The Psychology Behind Obesity

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • Carlos Grilo, PhD Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology, and Director of the Program for Obesity Weight and Eating Research (POWER), at Yale University School of Medicine, discusses the psychological issues surrounding the diseases.


  • @andreacanto7053
    @andreacanto7053 4 роки тому +22

    I'm trying to lose weight, but first i want to understand myself

    • @PsicologoJulioNieto
      @PsicologoJulioNieto 4 роки тому +9

      Do not procrastinate it. No sugar. Start today. Have a good time.

    • @dylanmoses1671
      @dylanmoses1671 2 роки тому +2

      @@PsicologoJulioNieto That’s honestly the best advice

    • @sofiaguerrero0969
      @sofiaguerrero0969 2 роки тому +2

      As a former obese person, the more you wait, the more you’ll lose motivation. Like Nike’s slogan, just do it. And yes cut the sugar first and foremost. It is like crack and if you keep in your little treats, you’ll never truly learn how to live without it

    • @kamotetopz6776
      @kamotetopz6776 Рік тому +1

      @@PsicologoJulioNieto that is actually where failure happens.

    • @felixfrancken9444
      @felixfrancken9444 7 місяців тому +1

      It's 3 years later. Have you succeeded in losing weight?

  • @joychaudhuri8782
    @joychaudhuri8782 Рік тому +5

    Whenever I don't feel sleepy I listen to this speaker. Six seconds and I am out.

  • @SusieAspen
    @SusieAspen 10 місяців тому +1

    The audio was so bad; I'm glad it was short. Please consider a microphone upgrade and delve into this topic. Dr. Now certainly brought all of this to life.

  • @TeapotSallylikestea
    @TeapotSallylikestea 3 роки тому +4

    It makes you realise just how much were animals with a much smaller understanding of our conscious actions than we think.

  • @KFrost-fx7dt
    @KFrost-fx7dt 3 роки тому +21

    At some point people need to sack up and stop worrying about their feelings. Your feelings about yourself will improve when you accomplish some positive changes.

    • @incubus_the_man
      @incubus_the_man 3 роки тому +9

      It's not that people are "worrying about their feelings". It doesn't work that way. People don't choose to feel anxious, stressed or depressed. Just like if a rattle snake were try appear in front of you, you don't tell yourself to become afraid. It just happens automatically. Eating can fulfill cravings relieves stress. It's an unhealthy way to cope but it comes natural to people especially when they've been conditioned from childhood to like the taste of unhealthy food.
      I know that you may not understand or get it but you need to realize that issues of psychology aren't universal to all people. Our minds don't all work the same way.

    • @KFrost-fx7dt
      @KFrost-fx7dt 3 роки тому +4

      @@incubus_the_man I'm not saying the feelings aren't real. I am saying you don't have to act on them, or focus so much on them all the time. If you want to improve your life you need to set feelings aside sometimes.

    • @funfacts1354
      @funfacts1354 2 роки тому

      @@incubus_the_man my brother is 30 and a bit over or atleast 400 pounds. He eats like shit and to much, he has a night job..and when he gets home he just games, smokes weed and that's it..gets up to eat food , shower etc..I got a treadmill that could support his weight and he dosent use it because he says it's " boring" also he has some rationality that I'm trying to control him or be in control so he dosent use the machine..he's a weirdo. And than he bought an oculus quest to "exercise" and when he does that it's not for long..than he eats like crazy almost right after..than when my father and me try to be nice and give constructive criticism..he just says I'm evil etc..even though by next year he will be 500+ or dead..don't say it's about's a 30 year old man without the willpower to change himself because hes lazy as fuck.. literally no reason to be fat..atleast in his case. He could lose weight..has all the equipment..just no will and no ambition to change for HIMSELF.

    • @stardusbaby5013
      @stardusbaby5013 2 роки тому

      @@incubus_the_man my family from my father has a history of diabetes. he has to tell his sisters once in a while and joke about it in a friendly way, sometimes he even pushes them to stop overeating. you cant excuse a bad habit, especially if its risking someone’s life (their own life). one of my aunt had to amputate het toe due to diabetes. sickness doesnt care about your feelings because we all know too well that human dwell on unhealthy things. small amount is okay, but when its affecting their health, i would rather tell my aunt to exercise everyday than letting her overeat and shorten her life expectancy just so i dont hurt her feelings.

