These Fish Wont STOP Killing Each Other!



  • @masheemashedpotatoes
    @masheemashedpotatoes Рік тому +1

    The use of dither fish is highly underrated, so thank you for that. Not only to curb aggression, but can totally change the dynamic of a tank and coax some of the more shy fish out of hiding. Makes things a lot more interesting.

  • @richardcolligon4277
    @richardcolligon4277 2 роки тому +34

    After 55 year's I still want every fish I see.

  • @Coolcars_Reels
    @Coolcars_Reels 2 роки тому +27

    While adding an Angel fish to an existing single angelfish tank there was tons of aggression. With the new angelfish being dominant. I then put new angelfish in a separation box inside of the tank and kept the new fish in there for 7 days. I then released the new angelfish back into the aquarium and they've been best of friends ever since😁

    • @mikesmith-wk7vy
      @mikesmith-wk7vy 2 роки тому

      That’s what people tell me that Angel fish are territorial like he mentioned in the video but mine aren’t I have 5 and the big ones will move to their spots but then they don’t care what comes there. My long fin red barbs are the bullies and fin nip everything even each other

  • @tree.65
    @tree.65 2 роки тому +11

    This is a must see for anyone wanting to start a fish aquarium! I would like to add that all the freshwater fish you see at the pet store are very very young. They look so cute and are getting along just fine in that fish store tank together. But that's because they haven't reached breading maturity. Also, like John said, Google those fish. They will at the very least double in size. Some will become giant.

    • @danm8004
      @danm8004 2 роки тому

      I prefer battering rather than breading 🙃

  • @janicevictor6764
    @janicevictor6764 2 роки тому +3

    Love the channel & both of you have been so helpful as I got back into the hobby. (John, you're adorable; Lisa, hair is stunning today, love the blue).
    Question for anyone who wants to respond: I have 90 g planted with lots of rocks/driftwood. 1 green terror male (3"), 1 firemouth m/f pair (2.5-2.75"), 1 convict (2"), 8 tiger barbs. Firemouths come out of hiding once in a while but quickly get chased back by green terror, who has taken the whole tank as his. He's more aggressive at feeding. Firemouths are shy, fussy eaters & not growing as much as the others. Convict & tiger barbs are gluttonous little pigs. Had to cut down on food trying to fix algae bloom while trying to balance tank set up 3 months ago. I plan to redecorate today (more plants, shifting hiding spots). Any other ideas bring out the Firemouths more & get them eating without overfeeding the others? I'm also trying different foods. Thanks everyone.

  • @craigsxchange
    @craigsxchange 2 роки тому +1

    I would also recommend turning down the lights. Use either lower wattage, and/or using the lights for fewer hours over a 24 hour period. Both of these can be accomplished by using a programmable automated light bar or system, in combination with the degree of ambient natural light and room light that the aquarium can receive. Balance light with the needs of live plants and/or algae eating organisms in the tank.

  • @Lukazade244
    @Lukazade244 2 роки тому +7

    I had two honey gouramis that “fell out” with each other but one day they just stopped, I think they are plotting something.

  • @junepearthespork1469
    @junepearthespork1469 2 роки тому

    In my 55 gallon I have a featherfin catfish and 4 juli marleri and the biggest juli would pick on everybody even my big featherfin because I got a sunken ship prop in there that she loves and when I took your advice and moved it around I put them back in and she stopped being so aggressive thank you😁

  • @Jason2-legit
    @Jason2-legit 2 роки тому

    Thanks to the help of a lot of your videos, My kids and I are getting the swing of the fish keeping basics, and our Betta, 2 platys, and 2 panda garras are all living in sweet harmony in our 13 gallon tank. And what a bonus the panda garra are with cleaning up any of that brown algae that builds up. Cool to watch too!

  • @tommybunk2292
    @tommybunk2292 2 роки тому +1

    I had a 125 gal Mbuna tank with one very mean Alpha Fish who would beat on all fish in the tank. He particularly liked to beat on the Beta fish next in line for his Alpha spot, nobody died but everybody was miserable. I removed the Alpha Fish back to the store, then that Beta moved into the Alpha Spot and murdered 3/4 of the aquarium within a week. Which shows sometimes you need a really mean Alpha Fish to keep the peace.

