Why moral people tolerate immoral behavior | Liane Young | Big Think

  • Опубліковано 15 гру 2020
  • Why moral people tolerate immoral behavior
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    This video was produced in partnership with John Templeton Foundation.
    The problem with having a compass as the symbolic representation of morality is that due north is not a fixed point. Liane Young, Boston College associate professor and director of the Morality Lab, explains how context, bias, and tribal affiliation influence us enormously when we pass moral judgments.
    Moral instinct is tainted by cognitive bias. Humans evolved to be more lenient to their in-groups-for example excusing a beloved politician who lines their pockets while lambasting a colleague for the exact same transgression-and to care more about harm done close to them than harm done farther away, for example, to people in another country.
    The challenge for humans in a globalized and polarized world is to become aware of our moral biases and learn to apply morality more objectively. How can we be more rational and less hypocritical about our morals? "I think that clarifying the value that you are consulting for a particular problem is really critical," says Young.
    Liane Young is an associate professor of psychology at Boston College, where she is the director of the Morality Lab, which specializes in moral psychology. Dr. Young’s current research focuses on the role of theory of mind and emotions in moral judgment and moral behavior. To explore these topics, she uses the methods of social psychology and cognitive neuroscience, including functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and examination of patient populations with specific cognitive deficits. Dr. Young’s insight and findings have appeared in The New York Times, National Public Radio, MSNBC, U.S. News & World Report, CNN, ABC News, and CBS.
    LIANE YOUNG: What makes morality unique is that a lot of times people experience a moral judgment as a flash of intuition or feeling, good or bad. But underneath that feeling is complex moral psychological structure.
    NARRATOR: We think that our morals are steadfast, as if they were set in stone or inscribed in ink, but it turns out our morals are far more fluid than we'd like to believe.
    YOUNG: Studying moral psychology allows us access to other's perspectives, that others could have different values. And so just knowing that there is this complex space of moral psychology could help us to understand where other people are coming from.
    I'm Liane Young. I'm a psychology professor at Boston College. And in my lab, we study human moral decision-making. A key question in our lab right now is what the role of reasoning is for moral psychology. So, when do people and how do people think about different principles for making moral decisions?
    NARRATOR: Morality might seem like a compass needle, always guiding us north. But as we start to add information and context that trigger biases, the needle begins to spin.
    YOUNG: Moral cognition depends hugely on context. So, if I tell you about somebody who helped a stranger, you would say, they're much better than the person who helped their brother. But if I told you about a person who helped the stranger instead of the brother, you wouldn't think they're very good at all. And it turned out through the research that we did, it was really people's intuitions about familial obligation that structured people's moral intuitions across all of these different cases.
    NARRATOR: We may say adultery is wrong, but if it's a friend who we know well, who had a troubled marriage, maybe we're more forgiving. We say stealing is wrong, but we might be more understanding of our favorite politician when they're caught lining their pockets. We do this all the time.
    YOUNG: The point is that there are lots of different contextual influences that contribute to people's moral judgments.
    NARRATOR: Morality has evolved with our species because of human's practical and psychological need for social bonds, but even early human societies began codifying morality into laws and norms that were meant to be applied universally.
    YOUNG: Back in evolutionary time, people didn't interact with others across the world. We interacted with the people in our family, the people that we could see. It's because of that, moral psychology has developed these sorts of biases that have to do with social distance. So, we think that the harm that is being done up close and personal, right in front of us matters more than the harm that is being done to so...
    Read the full transcript at bigthink.com/john-templeton-f...


  • @bigthink
    @bigthink  3 роки тому +23

    What helps guide your moral judgment?

    • @ganderstein3426
      @ganderstein3426 3 роки тому +3

      Big Think exposes its hypocrisy by not including in the title, Why immoral people tolerate moral behavior.
      Only benevolence and the pursuit of needs criticized in these days.

    • @justatroll8351
      @justatroll8351 3 роки тому +6


    • @socrabate
      @socrabate 3 роки тому +4

      The principle of reducing harm to people. This principle is the basic intuitive approach that governs our society's morals. But the application is currently really terrible, coz it takes into account only physical harm and neglects spiritual harm. This boosts the tendency of self-justice, disbelief in respective justice authority, moral retardation and suicide. I think that with the progress of psychology and neuroscience towards the level of medicine, we will be able to optimize this principle better.

    • @jonathanbraithwaite7063
      @jonathanbraithwaite7063 3 роки тому +4

      Being skeptical of my own intuitions when I can manage it, while knowing others might not have either the will, temperament, or tools to do the same. It's a fundamentally disruptive act, and if my tribe doesn't support critical thinking, I risk my words being intuited as a sort of betrayal. Edit: I've come to doubt the casual definition of "good faith" in conversation, because almost nobody makes their core presuppositions vulnerable - and why would they? It's not fun.
      Faith systems that see doubt as weakness, and the general "with us or against us" trope spring to mind.

    • @stefannikola
      @stefannikola 3 роки тому

      I have a question. Are Big Think and The John Templeton Foundation the same thing or just frequent collaborators?

