Coyote Attack 2



  • @randyjsing
    @randyjsing 15 років тому +1

    I was thinking Coyote all the way until I saw the animal turn it's head to the side and saw how big the snout's very possible that there's a mix of something else there.

  • @landbargepilot
    @landbargepilot 14 років тому +1

    One look at those eyes spells WOLF!

  • @cabelas1987
    @cabelas1987 16 років тому +1

    Thats interesting, just tried do do some more research and found a picture of one which does look similar to this.
    Am I right in saying that its a grey area as to what exactly a true red wolf is? Sub-species of Gray Wolf, Coyote Wolf Hybrid or a subspecies which has started to hybridise with coyotes due to lack of pure red wolves to breed with.

  • @CanadiaNecro1
    @CanadiaNecro1 15 років тому +1

    Red wolves can be mistaken for a large coyote as they are small and have similar colors. They're a rare species though and they often hybridize with coyotes.
    If you were making turkey noises that's definately what brought him in. Coyotes avoid humans as a rule but if you mimic their prey, they may have a go at you. It's a predator after all.

  • @HaBooBo0
    @HaBooBo0 14 років тому

    AMAZING video! Awesome job with it!

  • @bradycarver
    @bradycarver 14 років тому


  • @trailwaus
    @trailwaus 17 років тому

    I have a 70lb rottie whose favourite game is to "stalk and attack me" which for us is a great game. Until you you have experienced the kind of impact that a mouth full of teeth backed by 70lb of muscle has, you will not understand how dangerous a coyote attack can be. With an agressive coyote a bullet is always the right response! Good hunting!

  • @motormaker
    @motormaker 17 років тому

    That was awesome. Nice big Yote. Congrats man.

  • @benknightprime
    @benknightprime 15 років тому

    did u attack it for attacking or attack it for it being close

  • @dawnblueclover
    @dawnblueclover 14 років тому

    It could be a coywolf....are you in eastern north america?

  • @cabelas1987
    @cabelas1987 16 років тому

    I'm no expert on Red Wolves but from what I know about them, they're only now found in the South West and are very very rare. This doesn't look like one from pictures i've seen and descriptions i've read.
    Some say they're a Wolf Coyote Hybrid or thats their origins. Perhaps this is a hybrid, but to me it just looks like a big Coyote.

  • @silentlyinmyheart
    @silentlyinmyheart 15 років тому

    What did the guy do to make the coyote turn around?!

  • @whitewolf097
    @whitewolf097 16 років тому +1

    I also used to own a Black Lab/Heeler/Dingo mix that would go out into the pasture and play with the coyote pups. It was pretty funny every morning seeing her out there, and once the ranchers chased off the coyotes she started playing with the foxes. xD

  • @thatbritts
    @thatbritts 14 років тому

    Eastern coyotes are larger and fit this one to a tee, Wolves have a large rib cage with a pronounced curve to they're underside profile, Coyotes like this one are almost flat, the brief glimpse of the tail shows it to be a coyote without a doubt.
    I'm with the filmmaker here its a coyote, However I do wonder why he didn't blast it? If it were me it would be a dead Yote. Great Video!

  • @onthebus17
    @onthebus17 15 років тому

    It's a big coyote, because it's not a coyote, it's a wolf.

  • @ThomasHale
    @ThomasHale 11 років тому

    It depends on how high of a of brass turkey load. With a high brass load of course it will blow them to bits. So what's your point?

  • @1964klc
    @1964klc 17 років тому

    pretty cool footage

  • @faci81
    @faci81 17 років тому

    Great Video!!
    Would have been better if it showed the kill, but none the less, it was still great.
    Thanks for posting.

  • @sauceyboy
    @sauceyboy 16 років тому

    coyotes rarely mistake humans as food, and hardly ever threaten humans

  • @trailwaus
    @trailwaus 15 років тому

    Two bit keyboard commando.

  • @capnhawkins
    @capnhawkins 16 років тому

    I've had the experience of a coyote looking at me in the dark, but that was after I'd startled it. I think it must have been stalking me at first though, trying to figure out what I was then bolted away through the grass. I had no idea what was there when I heard the grass rustling.

  • @whitewolf097
    @whitewolf097 16 років тому

    Out here in the part of Oklahome where I live we don't have that many coyotes, but the ones we do have are very large! I found two a few weeks ago that had been hit, and they were larger then my 60 pound Australian Shepherd. They are also dog killers, and you have to think twice before you let your ranch dogs sleep outside. ^^
    A ranch just across the street from my house already lost 3 heelers to a large male coyote that found a home in the forest near her house.