    • @msenlightened
      @msenlightened 2 роки тому +2

      @@KFrost-fx7dt do you understand how PTSD works? It's neurobiological and you can't not focus on it. Hence the term " intrusive thoughts". Also food has saved some of us from more dangerous forms of self - abuse. I don't think people who haven't been severely traumatized understand how tortuosly painful life is and it's either eat or die to survive.

  • @pinecedar180
    @pinecedar180 2 роки тому +4

    Misleading title

  • @rjtheripper931
    @rjtheripper931 2 роки тому +3

    Why aren't we prescribing drugs to regulate our bodies hormone levels to lose weight. This is like tackling a drug problem.

    • @msenlightened
      @msenlightened 2 роки тому +2

      Because people are so hell bent on blaming people vs seeing it as a true addiction.

    • @y_yy_2844
      @y_yy_2844 Рік тому

      Opioid blockers have in fact shown promise in treating alcoholism and overeating too but in the US at least, insurers usually won't pay and most treatment programs *do not even want them to be made available*. The problem is cultural.
      There is also research going on into SSRIs targeting very specific serotonin receptors but the other problem is down-regulation of receptor sensitivity.

  • @McCarthy1776
    @McCarthy1776 5 місяців тому

    I've heard much more reputable psychologists, exercise physiologists, professional coaches, and neurologists counter what this fraud is saying. And I've read peer reviewed studies backing it up.
    It's basic psychology that people make actions to seek pleasure and avoid pain. People with eating disorders get more pleasure from food, so they need to get an equal or greater amount of pain and suffering from being obese. Fat shaming creates that, fat shaming motivates people to work harder.
    I had an eating disorder that causes me to have a really low appetite and I was bullied and skinny shamed for years and beaten up. Then I started busting my ass in the gym, lifting weights, running doing MMA etc. then I got better at fighting so I could fight back and forced fed myself for years. I was a 125 pound twig when I started and gained over 100 pounds of muscle. The military and military college also helped all the brutal training, hazing and the upperclassmen and NCOs targeting your insecurities and exploiting them. You won't accomplish anything without suffering and you won't accomplish anything great without great suffering it's a fact of nature. The problem with a lot of modern social scientists is they've never lived a real life, they've never really struggled, they haven't suffered in the real world. They've lived soft coddled lives and have wealthy careers that involve little to no stress and operate under this mentality that problems should be tried to cure without any pain. But pain builds character and inner strength. This is proven, that's why every culture since the beginning of time has had hazing, and initiation rituals. People used to be put through hell to be given the strength and discipline to endure the struggles of life. Holding people's hands and coddling them just enables their self destructive behavior. You are just enabling it by being soft on them.
    I'm a living example of how negative motivators work. I've also lost a ton of weight in short periods of time. I've fasted foe 7 days straight and I do a 36-48 hour fast every week. It sucks but it's more than possible. The average human can go 30 days without food. The SOLE reason for obesity is laziness. Or you could say laziness and gluttony. You can try to excuse the gluttony by calling it an eating disorder but gluttony is gluttony it's the same for everyone. You get a dopamine kick from food and feel stress in the absence of food, sure that's a proven fact. But who's to say you have the right to give in to impulses for pleasure or to avoid pain out of fear. No matter the reason for the impulse, if you give into to then it's still YOUR fault. You could psychologically explain it all away and show the exact neurological reason why it happened but if you apply that logic then you could do the same for rapists and pedophiles. Everyone has a psychological reason foe bad behavior but as a society we can't just simply accept bad behavior just because we know the reason. Technically the science shows us that free will doesn't exist at all, everything is a result of cause and effect subject to the laws of nature. But a culture constructed on the belief in free will and personality is always superior to one that accepts that we have no free will, even if it's technically true. It's also a semantics issue, depends on how you define free will. But we know that we want people to believe they have free will and that they are responsible for their actions, we all inherently accept this and we raise our children on this principle, we punish criminals on this principle. We can't play both sides.
    Do we want to accept free will or reject it?

    • @thebestcat9601
      @thebestcat9601 3 місяці тому +1

      Not everyone is you or is motivated by shaming.

    • @Kristopherberry
      @Kristopherberry 2 місяці тому +1

      It was wrong for your father to beat you as a child