As an American civil, heavy construction, engineer living and working in Kherson through out the full scale invasion I really appreciate these detailed military discussions. I like the American football saying, "Defense wins games". Resently, I have been developing a methodology for rapidly constructing robust defensive fortification - trenches, bunkers, living conditions, supply and withdrawal ways, etc. The efficiency of construction and improvement of living conditions can be achieved. We should prepare for the possibility of prolonged defesive warfare and to minimize the Ukrainian attritional loses in preparatiion for the inevitable offensive operations. My plan is centered around the concept of using professional heavy construction procedures and techniques, personnel, materials and equipment, privately funded and provided to take the burden off the Ukrainian military personnel and improve the quality of construction. Great discussion. Keep up the good work.
If Russia could ever have taken Ukraine at all they would have done so in the beginning when they were much stronger than now. Russia keeps fighting only for Putin's ego because he wants to escape the (inevitable) humiliation of withdrawal. It has cost way too many lives on both sides, and he is directly to blame for all of it. No negotiating. Just leave.
Россия ни когда не планировала захват Украины. НАТО провоцировало эту войну годами. Зеленский лишь марионетка. Во всем виноваты США. И единственная причина, почему так долго идут военные действия, это потому что Россия щадит гражданское население Украины, в отличии от США , которые безжалостно бомбили мирное население в Сирии, Югославии, Ираке.
@@joewoodchuck3824 I suggest you read some reliable sources and see exactly what is happening in Ukraine. The war is over. Ukraine has lost. The only question is how much of Ukraine will be left to negotiate.
@@johnbiggs9561 Here's a reliable number: The ruble has devalued over 50% If Russia wins, it fails, if Russia loses, it fails. You can't bounce back from a population/dollar crisis Ukraine still has a Nato fallback to cushion monetary loss and reconstruction. Russia was ditched by China and had to result to trade with N.Korea.
no tenes idea de lo que esta pasando realmente en la Federacion Rusa, por algo bloquearon y eleiminaron toda informacion oficial de todos los medios occidentales, porque no quiere que se enteren cual es el veradero motivo de la guerra. Estos pseudo canales prapagandista de EEUU y occidente, solo terguiversan e informan de manera parcial lo que ocurre en el conflico. Pero la realidad es totalmente otra, hay que informarse con datos oficiales de medios Rusos. Hay cientos de videos en medios rusos, Sputnik tv, RT, telegram y todos las paginas rusas que existen. FUERZA RUSIA ELMUNDO LOS APOYA
You believe what you want, you have no understanding of the fragility of the new Russian empire’s house of cards. Putin will be lucky to last another year without a Novichok sandwich or a drone in his face taking him off to FSB heaven
@@koiguidenishikigoi4972 Lol, let's just forget Georgia and Crimea, and also Putin's own words in 1996 when he said he wasn't worried about NATO expansion and actually expected surrounding countries to be attracted to western democracy -- expecting those countries to join the NATO coalition. The Russia talking points are based purely on misinformation and I feel bad for the Russian citizens that are being taken for a ride by their ego driven leader.
Thx again to Times Radio for a good interview. In the spring and summer of 1918 the Kaisar’s army was advancing (and relatively quickly), by November…. The Kaiser was lucky to have sanctuary in the Netherlands. I think Putin will likewise be in luck if he avoids the fate of Gaddafi and end up in The Hague
Kaiser offensive 1918 was due to a sudden increase of troops. Eventually more allied troops were always going to turn the tide in a then hopeless war. Which is mirrored not with Russia but Ukraine 32 million versus Russia 150 million plus allies.
@ neither Russia nor Ukraine are going to win or lose this war with the mobilization of the last man/woman. Equally that was not how WW1 was won/lost. Russia is advancing (extremely slowly even by WW1 standards) with no strategic goals in sight. In the meantime they have permanently lost control with the Black Sea. They began the war with undisputed dominance of the Black Sea. Now their billion dollar navy is either sunk or in hiding and unable to prevent Ukraine’s grain exports from reaching pre war levels. This is a strategic defeat of the highest magnitude and serves to underline how Russia has never been able to achieve any meaningful outcomes of all its naval investments. Even more importantly however it is testement to the amazing courage, determination, competence and ingenuity of Ukraine 🇺🇦 Ukraine will win and Europe will keep up and step up its support. Putin’s small and very costly advances will just like the Kaiser’s more substantial (and costly) advances in 1918 only hasten the downfall of his kleptocracy
@@robertfrancis7767: Ukraine has a population of 44 million and Russia is much less than 150 million…..more like 142 million. Edit : I think Ukraine’s population has decreased by 10 million since the war due to refugees leaving…..which gives an up to date population but not really a true figure as when the war is over most of those 10 million will return.
@Kingcarparpeggio Nice try at lying 6.2 million Ukrainians fled to EU others elsewhere including to Russia and the occupied zones which boosted Russia to 150 million and yes those in the Donbas fight for Russia. Also as you know most in EU and elsewhere want to stay, so dream on the war has depopulated Ukraine long term.
After this, when the fighting stops. I betca Zelensky starts building a nuke bomb and start his own defense industry. The UKRs can't trust the West or Russia. Do the Russian people care? Do they know what's happening?
@@joeybulford5266.. please look at a world map.. Russia now has 1.5 million highly trained well paid fully's their motherland..soldiers..if you believe this and Western media fantasy that they need "help"...well then I'm sorry for you.. it's your belief and that's ok..I just am shocked that after everything anyone can still think that.. I really feel sorry for humanity
Thanks James and George for a very insightful overview of the current situation. Such a relief to have discussions that are more in depth than so much that is broadcast by TR and others.
@@glintongordon6811 "we"? You are a known paid poster from Africa, shilling for RU here since months back. Who are the "we" you refer to in this sentence?
Times Radio is propaganda. Get a variety of sources and cross reference. Example: both sides agree 80 of dead/wounded come from artillery. Western media claim Russian losses higher than Ukraine but then confirm Russia is firing 8 times more shells.
My thinking is the US has officially retired the m1a1 and their are hundreds in storage. Why dont we give them even 1/3 of the tanks to help them and cut down on storage costs.
