Learn Ways in Which Psychiatrists TRULY Approach Patient's Mental Health Issues.

  • Опубліковано 7 жов 2024
  • Dr. Byrne talks candidly about what questions highly effective psychiatrists ask new patients that are visiting our office for the first time. The purpose for this is to help you understand the process as well as debunk any misconceptions about effective mental health doctors.
    Please feel free to contact our office or you can even have a confidential live chat with our admin staff to answer any questions or concerns. www.Cognitive-Psychiatry.com


  • @tonigood7245
    @tonigood7245 4 роки тому +36

    People always tell me that I look crazy and threatening,.,,, However in reality I am a very kind and modest moral person...,. And a very clear thinker.,,, you would have completely missed diagnosed me from the very beginning,,,, no wonder the world is going down the toilet,,,

  • @brians1902
    @brians1902 4 роки тому +21

    I work as a lowly orderly and in my job I am with the patient during their consultation and I have to say there are very few psychiatrists that show empathy and being able to use empathy to show understanding.

    • @Medietos
      @Medietos 3 роки тому +2

      Wow Brian, thanks for that comment. I have been wondering about the role and ways
      of the lowly orderly. breaking down psychically from a psychological "testing" initiated after a visit meeting a junior Dr (with a lowly orderly) whom I got suicidal thoughts-hopelessness stress anger from. Could you reply to some of this, please?
      That 1st time, as I said I didn't want the lowly orderly present, for them to be 2 against 1, he claimed he was there to support me, and that he had to be present. But he didn't do anything tó support me, on the contrary accused me of not co-operating with the Dr, who was playing psych tricks and pretending (I gathered after many weeks of analyzing , telephoning the place and researching here) that he couldn't stand me and started to pack up and asked me to leave after 2-3 minutes, stressing me who really need(ed) help. Then diminishing my suicidal thoughts by saying"What if i have S t alone at night, sitting with a gun to my head" in a provocative, glib, gleeful sort of way which made me stress-cross, since I am sick and wasn't there to, can'¨t, take care of him. He ended up contemptuously claiming I was a person unable to relate humanely to another human being in a reciprocal dialogue, and at the end said "You are healthy" which I and everybody outside says and knows I am not. As I left early because I was too devastated-strained in my bad state of exhaustion etc, to have to defend myself and tackle psychological play or tricks, realizing they wouldn't help me or be serious, and he having asked me to leave at the beginning, - they came after me out the door asking me to come back!
      The Psuchology testing is so badly done that i am much worse, can't take care of myself, most of my time goes worrying, wondering, stressing and analyzing what they are up to and why they keep harming me and he seems suspicious, negative and cold, despite my telling i get tense, fearful, stressed and can't function and can't open up in that unsafe context. He doesn't answer Q's for me to orientate or have choices, but only commands me as if they owned me or i was an animal without human rights to know and be a part of my own case, and needs.
      I have long considered breaking the contact off, but having invested much time and work (11 weeks of telephoning to get help, get info and clarifictions and solving problems arisen with/from them, )the 3 last weeks with the psychologist, and the thought of having NO chance of help is impossible. And I am now energetically-psychically broken down unable to manage to search and go somewhere else to start anew. And I also fear and stress about all the false journal notes they have written, and not corrected despite my repeated asking them to.
      I asked for a new junior Dr visit and finally got one. Was stressed by a young, bossy female I finally screamed at to stop and leave me alone, then came an older male who seemed nice and promised to sit silently. But he broke in my Dr talk distracting me, claiming to recognise and having seen me before (which I think is untrue and was only to take my attention away) asking about my personal life view, and the dR then glibly mentioning auras, also distracting me from my Dr's visit.
      i thought the dR was nice and warm first, but then he wasn't really present or interested in giving me real examination, talk with me. give me some support, relief, assessment etc. They then said I was "strong", although I ma visibly and notably I-weak, hollow-eyed, hunch-backed from severe stress-disease, ugly, bad quality hair . prematurely aged, distractive and anxious.
      Could you please tell me if there is any sense in this, or are they making fun of sick new patients? Do they have orders not to be helpful or serious? If it is that new assessment style, IS it not better to be humane, compassionate, not joke away and distract me away from saving my life in that visit? I never have fun or joke, and tney said I had a sense humour. No-one else says that. I feel so hopeless, powerless, cheated, frustrated, crazy-made by psychiatry, additionally stressed and ashamed at my own weakness to let myself be so easily distracted away from my life-saving errand there and, as it seems, being unable to communicate my very urgent need of psychological trauma therapy treatment.
      Now I have even forgotten what I wanted to ask you. Do they make things unnecessarily hard in order to scare away ppl who don't really need help? He wrote an wild , false idea, that my suicidal thoughts might be of an instrumental kind, i e false, (since I only apply for trauma therapy, having sought help for 40 years and having enough knowledge and tests + assessments from many places before). This scares , paralyses, inhibits and stresses me so much, since others might believe it and withhold me help! And the psychologist has read it and behaves what I can't but take as disliking, rigid, hostile, sceptical, cold/heartless, (despite being a good trauma therapist to a young acquaintance of mine) distant, ignoring that i can't function in this, only repeating it has to be done like that. i lose all belief in him and can't imagine having him as a trauma therapist anymore (I made a blind application off what the acquaintance told me about him).
      He doesn't seem very psychological towards me, unless it is all done on purpose to deliberately trick, stress and scare me off. To be unempathic for me to leave? Or is it some kind of test if i am there authentically? I have no idea what to do, since they don't ask me about me but draw quick, wrong conclusions. A nurse asked on the phone why I continued if I felt so bad from it. That seems bizarre and it is like a never. ending , wake surreal nightmare. If I stay, I get more hurt and abusive by mistake, if i leave , I definitely won't get help.
      I have Asperger syndrome, High sensitivity, probably Borderline functioning from decades, life-long crisis and 22 years of severe insomnia after trauma in psychiatry. I have told them this for the to be careful with me.
      How do you explain their "treatment",please, and what would you advise me or assess or what ever? I'd be so grateful for your help. Be well yourself.

