The 64th was led by the charismatic Tateo Kato who died very early one during the pacific war, another famous pilot from the 64th Sentai was Major Yohei Hinoki the “Crippled Ace” who was one of the first IJAAF to down a P-51 and later fought in the aerial defense of the home island with an artificial leg shooting down a P-51D and B-29 in the Ki-100
The famous ace, Saburo Sakai, was crippled too. He was shot through the eye with a 7.7 round from an American dive bomber, when he made it to the base he insists on making the report before receiving any treatments, finally collapsing. That man would later win more and more fights being blinded on one eye. What a man.
“In blossom today then scattered: Life is so like a delicate flower, How can one expect the fragance to last forever?” admiral Takijiro Onichi , father of kamikaze , committed seppuku in the final day after sent the last tokkotai into the last mission
The 64th was led by the charismatic Tateo Kato who died very early one during the pacific war, another famous pilot from the 64th Sentai was Major Yohei Hinoki the “Crippled Ace” who was one of the first IJAAF to down a P-51 and later fought in the aerial defense of the home island with an artificial leg shooting down a P-51D and B-29 in the Ki-100
The famous ace, Saburo Sakai, was crippled too. He was shot through the eye with a 7.7 round from an American dive bomber, when he made it to the base he insists on making the report before receiving any treatments, finally collapsing. That man would later win more and more fights being blinded on one eye. What a man.
Engine go vrmmmmmmm
Haha enjin go vom
"Guys I'm having trouble coming up with the lyrics for our fighter wing's theme song"
**Look out the window as planes takes off**
"I have an idea"
“In blossom today then scattered: Life is so like a delicate flower, How can one expect the fragance to last forever?”
admiral Takijiro Onichi , father of kamikaze , committed seppuku in the final day after sent the last tokkotai into the last mission
help me with stats tommorow final exam part 3. and then environmental class next tuesday for 60 dollars......................
if only we had radar and proximtiy fuse.
help me with stats tommorow final exam part 3. and then evnironmental class next tesuday for 60 dollars.
help me with stats tommorow final exam part 3. and then environemntal class next tuesday for 60 dollars.