The Truth About the Nazis with Stephen Hicks

  • Опубліковано 21 вер 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 3,9 тис.

  • @triggerpod
    @triggerpod  2 роки тому +106

    Hear *Dr Hicks* answer extra questions from our fans by joining our exclusive TRIGGERnometry community on Locals

    • @rafaelmadrigal9038
      @rafaelmadrigal9038 2 роки тому +1

      @@johnmercer3571 Hitler was an artist. Did paintings for a living and sucked at it.

    • @DanHowardMtl
      @DanHowardMtl 2 роки тому +3

      Where's the link to "Identity Crisis"?

    • @DarkAngel2512
      @DarkAngel2512 2 роки тому +8

      Guys, someone below mentioned you getting someone on from one of the unis to talk about free speech and about getting someone woke on with them. This gave me an idea that if universities wont allow debates you guys should set them up mini style on your show. Perhaps some mini style debate on a set topic.

    • @athcnv
      @athcnv 2 роки тому +1

      Oh. 😳 I was going with, Hitler used his dark charisma, intuitive genius & magnetic personality to target the only things that mattered, the perception filters of the ENTIRE German people & the common sense of HALF of the German population, so ALL of it paid attention to him & didn't filter him out, & half of them ended up common sensing that it was fine or not a deal breaker to do a Holocaust & a World War! 😳 And that it was fine to hate the Jews cos Hitler said so, or not a deal breaker to hate the Jews ONLY if done in support of Hitler! 😳 Cos Hitler had to create the cult of personality BEFORE he could destroy democracy & set up a dictatorial regime & state media & secret police! (just like Trump did with "kung flu", he made it so half the US felt it was fine but only if TRUMP said it, OR it was said in SUPPORT OF TRUMP! 😳)

    • @DarkAngel2512
      @DarkAngel2512 2 роки тому +1

      @@athcnv Did Trump actually call it Kung Flu? I know he called it the Chinese virus because it was. Same as Spanish Flu or Middle Eastern Virus. My asian friend called it the Chinese Virus. But then he's Tibetan and hates The CCP.

  • @63mckenzie
    @63mckenzie 2 роки тому +1001

    My mother worked beside an ex- German POW in the 1950s. She said he was a really nice guy and couldn't understand how he could have been pro Hitler. When she asked him he said, 'It was easy. We thought we were the good guys saving the world. We all loved him.'

    • @thomasmalatesta7331
      @thomasmalatesta7331 2 роки тому +143

      I had a girlfriend back in the late '70s whose mother was from Germany. She told us the same story. They all believed that they were the good guys and were saving Europe. They were obsessed with the concept of purity, both spiritual and physical. Draw your own conclusions.

    • @rinzler9171
      @rinzler9171 2 роки тому +240

      Look at Europe and how it is falling apart today and ask yourself, "Is nationalism bad?"

    • @63mckenzie
      @63mckenzie 2 роки тому +96

      @@rinzler9171 I think it is going to come back. History always goes in cycles.

    • @sirrathersplendid4825
      @sirrathersplendid4825 2 роки тому

      The public motives of the German leadership were not quite the same as their private motives. Sure, the media drummed up hatred of the ‘banker race’, which became widespread, but not many ordinary people knew the full horror of what was decided at the Wannsee Conference.

    • @piplee1439
      @piplee1439 2 роки тому +10

      @@sirrathersplendid4825 so, let's hear this Wannasee proposition?

  • @brobsonmontey
    @brobsonmontey 2 роки тому +875

    Please keep this style of guest coming. Too many people are unaware of the underpinning histories and philosophies behind humanity's grand crimes, meaning we are all too prone to repeating those crimes again and again.

    • @ThirtytwoJ
      @ThirtytwoJ 2 роки тому +20

      The lack of honesty in history teachings of public schools is astonishing. Even 20 years ago it was getting weird and things being done behind parents backs, utter destruction of masculinity and programming to be a work slave that cant do anything beyond repetition. When you create a stupid bias population of zealots that cant tolerate critical thinking... Well.. you get the karens, the authoritarianism, the socialism, all the toxic ideology in an echo chamber that worsens through generations and its far more likely any school will be bias against anyone not democrat in hiring and retainment. So you end up entire schools covering for each other, hiding things from the public and parents, putting ideology in their heads as fact without question, hell even asking questions is punished in multiple ways like extra homework or class ridicule. The intelligent were overwhelmed beyond reason, the arts and skills were already being gutted, and everything dumbed down for the idiots of the bunch that never tried or cared. Id go from regular class making As but bored as sht jn trouble falling asleep and so easy my homework was done before i ended the class, to gifted class making ds and cs just crushed by the expectations of 4 plus hours of homework and projects of repetitive garbage youd already mastered or all your classes dumping on you like they were your only responsibility. Oh work hard, get into a good college, burn yourself out and hate the process of learning. leaving you just sicked by it all and resentful. Youd repeat the same info as the year before 80 percent of most classes. Classes too large to move at a pace that wasnt tedious while teachers exhausted and overworked so many kids to grade and keep in line. Politics were more behind the scenes like with standardized testing, weird test questions with political or racist undertones, weird quizzes with personal information gathering, unexpected medical tests and in school vaccinations... In hindsight, creepy sht actually. ohh and i was one of those with the several years of super fluoride used as an unwitting test subject, more than just that too. Teeth from my classes are garbage in almost everyone, wonder why.
      Oi. What i hear now, we need to start pooling for more private schools and get our kids out asap. Making kids a pawn in a political situation and indoctrinating/turning them against parents... Yea thats not evil at all, nah.. caughnazisdidthatcaugh ... They declare themselves our enemies but we keep conceding ground and pandering to them.. maybe we should believe them and grow a spine... History says its all downhill from here..

    • @chris-mg5ui
      @chris-mg5ui 2 роки тому +27

      @@CailenCambeul There is a reason why history is being erased

    • @zackfair6791
      @zackfair6791 2 роки тому +9

      I think i will remain suspicious of any ideology that has cultural hegemony...especially if its revolutionary and totalitarian. Be wary of idealism, and do not assume everything with a "progressive" label slapped on it is inherently good. They will more often than not use compassion as justification for totalitarianism. So many people get fooled by that tactic.

    • @RightTurnClyde
      @RightTurnClyde 2 роки тому

      The true leftist roots of the Nazis

    • @what.if.youre.wrong...
      @what.if.youre.wrong... 2 роки тому +6

      Just watched 'The great escape' and 'Schindlers list' with my 14 year old daughter, who had no idea what she was about to see

  • @jaymorris3468
    @jaymorris3468 Рік тому +142

    I love the way, unlike a lot of others, these guys listen and let the guest talk without destroying the flow, sone destroy their own good intentions with constant interruption and breaking of the narrative, kudos to these guys.👍

    • @backslash11
      @backslash11 11 місяців тому

      They 100% broke the flow at 35 min, which a loaded question attempting to lead him into making a parallel between vaccine mandates and 'nazi-ism making a comeback'. He very emphatically denied that this was a responsible claim to make, after which they 'broke the flow' again, completely changing the subject. Yeah, tell me more about their "good intentions" lol. They're not here to listen to the guy, they're trying to steer his words to pander to the new hoards of conservative snowflakes watching this, who equate multiculturalism with white genocide and who think being asked to wear a face mask is as bad as being packed into a cattle car and driven to the gas chamber.

    • @thisvagabondlife7132
      @thisvagabondlife7132 10 місяців тому +2

      I always try to give kudos to good interviews and these guys are good.

    • @davegriffin9083
      @davegriffin9083 8 місяців тому +2

      It's a real treat.

    • @LynettewVogel
      @LynettewVogel 24 дні тому +1

      Absolutely, unlike Piers Morgan.

    • @rockflowerful
      @rockflowerful 24 дні тому +2

      Absolutely agree. They wait and … the answers. The usual interviewers? Well it is in the interviewers eyes, all as much about them as it is about what the guest has to say. The interviewers are all about being stars and that ego has to be supported. Here our interviewers, no doubt know they are smart enough and do not have to keep proving it. They ask good questions and..listen to the answers. This is wonderful. Is it not true…..once a war starts, the opposite side has to be vilified to allow killing of the bad and the innocence. I do always think of the innocents on all sides, I support Ukraine but I also feel for the young Russian boys being sent to the meat grinder. I think of their mothers,I think of the destruction which will take generations to replace. So thanks for those who interview and listen.

  • @Antipodean33
    @Antipodean33 Рік тому +697

    My father went to sea in the English Merchant Navy at 14. When he was 18 his ship was attacked by German planes and was sunk, he was washed up on shore with shrapnel wounds in his thigh and the sole of his foot was hanging off from the little toe right round to the big toe and just flapping. 2 German soldiers found him on the beach and carried him to their own field hospital and a German surgeon did such a good job sewing it up that he walked for the rest of his life without any problems. he was taken to Stalag V111B and was there for 4 years till the end of the war. They could've just shot him and I'd never had life, I'd love to know who those 2 German soldiers and the surgeon were to thank them for saving his life

    • @arcanondrum6543
      @arcanondrum6543 Рік тому

      Wow! Wow! I'm sure that the Russians, the Jews, the French Resistance and many others will tell you that the Geneva Convention protected your father and DIDN'T protect them (because they fell "outside" the Geneva Convention) but hey, it was all "so worth it" for you to grow up and not waste life but instead; spend your time listening to whiney simps like Douglas Murray blame OTHER people instead of himself for his mediocrity. So "glad" to see that you also threw in a little of your hatred of women by blaming Trans athletes instead of yourself.

    • @bravefastrabbit770
      @bravefastrabbit770 Рік тому

      That’s the thing. The Gmans never wanted to fight a brother war. They had strong morals and never did what ”some ppl who now run the world” so claim.
      The two dudes running this channel are even )ewish, their purpose is to reel dissident minds in, then muddy the waters.
      ”The best way of controlling your opposition is to lead it” - Cant even name the origins because of the overaggressive AI algo

    • @leskobrandon691
      @leskobrandon691 Рік тому +27

      Great story!

    • @robjob9052
      @robjob9052 Рік тому +75

      most men are civilised no matter who their masters are.

    • @helenestiernstrand6575
      @helenestiernstrand6575 Рік тому +32

      People are usually lovely, its the systemes that create evil.

  • @Maerque
    @Maerque 2 роки тому +599

    So basically, we're repeating everything again. Interviews like these should be shown in schools and universities.

    • @fcuk_x
      @fcuk_x 2 роки тому +17

      Everything in nature is a pattern.

    • @johnhanson5943
      @johnhanson5943 2 роки тому +59

      Can we still call them schools and universities? My son is at uni now. A different world. Indoctrination instead of mind-opening education!

    • @tolpacourt
      @tolpacourt 2 роки тому +15

      The universities are the problem. Their primary purpose is marxist indoctrination. The deep state and most federal politicians are 100% in support of this.

    • @murderoustendencies
      @murderoustendencies 2 роки тому +7

      Doesn't fit the preferred narrative. 😑

    • @InceyWincey
      @InceyWincey 2 роки тому +9

      But if they showed this in school they couldn’t do it all again.

