Hey exil, uneducated comment here, I thought if you had a video sponsor you couldn’t have ads on your actual video? I thought if a company or something was specifically doing a sponsorship and you plug them in the vid then there wouldn’t be UA-cam ads on the video? Or is it normal to have both?
You could make a video on when riot over buffs champions. 8:45 False. AP Galio in patch 7.24 was stronger than the champions you mentioned. They were op, because of their mobility AP Galio would oneshoot you with one spell and one item.
How dare you. Rell's e is a really good ability that I like. The only problem it has is that it has a 3 sec cooldown when you put it on an ally negating basically the reason you need it which is to quickly put it on a diving ally and cast it
I remember bringing her back from the grave with full on-hit items in games where people said they were going to report XD. How short lived that was as 3 months later they reworked here entirely, no attack speed, no tank stats on ult, no move speed buff mid combat, the last ability that was a simple move speed mid combat spell with the role being relinquished to items after combat has already started. Maybe not the golden days, but the days before league was a meta game, that’s what made the meta back then so volatile and competitive, champions maybe designed with one another in mind, item were made for each class of character, not thinking for abilities or scaling, just items that benefited certain classes, now the game is truly meta, you can’t make the items do something their not meant to do, like eve with titanic, gunblade, and nashors would be impossible nowadays with the only way you can is of course, playing those older model champions, corki is a good example of a champ that CAN still build off meta, go manamune into ice borne and abysmal mask and it’s just like old league again, you didn’t get those 2 items because you wanted to be efficient or get a slow, you have 4 abilities that only care about one item and one stat, magic pen, now you have heaps of damage from your 3 items scaling off each other, you get free tank stats just from building the most damage with this outdated play style, and to top it off you use the un updated magic pen so your champ snowballs like an old assassin off of tank items, but that just shows that the items didn’t do anything, the items being on corki did, that’s TRUE meta gameplay and I can’t say I’m happy with the item rework because of it, I can’t go gunblade on tristana adc for extra life steal and burst just like I can’t with khazix or eve or jax, I build the item with the stat that works or I fail, and that a boring version of the game I once had.
Even Evelynn's old lore was poorly thought out. I remember reading it in the old in-game client and her lore was legit "idk lol." Her origins were canonically "nobody knows who she is, where she's from, what she wants, or what she plans." OG champion lore was wild. Original Fiddlesticks lore was somebody found him in a broom closet in the now-decanonized Institute of War. Like, a summoner was just going to grab something to clean a mess and Fiddlesticks was just *in there* going "hey what's up"
I'm surprised you didn't mention how broken Evelynn was after her first gameplay upgrade with her old ult that was an AoE max %hp nuke that gave her a huge shield, where she could one shot you from stealth (her ult range was longer than her detection range so there was 0 warning). It was hilarious how could you build full AP and nuke away 50% of the max HP from stealth and one hit your target afterwards with E+lich bane and Qs.
If some of you remember the old DFG the %max hp one (not %current health and not 20% dmg increase one) + her ult was basically point and click one shot
@@simpleh8885 I miss this Eve. Even after the DFG removal I was happy because she still blew people up. Now her Q is just so awkward, I hate how her charm works, and stealth on ult instead of passive sucks. She was my most played champion and I've just switched to ADC instead. EDIT: I also hate how her ulti ejects you from the fight. Give me back the speed buff that resets on kill, even if it does 0 damage.
As someone who has played League highly intermittently since near the start (like season 1 or 2 probably), these videos are really fun for me to watch. They remind me of stuff I had totally forgot about and fill in the gaps in my knowledge from when I wasn't playing with some of the crazy stuff I missed. It's crazy to look back and see what was, and appreciate how far the game has come while also appreciating the experiences we can't have anymore.
I remember old Evelynn. Yeah, her old abilities really didn't mesh, to the point that it was comical. Still was fun to play from time to time though, since the stealth mechanic was so unique.
The amount of times people were genuinly taken aback when you carried with her was insane. In lower elo, she was a literal vending machine for wins since no one, and I mean no one, was buying pink wards or used ignite properly(also initially she had 60 second stealth when maxed, so she could run from base full stealth). Same with old twitch and his 40 second full stealth, that was a fun time.... ADC with 6 items which can explode your entire team in 3 seconds having a full stealth so that he can just walk to your backline with increased movement and the attack speed was still there... Who even thought that was a good idea.
There was also that weird time with the overtuned AD spirit jg item. Her q reapplied the burn every cast and the first burn tick was applied immediately so her damage was higher than people were used to, even when considering the pushed stats the item had.
@@2LettersSho I Remember the days of ad old evellyn where i made full ad and one shotted almost ever one. It was beautifull. If you fell behind the game was over tho.
I miss a lot of these old champions and kits. I was loved old Karma and Eevelynn. A lot of these champions that got reworked were the ones I enjoyed playing the most. I also miss the hybrid scaling that used to give you alternate play styles like old AP Sion, AP Yi, or AP Trist. I was also a poppy abuser when I could get the jungle to setup a tent top.
Pre rework Poppy taught me crucial meta game strategies like the importance of trading, patience, focusing on farming, etc. because with her kit, you HAD to have a better long term focus. She was such a TERRIBLE laner. It can not be emphasized enough how easy it was to bully her in lane. She only had melee abilities and a very conditional dash so if someone could outrange you and harass you (most champions) your lane was cooked. Not to mention her mana costs were through the roof with a terrible base mana pool. But this was the thing about poppy: you just had to survive until level 9 and buy a Sheen. If you got your Q maxed out, suddenly when people start to poke you and you dashed into them and smacked them with that Q, the base damage plus sheen proc that would ALSO get converted into magic damage could do over 25% of their health easily. She had this jump scare quality that made so many people who didn’t even understand her since she was so underutilized much more timid. Then you get to the mid game skirmishes where you legitimately could go 1v5 and at least come out 1 for 1 reliably, after that it’s over. She was such a beast and if the enemy didn’t understand her passive or ultimate she could bait out high damage abilities and just shrug it off while eating your carry for breakfast. Such a fun champion and I think she would have seen competitive play had Darius not come out. His DoT and true damage ultimate made her passive useless and his harassment would mercilessly destroy her.
Old Dr.mundo was an insane anti-ap champ, he used to get a free 39% MR increase and heal 110% fo his max hp. He would run around with 300 Mr with 2 items. No mage would stop him becasue he also got 30% tenacity.
Mundo is still an insane anti-ap champ. Most mages win by either bursting down their enemy, or blasting them from afar. Mundo's W (and R) counters a mage's 100 - 0 combo, and Mundo's passive + R MS lets him run down any mage trying to keep their distance. Additionally, most mages only have one "get off me" tool, which Mundo's passive hard counters. Also, since most mages aren't DPS mages, Mundo with Heartsteel (and titanic if you can afford) will be able to kill most mages long before his R runs out. Of course, this is assuming a vacuum, and depending on the state of the game, this might go either way. But Mundo is still great at dealing with squishy mages, just not as clear-cut as before.
I miss old mundo 😂 id rather fight his 3%healing per second any fricken day of the week instead of new mundo plus he was so fun to play i loved his flaming aoe
fizz destroyed him really hard, you just avoided mundo got late game lmfao doing over 1k damage per q with missing health damage and health regen nerfed he hard whooped mundo again you did need to hit late game
I absolutely adored old Galio. I reveled in getting the chance to play him against mage picks. At the time I saw him slowly getting phased out of play leading up to the rework. For example, when Braum was released you could not ult cause of that stun auto passive.
Same, old Galio was one of my mains. I wish riot put Old Galio back in the game, so I can fight rerework Mord or rework Akali. New Galio is not the same just a different Champion with the name Galio.
Yeah, I loved the old Galio too. But I remember that some matchups were straight up impossible depending of who are playing against him - just to name a few: Fizz, Malzahar, Morgana, Brand... If you used magic DOT against Galio you would see him gaining HP. Mid/late game, he could heal from creeps and even from tower if you're too ahead. But, yeah... I had a lot of fun with him - and even liking the new one, I miss the old Galio too.
man, support Galio was my jam... you need to be there witnessing it in person at the time to truly experience the fun that is Kalista + Galio and then was also urf Galio... healing off towers as if they were your Sorakas, what a time to be a league player
I'm pretty sure Twitch could also do the sunfire strat. So with the help of a friend you two could just fry the entire enemy team without anyone noticing. It was a crazy time.
the ultimate strat was going 4 sunfires + guardian angel + swiftness boots on shaco. His clone had all his item effects at full power so would do 8 sunfires of damage per second and revives him and his clone upon death.
I was a Poppy main before the rework. I still miss that champion so much. I remember playing her in jg and building that AP jg item that was like a mini trinity force, and then straight ad bruiser after that. I had insane win rates on it and had the most pentakills I've ever had on a single champion. I still love the new Poppy, but man the old one was so good.
Or simply triforce gunblade top. Early focus on farming and just letting them feel the hammer from time to time to instil the respect she deserves. On top of the knowledge, that there wasn't such a thing as YOUR tower. EVERY tower was Poppies tower and you WILL be pinned to that. Well, your dead body that is.
Never was a big poppy player but I had a Lollipoppy skin. Remember when she used old W her shield was turning from black to white chocolate. They took the chocolate now.
@@GDemi14 Rude? Egoist? Sure he can be rude, but only towards people like Sylas or Noxians. He is just a bit dumb and doesn't really care about anyone anymore, because he sleeps for hundreds of years and everytime he wakes up, he has to realise that his old friends are all gone
I remember when I would wait for Yorick to come in the free rotation so I could finally try him but it never happened and I figured he's such an undesirable champion that Riot doesn't even care to put him in the rotation. So I ended up buying him to confuse enemies in game who have never seen Yorick. I miss old Yorick 😢 "You will remember Yorick Mori"
We have to see the old Sion for the next video. A passive made for a tank, his Q and W has the AP ratios and burst potential of a mage, and his E and R has the damage and lifesteal of an AD Bruiser.
i actually remember playing with a friend on urf sion and taric duo top, at that point of time both of them had a point and click stun ability, we would catch one dude and perma stun him for like 10 secs until he dies
@@xristoskoumpourlis1614 Shit I just used to do Sion and Taric bot lane and it worked by far better than it had any right to. No one expected the AD taric AP Sion combo.
