Prosecutors at the state level frequently work in tandem with local law enforcement to bolster crime-fighting efforts, often placing a premium on securing convictions, even when the evidence may be weak or lacking. This partnership can result in unethical practices, such as exaggerating charges like "resisting arrest with violence" to enhance their perceived severity in court. While both Florida's and federal definitions of a "crime of violence" necessitate the use or threat of physical force, Florida's statute does not encompass the broader context of involving a significant risk of such force. As a result, many defendants, often unaware of these critical distinctions, may accept plea deals that do not accurately represent the law's true implications, raising significant ethical questions regarding the pursuit of justice. This issue is compounded by the often-overlooked definition of violence in Florida's law. During plea negotiations, Florida frequently places individuals on probation with the expectation that they will violate the terms, allowing prosecutors to pursue the convictions they would have otherwise sought, particularly in cases involving suspended sentences.
Question. How would you know whether they'd show up? Would it not need to have gone forth with the actual trial to determine this? Seems a little 11th hour in strategic planning with regards to the defense
This is actually really frightening, considering that they are in the ones charging people with criminal acts. Even the act of being charged can cause irreparable damage to somebody. I know there’s nothing they can do to lighten the cases, but that’s terrifying to think that it may be a case that if they had known all the facts or watched all the videos or something like that may have not even been charged is really unfortunate for that person now who has to carry that.
Having been charged with bs you are correct, it’s traumatic and bs. I’m including a link that I recommend every American 🇺🇸 watch at least 3x. 😂 I will never trust police again after being stalked and assaulted by them. Please pay attention to what DLS says in this video about the treaties. They are hiding the truth from us. See USC 1 and no fact or truth shall be tried in court. 😂 it’s all for Profit. The next time you go to court 1. Reserve your rights or you have NONE. 2. Dunn & Bradstreet has every for profit corporation listed : Find the court on the list and take it to court. Invoke the treaty. Do not answer questions and do not take the benefit of their lawyer. If you plea you accept the responsibility to be held to their bs laws that are made to regulate and profit from the straw man. Our country has been in bankruptcy since the new deal and we are debt slaves, bound by a birth certificate and ssn and the contracts of adhesion including the drivers license. See HJR 192 and listen 🎧 closely to this Namaste ❤😊
these people create work for their friends and themselves. A prosecutor always work for a conviction to boost their career. the more conviction they get by any means necessary; there is a positive correlation between convictions and jobs security and advancement. Basically, a prosecutor will always try to convict through plea deals when there are little or weak evidence. They will use prior violation or convictions as leverage. When a weak case gets probation, its a setup that the person will violate it on technicality, not being at home after curfew. this violation will become the automatic conviction and the prosecutor wins every time to advance their career.
It’s terrifying that they have no accountability and has zero concern about the devastation they have created and inflicted on a person who is falsely accused
I have a buddy that has been trying to vindicate himself for the past 17 months. It took over a year for the prosecutor to even sit down with him and all they wanted him to do was enter a plea agreement. When he started papering the inside walls of their offices with suppression motions and pre-plea remedies, it must have pissed someone off. Thankfully, ole Mike knows the law, but getting the "system" to admit they never established probable cause is damn near impossible...even the judge want to ignore the obvious in order to prevent the county from being sued. In the meantime, Mike has been without work due to the salacious nature of the charges and he's burned through almost $100k in savings while he's been without the ability to make a living. Even when he cited Betterman v. Montana (2016) the court just rolled their eyes in an effort to marginalize him as a pro se litigant. What sucks is that even if you know the law, most judges won't give you a fair shake simply because you don't have a bar card and aren't a member of the club.
Thanks, I believe the prosecutor does at least keep a mental win/loose tally. Am wondering how much the cost to the state for court time, witness statement, etc plays into the case? They always think guilty til proven innocent.
