Progressive Christianity: Salvation Through Liberation? | with Kruptos

  • Опубліковано 3 жов 2024


  • @battygirlrachel
    @battygirlrachel 5 місяців тому +13

    1:32:30 when everything is delegated to the state their is no accountability... seems to me women didn't use to just manage the household accounts, they held the household to account.

    • @Xplora213
      @Xplora213 5 місяців тому

      Some. Not everyone though. But I think you’ll find responsible women are on successful families and irresponsible ones are not.

  • @pamcollins2178
    @pamcollins2178 5 місяців тому +3

    Yes! We have brought/encouraged/allowed what was once on the fringes of society smack dab into the normal. And it has resulted in chaos.

    • @skylinefever
      @skylinefever 5 місяців тому

      I always wonder how to allow the fringes of society to exist, and not have it become the norm. My biggest fear of social conservatism is that it would treat the people who fail to conform as square pegs in round holes.

  • @constantmanifold9493
    @constantmanifold9493 5 місяців тому +3

    It seems to me that Kruptos, Dave, and PVK may have something to talk about. The convo you hosted with Dave and PVK last time was a touch chaotic. Perhaps a good topic would be: how can politics support and protect the Church, and how can the Church legitimize politics? It seems that Peterson taught people to start thinking religiously again, and Yarvin got people thinking politically again. PVK and Dave's respective projects are to incarnate the online energy. The TLC needs the DR and the DR needs the TLC.

  • @virginiahoffman4624
    @virginiahoffman4624 5 місяців тому +3

    I hat that word, community, now! The left has ruined that idea for me! The trans ‘community’, the gay ‘community’, the school ‘community’, etc, etc.!! Just TOO much! Here’s my community, AMERICA!!!!

  • @Edmund_Mallory_Hardgrove
    @Edmund_Mallory_Hardgrove 5 місяців тому +13

    They've already broken down the in-group preference of the largest ethnic group in the US (whites), by emphasizing and promoting different groups. The second stage will attempt to break those in-group preferences down after they're done using them. The goal is to create an in-group preference for the state. The Bolsheviks attempted to do this in Russia.

    • @Jules-Is-a-Guy
      @Jules-Is-a-Guy 5 місяців тому +3

      To some extent, I think that's what all shared cultures and customs do, in all eclectic societies. But way too much, way too fast, is a problem and leads to dissolution, to the extent that it's even necessary for eclectic subgroups to coalesce at all in order to coexist. I rly think the main issue is that, beyond what may well be a degree of malice, ppl pulling the strings nowadays are just too stupid and incompetent to get this, or to do things properly. Benjamin for president, cats will be presidential cabinet.

    • @Xplora213
      @Xplora213 5 місяців тому

      wtf… in group preference for just the group is literally a cult. Or fascism at best.

  • @randygault4564
    @randygault4564 5 місяців тому +2

    Why would we pretend that accommodating and adapting to the culture is something new? When Christianity came to the "New World" it did exactly that, to avoid being shut out completely.

  • @ravencole8727
    @ravencole8727 5 місяців тому +2

    Interesting (perhaps surprising) to hear this perspective from a Calvinist. The little I know of the Ellulian critique of society has come from Paul Kingsnorth who converted to Orthodox.

  • @clodaghread5655
    @clodaghread5655 5 місяців тому

    Excellent thanks

  • @ceuser6119
    @ceuser6119 5 місяців тому +1

    Why do they always destroy the monastery? England, France, Germany, Mexico.

  • @mostlydead3261
    @mostlydead3261 5 місяців тому +1

    Ben should get Khalid from Subliminal Jihad on..

  • @napoleonfeanor
    @napoleonfeanor 5 місяців тому +3

    "I am a calvinist"
    And I clicked on stop

    • @Spudeaux
      @Spudeaux 5 місяців тому +6

      You just weren't predestined to listen.

    • @marierejoiceinjesus3846
      @marierejoiceinjesus3846 5 місяців тому +3

      😭 why is this false doctrine spreading so much?

    • @napoleonfeanor
      @napoleonfeanor 5 місяців тому +1

      @@marierejoiceinjesus3846 maybe it's predestined lol. I really can't understand how Christians believe in this specific doctrine as the logical conclusion from it is that God must be sadistic as he creates souls who are condemned to hell from the beginning because of predestination.

    • @sekritskwirl6106
      @sekritskwirl6106 4 місяці тому +1

      @@Spudeauxim predestined to subscribe to BB.

  • @Jules-Is-a-Guy
    @Jules-Is-a-Guy 5 місяців тому +2

    Ironically, though a non-Nietzschean, Nietzsche said that same thing as Kruptos abt not conforming to the worker's lifestyle prescribed by the regime.