  • @qwerty90615
    @qwerty90615 Місяць тому +84

    My father was in the US Infantry in WWII, and half German. He tried to convey to me as a boy that Hitler was a human, not a demon. It was a risky thing for him to do, to possibly be seen as a nazi sympathizer. He understood quite well who and what Hitler was. It became a taboo subject.
    As a young adult, I read Psychopathic God, written by a psychoanalytic historian, who looked at Hitler from private writings. This was fascinating to me, and if anything, repelled me even further from nazism than I was. I tried discussing it with fellow college students and was immediately branded a nazi and that stuck for the rest of my college period.
    It is impossible for most people to examine their beliefs in such areas.

    • @anotherhairlessapewithanop7455
      @anotherhairlessapewithanop7455 26 днів тому +17

      thats what happens when you get an education at an indoctrination camp.

    • @jasonhallock3773
      @jasonhallock3773 26 днів тому

      Hitler. Woke up in the middle of the night to stop kristalnaught. He also. Order the death rates in the camps to be decreased as much as possible because Germany needs their labor.

    • @stevrgrs
      @stevrgrs 25 днів тому
      I recommend EVERYONE listen to the AI dub of Hitlers speech to fully understand the state of things in Germany after WW1.
      Even a cursory understanding of the impact reparations had on the German spirit is enough to plainly see why WW2 happened.

    • @zetos4440
      @zetos4440 24 дні тому +6

      Ignorance is bliss.

    • @thesilkpainter
      @thesilkpainter 24 дні тому +10

      I understand that as a German. I read 'Mein Kampf' and friends from East Germany after the fall of the Wall were horrified to know that we were even able to read this book. I said: "Know Thy Enemy".

  • @philipford6183
    @philipford6183 2 роки тому +418

    Always amazes me how the ideology, behaviours and atrocities of the Imperial Japanese Army in WWII escapes these kinds of discussions. The horrors of the Japanese in Burma and The Philippines in particular never seem to warrant discussion. The abject brutality, torture and murder meted out by Japanese soldiers on those they considered racially inferior (anyone not Japanese) beggars belief.

    • @shangri-la-la-la
      @shangri-la-la-la 2 роки тому +5

      When you say the Holocaust was the 3rd or 4th worst atrocity of the 20th century and many people don't know about the other 3.

    • @grinningtiki220
      @grinningtiki220 2 роки тому +65

      It's because it's a subject that is so vile there's no way you can tone it down in order to teach it to Young impressionable Minds. I being a curious lad when I was younger began to look into the Bataan Death March and Nanking. It shocked me so thoroughly that I wrote it off as anti-japanese propaganda to protect my mind from breaking.
      Now that I'm much much older, I don't know how I would teach that to a younger person without creating the same emotional turmoil in them.
      A final point is that Japanese culture has for the most part been embraced and revered in the West for a couple Generations now. And this prevents people from looking into it further. It would be like finding out that your favorite uncle who is such a hit at parties and has a wonderful work ethic was once a rapist a murderer and a sadist.
      These are just my observations.

    • @JRobbySh
      @JRobbySh 2 роки тому +10

      How does one explain to a modern, secular audience how a society that regarded Its “emperor” as a divine being differs from a society such as hours? The use of the western word “emperor” is itself misleading. It come from the Latin for something like “commander of the forces”. I am not sure that Hirohita, for instance,” was a priestlike figure, or more like a Buddha-life person. or more like the Han “emperors”.

    • @tropics8407
      @tropics8407 2 роки тому +3

      We fixed fixed them

    • @michaeldunn8972
      @michaeldunn8972 2 роки тому +6

      Based Japanese Imperials.

  • @davidcufc
    @davidcufc 2 роки тому +33

    The BBC has abandoned the production and broadcasting of this sort of content. This type of topic deserves a wider audience.

    • @johnchamberlain9775
      @johnchamberlain9775 18 днів тому +1


  • @dwayneroberts6616
    @dwayneroberts6616 21 день тому +29

    I had a good friend who was Jewish and he lived in a huge all Jewish community in a town next to mine. He began explaining how the area became so predominantly Jewish and his 12 block community of houses was all Jewish people. A star of David on every single house. He explained that the Jewish people have always formed communities that contribute to that community in every way. They actually help each other put their kids through college and pursue intellectual and political jobs. They do do it through donations and fund raisers. I was blown away. I was also a little jealous 😂. What an advantage that is over every other nationality on the planet. The rest of us are every man and woman for themselves and the Jewish people are one for all and all for one. I'm glad I learned that and I believe it to be true. Everytime I hear people complaining that Jewish people have all the money or run the world. I can't help but remember what my friend taught me and think your damn right they do. Their one big team and the rest of us are individuals trying to eat each other to stay alive. 😂

    • @lecaprice2572
      @lecaprice2572 21 день тому

      Those Western misguided atomistic philosophers such as Descartes placed the West on the wrong track and ultimately launched a war against Nature.
      Originally, local ethnic communities in Europe had a rich and vibrant local culture.

    • @cattywampusmcdoogle
      @cattywampusmcdoogle 18 днів тому

      Mexicans and Muslims do the same thing... you'll find it in Asian also, they still have the tribe mind, unlike the west.

    • @johnchamberlain9775
      @johnchamberlain9775 18 днів тому +6


    • @lecaprice2572
      @lecaprice2572 18 днів тому

      @@johnchamberlain9775Is there a source for this i.e., Bank of International Settlements etc. ? Just curious as I know that many US corporations continued business through intermediaries and subsidiaries through very subtle arrangements via neutral countries in South America etc.

    • @OloRison
      @OloRison 17 днів тому +9

      It's called Nepotism

  • @SomeGuy_83
    @SomeGuy_83 2 роки тому +212

    This lesson is more pertinent now than any time before in my 38 year life. Stand strong people.

    • @Maerque
      @Maerque 2 роки тому +13

      And it's amazing how illiterate about history people are beyond "Nazis bad, we good"

    • @sportscarman5
      @sportscarman5 2 роки тому +16

      Yeah the similarities between now and then scare the shit out of me

    • @RightTurnClyde
      @RightTurnClyde 2 роки тому

      The true leftist roots of the Nazis

    • @Orxbane
      @Orxbane 24 дні тому

      @@sportscarman5 Exactly, hopefully we win this time so we can avoid even more small hat subversion and destruction.

  • @katyamcphail3668
    @katyamcphail3668 2 роки тому +15

    I like how these guys listen to their interviewees (quite rare in todays journalism) they never interrupt and ask well thought through questions.

  • @robertenglehardt9706
    @robertenglehardt9706 18 днів тому +3

    He is extraordinarily bright well spoken guy and haven’t seen him in a while- thank you for having him on

  • @Vesuya
    @Vesuya 2 роки тому +310

    Stephen Hicks smashes the notion that professors (specifically of philosophy) educate in ways that are unapproachable to the layman. He speaks clearly in a very engaging and relevant way on incredibly deep topics. He's just that good, and MANY professors are not.

    • @InceyWincey
      @InceyWincey 2 роки тому +11

      That notion was invented by philosophers to exclude the layman and his down to earth common sense approach to such questions from the discussion, for the purpose that applying common sense to what most philosophers propose makes it look very silly indeed. It’s the real reason they want to ban “ableist” insults. They don’t actually care about disabled people, they just don’t like being called stupid so they try their best to make it illegal.

    • @Vesuya
      @Vesuya 2 роки тому +4

      @@InceyWincey all correct. Right-wing pundits have taken to calling the intelligentsia "midwits." They are smart enough to cause a lot of damage but too dumb to know better.

    • @RightTurnClyde
      @RightTurnClyde 2 роки тому +1

      The true leftist roots of the Nazis

    • @MisyeDiVre
      @MisyeDiVre 2 роки тому +7

      We must not mistake the rhetorician for the philosopher.

    • @hanskloss7726
      @hanskloss7726 2 роки тому +6

      I suspect this is because he is educated not only in his small area of specialisation but also in education and this subject is also relatively easy to understand if you have enough knowledge. It is a bit different with quantum physics that I suspect even the professors do not really get so how should you? Having said all this, he really is doing it well and answers the questions well. This is a skill on its own. Not an easy task especially if (which is not the case here) the questioning party misbehaves or the format forces cutting off parts of the communication. Roger Penrose is very good at it but I suspect this may be true for quite some of these big brains. It is just we are surrounded by people with a degree in gender studies or with massive conflict of interests or both.

  • @SargonofAkkad
    @SargonofAkkad 2 роки тому +146

    Dr Hicks is a treasure.

    • @PibrochPonder
      @PibrochPonder 2 роки тому +21

      You should get him on your show. By the way you and your team are doing a fantastic job.

    • @kateshiningdeer3334
      @kateshiningdeer3334 2 роки тому +3

      @@djknox2 And SFO, too. Not an academic, but a pretty good analyst.

    • @kepeb1
      @kepeb1 2 роки тому +3

      @@djknox2 ShortFatOtaku

    • @zxyatiywariii8
      @zxyatiywariii8 2 роки тому +2

      True, and this is yet another reason why I'm glad I started following Carl way back in 2016 -- I've found so many amazing people on this side of YouYube.

    • @StephenHicksPhilosopher
      @StephenHicksPhilosopher 2 роки тому +2

      Thanks, Carl!

  • @louisgiokas2206
    @louisgiokas2206 Рік тому +58

    I love listening to Mr. Hicks. He is brilliant, especially on this topic.
    I grew up at a time when reading widely in philosophy was a thing. By the time I got to university, I had read a lot of these books and of course continued to be exposed to more. My field of study and professional life, by the way, is not in these areas. I studied first physics then computer science. When I started high school, if the third quarter of the last century of the last millennium, our education was broad and deep in both STEM fields as well as liberal arts. I actually dropped out of university, got a job making what university graduates were making (because of skills picked up working at school) and later went back to school. I ended up going to school while working at GE Aerospace. The company paid for it (I was very lucky). I went to Villanova University. They still had (have) a good emphasis on the liberal arts across the board. I had to take two courses in western civilization, three in philosophy, three in religious studies (it is, after all, a Catholic university), four in English literature and a foreign language. Rather than looking at all this as an imposition I reveled in it.
    I bring all this up not to toot my own horn, but to contrast that with what is happening in many universities today. Many of the courses I had to take are being eliminated at present. This is a disaster! Our young people are coming out of university more indoctrinated than enriched. We proceed along this path at our peril.

    • @lenorefoxmoor9985
      @lenorefoxmoor9985 11 місяців тому +2

      🎉Well stated & so true😢

    • @louisgiokas2206
      @louisgiokas2206 11 місяців тому +2

      @@lenorefoxmoor9985 Thanks.
      I downloaded the book, "Nietzsche and the Nazis" to my Kindle (it was even included in Kindle Unlimited, oh joy). I find it well written but hard to read. That is because I want to respond to Nietzsche all the time. Sometimes I feel like screaming. Of course, it makes sense. Nietzsche's philosophy led to the Nazis and a lot of the racist totalitarian regimes we have today.

    • @philiprufus4427
      @philiprufus4427 8 місяців тому

      They are turning out potential, 'Sardine Packers, an einsatzgruppen commander so known to his men because he could optimise the number of victims in an alloted space. With the rise of Anti Semitism one wonders where such thinking will lead. Both Orwell and Huxley warned of a future disdain amongst the young for past lessons of human negativity. I am a Christian,not a Jew, - nevertheless !