A friend of mine from here in Florida was arrested at the airport in Washington state, luckily for him, his attorney spoke highly of him and his military career and the shocking part was the prosecutor also spoke for my friend saying he’s not a threat to the community and he can go back to his home state. It was his first time in trouble. But the case is ongoing. From what he told me is that he’s facing 2 years in prison if he goes to trial but he told the public defender he wants probation if possible and his attorney said they’re already working on it for him and that the prosecutor she’s more than willing to negotiate. My question is, is this a good thing? He was shocked in court how the prosecutor spoke good of him.
6 things prosecutors definitely don't want American citizens to know about. 1. The constitution of the united states of America. 2. Exclusionary rule. 3. Fruit of the poisonous tree. 4. Title 18 U.S.C. section 241 conspiracy against rights. 5. Title 18 U.S.C. section 242 deprivation of rights under color of law. 6. Title 5 U.S.C. section 7311 Ex. ORD. No. 10450 Subsection (5).
@ facts it’s bad she said if a disorderly conduct is amended to harassment. You may not have to do any jail time…. Like wtf they both are class b misdemeanors here in Kentucky so it’s not a lesser charge. Prosecutor refused to provide surveillance footage that would totally exonerate me. Also refused my unedited video of encounter proving the deputies straight up lied. They want me to turn over my “metadata” before allowing the video into evidence
Public defender also refuses to subpoena a witness who is not a friend of mine or any thing, just someone who was in the lobby that day. He thought the deputy was out of control and I was literally backed into a corner. He’s not qualified to testify but allowing prosecution to call the courthouse clerk to the stand. A lady whom on the video I have, was not offended or upset with anything I said. I talked to her like I would talk to a judge. Yes ma’am, please and thank you. Had a smile and as polite as possible. As I went to take a seat passing the deputies I mumbled “asshole” 30 seconds later I was in cuffs… my citation only said “subject failed deputies directives, started cussing outside of courtroom. Profanity several times.” This whole thing is a joke but my public defender works in the same office the deputies work at so she’s trying to not defend me
Question If It’s Not About Finding Out The Truth About What Really Happened In A Case Then How Is Their Job About Justice? Doesn’t Make Any Sense!!! Can you please elaborate on this? And I left more replies below because I really want answers I am truly trying to understand the way you think as a former prosecutor!! So if you could read everything and reply I would love for you to do a whole video to really explain it and break it down! Because it’s not making any sense to me! I am trying to understand but you got me when you said that their job is about Justice! Because Justice would be about truth and justice they go together hand in hand atleast they are supposed to go together like peanut butter and jelly!TRUTH AND JUSTICE GO TOGETHER HAND IN HAND!! WITHOUT TRUTH THERE CAN BE NO JUSTICE!!
I really hope you answer me this time because our forefathers would be absolutely disgusted by our Justice System This Is Not How It Is Supposed To Be ALL OF YOUR JOBS IS TO MAKE SURE THAT YOU PUT THE RIGHT PEOPLE IN JAILS AND PRISONS NOT PEOPLE WHO ARE INNOCENT WHAT IS JUSTICE TO YOU??? AS A PROSECUTOR IS IT NOT YOUR JOB TO MAKE SURE THAT THE RIGHT PEOPLE GET PUNISHED FOR THEIR CRIMES? SINCE YOU SAID THAT I HOPE YOU SIT BACK AND THINK AND HOW MANY INNOCENT PEOPLE YOU PROBABLY PUT IN JAIL AND PRISON BECAUSE YOU WERENT AFTER THE TRUTH AND THE PURSUIT OF JUSTICE! Do you realize how many people might not have been able to afford a good atty and probably had to take a plea from you and now for the rest of their lives they have felonies or misdemeanors on their records and possibly cant get good jobs now?!!!! I AM COMPLETELY DISAPPOINTED DISGUSTING ABOUT OUR JUSTICE SYSTEM BECAUSE ITS NOT ABOUT TRUTH AND MAKING SURE THE RIGHT PEOPLE ARE PUNISHED FOR THEIR CRIMES ITS ALL ABOUT MONEY THE RICH PEOPLE GET AWAY WITH EVERYTHING AND THE MIDDLE AND LOWER CLASSES GET STUCK WITH EVERYTHING BECAUSE ITS NOT ABOUT TRUTH & JUSTICE!! WE NEED TO HAVE MAJOR CHANGES WHEN IT COMES TO OUR WHOLE ENTIRE CRIMINAL SYSTEM FROM THE POLICE TO THE PROSECUTION TO OUR JUDICIAL SYSTEMS ALL NEED TO BE CHANGED!! I HOPE THAT TRUMP WINS THIS ELECTION BECAUSE EVERYTHING HE HAS BEEN THROUGH IN THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM I KNOW THAT HE WILL AGREE AND I HOPE FOR MAJOR CHANGES TO COME THAT WAY!! IT SHOULD ALWAYS BE ABOUT FINDING OUT THE TRUTH AND WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ESPECIALLY WHEN LIVES ARE AT STAKE!! That’s your jobs to make sure you are putting the right people behind bars and they are being punished for the crimes they committed not just because you can make them look guilty! It should be always about truth and justice! Every family deserves to know the truth about what really happened and make sure that the right people are behind bars not just whoever you can pin it on!! Justice is and always should be about the truth!!