  • @MegaDanbo
    @MegaDanbo 11 років тому

    "you can't really kill a coyote with turkey load"
    Ive seen coyotes blown to bits by 3 1/2 inch turkey loads, the problem is you fill the hide with holes.

  • @ticdelarue
    @ticdelarue 15 років тому

    It was the coyote that soiled himself when he finally winded you at three paces

  • @MattimusSixStrings
    @MattimusSixStrings 16 років тому

    dude, what were you hunting? And why were you sitting in the middle of the clearing?

  • @62sarina
    @62sarina 16 років тому


  • @Fell545
    @Fell545 15 років тому

    looks like a hybrid cross between a dog and a wild cyote or its relly good looking one

  • @wolfcrossing
    @wolfcrossing 16 років тому

    looks like wolf hybrid to me.

  • @MegaDanbo
    @MegaDanbo 11 років тому

    My point is theirs a huge difference between regular bird shot and magnum turkey loads. Much bigger pellets, moving much faster.

  • @TheHOOfan1
    @TheHOOfan1 14 років тому

    @Tzeise2680 Red Wolves are HARDLY numerous. There are maybe 100 of them in the wild.. and only in North Carolina...

  • @soulscanner66
    @soulscanner66 16 років тому

    That's a big coyote. Not much of an attack, though. More of a panic and retreat. He sure took off when he finally sized you up.

  • @sonicmilk
    @sonicmilk 17 років тому

    Yep, entrapment:
    To lure into danger, difficulty, or a compromising situation.
    . Just because he is hunting turkey doesn't excuse what happened. I am convinced this was completely uneccesary. And fyi, I've been around coyotes before.

  • @turokkris
    @turokkris 11 років тому

    Wolves don't hesitate like that. Thats a coyote.

  • @wolfcrossing
    @wolfcrossing 16 років тому

    I am telling you people this is a wolf or wolf hybrid. it is not a coyote. Great footage though.

  • @TrentTeegarden
    @TrentTeegarden 15 років тому

    i agree. hell even the coyotes here in missouri are pretty large

  • @crazycoyotie
    @crazycoyotie 16 років тому

    Illinois still has red wolfs in the wild an there is a pair in the Springfield zoo ,an like you say a red wolf is nothing but a coyote with a wolf face an wolfs temperament , an thats how the coyote gets a bad name from this kinda mix up

  • @kwibben84
    @kwibben84 12 років тому

    Wolves do not have slitted puples like coyotes. That is a coyote.

  • @ThomasHale
    @ThomasHale 11 років тому

    ok, I was referring to low brass bird shot, and see what you are saying. but what's your point. is that it.

  • @rhensontollhouse
    @rhensontollhouse 15 років тому

    Why is this called coyote attack? The video is of a gray wolf, not a coyote. Maybe a wolf-dog mix, but definitely NOT a coyote.
    If the wolf was really just very curious, it is not clear what the guy was doing to draw it in.

  • @Sheety33
    @Sheety33 14 років тому

    That was close!

  • @whatisunknown
    @whatisunknown 15 років тому

    So please tell us, is this a coyote or a wolf. I keep reading all these comments and there seems to be a debate about it. I'll tell you this. A wolf has Round ears, square snout. A coyote has Pointed ears, pointed snout. So please end the debate.

  • @geobros
    @geobros 16 років тому

    yeserday i was in peabody Ma. woods on a bike trail and came across a coyote , similar to this, but its head was almost all white and its tail was almost all white ... and it was big, i was scard and got away from it and diddnnt think about using my camera phone... does anyone know what kind of coyote i saw

  • @goldenacers
    @goldenacers 15 років тому

    It's part dog to big for a Coyote but NO wild wolf would com that close to a man

  • @hunter5105
    @hunter5105 15 років тому

    it definately looks like a wolf at first UNTIL it turns broadside...wolfs dont have coats like that

  • @ThomasHale
    @ThomasHale 11 років тому

    Ok, thank you for your input.

  • @sonicmilk
    @sonicmilk 17 років тому

    A few of the states I checked only allow coyote hunting on private lands when the coyote is doing or about to do damage to the land. The rest of your argument is based on a huge sweeping generalization (dicto simpliciter), and you'll never win a debate that way.

  • @Crowtongue
    @Crowtongue 16 років тому

    That is not a pure coyote...maybe some strange hybrid, but looks much too big to be a coyote. Whatever it was, it was hunting you, that's for sure. If it stalked me like that, I'd be tempted to pull the trigger too.

