Johnny still rules. His most beautiful instrumental performance is "The Wind", played at The Adventurers at 60´s. The Renegades from England got great influence from Johnnys pure style and finnish Agents and E. Pulliainen still follows his footprints. Hälsningar från Finland. Titta här in youtube på: "Paratiisi" med Ville Valo. Esa Pulliainen has pure style to play too.
Johnny still rules. His most beautiful instrumental performance is "The Wind", played at The Adventurers at 60´s. The Renegades from England got great influence from Johnnys pure style and finnish Agents and E. Pulliainen still follows his footprints. Hälsningar från Finland. Titta här in youtube på: "Paratiisi" med Ville Valo. Esa Pulliainen has pure style to play too.