As always Alex, an excellent video on the proper way to get a full backswing! As a senior, I know that I don't get nearly enough turn in my lower body or even my shoulders! I now have some valuable check points to look for in order to overcome this flaw! Well Done Alex!
TURN your belly button/trunk/core/entire left side to the right. Your body, arms, everything goes back together = one piece takeaway. If you move your right shoulder up, it has to come down to the initial position or you'll mishit the ball. If your shoulders are level at address and you TURN to whatever length backswing you want, your shoulders will still be level. They'll be level at impact, mirroring your address position and they'll be level at the end of your swing.
As always Alex, an excellent video on the proper way to get a full backswing! As a senior, I know that I don't get nearly enough turn in my lower body or even my shoulders!
I now have some valuable check points to look for in order to overcome this flaw! Well Done Alex!
TURN your belly button/trunk/core/entire left side to the right. Your body, arms, everything goes back together = one piece takeaway. If you move your right shoulder up, it has to come down to the initial position or you'll mishit the ball. If your shoulders are level at address and you TURN to whatever length backswing you want, your shoulders will still be level. They'll be level at impact, mirroring your address position and they'll be level at the end of your swing.
😂😂😂..... Someone needs their own golf instruction channel....