But to me it seems like the rich people get away with everything while the ones without get completely screwed over! We can’t afford an expensive atty to fight our cases so we get stuck with a public pretender “who works for the state” but is supposed to help us but they have sooo many cases that they don’t truly care or have time to find the truth out either so basically our judicial system is ALL ABOUT MONEY AND SEEMS TO BE CORRUPT TO ME! THE RICH PEOPLE GET AWAY AND THE REST OF US GET SCREWED AND THEN THEY MAKE MORE MONEY OFF OF US IN JAILS PRISONS THEY MAKE SOOO MUCH MORE MONEY OFF THE LOWER CLASSES BECAUSE THEY GET PAID FROM THE STATE THEY GET FEDERAL FUNDING THEY MAKE MONEY OFF PHONE CALLS COMMISSARY VISITATION the fake ass programs that they say that they provide and get funding for but they don’t tell you that everyone can’t participate in the programs they have no programs to help people better their lives or rehabilitation programs (ones that really help people!) They get paid for programs that they don’t provide like our put culinary vocational training “It’s Kitchen Duty for the Trustees” there’s no real vocational training! Im Sure That I Left Some Out I could seriously go on and on about how screwed up the system is but I am sure that you honestly don’t care! But I really do want you to seriously think about your years as a prosecutor and think about how many innocent people you probably had take a plea or went to trial for and because the police officers, you yourself and the judge weren’t about making sure that you were convicting the right person because it’s not about the Pursuit of Truth and Justice (and don’t you all swear an oath?) how are you helping or providing a service to communities state not making sure that the guilty parties/ people are the ones in jail and prison???? TRUTH AND JUSTICE GO TOGETHER HAND IN HAND!! WITHOUT TRUTH THERE CAN BE NO JUSTICE!!
I was called to jury selection twice, and neither one one of those cases should have been brought to trial. Maybe in a small, rural county, the prosecutors have so little to do that they bring charges regularly without any evidence (the prosecutor in the second cases actually said that there was no evidence) but prosecutors here often are vindictive.
Prosecutorial workload seems like a self-inflicted injury when they allow officers to charge people for every little damn thing that pisses off the cop. The police should not be able to saddle people with a criminal charge, effectively putting a noose around someone's neck, only have the alleged accused wait in peril upon the back of the proverbial horse while the state goes out subsequently on a mission to round up witnesses and gather evidence to secure a conviction. Prosecutors need to have someone fully dedicated to weeding out B.S. cases with ticky-tack charges...
Hi Lance the victim also might not show up at court because they lied like in my case I'm going to trial for dv so far the judge and prosecutor believe I'm guilty and I'm not
I was threatened for over half an hour right in front of the sheriff. Also did damage to my property right in front of the sheriff. Whole thing on body cam from sheriff on duty. How much more witness is needed. Man scared the crap out of me and his family/ him kept damaging my yard and harassing me even after protection order. What an idiot. I hope they throw the book at him.
I have served on 2 juries over the years. In both cases, the prosecutors did such a poor job the defendants walked. I thought the defendant was guilty in both trials but the juries were not given the info they needed to convict.