  • @WayneStakem
    @WayneStakem 7 років тому +35

    I would have to describe the state of psychiatry here in Ireland as being predatory. I'm sure there are some who require medication and treatment, but they abuse vulnerable people who have no voice (or are striped of one) and are incapable of defending themselves. You say at the beginning of your videos that they cannot read people's minds... I'd say that the psychiatrists in the public sector in my country (a dark cold corrupt little shit hole of an island) think they can... they have their minds made up before an evaluation ever takes place and don't care to listen and take into consideration the patients issues or concerns, address their complaints, address and correct their own errors or the degrading "treatment" (anti-therapeutic) which they put them through. If you confront them about any of these issues you're sedated and forced into being submissive and compliant, like a dog to their master. Whatever gets the results they're searching for. Whatever simulates their idea of "success". It's disgusting. I'd quite frankly rather put a bullet through my head than talk to a psychiatrist.

    • @rarecockneyguvnor4945
      @rarecockneyguvnor4945 7 років тому +15

      I totally agree with you psychiatrists are evil they bully you into submission I found psychiatrists very psychopathic no empathy what so ever they bully vulnerable people

    • @enriquediaz6306
      @enriquediaz6306 7 років тому +7

      Wayne Stakem Wayne, did you hear of the scandal with psychiatrists in England in 2011 where they prescribed antipsychotics to the vulnerable?

    • @WayneStakem
      @WayneStakem 7 років тому +5

      I've never heard of it about any scandals in England involving vulnerable people being prescribed anti psychotics, Enrique Diaz. But I'm not surprised to hear of such a scandal.
      I was involuntarily admitted to an adult psychiatric unit here in Ireland at the age of 16. And here in Ireland, they actually often put children (much younger than 16) into adult units. It's a sick country. I was transferred to a private hospital because of how terrible the treatment was. In the private hospital, they ended up releasing me early. However, the psychiatrists in the public health system decided to keep me on medication. Those guys in the public health system never even told me about my diagnosis and were leading me to believe I was mentally ill or something. I remember my mother dragging me into his office and making him read my diagnosis out to me. Asperger's syndrome. He was hesitant to tell me. They kept me on anti-psychotic medications regardless. I was medicated for about nine months in total. Up until around October 2008.
      I had complained about numerous side effects of the medication, including the weight gain, constantly seeing streams of large clusters of eye floaters, stiffness, terrible unbearable muscle cramps which would wake me multiple times per night, brown patches on my skin, and a severe facial tick. They ignored my weight issues knowing that I had previously starved myself and exercised hard to loose weight. I was heavy as a young child and in my early teens I had lost that weight and worked hard to keep my weight down. When I tried dieting while on medicated I was threatened with force-feeding. I was given a very graphic description of how they would perform the force-feeding. When I was taken off the medication, they didn't want me losing weight. Nobody had offered help until I began starving myself. I was traumatized not only by the treatment but by the damage they did to my body. And for the eye floaters I was told that they were "harmless".
      I believe Eli Lilly were actually fined to the sum of 1b USD in early 2009 for illegally marketing Olanzapine for off-label use in areas where it's not effective, including autism, dementia, and Alzheimer's disease. Predatory is what those people are.

    • @WayneStakem
      @WayneStakem 7 років тому +4

      I'm plagued with thoughts of suicide and when I do finally kill myself it is those people who are responsible.

    • @enriquediaz6306
      @enriquediaz6306 7 років тому

      Wayne Stakem Wayne, can you talk to a caseworker at a social security office about your situation? You

  • @missgreenieweenies
    @missgreenieweenies 7 років тому +18

    While trying to explain myself my psychiatrist got impatient with me because talking about my history etc. makes me very emotional. She was a bit cold with me. I trust her plan for me but it was a bit traumatic. Your explanation helps me understand why she was firm with me. I appreciate you explaining her point of view.

  • @mikesmith8313
    @mikesmith8313 Рік тому +2

    I saw a Psychiatrist for a second opinion,(turned out i was normal) but she was rooting for a problem, as though you have to have a problem to see them otherwise you're just wasting their time and they start complaining and wondering why you're just chatting away, just because you've paid them, doesn't mean they have to sort out your problem, as they may not be any.

  • @brians1902
    @brians1902 4 роки тому +44

    Attitudes of most psychiatrists is not good.

    • @eshay8546
      @eshay8546 3 роки тому +2

      Yeah it's like they're pretending,

  • @walleyehunter1541
    @walleyehunter1541 4 роки тому +17

    Psychiatrist see $$$$$$$$... I mean patients

  • @DaRyteJuan
    @DaRyteJuan 3 роки тому +3

    Most people would be cured by becoming financially independent, never needing a job to get by or having a boss telling them how to chug down the hours of the day so there’s no time left over for themselves.