  • @QuestionEverythingButWHY
    @QuestionEverythingButWHY 3 роки тому +131

    “Thinking is difficult, that’s why most people judge.”
    ― Carl Gustav Jung

  • @NickSBailey
    @NickSBailey 3 роки тому +55

    I've learnt all this over the years but it doesn't really help because the majority seem to make choices based on how things superficially appear. When you're outvoted you don't have much sway.

    • @mickmash-5192
      @mickmash-5192 3 роки тому +12

      Couldn’t agree more. In this day and age, to place a high degree of importance on morals and values can leave you ostracised. It makes others very uncomfortable if you don’t agree with general consensus, regardless of how immoral said consensus is.

    • @jackkraken3888
      @jackkraken3888 3 роки тому +4

      Oh wow didn't see it that way. Then you end up with poor decisions since people. Are afraid to question their belief systems or political ideologies.

    • @tomymelon6293
      @tomymelon6293 3 роки тому +5

      It matters alot! The future depends on people like you!! The most beautiful rights and comforts we have started from a few brave individuals when everyone was against them. Then the ideas spread to inspire more people over several generations. It makes a difference

  • @sensereference2227
    @sensereference2227 3 роки тому +49

    Synopsis: Context matters when making moral judgments. We care more about what happens to those close to us than those an ocean away because we didn't evolve to be overly concerned about what happens to others outside our family/tribe. Finding common values is the path to a more morally consistent world.

    • @aWorldview
      @aWorldview 3 роки тому +1

      Also it affects us if it's close to us and we can do something, whereas we can't if it's far away

    • @melon9680
      @melon9680 3 роки тому +3

      Seems however that millennials are concerned about things in a larger scale. I myself being one, don't just ignore the outside world, what happens all over is a weight I carry all day everyday. Living in my broken country, people have pleaded for aid for years, but nobody els out there cares, not the US or the UN even. Footage of horrific events that would shake most people to their core, was merely ignored and forgotten like it's whatever. Thus I noticed people across the pond don't give a flying about what happens to others, only about those in their immediate vicinity. Humanity won't ever really be one with how everyone disregards eachother.

    • @abrahampalmer8761
      @abrahampalmer8761 Рік тому +1


    • @grndragon7777777
      @grndragon7777777 10 місяців тому

      Hell is paved with good intentions

  • @donalddarko5807
    @donalddarko5807 2 роки тому +13

    "We're tempted to think we live in different worlds but there's only one." I love it

  • @captspaulding8530
    @captspaulding8530 3 роки тому +40

    You might think it strange but look at people and video games. Look at the decisions people make when playing . Look at the decisions they make when their is no real world consequences for said decisions.

    • @abrahampalmer8761
      @abrahampalmer8761 Рік тому +6

      Very Valid point it shows that even in video games applies to real life majority of us aren't really good people at the core level and break the law if there are no laws or consequences of our actions and that's the inconvenient truth.

    • @grndragon7777777
      @grndragon7777777 10 місяців тому

      Just like the internet or online video games where people hide behind the fact that nobody knows who they are so they can say and do whatever.

    • @Yui92939
      @Yui92939 День тому

      Idk, this makes no sense to me.
      When I'm playing a video game, there is the understanding that it's a game, and as such morality doesn't apply to your actions in the game. There is no one to be hurt or harmed.
      When playing online multiplayer games, I don't just team kill or harass other players, because there is an actual human being that can be affected.

    • @captspaulding8530
      @captspaulding8530 День тому +1

      @Yui92939 and there you go. You just proved my point. If there are no consequences for your actions, just how moral are you? You have none.

    • @Yui92939
      @Yui92939 День тому +1

      @@captspaulding8530 no, that doesn't prove your point. In order for something to be morally wrong, it has to cause harm. Committing crimes in say grand theft auto, doesn't harm anyone because the other characters are computer generated.
      That's very different than having no consequences. An example of "no consequences" could be team killing in multiplayer games or being toxic to other players. That I won't do because it causes harm to others, even though there are no consequences for it.

  • @zeruth467
    @zeruth467 3 роки тому +28

    This channel, psych2go, and more have literally helped shaped me to find value in life, I don’t like people, but all I think about is psychology. So, I HAVE to and DO care about people. Psychology and philosophy is the only reason I’m still alive today. Thank you for this channel. My main goal in life is to make psychology a core class in primary schooling.

  • @Epoch11
    @Epoch11 3 роки тому +41

    Because the majority of people are hypocrites

    • @GlossRabban
      @GlossRabban 3 роки тому +3

      I just broke my mirror in two. Here have the second half, I am sure it will help you if you use it wisely!

    • @StarCrusher.
      @StarCrusher. 3 роки тому +2

      The worst part is always the hypocrisy

    • @lolsxd8433
      @lolsxd8433 3 роки тому +5

      All ppl are hypocrites. At least in the developed world.
      Show me someone who thinks it is justifiable to buy thing that have beern produced by children, yet we buy chocolate from farms children probably work.