Old sion was something id wanted to main but never could because ive never got top. When i finally managed to be top, sion got VGU uptade. At that time never seen someone play it, nobody knew its ult is unstobable. But i found that sion so much more boring, just when i stopped playing LoL because of infamous first actual tank meta and the birth of pinselhead 0/10 going tank and still deals damage. Where was I? I stopped at season5 because of tankmeta and i didnt like it at all, sion was fun but not FUN enough. Years passed some dud called bauffs teached all of us how to play sion
DUde i used to play old scion before his rework. He was SO FUCKING STUPID to play. But GOD DAMN was his E NUTS early game. Literally was like a free item and let him DEMOLISH creeps early game.
I played the old Urgot and Poppy (and sometimes the old Yorick, especially against other lane bullies like Darius) quite a lot until their rework. One big point for them was, that their play-rate was so low, most people didn't know, how their kit work and how to play against it. Most people didn't know, how Urgot's basic ability worked and how they interact with each other, so they were surprised, that they became half-life after one E and several Q.
@@shindrac Old vladimir was ok against him with his sustain. Your strat was to survive and be stronger in late game than Yorick. It worked for me few times and it was only effective because old Yorick could go out of mana super fast. He just didn't have enough mana to outdamage vladimirs sustain. Vladimir obviously had no mana and could spam his q.
You also literallt have to talk about how old build variety was SO much more unique like full ap sion and tristana which were some of my favorite champs when i got into the game
Best part of old Galio was being ignited and pressing W on yourself and see the health bar going up instead of down. Also wombo-combos with Wukong, Miss Fortune, Gangplank, were much easier to pull off because it was only Flash R One thing about the Poppy section: the way you worded it sounded like the total damage taken was reduced in half and not only the excessive amount as was written in the wiki and your own text. For example, if she had 1000 health and took 120 damage, it sounded like she would take 60 instead of 110 (100 + 20/2) EDIT: spelling
Yep, and if she had 1000 HP and took 1200 DMG Veigar ult she would take 650 dmg, damn I miss the old Poppy. I have once ulted ADC and took out their whole team at 5 items because they didn't run probably not knowing how it works at first and then not knowing just how long it was. Sadly we've still lost the game as they were just crushing us and they have never let me get close again (even if it meant sacrificing someone to stall for time).
Old Poppy and old Karma were some of my favorite champions to play. Busted and terrible, but I just really enjoyed them. To this day I only use Traditional Karma so I can use her original voice. As for poppy, her W now is such a satisfying ability that I still love playing her.
Personally, I LOVED the old mordekaiser W. So many times I turned a fight that I showed up to late at the last second by throwing W on the adc and insta popping it saving them from dive and assassin champions. Felt SO good in my opinion.
Prob one of the most underrated league content creator. The quality that goes into each and every one of these videos is phenomenal. Good stuff as always.
5:58 i have fond memories of putting wards in the middle of the lane so I could basically use W as a point and click poke tool, it still remains one of my favorite abilities the game has seen. I honestly believe old Karma was just ahead of her time, as with the massive increase in gold generation supports would see in later seasons she could have become a very viable champion with an unorthodox playstyle similar to many yordle champions.
agree, loved the old karma... the new karma is just meh, kind of pure support, you actually have to rely now more on your team than the old one cause you can't kill ppl.
@@kyoukatsuariadust6744 Leblanc was dominating during that time and I would 100% always pick Karma when i see one. max Shield first and Leb loses every single trade. If we get back old karma and she got refined a little she would be super strong till!
Putting a ward in the middle of the lane, just like Katarina and Jax Noone was taking Karma seriously .. as a mage it was difficult to burst correctly because of bad Q visual range. But sure, using E on a minion to do damages was fun :) I mainly played her support at that time, saved my ADC several times thanks to shield then heal :D
As someone who's been playing league since 2012, I remember old Poppy, was my main champ for a really long time. She was absolutely busted if you got fed early and got into mid game. Ult the support, and before the ult had expired you killed off the entire enemy team. Remember that my old pals used to call me out for playing Poppy because they thought she was really weak. They failed to realise that trinity force, infinity edge Poppy was crazy. Sheen early for increased damage on Q, if you got really greedy you could purchase Sword of the Occult. That item was absolutely based, Like Mejais soulstealer but with AD scaling Waiting for a gank while hugging turret and as soon as you got that 1 kill. The lane was over for your opponent. You could crack pretty much any champ top except for Caitlyn top, which I remember being a counter-pick for Poppy top because there was no way to farm under turret because you were really squishy early game and the range was too much. This was so nostalgic, I really miss the old Poppy now. God was she ugly and bland AF, but her abilities and just the feeling of 1 shotting AD carries with Q felt satisfying.
Ah man, this takes me down memory lane. I'd love to see old Sion and old Taric in a video, possibly in the same segment because I loved playing duo with a buddy and going for the double point-and-click stun just to annoy the enemy team.
fuckkkkk.. old AP sion was so funny to troll with. The long range stun that did more dmg the further it went, then you pop em with that FAT AP shield lol. Good times
10:15 Oracle's Elixir on Alistair was fun for me. Back then, it was stealth vision until you died, and if you were playing Alistair support that wasn't too likely to happen. Had so much fun ambushing clueless Twitch players wandering into their own bush from a leash. Also finding and killing Teemo shrooms (back then they didn't expire and were unlimited). As a bonus you could kill the other team's wards, which could only be bought at 75g each. Old Oracles was so underrated until some team used it in the championship (and it was immediately nerfed to 5 mins max). It used to be such a high-risk high reward item. 400g for stealth vision, but if you die you lose it. Alistair was amazing for it, but sometimes it was an undesirable necessity (playing Heimerdinger when the other team had Twitch, although that game I got a lightning fast kill on him with grenade-> rockets (before rockets were a skillshot), idr if anything else was necessary. How do I remember these things? Aw man Galio. Played him exactly once ever for the counterpick. Opponent team went straight early game mages hoping to roll us fast and were taunting us the whole time. Predictably ended with them surrendering at 20, although their comp almost had us down to inhibitors. The consensus between my college buddies and I regarding Urgot was that the one time you see one, run. Those guys really knew what they were doing on a champ that was ridiculously hard to play, at best. Devoted Urgot players were amazing.
I have fond memories of old Poppy. As someone who only occasionally played her, I can confirm that it was just as surprising surviving things you really shouldn't when you PLAYED as her. I got out of so many teamfights that I had no business walking away from.
I remember playing old Poppy A LOT before the rework. To the point where I got really sad when I saw it. I will always remember surviving 3 player ganks by just ulting someone with no cc and calmly walking away. Even tho the cooldown was pretty crazy
I fondly remember old Ryze, when you would press R and then slam you fist into your keyboard until you ran out of mana. Which you never did, because you had ROA and Manamune, which did extra physical dmg if i remember that right. Good times.
Great work as always, but you forgot 1 part of the first Poppy Ult, the first version you could ult minions and literally ignore all 5 enemies' damage. They changed that to champion later. Take it from someone who mained her back then!
I miss the old Galio, he was so much fun, spirit visage and tornmail and full ap items and just flash ult into enemy team is a instant nuke. And you would heal so much from his w,
I think you misunderstood how Poppy's old passive worked. Anything BEYOND 10% was halved, so if she had 1,000 hp and should take 150 damage, she instead would take 125. Likewise if she had 100 hp and should take 150 damage, she instead would take 80.
Pre rework xerath was super fun as a niche pick and if you didnt know, the spell pen on the w was 40%.. so get a void staff and in w you went through 75-80% mr, and with a spell pen item or two you basically did true damage to anyone. Locking down and e->ult->q->ult would burst almost anyone from full hp. Super fun "set up and fire everything" playstyle that isnt really in the game anymore
The number of times I used Karma's passive to bait people while doing massive damage and healing myself is hilariously high. Old Karma was so much more interesting and fun to me than the modern version.
Can't wait for you to talk about Taric. I still have so many great memories from picking him Top against heavy AD teams and being able to _easily_ 1v2 or 1v3 the enemy top/jg/mid after getting 1.5 items. Also, you _better_ play some of his old Japanese voice clips. Japanese Original Taric is unironically some of the best voice over lines in the history of League. I also miss Taric's old lore (along with many other older lores). I miss when Taric was a pacifist gem-paladin from another world, where that world pretty much exclusively used magic fueled by and centered around gemstones, that somehow got shifted to Runeterra. I started playing League back in March 2013, just between Quinn and Zac, so I remember _every_ old champ that has since been removed from the game. (I quit the game entirely for good just before holidays 2021, shortly after Vex release) Also, I hope you're as harsh as possible when talking about Aatrox's removal. His kit was a problem for a while, but then just before they removed him and made Riven 2.0, he had a short time where his old kit that was in a great state, both in competitive viability and player enjoyment. But then they entirely deleted him from the game, removed everything that he was, and just made Riven but edgier.
I don't know how people can still call aatrox riven 2.0 Anyway, the period that he was finally good wasn't because of his kit (his kit received the first update way before that), but because of a new op build. Trinity, guinsoo and titanic hydra if I remember correctly. People started picking him and started having fun because guess what? Winning was easy with him now. That's why so many people were pissed about him being removed from the game. 4 years being one of the worst champions in the game to suddently being the best top laner.
