My Favorite T'ai Chi Lessons~All Practical~Nothing Esoteric~Gene Burnett

  • Опубліковано 29 чер 2024
  • Here I am with a long video where I talk about and demonstrate my favorite and most valuable T'ai-Chi lessons and exercises. These is all practical stuff, nothing woo-woo or esoteric, nothing about magic or "special powers". Just ways that have worked for me as I use this art to improve my balance and better defend myself, primarily against the two sneakiest opponents any of us will ever face: time and gravity. I move along at quite a clip so hopefully I don't ramble too much and you will find it more useful than boring. Let me know! Also, if you have a few of your own, let me know in the comments. Best of luck with your life and practice. And as always...when trying something new...consult your health care practitioner if you have any doubts about whether doing so might endanger your health.
    I hope this video has been helpful to you or touched you in some way that leaves you a little better off for having watched it. This is not a big time channel and I have no plans for it to become one. I’m too small to have ads on my videos and I’ve always had mixed feelings about them anyway. If you would like to support and encourage what I do here, you can make a donation to me directly via paypal. No donation is too small, (or too big!) and all donations are very much appreciated.