  • @apss5736
    @apss5736 2 роки тому +4

    I find it ironic that for my first few months of fishkeeping I thought I would only keep nano fish, snails, shrimp and bettas. Now I've got big cichlids, mbuna, plecos and oddball catfish

  • @TheOfficialSteelReign
    @TheOfficialSteelReign 2 роки тому +2

    This is a great list, guys! John, in my HUMBLE opinion, I believe your 1st point was the best point. That's not to diminish the relevance of the other 9, but having a plan before traveling down the fish keeping hobby road is the way to go. While I'm sure we have all fallen victim to the new "Shiny" that catches our eye. We get blinded and, before we know it, it's bagged up and in our cart. It happens so fast, we even know what we have. That's obviously not the way to be consistently successful.
    Whether youre a brand new fish keeper or old and gray, the process should remain the same. Figure out what fish you want. Do your research on how big the fish will get, what size tank it needs, what tank mates it can have (if any) all BEFORE you buy your first item. Then you can deal with the other 9 issues as they rear their ugly heads, if they rear their ugly heads at all.

  • @erics.2572
    @erics.2572 2 роки тому +9

    I had a group of 7 discus, a typically timid fish, yet one was just nasty, absolutely terrorized the other 6. So much so, they were all crammed in the back corner behind the decor while he hung in the center of the tank claiming the entire tank as his.
    Had to rehome him to bring peace back to my tank.

  • @adamgriffin
    @adamgriffin 2 роки тому +6

    With my Shoal of Red Belly Piranahs, lowering the water temp really helped with nipping and agression.

  • @B0nurSanchez
    @B0nurSanchez 2 роки тому +5

    keeping your lights off unless you are feeding or want to just take a look!!! unless you have plans!! plants need the light! but keeping your lights off makes its harder for your fish to see each other witch helps prevent fight outbreaks and also prevents algea from growing!!! have been doing this for years and it works on my african cichlid tank!!!!

  • @vinnyvtec8722
    @vinnyvtec8722 2 роки тому

    I've not had much luck with fish aggression, usually with fish you wouldn't expect. I've got a 300 litre tank and we've had neon tetras fin nipping each other and other fish, swordtail mollies that were 50/50 male and females and the females became aggressive to everything, I had one albino pleco and added a brown one of the same size and they kept ramming each other into the substrate. We had penguin tetras fin nipping. Now we've just got one pleco, 3 male swordtails, one pearl gourami (it's 2 friends died because he was bullying them and chasing them around), 6 guppies and 12 shrimps. I want to get more fish but I'm not sure what to go for as we seem to have aggression with supposedly peaceful fish. Our tanks big enough, I keep on top of maintenance, they have tunnels, plants and bridges to hide in/under, I feed them regularly twice a day, possibly more than I should feed so it's not a shortage of food, I do water tests and nitrate,nitrite, ammonia levels and general hardness are in the ball park. I watched this video in hope of an 'aha' moment, but I'm still really confused.

  • @brianp6180
    @brianp6180 2 роки тому +2

    Good info! I have tried many of these options. I have a red shoulder peacock that just can’t stay in my 125G African cichlid all male tank. I have tried all your options from this video. Instead of re homing the fish I put him in a 60G tank with 10 tiger barbs and 10 bueanos Aries tetras. Both are fast swimming schooling fish. A double dose of dither fish. He has adjusted very well to this tank. He will give chase once in awhile but he can’t catch the dither fish. He now is pretty mellow. I am tempted to try and put him back in the 125G. I have already tried 3 times. No luck. He goes off and will fight any and all challengers earning his nick name Satan!

  • @Bigweave74
    @Bigweave74 2 роки тому

    I had a school of Blackskirt Tetras (mini piranhas) that terrorized my tank. I added more so they would school, but they just bullied even harder. After I added my Koi Angels, they put the blackskirts in their place. I had no idea that it would work, but the angels provided an effective balance to the blackskirts. I fought fire with fire and somehow it worked.