  • @TarzanWannaBe7
    @TarzanWannaBe7 Рік тому +51

    Excellent!! Jung said "people don't have idaas. Ideas have people." Mr. Hicks introduces us to how that happens.

  • @mattball3118
    @mattball3118 2 роки тому +72

    There's a fantastic irony in people's refusal to engage the shadow. They hide from the shadow precisely to convince themselves that others are evil or deficient in some way, and in demonising others whilst ignoring their own shadow, they are far more likely to commit atrocities and become the person other people demonise.

    • @vivek27789
      @vivek27789 2 роки тому +2

      True.. Very True

    • @natmanprime4295
      @natmanprime4295 Рік тому

      So, as a white person , do you accept that you are a nazi hippy?

    • @sabinemeyer3899
      @sabinemeyer3899 11 місяців тому

      Exactly. As Jordan Peterson ( admirable as a psychologist only)said: " W all need to recognise and come to terms with the monster within us".

    • @jameseverett4976
      @jameseverett4976 17 днів тому

      That's TDS in a nutshell. I've never seen anything so devoid of self awareness in my almost 70 years.

    • @shueibdahir
      @shueibdahir 17 днів тому

      @@sabinemeyer3899I disagree. Jordan Peterson is still very much under the thumb of his shadow and it's amazing that someone with that much knowledge in psychology is unable to put it into practise himself.
      But that was until I realised he deeply misunderstands what the findings of Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud were really about

  • @elizabethfaraone
    @elizabethfaraone 16 днів тому +8

    My grandfather was born and raised in Sicily but when Mussolini rose to power, he lived in Brooklyn, NY and my grandfather was a socialist and against Mussolini.

    • @jimbaxter8488
      @jimbaxter8488 11 днів тому

      Fascism and socialism are identical.

    • @afritimm
      @afritimm 10 днів тому +2

      Not identical, but they overlap.

    • @jimbaxter8488
      @jimbaxter8488 10 днів тому

      @@afritimm correct, not identical in definition but identical in how they destroy an entire nation via ‘big government dictatorship’

    • @davidroemer5879
      @davidroemer5879 5 днів тому

      Both replies are wrong. If You think national socialists and socialists are the same I got shocking news in the same vein for you about the titmouse

  • @JohnR22926
    @JohnR22926 2 роки тому +341

    Whenever you hear someone called a nazi or fascist today it’s nothing more than name calling. Most of those doing the name calling couldn’t even define those words.

    • @ronharris7335
      @ronharris7335 Рік тому +25

      I didn’t realise that when I’m called a fascist, I’m really an Italian socialist.

    • @SoloRenegade
      @SoloRenegade Рік тому +29

      most of those doing the name calling are projecting their own guilt

    • @endloesung_der_braunen_frage
      @endloesung_der_braunen_frage Рік тому +5

      I know what these terms mean and these guys are wrong

    • @colinstewart1432
      @colinstewart1432 Рік тому

      Nazism is Radical Authoritarian Nationalism. Everything has moved so far left now that it's becoming a meaningless rock to throw.

    • @ag7075
      @ag7075 Рік тому +9

      @@endloesung_der_braunen_frage So do I. And I believe, based on history and philosophy, that they are correct.

  • @robertjantz3728
    @robertjantz3728 2 роки тому +224

    One of our country's top minds and I can't remember seeing him once in my life on television or published in a mainstream newspaper, it really says alot about the state of western society.

    • @barboglesby2162
      @barboglesby2162 2 роки тому +9

      Who controls our Media, Robert? They are not likely to promote someone who so easily exposes their Marx based revitalized radically Left agenda.

    • @alexanderordinary2110
      @alexanderordinary2110 2 роки тому

      ummmmm you mean American society. All of the west is not at all like the US. US is a special case, with its woke BS, see eye A controlled media etc...

    • @daraharvey4519
      @daraharvey4519 2 роки тому +6

      Western society is moving away from the legacy media, and rightfully so. The same Internet that is causing so much division right now is also providing a way out of new monopolies dictating our conversations. This channel is just one example.

    • @fazole
      @fazole 2 роки тому +9

      With respect, most of the west's msm is the same. U can watch BBC, CBC and english language versions of French and German news for example and they are all spouting the same thing.

    • @TeaParty1776
      @TeaParty1776 2 роки тому

      @@barboglesby2162 Or their conservative religious agenda.

  • @kenhart8771
    @kenhart8771 Рік тому +46

    My deceased grandmother from Austria said that after the defeat of the imperial Germany and the Habsburg empire Austria-Hungary in WWI there was so much unbelievable poverty, misery, collective trauma that the charismatic Adolf Hitler tricked hope and actually improved the situation substantially for the better until January 1943. PS. The poster of a painting behind Dr. Hicks is of Caspar David Friedrich’s wanderer above the sea of fog

    • @MegaDavyk
      @MegaDavyk 11 місяців тому

      If you want to know the Truth find the video "The greatest story never told"

    • @toddhellyar4167
      @toddhellyar4167 11 місяців тому

      It's easy to pay for your shit socialist policies by invading and pillaging your neighbours.....yes, Hitlers policies were socialist.

    • @landofthesilverpath5823
      @landofthesilverpath5823 11 місяців тому +5

      ...and the communist threat. That was a serious thing.

    • @OsellaSquadraCorse
      @OsellaSquadraCorse 11 місяців тому

      @@landofthesilverpath5823 And more than just a theoretical threat, they instigated takeovers in rebellions in cities and towns across Germany; it was for this reason that the NSDAP party called in 'reinforcements' from German nationalists who had been fighting against Poland, France, the US and UK troops left as peacekeepers, fighting in Russia and other states like Czechoslovakia, Latvia and Lithuania; against communism. Known as the Freikorps (and one A.H. had briefly been one supposedly, though records are 'patchy') these helped the NSDAP and allies - including the officials and remaining aristocracy - to remove, execute or exile, those Communists.
      There were very real acts of terrorism and uprisings by the Communists across particularly southern Germany in the 20's; which led to this uneasy alliance of NSDAP and the 'old guard' in that Weimar era, as they were each 'the enemy of my enemy'.
      The re-integration of the Freikorps under the NSDAP also helped them to crush dissent in their own ranks, and the Freikorps essentially became the 'Brownshirts' - the party enforcers, and the beginnings of the re-militarisation of Germany, even though they were prevented from forming an army under the treaty of Versailles.
      It's also this anti-Communist stance which gained the NSDAP and it's "leader" huge US support and very strong UK and pan-European support as well - again, the NSDAP were very much 'the enemy of my enemy' as all feared a revised and re-mobilized Red Communist Army marching west against a weakened Europe, even by the early 1930's.
      A strong and staunch resistance from the fiercely anti-Communist NSDAP, whether in coalition or in Governemnt, was very welcome by most of the western nations, not only Germans.

    • @Saxondog
      @Saxondog 10 місяців тому +3

      Yes the same picture was used for a description of Beethoven's personality in the magazine,"The Great Composers" series, issued in the early nineties.

  • @matthewstroud4294
    @matthewstroud4294 2 роки тому +176

    No one hates a collectivist quite like another collectivist of a different brand. Well done guys for having Prof. Hicks on the show.

    • @Supernautiloid
      @Supernautiloid 2 роки тому +6

      Exactly. This is the explanation for the conservative hatred of socialism.

    • @thomdrolet2624
      @thomdrolet2624 2 роки тому +21

      @@Supernautiloid can't say I know any conservative collectivists.

    • @Hooga89
      @Hooga89 2 роки тому +4

      @@thomdrolet2624 That's because they were destroyed in the 1980s. The only kind of "conservative" that exists is a profit-maximizing liberal.

    • @Supernautiloid
      @Supernautiloid 2 роки тому +7

      @@thomdrolet2624 I know about 75 million. Not personally of course. But that's how many voted for Trump in 2020 so I think it's a good indicator.

    • @thomdrolet2624
      @thomdrolet2624 2 роки тому +19

      @@Supernautiloid how exactly are trump supporters collectivist?

  • @asdisskagen6487
    @asdisskagen6487 2 роки тому +41

    I have shared your videos with all of my friends. You are performing a desperately needed service - providing long-form, rational, and informative discussions with people who are the deep thinkers of our time. It is so unfortunate that journalism as a profession is dead, but you two (and your staff) are filling a vacuum Thank you so much for all you do and please keep up the good work!

    • @stephendavis6066
      @stephendavis6066 Рік тому

      Yeah but we should avoid amateur analysis. Closer get the rise and falll or TIJ history....yes we dehumanizing the dehumanizers.....where does this get us with actual historical evidence...where is the true values..the triumph of wills and mein kampf...half of America was ok with Hitler and wanted us to avoid taking sides.....

  • @hominidaetheodosia
    @hominidaetheodosia Рік тому +135

    This man just exactly describe my experience at the University of Bristol during my foundation of arts and humanities-
    My tutor, a self-proclaimed Marxist and male feminist, attempted to treat critical theory to a bunch of 19-year-olds by applying the results of the theory not by explaining it as an ideological perspective.
    The whole attitude was one of hostile conflict, I was actively interrogated as to my background, so that when I was attacked, it wouldn’t breach any of their moral codes for political correctness the whole course was extremely strange.
    I don’t think people can quite comprehend what is going on in the higher educational establishments there needs to be an investigation launched into all of it!

    • @I_Don_t_want_a_handle
      @I_Don_t_want_a_handle Рік тому +19

      This has been going on for decades. In the 1980s I took over a job from a chap who left to do a degree in Sociology. He was forced off the course because he was a Conservative. Only he seemed surprised by this.

    • @goyablackolivesmatter179
      @goyablackolivesmatter179 Рік тому +6

      Similar but not as intense happened to me in late 60’s at SUNY, he told us we were asleep because we weren’t out in the streets trying to bring down the military industrial complex

    • @Anita1984isuponus
      @Anita1984isuponus Рік тому +22

      I recently went to university as a mature student and was stunned to learn that gender theory is spoken of by professors as if it's factually correct that humans can change sex. Not only that, if you dare question the premise or point out contradictions then you are treated like a leppa

    • @wildcoastsouthafrica
      @wildcoastsouthafrica 11 місяців тому

      After spending a year at Harvard’s Graduate School of Education, I never once witnessed an honest and rigorous debate. The echo chambers of the social justice warriors are well protected. People don’t know the true meaning of ‘critical’ thinking. My fellow international students from all over the globe - democratic and autocratic countries, were truly alarmed by the propaganda and brainwashing that is occurring in the USA.

    • @watermelonkang
      @watermelonkang 11 місяців тому

      Bristol is full of left-tards

  • @cumbriatreesurgeons8943
    @cumbriatreesurgeons8943 2 роки тому +219

    Incredible educator, so informative and eloquent - learnt so much.

    • @Redrosewitch
      @Redrosewitch 2 роки тому +8

      And me. thanks, guys. Fascism was Socialism specifically for the national collective of Italians. so Nazism was Socialism for the national collective of Germans.

    • @GregQchi
      @GregQchi 2 роки тому

      Mostly just his personal opinions.

