you guys rock hard man its hard for any muso to find the soul energy to pumnp it out and keep it going even arfter you fuck up lookin forward 2 nz 2010 feb i wont throw any bottles at ya just maybe a few vertibres from headbanging!your music is melodicly insperational and new age!!!!!!!rock on
hey guys whats up? were summer before the fall of yesterday.. lol. nice
you guys rock hard man its hard for any muso to find the soul energy to pumnp it out and keep it going even arfter you fuck up lookin forward 2 nz 2010 feb i wont throw any bottles at ya just maybe a few vertibres from headbanging!your music is melodicly insperational and new age!!!!!!!rock on
lol at 4:37 "We play Dean guitars that's all we know" "Those. Are great" (Awkward silence) XD
5:22 matt's burp hahahaha insane XD
Naturual! love trivium!
"good music is good music no matter what it is" ....hes a dave matthews fan :P
@yankedup its chill im not trollin just makin sure you know, but it was a year ago so yeah
1:17 now Matt is bald lol
@yankedup paolo dude not paul
Matt = Bunbury (Heroes del Silencio)
pause it on 1:51
matts hair was good on ascendancy If we ar here tough
Non of that shit going on for Trivium.
Nfjxjkxk cnfkrkxkwxcnkckf nlfl3 krck3x