  • @vinnygraziano1318
    @vinnygraziano1318 2 роки тому +1

    I've personally found out that goldfish really don't care too much about the ratio of males to females. I'm not sure if it's true for goldfish across the board, but I have 2 goldfish aquariums setup and one is female dominated and the other is male dominated and I actually have no issues with aggression, it may have to do with the fact that they were all neglected and abused at a point and they're just happy to be alive and loved. But I give them tons of live plants to munch on and artificial plants to hide in. They're all comets/ common goldfish and 1 fantail

  • @michaeleber4752
    @michaeleber4752 Рік тому

    I had a huge homemade 7 foot tank with a mix of South American cichlids. I had the chance to get a very rare cichlid (don't remember what it was) and it was immediately aggressive with the largest of fish. I put up a glass separator but that bully kept bashing the glass until it fell over. Finally had to put it in a 30 gallon tank by itself. No other choice.

  • @NorthLVLowRoller
    @NorthLVLowRoller 2 роки тому +3

    I bought a real expensive special bloodline Thai Oranda last Friday, he is the angriest goldfish I have ever seen. He swims around like a Predator and bites everyone that crosses his path. He actually looks angry lol Anyhow I'm returning this evil fish tomorrow.

  • @Desi-Jesi
    @Desi-Jesi 2 роки тому

    Really insightful thank you 😊

  • @whitechin99
    @whitechin99 2 роки тому +3

    Good advice. Maybe you should do a video on how to keep kids from fighting 🤣

    • @LOSADM02
      @LOSADM02 2 роки тому +1

      or humans for going into wars

    • @aquariumfish-i4h
      @aquariumfish-i4h 6 місяців тому

      @@LOSADM02 kids are humans

  • @sbai4319
    @sbai4319 2 роки тому

    I used to have a Tropical Marine Tank. I did my research and there was no way I would have certain fish Lionfish, Clown Trigger fish, and others. What did surprise me was the aggression from a Yellow Tang ( Zebrasoma Flavescens).
    Then I went to African Cichlids....

    @MALLY_DAGS_TV 2 роки тому +1

    Black phantom tetras, I bought them because I like the shoaling look but out off the 20 in a 240 lt 4 males have torn each other’s fins apart. I’m new to fish keeping. Any advice

    • @emberframe6994
      @emberframe6994 2 роки тому +2

      I've got black widow tetras, and I have tons of other fish in the tank so everything is balanced

      @MALLY_DAGS_TV 2 роки тому +1

      @@emberframe6994 should I buy one bigger different fish the dominant the tank

  • @aziz-ny1cs
    @aziz-ny1cs 2 роки тому +2

    not first but one of those
    please continue this content as good as it is now

  • @priyangikakumari8040
    @priyangikakumari8040 2 роки тому +2

    I watched every one of your and i got a new planted tank today.thanks👍👍

  • @apss5736
    @apss5736 2 роки тому +1

    Yea I had the aggression problem with one of my yellow labs being a bully. I added another plastic plant and rearranged the tank and its more peaceful

  • @CazzyCat
    @CazzyCat 2 роки тому

    I had 5 zebra danios in a tank with 2 goldfish. As I was getting ready to move them all to a bigger tank, I only had 4! Suspect number one was my larger goldfish. Actually as I was cleaning out the old tank, I saw the 5th danio in the sponge filter ☹ RIP. At least the Goldfish was exonerated. I placed a beautiful driftwood feature in the new tank that the Danios use as a playground and retreat, and I bought 2 more to round out the hoard. I think they make wonderful dither fish!

  • @markh.williamsauthor7286
    @markh.williamsauthor7286 2 роки тому

    I have a 110 that has 3 severum in it (all are young and only about 4 inches long). I believe they are all male and they all get along fine. I had another severum (again I think its male and about the same size as the others). One of the 3 originals just decided it hated this new severum. It would chase and chase it. I tried rearranging - literally took all plants, drift wood, and rocks out and reworked it. I put multiple hiding spots in. The bully kept doing it. Right now I've moved the bully out to another tank. Everyone is fine now with no issues. Hopefully in a couple months I can reintroduce the bully and he'll be chill. If not, I'm going to rehome him. BTW... I didn't shoot for all male severum - I bought them so young that they couldn't be gendered. Also.. I do weekly water changes and vaccuuming - the tank tests perfectly and I feed them well. The bullying was not around food time - it was constant.