  • @marwar819
    @marwar819 5 місяців тому +1

    Body of 'people of god'? If one person is a person of god, we all are. And of course, we all came from the same source, whatever that may be. (2) Dawkins is an atheist, he does not degrade Christianity specifically. (3) I am a cradle Catholic who has struggled mightily with the Church, like Dawkins, I believe in the spirit of religion. Can't stand evangelicals or Jesus thumpers.

  • @AndyJarman
    @AndyJarman 5 місяців тому +1

    Ginger Toms are the best - give him some biffo ginger!

  • @Jules-Is-a-Guy
    @Jules-Is-a-Guy 5 місяців тому +3

    Here's what I think defines religion, explains how it's tied into, and largely synonymous historically with society and culture, also how/why it served an adaptive function:
    I think it's a set of rituals, customs etc., that is reflective of the predominant traits and behaviors, of particular ethnic groups in particular environments, or a collection of probably no more than a few ethnic groups. Referring to some sort of "gang" might seem like a bad analogy, but tbh it's what comes to mind when discussing group membership, ppl banning together for practical purposes, and a feeling of security, accompanying shared rituals and signaling of solidarity plus allegiance against enemy groups in a neighboring territory, at least as a hyperbolic illustrative example (no offense).
    However, there's more to the story, because the externally codified representation of shared characteristics, served also to incorporate outsiders, and thus to grow the group's size which was also advantageous. So, how did that work, if a religion was mostly associated with an ethnic group? (A similar question: how are ppl assimilated into a new society today? Does it rly work, and what's it entail?)
    I think the answer is that, ethnicities mostly tended to hold groups together, but when we begin to define ethnicities, we find that they involve bundles of traits. Outsiders would usually have, at least relatively different bundles of traits. However, there's always variation within groups. So for example, if there's a nearby group that's mostly neurotic, but some of its members happen to be more conscientious than usual, and your own ethno-religious group is mostly higher in conscientiousness, then those particular outsiders would likely constitute 'viable converts'. They would be good candidates to allow to marry into your 'tribe,' share in similar behaviors, and grow the size of your group for defensive purposes.
    Also quick thoughts on the greater or lesser prevalence of supernatural beliefs, plus things like visions, in a particular religion:
    Things like visuospatial reasoning, and abstraction, are also heritable within groups, this might have been in large part, another way of signaling membership, shared similar tendencies, thus facilitating 'belonging' and mutual identification (security within group by proving you're similar, and you belong).

  • @randygault4564
    @randygault4564 5 місяців тому +3

    Why would you both pretend
    1. That Dawkins statement on being a cultural Christian is something new (despite him saying it years ago), and
    2. Christianity is somehow required to have a desirable civilization? Mormons do it, and although they are based on Christianity, they definitely aren't. Similarly, there can be an atheist society based on themes considered (rightly or wrongly) to be Christian.

    • @skylinefever
      @skylinefever 5 місяців тому

      I often joke about what kind of societies are in developed East Asia. Whenever I see someone arguing that civilization needs Jesus, I ask what shintoism and zen buddhism did for Japan.

    • @chrisc7265
      @chrisc7265 5 місяців тому +2

      it's what we have in the west, so it's what we have to work with. Paganism is long dead, and it turns out you can't just create religions because it'd be convenient to do so.
      Mormons and Dawkins are both minor deviations from Christianity. The west can go way worse than Dawkins, and we're seeing hints of that (as is he).
      What's weird to me is why _wouldn't_ you see Christianity as a desirable future in the west? There are details to quibble over, but it's clearly the only choice if the west is to survive as a civilization.

    • @chrisc7265
      @chrisc7265 5 місяців тому +2

      @@skylinefever Japanese are quite unique. They can function on a high level civilizationally without a binding social force like religion (most Japanese are what we'd consider culturally Buddhist and Shinto, not outright religious). The force that stands in for religion here is their unity as a people. You can point to flaws that are remedied by religiosity like their abysmal birth rate, but overall the place is impressive.
      Sidenote, this is why if mass immigration is forced on them they will fall harder than western countries in the same situation. I don't think it'll come to that though, they're survivors.

    • @skylinefever
      @skylinefever 5 місяців тому

      @@chrisc7265 I would not like to see Christians take over, because it's usually the Karen types taking power. If it was up to them, everybody would be another person who has to live a miserable life doing boring God stuff.
      Not a single day in my life could I "Just believe."
      This is why I defend Chistians not because I like them, but because Islam sucks harder.

    • @skylinefever
      @skylinefever 5 місяців тому +1

      @@chrisc7265 I see Christianity as a lesser evil to Islam. Also, I see that sometimes there are only lesser evils, not greater goods.
      I sometimes joke that with all the otaku and weeb, they can go shinto.