    • @ninarroni7776
      @ninarroni7776 3 роки тому

      We are all hypocrites at a certain level

    • @monke3122
      @monke3122 3 роки тому

      @@StarCrusher. its the raping in my opinion

  • @turnerwright
    @turnerwright 3 роки тому +17

    "We might be more understanding if our favorite politician were caught lining their pockets'?
    Ummm.... no. The only people who would do that don't have any kind of grasp of morality in the first place.

    • @amanofnoreputation2164
      @amanofnoreputation2164 3 роки тому +4

      I think what they mean is if your favorite politician was caught lining their pocket, you might cry "fake news" or produce some pretext for why the theft is justified, not that you would suddenly suspend your judgement that stealing is wrong.

  • @bcpjw
    @bcpjw 3 роки тому +18

    Being and doing “morally right” is complicated but being kind isn’t.
    Standing up for what is right is complicated but being respectful isn’t.
    Compassion and empathy doesn’t cost much but it helps so much more.

    • @BboyKeny
      @BboyKeny 3 роки тому +11

      But all too common is it for people to think they are compassionate and empathic when they are actually the opposite. Since defining yourself as good because you want to be good, is almost always the root of evil.
      "Road to hell is paved with good intentions"

  • @kenjiroumiyamoto1432
    @kenjiroumiyamoto1432 3 роки тому +89

    Everything, well-written or well-spoken, will sound great. However, upon application in the real world, nothing is ever certain.

    • @jonathanbraithwaite7063
      @jonathanbraithwaite7063 3 роки тому +5

      I think certainty is the mark of casual thinking, if it can be called that.

    • @DeusExHomeboy
      @DeusExHomeboy 3 роки тому +2

      uncertainty is just a result of insufficient/incorrect information. Once sufficient information is available, everything is certain. Which is why subjective morality is a thing right now.

    • @chevytech7306
      @chevytech7306 Рік тому

      Well she isn't well spoken. Typically a well spoken person doesn't ask a question when making a statement.

  • @ongoingsky9347
    @ongoingsky9347 3 роки тому +45

    I think morals change based on what it takes to survive.

    • @RSVPrr
      @RSVPrr 2 роки тому

      you think?

    • @caitanfernandes2113
      @caitanfernandes2113 Рік тому

      Oh i understand your arguments.
      But as all human creatures we can hamper other human live? Same as animal do. They can have their on kin. Or betray, Etc.
      Now if you change ur moral behaviour. It can change whole outcome we can act like beast(animal). Which will jeopardize our civilization.
      I believe we took long period of time to understand morality. Like not killing other and forgiving. Sorry to say but it is most of it is of christ teaching. It eventually will be better if we are not at war and love one another.

    • @abrahampalmer8761
      @abrahampalmer8761 Рік тому


  • @BboyKeny
    @BboyKeny 3 роки тому +10

    "Be tolerant with others and strict with yourself." - Marcus Aurelius
    If you do the inverse, you see holy wars, crusades and all-destroying moral panics (like the witch burning in Salem or the Satanism scare of 1960).
    Also don't blame other on your feelings. Focus on improving yourself instead of focusing how you want other to improve.
    If people around you see you doing better, sure it will be crabs in a basket at first, but eventually they will be inspired and follow in your footsteps.

    • @Yui92939
      @Yui92939 День тому

      I've lived with this principle for most of my life. I try to hold myself to a higher standard than others as a way to counteract the inherent biases that I have. Instead of 50/50, I give 60 and am prepared to receive 40.
      Interesting that Marcus Aurelius taught the same principle.

  • @QuestionEverythingButWHY
    @QuestionEverythingButWHY 3 роки тому +31

    “The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame.”
    ― Oscar Wilde

  • @Juka161
    @Juka161 3 роки тому +49

    ”Morality is what you do when nobody is looking ”

  • @jvb5590
    @jvb5590 3 роки тому +1

    I LOVE how the visuals/images coincide with the narration and or what the Professor is saying. Please upload more videos with visuals!

  • @catwilk8213
    @catwilk8213 3 роки тому +5

    I was just saying this on Facebook I have so many questions on why people are so mean cruel heartless greedy and have no common sense

    • @andersoj5
      @andersoj5 3 роки тому +5

      Don’t forget judgemental

  • @amanofnoreputation2164
    @amanofnoreputation2164 3 роки тому +4

    If you judge another person as bad, it's because you do not understand them.
    My problem is the people I wind up judging insist on not being understood as a point of pride.

  • @burchkinsolving489
    @burchkinsolving489 3 роки тому +29

    A very good read about this topic is a book called The Elephant in the Brain."

  • @iluvcakes19
    @iluvcakes19 3 роки тому +5

    We're all liars and hypocrites at the end of the day.

    • @J0n3zH
      @J0n3zH 3 роки тому

      Nobody is smart enough to consider ALL the positions they hold and how they might contradict. Most people are good but we're all flawed.