  • @sarahstrong7174
    @sarahstrong7174 4 роки тому +10

    What I would find helpful from mental health professionals is if they were a lot more informative & empowering. I was very severely abused as a child (amongst other things I was repeatedly beaten unconscious) but I did not understand much of how that affected me, especially how those who have been abused then have damaging programmes running subconsciously (& how to spot them,) & the effects of trauma on the brain. That and just stuff like hypervigilance & anxiety levels & negative thinking.
    I am nearly 60 & here I am still having work all of this out on my own. Plus trying to work out what to do about all these difficulties.
    I could have been in a much better life situation if all these effects had been explained to me when I was younger. Especially if I had been able to attend a series of courses- What to do about anxiety. What to do about depression. What to do about low self esteem. What to do about negative thinking. What to do about communication difficulties. Etc.
    Instead I was left uninformed, often feeling judged & labelled & disempowered. Often assumptions were made about me & not checked out with me at all. Other people were deciding what was wrong with me, without asking what had happened in my life at all. Unhelpful assumptions were made instead of someone sitting down & asking me what happened.
    People going to mental health professionals should be informed & empowered, given information that they need to understand what has/is happened/ing, not left in the dark. We should be given the information & practical skills we need to help ourselves.
    At the point I left home after an extremely terrifying childhood, including a lot of life threatening violence, with two parents with NPD I wasn't just having panic attacks, panic attack was my normal state of being, my heart raced & thudded, I felt like I was suffocating, there was a constant slow trickle of cold, sour smelling sweat down my back, no matter what the temperature. I didn't need to be labelled, hospitalised or given drugs. I needed somewhere safe & healthy to live, some kindness & understanding & tuiton in the skills I needed to bring myself into better balance. Instead I had to cope alone, in poverty, live wherever I could, even with threatening landowners, in rodent infested properties, & put up with severe bullying & being a victim of various crimes including assaults.
    Obviously there are lots of people with different difficulties who approach mental health professionals looking for help but I think that for those who basically are severely traumatised from mistreatment maybe the whole thing has been over-medicalised.
    If when I was younger I had been empowered to remedy the state I was in by appropriate teaching, then I am sure that I would be in significantly better health right now & the trauma would not have affected my physical health so badly.
    I wonder what others think about this? Would you support an informative, empowering style, teaching based, intervention for people who have suffered cruelty?

    • @Power_Verse_
      @Power_Verse_ 4 роки тому +4

      You said it all. This field studies people but forgets to ask and acknowledge those very people

    • @walleyehunter1541
      @walleyehunter1541 4 роки тому +5

      Psychiatry knows nothing about the affects of trauma. The only thing they do is prescribe drugs and that all they care about.

    • @goertzpsychiatry9340
      @goertzpsychiatry9340 4 роки тому +1


    • @veryskeptical2409
      @veryskeptical2409 3 роки тому +1

      Sarah there is a documentary out which is liberating......this is a link to the trailer...you will get the idea..keep the faith in yourself. Medicating Normal Trailer

    • @Medietos
      @Medietos 3 роки тому +1

      They haven't known much about trauma before. But I agree, they still make one unnecessarily worse, for whatever reason(s). Please check out Irene Lyón's trauma videos on YT, and the wonderful Diane Langberg! Trauma therapists Dami Charf and Franz Ruppert if you understand German. Trauma is in nerves and body and Amygdala, it doesn't help to reason and inform, even if that is important for orientation and motivation. The therapsit has to have got trauma therapy themselves, with being received, held in an intimate therapeutic relationship.
      I am devastated by ongoing harmfully carried out testing, wondering if I should leave for the hell of continued isolation and worsening.

  • @walleyehunter1541
    @walleyehunter1541 4 роки тому +8

    I don't think anyone reasonably minded person have ever really thought that Dr. could read their mind. Maybe a young child would think.

    • @thomasn3882
      @thomasn3882 4 роки тому +2

      Yes, this is a straw-man thing for her to say.

    • @walleyehunter1541
      @walleyehunter1541 3 роки тому

      @Invicta Nothing but government licensed drug dealers.

  • @patpatu
    @patpatu 4 роки тому +6

    This is at least a competent approach, even though the concept of medication is flawed (except in the most acute stage where alternative care is not available, and then minimally and for as short as possible).
    Sadly here in England it was a brief 45m conversation with a psychiatrist resulting in "ok let's try some medication". And this was for a minor. Left appalled. Happy to say, after much self-help and some competent private therapy, a big improvement.

  • @cicada3312
    @cicada3312 4 роки тому +5

    Will I be back to this video in 2024 ? Mhhh let's wait and see

  • @bordercollie1140
    @bordercollie1140 6 років тому +30

    And after all of these tests, the psychiatrist will take out a pen and pad and prescribe you an ssri anti depressant even though there is zero evidence of a serotonin imbalance. Sad, but it's the absolute truth.

    • @dujepal1429
      @dujepal1429 5 років тому +1


    • @JohnRambo1947-July-6th
      @JohnRambo1947-July-6th 4 роки тому +3

      I am bedridden from these drugs over a year now in unbearable pain. They are killing people and destroying lives. And we are not recorded, only swept under the rug. No wonder the suicide rate is so high. I can't believe the pharma companies and these monsters.

    • @manictiger
      @manictiger 4 роки тому +6

      And even if there was, you can't lie to the brain with fake chemicals. Serotonin is the leadership and respect chemical. Real friends are the best cure and since that's so hard to get in this crappy society we've created, no one wants to admit it, so they resort to drugs, both sanctioned and unsanctioned. And then the brain compensates and you become dependent and STILL low on serotonin. Psychiatry is a farce. It is a pseudo-science. The world is unbalanced. You are very likely fine. 3.5 billion years of cellular evolution lead to your existence.

    • @bordercollie1140
      @bordercollie1140 4 роки тому +3

      @@manictiger, Very well written and very true.

    • @debbietaylor20
      @debbietaylor20 3 роки тому

      @@JohnRambo1947-July-6th how are you now ? I'm.tapering off of Zoloft and it's horrible. I'm on liquid Zoloft and i still get withdrawal. I've oy been on it six months at 50 mg , I had Prozac before and it.wasnt like this.