  • @markbaumgardt2868
    @markbaumgardt2868 2 роки тому

    In my haps tank I prefer nothing in the tank just aragonite substrate the twenty or so years I've kept these fish I think it's the best way to keep them no territory's and plenty of open space perfect when they get into a chase love the video guys 😊👍👍

  • @billbillinger2117
    @billbillinger2117 2 роки тому

    My mbunas are pretty tame. But there is one who is just constantly terrorizing the others. When she gets out of hand I usually put her in a separator for a few days and she relaxes for a while.

  • @masterdingus7074
    @masterdingus7074 2 роки тому +1

    I've got 2 oscars 2 dempseys and 2 blue acaras in a 125. I'm aware that this is a tad bit overstocked but theres another way to stomp on aggression in your tank and thats to overstock it a little. I found that one of my oscars was a lot more aggressive when it was just him and 1 other fish but when i started adding more he calmed down and he actually swims with the other oscar side by side now after the initial whos the tank boss battles. I maintain the tank very well i keep the water clear change it 25-50% every weekend and i have the master test kit that i test the water with throughout the week. I actually got the new oscar and dempsey from a guy who's tank was just 25 gallons larger but very heavily stocked but the dudes water was perfect and the fish were very happy and healthy.

  • @litoloco4fish
    @litoloco4fish 2 роки тому

    great video, im going to pick up some of those That what she says Tees!!👍🏼👍🏼❤❤ beautiful shirt 👕

  • @drewsta005
    @drewsta005 2 роки тому

    I have 5 angels and two have paired. The other two hangout together…but the males spar more than even my aggressive SA cichlids do lol 😂. I have moved them into a larger tank (29 to a 55), rescaped, created sight line breaks…but they continue to spar. It’s never ending struggle…thanks for the tips 👍🏻

  • @GKZ_29
    @GKZ_29 2 роки тому

    I always do research before hand, then I speak to the people who work there as after the 3 years going there I got to know them well, one thing I learnt is that “just because it works for others doesn’t mean it will work for everyone” meaning if you read you can have a Oscar with a severum doesn’t mean there’s no risk , you can buy a peaceful fish and end up with a aggressive one

  • @dashreky
    @dashreky 2 роки тому +1

    My fish have black dots near there lungs what is it and what can I do?

  • @teags1991
    @teags1991 2 роки тому

    My bristlenose sucker fish I’ve had for 2 months, chases my 2 sterbai corys away from one side of the tank and I was told they aren’t aggressive

  • @Meggsie
    @Meggsie 2 роки тому

    I'm running into this problem with a betta community tank set up recommended by your channel but I think my issue is that there simply isn't enough plant life yet. The glass is too reflective for my betta which irritates him. He doesn't really care about the tetras but when he gets riled up by his reflection he sometimes chases them. I was going to make a moss wall to help but reviewers for the mesh graft said that it was a fish killer so I'm not sure what to put the moss on to cover the back of the tank. :\

  • @frankcapel4557
    @frankcapel4557 2 роки тому +1

    Team kg tropicals loved the video great content keep up the great work guys can't wait to see some of the new updates on the house renos Love the channel 🇨🇦🐠🦈🐙

  • @lizdyson3627
    @lizdyson3627 Рік тому

    I had some aggression amongst my Kribs last weekend. Changed fake decor and plants for real ones. female Krib was relentlessly chasing the male and fin nipped one of my beautiful glass bloodfin tetras. everything has settled down now after 3 water changes.

  • @jaymegoldie6639
    @jaymegoldie6639 2 роки тому

    I can’t remember if it was mentioned in the video, but creating line of sight breaks has really helped me:)

  • @apss5736
    @apss5736 2 роки тому

    I recently added 3 amano shrimp to one of my betta tanks. He's interested in them and sometimes chases them but he seems to tolerate them

  • @jtsaquatics7278
    @jtsaquatics7278 2 роки тому

    I had a gold barb that just snapped one day. All of a sudden my gouramis had a wounds behind their fins, I assumed they were fighting among themselves until I saw the smallest gold barb corner the male gourami and hit multiple times. He ended up having to go back to the lfs since nothing seemed to help the aggression...