No , don't talk to the Prosecutor as the defendant. I'm currently fighting a felony charge due to my ex lying on me and saying I pointed a gun at him that was put up and the police didn't find it. He's lied on me before, and when I was last in court, the prosecutor threw up one of those cases that was dismissed. The judge looked at her crazy when my lawyer told the judge that's a old case. She's trying her best to convict me . I have a audio recording of my ex talking about what he was going to tell the district attorney because he lied . I can't use it because it show I violated the no contact order. I was charged with that too violation of the nco. I'm facing 18 years in prison for a lie . I don't think my ex is going to show up at trial. He sent me a text saying he miss me alot and a voicemail the same night he showed the police my text messages saying he was sorry for everything . Hopefully the prosecutor realizes her client lied.
NO. The only thing you should be saying is that you want legal representation. And, don't sign anything without an attorney or a public defender review it first.
Number 2 cap even if they dont work to win and keep count there objective is to win a high excessive amount. He talking about a democratic state prosecutor. If its a Republican state prosecutor he's a liar for sure. No doubt.
That's demonstrably false. The prosecutor in the Duke LaCrosse case was a Democrat. Every time a corrupt prosecutor makes the news, it's a Democrat. Funny how that works.
There are WAY too many cases of malicious prosecutions to have faith in their sense of justice.
Prosecutors at the state level frequently work in tandem with local law enforcement to bolster crime-fighting efforts, often placing a premium on securing convictions, even when the evidence may be weak or lacking. This partnership can result in unethical practices, such as exaggerating charges like "resisting arrest with violence" to enhance their perceived severity in court. While both Florida's and federal definitions of a "crime of violence" necessitate the use or threat of physical force, Florida's statute does not encompass the broader context of involving a significant risk of such force. As a result, many defendants, often unaware of these critical distinctions, may accept plea deals that do not accurately represent the law's true implications, raising significant ethical questions regarding the pursuit of justice. This issue is compounded by the often-overlooked definition of violence in Florida's law. During plea negotiations, Florida frequently places individuals on probation with the expectation that they will violate the terms, allowing prosecutors to pursue the convictions they would have otherwise sought, particularly in cases involving suspended sentences.
Question. How would you know whether they'd show up? Would it not need to have gone forth with the actual trial to determine this? Seems a little 11th hour in strategic planning with regards to the defense
This is actually really frightening, considering that they are in the ones charging people with criminal acts. Even the act of being charged can cause irreparable damage to somebody. I know there’s nothing they can do to lighten the cases, but that’s terrifying to think that it may be a case that if they had known all the facts or watched all the videos or something like that may have not even been charged is really unfortunate for that person now who has to carry that.
Having been charged with bs you are correct, it’s traumatic and bs.
I’m including a link that I recommend every American 🇺🇸 watch at least 3x.
😂 I will never trust police again after being stalked and assaulted by them.
Please pay attention to what DLS says in this video about the treaties. They are hiding the truth from us.
See USC 1 and no fact or truth shall be tried in court. 😂 it’s all for Profit.
The next time you go to court 1. Reserve your rights or you have NONE.
2. Dunn & Bradstreet has every for profit corporation listed : Find the court on the list and take it to court.
Invoke the treaty. Do not answer questions and do not take the benefit of their lawyer.
If you plea you accept the responsibility to be held to their bs laws that are made to regulate and profit from the straw man.
Our country has been in bankruptcy since the new deal and we are debt slaves, bound by a birth certificate and ssn and the contracts of adhesion including the drivers license.
See HJR 192 and listen 🎧 closely to this
Namaste ❤😊
That’s why there’s defenders too. The real safeguard to this should be more responsible police
these people create work for their friends and themselves. A prosecutor always work for a conviction to boost their career. the more conviction they get by any means necessary; there is a positive correlation between convictions and jobs security and advancement. Basically, a prosecutor will always try to convict through plea deals when there are little or weak evidence. They will use prior violation or convictions as leverage. When a weak case gets probation, its a setup that the person will violate it on technicality, not being at home after curfew. this violation will become the automatic conviction and the prosecutor wins every time to advance their career.