    • @iluvcakes19
      @iluvcakes19 3 роки тому +2

      @@J0n3zH agree with you. But it's funny how people claim to despise what they are--hypocrites and liars. None of those bother me, because I know that, against my best intentions, I am both! 😅😅

    • @moneyboymoneyboy4337
      @moneyboymoneyboy4337 3 роки тому +2

      I call them fake people

    • @iluvcakes19
      @iluvcakes19 3 роки тому +2

      @@moneyboymoneyboy4337 I think we all suffer from selective amnesia

  • @kevinlipps5456
    @kevinlipps5456 2 роки тому +5

    The vast majority of people's majority is based upon self interest. If there's no consequences, or they can evade them, then they will do it. It's that simple.
    They may say they wouldn't, but most would. They just cannot act it out, without the consequences.
    For those who don't have less consequences, such as billionaires or political leaders, you learn how humans really are.

    • @sr.mental5876
      @sr.mental5876 Рік тому +1

      We’re all just animals on a leash, and morality is only reserved for the few who live for it.

    • @abrahampalmer8761
      @abrahampalmer8761 Рік тому

      💯 percent truth

    • @abrahampalmer8761
      @abrahampalmer8761 Рік тому +1

      @@sr.mental5876 exactly most people are evil at it's core but don't act on it because of the law and society pressures that's it.

    • @galh29
      @galh29 Рік тому +1

      100% agreed. Just look at how the ones in the power act and treat others under them.

    • @paulminh3525
      @paulminh3525 Місяць тому

      Machiavelli said that fear is the best ruling tool for the ruler and society! People respond to fear of facing consequences of their evil deeds rather than ruling through love because love can use as tool to abuse other! God in the Bible also rule through fear because of his power and omnipotence capabilities, thus submitting and surrendering through knowing someone more powerful is normal!

  • @bearcataquatic
    @bearcataquatic 3 роки тому +5

    Jonathan Heidt's work and his book "The righteous mind" is what truly opened my mind and helped me understand the principles that guide people's morality

  • @galh29
    @galh29 Рік тому +4

    People are hypocrites, that's it. They will criticize your actions and even want you death because of it but then literally do things that are 10x worse than what you did. Most people's morals also seem to be mostly based on emotions and how it's gonna particularly benefit them rather than actual logic and what is going to be the best path for everyone.

  • @xrenegade87xchannel88
    @xrenegade87xchannel88 3 роки тому +5

    nobody is truly moral, because you have to be in the right to be moral

  • @Youbetternowatchthis
    @Youbetternowatchthis 3 роки тому

    I think I remember taking an online survey about these questions. It’s very exciting to hear about the research about the topic.

  • @OmniphonProductions
    @OmniphonProductions 3 роки тому +2

    It's interesting to consider notions of evolved tribal morality and familial obligation...and then draw that out to issues like political and religious affiliation. It really helps to explain why people are so quick to point out flaws in the OTHER candidate, party, religion etc. while just as quickly ignoring the same (if not worse) flaws in their own.

  • @GlossRabban
    @GlossRabban 3 роки тому +8

    Confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance will be the downfall of humanity. Unless we learn to see past it.

  • @roberthepburn6759
    @roberthepburn6759 3 роки тому +2

    do others find the music so loud it is hard to hear the narrative?

  • @mahlina1220
    @mahlina1220 3 роки тому +5

    I think moral people who tolerate immoral behavior learn that social conditioning. Of course, moral behavior is contextual and depends on the situation at hand, but this leads to the question of why society as a whole tolerates corruption and the injustices of the world where bombs get dropped daily on innocent civilian territory, _all in the name of profits and greed, over the minor amounts of resources that only a few rich people amass._
    Maybe the question can be pointed back to why people tolerate psychopathy, sociopathy, and enable narcissism on a grand scale. That’s one thing Confucian as a philosophy gets right: morals start within the family. If you raise spoiled, entitled, unrmpathic children, you get very immoral unhealthy adults. And even Asian cultures who have strayed away from Taoist beliefs have started to go back to incivility.
    Everything starts in the home. Loving parents who don’t teach their children boundaries, empathy and respect are just as to blame as parents whom are abusive, neglectful and teach their kids tough love _without_ compassion.

    • @Lexrezende
      @Lexrezende 3 роки тому +2

      In a society where parents don't have the time needed to dedicate to their children (they have no time even for themselves), the problem is not the parantes alone.

    • @nimz8521
      @nimz8521 3 роки тому

      So one way of looking at it is that we tolerate bad behavior because we believe that is the "moral" thing to do. We don't execute murderers and rapists because we think that execution is "immoral". In trying to be as "moral" as we can we offer the carrot in all situations, even those where the stick is needed.

    • @Yusa_Beach
      @Yusa_Beach 3 роки тому

      @@Lexrezende partially true, however i think it mostly comes down to people making bad decisions when becoming a parent. (Or more like not knowing how to exactly be a parent.)

    • @Lexrezende
      @Lexrezende 3 роки тому +1

      @@Yusa_Beach Exausted people make bad decisions.

    • @Yusa_Beach
      @Yusa_Beach 3 роки тому

      @@Lexrezende Ignorant people make bad descisions, which are caused by ignorant parents, who didn't know how to parent, or either abused their chidren.

  • @Ragnarok691
    @Ragnarok691 3 роки тому +4

    Morals are highly subjective.

    • @Vence.
      @Vence. 2 роки тому

      Sure but ethics are objective, and we live ethically.

