WE G17 gen4 straight out of box. (Unboxing, impressions and initial brief test and review)

  • Опубліковано 8 січ 2025


  • @watersharky7589
    @watersharky7589 4 місяці тому +3

    0:28 nice use of the Lego stand and motor to get this spinning shot 😂
    Actually pretty smart and practical. Gotta give props where props is due

  • @francismangahas9482
    @francismangahas9482 2 роки тому +7

    i have the same units.. WE glock 17 gen 4 & glock 18 custom.. good alternative hobby to live firearm.. greetings from PH 😊

  • @rjpc4677
    @rjpc4677 2 роки тому +6

    this gun performs well in our country, which has tropical climate with around 30 to 34 celsius temp.

  • @cxrzxd
    @cxrzxd 2 роки тому +2

    W video sad to see it flop love though bro❤️

  • @phoenixhenson3689
    @phoenixhenson3689 2 роки тому +7

    Why are you wearing all of that gear just to test a BB gun

    • @airsoftfantom
      @airsoftfantom  2 роки тому +4

      It is most easy for me, i do not need to think about wear. when playing airsoft i wear my gear, i was going to shoot airsoft pistol-> i took my gear, easy as that🙂

  • @Crs_mrg
    @Crs_mrg 10 місяців тому +1

    Thats a fantastic video my friend is the slide made out of metal ?

    • @airsoftfantom
      @airsoftfantom  10 місяців тому +1

      Thank You! Yes, slide is made of metal.

  • @andylange4805
    @andylange4805 2 роки тому +3

    Nice toy.
    Looks like my real glock 17.
    Greetings from Arkansas 👋

  • @vintageguitarz1
    @vintageguitarz1 2 роки тому +3

    The WE tech M9a3 GBBR is a far better pistol, I have owned 2 (Gen 1 and 2) one Semi automatic and one Gen2 Full Auto. My oldest is 5 years old and newest is 1 year old and NOTHING has ever broken, I have replaced the Bucking on the oldest one twice because hell its 5 years old! Both get 325 to 350 fps regularly with .28 BBs and 1.5inch groups of 10 shots at 100 foot 6 inch bullseye targets! Also the M9A3 doesn't have that stupid Trigger Safety to interfere with trigger feel or concentration.

    • @airsoftfantom
      @airsoftfantom  2 роки тому +1

      100 feet 1.5 inch groups is perfect. Have not been anywhere close with none of my gbbs(desert eagle l6, combat master, we g18, we g17, ssp18, sig f17, cz75d)

  • @x.clowndecrist2222
    @x.clowndecrist2222 2 роки тому +1

    He I was wondering where could I get one because I’m just now starting on airsoft and I’m looking for where I can get one

    • @airsoftfantom
      @airsoftfantom  2 роки тому +1

      Hi, do you have already any other airsoft replica?if not i would suggest to look at AEG(electric guns) first as they are much more reliable any more easy to operate than gas airsoft pistols. We g17 like this can be bought at any local airsoft store or eshop.

    • @x.clowndecrist2222
      @x.clowndecrist2222 2 роки тому

      @@airsoftfantom thank you very much

  • @dxwcagin3635
    @dxwcagin3635 3 роки тому +2

    Nice. Can you do an Umerex Glock?

    • @airsoftfantom
      @airsoftfantom  3 роки тому +1

      Yes, i will do the umarex glock too, but first i need to cut more than 7 videos which i recorded already...😅

    • @roy-batty
      @roy-batty 3 роки тому +3

      Get WE one instead. Yes, the markings are superb on Umarex, but the spare parts support is nonexistent. I cracked my frame and had to superglue in the end because nothing fits. You can get WE plain version and do custom markings, there are some sites that do true to real steel version markings.

  • @Wdahit
    @Wdahit 3 місяці тому

    What were the little rods in the box

    • @airsoftfantom
      @airsoftfantom  3 місяці тому

      @@Wdahit 1 short pin to secure backstrap(if placed), second long pin for pressing it

  • @michalopaleny9553
    @michalopaleny9553 3 місяці тому

    My mag didnt want to go inside i had to slam it rly hard.. what about yours ?