  • @walterwoodland9218
    @walterwoodland9218 5 місяців тому

    The comparison to the Supreme Court is flawed at a fundamental level. The Law is written in the court's basis. The situations that are being weighed against the law are subjective. The court's job is to decide which version of the subjective evidence best aligns with demonstrable facts and then to weigh those facts against a fixed law. A court that 'interprets' law is a super-legislative judicial oligarchy.

  • @morthim
    @morthim 5 місяців тому +5

    this sounds stupid.
    he says wisdom is recognizing what is happening and reacting accordingly.
    intelligence is recognizing what is happening. knowledge is the compendium of potential reactions one or more may be appropriate.
    people who call themselves wise tend to be stupid, arrogant, and incorrigible. you can give them authority conditional to their recognition that they are responcible for the results and if the results dont match their ascriptions, then they are at fault. so they make their prophecy, you write it down, make them sign it, store it with a party they claim is trustworthy, do what they suggest, then you take out the prophecy and compare it with the results, and share the comparison with the 'wise' man. often, the prophecy will be wrong, and they will reject that they were wrong. maybe they will say that the pact was meddled with. maybe they will say that they proclaimed something would happen and it did but the observers are the truely dishonest ones. sometimes they will neither attack the measurement results, or the integrity of the document, but the relation of the tools for measurement relating to the prescription. rarely will they accept responcibility. some
    this relates to dementia. yes, litteral dementia. when someone has dementia they will have a corrupted sense of the past and present. you can ask someone with dementia to hold a glass of water, and then you can ask them why they are holding a glass of water, and they will say that they were thirsty.
    posthoc rationalization aka dementia leads these people to have a very inflated sense of their competence.
    beyond those semantics, what saul demonstrates in suggesting they cut a baby in two isnt wisdom. it is callousness, impatience, and a sense of humor. he said something horrible and it was remembered because it worked out, but how many times did he bluff monstrous behavior only for it to occur? he raped his daughter in law, and killed his son for confronting him about it.
    suggesting a guard cut a baby in two has a risk of the baby being cut in two, which he doesnt care about, and creates an opportunity to resolve the case swiftly so he no longer has to deal with these people. win-win.
    people calling saul wise for coming up with a callous riddle, when he clearly didnt care, are showing a lack of 'wisdom'. they are showing a lack of learning from experiance and instead are posturing book knowledge which may not have even been originally understood. and on top of that, it is coming from a highly edited and editorialized mythic cannon copied by hand and changed to represent reproducer-ial biases. it is a telephone game.
    'he is in one sense under the law, and in another sense he is expected to pronounce law.'
    this is a bizzare authoritarian wetdream. there is subtext i am picking up of envy, and desiring to be this arbitrary dictator.
    in a good system, laws come not from individuals but the needs of communities. if you empower an individual, no matter how pure, corruption will flow because they will do what they think is best. and what an individual thinks is best will enfranchise those ideologically alligned with him or factionally alligned, and will disenfranchise those who are dis-amenable and vexatious.
    'he is not accountable to the people he is accountable to god'
    by means of the people. you can go full thomas aquinas and tell the people to burn their crops cause the rapture is coming, but you cant tell them to unburn them. and they will hold you to account.
    'when the dictator comes and you have severed the connection with god, he acts with power'
    you act with power and corruption when you proclaim god is on your side as well. whether you proclaim god to be on your side will not change the results. god's authority comes from power as well.
    'the rational system has to be based on something'
    'but it is not'
    'but it is based on reason'
    'it is based on nothing'
    okay grandpa. take your dementia medicine.
    'we are going to build a new morality based on rationality'
    you dont need to have a morality for a system to be reasoned or rational. you can look to what works and what doesnt and that is a decent heuristic at a short time scale. then you can repeatly increase the sense of timescale to be able to reason about ever greater time horizons. you are right that reason doesnt work in times of rapid technological change, but also tradition doesnt work either. this is especially true for corrupted new religions like christianity. when one thing changes, the context around it changes. so when you change one thing you change the universe. when you decide to make tomatos not rot as quickly, you reduce their sugar content as well, and their flavor. you get unforeseen consequences when you solve for one value and neglect to measure the rest. when you rapidly change a bunch of values all together, reason does fail but only from the instability of the system. does wisdom do better than reason, or do the young turn away from churches because the message is made for pensioners and women and not the youth?

  • @marwar819
    @marwar819 5 місяців тому

    Yuck!! I listened to 28:00, can't stand more.

  • @Jules-Is-a-Guy
    @Jules-Is-a-Guy 5 місяців тому +2

    Sounds like Nietzsche, but with a Christian flavor.

