As a child I read a lot of Greek mythology books. I had no idea about any of this then. After listening to Brother Rick teach on this I felt compelled to repent and renounce my fascination with it.
The book of Enoch also says that the souls of the giants had no where to go(could not go to heaven or hell), so the souls of dead giants possessed men and that is where demons come from.
After watching your series on this I was talking with a friend about it(I had come across this information 8 years ago and I could not accept it back then; perhaps I wasn’t ready or it wasn’t presented as well as you have done) my friend told me of another man named Timothy Alberino who also has a series on it and a book called Birthright. I watched his and he is saying the same as you,and really goes in deep. You really should get together with him, the two of you together would Be awesome. I now understand it and it makes sense to me and answers questions I often wondered about. I think as we are getting closer to Jesus’s return, he is revealing his hidden mysteries and opening our eyes of Understanding.
Unfortunately, yes Bigfoot/Sasquatch species/creatures are Nephilim hybrid creatures born from female primates (chimpanzees, gorillas, bonbo apes, orangutans, etc), female monkeys and fallen angels. Some bigfoot Sasquatch species have human DNA due to being conceived through rape. There are legends, histories and testimonies of women kidnapped and defiled by hairy men, ape men, gorilla men years before the word bigfoot is used And they gave birth to sasquatch human hybrids (some look like human but have great height when growing up. I might be wrong but I heard rumors on internet that cryptids(Animal Nephilim hybrids & Chimera hybrids) are responsible for missing 411. The strange phenomenon occurs when people (hikers, park rangers, tourists, locals, hunters, boy scouts, girl scouts, teens & some children, etc) mysteriously disappeared in swampy areas, mountainous areas, national parks and wilderness around/near human settlements (suburban areas, rural areas, farms). The disappearances coincide with the sightings & encounters of monsters (cryptids, aliens), shadow beings, evil spirits and UFO sightings. There are native American legends about the monsters, evil spirits and pagan gods in these areas and are connected to witch trials. According to legends, witches claim to have been in communication with devils in wilderness Don't take my word for it, pray for discernment and research
Hello fellow Okie. When I first started seeing Ancient Aliens I knew it was the fallen Angels. Thank you for reaching out to other people on this subject so they know the truth.
I so appreciate this serious. Absolutely wonderful! Also, my wife and I are thankful to be your partners AND we are so pleased to have a part in that BEAUTIFUL new studio! Thank You, LORD!
Thank you for finally putting out the truth. 10 years ago must've been too early because now is the time. Jesus really will be here extremely soon!! I love it. Thank you Professor Renner!
I loved this week's teachings. I knew all along Ancient Aliens were fallen angels. I have read Enoch and researched this topic for years. Rick did a wonderful job presenting the topic, and I know the DVD set would be even more amazing! ❤
That was awesome. I never knew about the part where the fallen angels abused the animals. That answers a lot of questions. Very, very interesting! Thank you, Rick.
In Joshua 10:12-13 & in 2 Samuel 1:18-27 it references the book of Jasher. In the book of Jasher it talks about Noah being of pure undefiled blood, but that his wife was not pure blood. It also suggests that the giants after the flood came through the line of Ham / Canaan. It also talks about half human half animal creations that live in the woods.
Thank you so much for this subject before I ever read the Bible before the Lord opened my eyes to this teaching back in the '70s not a lot of it was taught then. I had an understanding of this and yet I was told it was ridiculous thought. He's been a lot of teaching and I too have read the book of Enoch God is so good for revealing things nobody wants to deal with. God bless you
There are several theories on this question. First, a second incursion of watchers did the same thing as the first 200 watchers in the days of Jared.(this theory would imply that Gods punishment to the original watchers wasn’t severe enough to prevent the same thing from happening again). Second theory is that one of Noah’s daughter-in-laws had traces in recessive nephilim dna in them that would later present itself through procreation(this theory would imply that God did an incomplete and incompetent job of riding the world of the nephilim. This is hard to swallow as it assumes God either overlooked or missed or even allowed this to happen). Third, after the flood when Noah’s sons started to repopulate the earth Ham found some tables that were buried in the flood. These tables contained the science, if you will, of genetic manipulation to create nephilim hybrids. With the flood killing all the nephilim there was bound to be dead nephilim bodies rotting around after the flood waters receded. This would supply genetic material for genetic manipulation post flood. This would be how Nimrod BECAME a nephilim later in his life, as he wasn’t born one. Genesis 10:8).