  • @outthasky
    @outthasky 3 роки тому +2

    I’d like to explore the impact of the choice to use the phrase “social distance” rather than “physical distance” in response to a pandemic.

  • @peteryunge-bateman5807
    @peteryunge-bateman5807 3 роки тому +3

    Empathy is a selfless emotion of our conscience which constantly reminds the selfish emotions of our ego to recognize,understand and respect the emotions of all others in our relationships with them. The profundity of the ration and meaning of empathy is such that it alone is required to govern the relationships between all individuals,groups and species of lifeforms and enables Life to exist as one. Life is the animated manifestation of the ration which determines and governs the existence of the universe. When you understand the ration and meaning of our emotions it is easy to declare with great confidence that, Ration is the meaning of Life and the Universe. Emotions are principles of ration coupled to the means, the only means, from which we have the capacity to derive meaning from. When we have absolutely no capacity for emotions, we have absolutely no capacity to derive meaning therefore, some very intelligent, conscious and relatively rational human beings end our own existence. With empathy, Pete.

  • @USERNAMEfieldempty
    @USERNAMEfieldempty 3 роки тому +5

    Ancient religious texts are NOT guaranteed moral masterpieces.

    • @zenon3021
      @zenon3021 3 роки тому

      you mean I SHOULDN'T stone a person to death for gathering firewood on a Sunday? Or smash a baby's head on a rock? (Psalms 137:9)
      Mind = blown

  • @tenaciousminion8753
    @tenaciousminion8753 8 місяців тому

    Hypocrisy causes suffering to persist. We're not taught to value self awareness and cooperation.

  • @GeluTavi
    @GeluTavi 3 роки тому

    Music is too loud for me. Very difficult to focus on what the speaker is saying.

  • @shemslessons2019
    @shemslessons2019 3 роки тому +3

    Never heard of moral psychology. 🤔 Wanna know more!!

  • @gbd-oq1rz
    @gbd-oq1rz 2 роки тому +2

    Because one can not simply control people they can only control themselves.

  • @invox9490
    @invox9490 3 роки тому +8

    "Favourite politician"?...
    I never eard of such a thing.

  • @BoundyMan
    @BoundyMan 3 роки тому +3

    We tend to think of right and wrong as black and white. But in reality its every shade of color.

  • @Jerh1985
    @Jerh1985 3 роки тому +2

    This has touched a few things that have bothered me. Example is if its an action I would fire someone for then it will be applied universally it wouldn't matter if you were my son or some random person I just hired but the level of favoritism I see just because you like someone is pathetic. Same goes for stealing/cheating/beating/killing/rape or anything else I have a hard line on it doesn't bend you do it your out of my life for good no matter your relationship while with other people it really just comes down to their attachment to the person.

  • @DaveE99
    @DaveE99 3 роки тому

    There is a common value or experience between us answer everyone on earth, finding out what those commonalities are might help us bridge the divide- in summary.

  • @muskduh
    @muskduh 2 роки тому

    thanks for the video

  • @daddada2984
    @daddada2984 3 роки тому

    Meaning your biases will compromise the moral...
    And all of us can't always stand to the moral standard.
    We need to do is learn from our mistakes & others mistakes.

  • @theartzscientist8012
    @theartzscientist8012 3 роки тому +3

    There is only one “morality” that matters and that’s “God’s morals”. If we aren’t living by those, we don’t have morality.

  • @froylanbaja9414
    @froylanbaja9414 3 роки тому +1

    There are actions that when you ever make an interaction s seems like no turning back.

  • @N-HTTi
    @N-HTTi Рік тому +2

    So morality is nothing more than an evolutionary behavior derivative from social actions that maintain group survival

  • @Torterra_ghahhyhiHd
    @Torterra_ghahhyhiHd 3 роки тому

    my moral scenes is pretty simple do not create suffering as much posible specially if it is in vain, do not waist effort of good will. most people dont really priorice good an evils, just self felling happy. and own initiative about finding the true to late in to many circumstance that may cases become way more complicated and the sume of spiritual irresponsibility become one the biggest obstacle to make a goods of human prosperity. attachment of tradition it may become a excuse to do not face the changes and thinking to capture the new paradigm of value. energy and fiscally counter intuitive of efforts.

  • @Scarletpooky
    @Scarletpooky 3 роки тому +2

    Looking at politics and religion we can easily see that for far too many people it's more about who did something rather than what they did.

    • @nimz8521
      @nimz8521 3 роки тому +1

      Not to mention entertainment. Like Elvis and his thing for underage girls.

    • @abrahampalmer8761
      @abrahampalmer8761 Рік тому


  • @watervirgin4575
    @watervirgin4575 3 роки тому +1

    The last time MagicOfRahat helps a homeless person, he was framed by the homeless guy until his life was turned upside down, and became a shut-in for years.

  • @bilikdotid
    @bilikdotid 3 роки тому

    moral judgement, I think, ability to distinguish the one is right or not. That ability is comparison of all meaning experiences.

  • @lis819
    @lis819 3 роки тому +1

    Why are interesting videos ruined by loud background music... don't makers of these videos ever try to listen to their production?