  • @King_DarkSide
    @King_DarkSide 2 роки тому +1

    Careful. Number 2 almost made it sound like a noob should go buy male bettas and put them in a tank 😅

  • @ibrahimwadood5995
    @ibrahimwadood5995 2 роки тому

    The best thing when introducing a new fish into an established tank which has highly territorial fish is to get the new fish at a size which is small enough to get ignored by the established fish but big enough to not get eaten
    If you do this then as the new fish slowly grows the other fish will get used to it being there and the territories etc will adjust themselves accordingly with minimal aggression
    I've personally been using this trick for years with my monster tank and it works 99% of the times. The only problem that can arise is the new fish being overly aggressive to the old ones after growing up

  • @missyshell_mishell
    @missyshell_mishell 2 роки тому

    Hi, love your guys' channel! I've got a question regarding redecorating the tank. How much does this stress out the fish? I have guppies and mystery snails. Adults and babies of both fish and snails, and males and females. I love redecorating but just curious about this. I always felt kind of guilty when I changed things around thinking they were stressed out, but if it's not that bad for them I can enjoy it guilt free! LOL Thanks! :)

  • @christiancamacho.
    @christiancamacho. 2 роки тому

    Idk y but I love the background music in this video🎶 I don't like the other barn sound one. But anyways you guy are amazing, love watching all your videos. My favorite UA-cam channel 💯

  • @jonathankeratianos2545
    @jonathankeratianos2545 2 роки тому

    Hate to be that person but...
    I currently have a 40 Gallon with 6 rainbowfish in there, how many electric blue acara would you recommend to put in there? Was thinking 1 male and 2 females?

  • @BlackKoiRecords
    @BlackKoiRecords 2 роки тому +1

    Great advice!! 👍 This happened to me with my first Oscar. I would every week see another fish die and would wonder what was going on. Later, I had to put him by himself because sure enough he was the culprit.

  • @Justanopinionnooffense
    @Justanopinionnooffense 2 роки тому

    The end of the world analogy was dark.....Didn't see that (the analogy) coming and now i can't stop thinking about it!

  • @hecthur4635
    @hecthur4635 2 роки тому

    I added a male betta in a 10 gallon tank with 14 glofish, it was perfectly fine for a few weeks then while watching them , i saw one glofish trying to bite the tail of my betta. also whenever it goes out to his hiding spot , that one glofish keeps on approching my betta, what should i do

  • @bwood4505
    @bwood4505 2 роки тому

    Hey John are you planning to sell a bigger variety of fish at your new location?

  • @Lanskysop
    @Lanskysop 2 роки тому

    I need help bro I got these little snail things I have snails in my tank but I'm pretty sure they are planeria how do I fix this problem

  • @littlemidwestrebornsdolls
    @littlemidwestrebornsdolls 2 роки тому

    Great information!

  • @MFCOOL83
    @MFCOOL83 2 роки тому

    John, in my fantasy world the 10 dudes trapped together would pair up and forget all about the woman. 🤣🤣🤣 jk. Great video guys. 😊❤

  • @awartank
    @awartank 2 роки тому

    Which one of these ideas works with a Flowerhorn? 🤔 Appreciate the advice.
    Btw, just love your videos 👍

  • @yasermubarak3359
    @yasermubarak3359 2 роки тому

    I just want to say from long time witching your videos that you are the best

  • @neonclouds9295
    @neonclouds9295 2 роки тому +1

    Keep up the good work guys!

  • @CC-wy1yb
    @CC-wy1yb 2 роки тому

    Thank you for sharing love your video.

  • @markjgambito
    @markjgambito 2 роки тому

    I have just transferred my African Cichlids to a larger tank. Since there was this male Auratus who bullies everyone including my larger Peacocks, I moved him last to the new tank. At first, he seems docile but a few days later, he just regained his alpha status in the tank. 😅 Luckily, his agression is not the same as before because of the larger space.