  • @bakunin888
    @bakunin888 4 роки тому +5

    People think that psychiatry is the same as medicine, but compared to physiology, so much less is known about the incredibly complex function of the brain that we are only at a level of understanding as medical doctors in medieval times, who knew how to cure some problems but the treatment often had drastic side effects, or was just nonsense like trepanning. When they weren't sure how to help they would give you some random herbs and hope it worked. I would be pretty scared if I had to go to a medieval doctor.

    • @JohnRambo1947-July-6th
      @JohnRambo1947-July-6th 4 роки тому +2

      Yes, my friend, their drugs destroyed my life. Incrediibly dangerous drugs that can possibly cause permanent damage. Akathisia, movement problems, memory problems, etcetera.

  • @solarwardenvxghost9979
    @solarwardenvxghost9979 4 роки тому +1

    My old psychiatrist has a radio setup in his waiting room - what a terrible idea when you see patients who have illnesses that involve that. I will never go back there again due to my past experiences with him.

  • @JohnRambo1947-July-6th
    @JohnRambo1947-July-6th 4 роки тому +18

    Not my experience at all. psychiatrists destroyed my life. I don't think they really understand how dangerous these drugs are.

    • @JohnRambo1947-July-6th
      @JohnRambo1947-July-6th 4 роки тому +4

      @Galderik Romans 3:13 this is psychiatry, fda, and big pharma as a whole
      13 “Their throats are open graves; their tongues practice deceit.”“The poison of vipers is on their lips.”

    • @cantwaittodietoday9924
      @cantwaittodietoday9924 4 роки тому +2

      they destroyed mine too, treating me like a psychiatry experiment since I was a baby and stunted my personality as a child and wasted my late teens and whole 20s away.

    • @JohnRambo1947-July-6th
      @JohnRambo1947-July-6th 4 роки тому +2

      @@cantwaittodietoday9924 I am sorry...... If you are damaged like me, we both know there is nothing that can be done. I am sorry.....

    • @cantwaittodietoday9924
      @cantwaittodietoday9924 4 роки тому +1

      John Rambo pray for God to take me to heaven like he did with Moses

    • @JohnRambo1947-July-6th
      @JohnRambo1947-July-6th 4 роки тому

      @@cantwaittodietoday9924 I prayed.

  • @DokBua0424
    @DokBua0424 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you for this video. My first initial appointment with psychiatrist was horrid. She was very aggressive and dismissive. Prior to her was someone else filling in for her I believe. So me going in i thought it be the same individual, calm tone voice direct questions. But no. And she had my chart so I was not prepared for a supposedly first visit. I was sitting there thinking ok she will go over my info. She did not bother to ask about other meds i may be on. Other health issues i may have . And turns around asks me why i ws not able to sleep like why. Because I get nightmares from seeing death. And im afraid to go to bed to not have those thoughts haunt me in my dreams like somniphobia and she says she dont know what that is . And shakes her head😐. Like im my own advocate i told her the things i ws going thru n things that bother me or i trip out about noises or seeing things. She looks at me like im 😕 confused

  • @jogencare7266
    @jogencare7266 4 роки тому +3

    Great video. Very open and honest review of how patients are assessed.

  • @veryskeptical2409
    @veryskeptical2409 3 роки тому +19

    Psychiatry is the practice of using someones suffering against them for profit.

    • @DaRyteJuan
      @DaRyteJuan 3 роки тому

      Isn’t that pretty much ALL”medicine?” My grandma was diagnosed with colon cancer. They treated her with chemo and all that. Then she went into the hospital for a one week stay so they could perform “exploratory surgery.” So they performed the “exploratory surgery” and proclaimed their “GREAT SUCCESS at CURING her CANCER!” She was supposed to go home on a Friday but they sent her home a day early where she suffered a blot clot from the exploratory surgery and died almost instantly.
      The doctors still got paid for this debacle and probably patted themselves on the back for curing my grandma’s cancer. Yep. That’s one way of doing it all right. They made sure the cancer never came back.

    • @susiearviso3032
      @susiearviso3032 2 роки тому

      Psychiatrists will never admit they have ever cured a patient. There is no psychiatrist that ever cured a patient. They can't cure it. They make their money by keeping their mouths shut.

    • @MAKEUPandhairByterri
      @MAKEUPandhairByterri 5 місяців тому


  • @shannonm75
    @shannonm75 6 років тому +6

    I need a new psychiatrist. Mine is stressing me out and he talks too much and is disruptive and wont always let me express my opinion. I think he is making my mental health worse. But the others cost more. Help me,please!

    • @HMDBL
      @HMDBL 6 років тому +2

      Hey. How are you? Found anyone new?

    • @Molecular_Psychiatry
      @Molecular_Psychiatry 4 роки тому

      You can get in touch with our facility . Can get a free online session . Email on drhotiana@gmail.com

    • @dickgrande3895
      @dickgrande3895 4 роки тому +1

      @@Molecular_Psychiatry want some fast money, you psycho?

    • @dickgrande3895
      @dickgrande3895 4 роки тому +1

      Don't trust them. They can use force against you.

  • @johnoliver8344
    @johnoliver8344 5 років тому +4

    im very depressed cause no one has showed me kindness, or have been receptive of me!!!! I didnt think i would be treated in this manner.

    • @cantwaittodietoday9924
      @cantwaittodietoday9924 4 роки тому +2

      yeah no one would think they be treated in this manner especially by psychiatrist and their (un) professional colleagues. its sad but true that its better to stay away from them, at least we can have a life and no one to make things worst for us.