As Jesse mentioned below there are several theories. To add to one he mentioned about some or one of Noah's daughter-in-laws having Nephilim DNA, I have heard this one too but it was explained that since she/these women feared the Lord and lived holy lives according to their understanding back then and were included in the ark (God did not instruct Noah's son(s) to divorce them/her etc. and no records of them/her being against God), her faith and behavior was imputed as righteousness and it kept the curses in the blood line from affecting that immediate generation. But once they started to repopulate, Ham sinned and Noah cursed Ham's son, Ham's descendents had to intermarry with all the other son's descendents in order to repopulate. So because of sin, no necessarily Ham's sin, but sin in general, those who had the Nephilim DNA and decided to also pursue sin reactivated the curse in the bloodline. A variation that would tie into what Jesse said about finding the science and the people already looking for another god that was not Yahweh. In many pagan religions, they have their own prophets and many times when someone is desperate, the prophets gives some strange instruction/ritual to do to change their situation and the people blindly follow it. So if the science was there, we know those prophets under demonic influence could have also instructed them to partake in the science that re-introduced Nephilim traits back into the bloodline (not in a major way but in the way where some like the Philistines were known to produce unusually children in stature and ability). We know that Goliath and his brothers were pagan worshippers and I would presume that their people followed these sin-filled religious practices for many generations prior.
Notice "and also after that" Genesis 6:4 King James Version 4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown
This helps confirm everything I started piecing together on my own during bible college years ago. Surely, I am not the first but the fact it was revealed is important and that other theologians are in the same boat also means a lot to me. I was starting to think I was crazy for a bit, because many believers would not listen or just brush it off.
Thank you brother Rick. Also, even the Irish have this lore, they call them the Sidhe, (Shee) aka the Fae, aka Faery folk, of Irish lore, who were half angel half man, and had super powers. They were not little tinkerbell cutesy winged things now popular. They were warriors, and shapeshifters
Pastor Renner, this makes me wonder about those strange creatures in the book of Revelation. I have always heard they symbolize countries and world leaders. Do they?
Sounds like Pastor Renner has even MORE teaching to deliver to the body of Christ. Hopefully, we are asking of the Lord already and He is revealing truth to us according to His Holy Word. Amen. Then when I hear a message from one or two of His (5-fold ministry) gifts, it is a confirming word. This series has definitely done that for me. I mentioned in another episode comment that apart from Billy Crone and Prophecy Watchers (in recent years), I had never heard any other WoF teacher touch on this subject accept for Charles Capps. I still have an old cassette series by brother Capps called, “The World that Was”. My husband & I listened to that over and over. We are in the days “as in the days of Noah”, I believe.
I can say a lot of things about what I've already learned through this series, but here's a few: Horror movies in general, but specific movies over the years about monsters eating human flesh, are actually demon inspired about similar events that actually happened. Marvel Movies with all the different characters which bring "Greek gods" to life on the screen are also demonically inspired by events that actually happened. I stopped watching those movies when I heard Rick allude to the fallen angels and origin of Greek "mythology" in past teachings. Science Fiction always includes creatures that look like monsters/demons but have some sort of human features. Notice that all science fiction, alien theories, deny the existence of God Almighty. Finally, "evolution," which is obviously anti-God, was demonically inspired and used to try to explain away the half-breeds and mutations that occurred from these fallen angels partaking of strange flesh. Would love your feedback on this, Renner Ministries.
The facts are that the fallen angels do not have sexual parts, ie Kevin Zadai. They cannot procreate. They influenced the compromised genetics of the sons of God to have sexual relations with the daughters of men. They went into them. It is the most confused and misunderstood of all scriptures. The fallen angels were corrupted by satan and are chained never to be redeemed. But this teaching is really good because he does go into the fact that the creatures produced were because of dna corruption. Fathers sleeping with daughters, men sleeping with men, it was sexual sin and this kind of sin corrupts the DNA which produces mutations.
LA Marzulli has been to dig sites where they have found fully intact nephilim, both male and female, some of the female even were pregnant with a baby nephilim. I encourage you to check it out, very interesting.
Don’t laugh. Not all those who say they saw something strange are running around the woods at night with infrared and trying to call in a sasquatch for entertainment making the real researchers look like idiots. There are some really strange and dangerous things in the woods.
