLENES (🇬🇷)
      "The name Pelasgians was probably that of a nation and, in any case, THE GREEK EXPLANATIONS ON THIS SUBJECT ARE ABSURD!"
      Source: The History of Rome Volume I, p.507
      It is the meaning of this famous word "ARRIVED" that the modern authors (majority) did not quite seize (or occulted).
      Everything has been said and its opposite on this subject. Until the discovery of the so-called Mycenaean tablets, "deciphered" by Ventris and Chadwick, the doubt remained in their minds!
      But as soon as these two scholars decreed that the Mycenaean linear B (in reality Pelasgians!) was of the old Greek, all rocked in favor of the thesis of the continuity of the two civilizations (Mycenaean and Greek) and this in spite of FOUR CENTURIES, I repeat "FOUR CENTURIES !!!! "of MAGISTRATIC SILENCE!
      It is this theory that Mathieu Aref dismantles with arguments to SUPPORT because nobody suspected that this Mycenaean (total invention of Schliemann, who is not even an archaeologist but a Businessman! ) was none other than ancient Pelasgians (opinion of the Ancient Authors!) from which is derived, in part, the ancient Greek.
      Moreover of other flagrant argument comes to corroborate this last thesis:
      According to Herodotus ( I,57- VIII, 44- VII,95) the Ionians were Pelasgians (🇦🇱) become Hellenes (🇬🇷) by adopting the Greek language!
      The ethnonym "Ion" derives from the Pelasgic 🇦🇱 "I onë" ( in Albanian, I jonë ) meaning "ours", that is, by extension, "the one who is ( or was ) part of our family, of our ethnic group" .
      The assertion of Herodotus, according to which the Athenians and the inhabitants of Attica were of Pelasgic origin, is, before, confirmed by Hecateus of Miletus and, later, by Hellanicos of Mytilèbe (Lesbos) and other ancient authors.
      Curiously Thucydides, whose chauvinism is not any more to be shown, affirms that Pelops (conqueror of Peloponnese) was a was a foreigner come from Asia (I, 5): the only time when it evokes the foreign origin of one of its a
      - Therefore, the ancestors of the present Albanians, the Pelasgians, lived during the prehistoric periods in most of the then known world, developing a very important civilization and building works of exceptional value".
      Source: Great Greek Encyclopedia (Athens, volume. XIX p.873)
      - "Pelasgians, very ancient people living during the prehistoric period in Greece, in the Archipelago, on the coasts of Asia Minor and Italy. It is generally considered that the ancient Illyrians, Thracians, Phrygians, Lydians, Etruscans, Epirotes (...) and Albanians of today are the main branches of the Pelasgians".
      Source : Petit journal Larousse (Paris, 1950, p.1599)
      Karl O.Müller ( is a German archaeologist and mythologist )
      : - The more the intelligence will enter the history of Greece, the more the attention will return on the element Pelasgians sacrificed until now .
      (Prolegomena - 1825)
      "Will enter" "Pelasgians", "sacrificed"....

  • @Conorp77
    @Conorp77 4 роки тому +4

    That opening quote is like what you'd say to an ancient greek Alexa

  • @michaelenengl4567
    @michaelenengl4567 2 роки тому +2

    I have not read the Iliad, but I have read that it is dated to the 8th or 7th century and the foundation of Sparta to the 8th century (first settlements in the 10th century). Herodotus assumed that Homer lived around 850. Seen in this light, Helen can only have been a time traveller if she came to Troy in the 12th or 13th century. ;-)

    • @calebhowells1116
      @calebhowells1116 2 роки тому

      Great observation! In fact, many of the settlements in the Iliad and other records of the Trojan War did not exist in Mycenaean times. There is a great deal of evidence, in fact, that the Trojan War actually occurred in the Archaic era, not the Mycenaean era.

  • @ArturdeSousaRocha
    @ArturdeSousaRocha 4 роки тому +6

    Wow, beautiful imagery! And a very well presented topic, one of my favorites. BTW, the Achaean invasion on Troy sounds a bit like a proto-Sea Peoples raid remembered by the raiders themselves.