    • @thepagecollective
      @thepagecollective 2 роки тому +2

      This is stealth "conservative" propaganda which works by pretending it is not.

    • @thepagecollective
      @thepagecollective 2 роки тому +2

      @@Redrosewitch So, why did Hitler's earliest acts involve exterminating all Communists, Socialists and trade unionists? And in what part of socialism is the country's business contracted out to private companies. Daimler-Benz, for example. The firm avidly supported Nazism and in return received arms contracts and tax breaks that enabled it to become one of the world’s leading industrial concerns. TAX BREAKS? In socialism?

    • @GregQchi
      @GregQchi 2 роки тому +1

      @@thepagecollective well said. Questions for which I doubt you'll receive replies

  • @trevorbayfield4006
    @trevorbayfield4006 2 роки тому +21

    No matter how many times you listen to SH, he always manages to explain old complicated concepts in accessible and new relevant ways. Genius.

  • @WhizzingFish12
    @WhizzingFish12 Рік тому +41

    Stephen Hicks is a fantastic synthesizer of modern philosophical, political, and economic history. As an historian myself, I have immense respect for him.

    • @brucekendall9873
      @brucekendall9873 8 місяців тому

      You know there's something off when you see a bunch of comments like this yet little reasoning. Sounds kinda like political propaganda, disguised as pragmatic rationalism. It's important to note people's newfound fixation on fascism not being "so bad" and people being praised endlessly for doing so might not be a great sign lol. Or otherwise implying that bad fascism somehow came from the ideological left when in reality it arose from the stomping out, and eradication of, the ideological left, They had to kill literally all political opponents to then create a space where people "voted" mr. adolf into power lol. Not to mention just the general smugness of the title of the channel in the first place made it p clear lol. I was truly hoping it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but I guess it's more about the plausible deniability and to sway young people who are you realize radical far right proto fascists had to kill thousands of German citizens that were socialist and communist/revolutionaries to then be able to have millions vote for Hitlr. They forced that vote, shaped it. And their idea of their own perfection of culture was just their own echoes going out and back, in the western world. Germany was very close to becoming a truly socialist/communist state and most supported communist revolution until it was stomped out by far right paramilitaries. Has little to do with left idealism turning into something bad, in fact it's exactly the opposite.

    • @jotarokujo5132
      @jotarokujo5132 23 дні тому

      you're not a historian, and Hicks is a proven hack.

  • @pirad7799
    @pirad7799 2 роки тому +37

    Dr. Hicks gets it. Wow. A philosopher who doesn't purely talk about politics, history and the lot but makes the connection to our kids and their education. Genius thinking. As a psychologist and mum I see many things about the origins of our society's current issues just there: what kind of life do our kids have and how do they get educated? Well done KK & FF. Love your show. Danke aus Deutschland. :-)

    • @JRobbySh
      @JRobbySh 2 роки тому

      He mention that school teachers in Germany gravitated to the Nazis. That may be because the model teacher was a produced of the Prussian system. Medical doctors were also drawn to the Nazi Party.

  • @Prompeius
    @Prompeius 2 роки тому +74

    This has have to been the greatest conversations you guys have ever done on you channel.
    This is the reason why people should remember history not to repeat it, and not erease history to be able to repeat it.

    • @sharischoll9411
      @sharischoll9411 Рік тому

      International CIA. "When everything the American people is a lie, we will have succeeded "
      Could replace most countries with the word Americans, as exact same Totalitarian Dictator has rewritten every country's history. Right after they steal all their gold & Silver and every valuable. Before they bombed 2/3 +++ of Poland infrastructure they loaded 1600 long semi trucks going one way and others going the other way. After the war they dismantled the factories and hauled to Russia, which rusted since the "REAL NAZI COMMUNIST", who say " There is no God", which were the gathering of world Satanists, wearing German & Russian uniforms.....just like today, the same gathering of same Nazi's and Mafia, and Terrorists are gathering in Ukraine.. when Putin wanted to havre a cease fire for few days for a Christian Holy Day, Britain was in Ukraine with ythe British Mafia saying NO PEACE, just like they did in WW one and WW2 when Germany and Austria sued them for peace.
      WW2. Britain & France had a defense pact with Poland, as they were planning their Holocaust. Poles that escaped didn't know this and fought and died next to British, American, Russians against Hitler, while being led to believe they were fighting for " Your freedom &a ours. Death toll was high. British Norse West Royal Empire, along with their Royal family, leading the Nazi, non Germans into entire Central Europe to Holocaust every Polish Proto Slavic ethnic tribe including Iran & India etc etc. Including Prisoners of war.
      British Bankers, " in the future nobody will remember Hitler, but how much free labor you got. In British controlled Russia they had already established Gulag Archepeligo long before 467 Gulags with litterally 1000's of death, torture, beat, freeze daily while forced to run all day in Siberia, 70 below zero, in mines so toxic most died in 3 months. Also took children up there. Disease rampant..from starvation & sadistic torture. Released criminally insane from prisons to be guards. Britain also ordered Italy to release Mafia from prison. Britain, Russia &US had taken over Iran. Ordered Ajerbajan, a netorious terrorist group to join in the torture and killing of Poland Muslim, Catholic, Jews & atheists. There was the Russian NKVD, Secret Service who are most excellent torturers. In Belgium, after drafting 15 year olds to Poland, and brainwashed by the BBC, British Bolshevik Communists Propaganda Dept, about how dishonest those Polish Catholics are, total criminals and as everyone in Europe and US knows, the Pope is the AntiChrist. Let's not forget British Crown Cousins, Royal Norse Swedes who Britain encouraged to massacre 2/3 of Poles in 1600's for crime of religious freedom and Constitution, Bill of rights. Freedom for British, Swedes, French, but 1000 yrs is starvation/ slavery for East &Central Europe, as Britain controls all ports. How many Germans were starved to death. BY Britain? Irish Catholics, Britain removed all food from every home, just like Bolshevik Jews did in Ukraine after massacre of 66 million German and Slavic in 1917 and 1930 Ukraine, 20 million starved to death. British Royals said, Christians don't have a right to exist. Also, if you don't speak English you don't have a right to exist. European corporations made a killing on their abused Slavic FREE LABOR. BUILT NEW factories, roads, bridges all over their World Wide Kingdom. Royal Countries don't fight wars, they let their Vassal States like Russia, US, Canada, Australia, India....45 then another 70 after Wzw2, who of for Britain & France expenses? America.
      Britain made Germany pay billions in reparation fee but refused to let Poland recieve funds to rebuild. Actually, they gave it to zfrance to conquer and oppress. Ore countries. Any peaceful protests met with mowing down 100's of citizens with spray of bullets, or in Siberia they crushed five live people at a time by tanks going back &a forth until there was literrally a mountain hill of bones. The sadistic cruelty of zbolsheviks is unsurpassed. Those few who know the truth remember. Back stab double cross. Britain was cheering when Putin was going to drop an Atomic Bomb on Poland and All Baltic/ Balkan states. They have had a premeditayive genocide plan for many years. Hell is for eternity. We want no one to go there. Look up Polish Saint Faustina, Divine Mercy. Jesus said Poland was only reason He didn't destroy evil Europe. You may want to stop this war.

  • @LS-xs7sg
    @LS-xs7sg Рік тому +10

    I think we took the wrong lesson from the Nazis. We simply wrote them off as mindless barbarians who malevolently turned on minorities. But the truth is that throughout history group conflict has been a natural and inevitable part of human politics. If we wanted to reduce the chances of repeating history we would support the creation of ethnically homogenous nationstates. When people feel threatened by the growing power of foreigners they are quite likely to react

    • @in.der.welt.sein.
      @in.der.welt.sein. 24 дні тому

      Uh, the attempt to create an ethnically homogenous nation state was precisely why they were murdering Jews and gypsies, and so on.

  • @shawnaweesner3759
    @shawnaweesner3759 2 роки тому +80

    Black Lives Matter Marxist philosophy couldn’t have been explained any better.

    • @orlamcmanus9019
      @orlamcmanus9019 2 роки тому +4

      🤣🤣🤣 BLM is not Marxist lol

    • @pablodelnorte9746
      @pablodelnorte9746 Рік тому

      ​@@orlamcmanus9019 BLM is a product of neo-Marxist Frankfurt School critical theory. I think Angela Davis would agree.

    • @orlamcmanus9019
      @orlamcmanus9019 Рік тому +6

      @@pablodelnorte9746 This is really stupid. Critical theory is a post modern task, an attempt to interpretation social relations. The frankfrut school recognised Marxism lacked any discussion on this. Marxism did not address social problems, Marxist critique like the critique of many before him was of capitalism/economy.. The Franfurt school was completely disillusioned with the failures of Marxism finding it lacked sufficient critique of western civilisation and indeed they were critical of Marxim itself Frankfurt school found Marxism and Leninism philosophically inflexible systems of social orgnisation and sought a different path to realise social developlemtn of society. It couldn't be further from Marxism. The person speaking knows nothing about Marxism or the Frankfurt school, he doesn't need to, because he knows the audience on here won't know either.

    • @oliveoil7642
      @oliveoil7642 Рік тому

      @@orlamcmanus9019They absolutely are! Their website indicates as much!

    • @orlamcmanus9019
      @orlamcmanus9019 Рік тому

      @@oliveoil7642 Explain

  • @poetcomic1
    @poetcomic1 Рік тому +122

    Ingmar Bergman the Swedish director spent a year in Nazi Germany as a teen and lived with an ardently Nazi family. A kind of student exchange program. He says it was glorious. Uniforms, parades, sports, spectacles, huge bonfires, thousands singing en masse and the praise of health, cleanliness and belonging to the group. Only a year later back in Sweden did he understand Nazism.

    • @johnhensler4777
      @johnhensler4777 Рік тому +22

      Sounds like college football.

    • @mikejones9702
      @mikejones9702 Рік тому +24

      Sounds pretty awesome

    • @goyim6866
      @goyim6866 Рік тому

      it was@@mikejones9702

    • @thebiowatchlist
      @thebiowatchlist Рік тому +8

      @@johnhensler4777 LOL - Exactly

    • @tomigun5180
      @tomigun5180 Рік тому +30

      So he went back home and they "explained" him, why being healthy and happy and not being a slave is bad. Ok... 🤡🤡🤡

  • @loganclements4332
    @loganclements4332 Рік тому +21

    Stephen Hicks is brilliant. Bring him back again! Give him his own show!

    • @AfroGaz71
      @AfroGaz71 Рік тому +1

      Yep! Very concise.

    • @jotarokujo5132
      @jotarokujo5132 23 дні тому

      he's only brilliant to you because you have zero knowledge to begin with.

  • @edwardmcneil1573
    @edwardmcneil1573 Рік тому +75

    I have an Aunt that was a reading teacher and she was part of the Clinton's administrations reading initiative. As a group they went to Cuba to study their reading programs as it was reported that the Castro Regime had brought about one of the highest literacy rates in North America. What they brought back and incorporated into the US Education system was that most people only need to have an 800 word vocabulary. In addition to use the sight reading method. So to achieve this the books were dumbed down and the students did not learn to sound out words but rather memorize them on sight. So the result is that students cannot self educate by reading the great works or other writings of history or if they do it is a dumbed down version. That was 30 years ago and now we have the product of that great experiment on our children.