@@themcgeachysregarding personel: the war has been going on for almost 3 years. how long do you think learning to operate this tanks would take? with the F16 they mastered them within months (yet they only got them with a year delay)
It might be to late. The time to surge support was early in the war. We dragged our feet. Mightily disappointing. If Biden had been bold and surged support, I think the Russians would have lost by now. We didn't and so now Trump is gonna trade their sovereignty for a black deal that we will pay for in the years to come. I also suspect that the war gone better, Biden would be in a better position politically and we wouldn't be voting in a Putin apologist.
People keep saying Zelenshyy should give up land for peace but he does not have the authority to do that himself. The Ukrainian constitution would require a nation wide referendum in which the people of Ukraine would have to agree.
@@marieelliott8368Ukrainians have been screaming NO more RU for decades... they've had enough BS... they want RU to go home and stay home... it's pretty clear if you listen to UA rather than to RU.
@@glintongordon6811…. Yeah that why Biden left Billions worth of weapons and equipment in Afghanistan…. 😮 Biden and the military industrial complex/deep state clearly want the war the go on and on and on…. Also the frozen Russian assets can and should easily pay for equipment
No, as worlds most powerfull nation they vain to be scared of 'escalation' in spite of brutal violation of International conventions. Thank God, for the USA keeping order... 😢
@ …. What’s the chances that future nuclear countries will give up their nuclear weapons or non nuclear countries becoming nuclear since Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons with the promise of protection…. Also Ukraine could have several tactical size nuclear weapons built in a matter of 6 months to 1 year….
The experts also have bias, and they lie for advantage. Sometimes they have difficulty puting their indoctrination aside. Remember "trust the science" turns out you cannot.
Loosing a 1000 sold a day. Probably plus or minus a few percentages. Or, 365,000 a year. It’s ghastly and just perverse that Putin is still feeding this special operations Munster.
Those figures are nothing compared with what Russia lost in a few days in World War one and World War two. (the only difference is that back then they were defending the motherland)
Just like your brain clearly, influcend by the wests military industrial complex you are incapable of independent thoughts but don’t worry buddy they’ll keep you informed.
@johnf3885 Q: "what Russia supply stock?" A: the one that fdk7014 described as "unusable rust buckets". I thought it is a wishful thinking case. Otherwise it's a "professional assessment"😆
Thank God Russia is producing more brand new equipment than entire NATO and is capable of repairing all of their equipment because spare parts are the same
Thank you for a balanced assessment - Excellent ! PS: The dictator continues to use his own population as cannon fodder to feed his own narcissistic expansionist dreams !
I mean we have seen plenty of russians using equipment from the 1950s, civilian cars, motorcycles and chinese golf carts. They are having major problems supplying equipment.
Why waste the best equipment if it works use it a mine can take out an old tank which they have huge numbers as easily as Armata T14 currently best tank in the world. Ukraine no longer makes military equipment everything is donations instead, very unwise long term strategy.
@@robertfrancis7767the Armata is basically vaporware. No more than 14 ever produced, no proof that it’s anything more than a concept development platform that has a lot of issues. Russia can not produce them at all now due to foreign parts.
@@robertfrancis7767T14 Armata is “the best tank in the world?” Lol by what metric? They don’t have many of them and they’ve never been used in combat. They’re a joke, just like most Russian designs
Ukraine and NATO also use equipment from 50s, so? And those motorcycles and golf carts are great to attack enemy positions undetected and transport ammo to the frontline Do you realise that Russia is outproducing the entire NATO, right? Do you realise that according to Ukrainian generals the amount of Russian equipment in use increases every year?
The Ukrainians need air supremacy over their territory. We have thousands of F16s sitting around doing nothing useful. I'm sure there are more than a few Polish pilots and maintenance staff who would be happy to volunteer as private contractors. Get Eric Prince to revive the Flying Tigers. Should have been done years ago but never too late.
Ya what the other guy said there’s not thousands hundreds more likely and there all sat in the desert the problem is pilots and maintenance for every plane and pilot you 10+people to maintain
I love the intelligence of pro Ukrainian NPCs. Who's capable of training thousands of pilots and a hundred of thousands engineers to operate them? Where will you keep them if the entire Ukraine is under Russian fire control? Haven't you got the memo that it's impossible to fly over enemy territory when your enemy has the best air defence systems in the world?
If someone gets Trump's ear like this man, Ukraine can win and throw the Russians out, no question. Trouble will be whoever is the last to get his ear, like in the first Trump administration was the case. Without accepting that good advice, he flounders, like he did in the pandemic.
@ Game over for the US. Trump abandoning Ukraine and Eastern Europe to the orcs, means the end of US as super power and of course the end of the dollar as world exchange currency, that is funding his huge national debt, bringing the US to bankruptcy and economic collapse. Trump is suicidal for his country, but of course he defends Russian, not American, national interests.
The usa was in Afghanistan for 20years fighting the Taliban who had no major power backing them no airforce not much heavy weapons or artillery.The usa left after 20years with the Taliban back in power and the usa left billions of dollars worth of weapons behind that's hardly a usa military succes story
@@robertfoster7807We never tried to seize the country. If we wanted imperialism it would have been easier than training corrupt volunteer nationals to build an army and national government for the first time. If the locals weren't so terrible at their jobs they'd have resisted the taliban when we left. Literally gifted them control but they had no experience holding it. Not an industrialized country; stone age culture.
@@robertfoster7807if fairness to the US in Afghanistan… they were punching with one hand….had the military been cut loose and allowed full freedom to carry out operations they could have levelled the country many times over…but alas they were actually trying to help the average Afghan, while at the same time trying to defeat AQ and the Taliwhackers.
If I get in my car and drive 60km/hr for 30 mins, that's about how far the orcs have gone. I wouldn't even get from one side of my city to the other. Just for context.
@@mlikely72, yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. We heard Putin waste Carlson's & everyone else's time including ours with his history of how Dr. Funkenstein came to Planet Earth with Starchild to save us from the evil Sir Nose D'Voidoffunk & blast his minions the Snooze back to the Otherverse using the Bop Gun 👍. FLAAASHLIGHT.