@@pjfountaine7755 There certainly are, and not just a few kinds. Last month my son in law was run out of a canyon for flying his drone where these beings (sasquatch) were. The following week 8 miles south in another drainage the exact same thing happened. He was pretty freaked out. The few other folks in those locations were not bothered, but then, they were not flying drones.
@@francisbusa1074 i can believe it. Too bad he didn't capture any footage on the drone, but I have seen some drone footage of something big hairy, bipedal and fast , not captured personally but shared online. Genesis 6 definitely not myth
I personally think the carnivorous ones and disproportionate ones like the t-rex with those little arms and big body. But that’s just a theory, I have no scripture to back that up. Interesting to think about though!
@@jeffc5474 what jews? The synagogue of satan spoken of in Revelation? The counterfeit jews that display the star of rephaim? The ones the Mashiach referred to as " children of the devil" who falsely claimed to be Abraham's children? If they were Abraham's children they would have recognized Yehoshua Ha Mashiach.
Please read further into the old testament. Scripture says they were on the earth before and AFTER the flood. Its right there in the Old Testament. Google search Bible book post flood that references Giants.
❤ Jesus loves you very much... Please consider trusting him in your life and build a relationship with him... I hate to say it... but Gods judgment is here. The world calls it climate change... Dont believe their lies.. and please accept the gift from Jesus and be saved my friend 🧡
I had to listen to this twice. Thank you for making this clear. Being evil like the fallen angels were and are I kinda think that they raped or beguiled the women for sex I can't seem to believe that they would marry just to have sex.
I had always believed everything including man was much much bigger and taller befor the flood. If so, and Noah was say 18 ft tall. How much would a cubit be then??
The ancient Jews and the first Christians considered the Book of Enoch as holy prophetic authoritative Scripture. So while it is not part of the Bible, it is possible to view it as they did - as Holy Scripture, the Holy Scriptures from before The Flood . The Bible is the scriptures of the Old and New Covenants, while the Book of Enoch is from the pre-flood covenant with God. And that includes all parts of the book, which are all prophetic and was authoritative to ancient Jews and Early Christians, and as you rightly said - that included Jesus himself, his half-brother, and the Apostles. To receive the full blessing and revelation of the Book of Enoch, one has to believe every Word of it, just as with the other Holy Scriptures. God bless you for teaching from this blessed ancient book, in which Enoch himself told that it was especially meant for the last generations of the Ages, of which we are living in one of them. Greetings and blessings, Leif Strom
Mr. Renner your pronunciation of Enoch is wrong, it sounds more like your saying Eunuch. I purty sure you do know the story of these guys, like in the book of Esther, please don't confuse the babe's in Christ who are learning scripture, and when you pronounce a certain word in the Bible to give it's meaning, don't be afraid to ask your peers for help on this, other than that your doing great on this teaching! E-knock= Enoch, Eunuch= Enicks
A question I have always had regarding the Nephilim, as I critically think about anything I read or listen to is this: All the angles are MALE. None of them are female and God created the male angles with the ability to have a sex drive. That being said, it is no wonder to me that they defiled human women (and I think that that actually raped them. The sex, I think was not done willingly by the women) and defiled the animals. The MALE angels or demons had no where to turn to satisfy their sex drive since there were no FEMALE angles. SO! Why did God create the angels the way he did? It seems to me that God made a mistake and this was bound to happen. Can someone, without getting mad and legalistic on me, explain something that, surly I am missing and misunderstanding about this issue?
God didn't make a mistake. His creation (including the angels) is perfect. Lucifer rebelled against God and became Satan as a result. Adam rebelled against God and sin entered the world as a result. It affected the entire creation. These angels were clearly rebelling against their Creator and the holy purpose for which He created them.
@@aprilnelson3970 I dont know about that after critically thinking about this issue. If "we" are at fault, then that seems to imply that there is an imperfection in God for us to even be able to go their. Why am I having to pay the price for what Adam did. When i student acts up in class, they do not case everyone to be suspended o r get a demerit! Did not Eve also rebel too? They were "parents in crime," if you will. It is just like how my ex step mother rebelled against God while my Dad was at work and sexually abused ME by using the belt and switch betters my legs! (Which BTW, I did not have the guts to tel him until I was 39 years old and even the cops REFUSED to take me seriously by the time I was that age because I should have reported her at the age of 18." Well, Sorry police officer, the human brain dow not stop its development until 26...and its even LATER for "late bloomers" like me.