It’s terrifying that they have no accountability and has zero concern about the devastation they have created and inflicted on a person who is falsely accused
I have a buddy that has been trying to vindicate himself for the past 17 months. It took over a year for the prosecutor to even sit down with him and all they wanted him to do was enter a plea agreement. When he started papering the inside walls of their offices with suppression motions and pre-plea remedies, it must have pissed someone off. Thankfully, ole Mike knows the law, but getting the "system" to admit they never established probable cause is damn near impossible...even the judge want to ignore the obvious in order to prevent the county from being sued. In the meantime, Mike has been without work due to the salacious nature of the charges and he's burned through almost $100k in savings while he's been without the ability to make a living. Even when he cited Betterman v. Montana (2016) the court just rolled their eyes in an effort to marginalize him as a pro se litigant. What sucks is that even if you know the law, most judges won't give you a fair shake simply because you don't have a bar card and aren't a member of the club.
Thank you Lance that is comforting.
Thanks, I believe the prosecutor does at least keep a mental win/loose tally. Am wondering how much the cost to the state for court time, witness statement, etc plays into the case? They always think guilty til proven innocent.
A friend of mine from here in Florida was arrested at the airport in Washington state, luckily for him, his attorney spoke highly of him and his military career and the shocking part was the prosecutor also spoke for my friend saying he’s not a threat to the community and he can go back to his home state. It was his first time in trouble. But the case is ongoing. From what he told me is that he’s facing 2 years in prison if he goes to trial but he told the public defender he wants probation if possible and his attorney said they’re already working on it for him and that the prosecutor she’s more than willing to negotiate.
My question is, is this a good thing? He was shocked in court how the prosecutor spoke good of him.
Very useful my guy 😅 feel better about my chances now
Jack wish you well buddy.
How did it go?
@@jamelbunny5732 very good!!! Got an amendment to my probation.. they added 1 year more and 24 hours of bipp .. but hey , no jail time !!
@@jamelbunny5732 got revised probation conditions avoiding jail time. God is good
6 things prosecutors definitely don't want American citizens to know about.
1. The constitution of the united states of America.
2. Exclusionary rule.
3. Fruit of the poisonous tree.
4. Title 18 U.S.C. section 241 conspiracy against rights.
5. Title 18 U.S.C. section 242 deprivation of rights under color of law.
6. Title 5 U.S.C. section 7311 Ex. ORD. No. 10450 Subsection (5).
My prosecutor is trying to manipulate the law to punish me!
It’s because it’s all about money
@ facts it’s bad she said if a disorderly conduct is amended to harassment. You may not have to do any jail time…. Like wtf they both are class b misdemeanors here in Kentucky so it’s not a lesser charge. Prosecutor refused to provide surveillance footage that would totally exonerate me. Also refused my unedited video of encounter proving the deputies straight up lied. They want me to turn over my “metadata” before allowing the video into evidence
Public defender also refuses to subpoena a witness who is not a friend of mine or any thing, just someone who was in the lobby that day. He thought the deputy was out of control and I was literally backed into a corner. He’s not qualified to testify but allowing prosecution to call the courthouse clerk to the stand. A lady whom on the video I have, was not offended or upset with anything I said. I talked to her like I would talk to a judge. Yes ma’am, please and thank you. Had a smile and as polite as possible. As I went to take a seat passing the deputies I mumbled “asshole” 30 seconds later I was in cuffs… my citation only said “subject failed deputies directives, started cussing outside of courtroom. Profanity several times.” This whole thing is a joke but my public defender works in the same office the deputies work at so she’s trying to not defend me
Good info! Well said!
For anyone reading this comment, this guy absolutely knows what he is talking about.
Not really
Question If It’s Not About Finding Out The Truth About What Really Happened In A Case Then How Is Their Job About Justice? Doesn’t Make Any Sense!!! Can you please elaborate on this? And I left more replies below because I really want answers I am truly trying to understand the way you think as a former prosecutor!! So if you could read everything and reply I would love for you to do a whole video to really explain it and break it down! Because it’s not making any sense to me! I am trying to understand but you got me when you said that their job is about Justice! Because Justice would be about truth and justice they go together hand in hand atleast they are supposed to go together like peanut butter and jelly!TRUTH AND JUSTICE GO TOGETHER HAND IN HAND!! WITHOUT TRUTH THERE CAN BE NO JUSTICE!!