    • @manictiger
      @manictiger 4 роки тому +1

      Pills will not fix it. You need friends and possibly some bans.
      Personally, I placed a ban on:
      Complaining, belittling, mental self-abuse (really easy to do when you're in a high-end profession like me) and dwelling on the past (this is one of the longest-standing bans I've had).

    • @cantwaittodietoday9924
      @cantwaittodietoday9924 4 роки тому +3

      manictiger yeah very true, if pills do work people wouldnt need to be on them for decades honestly

    • @Medietos
      @Medietos 3 роки тому

      @@manictiger Friends lack knowledge and patience with the really difficult sickness, trauma material and symptoms. Can't load them, , but that is not what you mean. But one needs to get well. You might have meant friends are more for having a nice time, comfort, distraction, learning? Well, in some states and situations, one doesn't have the energy or skills to be with other, non-professional people. I met a young neighbour, but am sure I'll wear her out and scare her off with my horror care story and -state. People don't realize what it is they invite, hahaha. She offered to help me clear up an d clean too, but doesn't have a clue how bad it is and will may probably be put off.
      Why do we self-abuse, do you think- or know?

    • @KeiaJohn4-15
      @KeiaJohn4-15 3 роки тому

      John call on the name Jesus, the. The Devil will leave you. Your beautifully and wonderfully made ❤️

    @AMYBIERHAUS 7 років тому +4

    First appt with new Psychiatrist after a move to another State.
    Long story short, I hated him and his approach. My reason for even seeing him was for medication refills, since I have felt great for 8 months now since, after an over 2-week bout of the deepest depression 9 months ago, my doc switched one of my meds to Effexor, and as I said, I have never felt better since I began this journey some 8 or 9 years ago! PS I am BiPolar 2 (some hypomania, though mainly depression from this) Plus I have an anxiety disorder to boot.
    Anyhow, this NEW doc would ask me a question, and as I was trying to answer, he would interrupt me and say "Let's try to stay on track here." What! I thought I was! ( He said this several times to me; aarrgghhh!
    When I mentioned my worst depressive episode to date from 9 months ago, he asked me, "Were you sleeping more at that time, or less?" How the hell would I even remember that little detail, along with, were you eating more at that timr, or less?" It was about at this time I physically had to restrain myself from leaping across the room and punching him in the throat! (That idea actually never occurred to me, though I thought it might spice up my narrative a bit. HAH!)
    He did refill my current prescription (yay) and I am supposed to go back in 6 weeks, so I'm thinking that should give me plenty of time to do some more research and find someone else. I think if I have to see HIM again, I really WILL kill myself!
    PS If there is anyone in Knoxville, TN reading this, and you have a psych doc you consider to be fabulous, could you please, please, please comment and provide me his/her name??
    *Thank you so very much!*

    • @harshad.vaidya2471
      @harshad.vaidya2471 6 років тому

      Amy Harvey how's u now..!?

    • @JohnRambo1947-July-6th
      @JohnRambo1947-July-6th 4 роки тому +1

      Effexor destroyed my life! Almost impossible to get off of when it has you in its clutches. I am bedridden over a year in unbearable pain everyday!

    • @JohnRambo1947-July-6th
      @JohnRambo1947-July-6th 4 роки тому +1

      @@harshad.vaidya2471 she must know by now the danger effexor is. It should not be legal!!!!

  • @TheFloridaBikeVlogger
    @TheFloridaBikeVlogger 5 місяців тому +1

    really hate my doctor for referring me to psychiatrist, like I really do not want to go thru all this

  • @michaelcaldwell8932
    @michaelcaldwell8932 Рік тому

    !I like it!"

  • @rockit5288
    @rockit5288 4 роки тому +2

    Can I ask you why pdocs are still prescribing long term benzos, even tho they have been known to cause more more nervous system overdrive, akathisia, ruined lives and families etc since the 70s?

  • @zhongfokzhongfok2523
    @zhongfokzhongfok2523 2 роки тому

    Every good in window to know patient dr

  • @capresti3537
    @capresti3537 2 роки тому +2

    How any minds have you read in your career?. Chemical imbalance?

  • @jamesjuke7505
    @jamesjuke7505 Рік тому

    Mine gets paid way too much for doing very little...
    Never quite worked that one out.

  • @HMDBL
    @HMDBL 6 років тому +11

    Often depression is just a misdiagnosis. Chances are there are hidden problems such as allergies, sleep problems or nutritional deficiency. So antidepressants really should be last resort and should never be used for a long period of time (research shows that it ends up making depression chronic). I hate how doctors tend to seem to remain focused only on their specialized domain.