    • @airsoftfantom
      @airsoftfantom  3 місяці тому

      @@michalopaleny9553 mine goes inside easily. Be carful in order not to break the loading nozzle-in case like this insert the mag into the pistol with slide locked in back position. After insert release the slide and you are good to go-with no risk of damadge to the lips of mag or loading nozzle. Mine umarex glock mag does not want to go inside easily and also ssp18mags into ssp18

    • @michalopaleny9553
      @michalopaleny9553 3 місяці тому

      @@airsoftfantom thx for tip dude, with slide back it works easy obviously. There is probanly something wrong with it so i will simply return it back and get new one.

  • @rubenverliac
    @rubenverliac 2 роки тому +1

    Falló desde el comienzo? 🤦🏻‍♂️

    • @airsoftfantom
      @airsoftfantom  2 роки тому +1

      Yes it was not working ok, but when I cleaned it, lubricated it, then it started to work ok.

  • @vonnify
    @vonnify 2 роки тому +1

    Fps drop because.your magazine gets cold.

    • @airsoftfantom
      @airsoftfantom  2 роки тому

      Ofcourse, it is naturat for gbb replicas.

  • @radeon_7745
    @radeon_7745 2 роки тому +1

    Prva pistol co som si kupil, zijem v Uk a musel som ju kupit v two tone… V Anglicku ak chces ciernu zbran musis mat UKARU 🙈😭.

    • @airsoftfantom
      @airsoftfantom  2 роки тому +1

      Two tone sa mi nezda taka katastrota z obrazkov, ci ako to vypada nazivo? Funguje ti dobre? Mne sa dost zasekavala... ale spravil som tomu servis a uz funguje spolahlivo

    • @radeon_7745
      @radeon_7745 2 роки тому

      Hrozne ako fakt ked mas take Akcko s drevom a presprejuju ti to na modro vyzera to ako hracka potom, Momentalne mne ide moj WE GLOCK EU 19 Gen3 fajn ale mam ho len 2 dni a strielal som ho len doma… Je to moja prva zbran co som si kupil tak este sa ucim, Ak smiem sa opytat ako casto by som mal tu pistol vycistit? Nechodim momentalne na airsoft len si strielam v zahrade raz za 2 dni dajme tomu tak na 20 minut… A rad by som si vypocul nejaku radu ak vies poradit ohladom cistenia, Viem ze ludi pisu ze mal by som cistit po kazdej airsoft hre ale ked len tak doma si strielam tak nwm :D nechcem tu zbran polamat alebo poskodit, Da sa povedat ze som uplny novacik a neviem ako sa mam o tu zbran starat mal som len pozicane zbrane na skirmishov :-), a este posledna otazka oplati sa vycistit ten glock hned ako factory new? Dik moc 👍🏻.

    • @airsoftfantom
      @airsoftfantom  2 роки тому

      Greengas má v sebe silikónový olej - tým pádom je replika pri streľbe mazaná, lenže ak sa veľa strielalo tak toho maziva tam môže byť veľa. No a na to mazivo sa časom chytajú nečistoty=airsoftka sa bude zasekávať alebo sa funkčné plochy budú viac opotrebovávať(nečistoty+mazivo=brúsna pasta:) ). Že je tam toho maziva veľa zbadáš aj jednoducho tak, že keď airsoftku pár krát nevyčistíš a potom ju po nejakej dobe vyberieš tak normálne bude z nej mazivo aj vytečené na strane na ktorej ležala. LENŽE - niektoré softky fungujú aj dlhodobo bez čistenia, niektoré sa zadrhávajú už pri miernych znakoch znečistenia - to musíš sám vidieť či ti to funguje spoľahlivo alebo sa zdráha airsoftka cyklovať. Poviem pravdu - niektoré airsoftky som čistil až po 500 ranách, niektoré čistím pred hrou - aby som mal istotu, že tam nič nezaschlo. Niekedy softka aj cykluje ok, ale vidím, že presnosť nie je top=znečistená hop up gumička a hlaveň, tak to rozoberiem a vyčistím už všetko. Lenže pozor- keď sa čistí tak sa aj maže -musíš potom zas funkčné plochy namazať(ale jemnučko, keď dáš veľa tak je problém - ako som písal na začiatku) - ja používam teflónovú vazelínu(veľmi riedku) - oproti silikónovej vazelíne pri nízkych teplotách nelepí. Zo skúseností s tým čo mám ti môžem povedať - že táto moja WE G17 - potrebuje byť čistučká a dobre namazaná aby fungovala spoľahlivo. Zato SSP18 funguje parádne aj s veľmi sporadickou údržbou - pred akciou skúsim ako cykluje -keď vidím, že parádne ako vždy tak neriešim a strčím ju do púzdra a ide sa hrať, viac menej ju čistím len keď sa mi zdá hopup gumička znečistená-vyčistím potom už všetko. Všetko záleží od toho, koľko so softkou strieľaš, keď odohráš akciu viac menej s primárkou a sekundárka si ani nevystrelila a nespadla do blata tak ani není dôvod ju po akcii čistiť - len pred ďalšou akciou skontrolovať ako na tom je.