Back in the days before role selection old Taric was invaluable at keeping awful adc's alive through laning phase even though they took every skillshot to the face and were getting hooked and jumped on constantly.
@@ZargorrOG New Aatrox is Riven 2.0 because they both have a passive that buffs their next auto damage, a triple cast Q that does a small AoE of damage after a very short dash, a short range hard CC W, a short dash E, and an Ult that essentially just adds stats. Especially since they completely removed Aatrox's iconic and defining revive passive.
I haven't played LoL since end Season 3. Started playing Dota 2 instead. Watching old LoL stuff is very nostalgic. Sometimes I wish I could still play a match of old AP Sion, AP Kog'Maw, and old Xerath.
Damn, I used to go full ad/atkspeed evelynn and got some nice free elo at the time, she was so strong with insane dps, at the time ad items were simpler, and stacking resistence wasn't so easy, you could literally melt your opponents with raw quick attacks and spam Q with E and stuff, the ult slowed everyone in an area too which was awesome.
Yorick shoulda been mentioned. Dude was rarely picked and had an insanely op laning phase. He also saw a tiny bit of pro play, when people used hil as a poke support and have him r the hyper carry
It's interesting to me how the reaction to people playing a "troll" pick back then seem to line up with how people react to them now. Seems the player base hasnt changed all that much over the years.
Idk, it might just be an elo thing cuz nobody flames me when I pick something like sylas or Warwick support. People question me, but nobody's every really that toxic.
@@karenwang313 Those are very good picks, and consider their ADC dead if your team has one more other CC. If you still get flamed with very good picks, your server if not atleast your queue has something wrong.
@@karenwang313 people in Iron aren't such a fan of my Aphelios support with Minion Demat and Smite. Lots of free chat bans given away when I pick it lmfao.
I remember old Galio in URF, basically unkillable, infinite heals with his old W. He was also really fun in ARAM with the snowball into flash Ult, good times.
I don't know if you have ever thought about doing a video on old builds players used to do but if you ever do, I got a fun one that absolutely was broken and no one knew of it. Nunu top was unstoppable and had zero counter picks and wasn't able to be ganked by anyone. Your first item was hexteck revolver into the spellvamp book, you would start with the tome and a potion. I know he has been changed but his old Q used to do a massive amount of true damage to non-player characters and healed him a bit. You probably already see why this build worked so well. If not spell vamp worked off of the true damage meaning instead of healing for a hundred or so it was actually closer to 500. No mana issues with his old passive, if you didn't need to heal it was free harass with the point and click snowballs. If you got ganked you just munched on a minion and sped yourself up and ran away. One of the best top laners at the time was Yorick and Yorick couldn't do anything against this build. Oh you spawned a ghost on me? Guess I'll eat it. Oh you slowed me? I'll speed myself up and slow you more. Oh you hit me? Have a snow ball and bye! It falls off late game but I never lost a lane playing this build, not once.
old galio was one of my most played champs up until his rework. I had the misfortune of getting attached to Yorick, Urgot and Galio all before their respective reworks, and while the current state of those champs is much more healthy, I can't help but miss them. All 3 of those champs were in my top 10 champs, just makes me miss them.
@@hawk-nightcore5577 poppy and taric main here. Both top and jungle, but RITO can't have champs countering their YOLO-Quintuple-dash-1-shot meta... Hell, i LOVED pre rework Soraka, both mid and jungle... The clear speed and sustain was phenominal. And teamfights... you went tanky dps and were first ignored becasue you take so long to kill and don't deal damage. 4 sec later they noticed, that your starfall has stacked up and are now trying to get away from it, while rylias says no. Ahh good times.
I was an eve main back in the day. I didnt mind the rework of her mechanics/skills but i was very upset about the removal of her weird crawl/walk animation lol
I loved 1 shotting enemyes with old karma E btw... one of my favorite champs, i was so sad when she got reworked and didnt played her for like 7 years.
Old Xerath and Galio were my favorite back in those days. I'd say Xerath was more of a deterrent mage. You poke a lot with only W+Q to weaken someone before teamfight and the rest of the kit are there to burst someone down when approached. It was a good time for him before the game started to get overwhelmed with mobility creep.
As someone who mained Old Karma and really tried to push her to her limits, I can firmly say no other current champion has the duality that she had. Being a hurt/heal battle mage skirmisher who excelled at positioning and can fill many roles, Riot really didn't give her a chance to shine. Her main issues were gold dependency, which easily could've been fixed with today's items. Her E shield bomb and W cast on allies would make for some very interesting combos with the Support items today. Her design was amazing too. Sure the visuals weren't super stunning, but this was at League's birth. The dual fans aesthetic and the pink cherry blossom blades really gave her abilities an iconic look. Way better than the generic, hot-mommy monk Karma who throws green stuff all the time. Old Karma was special because she had a clear identity in an age where champ identity was barely a thing. Hurt and heal. Give and take. Even her passive defined this and Mantra enhanced that even further. Current Karma lacks this severely, since she has gotten several nerfs and adjustments that just reduced her to the shell she is now. Riot has no idea what they want Karma to be and even her name has lost meaning with her kit.
And I loved playing Old Karma top. The only champ that gave me trouble was Renekton, but otherwise she was pretty powerful against them. And massive shield explosion. Luv it
I remember playing old Poppy she was one of my favorites to play as. There was no way to make her work in lane, but she was useable in the jungle role. Which was still somewhat of a coin flip either being useless or a monster. Whenever her ult was up you just tower dive and it was almost always a free kill since the tower can't even damage you which was honestly stupid. During her announcement of a rework when a Riot post was up taking feedback about it. A post I left there everything about her was likely going to be completely reworked or removed which I accepted, but pleaded PLEASE at least let Poppy keep her E skill (Heroic Charge) since slamming players into walls and smashing their face in was the most satisfying part of her kit. Which many people did agreed with and today it's literally the only thing left of old Poppy while everything else was changed completely. Still fun, better place and still enjoying her in the jungle role and top lane.
I absolutely loved playing old Urgot top lane, because since he was so undervalued by the player base as a whole, most people weren't familiar with what he did, especially his ultimate. Most people knew it would make you swap positions, but were also unaware that it applied an armor debuff. I would bring exhaust for that armor shred which would stack with the ult, and suddenly your lane opponent would find themselves taking almost double damage while hardly being able to move. People assumed it was a ranged brusier, but I played him like an assassin and it would just catch everyone by surprise
it is actually pretty hilarious that I maines most of these champions, Galio was my main mid, Evelynn jungle main, Urgot top with blue build, and old fiddlesticks support...I miss those guys T_T
Surprised there was no mention of ryze. He had the most reworks and had been gutted in solo queue due to his ult in pro play for the longest time. His winrate sat in the low 40's for such a long period and he's never been fixed. Despite being bad, he seemingly only got nerfs to his kit and buff only come in the form of better itemization.
I loved old Evelynn and her flexobility to build anything. I loved hybrid AP/AD build the most. I've hit gold for the first time OTPing her and then they reworked her :V Years later I still can't get used to her new kit.
Yeah I dont like that there is no true hybrid build now. Even Jax prefers to pick AD or AP now. I remember the times of hextech gunblade and guinsoo's that give both AP and AD. Old Akali, Katarina, Jax, Kayle, Evelynn, Twisted Fate, old Aatrox
You reminded me why I loved LoL so much. I have been playing a lot of those characters. Very good memories, now the game is so balanced and perfect that it is boring
I know they don't just have backups of old versions of champs, but I think one of the most successful things riot could do was create a limited time game mode where it was just OG league from like season 3. Old summoner's rift map, op versions of champs, old/op versions of OG items, etc. I bet people would play it just for nostalgia purposes. The only thing that would be an issue would be trying to make that fit in with the new rune systems since there's no more og runes and masteries.
Man I miss old Poppy... My favourite champ ever. Running away with basically no health eating autos like they where nothing and having the opponents visibly confused was priceless. Played her in the jungle other than top sometimes, was decently functional. The evil midget will always have a special place for me... The new one isn't cutting it, it is also not ugly enough.
I loved the hyper carry part of it. As Exil said: You couldn't do it every game (or even most games) as your early and mid game sucked and you just loose before you became relevant, but the 6 item fights where you can literally charge in 1v5 and win because no one can stop you were satisfying beyond compare.
Do more old league videos! As someone who didn’t play until much later, this is the league content to see just what rich history this game truly has. I don’t like new league videos that much just because everyone complains about the game enough so it’s better to go back in time to when things were sometimes simpler and other times more chaotic.
There is much more content/posts hating on the game right now but oh boy, the raging and flaming was way worse back then imo. You should've seen the chat after a Nunu hiden on a bush one shots a whole team with his ult. Or after a Sion got into the fountain to kill someone as the respawned. Crazy times haha
Xerath was not a battle mage or a poke mage, more like a ranged burst mage. One of my favorite kits of all time and i hope they add a champ that is similar in the future
karma's q icon was actually same icon as old kassadin's e icon, even the cone is the same as kassadin e. Riot was so lazy to create a new icon for her xD
I miss the previous Evelyn, she was one of my 2 jungle picks as her stealth gave me the confidence to counter jungle and the opportunity to gank even when im terrible at that. The R knock up into W then Q spam was easy enough that i didnt feel like i was letting my team down for playing a champion out of my main role. So yeh, i miss her and im sad i dont get to play her any more as the new kit just isnt the style of play im good at.
2013-2014 Evelynn was just one of the strongest champs in the game. Blue pot start in the jungle was even really popular in pro play and riot changed her e from magical damage to physical damage essentially taking a huge amount of damage out of her kit and nerfed her ult that same patch. SHE WAS STILL A MONSTER and if you didn’t wanna go ap, trinity force into dead man’s and tank items let you engage with r from stealth and run at the enemy backline and literally dog walk the adc and support down. ThereMs even a video titled something like “Korean Evelyn’s love running doublelift down” and it’s an unkillable trinity force eve just marking doublelift every time he left base lmao Old eve was super fun and strong I’ll never forget her
I miss old galio. Current galio is great but just a completely different champ. Only similarity is that they both have a taunt and have wings. Lol they even removed the taunt flash.