    • @Universal..
      @Universal.. 2 роки тому

      Historical point =
      Homer in the Iliad and the Odyssey speaks only of Danaans, Achaeans, Argians and not of Greeks.
      The Hellenes (tribe of Southern Thessaly also called Argos Pelasgians), at his time, did not constitute yet a people or a Nation (Thucydides I,3).
      He affirms in the Iliad that "Zeus is Pelasgians and dodonean" (XVI,234).
      Precisely these Pelasgians (🇦🇱) were considered by all the ancient Greek authors as "the first inhabitants of Greece" before "The arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷)"!
      Another word that was misunderstood or glossed over. Indeed the Greeks arrived from somewhere because they were not indigenous.
      As they did not come from the North ( one wanted to make us believe the opposite), they could only be foreigners coming from elsewhere.
      It is this elsewhere which is difficult to define very precisely. But the legends, which are only embellished, idealized or metaphorized historical facts, give us some precious indications on the first foreign ethnic groups having occupied the country of the Pelasgians: the Danaans (Egyptians from whom the Dorians descend), the Cadmeans (Phoenicians) and the Pelopides (Assyrians).
      Among the peoples of archaic Greece the Ionians, Aeolians and Arcadians were descendants of the Pelasgians, indigenous populations conquered by the Hellenic invaders: they could claim to be indigenous populations.
      All the ancient authors, including Homer, Hesiod, Hecateus of Miletus, Acousilaos, Hellanicos, Herodotus, Thucydides or Ephorus, inform us succinctly but sufficiently to affirm that before the arrival of the Greeks the Pelasges (🇦🇱) occupied the country that was to become Greece.
      They also claim that these Pelasges were not Greeks but "Barbaros" i.e. not speaking Greek and, finally, that they LEGAVED TO THE GREEKS A LARGE PART OF THEIR CULTES AND DIVINE.
      Example: So, everyone has learned (at school etc ...) that Zeus was a Greek god, right?
      But why in the books of Homer (the basis of the bases!) we never see the so-called "Greek Zeus, Mycenaean Zeus or Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      Here is what Achilles (the greatest warrior of the Trojan War) tells us about Zeus =
      Achilles: - "Zeus, sovereign lord, O Dodonian prince, O you Pelasgic Zeus (🇦🇱), distant god who reigns over Dodona, in this harsh land of the Stool... "
      Source : Homer ( Iliad, XVI, 233/234 )
      Achilles did not say " O you Zeus the Greek, O you Zeus the Mycenaean or O you Zeus the Hellenic etc ... "
      So why did they tell us that Zeus was a Greek?
      With this alone, we can see that modern historiography is not honest!
      Zeus = Zâ, Zani ( gheg ), Zê, Zeri ( Tosk )
      Before securing power over the other gods, Zeus was the god of the luminous sky, of atmospheric phenomena (clouds, rain, wind, lightning, thunder).
      It was said of him "Zeus rains or Zeus thunders". With Homer and Hesiod, he acquired a preeminent role among the gods of Olympus and a place of choice in the mytological cosmogony.
      Some say that the name Zeus evokes the Sanskrit root "Dyaus" meaning "the day" (Latin Dies). However Homer states that "Zeus is Pelasgic 🇦🇱 and Dodonean" ( Iliad XVI,234).
      The oldest sanctuary, dedicated by the Pelasges to Zeus, is that of Dodone, in Thesprotia (ancient Pelasgia, called Epirus, the 5th century) .
      In Dodona was a sacred oak whose rustling leaves were interpreted by the oracle as the "VOICE" of Zeus.
      The attributes of Zeus are the Eagle, the Lightning and the Scepter. Moreover, lightning means "thunder", thus "noise" or "voice".