    • @mikelezcurra810
      @mikelezcurra810 Рік тому

      Newspeak. Language cannot express forbidden thoughts.

    • @leoorchard5992
      @leoorchard5992 Рік тому +4

      So the mess the world is in nowadays is all your Mums fault..?!

    • @franklinsfriend2035
      @franklinsfriend2035 Рік тому +1

      I think you’ve misunderstood reading instruction.

    • @franklinsfriend2035
      @franklinsfriend2035 Рік тому +6

      I have my Masters in Reading. Sight words are very important in reading and as we become more proficient in reading that number expands greatly. There are lists of sight words necessary for primary grade levels. They appear frequently and do not always follow the rules of phonics. Phonics was always an important component of teaching as well. In addition it is routine to give students lists of words appropriate to their level to memorize. The problem may be that since computers have been so available, students are not reading books. Recreational reading is one of the critical factors in becoming proficient.

    • @gordonintendo
      @gordonintendo 11 місяців тому +4

      ​@@leoorchard5992see? There it is at work.. it was his aunt. Not his mom. You ought to be angry at the Castro's...

  • @hassanusmani5069
    @hassanusmani5069 2 роки тому +34

    This guy is so brilliant and eloquent. Amazing pod

  • @VodkaRob
    @VodkaRob 14 днів тому +1

    This content is absolutely fantastic. So insightful. I hope enough people get to see this because a hell of a lot of people need to. Thank you so much.

  • @citytrees1752
    @citytrees1752 Рік тому +13

    This is first-rate. Everybody should know this. Stephen Hicks is incredibly knowledgeable and a fantastic teacher.

  • @montycantsin8861
    @montycantsin8861 2 роки тому +124

    Stephen Hicks is amazing, and what he's telling us just scratches the surface.
    Hegel, Marx, Nietzche, the Nazis, these are just recent (200 or so years) of thinking coming out of Germany.
    You can go back to 1077, when the Emporer Henry IV (of Saxony, much of which would later becone Germany) spent 3 days in a hairshirt, prostrating himself before Pope Gregory at Canossa. He did so after political battling which ended with Gregory excommunicating Henry.
    This "humiliation at Canossa" was such a pivotal moment in European history, that 800 years later, in 1877, Otto Von Bismark would put a plaque on a monument that says "We will not go to Canossa".
    This expression, in Germany, meant that they are their own (extremely) proud people who will not bend to ANYONE, EVER.
    Hitler referenced Canossa, as well.
    This is just the tip of the iceberg.
    Hegel, (a strong influence on Marx, Giovanni Gentile - fathet of Fascism, and the Nazis) who wrote in the 1800s to 18teens, was embraced as the pinnacle of thought in Germany, while many other philosophers of his time and after would say that, essentially, Hegel was a Freaky Prussian Wizard. Eschewing outside religious influences, like Catholicism, Hegel drew heavily on Alchemy as a Native German spiritual underpinning for German-ness.
    In my opinion, Mary Shelly's character, Victor Von Frankienstein, was an echo of these movements in thought. Her Frankenstein character, though not specifically German but Swiss/Italian, studied Alchemy. Her book, published in 1818-1820 (conflicting sources on that) comes out after msny of Hegels major published works, from about 1808 to 1818.
    This was 100+ years before the Nazis.
    There's so much crazy history before what Stephen Hicks is relating to us (and doing an excellent job, IMO).

    • @michaelfern4079
      @michaelfern4079 2 роки тому +4

      Great comment. Thanks. Where did Hitler reference Canossa? In Mein Kampf or speeches etc? Thanks.

    • @montycantsin8861
      @montycantsin8861 2 роки тому +21

      @@michaelfern4079 Hitler read a fair amount about Otto Von Bismark, and the expression "go to Canossa" was a fairly common reference, politically, in and around Germany (around, as in various nations and cultures).
      He mentioned it in accounts of discussions with an Italian Diplomat (German Studies Review Volume14 Number3 Oct1991 ... available on JSTOR, if you have access... it's often free if you are enrolled in college), and apparently he described his dealings to restore the legality of the Nazi Party after his release from prison as a sort of Road to Canossa (Wikipedia entry on "Road to Canossa" which is pretty accurate insofar as I can know).
      The idea of the "Road to Canossa" came up in discussions I had with some friends, one a Librarian/crazy bibleophile friend of mine, and another with a different friend from Iceland, who's done business in other countries, and with whom I was bitching about Germans, lol. I'm painfully American, very liberal, like Hicks, with a lot of American-Scots-Irish ancestry, so, there are stark contrasts I notice that rub me the wrong way, and I want to understand these things, so as to deal with them more easily, and not let them catch me on the back foot.
      Anyhow, when you start connecting the dots, and really realize, to the U.S. comparitively, how deep history in europe goes, and how deeply, based on history, many Europeans still approach the present, it's hard not to be a little awed.
      I mean, it's our history, too, but there's a sharp demarcation between U.S. History that emerges not long after the emancipation from Britain.
      That other thread of European History, the more Germanic one, is really important to understand, because, In my opinion, anyway, it's the real dialectic the U.S. has been struggling with. Namely, American Liberalism (strongly rooted in British Liberalism) and German Hegelian Ideology, and it's many european offshoots.

    • @michaelfern4079
      @michaelfern4079 2 роки тому +6

      Monty Cantsin Fascinating. Thanks so much. I’m guessing Somalians right off the boat are gonna have a bit of bother fitting in... 😬

    • @montycantsin8861
      @montycantsin8861 2 роки тому +4

      @@michaelfern4079 lol. That's a whole other can of worms, and kinda outside my wheelehouse. African history, what little I've learned, is pretty fascinating, too.
      I'd love to hear a Somali Scholar do some comparitive political history.

    • @amorfati4927
      @amorfati4927 2 роки тому +2

      @@montycantsin8861 History is so friggin’ insane. I try to point out the same thing about how old these things are (as old as humanity itself) and how when you dig in populations that have effectively never came into contact with each other in more ancient history follow in the footsteps with the same evil ideas.

  • @Handletaken4
    @Handletaken4 Рік тому +5

    My course in Philosophy of Education was one of my best memories in college. God Bless You, Sir.

  • @jamesgarvey3063
    @jamesgarvey3063 2 роки тому +127

    I’m really glad Stephen is highlighting the socialist bits of the Nazi ideology, especially when ‘Fullfact’ are supposedly debunking it. You can just search on UA-cam for Nazis discussing the economy to realise they were not economically right-wing at all, there was a video of Joseph Goebbels talking quite a lot about the necessity of state intervention in the economy that springs to mind.

    • @homewall744
      @homewall744 2 роки тому +18

      Socialist is right in the party name, so it is rather obvious.

    • @gregsmith7949
      @gregsmith7949 2 роки тому +36

      Communism, National Socialism, and Fascism are twigs growing of the same branch. The greatest trick the socialist/communist have pulled is that their political philosophy is diametrically opposed to Fascism. The end result is the same...a totalitarian government.

    • @wrongthink3885
      @wrongthink3885 2 роки тому +10

      All the nutjob regimes are left wing. The other end of the table sits Milton Friedman and the like.

    • @jamesgarvey3063
      @jamesgarvey3063 2 роки тому +16

      @@homewall744 exactly! They told us they were socialists. It’s just sort of amazing to me because having been through secondary school history classes, we were not taught of this aspect of Nazism.

    • @NewOrleansSeptember
      @NewOrleansSeptember 2 роки тому +5

      This junk by this guy talking with admiration of evil barbaric people is disgusting. So they were well read monsters. Monsters are to be talked of with admiration?

  • @mattylamb9194
    @mattylamb9194 2 роки тому +9

    Stephen Hicks speaks very well and makes a lot of sense to me. Would be great to listen to him again in the future

  • @allannahk
    @allannahk 9 місяців тому +20

    Anti semitism wasn’t just pervasive in Germany or Austria back then, it was EVERYWHERE.

    • @mikemakuh5319
      @mikemakuh5319 20 днів тому +3

      Its not correct to call it antisemitism as the so called "jews' weren't even semities. They came from what was Kazaria and we now know as the Ukraine

    • @stevilkenevil9960
      @stevilkenevil9960 19 днів тому +5

      What I find unfathomably wierd is not one person, when addressing the hatred of the jews back then, never stop to ask one simple question. Why? Why were they disliked so much? Why did countries have laws that didn't allow the jews to become citizens or serve in government positions? Why did they get removed from 161 different areas in 2000 years of being without a homeland? It baffles me to no end that asking that type of question is taboo or even disregarded as valid.

    • @mikemakuh5319
      @mikemakuh5319 19 днів тому

      @@stevilkenevil9960 You should not be "baffled" by your question, you should be glad you have a functioning mind capable of critical thought. Too bad there are not more people like you! Perhaps then we would not be plagued with this Zionist plague threatening mankind.

    • @autonomousindividual7780
      @autonomousindividual7780 19 днів тому

      Same. Id love to know myself ​@stevilkenevil9960

    • @Welsh2505
      @Welsh2505 16 днів тому +1

      They’ve been kicked out of every country they’ve settled in. Why?

  • @amaugh01
    @amaugh01 Рік тому +81

    11:52 I find this absolutely fascinating, I’ve always wondered how Hitler rose to power with such popularity. I feel that my high school education (early 2000’s) only showed me the horrors of WW2 and especially the Holocaust, however it was never taught how a progressive, forward-thinking society got to that point.

    • @gzoechi
      @gzoechi Рік тому

      People voted for Trump, Putin, Orban, Nethanyahu in fair elections (at least the first time).
      They blow up the positives and downplay the warning signs. Combined with a weak unconvincing opposition and there you have it ...
      Some of them turn out worse than others afterwards.

    • @patnor7354
      @patnor7354 Рік тому +7

      You're lucky enough to live through it, just with a different pale group of people being villified this time around. And as things are going this time the genocide is successful.

    • @kehindeakiode2865
      @kehindeakiode2865 Рік тому

      One word: atheism!

    • @darbyohara
      @darbyohara Рік тому

      Hitler and his political party brought a depressed post ww1 Germany out of that and put millions of Germans back to work and raised them publicly for it

    • @alexyoung4693
      @alexyoung4693 Рік тому +3

      @@patnor7354who’s being “genocided”?

  • @margaretgreenwood4243
    @margaretgreenwood4243 2 роки тому +62

    Brilliant. Describes what’s happening today with the Woke mentality

    • @S-North
      @S-North 2 роки тому +2

      @@davideldred.campingwilder6481 Identity Politics for one.

    • @RightTurnClyde
      @RightTurnClyde 2 роки тому

      The true leftist roots of the Nazis

    • @republitarian484
      @republitarian484 2 роки тому

      @@S-North . . .Identity Politics came from Communists from the Frankfurt School which Hitler and the National Socialists were fighting against.

    • @joeanthony7759
      @joeanthony7759 2 роки тому

      @@RightTurnClyde They cut away from whatever leftist-roots they may have had as soon as they took over the country. Mussolini had leftist roots, and obviously so did the totalitarian communist regimes. And they all failed miserably at being true to genuine leftist ideology once in power. Fascism is fascism, regardless of which direction it comes from.