To this day I still believe old Evelynn wasn't that bad and people just memed her being bad without actually giving her a chance. Absolutely her ultimate sucked but her early snowball potential was so high you could carry a game easily. She wasn't perfect obviously but sometimes people just see a negative winrate and go "OH THAT CHAMPS BAD" when it goes into so much more depth then that. Early league in general was a chaotic mess of hidden builds and sleeper picks. No one really knew what was going on lol. For example for the longest time ap Yi was a joke then people finally started realizing how nuts it was, until eventually it had to get nerfed then removed altogether. These days league is so popular that the second a new build becomes good it's thrust into the light and everyone is playing it. Between youtubers and twitch streamers nothing stays hidden for long. Meanwhile the reverse is also true. If a champion is truly bad and underpowered people catch on really quick now. TLDR: I think people put too much trust in the winrate stat. its a great way to get a general sense of a champions power but it is not the gospel truth.
Eve was good back then. Stunning from stealth was highly underrated. Her ultimate worked well if you went ad and often time just got you out after assassinating.
I miss her old passive where she was invi from lvl 1. I used to play her in the midlane and I was ambushing the enemy jungler at lvl 2 while he was still lvl 1 XD
You mean the old AP or AD sion which either way could oneshot you before you could do anything thanks to the click and point 2 second stun ? Or the ultra omega tank version which could make even Cho' Gath blush when he sees how much HP and raw tankiness he had. Yeah that was broken alright
You actually awoken my original experience with league back in 2013, I didnt think i would know original karma but i genuinely recognized the W she used and how the tether interacted and i do believe my first game of league was prior to this change against a karma support
Omg seeing the old poppy again. Holy shit hybrid champs like her , jax and irelia is so hard to balance in the game. Poppy can just ult the support , and run it down. I actually loved all these pre-reworked champs back when they were "broken". Champs like Urgot , Poppy , Galio , Jax , Sion and Yorick. Urgot was extremely strong if you knew how to play him , hes basically the 1 pick against every single melee mid or top laners before Gnar became the de facto top range pick. His E applies the poison on enemy and ur Q went from short range point and click into Q that u can even press in the fog and if you clicked on precisely where the person with the poison went , ur Q will just fly straight to them. Black cleaver + manamune is all it took for him to starts killing people under their turret.
This is something that happened with a lot of old champs back then. For example teemo was either a troll pick or instaban back then. The fact that he had a 1:1 ap ration on the mushroom was enough to make some games a complete mess but to add more salt to the injury, the dmg stacked... So if you were playing a champ that was not a tank, one stroll without oracle in the jungle would send you back to the fountain...
OG Poppy was the beast. I miss season 3 Ryze and Akaly the most tho. Altho I am well aware that in the current meta, they would absolutely stomp every game.
I remember when I first played League back in 2012 I played for months and never saw a single Poppy or Galio and I have no idea what they did. Literally no one picked them. So I spent the LP to get them and I was instantly blown away. Galio had one of the best engages in the game. And Poppy was just insane. I instantly started to main them both. Anytime I was forced onto Support I would go Galio because the Ruby Sightstone and Athene's Unholy Grail were really all you needed. Anytime I was forced onto Top Lane I would go Poppy and just have a very turret hugging playstyle while rushing a Black Cleaver. Once you got a Black Cleaver you pretty much won lane. I still feel like the playerbase was just not as skilled at figuring things out back then and they missed out on those 2 characters still being quite strong.
Something really weird with me is, I missed out on early games like this. OLD looking MMOs mobas etc. I play OSRS when the first time I touched runescape EVER was last year. I like how these games looked back then. I'd love a way to play league with the old graphics.
It would be hilarious to see the old Poppy in a modern pro game. I think old WW is up there too. Midlane ww with dorans ring and ignite was absolutely ridiculous
Idk how familiar exil is with dota, but after seeing old karma w, it was very clearly based off of IO's (known as wisp at the time) tether ability. Givin Riot games' beginnings being associated with dota 1, it wouldnt suprise me if if was the same guy who made both characters.
Please keep going with these videos. I've been following @Exil for a long time, and your informative videos always catches me. For someone that has been playing for 10 years, hearing something from the old League is really wholesome in a way.
I was an OG Galio main, I had to make entire new builds and runes for him because i started playing him after he was already unpopular. Miss that! Inhib turrets heal me! Yes PLEASE!
I miss old Urgot. You'd build him as a top tank with all the mana items. Your hp and shield were huge, you could ping away at enemies from range so your lane was safe, and swapping carrys meant they had to target someone with Rammus levels of resistance, with reduced damage from his passive.
I miss the original GP :( I owned all his skins and mostly played him but after the rework he was a completely different champion and I rarely play him anymore.
I remember when Vizicsacsi played Poppy top right before her work, and Unicorns of Love played around keeping him safe long enough for him to just absolutely dominate the game. I have to imagine that was a significant part of why Riot finally did the work; seeing her in pro play made her impossible to ignore any longer.
Surprised you didn't mention the brief time when evelynn was taking revive/smite to jungle successfully and was one of the best champions in the game bc her ganks were on another level.
As someone who has one tricked Swain their entire league lifetime since 2013, I would love to see you talk a bit about his reworks. I almost miss his old kit in a lot of ways. I wish I could experience Pre-VGU Swain again with the game knowledge I have now and the mythic items of today. I feel like some CRAZY OP/fun builds could be made with his old kit. Still love his current state though :)
So many times in old League (until about Season 5 or 6) that I'd get reported for playing off-meta champions. Even if you do well, if the team loses it's because you played an off-meta champ, and if the team wins it's because you got carried, even if you went 11/2 or something like that. Pre-rework Sion top lane AD, AP Kog, AP Varus (I actually got banned for this one around season 4 I believe), full AP Morde Jg
Download Opera GX for free here: operagx.gg/Exil4
firefox gang 🦊
Hey exil, uneducated comment here, I thought if you had a video sponsor you couldn’t have ads on your actual video? I thought if a company or something was specifically doing a sponsorship and you plug them in the vid then there wouldn’t be UA-cam ads on the video? Or is it normal to have both?
You could make a video on when riot over buffs champions. 8:45 False. AP Galio in patch 7.24 was stronger than the champions you mentioned. They were op, because of their mobility AP Galio would oneshoot you with one spell and one item.
How dare you. Rell's e is a really good ability that I like. The only problem it has is that it has a 3 sec cooldown when you put it on an ally negating basically the reason you need it which is to quickly put it on a diving ally and cast it
I remember bringing her back from the grave with full on-hit items in games where people said they were going to report XD. How short lived that was as 3 months later they reworked here entirely, no attack speed, no tank stats on ult, no move speed buff mid combat, the last ability that was a simple move speed mid combat spell with the role being relinquished to items after combat has already started. Maybe not the golden days, but the days before league was a meta game, that’s what made the meta back then so volatile and competitive, champions maybe designed with one another in mind, item were made for each class of character, not thinking for abilities or scaling, just items that benefited certain classes, now the game is truly meta, you can’t make the items do something their not meant to do, like eve with titanic, gunblade, and nashors would be impossible nowadays with the only way you can is of course, playing those older model champions, corki is a good example of a champ that CAN still build off meta, go manamune into ice borne and abysmal mask and it’s just like old league again, you didn’t get those 2 items because you wanted to be efficient or get a slow, you have 4 abilities that only care about one item and one stat, magic pen, now you have heaps of damage from your 3 items scaling off each other, you get free tank stats just from building the most damage with this outdated play style, and to top it off you use the un updated magic pen so your champ snowballs like an old assassin off of tank items, but that just shows that the items didn’t do anything, the items being on corki did, that’s TRUE meta gameplay and I can’t say I’m happy with the item rework because of it, I can’t go gunblade on tristana adc for extra life steal and burst just like I can’t with khazix or eve or jax, I build the item with the stat that works or I fail, and that a boring version of the game I once had.
Even Evelynn's old lore was poorly thought out. I remember reading it in the old in-game client and her lore was legit "idk lol." Her origins were canonically "nobody knows who she is, where she's from, what she wants, or what she plans." OG champion lore was wild.
Original Fiddlesticks lore was somebody found him in a broom closet in the now-decanonized Institute of War. Like, a summoner was just going to grab something to clean a mess and Fiddlesticks was just *in there* going "hey what's up"
And Shako's lore is the same yet
@@realshi3841 be cool if shaco was from the same region as Gwen and that he was an actual puppet who was possessed
i mean he used to be scarecrow XD
@@realshi3841 maybe Shaco is the counterpart to Gwen and a Horcrux for Viego.
Omg, thank you so much for that blast from the past, haha.
Removing lore from the client was a mistake man...
I'm surprised you didn't mention how broken Evelynn was after her first gameplay upgrade with her old ult that was an AoE max %hp nuke that gave her a huge shield, where she could one shot you from stealth (her ult range was longer than her detection range so there was 0 warning). It was hilarious how could you build full AP and nuke away 50% of the max HP from stealth and one hit your target afterwards with E+lich bane and Qs.
I had to scroll this far to find this comment? I abused the shit out of it back in the day lol
I really miss this Evelynn.
If some of you remember the old DFG the %max hp one (not %current health and not 20% dmg increase one) + her ult was basically point and click one shot
@@simpleh8885 I miss this Eve. Even after the DFG removal I was happy because she still blew people up. Now her Q is just so awkward, I hate how her charm works, and stealth on ult instead of passive sucks. She was my most played champion and I've just switched to ADC instead.