      Thus the name of Zeus can be explained by the Albanian "Zâ, Zani, the "voice", the verb".
      With the arrival of the Hellenes (🇬🇷) this oracle lost its importance to Delphi, the "Greek" sanctuary (of Apollo) par excellence.
      It should be noted that in Albania, God is called Zot (Zeus = Zojz = Zot), all religions combined. Moreover the expression "by Zeus" (who forgives) is always used there "për zotën".
      Porphyry (Life of Pythagoras) reports that Pythagoras used "Zan" to designate Zeus! )
      This alone is enough to convince us that a great civilization, not Greek, existed WELL BEFORE THE ARRIVAL OF THE HELLENES (🇬🇷)
      "The name Pelasgians was probably that of a nation and, in any case, THE GREEK EXPLANATIONS ON THIS SUBJECT ARE ABSURD!"
      Source: The History of Rome Volume I, p.507
      It is the meaning of this famous word "ARRIVED" that the modern authors (majority) did not quite seize (or occulted).
      Everything has been said and its opposite on this subject. Until the discovery of the so-called Mycenaean tablets, "deciphered" by Ventris and Chadwick, the doubt remained in their minds!
      But as soon as these two scholars decreed that the Mycenaean linear B (in reality Pelasgians!) was of the old Greek, all rocked in favor of the thesis of the continuity of the two civilizations (Mycenaean and Greek) and this in spite of FOUR CENTURIES, I repeat "FOUR CENTURIES !!!! "of MAGISTRATIC SILENCE!
      It is this theory that Mathieu Aref dismantles with arguments to SUPPORT because nobody suspected that this Mycenaean (total invention of Schliemann, who is not even an archaeologist but a Businessman! ) was none other than ancient Pelasgians (opinion of the Ancient Authors!) from which is derived, in part, the ancient Greek.
      Moreover of other flagrant argument comes to corroborate this last thesis:
      According to Herodotus ( I,57- VIII, 44- VII,95) the Ionians were Pelasgians (🇦🇱) become Hellenes (🇬🇷) by adopting the Greek language!
      The ethnonym "Ion" derives from the Pelasgic 🇦🇱 "I onë" ( in Albanian, I jonë ) meaning "ours", that is, by extension, "the one who is ( or was ) part of our family, of our ethnic group" .
      The assertion of Herodotus, according to which the Athenians and the inhabitants of Attica were of Pelasgic origin, is, before, confirmed by Hecateus of Miletus and, later, by Hellanicos of Mytilèbe (Lesbos) and other ancient authors.
      Curiously Thucydides, whose chauvinism is not any more to be shown, affirms that Pelops (conqueror of Peloponnese) was a was a foreigner come from Asia (I, 5): the only time when it evokes the foreign origin of one of its a
      - Therefore, the ancestors of the present Albanians, the Pelasgians, lived during the prehistoric periods in most of the then known world, developing a very important civilization and building works of exceptional value".
      Source: Great Greek Encyclopedia (Athens, volume. XIX p.873)
      - "Pelasgians, very ancient people living during the prehistoric period in Greece, in the Archipelago, on the coasts of Asia Minor and Italy. It is generally considered that the ancient Illyrians, Thracians, Phrygians, Lydians, Etruscans, Epirotes (...) and Albanians of today are the main branches of the Pelasgians".
      Source : Petit journal Larousse (Paris, 1950, p.1599)
      Karl O.Müller ( is a German archaeologist and mythologist )
      : - The more the intelligence will enter the history of Greece, the more the attention will return on the element Pelasgians sacrificed until now .
      (Prolegomena - 1825)
      "Will enter" "Pelasgians", "sacrificed"...