  • @bcarson5
    @bcarson5 15 років тому

    lol i like his reaction when he recognises its a human hes stalking. i'm surprised you didn't shoot 'em.

  • @Redeemer21
    @Redeemer21 16 років тому

    na, that's a coyote, I've seen one that big in suburban Los Angeles before, if you can believe it. The big ones look like wolves.

  • @hyzercreek
    @hyzercreek 14 років тому

    @RandomConcepts They did kill him. Just read in the earlier posts from last year. They edited out the part where they shot him. What you are looking at here is the last few minutes of this beautiful animal's life

  • @PaulCape
    @PaulCape 15 років тому

    This is a Coyote, Wolf don't have brown at the head a neck area. 1:37, also at 1:26 the snout is much longer than a wolf making it Coyote, a very healthy one at that. We have shot them on my club in SC as big as a German Shepard. When they get this big they are had to tell from a wolf except for the fact that we have no wild wolfs in SC.

  • @BState
    @BState 12 років тому

    This is a Wolf, not a coyote.

  • @TheSNAKEMAN14
    @TheSNAKEMAN14 13 років тому

    thats a wolf dude

  • @mekiu
    @mekiu 15 років тому

    coyote's can have just as beutifule coats as a wolf if they live somewere cold

  • @benknightprime
    @benknightprime 15 років тому

    true but coyotes are strong im not letting my dog stay outside in dark for to long because coyote sightings are in my area

  • @Whiskeymike1229
    @Whiskeymike1229 16 років тому

    thats a fuckin BIG coyote

  • @boredism07
    @boredism07 14 років тому

    i'm supposed to go coyote hunting this weekend. the beauty of that animal turned me off. but fortunately it wasn't a coyote at all. i would have felt terrible for destroying such an incredible animal had that been a coyote. i'll never hunt wolves.

  • @guitarguy425b
    @guitarguy425b 15 років тому

    We've got cyotes like german shepards in the oilfields here in bakersfield

  • @benknightprime
    @benknightprime 15 років тому

    if we didnt have wild dogs we couldnt have pet dogs

  • @Retrieverman1
    @Retrieverman1 16 років тому

    Northeastern coyotes are part wolf.

  • @Garvarino
    @Garvarino 15 років тому

    Thats definetley a Wolf, no question. I guaran damm tee you that guy soiled his underwear

  • @rfmerrill
    @rfmerrill 17 років тому

    I wouldn't have shot it unless it actually attacked me. A single coyote isn't going to incapacitate me to the point where I can't pick up the gun and shoot it.

  • @sonicmilk
    @sonicmilk 17 років тому

    You see enough to know that the coyote was turning and running. Go all the way to 2:46 in his disolve you can see that the coyote's back is completely to the shooter. An unnecessary kill. This is my last response.

  • @crazycoyotie
    @crazycoyotie 16 років тому

    that is a red wolf an yes there all over the eastern woodlands ,the big difference between them an a coyote is the red wolf has the wide snout an the coyote has the colly like snout an the red wolf ,the red wolf is more aggressive twords man ,there are few coyotes as big as the red wolf but not half as dangerous,if you call that a coyote no wonder the coyote gets a bad name (LOL)

  • @CorkPhop
    @CorkPhop 11 років тому

    They probably couldn't wipe out the deer population. If deer became scarce, coyotes would either turn to other prey for sources of food or their own numbers would dwindle due to starvation. Eventually the deer population would go back up due to less predators out there, and the cycle would continue. The only time this doesn't really work is when humans intervened. That being said, I don't oppose you hunting coyote, because they aren't endangered.

  • @johnknoefler
    @johnknoefler 17 років тому

    He was just curious because you were camoflauged. He had no idea it was a human. If he had ever had contact with a human before he would of just run as soon as he got a smell of you. You can't eat a coyote so why go out in the woods and kill one? If you had stood up sooner or spoken he would of just left.

    @SORRALHORSE 17 років тому

    he didnt kill it, what are you all new? the coyote thought that the hunter was lunch moved in for the kill saw it was human and took off!!

  • @benknightprime
    @benknightprime 15 років тому

    no thats cruel the coyote wasnt even attacking it was just looking

  • @FirearmFanatic1357
    @FirearmFanatic1357 12 років тому

    If that was wolf, I believe it would have attacked him.