    • @chrissiemc
      @chrissiemc 5 років тому +8

      HMDBL allergies? Really? 🤣

  • @amyknoll6814
    @amyknoll6814 5 років тому +2

    Doctors and therapists work together but will deny that they share your information. Therapists do the snooping and they are not doctors. Doctors get aggravated when you express anxiety or "distress" and bounce you to therapists. Therapists refuse to help you report symptoms to the doctors and make you do it yourself. The medication nurse will take your symptoms to the doctor and the doctor will deny your symptoms as serious. if there is no other doctor you can see in such a clinic, you can go to a crisis and complain of symptoms, but the doctor will tell everybody to agree with him or her, and you can make an emergency appointment to change medications, but the doctor can still deny any and all of the symptoms you have reported to him/ her and everyone will side with the clinic and the doctor. Bottom line is, whoever is in power at such clinics will force you against your will to do more therapy and to never ever change your medications or lack of meds, no matter what you say, you are wrong and they are right. They may act like they are helping you, but if there is no way to get what you want from them, you will have to leave that fucked up situation where you are being treated like an oppositional defiant child instead of an intelligent human being with a brain illness. My advice is don't go to any clinic or doctor that cons you into more and more therapy. Don't talk to them about your personal problems they are not your friends. Save your money and shop around for better. Because once the therapist snoops and the doctor sees money in it; you will be targeted as a golden goose and they will truly harm you emotionally and mentally. They get government grants and big business loans to offload you as cured and normal even take away your medications and threaten you. And yes, it's legal, and you will never see the people pushing them to get rid of you so that they can meet their statistics requirements; whether you are sick or not; irresponsible clinics like this are thriving in the US and they are working on Mental Illness as Myth, the theory that mental illness can be controlled and cured with CBT and coping strategies; next stop they believe that it's all in your mind. Well, your mind is in your brain, and your brain can get sick just like your tonsils. Should we take out your tonsils, or give antibiotics. Nah, the new stuff is to take you to therapy and teach you to Be Well as an act of your will; we don't care about your pain, we just want you to leave us alone.....

    • @Medietos
      @Medietos 3 роки тому

      Did you even try to comply to their offered therapy practice ? Who are you to claim to "know" that the unlucky thinking IS in the brain?And that the brain is sick? It can be ,of course,but mostly the problem is how we use our thinking and feeling in ways that are counterproductive and make us sick.You should be grateful to be offered psycho-therapy, I have sought that for 40 years! And be happy to have them take you off drugs! Most patients are persuaded- manipulated into taking drugs life-long it seems, which is not good.

    • @Medietos
      @Medietos 3 роки тому

      sorry I got provoked , and got you a bit wrong partly.Not easy to read, maybe re-organize your text a bit?

  • @artkidolee2162
    @artkidolee2162 3 роки тому

    Have sit in quite a few psychiatrist and patient sessions, have noticed that no matter how hard patients try to tell psychiatrist how bad the medicines affect them, psychiatrists just simply repeatedly telling them that they sld stay on the medication

    • @Medietos
      @Medietos 3 роки тому

      Artkido Lee: are you a minor helper in the Dr assessment with the patient? Do you know why they even let one have an appointment if they don't really want to examine and help? Do they get much pay by the initial assessment session?
      Are they bored and want to psychologically trick patients in order to have fun an d entertainment or to feel power in some way?
      Is there a way you know to be taken seriously and evoke a wish to really provide help?
      I was told I'd get psychotherapy if I took a drug. I did., but was not helped to functioning therapy.

    • @Medietos
      @Medietos 3 роки тому

      Don't they want the effort of actually working?

  • @beanbeans9579
    @beanbeans9579 3 роки тому +3

    I'm scared for my upcoming appointment indont want to lie but I also have an issue with lieing about how im feeling plus my mom will be there and there are some things I haven't told her that I will have to talk about with the doctor and so much anxiety i am very antisocial.Im so scared I feel regret telling my mom and getting help.I also hate having others worry and I have a really hard time talking about feelings and emotions and stuff.I dont know ho I'm gonna get threw this.UGH I HAVE SO MUCH ANXIETY 😭

    • @charlenelombard3697
      @charlenelombard3697 3 роки тому

      How did it go. Mine is tomorrow. I had covid and it realy triggered my anxiety and depression? Hope u r dping better.

    • @beanbeans9579
      @beanbeans9579 3 роки тому

      @@charlenelombard3697 It went well better than I thought it wasnt that bad I was put on some antidepressants that also help with anxiety I actally had my check up appointment yesterday went pretty good.I actallymight be getting into therapy aswell.I hope you feel better and that your appointment goes well.Have a lovely day/night.

    • @Medietos
      @Medietos 3 роки тому

      @@beanbeans9579 Great! how are you antisocial; You sound to care how some others feel and sound to not want to be bad. What if you have strong biochemical imbalance of nutrition, hat gives you many bad symptoms? Most people have toxic heavy metals.

    • @veryskeptical2409
      @veryskeptical2409 3 роки тому

      There is a wonderful and informative website called Mad In America. They cover all topics around anxiety, depression all of it. There is also a movie called Medicating Normal which is on youtube. Lots of clips from that movie are available. Dig into it and don't be told " what pill you need to take"

    • @beanbeans9579
      @beanbeans9579 3 роки тому

      @@veryskeptical2409 Thank you for letting me know

  • @TheFloridaBikeVlogger
    @TheFloridaBikeVlogger 5 місяців тому +1

    takes time...meaning they're milking all the money they can

  • @MrXrisd01
    @MrXrisd01 4 роки тому

    Bam! Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you

  • @kellybartok50
    @kellybartok50 4 роки тому +2

    Remember you are seeing a professional for you not for someone else remember also you cannot change people or the way of the world but you can always change you're self there's nothing wrong in changing you more concepts way of thinking opinions and you're belief system all the best in youre personal journey :)

    • @kellybartok50
      @kellybartok50 4 роки тому +1

      I would like to add that when I speak of my self I have to be true and not lie to myself but that must be a personal commitment to my self and my self only if I have to lie to someone about my self I must make sure that I know my personal truth and try to avoid lying and disclosing information that I wish not to and say " don't ask that question because I don't want to have to lie " that is the truth with out disclosing personal information .

  • @zhongfokzhongfok2523
    @zhongfokzhongfok2523 2 роки тому

    What question to patient? Dr

  • @kristinewook9384
    @kristinewook9384 3 роки тому

    If there are people who presents symptoms of narcissim, do you talk to their relatives/friends too to see how their relationship with their family or friends?

  • @enriquediaz6306
    @enriquediaz6306 7 років тому +27

    Psychiatrists don't care about people's problems, they only care about the symptoms.