  • @barafisk9633
    @barafisk9633 2 роки тому +3

    I messed up recently and got greedy... I had a bichir tank or well i still do but!... i got a 11 inch lapradei and figured since its a lower jaw species and those tend to be more chill it wouldnt be that big of a issue adding him with my 5-6 inch bichirs now 1 week later he ate 2x of them already ... ( in a 100gallon tank only bichirs ) :(, they seemed all fine never saw no aggresion then one day hmm is that a big worm in his mouth? oh ****...

    • @neonclouds9295
      @neonclouds9295 2 роки тому +1

      I just got a beautiful ornate Bichir

    • @barafisk9633
      @barafisk9633 2 роки тому +1

      @@neonclouds9295 oh lovely! i had one ornate aswell sadly it got a ''swim bladder issue'' , it WAS my most expansive fish costing me about 50 bucks but now my lapradei has taken spot nr costing about 100 dollars ! , i have a video on it if you would like to see on my channel! , sadly just one and it was the second i put it in might add a new video soon , Keep me posted about your bichirs im pretty much addicted to them

    • @apss5736
      @apss5736 2 роки тому

      Bummer. Bichirs are amazing fish :(

  • @emilydominguez4521
    @emilydominguez4521 2 роки тому

    I have taken my aggressive fish out of the tank. Put him a tank by himself for a few days then add him back to the old tank. It's worked.

  • @joeburrus4934
    @joeburrus4934 2 роки тому

    Do y’all sell and ship fish

  • @anthonypemberton4062
    @anthonypemberton4062 2 роки тому

    Just became a new member I love your guys videos

  • @DarkRavnis
    @DarkRavnis 2 роки тому +1

    My worst experience with fish that SHOULD be docile and are not is usually Mollies. I have seen and had many experiences where a Mollie will go rogue and start killing off all the non mollies in a tank. Even in a tank with only males or female mollies so no breeding aggression. It's insane to have to quarantine a mollie because it was attacking gourami's or something you would expect the behavior from more than them.

    • @apss5736
      @apss5736 2 роки тому

      Similar problem with me but it's endlers. One constantly picks at the incredibly docile corydoras and the entire group randomly picks on each other. Poecilia can be mean

  • @paulanthonynelson2733
    @paulanthonynelson2733 2 роки тому

    #8 really works!

  • @unitss4140
    @unitss4140 2 роки тому +1

    WOW IM SO EARLY HOLY, anyways I been planning on getting endler guppies, and kuhli loaches , I get and how many gallons?

  • @mikesmith-wk7vy
    @mikesmith-wk7vy 2 роки тому

    My long fin red barbs beat up the other things and themselves it’s the only aggressive things I deal with. I got 3 but people tell me I need 6 to calm them down but I don’t want more

  • @rach2797
    @rach2797 2 роки тому

    I have yellow labs with red zebra cichlids and they have fry. Suggestions? If I move their territory I’m afraid the fry will get eaten. That’s something you didn’t mention. It’s already over stocked and even the juvenile fish are getting beat up by the parents.

    • @apss5736
      @apss5736 2 роки тому +1

      Maybe add more decor.

  • @kekxgaming_official
    @kekxgaming_official 2 роки тому +1

    Yay another top 10 vidddd!!!!

  • @ibrahimwadood5995
    @ibrahimwadood5995 2 роки тому

    When it comes to fish going rogue there was a pair of green Texas which was completely fine for over a year and then suddenly it went rogue and ended killing many other fish and then eventually killed each other
    And the worst part is that I could do nothing to stop it
    I tried EVERYTHING and nothing worked

  • @jakob2646
    @jakob2646 2 роки тому

    helo a want to set my tank for a owana can i have a 200 galon or is it to small

  • @northerners2828
    @northerners2828 2 роки тому

    Thanks a lot, now i knew it. 🐟🐠🐡

  • @johncameron4194
    @johncameron4194 2 роки тому

    LOL John cheers

  • @dmitrimikrioukov5935
    @dmitrimikrioukov5935 2 роки тому

    If you have a very small tank with a male and a female betta and the male beats up the female a lot, you should add another male betta. A male paradise fish will work to. This will 100% work because, first, the other male will protect the abused female. And second, the male will get distracted by the other guy.