EDIT: I also hate how her ulti ejects you from the fight. Give me back the speed buff that resets on kill, even if it does 0 damage.
@@ayanamijyou’re just trash 🤣
Remember when Evelynn was an invisible microwave?
The sunfire build LOL
I remember when her stun also stunned turrets back then, it was so weird.
"invisible microwave" is the best way I've heard it to immediately know what's going on
@@RDKirbyN thanks homie 😂
As someone who has played League highly intermittently since near the start (like season 1 or 2 probably), these videos are really fun for me to watch. They remind me of stuff I had totally forgot about and fill in the gaps in my knowledge from when I wasn't playing with some of the crazy stuff I missed. It's crazy to look back and see what was, and appreciate how far the game has come while also appreciating the experiences we can't have anymore.
I literally still think of her as the “new Karma”. This video reminded me that she’s been that longer than I played her in her old form. 😂
I remember old Evelynn. Yeah, her old abilities really didn't mesh, to the point that it was comical. Still was fun to play from time to time though, since the stealth mechanic was so unique.
The amount of times people were genuinly taken aback when you carried with her was insane. In lower elo, she was a literal vending machine for wins since no one, and I mean no one, was buying pink wards or used ignite properly(also initially she had 60 second stealth when maxed, so she could run from base full stealth).
Same with old twitch and his 40 second full stealth, that was a fun time.... ADC with 6 items which can explode your entire team in 3 seconds having a full stealth so that he can just walk to your backline with increased movement and the attack speed was still there... Who even thought that was a good idea.
There was also that weird time with the overtuned AD spirit jg item. Her q reapplied the burn every cast and the first burn tick was applied immediately so her damage was higher than people were used to, even when considering the pushed stats the item had.
I remember when eve's stun was on-hit and when she tried to stun Jax it missed back when dodge was a passive
@@2LettersSho I Remember the days of ad old evellyn where i made full ad and one shotted almost ever one. It was beautifull. If you fell behind the game was over tho.
@@bite12344 Those same people who thought tf ult had to be basic ability
I miss a lot of these old champions and kits. I was loved old Karma and Eevelynn. A lot of these champions that got reworked were the ones I enjoyed playing the most. I also miss the hybrid scaling that used to give you alternate play styles like old AP Sion, AP Yi, or AP Trist. I was also a poppy abuser when I could get the jungle to setup a tent top.
hybrid scaling was soooo fun in mobas back in the day I want Dawngate and Vainglory etc back 😭
Does anybody remember old Evelyn in URF? Her q cd was something like 0.13 seconds, you were blowing people up instantly.
My q button remebers it vividly
@@Lofurold Macro for mashing it every 0.1 seconds was stupidly helpful
Now nunu does it.
I remember playing poppy in URF back then, it was so funny to one shot everyone with her Q :')
I still have arthritis from it 😂
Pre rework Poppy taught me crucial meta game strategies like the importance of trading, patience, focusing on farming, etc. because with her kit, you HAD to have a better long term focus. She was such a TERRIBLE laner. It can not be emphasized enough how easy it was to bully her in lane. She only had melee abilities and a very conditional dash so if someone could outrange you and harass you (most champions) your lane was cooked. Not to mention her mana costs were through the roof with a terrible base mana pool.
But this was the thing about poppy: you just had to survive until level 9 and buy a Sheen. If you got your Q maxed out, suddenly when people start to poke you and you dashed into them and smacked them with that Q, the base damage plus sheen proc that would ALSO get converted into magic damage could do over 25% of their health easily. She had this jump scare quality that made so many people who didn’t even understand her since she was so underutilized much more timid.
Then you get to the mid game skirmishes where you legitimately could go 1v5 and at least come out 1 for 1 reliably, after that it’s over. She was such a beast and if the enemy didn’t understand her passive or ultimate she could bait out high damage abilities and just shrug it off while eating your carry for breakfast.
Such a fun champion and I think she would have seen competitive play had Darius not come out. His DoT and true damage ultimate made her passive useless and his harassment would mercilessly destroy her.
Old Dr.mundo was an insane anti-ap champ, he used to get a free 39% MR increase and heal 110% fo his max hp. He would run around with 300 Mr with 2 items. No mage would stop him becasue he also got 30% tenacity.
Mundo is still an insane anti-ap champ. Most mages win by either bursting down their enemy, or blasting them from afar. Mundo's W (and R) counters a mage's 100 - 0 combo, and Mundo's passive + R MS lets him run down any mage trying to keep their distance. Additionally, most mages only have one "get off me" tool, which Mundo's passive hard counters. Also, since most mages aren't DPS mages, Mundo with Heartsteel (and titanic if you can afford) will be able to kill most mages long before his R runs out. Of course, this is assuming a vacuum, and depending on the state of the game, this might go either way. But Mundo is still great at dealing with squishy mages, just not as clear-cut as before.
I miss old mundo 😂 id rather fight his 3%healing per second any fricken day of the week instead of new mundo plus he was so fun to play i loved his flaming aoe
I miss old Vlad
fizz destroyed him really hard, you just avoided mundo got late game lmfao
doing over 1k damage per q with missing health damage
and health regen nerfed he hard whooped mundo
again you did need to hit late game
Cringe ahh
i like it how i totally forgot what the topic of the video was untill the 9 minute mark when he started to talk about the evelynn
I absolutely adored old Galio. I reveled in getting the chance to play him against mage picks. At the time I saw him slowly getting phased out of play leading up to the rework. For example, when Braum was released you could not ult cause of that stun auto passive.
Same, old Galio was one of my mains. I wish riot put Old Galio back in the game, so I can fight rerework Mord or rework Akali. New Galio is not the same just a different Champion with the name Galio.
Yeah, I loved the old Galio too. But I remember that some matchups were straight up impossible depending of who are playing against him - just to name a few: Fizz, Malzahar, Morgana, Brand... If you used magic DOT against Galio you would see him gaining HP. Mid/late game, he could heal from creeps and even from tower if you're too ahead.
But, yeah... I had a lot of fun with him - and even liking the new one, I miss the old Galio too.
man, support Galio was my jam... you need to be there witnessing it in person at the time to truly experience the fun that is Kalista + Galio
and then was also urf Galio... healing off towers as if they were your Sorakas, what a time to be a league player
@@pewpewdragon4483 Kalista Galio combo was so goated
It was fun playing tank galio on old galio. Made lots of players get tilted by struggling to kill meat shield going back to full health.
Idk what's more sad, the fact that a lot of these lasted longer than a year or the fact I grew up with all of them
I'm pretty sure Twitch could also do the sunfire strat. So with the help of a friend you two could just fry the entire enemy team without anyone noticing. It was a crazy time.
Sunfire used to be stackable. It also did weak enough magic damage that building some MR made it almost useless.
Remember Twitch+Zilean stealth bombs?
@@shaderunner7.0 I do this now with shaco
the ultimate strat was going 4 sunfires + guardian angel + swiftness boots on shaco.
His clone had all his item effects at full power so would do 8 sunfires of damage per second and revives him and his clone upon death.
you can still do that on shaco lol
I was a Poppy main before the rework. I still miss that champion so much. I remember playing her in jg and building that AP jg item that was like a mini trinity force, and then straight ad bruiser after that. I had insane win rates on it and had the most pentakills I've ever had on a single champion. I still love the new Poppy, but man the old one was so good.
Or simply triforce gunblade top. Early focus on farming and just letting them feel the hammer from time to time to instil the respect she deserves.
On top of the knowledge, that there wasn't such a thing as YOUR tower. EVERY tower was Poppies tower and you WILL be pinned to that. Well, your dead body that is.
Never was a big poppy player but I had a Lollipoppy skin. Remember when she used old W her shield was turning from black to white chocolate. They took the chocolate now.
I actually miss the old Galio design. Not his abilities, but his actual Gargoyle model. It was so cool, it's a shame they got rid of it.
Also his gentleman personality was so nice, and he was Poppy's Best Friend(old Poppy). Now hes kinda rude and egoist
It's horrible. Wtf.
@@GDemi14 Rude? Egoist? Sure he can be rude, but only towards people like Sylas or Noxians. He is just a bit dumb and doesn't really care about anyone anymore, because he sleeps for hundreds of years and everytime he wakes up, he has to realise that his old friends are all gone
I remember when I would wait for Yorick to come in the free rotation so I could finally try him but it never happened and I figured he's such an undesirable champion that Riot doesn't even care to put him in the rotation. So I ended up buying him to confuse enemies in game who have never seen Yorick. I miss old Yorick 😢 "You will remember Yorick Mori"
We have to see the old Sion for the next video.
A passive made for a tank, his Q and W has the AP ratios and burst potential of a mage, and his E and R has the damage and lifesteal of an AD Bruiser.
i actually remember playing with a friend on urf sion and taric duo top, at that point of time both of them had a point and click stun ability, we would catch one dude and perma stun him for like 10 secs until he dies
Atma impaler or Deathfire grasp
@@xristoskoumpourlis1614 Shit I just used to do Sion and Taric bot lane and it worked by far better than it had any right to. No one expected the AD taric AP Sion combo.
Old sion was something id wanted to main but never could because ive never got top. When i finally managed to be top, sion got VGU uptade. At that time never seen someone play it, nobody knew its ult is unstobable. But i found that sion so much more boring, just when i stopped playing LoL because of infamous first actual tank meta and the birth of pinselhead 0/10 going tank and still deals damage.
Where was I? I stopped at season5 because of tankmeta and i didnt like it at all, sion was fun but not FUN enough. Years passed some dud called bauffs teached all of us how to play sion
DUde i used to play old scion before his rework. He was SO FUCKING STUPID to play. But GOD DAMN was his E NUTS early game. Literally was like a free item and let him DEMOLISH creeps early game.