  • @nicoleonfeels
    @nicoleonfeels 3 роки тому +1

    The compass analogy immediately made me think of Pocahontas

  • @davidl9232
    @davidl9232 3 роки тому +1

    Everything in moderation but nature throws extremes at us.
    So moderation becomes within the parameters of nonhuman controls has effects too.
    In places that experience stuff like earthquakes, tornadoes, blizzards, it can noticeable what the difference is.
    Of course pandemic changes this too( it's also our fault we overpopulated the planet and settled for mass food production and resource abuse to balance everything)
    So everything in moderation includes cannibalism but also minimalism and botulism(lol).a sense of humor about ourselves( especially in our finiteness) helps too.
    I hope this note helps also, because I know I'm a small picture type guy( I have little education in this)

  • @beckybrynjolfsson7125
    @beckybrynjolfsson7125 3 роки тому +1

    That's a lie. There are morals that never change. You set them within yourself. I was brainwashed and tortured for years because I was set up against my husband deliberately trying to get me to cheat. I had been set up once by my husband trying to incriminate me when I was innocent and he was cheating on me constantly. Then I cheated on him once and it was a big mistake. Then I had him and a "friend" mess with me and abuse in horribly to try to get me to cheat again. I was extremely physically and mentally I'll the entire time. I left for an abuse shelter. My morals are now uncompromisable. I was stolen as a newborn and abused and experimented on being subjected to the worst things morally. I never liked them. I was forced to be with them for survival as a child and programmed. I will never like not one of the people I ever knew in my past. My entire life was fabricated. They take pleasure in hurting others, deceit, adultery, sexual depravity, stealing, liying, every manner of evil. I have a long way to recovery. I have an identity of my own seperate from them. I believe it is important to be moral. There is a God and our creator has definite boundaries for behavior not to be violated.

  • @rashadblack96
    @rashadblack96 3 роки тому

    My favorite intellectual UA-cam channel

  • @mucmane
    @mucmane 3 роки тому +11

    If the rich thought this way then the world would be a different place

    • @appleciderhorror12
      @appleciderhorror12 3 роки тому +12

      If the rich thought this way they wouldn't be rich

    • @BboyKeny
      @BboyKeny 3 роки тому +1

      If my neighbor needs help with their groceries then I can:
      1: blame the rich for not giving money to my neighbor so they can hire someone to help with the groceries
      2: Get off my fat lazy ass and help my neighbor myself.
      What do you think "the rich" can solve, which you can't?

    • @appleciderhorror12
      @appleciderhorror12 3 роки тому +2

      @@BboyKeny I suppose you think the way to fix society is to make Jeff Bezoz come and move you lawn? And the people wearing diapers at work can't make a living because they just don't work as hard as God Emperor Bezoz

    • @thegoodlistenerslistenwell2646
      @thegoodlistenerslistenwell2646 3 роки тому +1

      The rich are rich, because you dont puppeteer people. You dont use math and science to predict the future like they do, you dont lie about how great you are. You dont lie about how little you have, ir how much you have. The rich are rich because they do what they need to get the money, all the time, never quitting or caring who gets hurt. The small percentage that dont do this are just lucky or extremely good looking.

  • @allertonoff4
    @allertonoff4 3 роки тому

    There is a Vast miscomprehension here .. that we live on a planet in a realm of reality .. when in fact we live in exploded quantum realms of ideas

  • @vrajgautam1512
    @vrajgautam1512 3 роки тому +2

    The title so good. It just dragged me 🔥💯🙌🏻

  • @user-mf6te6di4u
    @user-mf6te6di4u 2 місяці тому

    Is really interesting subject

  • @Nightster_Rider
    @Nightster_Rider 3 роки тому

    I go way out of my way to not be a hypocrite.

  • @ImTheDudeMan471
    @ImTheDudeMan471 3 роки тому +2

    We shouldn't be surprised that most of humanity doesn't have morrels..

    • @abrahampalmer8761
      @abrahampalmer8761 Рік тому

      Exactly is been like that since the beginning of time nothing new.

  • @hid400
    @hid400 3 роки тому

    Morality is an evolutionary construct to guarantee survival of the species. Morality drives us to take care of the unfortunate ones who might have good genes to pass on. Morality help us with mental issues, our brains might have not grown if we were not morally supportive.

  • @BirdArvid
    @BirdArvid 3 роки тому +4

    Empathy and altruism is what the world needs more of. Sadly almost all of our politicians are tribal, partisan and narrow-minded.

  • @SeekNeo
    @SeekNeo 3 роки тому

    Can you argue that it's better being an hypocrite than not being one? As in, if you're a bad person but you advocate for good things, at least you're not advocating for bad things

  • @randomdude9758
    @randomdude9758 3 роки тому

    Funny - I just listened to a Sam Harris video about the "illusion of freewill". If there is no such thing as freewill and everything is determined then every idea/question/insight brought up in this video is literally meaningless (no troll). Worm food can't be moral or hypocritical.

  • @GuitarAndWhatevs
    @GuitarAndWhatevs 3 роки тому

    Our tribe is every living thing in the universe. They are your family, we are your family. Treath them as such.