  • @Dk-qf8dd
    @Dk-qf8dd 2 роки тому

    While most of these work, I recently has a small group of Tropheus Bemba Orange Flame (6 - all males) that finally ended up with a disaster.

  • @King_DarkSide
    @King_DarkSide 2 роки тому +1

    What are those vicious looking fish with the teeth???

    • @Rob.A
      @Rob.A 2 роки тому +2

      Same question

  • @Hippo232
    @Hippo232 2 роки тому

    Great Video! Not that Comet (My Betta) Shows any aggression towards Marbles and the other endlers. Comet never hides! I have pretty big a cave and tons of plants. Same with the endlers, always like greedy little pigs swimming at the top of the tank, looking for more food.

  • @johnkilpatrick4463
    @johnkilpatrick4463 2 роки тому

    Knowing u guys are near Baltimore I was at petco by Boston st n they had some very nice stock in horrible health I mean cruel

  • @YeshuaHamashiach5791
    @YeshuaHamashiach5791 2 роки тому

    i have a angelfish that protects everyone if one fish is being mean he will stop the fight lol he is a cop never heard of a angelfish being like that but mine is (its freshwater btw)

  • @hopehobby9297
    @hopehobby9297 2 роки тому

    I want to watch this but exams are up😭😭 ❤️

  • @mikesmith-wk7vy
    @mikesmith-wk7vy 2 роки тому

    I’m about to give my long fin red barbs back they aren’t very pretty anymore they have nipped each others fins up and the fins on my angle fish plus my tanks full and I would prefer more rainbow fish

  • @banananocal
    @banananocal 2 роки тому +2


  • @joeylovegrove1068
    @joeylovegrove1068 2 роки тому

    Lemme know when you find those tickets.

    @COOPERSCICHILDS 2 роки тому

    Cool video

  • @arturocubos4077
    @arturocubos4077 2 роки тому

    Video came just in time I been having mad issues with this

  • @LassoKid7777
    @LassoKid7777 2 роки тому

    My 4 female Bettas only nip at each other during feeding otherwise they're ok

  • @susanosman3643
    @susanosman3643 2 роки тому +1

    I can sure understand overcrowding ~~~~ I don't like anyone in MY SPACE!!

  • @sharleanebailey2795
    @sharleanebailey2795 2 роки тому

    I had a male guppy that went rouge. I researched it, and bought him two females. He never did it again. And the females kept him in line. 😏

  • @apss5736
    @apss5736 2 роки тому

    awesome video

  • @joxoxo
    @joxoxo 2 роки тому

    My parrot ate my oscar even after tank separation im already at 3 tanks in my room 😅

  • @ba-star9787
    @ba-star9787 Рік тому

    My friend, my fish trying to eat his brother. They are the same fish and same size

  • @sandipcreation9499
    @sandipcreation9499 2 роки тому

    Kolkata 🇮🇳 ❤

    • @JURA8275
      @JURA8275 2 роки тому

      Nice ... Me too

  • @Khalidbinwalid313
    @Khalidbinwalid313 2 роки тому

    🙄I gave my 🐠 to other for same reason

  • @ironlion45
    @ironlion45 Рік тому

    Are you sure you'd like a ticket to that fantasy land? Because the one where all the dudes get along and ignore the female doesn't *quite* seem like your kind of place...

  • @2022irons
    @2022irons 2 роки тому

    *iTs hOW yOU raIsE tHEm.*
    Said the genetics and and instincts of literally all animals

  • @sandipcreation9499
    @sandipcreation9499 2 роки тому

    First 🥇

  • @callum7227
    @callum7227 2 роки тому +1

    The click bate titles are kinda doing my head in

    • @snarleyshark8824
      @snarleyshark8824 2 роки тому

      What click bait title? If you actually watch the video it talks about how to stop fish aggression

    • @callum7227
      @callum7227 2 роки тому

      @@snarleyshark8824 you can't stop fish aggression you can only try and prevent aggressive situations

  • @oxgamer7813
    @oxgamer7813 2 роки тому +1