Inflation at 10%, the Ruble as of today is 104.3 against the Dollar. For Russians wanting to take out a mortgage - the last available numbers were 28% interest rates. The Ruble has lost 22% of its value against the Chinese Yuan, the Indian Rupee and Russia is running out of liquid assets, as in cash. They are fighting a war that they can't afford and sooner rather than later, the economy is going to fail.
Economy is booming and it's causing in inflation, Ukraine has 1.1% growth liable to decrease in 2025 due to manpower problems this is all just deliberate disinformation and economic nonsense.
Putin through his foreing office, is saying things about their objectives being nearly met. He might be laying the ground work to declare victory... lets hope.
Good commentary. It looks plausible that Russia will collapse with the expenditure of resources and people. Also other commentators...potatoes...have remarked not to be discouraged by Russian territorial by Vietnamese but they won the war...similarly in Afghanistan.
@@glintongordon6811 Thankyou that. Hopefully after Jan 20 Ukraine will not only have resources, but committed boots on the ground cavalry. One further commentator has pointed out that it will be cheaper to commit now rather than wait until Russia has overtaken Ukraine, where it will be stronger with Ukraine's people and resources in its fold. Just now Russia is feeling the strain, just as much as USA did in Vietnam. Being in close proximity doesn't lessen the problem for Russia. They have themselves another Vietnam. I'm grateful to USA who shoulder the burden for security of life in the free world.
Losing is just losing and Ukraine and search engines hide details about Ukrainian price of butter increases. Not quite the free world you think find Russian data easily.
Moscow horde´s war record :- 1856 defeated by Britain and France 1905 defeated by Japan 1917 defeated by Germany 1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states 1939 defeated by Finland 1969 defeated by China 1989 defeated by Afghanistan 1989 defeated in the Cold War. 1996 defeated by Chechnya 2022 defeated by Ukraine WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :- a) Hungary 1956 b) Czechoslovakia 1968 c) Moldova 1992 d) Georgia 2008
Glory!!! After so much struggles l now own a new house with an influx of $155,000.00 every month God has kept to his words,my family is happy again everything is finally falling into place.God bless America..
Hello how do you make such monthly ?? I'm a born Christian ✝️and sometimes I feel so down of myself because of low finance but I still believe in God.❤️
It's a miracle and I would testify, 110K bucks every 4weeks! I now have a big mansion and can now afford anything and also support God's work and the church.
😲🙆I'm a little surprised seeing Elizabeth Marie Hawley named here, and I didn't know she has been helpful to so many people too, this is amazing, I'm in my fifth trade with her, and it has been super
Not only do we seem to believe that today's Russian army is the same juggernaut that the Soviet army was -- but more importantly, Putin himself also seems to believe this. One of the great myths of WW2 is that the Soviet Union utilized "human wave" attacks as their primary tactic, to grind their enemies down by sheer force of numbers -- though in reality, such tactics were only utilized out of desperation in the early part of the war, whereas already by the midwar, the Soviets were losing soldiers at a comparable rate to the Germans. But by all means, let Putin keep believing in that myth of juggernaut and human wave tactics -- it will break his economy and finally make the Russian people revolt.
8:15 If we keep Russia fighting at this tempo for the next 18 months, this system will break. Okay, will Ukraine survive another 6 months at this tempo???
Putin is fighting NATO countries over Ukraine. Ukraine has already lost long time ago. with all these debts and helps from US, EU... can forget being independent country. it was never about ukraine, but western influence over Ukraine.
@@marisabenson1222 Is it? Seems to me more like: "We wanted to keep it going for a few years. And now a part victory of R. is preferable, because otherwise it would destabalize R. too much" I don't get the feeling that most countries - especially not the biggest one - care if U. wins or not.
The times has been talking about Russia being on the edge of collapse for 2 years now. And in another 2 years I'll be saying the same thing and Russia still will not have collapsed
And hundred of thousands of men will never go home. Some will go home a lesser person, a problem to russian society. Many will be armed violent criminals. An economy that the world will not trade with for the foreseeable.Is it really worth it?
If 40% of their missiles come from North korea, and 60% of their artillery shells - i wouldn't say they were running out, rather that they are very dependent on North Korea to sustain the war.
Much respect to ISW and George Barros, glad to see him back. Keep the pressure on Russia! Trump said he would lift sanctions, but Ukraine needs greater sanctions on western components used in the N. Korean missiles and smuggled in through, likely, China as supplier. Putin threatening the Western allies seems absurd, except for the "self-deterrence" his rhetoric causes- I suppose that's his low cost solution to the fact that soldiers and munitions and weapons are not in endless supply. Propaganda is still Putin's best weapon against the West.
@@johnhume4346 I would gladly go to the front and help Ukraine, the trouble is I doubt I would get to meet you person on the other end, rather only in my camera, as I'm a qualified FPV pilot 😀
Europe is going to need to put support troops in Ukraine to counter Korean troops and the negitive unpredictable nature of Trump . European troops should not go to the front until such time that it becomes organic. Ukraine troops are more efficient. Ukraine needs to get more of their troops in rotation to the front. European troops need to provide the secondary line to defend the front line and feed the logistic pipe line. Ukraine must be defended to protect the west, and that includes All of Europe and their alliances including Turkey and also southeast Asia. If Russian aggression pays off the world will be a much more dangerous place. Russian troops and support of dictator governments and terrorism is the putin plan for world power. This is a policy of blood letting. That's what makes Russia dangerous and why Russia needs stopped. Even the US needs to send troops in a NATO lead defense of Ukraine and Trump needs to say those cards are on the Table. Trump has the problem of now the extremist are trying to tell him how to do things and they are as bad as the people undermining his agenda during the first term and Trump can not control his own administration because his base does not think he is the president -- they think they own him.
Can't help but remember that scene in Enemy at the Gates. First man gets the rifle, second man gets the spare bullets. When the man with rifle is shot the second man picks it up and fires.
This guy lost me when he started talking about “winning this war“ for the Ukrainians. No one is going to “win” this war. Just a lot of slaughtered poor young men that are going to deplete Russia and the Ukrainian population!! And who’s gonna “win”, only the companies making all this equipment. What a tragedy. It’s time for a new reset and thinking about these kind of wars.
Sounds just like Russia in 1914. Everyone outside expected huge success from her army, but the country’s endemic corruption left the army poorly equipped and trained and marching towards disaster in East Prussia.
