With the dominator I was able to add more io's like a driveshaft sensor, front wheel speed sensor, shock sensors, ect. Also The dominator allowed for more advanced tabled which are being used for a variety of functions for racing and street driving. I could have gotten away with the terminator ecu but for the extra data that I wanted to have, it was necessary
@@BoostieMotorsports I was thinking about getting a Can I/O module for my terminator but Im gona look into the advanced tables that the Dominator offers
@@v8tergt653 Really depends on the car and setup. Dominator has 3-Step ability, Boost builder and a handful of other built in functions that dont burn up Advanced ICF stuff. I know plenty of people who have gone wild with the terminator but you end up needing to get crafty. Good luck with your build!
You you every had an issue with the gas pedal not working using the dominator setup
You mentioned you needed to Dominator to add more stuff, do you mind explaining what you added after you installed the dominator?
With the dominator I was able to add more io's like a driveshaft sensor, front wheel speed sensor, shock sensors, ect. Also The dominator allowed for more advanced tabled which are being used for a variety of functions for racing and street driving. I could have gotten away with the terminator ecu but for the extra data that I wanted to have, it was necessary
@@BoostieMotorsports I was thinking about getting a Can I/O module for my terminator but Im gona look into the advanced tables that the Dominator offers
@@v8tergt653 Really depends on the car and setup. Dominator has 3-Step ability, Boost builder and a handful of other built in functions that dont burn up Advanced ICF stuff. I know plenty of people who have gone wild with the terminator but you end up needing to get crafty. Good luck with your build!
Yea sounds like getting a Dominator makes everything easier and more straight forward
What size screws did you use to make that mount for the dominator
Sorry but I do not remember, they were from Ace Hardware. If I had to guess 10-32 comes to mind.
Lays chips