    • @joeanthony7759
      @joeanthony7759 2 роки тому

      @@republitarian484 So they're heroes then?

  • @darbyheavey406
    @darbyheavey406 Рік тому +13

    How did the German people reject 2000 years of Christianity and descended into barbarism? The role of WW1 cannot be underestimated. Great discussion.

    • @Laurence-x3g
      @Laurence-x3g 19 днів тому

      Christianity started Hatred toward Jews started with Catholics and Christians

    • @johnchamberlain9775
      @johnchamberlain9775 18 днів тому


    • @afritimm
      @afritimm 10 днів тому +1

      Hitler never explicitly rejected Christianity. You might also revisit the history of Jewish ghettos, murderous pogroms and expulsions of entire Jewish populations through European Christian history. This includes Britain and France and Spain.

    • @evangiles4403
      @evangiles4403 6 днів тому

      Rubbish they kept on rearming after the WW1 despite being told not to and the size of there military was worked so they would be able defend themselves but not take offensive action and the reaparations were not as regressive as has been made out
      Due to the lack of reparation payments by Germany, France occupied the Ruhr in 1923 to enforce payments, causing an international crisis that resulted in the implementation of the Dawes Plan in 1924. This plan outlined a new payment method and raised international loans to help Germany to meet its reparation commitments. Despite this, by 1928 Germany called for a new payment plan, resulting in the Young Plan that established the German reparation requirements at 112 billion marks (US$26.3 billion) and created a schedule of payments that would see Germany complete payments by 1988. As a result of the severe impact of the Great Depression on the German economy, reparations were suspended for a year in 1931, and after the failure to implement the agreement reached in the 1932 Lausanne Conference, no additional reparations payments were made. Between 1919 and 1932, Germany paid less than 21 billion marks in reparations, mostly funded by foreign loans that Adolf Hitler reneged on in 1933.

  • @piushalg8175
    @piushalg8175 2 роки тому +13

    In the nineteen twenties of the last century half of the scientific papers published in the world still originated from Germany or were at least fist printed in German. Therefore it is not an exaggeration that Germany was at the forefront of science in every respect.

  • @jameswebb4593
    @jameswebb4593 2 роки тому +27

    His final summation upon the importance of maintaining the standards of education is most evident among current school children. According to literacy figures to be found on google , 25% of primary school leavers in England are unable to read and write properly. I'm 81 and at age 7 went to an all boys junior school. I cannot recall any child that moved on from my small Infant school who was unable to read , too some extent. Maybe boys of my age were lucky , no video games and the Public Library was a short walk from the school. By the tine I was 11 I had read every Biggles book, ploughed through the tomes of The Royal Airforce 1939 -45 volumes 1 & 2 . And I still failed the 11 plus exam.

    • @venga3
      @venga3 Рік тому

      Because they now have to cater to the lowest common denominator, people for whom English is not a first language or with low literacy parents. From abroad.

  • @johnnyappleseed2058
    @johnnyappleseed2058 Рік тому +17

    This is by far the best most honest essessment of historical and political struggle I've ever heard! I am subscribed.

    • @MegaDavyk
      @MegaDavyk 11 місяців тому

      If you want to know the Truth find the video "The greatest story never told"

    • @BarbarraBay
      @BarbarraBay 11 місяців тому

      If you know this is "honest", this means you are an expert on the subject. Obviously your opinion about "honest" is actually unsubstantiated thus dishonest.

    • @MegaDavyk
      @MegaDavyk 11 місяців тому

      @@BarbarraBay Your bordering on intellectual bullshit. Go find the video "The greatest story never told" and learn something. Also "Hellstrom the rape of germany"

    • @harryflashman3141
      @harryflashman3141 11 місяців тому

      You may like academic agent as well. Life's complicated.

    • @landofthesilverpath5823
      @landofthesilverpath5823 11 місяців тому +3

      Disagree. Not once did he mention communism and the relationship between the rise of bolshevik communism and National Socialism-- which existed in opposition to it. Many people supported Hitler solely because of their opposition to communism.

  • @gosiachaaban2484
    @gosiachaaban2484 2 роки тому +30

    When speaking about religious aspect in Germany, you should add that Nazis were winning in protestant parts, which is linked to Luther's view on Jews. In 1936 Edith Stein who was a Jewish philosopher but also a Catholic nun, writes to the Pope warning about persecution of Jews but also Catholics in Germany. This is often omitted, but this was also one of the reasons (another being the view that Slavs are subhuman, to be eliminated after Jews are finished with) why the occupation of Poland was so harsh, completely different than in the West.

    • @JohnJohn-cu7nk
      @JohnJohn-cu7nk 2 роки тому +3

      Completely disagree disagree about Poland.After Ww1 in the German lands annexed by Poland they brutalised German residents.Hitler warned the Polish to stop and gave them an ultimatum either stop or he would go to war ,it is well documented.

    • @gosiachaaban2484
      @gosiachaaban2484 2 роки тому

      @@JohnJohn-cu7nk German lands annexed by Poland? Careful here, are you talking about lands that were partitioned and taken by Prussia and Austria when Poland dusappeared from maps for 125 years? And Poles were routinely killed fir speaking their language etc? And then they got them back ? Well documented ? I wonder by whom.
      BTW, I was talking about situation before and during WW2. Are you really trying to say that Poles brutalised Gernans after WW1 therefore I shouldn't mention what went on under German occupation during WW2? Is this for real?

    • @JohnJohn-cu7nk
      @JohnJohn-cu7nk 2 роки тому +2

      @@gosiachaaban2484 As I stated the poles Brutalised the German citizens who lived in the lands that were annexed by Poland after Ww1 .Like this said it's well documented .Read any newspaper from these dates

    • @gosiachaaban2484
      @gosiachaaban2484 2 роки тому +1

      @@JohnJohn-cu7nk what annexation are you talking about? And any newspaper is a bit vague tbh. Do you mean German newspapers, Polish or which ones?

    • @jakebarnes28
      @jakebarnes28 2 роки тому +1

      @@JohnJohn-cu7nk YOU made the claim that it is "well documented" but won't provide anything in the way of documentation. Weird.

  • @alexanderpetersen2689
    @alexanderpetersen2689 2 роки тому +34

    Great interview. One thing though. Nietzsche wasn't antisemitic. He occasionally used jew as a synonym for Christian as he despised the judeo christian religion. He explicitly attacks actual antisemites in his writings, essentially calling them small minded idiots. His reputation for antisemitism comes from his sister and her husband, who were virulently antisemitic, and who cared for Nietzsche and tried their hardest to reinvent the public perception of his beliefs to align with their own during his illness.

    • @douglasbodenhamer931
      @douglasbodenhamer931 2 роки тому +1

      Interesting. Do you recall any reference materials for such? If you can recall, then please share.

    • @JRobbySh
      @JRobbySh 2 роки тому +1

      There was such a thing as anti-judaism, which hates Jews as a kind of anti-Christian cult, rather than as a “race”.

    • @str.77
      @str.77 2 роки тому +2

      @@JRobbySh That certainly was not Nietzsche's position as he was an "anti-Christian cult" all to himself. Anti-Judaism means hatred of the Jews as a religious group.

    • @str.77
      @str.77 2 роки тому +1

      Nietzsche not being antisemitic, not being fond of the antisemites, does not actually matter at all. His - not his sister's - philosophy, if one can call it that, was so vile, so much engaging in phantasies of violence, that you could easily just add another target.

    • @simonestreeter1518
      @simonestreeter1518 2 роки тому +4

      @@str.77 Can you say which of his books engages in fantasies of violence? I've read "The Birth of Tragedy," "The Gay Science," and "The Antichrist" and I don't remember anything like that. He did strike me as a bit emotionally unstable.

  • @paullandry8181
    @paullandry8181 Рік тому +4

    Just binged both of Professor Hicks' Triggernometry appearances...Awesome! Thanks guys.

  • @stephenobisanya
    @stephenobisanya 2 роки тому +18

    Thank you for introducing me to this wonderful, brilliant man! I’m hooked!

  • @johnwilhelm385
    @johnwilhelm385 2 роки тому +12

    Professor Nick's including remarks on identity with references to Shakespeare and Milton are spot on... Bravo!

  • @leipersgreen6763
    @leipersgreen6763 16 днів тому +12

    My grandfather served in the German army & was taken prisoner in 45'. I miss him dearly.

  • @johnwilhelm385
    @johnwilhelm385 2 роки тому +16

    Professor Stephen Hicks is a Rockstar! In my German immigrant family I was always referred to as the Englishman. Yes! Go John Locke, Adam Smith and John Stuart Mill. Liberty! Ron Paul 2024....

    • @winstonsmith9424
      @winstonsmith9424 2 роки тому

      Rand Paul 2024?

    • @jasonlambert2226
      @jasonlambert2226 2 роки тому

      I would vote for Rand. No way Ron Paul would run for office again.

    • @RightTurnClyde
      @RightTurnClyde 2 роки тому

      The true leftist roots of the Nazis

  • @kennyinliverpool
    @kennyinliverpool 2 роки тому +11

    I enjoyed this. Thank you. This level of conversation should be the norm on tv.

  • @alexzannoni1501
    @alexzannoni1501 Рік тому +6

    Insightful, balanced, brilliant analysis! Thank you Dr Hicks & guys.👏👏👏👍👍

  • @dangumbo4835
    @dangumbo4835 2 роки тому +9

    Hitler said, when asked if he'd ever read Nietzsche "No, I can't do much with Nietzsche. He is not my guide." Probably because he was an outspoken anti-nationalist, staunch critic of anti-semitism and the only work that was even remotely linked to the Nazi party was Will To Power, a book put together and highly edited by his Nazi sister once FWN had lost his faculties. Anyone who has studied Nietzsche knows this so Stephen is either out of his depth or is bending the truth to disingenuously prop up his agenda. Please don't listen to people like this. Go and read the work and the biographies and use your own mind, instead of lapping up this guy's pseudo-intellectual bullshit. He's clearly just trying to get a few crumbs of Jordan Peterson's profits, as are these morons at Triggernometry.

    • @hattorihanzo2275
      @hattorihanzo2275 2 роки тому +3

      He must be a genius if he planned to "get a few crumbs of Jordan Peterson's profits" nearly 20 years ahead of time.

    • @dangumbo4835
      @dangumbo4835 2 роки тому

      @@hattorihanzo2275 His book Nietszche and the Nazis was released in 2010. That would be 12 years ago, not 20, correct,? He had very little mainstream success with this work and it was not taken seriously in academic circles (much like Jordan Peterson). If you were to compare JP with SH in terms of mainstream success with dumbasses, SH is crawling around in JP's shadow. The only people who have SH on their shows are people without the budget for JP. SH would be washed up if there hadn't been a newfound mainstream thirst for the pseudo-intellectualism of JP in the late 2010's. I think you may be one of the dumbasses i mentioned above. We'll see...

    • @nickhanne1716
      @nickhanne1716 25 днів тому

      Hitler also promised he wouldn't invade Poland.....Nietzsche influenced Nazism in significant ways through Will to Power. He didn't have to approve of them

  • @Hot4Thot
    @Hot4Thot 2 роки тому +29

    What a brilliantly articulate professor. Quite a few concepts conveyed clearly in a short space of time. I'll be watching this twice

    • @RightTurnClyde
      @RightTurnClyde 2 роки тому

      The true leftist roots of the Nazis

  • @tomb8430
    @tomb8430 8 місяців тому +1

    Could listen to Stephen Hicks all day long. Fascinating interview.