    • @radeon_7745
      @radeon_7745 2 роки тому +1

      @@airsoftfantom Dakujem za dlhu odpoved, Smiem sa spytat nemas discord alebo nieco take kde by som ti mohol poslat foto mojej rozobranej zbrane aby si mne poradil? Snazil som sa tuna poslat ale maze mne to komentare stale 😂👏🏻…
      Vdaka :)

    • @radeon_7745
      @radeon_7745 2 роки тому

      @@airsoftfantom Vsimol som si ze ten glock nestriela moc presne aj ked mierim mozno s 7 metrov tak niekedy to nestriela kam mierim neviem preco, rozmyslal som ze ci nekupim maple leaf upgrade na ten glock pretoze som cital ze vraj je to bezne ze ten EU19 nestriela moc presne.

  • @atriusvinius319
    @atriusvinius319 2 роки тому +1

    Can a really good thing cost 90$? Of course not. Its a cheap toy which will get broken soon.
    An excellent airsoft replica must cost 300-400$ minimum couse the original costs 500$ and higher
    You will not have a feeling of the real gun when you take this thing and use it

    • @airsoftfantom
      @airsoftfantom  2 роки тому

      Thanks for comment! I agree. Usualy good things are not cheap and quality has its price. Anyway in my survey this replica was most popular and i wanted to find out if it is any good, cause usualy when is something realy bad it will not be so popular. As you could see in video it had problems out of box. Anyway i cleaned it and lubricated it to the state that it was possible to use it for airsoft gameplay and it worked ok. Anyway it is definetely not the best replica, but in its price range it is surprisingly good.

    • @atriusvinius319
      @atriusvinius319 2 роки тому

      @@airsoftfantom I wonder what plastic they use to make the grip of this replica? Is it the same as on a real glock?

    • @airsoftfantom
      @airsoftfantom  2 роки тому

      @@atriusvinius319 no it is definetely not. It is more soft. Grip is rigid, it does not bend, but the feeling of material is that it is more soft.

    • @atriusvinius319
      @atriusvinius319 2 роки тому

      @@airsoftfantom thx. its a pity.Are Tokio marui and Umarex the same situation?

    • @airsoftfantom
      @airsoftfantom  2 роки тому

      @@atriusvinius319 umarex is bit better. New g17 gen3 from umarex(made by ghk) is much better. But i must say that i prefer g17 from we, tokyo marui is completly plastic, we has metal slide.

  • @sonnsobek7633
    @sonnsobek7633 3 роки тому +2

    Make more videos bro ✊
    👌 Get like get coment on this ! Airsoft Beast sport ewer ! ✊What you mean about me airsoft videos ?🌱🌱

    • @airsoftfantom
      @airsoftfantom  3 роки тому

      Diky! Jo tvoje videa poznám , sledujem kanál ;)

  • @dafalzonAUS
    @dafalzonAUS 2 роки тому +1

    A little bit over dressed 😂

  • @abc3798
    @abc3798 6 місяців тому

    U have a fake chrono

    • @airsoftfantom
      @airsoftfantom  6 місяців тому

      😳 oh, really?

    • @abc3798
      @abc3798 6 місяців тому

      @@airsoftfantom i guess so bro 😂😂 maybe it's Chinese

    • @airsoftfantom
      @airsoftfantom  6 місяців тому

      @@abc3798 nowadays everything is made in china... check your iphone... but this chrono is made in taiwan and works ok with my aeg replicas,but has problem with gbbs, dont know why. Anyway can you recommend chrono which is not made in "china"?