I have something similar with the exception that I am using a microwave transformer and its capacitor, the output is around 4800 volts AC by including the capacitor. The system remains dead until the PIR senses somebody trying to climb over the fence. Hopefully, this will deter them. The cost was cheap, 10 pounds for a second-hand microwave, 14 pounds for the PIR, and some spare wire and insulators I had.
and you dont know what you are doing a microwave transformer will kill anything that touches it. it is not the volts that kill it is the amps. microwave transformer puts out 1 amp at 2200 volts 0.1-0.2 amp will kill you a tazer puts out around 60,000 volts but only 0.0036 amps or 3.6 mA so you can touch 1 billion volts as long as it is below 0.0036 amps yoou will be fine . you are a stupid moron remove that at once
Love this video! I have a quick question. If a bear would press the electrical wire on top of the wooden privacy fence into the stapled ground wire, is there a risk of fire? Thank you in advance.
is this easily modified? I would like to have at least 500mA to 1Amp in the wire to shock. if someone climbs my fence, I want the shock that is delivered to give them a moment to really reconsider their life choices...
no a 1 amp will kill you a tazer is only 0.0021 amps you can touch a billion volts as long as the amps are below 0.1 amp and this will not kill you it is not the volts that kill it is the amps
@@MarkSWilliams27 why you think perfecting english is important...if you cant understand a typing mistake, you are damn stupid...you should perfect that first...
Hi, your video is great. I spent the cash for a brand name electric fence to keep the neighbors cat out of my yard and the next day the damn cat just strolled right under it with his whole back rubbing along the bottom wire and he got no shock, is it supposed to touch two wire to get the shock? I am feeling really defeated
@Piper Mccoy If I want to install the hot wire on top of the fence to deter the racoon, should I put the ground wire together like the one in video? What if the racoon only touch the hot wire on top of the fence, does it get shocked? Thanks!
this dudes not fuckin around..i like it
I have something similar with the exception that I am using a microwave transformer and its capacitor, the output is around 4800 volts AC by including the capacitor. The system remains dead until the PIR senses somebody trying to climb over the fence. Hopefully, this will deter them. The cost was cheap, 10 pounds for a second-hand microwave, 14 pounds for the PIR, and some spare wire and insulators I had.
and you dont know what you are doing a microwave transformer will kill anything that touches it.
it is not the volts that kill it is the amps.
microwave transformer puts out 1 amp at 2200 volts
0.1-0.2 amp will kill you
a tazer puts out around 60,000 volts but only 0.0036 amps or 3.6 mA
so you can touch 1 billion volts as long as it is below 0.0036 amps yoou will be fine .
you are a stupid moron remove that at once
how is it powered? is it unobtrusive when viewed from the side it is installed?
@@xisotopex i have mine powerd by a 60000 volt tazer module and yes you cannot see it from the kerb side
I need to electrify my aluminum railing cause I live in a not so great area and have constant problems with prowlers and so on
Love this video! I have a quick question. If a bear would press the electrical wire on top of the wooden privacy fence into the stapled ground wire, is there a risk of fire? Thank you in advance.
I was lookiing to attain the kit but the website is not active is there a phone number i can call?
How do you set it up when your metal fence is connected to your neighbors
Can u do this in a place like downtown Grand Rapids?
Is this product on sale in Australia I wonder..
I found this video very informative
Any "fire" hazard" worries with all this?
I need this!
How could I electrify my aluminum railing?
But how do you install it
is this easily modified? I would like to have at least 500mA to 1Amp in the wire to shock. if someone climbs my fence, I want the shock that is delivered to give them a moment to really reconsider their life choices...
no a 1 amp will kill you a tazer is only 0.0021 amps you can touch a billion volts as long as the amps are below 0.1 amp and this will not kill you it is not the volts that kill it is the amps
@@ianspaintpot well I will modify it so it outputs 1 Amp
@@xisotopex 1 amp could still kill you, you need it to be 3.6 MA or less .
i have mine at 40000 volts but 3.6 Ma
hello can i have the full cost involve
Emmanuel Allotey gloves won’t stop 8-25kv 👍
rickyreynolds17 they absolutely will
Annelise Meier it was sarcasm
@Annelise Meier
They’ll stop 12v but leather gloves won’t do much about the absurdly high voltage fence he’s talking about.
What if the burglar wears nonconductive gloves?
Then they don’t get shocked. Duh
this is known as a "defense in depth"... punji pits and/or claymores...
Great idea for border security
1:23 😂🤣😂
What happens when someone throws a sleeping bag over those wires and then climes over?
Climes? Climate? What English teacher taught you THAT? Climbs?
@@MarkSWilliams27 do you thing perfecting English is all about? Think positive bro!
@@MarkSWilliams27 why you think perfecting english is important...if you cant understand a typing mistake, you are damn stupid...you should perfect that first...
Then you shot the shit out of them and the cover them with dirt
@@ezekielshija9251 Lol 😆😆 You people can't spell!
Hopefully non conductive gloves will trip the alarm..the dogs..the lions etc
Hi, your video is great. I spent the cash for a brand name electric fence to keep the neighbors cat out of my yard and the next day the damn cat just strolled right under it with his whole back rubbing along the bottom wire and he got no shock, is it supposed to touch two wire to get the shock? I am feeling really defeated
@Piper Mccoy If I want to install the hot wire on top of the fence to deter the racoon, should I put the ground wire together like the one in video? What if the racoon only touch the hot wire on top of the fence, does it get shocked? Thanks!
What’s jimmy carter doing in this thing.
How to keep raccoons out