  • @shughy1
    @shughy1 3 роки тому +3

    The psychology of woke culture I find interesting, it appears to be incredibly devious and fake

    • @abrahampalmer8761
      @abrahampalmer8761 Рік тому

      Big Time and selective outrage to the max without any real solutions

  • @wildwest1832
    @wildwest1832 3 роки тому

    I dont think there really is such a thing.

  • @QuestionEverythingButWHY
    @QuestionEverythingButWHY 3 роки тому +10

    “Morality is simply the attitude we adopt towards people we personally dislike.”
    ― Oscar Wilde

  • @DeusExHomeboy
    @DeusExHomeboy 3 роки тому

    The mechanism of "higher morality" is a new development in organisms with sufficiently large brains. Our specie is still iterating on initial versions of moral structures, and their cost/benefit. This is why you don't have humans with similar "moral compasses". Currently ranging anywhere from willing to die for their morals, to abandoning any sense of decency to survive/thrive.
    TLDR- People do fucked up shit because morality is complex and majority of our specie's members will be operating on a very flimsy/flexible moral system, because evolution is fucking slow and the individuals suffer it. Not anyone's fault, it's just deterministic.

  • @cynthiarowley719
    @cynthiarowley719 3 роки тому +2

    Because the immoral have the power.

  • @Bernie_777
    @Bernie_777 3 роки тому +1

    I like this topic

    • @abrahampalmer8761
      @abrahampalmer8761 Рік тому +1

      Same it makes us think so much deeper than we usually think on a daily.

  • @abrahampalmer8761
    @abrahampalmer8761 Рік тому


  • @GlossRabban
    @GlossRabban 3 роки тому +10

    "Back in evolutionary time" So we stopped evolveing? -.-

    • @aonrapper
      @aonrapper 3 роки тому +2

      Idk about you but, I'm still evolving.

    • @BboyKeny
      @BboyKeny 3 роки тому +5

      @@aonrapper I'm not even in my final form

    • @MrHoggReads
      @MrHoggReads 3 роки тому +6

      They just found a PhD and slapped together a video. Don't think about it too much.

    • @jonathanbraithwaite7063
      @jonathanbraithwaite7063 3 роки тому

      Good times.

    • @mrswjr4061
      @mrswjr4061 3 роки тому +1

      It feels like it.
      We used to be moving forward
      now people are looking backwards and making moral judgments about people from the past and projecting that onto people of today.

  • @thegoodlistenerslistenwell2646
    @thegoodlistenerslistenwell2646 3 роки тому

    "We" dont think our morals are solid. That came from monotheism. Most other religions or ways of thinking took into account how different each if us are as well as how much a person changes over time. Buddhism, isn't actually as magical as people on the outside think. Buddha was one with the universe, not a spiritual thing. He claimed the universe is all spiritual, meaning its no different than physical. It's the age old question of a fish not knowing it's in water. Nothing magical, just adding infinite significance and infinite silliness.

  • @DaveE99
    @DaveE99 3 роки тому

    So moral judgment is system 1 thinking.

  • @12KevinPower
    @12KevinPower 3 роки тому

    This is just Cultural Relativism. What may be moral in one culture may not be in another.

  • @GameplayTubeYT
    @GameplayTubeYT 3 роки тому +1

    Rationality shapes my moral values i don't need Spongebob or Zeus to become moral person!

  • @ChrisPollitt
    @ChrisPollitt 3 роки тому +3

    4:07 with a small change "Can our sense of tribal morality evolve to encompass *species* outside of our tribe."

  • @whizmotovlog
    @whizmotovlog 3 роки тому +2

    Sybil system is the answer 😁

  • @FD-rt3rv
    @FD-rt3rv 3 роки тому

    John Templeton funding for this discredits the impartiality of this video

  • @josegaleano1530
    @josegaleano1530 3 роки тому

    My morality don't come from a big brother watching me 24/7 all from a superstitious lucrative infected religious liar the morals are born with me in my brain that tells me what to do if it's good or bad and they tell me how to live and what to believe if it is good or bad it makes me feel bad when I'm doing something wrong and it makes me feel good when I touch somebody with a good kind intentions

  • @kuuvenpr
    @kuuvenpr 3 роки тому +2

    Better question is why we humans defend our lies to the point of death for consequences way less than death.
    I think we build a “self” who is very sensitive to truth if only know lies.

  • @qizan8065
    @qizan8065 Рік тому


  • @importantname
    @importantname 3 роки тому +4

    WHAT???? other people have different values to me - NO way!!!

    • @Curious-nt9dp
      @Curious-nt9dp 3 роки тому +2

      Helping strangers before helping your family member is actually seen as a virtue in many cultures..It makes sense as it violates the concept of selfish gene.

  • @cirtainrod9492
    @cirtainrod9492 9 місяців тому

    Probably because we are human. Like leave us alone bro.😂

  • @ezralevy7121
    @ezralevy7121 3 роки тому

    The words “evolutionary origin of morality” are spoken while religious practices are visualized.
    What does that imply?
    Perhaps it is condescending and intimating that these practices are primitive.

  • @0plumber1
    @0plumber1 3 роки тому

    So this lab...