Oh yes it will! Just keep saying "putin failed", "his system is breaking", "Russia is running out of everything", "Ukraine is winnings" etc. 😂 keep hoping and believing. And smile. And wave 👋
@@WHS_reviewsthat's harsh, the central bank of russia is doing everything they can to stop the inflation, including raising key interest rates to TWENTY ONE percent 😂😂😂😂
F16s . Did I miss something? As far as I recall, the US has not sent any F16s directly, Denmark has sent some, but only about 4. US has provided training George is talking as if US has sent many. Thanks to Times radio. 🇬🇧 🇺🇦
As an American civil, heavy construction, engineer living and working in Kherson through out the full scale invasion I really appreciate these detailed military discussions. I like the American football saying, "Defense wins games". Resently, I have been developing a methodology for rapidly constructing robust defensive fortification - trenches, bunkers, living conditions, supply and withdrawal ways, etc. The efficiency of construction and improvement of living conditions can be achieved. We should prepare for the possibility of prolonged defesive warfare and to minimize the Ukrainian attritional loses in preparatiion for the inevitable offensive operations. My plan is centered around the concept of using professional heavy construction procedures and techniques, personnel, materials and equipment, privately funded and provided to take the burden off the Ukrainian military personnel and improve the quality of construction. Great discussion. Keep up the good work.
Thank YOU !!!
Bless you, mate.
Nice one !
@@antonpressing Thank you for your kind comment
@@grahamstrouse1165 Thank you for your kind comment.
George Barros is a solid interview. Thanks. More of him regularly please.
Thank you for the excellent coverage!
If Russia could ever have taken Ukraine at all they would have done so in the beginning when they were much stronger than now. Russia keeps fighting only for Putin's ego because he wants to escape the (inevitable) humiliation of withdrawal. It has cost way too many lives on both sides, and he is directly to blame for all of it.
No negotiating. Just leave.
Россия ни когда не планировала захват Украины. НАТО провоцировало эту войну годами. Зеленский лишь марионетка. Во всем виноваты США. И единственная причина, почему так долго идут военные действия, это потому что Россия щадит гражданское население Украины, в отличии от США , которые безжалостно бомбили мирное население в Сирии, Югославии, Ираке.
@@joewoodchuck3824 I suggest you read some reliable sources and see exactly what is happening in Ukraine. The war is over. Ukraine has lost. The only question is how much of Ukraine will be left to negotiate.
@@johnbiggs9561 Here's a reliable number: The ruble has devalued over 50%
If Russia wins, it fails, if Russia loses, it fails. You can't bounce back from a population/dollar crisis
Ukraine still has a Nato fallback to cushion monetary loss and reconstruction. Russia was ditched by China and had to result to trade with N.Korea.
no tenes idea de lo que esta pasando realmente en la Federacion Rusa, por algo bloquearon y eleiminaron toda informacion oficial de todos los medios occidentales, porque no quiere que se enteren cual es el veradero motivo de la guerra. Estos pseudo canales prapagandista de EEUU y occidente, solo terguiversan e informan de manera parcial lo que ocurre en el conflico. Pero la realidad es totalmente otra, hay que informarse con datos oficiales de medios Rusos. Hay cientos de videos en medios rusos, Sputnik tv, RT, telegram y todos las paginas rusas que existen. FUERZA RUSIA ELMUNDO LOS APOYA
You believe what you want, you have no understanding of the fragility of the new Russian empire’s house of cards. Putin will be lucky to last another year without a Novichok sandwich or a drone in his face taking him off to FSB heaven
Pointless invasion from Russian
Taking over more territory from agressive Nafo that's larger than size of the UK is pointless 😅 you're sharp as a sausage.
Truly indicative of a ruler with no real ideas, all Putin can think to do for his country is to steal someone else's land.
"Sharp as a sausauge" are most of the communist feminist imbeciles in this comment section.
@@koiguidenishikigoi4972 Lol, let's just forget Georgia and Crimea, and also Putin's own words in 1996 when he said he wasn't worried about NATO expansion and actually expected surrounding countries to be attracted to western democracy -- expecting those countries to join the NATO coalition.
The Russia talking points are based purely on misinformation and I feel bad for the Russian citizens that are being taken for a ride by their ego driven leader.
Boost weapon industry!
( Sweden )
Thx again to Times Radio for a good interview. In the spring and summer of 1918 the Kaisar’s army was advancing (and relatively quickly), by November…. The Kaiser was lucky to have sanctuary in the Netherlands. I think Putin will likewise be in luck if he avoids the fate of Gaddafi and end up in The Hague
"Kaiser" didn't have all the resources and all the population Putin has. So this association is simply wrong. But you keep hoping 😂
Kaiser offensive 1918 was due to a sudden increase of troops. Eventually more allied troops were always going to turn the tide in a then hopeless war. Which is mirrored not with Russia but Ukraine 32 million versus Russia 150 million plus allies.
@ neither Russia nor Ukraine are going to win or lose this war with the mobilization of the last man/woman. Equally that was not how WW1 was won/lost. Russia is advancing (extremely slowly even by WW1 standards) with no strategic goals in sight. In the meantime they have permanently lost control with the Black Sea. They began the war with undisputed dominance of the Black Sea. Now their billion dollar navy is either sunk or in hiding and unable to prevent Ukraine’s grain exports from reaching pre war levels. This is a strategic defeat of the highest magnitude and serves to underline how Russia has never been able to achieve any meaningful outcomes of all its naval investments. Even more importantly however it is testement to the amazing courage, determination, competence and ingenuity of Ukraine 🇺🇦 Ukraine will win and Europe will keep up and step up its support. Putin’s small and very costly advances will just like the Kaiser’s more substantial (and costly) advances in 1918 only hasten the downfall of his kleptocracy
@@robertfrancis7767: Ukraine has a population of 44 million and Russia is much less than 150 million…..more like 142 million. Edit : I think Ukraine’s population has decreased by 10 million since the war due to refugees leaving…..which gives an up to date population but not really a true figure as when the war is over most of those 10 million will return.
@Kingcarparpeggio Nice try at lying 6.2 million Ukrainians fled to EU others elsewhere including to Russia and the occupied zones which boosted Russia to 150 million and yes those in the Donbas fight for Russia. Also as you know most in EU and elsewhere want to stay, so dream on the war has depopulated Ukraine long term.