I really hope you answer me this time because our forefathers would be absolutely disgusted by our Justice System This Is Not How It Is Supposed To Be ALL OF YOUR JOBS IS TO MAKE SURE THAT YOU PUT THE RIGHT PEOPLE IN JAILS AND PRISONS NOT PEOPLE WHO ARE INNOCENT WHAT IS JUSTICE TO YOU??? AS A PROSECUTOR IS IT NOT YOUR JOB TO MAKE SURE THAT THE RIGHT PEOPLE GET PUNISHED FOR THEIR CRIMES? SINCE YOU SAID THAT I HOPE YOU SIT BACK AND THINK AND HOW MANY INNOCENT PEOPLE YOU PROBABLY PUT IN JAIL AND PRISON BECAUSE YOU WERENT AFTER THE TRUTH AND THE PURSUIT OF JUSTICE! Do you realize how many people might not have been able to afford a good atty and probably had to take a plea from you and now for the rest of their lives they have felonies or misdemeanors on their records and possibly cant get good jobs now?!!!! I AM COMPLETELY DISAPPOINTED DISGUSTING ABOUT OUR JUSTICE SYSTEM BECAUSE ITS NOT ABOUT TRUTH AND MAKING SURE THE RIGHT PEOPLE ARE PUNISHED FOR THEIR CRIMES ITS ALL ABOUT MONEY THE RICH PEOPLE GET AWAY WITH EVERYTHING AND THE MIDDLE AND LOWER CLASSES GET STUCK WITH EVERYTHING BECAUSE ITS NOT ABOUT TRUTH & JUSTICE!! WE NEED TO HAVE MAJOR CHANGES WHEN IT COMES TO OUR WHOLE ENTIRE CRIMINAL SYSTEM FROM THE POLICE TO THE PROSECUTION TO OUR JUDICIAL SYSTEMS ALL NEED TO BE CHANGED!! I HOPE THAT TRUMP WINS THIS ELECTION BECAUSE EVERYTHING HE HAS BEEN THROUGH IN THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM I KNOW THAT HE WILL AGREE AND I HOPE FOR MAJOR CHANGES TO COME THAT WAY!! IT SHOULD ALWAYS BE ABOUT FINDING OUT THE TRUTH AND WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ESPECIALLY WHEN LIVES ARE AT STAKE!! That’s your jobs to make sure you are putting the right people behind bars and they are being punished for the crimes they committed not just because you can make them look guilty! It should be always about truth and justice! Every family deserves to know the truth about what really happened and make sure that the right people are behind bars not just whoever you can pin it on!! Justice is and always should be about the truth!!
But to me it seems like the rich people get away with everything while the ones without get completely screwed over! We can’t afford an expensive atty to fight our cases so we get stuck with a public pretender “who works for the state” but is supposed to help us but they have sooo many cases that they don’t truly care or have time to find the truth out either so basically our judicial system is ALL ABOUT MONEY AND SEEMS TO BE CORRUPT TO ME! THE RICH PEOPLE GET AWAY AND THE REST OF US GET SCREWED AND THEN THEY MAKE MORE MONEY OFF OF US IN JAILS PRISONS THEY MAKE SOOO MUCH MORE MONEY OFF THE LOWER CLASSES BECAUSE THEY GET PAID FROM THE STATE THEY GET FEDERAL FUNDING THEY MAKE MONEY OFF PHONE CALLS COMMISSARY VISITATION the fake ass programs that they say that they provide and get funding for but they don’t tell you that everyone can’t participate in the programs they have no programs to help people better their lives or rehabilitation programs (ones that really help people!) They get paid for programs that they don’t provide like our put culinary vocational training “It’s Kitchen Duty for the Trustees” there’s no real vocational training! Im Sure That I Left Some Out I could seriously go on and on about how screwed up the system is but I am sure that you honestly don’t care! But I really do want you to seriously think about your years as a prosecutor and think about how many innocent people you probably had take a plea or went to trial for and because the police officers, you yourself and the judge weren’t about making sure that you were convicting the right person because it’s not about the Pursuit of Truth and Justice (and don’t you all swear an oath?) how are you helping or providing a service to communities state not making sure that the guilty parties/ people are the ones in jail and prison???? TRUTH AND JUSTICE GO TOGETHER HAND IN HAND!! WITHOUT TRUTH THERE CAN BE NO JUSTICE!!