@@saxmanjpr5092 The very nature of sin is passed on to us in our DNA. That is why we need a savior. Man fell, so man was responsible to fix his problem. But his evil nature couldn't do this. That's why God became a man in the incarnation of Christ. That way a man could offer Himself as a substitutionary sacrifice for the sins, and sin nature, of all men. But He would have to be without sin from conception to His death to be acceptable to God, the righteous Judge.
The angels that fell had already followed Lucifer in his rebellion against God. Only then did they contemplate mating with human women in order to have progeny. In the end that is what they wanted. Evidently they were not tempted by women until after they had rebelled against God in following Lucifer. That is the way it is with sin. It leads to further sin, then finally death.
@@francisbusa1074 What about when sin leads to the greatest blessing of your life ALL BECAUSE you were sexual abused by someone of the opposite sex in your family? I once knew a man who had been sexually abused my his step MOTHER while his dad was at work. All that eventually lead this man into prostitution and he eventually met his WIFE who was a floozie! Jesus just prevented them from going all the way...THREE TIMES because he had other plans for those two. How do you explain that one? This man I know, GOD USED HIM TO SAVE HER LIFE, and he was a "John" himself, they have now been married for 21 years!
Philippians 2:6 Who,* though he was in the form of God,d did not regard equality with God something to be grasped.* 7Rather, he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness;* and found human in appearance,e 8he humbled himself,f becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross.* 9Because of this, God greatly exalted him and bestowed on him the name* that is above every name,g 10that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend,* of those in heaven and on earth and under the earth,h 11and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,* to the glory of God the Father.i
I totally disagree that the pyramids and other ancient structures were built pre-flood. The flood completely resurfaced the land features of the earth. Check out this excellent documentary on this, "Is Genesis History?".
So good! I can’t wait for the next program !
I remember taking a class in mythology.
I just loved it. Now I know why ! Love you
As a child I read a lot of Greek mythology books. I had no idea about any of this then. After listening to Brother Rick teach on this I felt compelled to repent and renounce my fascination with it.
The book of Enoch also says that the souls of the giants had no where to go(could not go to heaven or hell), so the souls of dead giants possessed men and that is where demons come from.
After watching your series on this I was talking with a friend about it(I had come across this information 8 years ago and I could not accept it back then; perhaps I wasn’t ready or it wasn’t presented as well as you have done) my friend told me of another man named Timothy Alberino who also has a series on it and a book called Birthright. I watched his and he is saying the same as you,and really goes in deep. You really should get together with him, the two of you together would
Be awesome. I now understand it and it makes sense to me and answers questions I often wondered about.
I think as we are getting closer to Jesus’s return, he is revealing his hidden mysteries and opening our eyes of
I think you are doing a wonderful job Pastor Renner. Thank you for taking the time to tell us everything you are talking about. We so appreciate you.
Do you think the defiling of the animals could have started the production of Sasquatch beings?
Unfortunately, yes
Bigfoot/Sasquatch species/creatures are Nephilim hybrid creatures born from female primates (chimpanzees, gorillas, bonbo apes, orangutans, etc), female monkeys and fallen angels.
Some bigfoot Sasquatch species have human DNA due to being conceived through rape. There are legends, histories and testimonies of women kidnapped and defiled by hairy men, ape men, gorilla men years before the word bigfoot is used And they gave birth to sasquatch human hybrids (some look like human but have great height when growing up.
I might be wrong but I heard rumors on internet that cryptids(Animal Nephilim hybrids & Chimera hybrids) are responsible for missing 411.
The strange phenomenon occurs when people (hikers, park rangers, tourists, locals, hunters, boy scouts, girl scouts, teens & some children, etc) mysteriously disappeared in swampy areas, mountainous areas, national parks and wilderness around/near human settlements (suburban areas, rural areas, farms). The disappearances coincide with the sightings & encounters of monsters (cryptids, aliens), shadow beings, evil spirits and UFO sightings.
There are native American legends about the monsters, evil spirits and pagan gods in these areas and are connected to witch trials. According to legends, witches claim to have been in communication with devils in wilderness
Don't take my word for it, pray for discernment and research
I was thinking that too, maybe an angel mating with a bear?
Yes @iknowwhies you could not be more spot on.
Hello fellow Okie. When I first started seeing Ancient Aliens I knew it was the fallen Angels. Thank you for reaching out to other people on this subject so they know the truth.