    • @mbohkarep474
      @mbohkarep474 6 років тому +2

      theyre just like doctors but they help with mental illness

    • @thatdude4257
      @thatdude4257 5 років тому +14

      @Tromsat they are doctors. They go to four years of med school four years of residency and 2 years of fellowship. On top of four years of college thats 14 years of education.

    • @thatdude4257
      @thatdude4257 5 років тому +6

      @Tromsat not all doctors treat physical illness mental illness is a biger problem in our society. Mass shootings and such are all attributed to mental illness. Without psychiatrists trying to help people through their problems the world would be much worse off. So dont be so judgmental of these DOCTORS dedicating 14 years followed by the rest of thier lives caring for others

    • @thatdude4257
      @thatdude4257 5 років тому +5

      @Tromsat are you kidding or trolling? You clearly have little grasp of the medical sciences. They treat symptoms like schizophrenia and bi polars. This is literally a chemical defect in the brain. All neurons. They dont just sit in a chair and ask you jow youre feeling. Neurology is the leading cutting edge field in all of science. They are doctors whom understand all of the human body in depth. Do you understand how med school works if not say so i can explain

    • @thatdude4257
      @thatdude4257 5 років тому +5

      @Tromsat i dont have one im becoming one actually. So the young man hears voices in his head and has of many delusions and trouble sitting in the normal societee that is just unknown? Or non existant? You sound like some forties ad trying to get people with mental illness euthanized.
      As the causes of these illnesses are hard to find the medication provided works for most individuals. Many report the voice is disappearing and their grasp on reality becomes more like most human beings.
      I personally don't understand where your hatred in this respect for psychiatrists come from But you can't ignore simple fact. Maybe you needed mental help or still do and went to someone who couldnt provide it. Maybe you're just a cynic who has built up anger towards things they dont understand. But you are wrong on all accounts.
      Psychiatrists are doctors even if you don't want them to be.

  • @zarinadelvalle6351
    @zarinadelvalle6351 4 роки тому +1

    i find this video informative, now i believe that you may help me with my problem by simply answering my questions; i have these questions that's really bothering me-- "What does normal daydreaming look like, and how does it's different from what a maladaptive daydreaming look like? Is it normal to sometimes cry or laugh while daydreaming?
    i hope you can help me.

  • @jamesglover9668
    @jamesglover9668 2 роки тому

    Hi. I have been feeling symptoms for a couple of years Brain feel like it foggy all the time. I've been to many doctors and 3 ER visits as of late. No one can find anything wrong with me, but they all say anxiety which i think it's more than that. I get twitching right eyes and shortness of breath. I have passed out twice which prompted 3 visit. I have heart palpations. Now all of this happens for about 2 months but then it and is still ongoing
    Now im worried again cause last night as i was trying to go asleep it felt like my brain shut off, kinda like i wasn't there for a second. For like 3 days now i have been feeling like a pass out feeling but havent passed out and now last night that wierd brain thing happened. I have got these feelings of passing out during the years ive been feeling symptoms and they last for about a week then i will bounce back but never had what happened last night. What could this be?? I have had my blood taken also ct scans of my brain, chest and heart scan and everything they say is normal. I dont feel normal at all now for 2 years. Ive taken so many test and seen like 4 different regular doctors but never they refered me to a neuro and psy. Now i have no insurance to go to doc and check cause the price went up. Any thought on what could be wrong with me would be doing help. I just want my young life back as im only 38 years old and was very athletic before all of this.

  • @subinashrestha4780
    @subinashrestha4780 8 років тому +6

    i don't know if I should visit doc. or not... I don't selfharm(not to the extreme atleast), i don't feel sad all the time.. I'm just moody, and anxious, and very emotionally sensitive !! is it okay if I visit psychiatrist just to get myself checked?

    • @DoseofDissonance
      @DoseofDissonance 7 років тому +2

      Sure, it's certainly okay!

    • @IvanDoesGameing
      @IvanDoesGameing 7 років тому +2


    • @mrsagar5676
      @mrsagar5676 6 років тому

      Yes as it may worse if u ignore

    • @JohnRambo1947-July-6th
      @JohnRambo1947-July-6th 4 роки тому +4

      They scrwed up my brain so bad I have been bedridden over a year. I would not take any of their toxins.

    • @brians1902
      @brians1902 4 роки тому +3

      I would look into a teurapist more so. They help with changing your thinking and how to interrupt the world in a non-damaging way. Psychiatrist will want to give medicine which is fine but try talking first. You would be surprised how powerful our thoughts affect our behaviours and feelings and vice versa.

  • @LiveToRapRapToLive93
    @LiveToRapRapToLive93 3 роки тому

    I think I found my new favorite Dr. ;)

  • @debbietaylor20
    @debbietaylor20 3 роки тому

    I'm having troubles with Tapering off of Zoloft and doing it slow but I still get withdrawal. My GP said I can switch to Prozac but won't let me cross taper just switch but I'm.scared of withdrawal from.the Zoloft while waiting for Prozac to kick in can you advise .

    • @Medietos
      @Medietos 3 роки тому

      Debbie Taylor: I couldn't get off psych drugs until 2 years intense attending to DAA meetings in a good 12-step group, as I finally gave up trying and thinking I had to do it.The AA program. The Big Book. God basic self-care, like early, regular times for healthy food, movement outdoors and sleep. Prayer and diary. having some good social supportive contacts or place to go, something meaningful to do.(even if small).
      - Oh, sorry, you want to switch, not get off it.