I was told by my attorney that what the state was doing to me was illegal,he said to plead guilty because I was not going to win my case.
Hope you fired your attorney
I was called to jury selection twice, and neither one one of those cases should have been brought to trial. Maybe in a small, rural county, the prosecutors have so little to do that they bring charges regularly without any evidence (the prosecutor in the second cases actually said that there was no evidence) but prosecutors here often are vindictive.
Prosecutorial workload seems like a self-inflicted injury when they allow officers to charge people for every little damn thing that pisses off the cop. The police should not be able to saddle people with a criminal charge, effectively putting a noose around someone's neck, only have the alleged accused wait in peril upon the back of the proverbial horse while the state goes out subsequently on a mission to round up witnesses and gather evidence to secure a conviction. Prosecutors need to have someone fully dedicated to weeding out B.S. cases with ticky-tack charges...
Beware of political persecution. WAKE up AMERICA 🇺🇸
HOW TO FILE A LAWSUIT against judges and officers of the Court without a Lawyer or Attorney
Hi Lance the victim also might not show up at court because they lied like in my case I'm going to trial for dv so far the judge and prosecutor believe I'm guilty and I'm not
I have a question????
Please help me with a minute of your time ❤❤
I really like your hair!
I was threatened for over half an hour right in front of the sheriff. Also did damage to my property right in front of the sheriff. Whole thing on body cam from sheriff on duty. How much more witness is needed. Man scared the crap out of me and his family/ him kept damaging my yard and harassing me even after protection order. What an idiot. I hope they throw the book at him.
how do i get them to pay me i dont work for free even though they are charging me
I have served on 2 juries over the years. In both cases, the prosecutors did such a poor job the defendants walked. I thought the defendant was guilty in both trials but the juries were not given the info they needed to convict.
Why is it so hard to pay attention.
is it smart for a defendant to talk to a prossecutor
No , don't talk to the Prosecutor as the defendant. I'm currently fighting a felony charge due to my ex lying on me and saying I pointed a gun at him that was put up and the police didn't find it. He's lied on me before, and when I was last in court, the prosecutor threw up one of those cases that was dismissed. The judge looked at her crazy when my lawyer told the judge that's a old case. She's trying her best to convict me . I have a audio recording of my ex talking about what he was going to tell the district attorney because he lied . I can't use it because it show I violated the no contact order. I was charged with that too violation of the nco. I'm facing 18 years in prison for a lie . I don't think my ex is going to show up at trial. He sent me a text saying he miss me alot and a voicemail the same night he showed the police my text messages saying he was sorry for everything . Hopefully the prosecutor realizes her client lied.
NO. The only thing you should be saying is that you want legal representation. And, don't sign anything without an attorney or a public defender review it first.
" justice"
Why would a prosecutor be looking to treat me fairly if im black!?..... That doesnt make any sense
Same game, same players, different sides at different times.
Stop bobbing up and down. WTH
The prosecutor job has nothing to do with justice I’m insulted it’s a tax issue and they’re after your Cestui Que vie estate
Too many cases you learn if you dealt with the judicial system an studied law. Good tip though. Also reassuring.
Number 2 cap even if they dont work to win and keep count there objective is to win a high excessive amount.
He talking about a democratic state prosecutor. If its a Republican state prosecutor he's a liar for sure. No doubt.
That's demonstrably false. The prosecutor in the Duke LaCrosse case was a Democrat. Every time a corrupt prosecutor makes the news, it's a Democrat. Funny how that works.