George Barros head of ISW Russia section, busy man no doubt , has a deep understanding of this war. ,
Support Ukraine
Yeah but then he should really be aware that a jassm is not a glide bomb. I don’t see any need to downplay it’s capabilities
Indeed, but the problem is a biased approach, which makes his analysis flawed.
Paid tool to influence weaker minds, enjoy
он несёт бред, Россия не отступит а значит вам всем конец !
Saying it doesnt make it so.@DavidGitongawriter
Good to see ya all. Thank you for another awesome video.
It must be embarrsing to have a major currency unit -the ruble worth less than one cent!
Especially because you can't buy anything with a penny - that I know of.
After this, when the fighting stops. I betca Zelensky starts building a nuke bomb and start his own defense industry. The UKRs can't trust the West or Russia.
Do the Russian people care? Do they know what's happening?
@@Digmen1 the Japanese yen is that way nothing to be embarrassed about
Can you prove rus casualty rate OTHER than what Kiev Pravda says?
Putin's Ruble to Rubble program...
Great reporting chaps 👏
Getting help from North Korea screams desparation 😂😂
@@joeybulford5266.. please look at a world map.. Russia now has 1.5 million highly trained well paid fully's their motherland..soldiers..if you believe this and Western media fantasy that they need "help"...well then I'm sorry for you.. it's your belief and that's ok..I just am shocked that after everything anyone can still think that.. I really feel sorry for humanity
Thanks James and George for a very insightful overview of the current situation. Such a relief to have discussions that are more in depth than so much that is broadcast by TR and others.
Tim, false info. Lies. Want the truth? Scott Ritter, Larry C Johnson, Col Douglas mc Gregor, judging freedom with Andrew Napolitano.
@@truthalonetriumphs6572 thanks, brain freeze🙂
This is one smart 'cat'. I believe everything he says. I hope our incoming leadership is listening to him as well.
He says what we want to hear not the truth
I wonder how the future of the U.S. would change if Ukraine were to shut down Putin before January 20
@@glintongordon6811 "we"? You are a known paid poster from Africa, shilling for RU here since months back. Who are the "we" you refer to in this sentence?
Trump definitely is not listening. It would have to be competent people in the administration, if there are any.
And your getting paid for your opinions, how is the 77 brigade today?
George Barros is one smart cookie.
Another times radio halfwitt
@@robertfoster7807 Putin's trolls can't spell.
More likely a smart crook
@@luminyam6145Brit bots are lame 😅
James is a very articulate, thoroughly knowledgeable interviewer.
This guy is smart and savvy. Have him on more.
I agree. He's always well spoken, always has useful information to convey.
Times Radio is propaganda. Get a variety of sources and cross reference.
Example: both sides agree 80 of dead/wounded come from artillery. Western media claim Russian losses higher than Ukraine but then confirm Russia is firing 8 times more shells.
No. You both lack some grey matter.
My thinking is the US has officially retired the m1a1 and their are hundreds in storage. Why dont we give them even 1/3 of the tanks to help them and cut down on storage costs.
Yes, this safe the US storage and disposal of those tanks.
It's the personnel Ukraine don't have to use and repair them
@themcgeachys If I'm correct we can ask the poles to help them on that front as they have done the same with the Tseries tanks
@@themcgeachysregarding personel: the war has been going on for almost 3 years. how long do you think learning to operate this tanks would take? with the F16 they mastered them within months (yet they only got them with a year delay)
It might be to late. The time to surge support was early in the war. We dragged our feet.
Mightily disappointing. If Biden had been bold and surged support, I think the Russians would have lost by now. We didn't and so now Trump is gonna trade their sovereignty for a black deal that we will pay for in the years to come.
I also suspect that the war gone better, Biden would be in a better position politically and we wouldn't be voting in a Putin apologist.
People keep saying Zelenshyy should give up land for peace but he does not have the authority to do that himself. The Ukrainian constitution would require a nation wide referendum in which the people of Ukraine would have to agree.
I wonder if a Ukranian 🇺🇦
referendum would stop the war? 🤔
@@marieelliott8368 The polls say no.
Would be one way of resoving this dispute, to let the people decide.
Would Putin give up land for peace? No I thought not. Then why should anyone else.
@@marieelliott8368Ukrainians have been screaming NO more RU for decades... they've had enough BS... they want RU to go home and stay home... it's pretty clear if you listen to UA rather than to RU.
Thanks James.
USA has endless amounts of Bradleys yet has given less than 2 percent of their out of date stock to UKR. I don't get it.
Probably because they want to sell the rest for actual money
@@glintongordon6811…. Yeah that why Biden left Billions worth of weapons and equipment in Afghanistan…. 😮
Biden and the military industrial complex/deep state clearly want the war the go on and on and on….
Also the frozen Russian assets can and should easily pay for equipment
No, as worlds most powerfull nation they vain to be scared of 'escalation' in spite of brutal violation of International conventions. Thank God, for the USA keeping order... 😢
@ …. What’s the chances that future nuclear countries will give up their nuclear weapons or non nuclear countries becoming nuclear since Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons with the promise of protection….
Also Ukraine could have several tactical size nuclear weapons built in a matter of 6 months to 1 year….
NAFO is already demilitarised....they'll be left with nothing by the time they get to China and then it'll be really easy.
Weird that I've never seen George on Joe Rog-
Oh, wait...he's qualified to talk about it? That explains it.
The experts also have bias, and they lie for advantage. Sometimes they have difficulty puting their indoctrination aside. Remember "trust the science" turns out you cannot.
Joe like Tucker probably supports Russia.
Loosing a 1000 sold a day. Probably plus or minus a few percentages. Or, 365,000 a year. It’s ghastly and just perverse that Putin is still feeding this special operations Munster.
Those figures are nothing compared with what Russia lost in a few days in World War one and World War two.
(the only difference is that back then they were defending the motherland)
James voice is so clear and convincing.
Slava Ukraini!
Slava Ukraini!
Putin is done, the game is over
Only if the pressure is kept up for another two years. I hope Trump isn't too much of a coward to do the right thing.
Let's hope so...