Hey, fellow Okies!! Yes, indeed! Same here. Same Holy Ghost giving wisdom and discernment, Amen!?! 🎯
I so appreciate this serious. Absolutely wonderful! Also, my wife and I are thankful to be your partners AND we are so pleased to have a part in that BEAUTIFUL new studio! Thank You, LORD!
Thank you for finally putting out the truth. 10 years ago must've been too early because now is the time. Jesus really will be here extremely soon!!
I love it. Thank you Professor Renner!
I loved this week's teachings. I knew all along Ancient Aliens were fallen angels. I have read Enoch and researched this topic for years. Rick did a wonderful job presenting the topic, and I know the DVD set would be even more amazing! ❤
I love to hear such a respectable man speak on this. I remember reading in 2 Samuel 23:20 David’s men killing lion like men. Makes sense now.
That is not what that verse says. Where are you getting your bibles?
Great Teaching Thank you Mr.Renner
That was awesome. I never knew about the part where the fallen angels abused the animals. That answers a lot of questions. Very, very interesting! Thank you, Rick.
Excellent teaching. Thank you 🙏🏻 amen
Sir may God bless you, the family and ministry for the amazing things that you and the partners of the ministry are doing.
Rick sir, it's so wonderful to know this. So thankful to you sir.
Love this series. Thank you. God bless
Amazing teaching!! Thank you
In Joshua 10:12-13 & in 2 Samuel 1:18-27 it references the book of Jasher.
In the book of Jasher it talks about Noah being of pure undefiled blood, but that his wife was not pure blood. It also suggests that the giants after the flood came through the line of Ham / Canaan. It also talks about half human half animal creations that live in the woods.
Great message!
Thank you for your teaching.
You are very welcome! Bless you! -Team Renner
Thank you so much for this subject before I ever read the Bible before the Lord opened my eyes to this teaching back in the '70s not a lot of it was taught then. I had an understanding of this and yet I was told it was ridiculous thought. He's been a lot of teaching and I too have read the book of Enoch God is so good for revealing things nobody wants to deal with. God bless you
Amazing revelation
Amen and Amen!!!❤
Great series.
This is great! Question how did giants come in David's day, Goliath and his family?
There are several theories on this question. First, a second incursion of watchers did the same thing as the first 200 watchers in the days of Jared.(this theory would imply that Gods punishment to the original watchers wasn’t severe enough to prevent the same thing from happening again). Second theory is that one of Noah’s daughter-in-laws had traces in recessive nephilim dna in them that would later present itself through procreation(this theory would imply that God did an incomplete and incompetent job of riding the world of the nephilim. This is hard to swallow as it assumes God either overlooked or missed or even allowed this to happen). Third, after the flood when Noah’s sons started to repopulate the earth Ham found some tables that were buried in the flood. These tables contained the science, if you will, of genetic manipulation to create nephilim hybrids. With the flood killing all the nephilim there was bound to be dead nephilim bodies rotting around after the flood waters receded. This would supply genetic material for genetic manipulation post flood. This would be how Nimrod BECAME a nephilim later in his life, as he wasn’t born one. Genesis 10:8).
As Jesse mentioned below there are several theories. To add to one he mentioned about some or one of Noah's daughter-in-laws having Nephilim DNA, I have heard this one too but it was explained that since she/these women feared the Lord and lived holy lives according to their understanding back then and were included in the ark (God did not instruct Noah's son(s) to divorce them/her etc. and no records of them/her being against God), her faith and behavior was imputed as righteousness and it kept the curses in the blood line from affecting that immediate generation. But once they started to repopulate, Ham sinned and Noah cursed Ham's son, Ham's descendents had to intermarry with all the other son's descendents in order to repopulate. So because of sin, no necessarily Ham's sin, but sin in general, those who had the Nephilim DNA and decided to also pursue sin reactivated the curse in the bloodline. A variation that would tie into what Jesse said about finding the science and the people already looking for another god that was not Yahweh. In many pagan religions, they have their own prophets and many times when someone is desperate, the prophets gives some strange instruction/ritual to do to change their situation and the people blindly follow it. So if the science was there, we know those prophets under demonic influence could have also instructed them to partake in the science that re-introduced Nephilim traits back into the bloodline (not in a major way but in the way where some like the Philistines were known to produce unusually children in stature and ability). We know that Goliath and his brothers were pagan worshippers and I would presume that their people followed these sin-filled religious practices for many generations prior.