Seeing old Sullla clips on the Urgot section made me go waaaayyy back
I played the old Urgot and Poppy (and sometimes the old Yorick, especially against other lane bullies like Darius) quite a lot until their rework. One big point for them was, that their play-rate was so low, most people didn't know, how their kit work and how to play against it. Most people didn't know, how Urgot's basic ability worked and how they interact with each other, so they were surprised, that they became half-life after one E and several Q.
Old yorick was bad, but he was charming in a way
@@RDKirbyN old yorick was beyond broken
@@MrPichsaint I don't even remember if old Yorick had any counter picks, he just bullied everyone
@@shindrac Old vladimir was ok against him with his sustain. Your strat was to survive and be stronger in late game than Yorick. It worked for me few times and it was only effective because old Yorick could go out of mana super fast. He just didn't have enough mana to outdamage vladimirs sustain. Vladimir obviously had no mana and could spam his q.
Old Yorick was amazing against Teemo
You could blow up his shrooms with W and completely shit on him with E
You also literallt have to talk about how old build variety was SO much more unique like full ap sion and tristana which were some of my favorite champs when i got into the game
Best part of old Galio was being ignited and pressing W on yourself and see the health bar going up instead of down.
Also wombo-combos with Wukong, Miss Fortune, Gangplank, were much easier to pull off because it was only Flash R
One thing about the Poppy section: the way you worded it sounded like the total damage taken was reduced in half and not only the excessive amount as was written in the wiki and your own text. For example, if she had 1000 health and took 120 damage, it sounded like she would take 60 instead of 110 (100 + 20/2)
EDIT: spelling
Yep, and if she had 1000 HP and took 1200 DMG Veigar ult she would take 650 dmg, damn I miss the old Poppy.
I have once ulted ADC and took out their whole team at 5 items because they didn't run probably not knowing how it works at first and then not knowing just how long it was. Sadly we've still lost the game as they were just crushing us and they have never let me get close again (even if it meant sacrificing someone to stall for time).
i used to play old tank poppy on dominion, dying was not a thing until darius came out
Picking galio into brand was so fun. Running into his skillshots to heal
I loved that against kat ult
honestly all of the old weird champs i really enjoyed back in the day, old scion, poppy, taric, eve, skarner
Old Poppy and old Karma were some of my favorite champions to play. Busted and terrible, but I just really enjoyed them. To this day I only use Traditional Karma so I can use her original voice. As for poppy, her W now is such a satisfying ability that I still love playing her.
i used to play old tank poppy on dominion, dying was not a thing until darius came out
Old ap poppy was such a fun assassin with 0 counterplay during teamfights, and karma remains one of my most fondly remembered mid lane picks.
Personally, I LOVED the old mordekaiser W. So many times I turned a fight that I showed up to late at the last second by throwing W on the adc and insta popping it saving them from dive and assassin champions. Felt SO good in my opinion.
i will always remember killing a full kit adc with my ult and rampage his own team with it.
That was not the old mordekaiser W. It was the 1st reworker W I think. The old one was a shield doing dot. Nothing insane.
Prob one of the most underrated league content creator. The quality that goes into each and every one of these videos is phenomenal. Good stuff as always.
thank you :)
He’s rated.
Man I'm getting old.
This must be like how my grandfather felt when he watched WW2 history on the TV.
5:58 i have fond memories of putting wards in the middle of the lane so I could basically use W as a point and click poke tool, it still remains one of my favorite abilities the game has seen. I honestly believe old Karma was just ahead of her time, as with the massive increase in gold generation supports would see in later seasons she could have become a very viable champion with an unorthodox playstyle similar to many yordle champions.
agree, loved the old karma... the new karma is just meh, kind of pure support, you actually have to rely now more on your team than the old one cause you can't kill ppl.
Leblanc was dominating during that time and I would 100% always pick Karma when i see one.
max Shield first and Leb loses every single trade.
If we get back old karma and she got refined a little she would be super strong till!
Putting a ward in the middle of the lane, just like Katarina and Jax
Noone was taking Karma seriously .. as a mage it was difficult to burst correctly because of bad Q visual range. But sure, using E on a minion to do damages was fun :)
I mainly played her support at that time, saved my ADC several times thanks to shield then heal :D
@@kyoukatsuariadust6744 You can play the new Karma as a tanky top. Her healing from tether is really good, and lots of poke from her Q
As someone who's been playing league since 2012, I remember old Poppy, was my main champ for a really long time. She was absolutely busted if you got fed early and got into mid game.
Ult the support, and before the ult had expired you killed off the entire enemy team. Remember that my old pals used to call me out for playing Poppy because they thought she was really weak.
They failed to realise that trinity force, infinity edge Poppy was crazy.
Sheen early for increased damage on Q, if you got really greedy you could purchase Sword of the Occult.
That item was absolutely based, Like Mejais soulstealer but with AD scaling
Waiting for a gank while hugging turret and as soon as you got that 1 kill. The lane was over for your opponent.
You could crack pretty much any champ top except for Caitlyn top, which I remember being a counter-pick for Poppy top because there was no way to farm under turret because you were really squishy early game and the range was too much.
This was so nostalgic, I really miss the old Poppy now. God was she ugly and bland AF, but her abilities and just the feeling of 1 shotting AD carries with Q felt satisfying.
Ah man, this takes me down memory lane. I'd love to see old Sion and old Taric in a video, possibly in the same segment because I loved playing duo with a buddy and going for the double point-and-click stun just to annoy the enemy team.
Ah yes, the old sion, 140 something ad at level one, outhealing fountain with his ult.
Old Sion was one of the craziest things in league. It was basically point, click and kill. I also loved his goofy jaw and axe.
fuckkkkk.. old AP sion was so funny to troll with. The long range stun that did more dmg the further it went, then you pop em with that FAT AP shield lol. Good times
10:15 Oracle's Elixir on Alistair was fun for me. Back then, it was stealth vision until you died, and if you were playing Alistair support that wasn't too likely to happen. Had so much fun ambushing clueless Twitch players wandering into their own bush from a leash. Also finding and killing Teemo shrooms (back then they didn't expire and were unlimited). As a bonus you could kill the other team's wards, which could only be bought at 75g each.
Old Oracles was so underrated until some team used it in the championship (and it was immediately nerfed to 5 mins max). It used to be such a high-risk high reward item. 400g for stealth vision, but if you die you lose it. Alistair was amazing for it, but sometimes it was an undesirable necessity (playing Heimerdinger when the other team had Twitch, although that game I got a lightning fast kill on him with grenade-> rockets (before rockets were a skillshot), idr if anything else was necessary.
How do I remember these things?
Aw man Galio. Played him exactly once ever for the counterpick. Opponent team went straight early game mages hoping to roll us fast and were taunting us the whole time. Predictably ended with them surrendering at 20, although their comp almost had us down to inhibitors.
The consensus between my college buddies and I regarding Urgot was that the one time you see one, run. Those guys really knew what they were doing on a champ that was ridiculously hard to play, at best. Devoted Urgot players were amazing.
I have fond memories of old Poppy. As someone who only occasionally played her, I can confirm that it was just as surprising surviving things you really shouldn't when you PLAYED as her. I got out of so many teamfights that I had no business walking away from.
I remember playing old Poppy A LOT before the rework. To the point where I got really sad when I saw it. I will always remember surviving 3 player ganks by just ulting someone with no cc and calmly walking away. Even tho the cooldown was pretty crazy
I fondly remember old Ryze, when you would press R and then slam you fist into your keyboard until you ran out of mana. Which you never did, because you had ROA and Manamune, which did extra physical dmg if i remember that right. Good times.
I like being an Ivern main who actually likes his playstyle and thematics because you never see him and people often don't expect what he does
Same bro as ivern and shaco main
It's like heaven
Great work as always, but you forgot 1 part of the first Poppy Ult, the first version you could ult minions and literally ignore all 5 enemies' damage. They changed that to champion later. Take it from someone who mained her back then!
I miss the old Galio, he was so much fun, spirit visage and tornmail and full ap items and just flash ult into enemy team is a instant nuke. And you would heal so much from his w,
exactly this. my best friend got me a skin for him and then the rework. so sad. lol
The only thing old galio lacks is, his Ult is lack of immunity to cc it can easily be interupted.
@@grahamburbanck1663 same here, I had the enchanted skin
@@SkyBreeze098this made Braum the perfect counter-pick to him, since his passive stuns him on 4 attacks.
I think you misunderstood how Poppy's old passive worked. Anything BEYOND 10% was halved, so if she had 1,000 hp and should take 150 damage, she instead would take 125. Likewise if she had 100 hp and should take 150 damage, she instead would take 80.
old poppy was so much fun. i remember having her as a pocket pick when playing blink pick with friends back in the day
Pre rework xerath was super fun as a niche pick and if you didnt know, the spell pen on the w was 40%.. so get a void staff and in w you went through 75-80% mr, and with a spell pen item or two you basically did true damage to anyone. Locking down and e->ult->q->ult would burst almost anyone from full hp. Super fun "set up and fire everything" playstyle that isnt really in the game anymore
The number of times I used Karma's passive to bait people while doing massive damage and healing myself is hilariously high. Old Karma was so much more interesting and fun to me than the modern version.
I totally forgot about Veigar's ultimate scaling with YOUR ap. that is too funny to me.
Can't wait for you to talk about Taric. I still have so many great memories from picking him Top against heavy AD teams and being able to _easily_ 1v2 or 1v3 the enemy top/jg/mid after getting 1.5 items. Also, you _better_ play some of his old Japanese voice clips. Japanese Original Taric is unironically some of the best voice over lines in the history of League.
I also miss Taric's old lore (along with many other older lores). I miss when Taric was a pacifist gem-paladin from another world, where that world pretty much exclusively used magic fueled by and centered around gemstones, that somehow got shifted to Runeterra.