  • @daveraeburn5517
    @daveraeburn5517 2 роки тому +26

    Thanks Guys, feeling well schooled with historical detail.

    • @RightTurnClyde
      @RightTurnClyde 2 роки тому +1

      The true leftist roots of the Nazis

    • @daveraeburn5517
      @daveraeburn5517 2 роки тому

      @@RightTurnClyde thanks for the additional info. So much to know and so little time remaining. The real truth is out there somewhere.

  • @darev6780
    @darev6780 2 роки тому +23

    " My body My Choice "
    - screamed the Socialist in 2018
    " Your body Not Your Choice "
    - screamed the Pro-Vaxxer in 2021

  • @colingibson7324
    @colingibson7324 Місяць тому +2

    I was happiest as a Boy Scout. I grew up on military bases in distant parts of the world and always felt myself surrounded by kindness, both from local people and from all ranks of the services. I never doubted that Britain and its empire were good. In my late teens, I emerged from boarding school an outsider: anti-establishment, anti-capitalist and with a hankering after traditional ways. I was almost a hippy but my music was more folk than psychedelic.
    For two years I was immersed in a German speaking culture to the point where I was losing fluency in English.
    Naturally, I was curious about the Nazis: what was their appeal to these rather pleasant people I was surrounded by. Well, they appealed to boys who liked scouting and hiking, were drawn by tradition, and thought that Germany was a great place that was being changed by financiers and capitalists into something alien.
    But, the terms “Jew” and “Financier” were pretty well interchangeable (historically Jews were disbarred from traditional crafts, and had the role of ‘money lender’ thrust upon them). I think this last point would have stopped me becoming a Nazi in the 30s.
    I hope so.

  • @JR-bj3uf
    @JR-bj3uf 2 роки тому +15

    Mr. Hicks just scared the hell out of me. He described the very problem we face with Woke culture today.

  • @davidchurchland7406
    @davidchurchland7406 2 роки тому +44

    It constantly astounds me that so many people think that it is usually evil intent behind great evil, you see some great evil and behind it you will see some beautiful utopian ideas.

    • @loramurray2341
      @loramurray2341 2 роки тому +11

      ‘The road to hell is paved with good intentions’

    • @globetwig4401
      @globetwig4401 2 роки тому +1

      Like Libertarianism.

    • @jakebarnes28
      @jakebarnes28 2 роки тому +6

      @@globetwig4401 Libertarianism breaks down as soon as you introduce humans. Its very much like Marxism in that case. Ever notice how Libertarians are fond of saying: "There's never been a 'TRUE' Libertarian society."

    • @globetwig4401
      @globetwig4401 2 роки тому +5

      ​@@jakebarnes28 Totally agree. I personally regard Libertarianism as a fundamentally flawed political ideology with an extremely simplistic understanding of human nature(s). In fact, I'm very much opposed to Libertarian dogma.

    • @jasondashney
      @jasondashney Рік тому +5

      It's extraordinarily rare that someone who does evil things on a mass scale doesn't think they are morally justified. There is no right or wrong, only consensus. The only difference between you and the absolute monster is the number of other people who agree with you.

  • @dalesypott9425
    @dalesypott9425 22 дні тому +1

    I can highly recommend Professor R C Sproul , a brilliant mind , on the origin of evil.

  • @shamster7182
    @shamster7182 2 роки тому +47

    Hicks is a legend, his book on postmodernism is essential reading.

    • @louisdavies8050
      @louisdavies8050 Рік тому +1

      It’s fucking terrible. As a philosophy student he butchers the medieval thinkers, messes up enlightenment thinkers, but worse is the counter enlightenment …Kant ? Kant? Counter-enlightenment? Hahahah

    • @shamster7182
      @shamster7182 Рік тому

      @@louisdavies8050 you don't sound like you should be taken seriously.

    • @straightfacts5352
      @straightfacts5352 Рік тому

      @@shamster7182 I'm not "of the Left" (nor "of the Right"), I like Hicks, and I think postmodernism is dogshit, but Hicks doesn't do a good job criticizing it. There are intelligent videos you can look for on youtube which go into detail how he fails (or falls short, take your pick). A test of your openness would be to look for them and learn how your legend doesn't know everything.

  • @garrywilliams8479
    @garrywilliams8479 2 роки тому +7

    I had neighbours when I was a child that were German National Socialists. These folks were the Very Nicest, *Sweetest people I have ever known ; so I have never appreciated the condemnation of them.

    • @ryansmith9946
      @ryansmith9946 11 місяців тому

      So they didn’t torture or murder you or invade your country so they are fine people.
      Great mentality to have.
      They treated me fine so who cares about anyone else.

    • @ByankaMexia-l2q
      @ByankaMexia-l2q 12 днів тому

      Because there is an inherent moral standard. What they allowed themselves to do is evil. No dogma, no ideology… justifies treating a group of people your immoral piece of shit. I don’t care how nice they were. That’s shows how capable they are to allow such evil. What’s wrong with you?

  • @Beastius24
    @Beastius24 11 місяців тому +3

    After reading Hayek's Road to Serfdom, I have always viewed the political divide as collectivist vs individualists

  • @omaha42000
    @omaha42000 2 роки тому +14

    Great interview guys. You are doing excellent work. The world is a better place because of you two (don't let that go to your heads).

  • @rexmundi3108
    @rexmundi3108 2 роки тому +8

    Daily vigilance against the moral failings of others seems like a joyless existence to me. And yet so fashionable.

  • @louisgiokas2206
    @louisgiokas2206 Рік тому +4

    I am just listening to a war diary of a German war reporter starting with the invasion of Poland. At 11 minutes in he quotes Nietzsche "of all writings I love only those that are written in blood". Amazing.

    • @davidd854
      @davidd854 8 місяців тому

      typical nazi misinterpretation of Nietzsche

  • @juanzulu1318
    @juanzulu1318 Рік тому +8

    Very interesting content. Thx.
    Edit: what a joy it was to listen to Mr Hicks. It is an art to press so much content into an hour without deviating or becoming boring. A gem.

  • @jaim0368
    @jaim0368 2 роки тому +23

    This is why the state needs to be minimal and the church/voluntary communities are so important. People do need groups of meaning but they shouldn't be tied to something that they can't opt out of. Don't give the state power that you don't want your political opponents to have.

    • @janebaker966
      @janebaker966 2 роки тому +8

      I'm from the government,I'm here to help you. Like the Australians are finding out.

    • @januarysson5633
      @januarysson5633 2 роки тому +6

      Right. True freedom is not in receiving government help but in not needing it. Government dependence is serfdom.

    • @RightTurnClyde
      @RightTurnClyde 2 роки тому

      The Nazis' true leftist roots

    • @jasondashney
      @jasondashney Рік тому +4

      "Don't give the state power that you don't want your political opponents to have."
      I say this to the leftists all the time.

  • @jameswebb4593
    @jameswebb4593 25 днів тому +1

    Most enlightening , a perspective of the Germans i didn't previously have. I just had a thought , about when I was a schoolboy , unlike today we were taught about the British Empire , not especially good , but never being bad . The influence that had upon myself and many of my friends was to get out in the world . See first hand what you have read in geography/history lessons .I realize that back in my day ( now 84yo.) we had a large military force and the second largest Merchant Navy in the world . Many British colonies to choose from. To this present time I consider the four years I spent in the MN the best education i had . From the opulence and splendour of New York , to the most deprived place I saw , The Globals of Glasgow in the 1950's .

  • @corinnewatts6683
    @corinnewatts6683 2 роки тому +15

    Such an interesting interview. Thank you so much for sharing

  • @Antipodean33
    @Antipodean33 Рік тому +9

    This guest is one of the most interesting men I've seen on you tube. Thank you for bringing him to the the fore, this talk is truly fascinating and an education I've never had before

  • @Paeoniarosa
    @Paeoniarosa 9 днів тому

    Learning more about context at that time is fascinating. Also philosophy and identity politics. I'll be listening to the first interview next. Valuable, valuable content. Thank you.

  • @neildunford241
    @neildunford241 2 роки тому +30

    Never underestimate the power of making people feel superior, the, "othering" of another group and the power it gives....
    President Lyndon B. Johnson once said,
    "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best coloured man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

    • @gg_rider
      @gg_rider Рік тому

      White Americans not only LOOOVE Black people, today, often want to date them or marry them, a number of people falsely claim Black ancestry to get college acceptance or a professorship or at least honorary Blackness for social acceptance.
      White kids buy rap, buy swag, sustain musicians.
      White people HEAVILY DONATE to causes which purport to help Black people, even when Black people tell them they are causing more harm by supporting the wrong things .. like reducing educational standards and treating Black people as helpless and inferior, while viciously attacking Black conservative leaders.

    • @littleangel18
      @littleangel18 Рік тому

      🤮 like any USA President is worth quoting, hideous repulsive nation.

  • @scaleyback217
    @scaleyback217 2 роки тому +8

    Stumbled across this all but accidentally. Enjoyed listening to this man ramming down my throat that I should not accept at face value what others have been attempting to ram down my throat for far too many of my 70 years on this planet. Most of them failed as my blxnbsometer is quite finely tuned and apart from my military service and adherence to all that entailed, I am by and large quite averse to many forms of collective thinking and action unless I can see it's not going to impact negatively on others - going to listen through this all over again over a coffee and a hobnob or two later today. Many thanks. Wend your ways in peace and harmony but keep your bayonet sharp just in case.

  • @Boog_masskway
    @Boog_masskway 5 місяців тому +1

    This was amazing! I’ve never heard philosophy and politics put into such an approachable package.

  • @killaken2000
    @killaken2000 Рік тому +32

    after reading the incredible book IBM and the Holocaust, I realize that doctors, economists, engineers, lawyers, psychologists - in short the intelligencia - played an instrumental role and that their role generally goes unnoticed.

    • @SoloRenegade
      @SoloRenegade Рік тому +6

      Thomas Sowell covers this really well in his books. And you're right, that the general public has no understanding of how those "intellectuals" steered society to disaster.

    • @Rainy_Day12234
      @Rainy_Day12234 Рік тому

      The elite always use the power of the state for their advantage or to gain greater relative advantage than rest of society. They attempt to structure government where they are in control.

    • @maxn.7234
      @maxn.7234 Рік тому +5

      You might read Wall Street and the Rise of Nazism by Anthony Sutton. Nazism had many supporters and admirers around the world, especially 1935-1938.

    • @shauntempley9757
      @shauntempley9757 11 місяців тому

      The US and UK do not. Many nations have a full understanding of that issue.
      It is why many nations mistrust the intellectuals even today.@@SoloRenegade

    • @SoloRenegade
      @SoloRenegade 11 місяців тому +1

      @@shauntempley9757 those of us paying attention in teh US and UK, and who actually studied history absolutely do. and we still mistrust "intillectuals" and rightfully so. it's the ignorant or malicious people who trust them.