  • @claire-mariemason711
    @claire-mariemason711 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you doctor

    • @dickgrande3895
      @dickgrande3895 4 роки тому +1

      They are not medics

    • @claire-mariemason711
      @claire-mariemason711 4 роки тому

      @@dickgrande3895 shes doctor jenny burns ?? Sorry i am confussed by your comment

    • @dickgrande3895
      @dickgrande3895 4 роки тому +1

      They study Medicine, but Psychiatry is a police discipline (allows for the use of force). I thought I could trust them for 25 years. I was naive.

    • @dickgrande3895
      @dickgrande3895 4 роки тому +1

      They do a Hippocratic Oath: Not harm a patient first and foremost. They act preemptively, and if they're wrong, no one makes them pay. No wonder they're always extracting info from your family behind your back.

    • @claire-mariemason711
      @claire-mariemason711 4 роки тому +1

      @@dickgrande3895 thats very scary has i have a whole mentel health team for my Dissociative identity disorder

  • @walleyehunter1541
    @walleyehunter1541 4 роки тому +5

    Diagnonsense statistical manual.

    • @walleyehunter1541
      @walleyehunter1541 4 роки тому +2

      Psychiatrist are not real doctors! Pseudo science and qwakckery !

    • @Medietos
      @Medietos 3 роки тому


  • @singechamberlain2967
    @singechamberlain2967 6 років тому +3

    My problem is I'm the only sain one, and everyone else is crazy! It's soooo anoying.

  • @dujepal1429
    @dujepal1429 5 років тому +9

    That fake smile!!

  • @rarecockneyguvnor4945
    @rarecockneyguvnor4945 6 років тому +8

    Psychiatrist's can be wicked people

  • @kyol82
    @kyol82 4 роки тому

    Absolutely helpful information thx;-)
    Can I please ask when someone suffers from hearing and seeing things but whenever you asking him/her what you hearing or seeing and response come up with I do hear and see things but they don’t bother me because of course they are not excited so I’m ignoring them and moving forward. That’s mean something positive and looking forward or negatively? Thank you so much again;-)))

  • @mikeytobago
    @mikeytobago 3 роки тому +1

    psychiatry: make a lot of money asking questions

  • @davidzaiser9929
    @davidzaiser9929 4 роки тому +5

    Trained killers.

  • @davidzaiser9929
    @davidzaiser9929 4 роки тому +5

    Trained forgers of lies.

  • @shamakuma1967
    @shamakuma1967 6 років тому +6

    They are not bothered about relating the symptoms. Just waiting for an xcuse to add an Xtra dose of a drug.

    • @thatdude4257
      @thatdude4257 5 років тому

      Youre wrong. Medicine is the last resort

    • @Medietos
      @Medietos 3 роки тому

      @Jason YungkansCan't they say No?

  • @eagle7757
    @eagle7757 Рік тому

    Believe in Jesus Christ and you will have Everlasting Life, to believe in someone, you are convinced that they are true. If you Believe in Jesus Christ, you will be Saved by Grace Alone through Faith Alone in Jesus Christ Alone, John 3:16, KJV. Once you are Saved, you are always Saved, John 6:37, KJV....

  • @Katkatcat
    @Katkatcat 5 років тому +1

    Tomorrow I’m going to one my first time and after I see them this once will have have to keep going to them?

    • @Medietos
      @Medietos 5 років тому

      Katkatcat: How did it go? many dont really find solution until 12 step self help program.
      It took me 2 years to get off th pill addiction that psychiatry gave me, as demanded in order to get psychotherapy. Which I never got.
      Watch it carefully, dont accept anb use uncritically even if wishing to do so.
      most are not at all like this woman says..

    • @Katkatcat
      @Katkatcat 5 років тому +1

      @@Medietos Well I went to the lady's office for only 3 days and she wasn't the actual psychiatrist and every day I went she emailed the actual psychiatrist and she never called my mom to give me an appointment so I stopped going. All the therapist lady wanted to do was help me with my social anxiety, which I don't need help with, and i'm perfectly fine being in my own small circle of 2 friends. So everything is still the same and I don't wanna go back to the doctors to try again lol

    • @Medietos
      @Medietos 5 років тому +1

      @@Katkatcat :I see. Maybe for the better. I used to be angry at psych not letting me take part in a day care group activity (probably because I am unmedicated, question bad things = am not easyand docile thet way. But when I visited and sawthe droolong pig-like eating that some patients had, and taht the carers were only there physically wity calm , kindbut all empty words/sould, I thought: maybe itis just as well, because this environment wouöd make me so depressed and uneaus for all the drugged ones. Even though managing alone in near isolation is bad, I prefer being m,y own person than conditioned by meds.
      Do ypu know why my message to you was cut off?

    • @Katkatcat
      @Katkatcat 5 років тому

      @@Medietos Sometimes I like being alone a lot. And yeah its just a youtube glitch, I can still see it

    • @JohnRambo1947-July-6th
      @JohnRambo1947-July-6th 4 роки тому +2

      If they get you in a catch 22 with their addictive and damaging drugs you will see them for life. These drugs destroy your brain and your life.

  • @MAKEUPandhairByterri
    @MAKEUPandhairByterri 5 місяців тому

    Trust none

  • @davidzaiser9929
    @davidzaiser9929 4 роки тому +1

    Trained physicians of no value.

  • @kundaliniyogafan846
    @kundaliniyogafan846 6 років тому +1

    dear i cannot understand much english but nice vid thanks!!

  • @sarojbista6582
    @sarojbista6582 4 роки тому

    you got a nice hairstyle.😏

  • @sodeepned9686
    @sodeepned9686 2 роки тому +1

    Dont speak

  • @phuongduong105
    @phuongduong105 5 років тому

    Soooooo Slowwwwwwww :(((((((

  • @warnfuck
    @warnfuck 6 років тому +31

    The comments really show the need for education in the USA