I started playing League back in March 2013, just between Quinn and Zac, so I remember _every_ old champ that has since been removed from the game. (I quit the game entirely for good just before holidays 2021, shortly after Vex release)
Also, I hope you're as harsh as possible when talking about Aatrox's removal. His kit was a problem for a while, but then just before they removed him and made Riven 2.0, he had a short time where his old kit that was in a great state, both in competitive viability and player enjoyment. But then they entirely deleted him from the game, removed everything that he was, and just made Riven but edgier.
I don't know how people can still call aatrox riven 2.0
Anyway, the period that he was finally good wasn't because of his kit (his kit received the first update way before that), but because of a new op build. Trinity, guinsoo and titanic hydra if I remember correctly. People started picking him and started having fun because guess what? Winning was easy with him now. That's why so many people were pissed about him being removed from the game. 4 years being one of the worst champions in the game to suddently being the best top laner.
@@ZargorrOG Probably because of the 3 hit q.
Back in the days before role selection old Taric was invaluable at keeping awful adc's alive through laning phase even though they took every skillshot to the face and were getting hooked and jumped on constantly.
@@ZargorrOG New Aatrox is Riven 2.0 because they both have a passive that buffs their next auto damage, a triple cast Q that does a small AoE of damage after a very short dash, a short range hard CC W, a short dash E, and an Ult that essentially just adds stats.
Especially since they completely removed Aatrox's iconic and defining revive passive.
@@goazer2 i loved playing taric support and destroying the overconfident adc in a 1v1 when my adc backed
I haven't played LoL since end Season 3. Started playing Dota 2 instead.
Watching old LoL stuff is very nostalgic. Sometimes I wish I could still play a match of old AP Sion, AP Kog'Maw, and old Xerath.
Damn, I used to go full ad/atkspeed evelynn and got some nice free elo at the time, she was so strong with insane dps, at the time ad items were simpler, and stacking resistence wasn't so easy, you could literally melt your opponents with raw quick attacks and spam Q with E and stuff, the ult slowed everyone in an area too which was awesome.
i still prefer how she felt to play back then tbh idc if she's viable now :,)
Same here. Stopped Platini league after that rework. Crit eve was also great. Actually you could buy anything and still carry.
Yorick shoulda been mentioned.
Dude was rarely picked and had an insanely op laning phase. He also saw a tiny bit of pro play, when people used hil as a poke support and have him r the hyper carry
It's interesting to me how the reaction to people playing a "troll" pick back then seem to line up with how people react to them now. Seems the player base hasnt changed all that much over the years.
the core motivation to play the game haven't changed since back then. It's still just climb the rank ladder and flame teammates who you think are bad.
Idk, it might just be an elo thing cuz nobody flames me when I pick something like sylas or Warwick support. People question me, but nobody's every really that toxic.
@@karenwang313 Both Sylas and Warwick are semi-reliable CC, tankyness and utility, doesn't surprise me too much. They do sound like fun picks to play
@@karenwang313 Those are very good picks, and consider their ADC dead if your team has one more other CC. If you still get flamed with very good picks, your server if not atleast your queue has something wrong.
@@karenwang313 people in Iron aren't such a fan of my Aphelios support with Minion Demat and Smite. Lots of free chat bans given away when I pick it lmfao.
What?!?!? The first karma visual design was awesome!
I remember old Galio in URF, basically unkillable, infinite heals with his old W. He was also really fun in ARAM with the snowball into flash Ult, good times.
I don't know if you have ever thought about doing a video on old builds players used to do but if you ever do, I got a fun one that absolutely was broken and no one knew of it. Nunu top was unstoppable and had zero counter picks and wasn't able to be ganked by anyone. Your first item was hexteck revolver into the spellvamp book, you would start with the tome and a potion. I know he has been changed but his old Q used to do a massive amount of true damage to non-player characters and healed him a bit. You probably already see why this build worked so well. If not spell vamp worked off of the true damage meaning instead of healing for a hundred or so it was actually closer to 500. No mana issues with his old passive, if you didn't need to heal it was free harass with the point and click snowballs. If you got ganked you just munched on a minion and sped yourself up and ran away. One of the best top laners at the time was Yorick and Yorick couldn't do anything against this build. Oh you spawned a ghost on me? Guess I'll eat it. Oh you slowed me? I'll speed myself up and slow you more. Oh you hit me? Have a snow ball and bye! It falls off late game but I never lost a lane playing this build, not once.
old galio was one of my most played champs up until his rework. I had the misfortune of getting attached to Yorick, Urgot and Galio all before their respective reworks, and while the current state of those champs is much more healthy, I can't help but miss them. All 3 of those champs were in my top 10 champs, just makes me miss them.
I feel you, i was a urgot galio zac aatrox and seju main and all got ripped apart
@@hawk-nightcore5577 poppy and taric main here. Both top and jungle, but RITO can't have champs countering their YOLO-Quintuple-dash-1-shot meta...
Hell, i LOVED pre rework Soraka, both mid and jungle...
The clear speed and sustain was phenominal. And teamfights... you went tanky dps and were first ignored becasue you take so long to kill and don't deal damage. 4 sec later they noticed, that your starfall has stacked up and are now trying to get away from it, while rylias says no. Ahh good times.
I was an eve main back in the day. I didnt mind the rework of her mechanics/skills but i was very upset about the removal of her weird crawl/walk animation lol
I loved 1 shotting enemyes with old karma E btw... one of my favorite champs, i was so sad when she got reworked and didnt played her for like 7 years.
Old Xerath and Galio were my favorite back in those days.
I'd say Xerath was more of a deterrent mage. You poke a lot with only W+Q to weaken someone before teamfight and the rest of the kit are there to burst someone down when approached.
It was a good time for him before the game started to get overwhelmed with mobility creep.
As someone who mained Old Karma and really tried to push her to her limits, I can firmly say no other current champion has the duality that she had. Being a hurt/heal battle mage skirmisher who excelled at positioning and can fill many roles, Riot really didn't give her a chance to shine. Her main issues were gold dependency, which easily could've been fixed with today's items. Her E shield bomb and W cast on allies would make for some very interesting combos with the Support items today.
Her design was amazing too. Sure the visuals weren't super stunning, but this was at League's birth. The dual fans aesthetic and the pink cherry blossom blades really gave her abilities an iconic look. Way better than the generic, hot-mommy monk Karma who throws green stuff all the time.
Old Karma was special because she had a clear identity in an age where champ identity was barely a thing. Hurt and heal. Give and take. Even her passive defined this and Mantra enhanced that even further. Current Karma lacks this severely, since she has gotten several nerfs and adjustments that just reduced her to the shell she is now. Riot has no idea what they want Karma to be and even her name has lost meaning with her kit.
And I loved playing Old Karma top. The only champ that gave me trouble was Renekton, but otherwise she was pretty powerful against them. And massive shield explosion. Luv it
I got wood thinking of old karma
I remember playing old Poppy she was one of my favorites to play as. There was no way to make her work in lane, but she was useable in the jungle role. Which was still somewhat of a coin flip either being useless or a monster. Whenever her ult was up you just tower dive and it was almost always a free kill since the tower can't even damage you which was honestly stupid.
During her announcement of a rework when a Riot post was up taking feedback about it. A post I left there everything about her was likely going to be completely reworked or removed which I accepted, but pleaded PLEASE at least let Poppy keep her E skill (Heroic Charge) since slamming players into walls and smashing their face in was the most satisfying part of her kit. Which many people did agreed with and today it's literally the only thing left of old Poppy while everything else was changed completely. Still fun, better place and still enjoying her in the jungle role and top lane.
I absolutely loved playing old Urgot top lane, because since he was so undervalued by the player base as a whole, most people weren't familiar with what he did, especially his ultimate. Most people knew it would make you swap positions, but were also unaware that it applied an armor debuff. I would bring exhaust for that armor shred which would stack with the ult, and suddenly your lane opponent would find themselves taking almost double damage while hardly being able to move. People assumed it was a ranged brusier, but I played him like an assassin and it would just catch everyone by surprise
Old urgot was fun. Just ugly
@@nergigante. that I can't argue with lol
it is actually pretty hilarious that I maines most of these champions, Galio was my main mid, Evelynn jungle main, Urgot top with blue build, and old fiddlesticks support...I miss those guys T_T
Old Poppy was the most fun I've ever had playing this game, just charging people down with that weird little waddle and slapping them silly.
Surprised there was no mention of ryze. He had the most reworks and had been gutted in solo queue due to his ult in pro play for the longest time. His winrate sat in the low 40's for such a long period and he's never been fixed. Despite being bad, he seemingly only got nerfs to his kit and buff only come in the form of better itemization.
I loved old Evelynn and her flexobility to build anything. I loved hybrid AP/AD build the most. I've hit gold for the first time OTPing her and then they reworked her :V Years later I still can't get used to her new kit.
They basically removed the champion and only kept her name like most reworks
Yeah I dont like that there is no true hybrid build now.
Even Jax prefers to pick AD or AP now.
I remember the times of hextech gunblade and guinsoo's that give both AP and AD.
Old Akali, Katarina, Jax, Kayle, Evelynn, Twisted Fate, old Aatrox
@robertjohnpecayo8642 I've had the worst luck picking mains. Akali, karma , Quinn and Tristana all before reworks.
You reminded me why I loved LoL so much. I have been playing a lot of those characters. Very good memories, now the game is so balanced and perfect that it is boring
Not only is this completely untrue, but it's also a terrible take. Wow.
@@salj.5459 right? "so balanced"; what world is this person living in?
@@mattr.1804 World 6-9 - Unbalanced Territory
on paper losing lane as pantheon would sound impossible but his kit is to linear to not be able to be outplayed
As a Poppy main since season one I was wondering what you were gonna say and had a good laugh when you finally got to her.