  • @RandomUser_online
    @RandomUser_online 4 роки тому +4

    we really need a time machine to watch how does battles unfold

  • @warrens.5933
    @warrens.5933 Рік тому +1

    This is really dope, the music is just a tad overpowering but never the less, fantastic editing & content. Loved it!

    @FMJIRISH 4 роки тому +5

    Going to have to ask what evidence you have for Helen fleeing Sparta in order to gain more freedom and political power, because that just sounds like you projecting on the ancient world some sort of Eleanor of Aquitaine scenario in fanfic-reminiscent preference for greater equality... The simple existence of greater rights in Anatolia isn't much evidence, we are talking about relative degrees here in a pre industrial world.

  • @ipponus
    @ipponus 3 роки тому +7

    This war was a civil war as both enemies, were Greeks. Priamus the king of Troy was uncle of Ajax who was opponent. Ajax and Achilles were cousins. Troy was a colony of Minoan Cretes with a metropolitan role among the cities around. The habitants of the main land of Peloponnese area were called Danai whereas the others had their local names. In Iliad though are all called Danai.

  • @CrazyPinkStalion69
    @CrazyPinkStalion69 4 роки тому +2

    Thats why the bronze age is so cool, you can read on the many different theories and since there is not always a precise explanation , you can kinda craft your own version of what happened.

  • @enginozkan7845
    @enginozkan7845 4 роки тому +8

    6:46 It is not Ὅηρος (Hoeros), it is Ὅμηρος (Homeros).

    • @skypter
      @skypter 3 роки тому

      Is not homeros but homer.the "os" is late "greek" word, around 1850..

    • @canadian6167
      @canadian6167 3 роки тому

      @@skypter Po more Gezim, tani na e mbushe mendjen.Po emro Gezim ikujy shekulli eshte?E ke vrare ndonjehere mendjen?

  • @b.griffin317
    @b.griffin317 4 роки тому +8

    Speaking of semi-mythical figures of the past; how about the Yellow Emperor and other early Chinese figures?

  • @LagunaShirogane
    @LagunaShirogane 2 місяці тому +1

    They reused Priam and Agamenon's TW Troy game in TW Pharaoh Dynasties today. I actually sided with the Trojans due to them being the ancestors of the great Roman Empire if the Legend of Aeneas is to be believed. In fact, 2003's Troy movie actually reflected this legend when Prince Paris of Troy (played by Orlando Bloom) gives his father's sword to a Trojan soldier who was fleeing the city saying "As long as a Trojan still wields this sword, Troy will live on." Which it did in the form of the Roman Empire.

  • @uranuuss
    @uranuuss 3 роки тому +7

    I just want to travel Turkey and then go to Greece pls life make me do this

  • @nikolaytsankov9066
    @nikolaytsankov9066 4 роки тому +11

    Why didn't you mention the "historical" figures found in Hittite records - Piyama-Radu who has a similar name to Priam and his possible successor Alaksandu (clearly of Greek origin and an alternate for Paris), who both supposedly ruled "Wilusa"?

    • @dumitrache12
      @dumitrache12 4 роки тому

      amazing how after so many years we keep using these names ,Radu is a common name in my country

    • @JacopoSkydweller
      @JacopoSkydweller 4 роки тому

      @@dumitrache12 Super interesting. What country would that be?

    • @dumitrache12
      @dumitrache12 4 роки тому

      @@JacopoSkydweller Romania, we also use other influences like "Galati" from "Galatia"

    • @nopenoperton5448
      @nopenoperton5448 4 роки тому +1

      SirCrown Your last name Radu and the (a)radu in Piyamaradu resembling one another are just coincidence. Radu has a Slavic origin, (a)radu is from Luwian.

    • @dumitrache12
      @dumitrache12 4 роки тому

      @@nopenoperton5448 well slavs could havr taken the name Radu from here , they are not so far off geographically

  • @gregorynixon2945
    @gregorynixon2945 Рік тому +1

    Even if the Achaians (or Achaeans or Mycenaeans) really did attack Ilios (Troy), it is most likely they were really a part of the horde of Peoples of Sea who were destroying cities everywhere at that time.

  • @majincalathes7700
    @majincalathes7700 4 роки тому +5

    According to ancient greek sources Priam took his name from the greek word Epriato which means bought, cause in his youth he was sold slave and he bought his freedom his real name was Podarces. Also the aeolian greek word for king is Perramos so Priam or Priamos could be another form of this word.
    Given the fact that the Romans claimed they were descedants of Troy and the settlers that left Troy after it's fall i don't think Trojans were hittites or luwians, trojans were most likely a tribe that resembled the greek tribes just like the dorians that came later

  • @thetruthhurts7808
    @thetruthhurts7808 3 роки тому +4

    Last time I was this late the Trojans had moved to Italy, founded a new city, then offered the gladius-point of friendship to the Greeks.

    • @nathanpangilinan4397
      @nathanpangilinan4397 3 роки тому

      There once was a dream. A dream to purge this rotten world of the barbarians which infested it. A dream called Rome.