Notice "and also after that"
Genesis 6:4
King James Version
4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown
This helps confirm everything I started piecing together on my own during bible college years ago. Surely, I am not the first but the fact it was revealed is important and that other theologians are in the same boat also means a lot to me. I was starting to think I was crazy for a bit, because many believers would not listen or just brush it off.
thank you. helpful and interesting.
Thank you brother Rick. Also, even the Irish have this lore, they call them the Sidhe, (Shee) aka the Fae, aka Faery folk, of Irish lore, who were half angel half man, and had super powers. They were not little tinkerbell cutesy winged things now popular. They were warriors, and shapeshifters
Thanks again Rick, I know now the Holy Spirit taught me what I know about this subject, and you have confirmed.
Wow it's GREAT
Interesting. Thanks
Amen !
Wow! Absolutely amazing and makes sense. Praise God for revelation and understanding!
I absolutely 💯 ♥️ your office..It looks like a place ( Indiana Jones ) would come for info an treasures...😅
Pastor Renner, this makes me wonder about those strange creatures in the book of Revelation. I have always heard they symbolize countries and world leaders. Do they?
Sounds like Pastor Renner has even MORE teaching to deliver to the body of Christ. Hopefully, we are asking of the Lord already and He is revealing truth to us according to His Holy Word. Amen. Then when I hear a message from one or two of His (5-fold ministry) gifts, it is a confirming word. This series has definitely done that for me. I mentioned in another episode comment that apart from Billy Crone and Prophecy Watchers (in recent years), I had never heard any other WoF teacher touch on this subject accept for Charles Capps. I still have an old cassette series by brother Capps called, “The World that Was”. My husband & I listened to that over and over. We are in the days “as in the days of Noah”, I believe.
@@ttothed2308Kevin Zadai teaches extensively on this subject.
Rick, was there a civilisation before Genesis 1?
‘Gap’ theory?
I can say a lot of things about what I've already learned through this series, but here's a few: Horror movies in general, but specific movies over the years about monsters eating human flesh, are actually demon inspired about similar events that actually happened. Marvel Movies with all the different characters which bring "Greek gods" to life on the screen are also demonically inspired by events that actually happened. I stopped watching those movies when I heard Rick allude to the fallen angels and origin of Greek "mythology" in past teachings. Science Fiction always includes creatures that look like monsters/demons but have some sort of human features. Notice that all science fiction, alien theories, deny the existence of God Almighty. Finally, "evolution," which is obviously anti-God, was demonically inspired and used to try to explain away the half-breeds and mutations that occurred from these fallen angels partaking of strange flesh. Would love your feedback on this, Renner Ministries.
I don't think the term defiling animals has to be sexual encounters between angels and animals, it may refer to genetic engineering.
The facts are that the fallen angels do not have sexual parts, ie Kevin Zadai. They cannot procreate. They influenced the compromised genetics of the sons of God to have sexual relations with the daughters of men. They went into them. It is the most confused and misunderstood of all scriptures. The fallen angels were corrupted by satan and are chained never to be redeemed. But this teaching is really good because he does go into the fact that the creatures produced were because of dna corruption. Fathers sleeping with daughters, men sleeping with men, it was sexual sin and this kind of sin corrupts the DNA which produces mutations.
Genetic engineering would answer the question of how Nimrod became a nephilim later in his life per Gen 10:8
In the days of Noah so this is how it’s going to be again?
Sin and violence were rampant in the days of Noah, and now sin and violence is ramping up even more.
Already is
Which book of Enoch is the real one? There are at least 3 different versions ive found.
Just the 1st book of Enoch, Ken Johnson does a great job as explaining why, I would check out his channel as he details sources.
@Jesse_was_here OK thank you for answering my question. I will check that out.
What about Hercules? Was he a nephalim?
We’re all giants male? Could they reproduce among themselves?
It's a good question, I've wondered about that too.
I asked the same question yesterday
In his teaching he said they were all men
LA Marzulli has been to dig sites where they have found fully intact nephilim, both male and female, some of the female even were pregnant with a baby nephilim. I encourage you to check it out, very interesting.
Hi pastor Rick...could Gilgamesh be one of these offspring
I've read that Gilgamesh was actually the Nimrod of scripture.
how about sasquatch and dogman
Don’t laugh. Not all those who say they saw something strange are running around the woods at night with infrared and trying to call in a sasquatch for entertainment making the real researchers look like idiots. There are some really strange and dangerous things in the woods.