    • @ravencole8727
      @ravencole8727 5 місяців тому +2

      God is Dead. Long live God.

    • @rodstemler8842
      @rodstemler8842 4 місяці тому

      Liberation theology - it's Hegelian and heretical. Serving political power, not God.

  • @john9486
    @john9486 5 місяців тому +4

    Gross. See you for the next show Mr. Boyce!

  • @NinjaKittyBonks
    @NinjaKittyBonks 5 місяців тому +2

    Ms. 🐾is 1st comment 🏆

  • @sekritskwirl6106
    @sekritskwirl6106 4 місяці тому

    be careful with that "Christ is King" thing. he got a cross not a crown when he showed up. crown of thorns. the government will be upon his shoulder one day but not yet. isnt that more than obvious to anyone other than Calvinists? theres a "christ" coming who will claim to be king but it will be the wrong one. the right one will throw him out after a short time but the wrong one is on his way.

    • @St.MartinofToursPrayToGodForUs
      @St.MartinofToursPrayToGodForUs 4 місяці тому

      The cross was a kind of throne. By choosing to go on the cross (because let's be clear, Christ voluntarily died on the cross, he was not a victim) the cross, formerly known as a symbol of torture and shame, became a symbol of victory. And upon that cross, the world was His footstool. Even the centurion (whose known as Longinus in Church) bore witness to his power while upon the cross.
      When Christ was mocked, the soldiers did not know upon whom they were spitting, placing a royal cloak, a crown, bowing to. The Gospel narratives wrote the crucifixion story in this way to show the juxtaposition of the themes. Christ was and is King. The gospels show it. He is not king in the way many think of it, but he is most definitely King.
      Christos Anesti!

  • @vincitomniaveritas8491
    @vincitomniaveritas8491 5 місяців тому


  • @Jules-Is-a-Guy
    @Jules-Is-a-Guy 5 місяців тому

    *feels slightly bad for trwling, yet feels urge to continue trwling*

  • @Jules-Is-a-Guy
    @Jules-Is-a-Guy 5 місяців тому +1

    De-industrialization. So. Dumb.

  • @robertmontgomery4742
    @robertmontgomery4742 5 місяців тому +2

    intuitive sense of reimagining forevevr. blah blah

  • @AnnaBorrence
    @AnnaBorrence 5 місяців тому

    Hey Ben, once you get a clue you might actually stop indulging far-left nonsense- l certainly won't be holding my breath. It's hilarious tho in the meantime...

  • @miroirs-jumeaux
    @miroirs-jumeaux 5 місяців тому


  • @AnnaBorrence
    @AnnaBorrence 5 місяців тому +1

    As a Christian, I'm absolutely horrified that this so-called "pastor" doesn't understand that Catholicism has absolutely nothing to do with Christianity. I'm sure he's read Revelations countless times and yet has the hide to call himself a pastor without really having any clue what he's talking about. He's extremely uninteresting to listen to as well.

    • @JunkSock
      @JunkSock 5 місяців тому +1

      🙄 as always. Let’s hear your denomination, Christian.
      Agree though, not a fan of this guest either

    • @AnnaBorrence
      @AnnaBorrence 5 місяців тому

      No idea what " as always" could be referring to.

    • @benjaminlquinlan8702
      @benjaminlquinlan8702 5 місяців тому +1

      What did Protestants breakaway from?

    • @AnnaBorrence
      @AnnaBorrence 5 місяців тому

      Ben, I've no idea how that has any relevance to anything I've said. I like you and your Channel, tho l find it utterly nauseating that you only host your fellow leftists. Do you know anything about the Spanish Inquisition?
      Ben, it's interesting to me that you clearly have Christ in your heart. Do you not understand what Revelations 17-18 is referring to? It's the Vatican and I'd love to recommend some Channels to you explaining all of this - it's crucial to your understanding of thangs.

    • @AnnaBorrence
      @AnnaBorrence 5 місяців тому

      Ben, you do understand that Truth is completely objective....right?

  • @Jules-Is-a-Guy
    @Jules-Is-a-Guy 5 місяців тому

    I didn't need to be convinced, I already knew that religion was the medieval version of government, and that we're regressing.

  • @JanetHanning-f2f
    @JanetHanning-f2f 5 місяців тому +2

    The woman problem....? Watch some tradwives videos. The kids are unsupervised while she is making sourdough bread for her man baby. One baby with his fingers in an electric power point and another toddler heading to the farm dam.

  • @robertmontgomery4742
    @robertmontgomery4742 5 місяців тому +3

    This guy shows no originality

    • @coreycefail6704
      @coreycefail6704 5 місяців тому +3

      Well we are talking about tradition / religion……..