Just like your brain clearly, influcend by the wests military industrial complex you are incapable of independent thoughts but don’t worry buddy they’ll keep you informed.
Most of what Russia has left is unusable rust buckets. They will be able to refurbish a few of them but most of them are beyond repair
@@fdk7014 hey, you must be at least a manager of military supply stock of all Russia to be THAT certain 😉
Since when did rust become unremovable?
@@wolfcookerBack What Russian supply stock? you haven't got any left Ivan.
@johnf3885 Q: "what Russia supply stock?"
A: the one that fdk7014 described as "unusable rust buckets".
I thought it is a wishful thinking case. Otherwise it's a "professional assessment"😆
Thank God Russia is producing more brand new equipment than entire NATO and is capable of repairing all of their equipment because spare parts are the same
Fascinating interview.
A British volunteer has been captured by Russians in Kursk,poor guy
Shouldn't have been there in the first place who cares
Why "poor guy"?
He will face the consequences, that's all.
The Russian Federation is running on naught...they're done...
So that tyrant Putin has got nothing left to invade any other countries because all his best weapons have destroyed
Eh, Zelensky just admitted that he might be willing to negotiate with Putin. How is Putin done?
So what I am hearing is the analysis of a sporting event by a couple guys that have likely never missed a meal or been punched in the nose.
If he’s willing to negotiate . It could mean Ukraine are in a strong position to negotiate , not a weak one
Thank you for a balanced assessment - Excellent ! PS: The dictator continues to use his own population as cannon fodder to feed his own narcissistic expansionist dreams !
A superb interview from both participants, Thank you.
Puking get a storm shadow show down
Putin: nothing happened 😅😅
@@lovemanunited1234 Us we see the flames 😂
Mr. Barros is blessed with copious amounts of brain cells! Smart guy to be certain.
Pity you lack brain cells. Maybe he stole yours😂😂😂
I mean we have seen plenty of russians using equipment from the 1950s, civilian cars, motorcycles and chinese golf carts. They are having major problems supplying equipment.
nothing new Putin believed his own lies his military is like dads army but worse
Why waste the best equipment if it works use it a mine can take out an old tank which they have huge numbers as easily as Armata T14 currently best tank in the world. Ukraine no longer makes military equipment everything is donations instead, very unwise long term strategy.
@@robertfrancis7767the Armata is basically vaporware. No more than 14 ever produced, no proof that it’s anything more than a concept development platform that has a lot of issues. Russia can not produce them at all now due to foreign parts.
@@robertfrancis7767T14 Armata is “the best tank in the world?” Lol by what metric? They don’t have many of them and they’ve never been used in combat. They’re a joke, just like most Russian designs
Ukraine and NATO also use equipment from 50s, so?
And those motorcycles and golf carts are great to attack enemy positions undetected and transport ammo to the frontline
Do you realise that Russia is outproducing the entire NATO, right? Do you realise that according to Ukrainian generals the amount of Russian equipment in use increases every year?
Real FUN listening to you
A TOP Commentator,absolutelly.👍
He is a fool those few short range missiles are not going to do much. Mobilisation or start producing weapons again just might.
WOW, I am impressed that Jonny Depp is now doing analysis on the invasion. Who new.
The Ukrainians need air supremacy over their territory. We have thousands of F16s sitting around doing nothing useful. I'm sure there are more than a few Polish pilots and maintenance staff who would be happy to volunteer as private contractors. Get Eric Prince to revive the Flying Tigers. Should have been done years ago but never too late.
I don't think we have thousands.
Ya what the other guy said there’s not thousands hundreds more likely and there all sat in the desert the problem is pilots and maintenance for every plane and pilot you 10+people to maintain
I love the intelligence of pro Ukrainian NPCs. Who's capable of training thousands of pilots and a hundred of thousands engineers to operate them? Where will you keep them if the entire Ukraine is under Russian fire control? Haven't you got the memo that it's impossible to fly over enemy territory when your enemy has the best air defence systems in the world?
Thanks, Times Radio.
Great interview and information.
FFS! Think. He's lying 😂
Putin is thinking;He is the Russian emperor. Not really, He’s the poo!He was loosing his poutine war chest game in Ukraine 🇺🇦.
If someone gets Trump's ear like this man, Ukraine can win and throw the Russians out, no question. Trouble will be whoever is the last to get his ear, like in the first Trump administration was the case. Without accepting that good advice, he flounders, like he did in the pandemic.
And this time he is making sure there are no sane men around to say "ah, Boss, that might not be a good idea..."
trump not good at taking advice
Excellent !! Thank you very much !!
Why doesn’t putin try recruiting magas.
Excellent idea.
Oh yeah, Hasn’t Biden done a good job?!? Worst president ever!!!!
Don't worry
I'm sure that Trump will be gifting them to Putin before long
@ Game over for the US. Trump abandoning Ukraine and Eastern Europe to the orcs, means the end of US as super power and of course the end of the dollar as world exchange currency, that is funding his huge national debt, bringing the US to bankruptcy and economic collapse. Trump is suicidal for his country, but of course he defends Russian, not American, national interests.
Best idea!😅
The peso is worth more than the ruble never thought i see that one.
It’s crazy that the largest country in the world is struggling so terribly to defeat a country half the size of south africa
The usa was in Afghanistan for 20years fighting the Taliban who had no major power backing them no airforce not much heavy weapons or artillery.The usa left after 20years with the Taliban back in power and the usa left billions of dollars worth of weapons behind that's hardly a usa military succes story
@@robertfoster7807wonder why the Russians didn't learn from USA mistake never to invade an independent country
@@robertfoster7807taliban hid in the mountains. How dum are you comparing the Ukrainians to the taliban
@@robertfoster7807We never tried to seize the country. If we wanted imperialism it would have been easier than training corrupt volunteer nationals to build an army and national government for the first time. If the locals weren't so terrible at their jobs they'd have resisted the taliban when we left. Literally gifted them control but they had no experience holding it. Not an industrialized country; stone age culture.
@@robertfoster7807if fairness to the US in Afghanistan… they were punching with one hand….had the military been cut loose and allowed full freedom to carry out operations they could have levelled the country many times over…but alas they were actually trying to help the average Afghan, while at the same time trying to defeat AQ and the Taliwhackers.