There certainly are, and not just a few kinds. Last month my son in law was run out of a canyon for flying his drone where these beings (sasquatch) were. The following week 8 miles south in another drainage the exact same thing happened. He was pretty freaked out. The few other folks in those locations were not bothered, but then, they were not flying drones.
@@francisbusa1074 i can believe it. Too bad he didn't capture any footage on the drone, but I have seen some drone footage of something big hairy, bipedal and fast , not captured personally but shared online. Genesis 6 definitely not myth
Is dianossers such monster produced by fallen angels?
I personally think the carnivorous ones and disproportionate ones like the t-rex with those little arms and big body. But that’s just a theory, I have no scripture to back that up. Interesting to think about though!
How was this genetically possible?
Enoch is scripture, the jesuits and catholics do not get to decide what is scripture. Jasher is scripture as well!
If Enoch is scripture, why don’t the Jewish folks keep a scroll of that book in their synagogues?
@@jeffc5474 what jews? The synagogue of satan spoken of in Revelation? The counterfeit jews that display the star of rephaim? The ones the Mashiach referred to as " children of the devil" who falsely claimed to be Abraham's children? If they were Abraham's children they would have recognized Yehoshua Ha Mashiach.
@@jeffc5474they do ! Ethiopian Hebrews !
@@jeffc5474because it points to Jesus being the messiah.
@@Jesse_was_here No it doesn’t. Those who have read it say that it is full of pre flood information, but not much else.
Do you believe that the fallen angels are still around as principalities and that the disembodied spirits of the giants are actually demons.
Enoch taught that demons are the spirits of the Nephilim that were born on earth.
The Apocryphar also talks about many things many pastors say are not inportant. Just like some say about the book of Enoch.
Could the dinosaurs be part of that offspring?
Wondered that myself, especially TRex and several others
What about the lion men of moab in the bible.
I wonder if the babies were born normal sized and then started to grow really fast???🤔
Ok brother now they were destroyed by the flood. How are they reappearing from time to time? Please explain
Please read further into the old testament. Scripture says they were on the earth before and AFTER the flood. Its right there in the Old Testament. Google search Bible book post flood that references Giants.
WHY would the angels even want to rebel?
Tempted by Satan is my guess
Pride was found in Lucifer. That's how he began to corrupt himself.
❤ Jesus loves you very much... Please consider trusting him in your life and build a relationship with him... I hate to say it... but Gods judgment is here. The world calls it climate change... Dont believe their lies.. and please accept the gift from Jesus and be saved my friend 🧡
Pegasus and mermaid
It tells you in Genesis 6 they DEFILED animals all kinds .
You mean half fallen angel (not half man) A fallen angel with an animal would produce a half angel half animal cymera. Just sayin'.
I had to listen to this twice. Thank you for making this clear. Being evil like the fallen angels were and are I kinda think that they raped or beguiled the women for sex I can't seem to believe that they would marry just to have sex.
Does that mean Bigfoot, dogman n all criptids r giant animal hybrids?😮
Jusus is Lord 🙏
An example is the creature with a man's body and a bull's head. More than just a myth? You betcha!
I had always believed everything including man was much much bigger and taller befor the flood. If so, and Noah was say 18 ft tall. How much would a cubit be then??
The ancient Jews and the first Christians considered the Book of Enoch as holy prophetic authoritative Scripture. So while it is not part of the Bible, it is possible to view it as they did - as Holy Scripture, the Holy Scriptures from before The Flood . The Bible is the scriptures of the Old and New Covenants, while the Book of Enoch is from the pre-flood covenant with God. And that includes all parts of the book, which are all prophetic and was authoritative to ancient Jews and Early Christians, and as you rightly said - that included Jesus himself, his half-brother, and the Apostles.
To receive the full blessing and revelation of the Book of Enoch, one has to believe every Word of it, just as with the other Holy Scriptures. God bless you for teaching from this blessed ancient book, in which Enoch himself told that it was especially meant for the last generations of the Ages, of which we are living in one of them.
Greetings and blessings,
Leif Strom
The book of Enoch was NOT written by Enoch. It’s a pseudepigraphal book.
I believe the books of Enoch, Jubilees and Macabeea are just aa Biblical as “The Bible“
The Bible actually mentions them!
Mr. Renner your pronunciation of Enoch is wrong, it sounds more like your saying Eunuch. I purty sure you do know the story of these guys, like in the book of Esther, please don't confuse the babe's in Christ who are learning scripture, and when you pronounce a certain word in the Bible to give it's meaning, don't be afraid to ask your peers for help on this, other than that your doing great on this teaching! E-knock= Enoch, Eunuch= Enicks
@@davidtroyer2554 Figures! A troll will always be a troll, whether there saved ,sanctify, or filled with something else other than the Holy Ghost!