  • @markkravitz4678
    @markkravitz4678 3 роки тому

    👋 Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going. The best young entrepreneur ever @evenkingsfall (his insta) always says you have to THINK BIG to WIN BIG! Always keep that energy! Great videos always 🙏

  • @2dayssparta
    @2dayssparta 4 місяці тому


  • @abdul97690
    @abdul97690 2 роки тому +4

    There are two ways to judge things and people morally.
    The first: through studies, experiments, observation and analysis, and this method can create certain standards of morality, but it is a changing method, and it may change from time to time by people or by circumstances, and ethics cannot be in this way.
    The second method: to take morals from one source, and this source sets the correct method for measuring and acquiring morals, a method that cannot be changed by changing societies or changing times. And you will not find a source that (most) people agree on except (God) the one god

    • @abrahampalmer8761
      @abrahampalmer8761 Рік тому


    • @paulminh3525
      @paulminh3525 Місяць тому

      I mean God judge human base on 7 virtues and vices that observe human capabilities for good and evil! Virtues and vices are among that people use to observe other people behaviors!

  • @jelenacatherine9735
    @jelenacatherine9735 3 роки тому +16

    I don't know who needs to hear this, you've got to stop saving money. Invest some part of it, if you really want financial freedom.

    • @jelenacatherine9735
      @jelenacatherine9735 3 роки тому +5

      Invest in bitcoin, gold, silver, buy stock, forex market, commodities. Just invest and save yourself.

    • @larryhenry5689
      @larryhenry5689 3 роки тому +5

      @nancy lovely Hey dude, this is 2020. People who aren't even traders make money from the crypto and forex markets and moreover there are already financial analysts and trading experts(PhDs) who have shelled out theories and ideas for years on how bit coin technically grows.

    • @d_ken
      @d_ken 3 роки тому +3

      @@larryhenry5689 Exactly, Very Good point ✌🏻

    • @d_ken
      @d_ken 3 роки тому +3

      If you think you're too lazy to trade or learn how to trade, just know I have some friends who invest in a platform where and experts devotes their time and help them trade and they get paid profit every week

    • @kelvindean455
      @kelvindean455 3 роки тому +3

      @@d_ken My trading mentor; Dr Steven Clarke Robert runs and investment platform like that, I paid in €23,500 just last week though its not the first time, and I got a paid profit of €49,600. It's been an amazing experience with him

  • @MrHoggReads
    @MrHoggReads 3 роки тому +1

    Such weak examples. Should be "little think".
    There is a bias in human cognition, a reasonable one, that if you're taking care of others you've already taken care of yourself, your family and those close to you.

    • @jordicabreja3345
      @jordicabreja3345 3 роки тому +1

      Makes a lot of sense because how could you care about others when you, yourself are starving or in a bad position? Many lecturers even tell you directly to "get your shit together before telling anyone else what to do"

    • @nimz8521
      @nimz8521 3 роки тому

      @@jordicabreja3345 Clean your room

    • @jordicabreja3345
      @jordicabreja3345 3 роки тому

      @@nimz8521 On it chief!

  • @modemmack
    @modemmack 3 роки тому

    This should be called the Trump effect. He didn't create it, but he sure as hell refined it. Supposed Christians do backflips to defend him and then project Trump's failings onto others that oppose him. 😑

  • @jimmills4157
    @jimmills4157 3 роки тому

    Just critical theory repackaged in a scientific wrapping.

    • @drew8305
      @drew8305 3 роки тому

      Science IS critical theory

  • @JRR31984
    @JRR31984 3 роки тому +3

    Having a business doesn't mean you got morals.

  • @jupiterisaak1004
    @jupiterisaak1004 3 роки тому +1


  • @TexasViking_INFP-t_5w4
    @TexasViking_INFP-t_5w4 3 роки тому

    Helping the stranger instead of the brother is ok if the brother is a dck.

    • @maxd3783
      @maxd3783 3 роки тому


  • @antonyarulprakash3435
    @antonyarulprakash3435 3 роки тому +1

    Morality never heart our and others heart! ❤️. it's one sole in all! Just feel enough! Don't differentiate any thing from you! Just love! EASY THING HARDLY DO IT!❤️

  • @chinookvalley
    @chinookvalley 3 роки тому +1

    The reason I "tolerated" immoral behavior is that I was bed-bound and was being poisoned. I was being threatened with my life every day. My service dog was poisoned (and he died) as a warning. This is no fictional story. It happened. When I was finally able to escape, I went to the police and was told this happens a lot, especially by family, which was my case, and that the cases seldom gets settled. In order to pursue it, I would have to leave Colorado (my home), go back to Louisiana (where it happened), have the perpetrator arrested (which was a slim to none chance) in Texas (where she lives) and file it as a Civil case, not criminal. Our society, legal and judicial systems are set up to protect the criminals, not the victims. Worst of this is these types of "immoral" people know how the system works and they know the odds are WITH them, and odds are they are going to get away with murder. Other immoral people see this and learn how to get away with horrific crimes.
    I was lucky, my dog wasn't. I can't believe a god would allow this to continue. But Karma on the other hand...