Ok Bagdad Bob, I believe you
If I get in my car and drive 60km/hr for 30 mins, that's about how far the orcs have gone. I wouldn't even get from one side of my city to the other. Just for context.
Perhaps the most common misconception in the West.Read the three reasons for the SMO.This conflict has never been about territory for the Russians.
@@mlikely72, yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. We heard Putin waste Carlson's & everyone else's time including ours with his history of how Dr. Funkenstein came to Planet Earth with Starchild to save us from the evil Sir Nose D'Voidoffunk & blast his minions the Snooze back to the Otherverse using the Bop Gun 👍.
@@mlikely72 Love it when Russians retroactively invent reasons for Putin's failed war.
that is 1 and a half times the size of London
Orcs do not exist 20% of Ukraine is conquered and increasing no real plan to stop them Kursk failed miserably as nothing of strategic value in Kursk.
And Mr. Putin's Military Operation continues to get so much more Special than he could have ever dreamed.
21% interest rate! Interesting. Eek and quadruple eek!
Inflation at 10%, the Ruble as of today is 104.3 against the Dollar. For Russians wanting to take out a mortgage - the last available numbers were 28% interest rates. The Ruble has lost 22% of its value against the Chinese Yuan, the Indian Rupee and Russia is running out of liquid assets, as in cash. They are fighting a war that they can't afford and sooner rather than later, the economy is going to fail.
Economy is booming and it's causing in inflation, Ukraine has 1.1% growth liable to decrease in 2025 due to manpower problems this is all just deliberate disinformation and economic nonsense.
Great interview 👍 thank you.
Cant we just make a Putin healthbar at this point? I dunno what the words mean anymore
Putin through his foreing office, is saying things about their objectives being nearly met. He might be laying the ground work to declare victory... lets hope.
Good commentary. It looks plausible that Russia will collapse with the expenditure of resources and people. Also other commentators...potatoes...have remarked not to be discouraged by Russian territorial by Vietnamese but they won the war...similarly in Afghanistan.
Except USA couldn't stay in Vietnam, Ukraine is literally attached to Russia and they don't have the resources to push Russia out
Except USA couldn't stay in Vietnam, Ukraine is literally attached to Russia and they don't have the resources to push Russia out
@@glintongordon6811 Thankyou that. Hopefully after Jan 20 Ukraine will not only have resources, but committed boots on the ground cavalry. One further commentator has pointed out that it will be cheaper to commit now rather than wait until Russia has overtaken Ukraine, where it will be stronger with Ukraine's people and resources in its fold.
Just now Russia is feeling the strain, just as much as USA did in Vietnam. Being in close proximity doesn't lessen the problem for Russia.
They have themselves another Vietnam.
I'm grateful to USA who shoulder the burden for security of life in the free world.
Losing is just losing and Ukraine and search engines hide details about Ukrainian price of butter increases. Not quite the free world you think find Russian data easily.
Great guest, please have him on more frequently.
Putin is desperate!
Excellent interview
my daily Putin is out of something video...
Great report!
More meat for the Grinder. Russia is reeling.😅
Collective amnesia, forgetting this is a nation with lots of nukes
Moscow horde´s war record :-
1856 defeated by Britain and France
1905 defeated by Japan
1917 defeated by Germany
1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states
1939 defeated by Finland
1969 defeated by China
1989 defeated by Afghanistan
1989 defeated in the Cold War.
1996 defeated by Chechnya
2022 defeated by Ukraine
WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn
Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-
a) Hungary 1956
b) Czechoslovakia 1968
c) Moldova 1992
d) Georgia 2008
'' 2022 defeated by Ukraine''
@@sguerilla6142 Безопасность Европы и мира в целом это развал MOSCOW Horde (орды 🇷🇺 🌴) ...
Oh my God! Is Russia running out of shovels and washing machines?????? So that's why its been retreating forwards!
I’m pro Ukraine but we’ve been hearing this nonsense for 2 ys . Russia doesn’t seem to run out of anything
Dictators keep tight until they play poker..
@@Nels921same to everyone
You think they use golf carts and LADAs as combat vehicles for fun? Which videos do you watch?
George is the best!
Soros? This man is a military fool.
Opps, just reread my comment, which should have read, "I want Russia to loose badly" not win. Sorry, me bad!
its lose not loose your shoe laces become loose you lose a many get this simple word wrong
@@josephberrie9550 You are right of course. Me bad again!
You can edit your comment ,tap the three buttons on right of your name select edit and bingo!
@@APW-ry2ok Thanks, I didn't know that!
World war three started with north korea's involvement in this war and to top it off then came yemen.
Glory!!! After so much struggles l now own a new house with an influx of $155,000.00 every month God has kept to his words,my family is happy again everything is finally falling into place.God bless America..
Congratulations!! The scriptures clearly states there's going a transference of the riches of the heaven to the righteous.God keep blessings you
Hello how do you make such monthly ??
I'm a born Christian ✝️and sometimes I feel so down of myself because of low finance but I still believe in God.❤️
Big thanks to Elizabeth Marie Hawley🙌
It's a miracle and I would testify,
bucks every 4weeks! I now have a big mansion and can now afford anything and also support God's work and the church.
😲🙆I'm a little surprised seeing Elizabeth Marie Hawley named here, and I didn't know she has been helpful to so many people too, this is amazing, I'm in my fifth trade with her, and it has been super
Not only do we seem to believe that today's Russian army is the same juggernaut that the Soviet army was -- but more importantly, Putin himself also seems to believe this. One of the great myths of WW2 is that the Soviet Union utilized "human wave" attacks as their primary tactic, to grind their enemies down by sheer force of numbers -- though in reality, such tactics were only utilized out of desperation in the early part of the war, whereas already by the midwar, the Soviets were losing soldiers at a comparable rate to the Germans. But by all means, let Putin keep believing in that myth of juggernaut and human wave tactics -- it will break his economy and finally make the Russian people revolt.
8:15 If we keep Russia fighting at this tempo for the next 18 months, this system will break.
Okay, will Ukraine survive another 6 months at this tempo???
Yes they can if it's allies get serious and see that it's in their interests to do so.