Come on brother, please, E-KNOCK, not E-NICK.
A question I have always had regarding the Nephilim, as I critically think about anything I read or listen to is this: All the angles are MALE. None of them are female and God created the male angles with the ability to have a sex drive. That being said, it is no wonder to me that they defiled human women (and I think that that actually raped them. The sex, I think was not done willingly by the women) and defiled the animals. The MALE angels or demons had no where to turn to satisfy their sex drive since there were no FEMALE angles. SO! Why did God create the angels the way he did? It seems to me that God made a mistake and this was bound to happen. Can someone, without getting mad and legalistic on me, explain something that, surly I am missing and misunderstanding about this issue?
God didn't make a mistake. His creation (including the angels) is perfect. Lucifer rebelled against God and became Satan as a result. Adam rebelled against God and sin entered the world as a result. It affected the entire creation. These angels were clearly rebelling against their Creator and the holy purpose for which He created them.
@@aprilnelson3970 I dont know about that after critically thinking about this issue. If "we" are at fault, then that seems to imply that there is an imperfection in God for us to even be able to go their. Why am I having to pay the price for what Adam did. When i student acts up in class, they do not case everyone to be suspended o r get a demerit! Did not Eve also rebel too? They were "parents in crime," if you will. It is just like how my ex step mother rebelled against God while my Dad was at work and sexually abused ME by using the belt and switch betters my legs! (Which BTW, I did not have the guts to tel him until I was 39 years old and even the cops REFUSED to take me seriously by the time I was that age because I should have reported her at the age of 18." Well, Sorry police officer, the human brain dow not stop its development until 26...and its even LATER for "late bloomers" like me.
The very nature of sin is passed on to us in our DNA. That is why we need a savior. Man fell, so man was responsible to fix his problem. But his evil nature couldn't do this. That's why God became a man in the incarnation of Christ. That way a man could offer Himself as a substitutionary sacrifice for the sins, and sin nature, of all men. But He would have to be without sin from conception to His death to be acceptable to God, the righteous Judge.
The angels that fell had already followed Lucifer in his rebellion against God. Only then did they contemplate mating with human women in order to have progeny. In the end that is what they wanted. Evidently they were not tempted by women until after they had rebelled against God in following Lucifer. That is the way it is with sin. It leads to further sin, then finally death.
@@francisbusa1074 What about when sin leads to the greatest blessing of your life ALL BECAUSE you were sexual abused by someone of the opposite sex in your family? I once knew a man who had been sexually abused my his step MOTHER while his dad was at work. All that eventually lead this man into prostitution and he eventually met his WIFE who was a floozie! Jesus just prevented them from going all the way...THREE TIMES because he had other plans for those two. How do you explain that one? This man I know, GOD USED HIM TO SAVE HER LIFE, and he was a "John" himself, they have now been married for 21 years!
Where's the biblical evidence for the rebellious spirits performing sexual acts with animals, resulting in monsters?
Probably they did it by tinkering with DNA
Look… this guy says “get your bibles out” like he’s gonna use it a lot, but the bulk of the content was nearly everything but. Be careful.
Me I think the Book of Enoch is part of the Bible and they should had left it in the Bible.
Philippians 2:6 Who,* though he was in the form of God,d
did not regard equality with God something to be grasped.*
7Rather, he emptied himself,
taking the form of a slave,
coming in human likeness;*
and found human in appearance,e
8he humbled himself,f
becoming obedient to death,
even death on a cross.*
9Because of this, God greatly exalted him
and bestowed on him the name*
that is above every name,g
10that at the name of Jesus
every knee should bend,*
of those in heaven and on earth and under the earth,h
11and every tongue confess that
Jesus Christ is Lord,*
to the glory of God the Father.i
I totally disagree that the pyramids and other ancient structures were built pre-flood. The flood completely resurfaced the land features of the earth. Check out this excellent documentary on this, "Is Genesis History?".
The pyramids shows vast evidence of massive water erosion and evidence of being submerged.
Was hearing Noah's wife was probably 9ft tall... I wonder how she got around in the ark
To much advertising, I guess money comes first, why not wait until the end of the video and then ask, God is more important or should be.
Quit complaining. Rick does an excellent job.