  • @passionsoup3788
    @passionsoup3788 2 роки тому +34

    I want to see a discussion between Stephen Hicks and Jordan Peterson about how Nietzsche's ideas influenced the Nazis. Because they have pretty different ideas about that, and are both reasonable.

    • @charlytaylor1748
      @charlytaylor1748 2 роки тому +3

      Indeed wasn't nietzsche the arch individualist?

    • @KatanamasterV
      @KatanamasterV 2 роки тому +13

      @@charlytaylor1748 I'd contend not. At least not insofar as saying that the majority of individuals act within his idea of master morality within the moral framework he described.
      For his conception of master morality, yes. For his contention of slave morality, no. Read how he defines each though and see how he separates those groups. I don't think it's far wrong to argue that his conception of the master morality is something like liberalism (if liberalism lost its egalitarian component) run amok. Individual free agents with no external moral framework to guide their actions.
      His conception of slave morality is what to look at to understand collectivism through the lens of Nietzsche. Long story very badly summed up, because there's a lot of material there, is that if individuals with slave morality are given power they are happy to burn everything down, instead of take (invest) the power and use it for themselves which is the behavior you would expect of individuals with masters morality, and then they'll lose it because they don't understand power (and how it has to be used in order for it to not burn it's wielder).
      Within Nietzsche's worldview the vast majority of human beings have slave morality and are far more comfortable taking orders and abiding by the dictates of society rather than forging their own path in the world.
      One of the biggest reasons Nietzsche gets labeled as an Arch-individualist is because he spends so much time and energy talking about master morality. You can almost think of this as a philosophical equivalent to the great man theory of history. He spends a good deal of time talking about his thoughts on individuals with slave morality as well but it's much less quippy, much more depressing, and less fun to read being the philosophical equivalent to the trends and forces theory of history.
      However, a key to understanding the difference between Hicks and Peterson on the topic of Nietzsche is to ask which of those moral frameworks they are talking though. Hicks is typically talking about slave morality which in Nietzsche's estimation was over 95% of the population while Peterson leans more towards talking from the perspective of Master morality which in Nietzsche's estimation was less than 5% of the population but by far the important less than 5% of the population.
      I'm not saying that either of these illustrious gentleman is right or wrong, just that you can square that circle regarding Nietzsche pretty straightforwardly.
      Additionally, I am not commenting on the morality of either gentleman, merely which Nietzschean lens they are using for analysis.

    • @RightTurnClyde
      @RightTurnClyde 2 роки тому

      The true leftist roots of the Nazis

    • @douglasbodenhamer931
      @douglasbodenhamer931 2 роки тому +3

      @@KatanamasterV Thoughtful and justified response. Refreshing to observe.

    • @KatanamasterV
      @KatanamasterV 2 роки тому +1

      @@douglasbodenhamer931 if you take a look through my comment history, assuming UA-cam still allows you to look for that in a reasonable way, I've got I feel a number of those floating around on UA-cam.
      Additionally, I got a podcast on anchor if you're interested under the name mutually assured deprogramming which I encourage you to check out. I managed to find a leftist that claims they can talk forever, or at least for a long time I tend towards hyperbole at times.

    @drTERRRORRR 11 місяців тому +7

    Everybody is talking about antisemitic Europe.
    Is nobody interested why so many people hated Jews?
    I mean: every country has tough history with neighbors. That's a fact,but why would you be hated by most nations?

    • @donna-marie9100
      @donna-marie9100 21 день тому

      How about you answer your own question, cos this sounds like you are saying their hatred is justified.

    • @drTERRRORRR
      @drTERRRORRR 21 день тому +4

      @@donna-marie9100 Reason is not justification.
      If various peole of vastly different cultural and national backgrounds hate you, MAYBE some part of your behavior or mindset is the reason for it?

    • @bvaccaro2959
      @bvaccaro2959 13 днів тому +2

      There’s an analysis that it came about through the concept of a whole people without a home. Thus they could not be trusted to be loyal to anything but themselves(their community).

    • @ByankaMexia-l2q
      @ByankaMexia-l2q 12 днів тому

      Read your bible. Know your Creator.

    • @drTERRRORRR
      @drTERRRORRR 12 днів тому +1

      @@ByankaMexia-l2q I prefer sticking to facts. While i enjoy fiction, I do my best not to build my world upon it, but to each their own, I guess?

  • @yona.scraps
    @yona.scraps 2 роки тому +48

    This is so important! As someone who went to high school in Israel we are taught in depth about the Nazi party and this point of view is what we’re taught we learn about there humanity and that’s what makes it even more scary, to learn that the people who’ve done this are people just like us and that we are capable of doing it again and that’s why we can never forget. I am scared of where we are going as a society.

    • @dexstewart2450
      @dexstewart2450 2 роки тому +16

      'to learn that the people who’ve done this are people just like us and that we are capable of doing it again' - in the case of Israel, ARE doing it again.

    • @murderoustendencies
      @murderoustendencies 2 роки тому +4

      @@dexstewart2450 fairly sure you couldn't find Jews who literally thought that all Germans should be murdered when walking down the streets of 1940s Germany though. I'm pro Palestine. Doesn't mean I'm anti Israel though.

    • @L.K.48
      @L.K.48 2 роки тому +5

      The people replying to you don't seem to have learned anything from this video. Hats off to your school for teaching you in that way. When I was in school they basically just taught us that Hitler and the NSDAP were evil, because they were evil. No explanation, other than "they looked for a fall guy" (and found it in the Jewish people). Godspeed

    • @tonyhussey3610
      @tonyhussey3610 2 роки тому +7

      So childish to judge someone from a country by thier government.. chill warriors chill.

    • @RightTurnClyde
      @RightTurnClyde 2 роки тому

      The true leftist roots of the Nazis

  • @richardlindquist5936
    @richardlindquist5936 2 роки тому +6

    Very interesting content, well presented. And thank you for asking a question and letting him talk!

  • @CursedWheelieBin
    @CursedWheelieBin 2 роки тому +8

    Do collectivists enjoy groups because it’s cosy and warm?
    Being an individual feels cold and lonely to them?
    I can’t remember how many comments I’ve seen right here on UA-cam where someone starts with identifying themselves via their group eg. “As a Muslim, we believe….” Or “As a white person, I think…” 🤦‍♂️
    You’ve been blessed with a brain of your own. Develop it. Use it.
    It’s always given me the creeps when people identify themselves and form their beliefs and behaviour in terms of what their group wants.

  • @thermalreboot
    @thermalreboot 2 роки тому +6

    I really, really like this guy. He reflects ideas that I discovered on my own, but he puts academic gravitas behind them.

  • @andysheepleton
    @andysheepleton Рік тому +11

    Bless his heart he has no idea how far intellectualism in America has fallen.

  • @TheRisky9
    @TheRisky9 2 роки тому +5

    Everyone wantst to talk about how they are different than all the bad people in history, but no one wants to talk about how we're very much alike the bad people in history. When you get to look at those dark corners of yourself, that's when you make real progress.

    • @jB..33b854
      @jB..33b854 Рік тому

      Covid showed that darkness. We jnow who the modern nazis are

  • @billmitchell1955
    @billmitchell1955 2 роки тому +14

    He reminds me of a history professor I had in college. I could listen to him all day.

  • @guinevere4365
    @guinevere4365 6 місяців тому +1

    Wow thank you so much. You have just given me-an old hippie-such a succinct explanation of humanity that will help me make sense of the world + current happenings. Thank you so much!❤

  • @johnewing3295
    @johnewing3295 2 роки тому +7

    Really enjoy your discussions, guys. You seem to be proving my long-standing belief that comedians are among the sharpest thinkers of our time. I am slightly disturbed that the UA-cam algorithm seems to know what I'd enjoy, but for the time being I am ok with it. Keep it going !

  • @DarthQueefious
    @DarthQueefious 2 роки тому +63

    Professor Hicks is great. First became aware of him after he totally demolished a post-modernist in a debate

    • @michaelfern4079
      @michaelfern4079 2 роки тому +6

      What one was that? 👍👍👍👍

    • @Libertariun
      @Libertariun 2 роки тому +4

      @@michaelfern4079 Thaddeus Russell. It’s an interesting debate.

    • @maskedbadass6802
      @maskedbadass6802 2 роки тому +8

      @@davideldred.campingwilder6481 I don't remember exactly how he put it but around the midway mark Russell claims that "nothing I say is true" and that he just tells stories that people can either agree or disagree with and that for him to say that he knows some absolute truth would be "highly arrogant." Hicks responds with "Slavery is a moral abomination" and it trips up Russell because under his own rules that opinion is just as valid as the justification of slavery. He then basically just changes the subject and ends up giving credit to religion to avoid giving the credit to the Union soldiers at the time having any sort of rational thoughts or reasons to be against slavery.

    • @RightTurnClyde
      @RightTurnClyde 2 роки тому +2

      The true leftist roots of the Nazis

    • @JRobbySh
      @JRobbySh 2 роки тому +1

      The problem with classic liberalism is how much it depends on the autonomous individual able to subsist in the world on his own devises. This is, I think, a heroic role, and there exist few schools that aim at creating heroes. Maybe the service academies. But maybe they are afraid of creating them nowadays. I mean how awful if too many Grants or Lees appeared. Warriors, rather than bureaucrats.

  • @Hall1974
    @Hall1974 27 днів тому

    Fascinating, stimulating, educattional.....and mre. Thanks to all three.

  • @mouseketeery
    @mouseketeery 2 роки тому +23

    Years ago, before the BBC went totally mental, I heard a program on R4 that was a repeat of a much older one in which those who'd voted for the Nazis were asked why. They said it was because they were Socialists - they believed the so-called International Socialism of the Soviets was too Utopian, too pie-in-the-sky, but that National Socialism was do-able. Unfortunately, they were sort of correct and would have remained so if Germany hadn't decided to 'spread the word' into other countries.

    • @robertmacdonaldch5105
      @robertmacdonaldch5105 2 роки тому +2

      Definitely, if Hitler would have remained a nationalist, what a different outcome. There still would have been war with Russia.

    • @lukehunnable
      @lukehunnable 2 роки тому

      That's so interesting!

    • @RightTurnClyde
      @RightTurnClyde 2 роки тому +1

      The true leftist roots of the Nazis

    • @Arkantos117
      @Arkantos117 2 роки тому

      Hitler had to start the war because his socialist economy was failing. It was either invade the neighbours or have another major depression.
      It's not like he tried to hide the fact that his socialist plan would require 'acquiring' more land for the German people to use, he mentions it in his writings occasionally before he was anywhere near the being dictator.

    • @robertmacdonaldch5105
      @robertmacdonaldch5105 2 роки тому +2

      @@Arkantos117 I hadn't heard that before, but it does make sense. FDR was no different. His programs were not working. It was the war that actually gou us out of the Depression

  • @VickGaza
    @VickGaza 2 роки тому +8

    What a gem this interview is ! Fantastic job guys, thank you for the insight !

  • @great-garden-watch
    @great-garden-watch 4 дні тому

    Christopher Hitchens always said the true believers are the most dangerous

  • @Belznis
    @Belznis 2 роки тому +33

    Interesting interview, keep it up. Various topics, not just politics, attracts different kind of people.