Putin is fighting NATO countries over Ukraine. Ukraine has already lost long time ago. with all these debts and helps from US, EU... can forget being independent country. it was never about ukraine, but western influence over Ukraine.
@brunodadic2130 , Western influences mean richer .
And what is Russia gonna look like when it “breaks”?. What tragedies are going to come out of that country because of the POS leader ship?
@@marisabenson1222 Is it? Seems to me more like: "We wanted to keep it going for a few years.
And now a part victory of R. is preferable, because otherwise it would destabalize R. too much"
I don't get the feeling that most countries - especially not the biggest one - care if U. wins or not.
Keep the video’s continu coming
The times has been talking about Russia being on the edge of collapse for 2 years now. And in another 2 years I'll be saying the same thing and Russia still will not have collapsed
Barros rules!
I am sure if the Ukraine people herd you call the war more interesting they would concider your comment strange
heard as in hear, herd as in cattle
@@maryboyle5515 and your point is ?
And still the Russian juggernaut rolls on.
Not with their economy collapsing
And hundred of thousands of men will never go home. Some will go home a lesser person, a problem to russian society. Many will be armed violent criminals. An economy that the world will not trade with for the foreseeable.Is it really worth it?
@@cindyoverall8139so ergo it’s not collapsing is it then
Thank you!!! Just what he said!!! 👆👆👆
Oh dear he we go again. Russia running out of Missiles, Artillery Shells, They have no Winter Clothing. Blah Blah Blah.
If 40% of their missiles come from North korea, and 60% of their artillery shells - i wouldn't say they were running out, rather that they are very dependent on North Korea to sustain the war.
Real talk
The best coordination between different Russian forces and being more effective, is clearly due to the help of Starlink and Elon Musk.
The world must help Ukraine 🇺🇦 ❤
I wouldn't want to be those British POWs.
Much respect to ISW and George Barros, glad to see him back. Keep the pressure on Russia! Trump said he would lift sanctions, but Ukraine needs greater sanctions on western components used in the N. Korean missiles and smuggled in through, likely, China as supplier. Putin threatening the Western allies seems absurd, except for the "self-deterrence" his rhetoric causes- I suppose that's his low cost solution to the fact that soldiers and munitions and weapons are not in endless supply. Propaganda is still Putin's best weapon against the West.
Came for the headline, stayed for the cope 😂
Thanks Ivan, you are right, we want to see your cope.
Actually I want to see Ivan's face when he gets called up 😀
@worldfromtheair More chance of you getting called up, see how you go on a real deployment instead of Chairborne 🫵👏
@@johnhume4346 I would gladly go to the front and help Ukraine, the trouble is I doubt I would get to meet you person on the other end, rather only in my camera, as I'm a qualified FPV pilot 😀
But who runs out first?
Of course Ukraine.
Russia is on its last legs. Problem is Ukraine has got no legs left whatsover.
Then how is it they took Kursk, and still have it? Not to mention ATACMS, now? Poland is getting into it. Not to mention NATO backing.
Europe is going to need to put support troops in Ukraine to counter Korean troops and the negitive unpredictable nature of Trump . European troops should not go to the front until such time that it becomes organic. Ukraine troops are more efficient. Ukraine needs to get more of their troops in rotation to the front. European troops need to provide the secondary line to defend the front line and feed the logistic pipe line. Ukraine must be defended to protect the west, and that includes All of Europe and their alliances including Turkey and also southeast Asia. If Russian aggression pays off the world will be a much more dangerous place. Russian troops and support of dictator governments and terrorism is the putin plan for world power. This is a policy of blood letting. That's what makes Russia dangerous and why Russia needs stopped. Even the US needs to send troops in a NATO lead defense of Ukraine and Trump needs to say those cards are on the Table. Trump has the problem of now the extremist are trying to tell him how to do things and they are as bad as the people undermining his agenda during the first term and Trump can not control his own administration because his base does not think he is the president -- they think they own him.
12 hypersonic missiles equals 12 aircraft carriers
Can't help but remember that scene in Enemy at the Gates. First man gets the rifle, second man gets the spare bullets. When the man with rifle is shot the second man picks it up and fires.
This guy lost me when he started talking about “winning this war“ for the Ukrainians. No one is going to “win” this war. Just a lot of slaughtered poor young men that are going to deplete Russia and the Ukrainian population!! And who’s gonna “win”, only the companies making all this equipment. What a tragedy. It’s time for a new reset and thinking about these kind of wars.
Putin wins every day he stays alive. So that is why he continues.
Sounds just like Russia in 1914. Everyone outside expected huge success from her army, but the country’s endemic corruption left the army poorly equipped and trained and marching towards disaster in East Prussia.
Oh yes it will! Just keep saying "putin failed", "his system is breaking", "Russia is running out of everything", "Ukraine is winnings" etc. 😂 keep hoping and believing. And smile. And wave 👋
Spot on.'The Hope Strategy'.
9% inflation. 21% base rate. Do the math,vatnik
Hope and cope. 🙂
You would think Ukraine could take SOME territory back. Nope. Ukraine cannot do it. But we're told over and over Russia is losing.
I would love some of what this dude is having. My God what a load of BS
People believe such lies. 🤷🏻♂️
There are no equipment shortages in Russia.
British POW in kursk but no NK yet.
Justin Bronk says the Russians have gained the initiative. He knows the deal.
I only come here for a good laugh. It really makes me LOL at people who are so deluded but so confident in their delusion.
They are going to have breakdowns when Ukraine surrenders. It'll be like the Trump victory all over again!
Good to hear that Ivan. In this difficult time of 27%+ inflation you guys need to laugh.
@@WHS_reviewsthat's harsh, the central bank of russia is doing everything they can to stop the inflation, including raising key interest rates to TWENTY ONE percent 😂😂😂😂
@@PawelLeszczynskipav going up to 23% in December.
Stagflation is already at place.
Russian military complex builds 4 tanks per month! Ukraine destroys a average of 40 tanks per month! You do the math!
Nice lesson for poot,n , to get some of his own back, and it's long overdue 🎉🎉
F16s . Did I miss something? As far as I recall, the US has not sent any F16s directly, Denmark has sent some, but only about 4. US has provided training
George is talking as if US has sent many.
Thanks to Times radio. 🇬🇧 🇺🇦