I know they don't just have backups of old versions of champs, but I think one of the most successful things riot could do was create a limited time game mode where it was just OG league from like season 3. Old summoner's rift map, op versions of champs, old/op versions of OG items, etc. I bet people would play it just for nostalgia purposes. The only thing that would be an issue would be trying to make that fit in with the new rune systems since there's no more og runes and masteries.
Man I miss old Poppy... My favourite champ ever. Running away with basically no health eating autos like they where nothing and having the opponents visibly confused was priceless.
Played her in the jungle other than top sometimes, was decently functional.
The evil midget will always have a special place for me... The new one isn't cutting it, it is also not ugly enough.
I loved the hyper carry part of it. As Exil said: You couldn't do it every game (or even most games) as your early and mid game sucked and you just loose before you became relevant, but the 6 item fights where you can literally charge in 1v5 and win because no one can stop you were satisfying beyond compare.
I wonder how much of old Jax brokenness was actually the brokenness of the dodge mechanic in general (which also affected Nidalee) and the Ninja Tabi
Very little, actually.
Do more old league videos! As someone who didn’t play until much later, this is the league content to see just what rich history this game truly has. I don’t like new league videos that much just because everyone complains about the game enough so it’s better to go back in time to when things were sometimes simpler and other times more chaotic.
There is much more content/posts hating on the game right now but oh boy, the raging and flaming was way worse back then imo. You should've seen the chat after a Nunu hiden on a bush one shots a whole team with his ult. Or after a Sion got into the fountain to kill someone as the respawned. Crazy times haha
old galio was one of my first favorite champs, thought his design and especially ult were so dope
Xerath was not a battle mage or a poke mage, more like a ranged burst mage. One of my favorite kits of all time and i hope they add a champ that is similar in the future
karma's q icon was actually same icon as old kassadin's e icon, even the cone is the same as kassadin e. Riot was so lazy to create a new icon for her xD
I miss the previous Evelyn, she was one of my 2 jungle picks as her stealth gave me the confidence to counter jungle and the opportunity to gank even when im terrible at that. The R knock up into W then Q spam was easy enough that i didnt feel like i was letting my team down for playing a champion out of my main role.
So yeh, i miss her and im sad i dont get to play her any more as the new kit just isnt the style of play im good at.
2013-2014 Evelynn was just one of the strongest champs in the game. Blue pot start in the jungle was even really popular in pro play and riot changed her e from magical damage to physical damage essentially taking a huge amount of damage out of her kit and nerfed her ult that same patch. SHE WAS STILL A MONSTER
and if you didn’t wanna go ap, trinity force into dead man’s and tank items let you engage with r from stealth and run at the enemy backline and literally dog walk the adc and support down.
ThereMs even a video titled something like “Korean Evelyn’s love running doublelift down” and it’s an unkillable trinity force eve just marking doublelift every time he left base lmao
Old eve was super fun and strong I’ll never forget her
If I’m being honest, I really enjoyed old Urgot. He was one of my first mains. Can’t wait for part 2
I still remember sniping my enemies from 20 km away and making them tilt so hard lmao
I maibed old yorick. I feel you :'D
I miss old galio. Current galio is great but just a completely different champ. Only similarity is that they both have a taunt and have wings.
Lol they even removed the taunt flash.
To this day I still believe old Evelynn wasn't that bad and people just memed her being bad without actually giving her a chance. Absolutely her ultimate sucked but her early snowball potential was so high you could carry a game easily. She wasn't perfect obviously but sometimes people just see a negative winrate and go "OH THAT CHAMPS BAD" when it goes into so much more depth then that.
Early league in general was a chaotic mess of hidden builds and sleeper picks. No one really knew what was going on lol. For example for the longest time ap Yi was a joke then people finally started realizing how nuts it was, until eventually it had to get nerfed then removed altogether. These days league is so popular that the second a new build becomes good it's thrust into the light and everyone is playing it. Between youtubers and twitch streamers nothing stays hidden for long. Meanwhile the reverse is also true. If a champion is truly bad and underpowered people catch on really quick now.
TLDR: I think people put too much trust in the winrate stat. its a great way to get a general sense of a champions power but it is not the gospel truth.
Eve was good back then. Stunning from stealth was highly underrated. Her ultimate worked well if you went ad and often time just got you out after assassinating.
I miss her old passive where she was invi from lvl 1. I used to play her in the midlane and I was ambushing the enemy jungler at lvl 2 while he was still lvl 1 XD
We def need old sion in the next episode
You mean the old AP or AD sion which either way could oneshot you before you could do anything thanks to the click and point 2 second stun ?
Or the ultra omega tank version which could make even Cho' Gath blush when he sees how much HP and raw tankiness he had.
Yeah that was broken alright
You actually awoken my original experience with league back in 2013, I didnt think i would know original karma but i genuinely recognized the W she used and how the tether interacted and i do believe my first game of league was prior to this change against a karma support
Early for once, Old Eve was one of my favourites tbh.
Omg seeing the old poppy again. Holy shit hybrid champs like her , jax and irelia is so hard to balance in the game. Poppy can just ult the support , and run it down.
I actually loved all these pre-reworked champs back when they were "broken". Champs like Urgot , Poppy , Galio , Jax , Sion and Yorick.
Urgot was extremely strong if you knew how to play him , hes basically the 1 pick against every single melee mid or top laners before Gnar became the de facto top range pick. His E applies the poison on enemy and ur Q went from short range point and click into Q that u can even press in the fog and if you clicked on precisely where the person with the poison went , ur Q will just fly straight to them. Black cleaver + manamune is all it took for him to starts killing people under their turret.
Yeah I remember old urgot hitting Q's from across the lane when you were marked
This is something that happened with a lot of old champs back then. For example teemo was either a troll pick or instaban back then. The fact that he had a 1:1 ap ration on the mushroom was enough to make some games a complete mess but to add more salt to the injury, the dmg stacked... So if you were playing a champ that was not a tank, one stroll without oracle in the jungle would send you back to the fountain...
OG Poppy was the beast. I miss season 3 Ryze and Akaly the most tho. Altho I am well aware that in the current meta, they would absolutely stomp every game.
I remember when I first played League back in 2012 I played for months and never saw a single Poppy or Galio and I have no idea what they did. Literally no one picked them. So I spent the LP to get them and I was instantly blown away. Galio had one of the best engages in the game. And Poppy was just insane. I instantly started to main them both.
Anytime I was forced onto Support I would go Galio because the Ruby Sightstone and Athene's Unholy Grail were really all you needed.
Anytime I was forced onto Top Lane I would go Poppy and just have a very turret hugging playstyle while rushing a Black Cleaver. Once you got a Black Cleaver you pretty much won lane.
I still feel like the playerbase was just not as skilled at figuring things out back then and they missed out on those 2 characters still being quite strong.
Something really weird with me is, I missed out on early games like this. OLD looking MMOs mobas etc. I play OSRS when the first time I touched runescape EVER was last year. I like how these games looked back then. I'd love a way to play league with the old graphics.
It would be hilarious to see the old Poppy in a modern pro game. I think old WW is up there too. Midlane ww with dorans ring and ignite was absolutely ridiculous
Idk how familiar exil is with dota, but after seeing old karma w, it was very clearly based off of IO's (known as wisp at the time) tether ability. Givin Riot games' beginnings being associated with dota 1, it wouldnt suprise me if if was the same guy who made both characters.
I used to run old poppy as a support purely to get to level 6 with relative safety, got about 3 months into it before the rework happened
Please keep going with these videos.
I've been following @Exil for a long time, and your informative videos always catches me.
For someone that has been playing for 10 years, hearing something from the old League is really wholesome in a way.
I was an OG Galio main, I had to make entire new builds and runes for him because i started playing him after he was already unpopular.
Miss that! Inhib turrets heal me! Yes PLEASE!
I was a top main season 2-7 and I exclusively played pre-rework Poppy, Fiora and Urgot to get to Gold... After Urgot's rework I switched to jungle.
I miss old Urgot. You'd build him as a top tank with all the mana items. Your hp and shield were huge, you could ping away at enemies from range so your lane was safe, and swapping carrys meant they had to target someone with Rammus levels of resistance, with reduced damage from his passive.
Exil uploads are like Christmas - comes once a year and it's the thing you wait the other 364 days for.
Remember when old Galio was a terror in URF back when URF came out the first time? spam q e ever 2s and w heal like 200 for 1 tick?
I miss the original GP :( I owned all his skins and mostly played him but after the rework he was a completely different champion and I rarely play him anymore.
I remember when Vizicsacsi played Poppy top right before her work, and Unicorns of Love played around keeping him safe long enough for him to just absolutely dominate the game. I have to imagine that was a significant part of why Riot finally did the work; seeing her in pro play made her impossible to ignore any longer.
i used to play old tank poppy on dominion, dying was not a thing until darius came out
Surprised you didn't mention the brief time when evelynn was taking revive/smite to jungle successfully and was one of the best champions in the game bc her ganks were on another level.
As someone who has one tricked Swain their entire league lifetime since 2013, I would love to see you talk a bit about his reworks. I almost miss his old kit in a lot of ways. I wish I could experience Pre-VGU Swain again with the game knowledge I have now and the mythic items of today. I feel like some CRAZY OP/fun builds could be made with his old kit. Still love his current state though :)
liandrys with the stupid crow ability, bah!
So many times in old League (until about Season 5 or 6) that I'd get reported for playing off-meta champions. Even if you do well, if the team loses it's because you played an off-meta champ, and if the team wins it's because you got carried, even if you went 11/2 or something like that. Pre-rework Sion top lane AD, AP Kog, AP Varus (I actually got banned for this one around season 4 I believe), full AP Morde Jg