Dear Ray, I would like to ask if there's a limit to the socket length/depth. For my pile design, to utilize the full pile loading capacity, I would need a socket length of ~12m. I can't find the information from the codes.
Dear ray, thanks for your great video. Is the rock socketed H pile only suitable for the case that the bedrock is close to the surface? What is the economical depth for using a rock socketed H pile?
CheukMan Herman Li there is no absolute answer, but engineers always consider with the cost. You can design with bored piles even the rock head is close to the GL, but it will be much much expensive than pad foundation.
Keep it up! Thank you for your fruitful video!
Thanks for the video!
Dear Ray, I would like to ask if there's a limit to the socket length/depth. For my pile design, to utilize the full pile loading capacity, I would need a socket length of ~12m. I can't find the information from the codes.
Dear ray, thanks for your great video. Is the rock socketed H pile only suitable for the case that the bedrock is close to the surface? What is the economical depth for using a rock socketed H pile?
Once the bedrock is close to ground level , say 3metre, we will use footing. There is no absolute value for optimum design, but you can say 40 metre.
CheukMan Herman Li there is no absolute answer, but engineers always consider with the cost. You can design with bored piles even the rock head is close to the GL, but it will be much much expensive than pad foundation.
Thanks for the video👍