  • @boredism07
    @boredism07 14 років тому

    @ImmaculateSludge that may be true, but when we do thin their populations out we then have to take it upon ourselves to take care of other populations of animal. the true fact of the matter is that we are the actually problem. people blame the deer that runs infront of their car but in reality, we build the roads in between the deer's point A and point B. the more wolves, bear, cougar, etc that are in existance. less deer, moose, elk, etc we will have to worry about whilst driving.

  • @casienwhey
    @casienwhey 14 років тому

    im thinking that is a cross of some kind between a coyote and wolf. Too big to be just a coyote

    @BLOODYCLQ 15 років тому

    this one doesnt look like coyote for my experience more like wolf, could be mix coyote and wolf.i have never seen that big coyote,

  • @gizim1132
    @gizim1132 16 років тому

    Theres no real classification for yotes they just are what they are..... you will see them in all different colors sizes!!!

  • @phoenix1916
    @phoenix1916 14 років тому

    @GIRsquad Now u have totally lost the argument u started with, isn't that a surprise LMAO???

  • @benknightprime
    @benknightprime 15 років тому

    he ran away

  • @TrentTeegarden
    @TrentTeegarden 15 років тому

    idk man, i shot a coyote the other day that was pretty decent sized. besides, this one has too much red in behind its ears and on its nose. it's just a larger coyote.

  •  13 років тому

    It's an Eastern Coyote...

  • @MegaDanbo
    @MegaDanbo 11 років тому

    Theirs no such thing as a low brass 3 1/2 inch 12guage shell, their all high brass.

  • @JLR47
    @JLR47 9 років тому

    Checkin to see if you were sick or healthy....would be my guess

  • @sonicmilk
    @sonicmilk 17 років тому

    This could have easily been avoided. You could have made some noise at any point and got the coyote to head off. They are skittish animals, and in fact it was turning because it probably didn't want anything to do with you. What I saw was entrapment, and you killed a beautiful animal. Bad karma for you.

  • @crazycoyotie
    @crazycoyotie 16 років тому

    even thow its a red wolf it ts rare that he would attack a lone an he was goina kill you if you dident kill him so i understand you killing him ive seen domestic wild dogs do this years ago an it is rare to see that today as well

  • @BlessedofGod
    @BlessedofGod 17 років тому

    Well good for u, but if u new anything about wild life management then you'd know that it's sometimes necessary to control their numbers. You might be an animal lover but don't know someone because u don't understand the reason they do what they do. I read some of the comments left my so so call animal lovers, and I see who's really sick...

  • @naturebc
    @naturebc 11 років тому

    Come on man you've got a shot gun.

  • @mrbroccard
    @mrbroccard 13 років тому

    @shoryuken202 i knew it was everyone on another video was like its a wolf and i was like its a eastern coyote cause wolves have territories right and would like attack you on spot if you were in the territory

  • @benknightprime
    @benknightprime 15 років тому

    he never charged he only walked

  • @ImmaculateSludge
    @ImmaculateSludge 14 років тому

    @boredism07 wolves need to be thinned out too... theyre worse on ungulate populations than coyotes ever could be.

  • @nickelbackrocks16
    @nickelbackrocks16 16 років тому

    That would be a dead coyote if that was me .Chase to many deer off .

  • @benknightprime
    @benknightprime 15 років тому

    a labrador

  • @HamWater
    @HamWater 16 років тому

    For spicing up flavorless foods.

  • @azcardzfan2005
    @azcardzfan2005 16 років тому

    drop that sob!

  • @ThomasHale
    @ThomasHale 12 років тому

    he was turkey hunting. there for he had turkey load. you can't really kill a coyote with turkey load. I (like most hunters) kill coyotes because their over running my property. I don't want them wiping out my deer population (and don't tell me they can't). us hunters care a lot about the environment. because since we hunt, our life stile is affected by the environment(unlike the animal worshipers who live in the city). We don't want animals to die out or over populate, because it affects us to.

  • @mrhornet53
    @mrhornet53 15 років тому

    im pretty sure thats a coyote, get big money for the coat he has on. I dont know why you think thats a wolf the legs arnt long enough to be a wolf. and the body color doesnt match up

  • @sonicmilk
    @sonicmilk 17 років тому

    yes, he did.

  • @pdoug54
    @pdoug54 13 років тому

    When you have to shoot dont soil yourself, SHOOT.

  • @darko714
    @darko714 16 років тому

    um, except he did shoot it.

  • @RoscoeT99
    @RoscoeT99 15 років тому

    you obviously spend zero time on the farm and thus no zero about what you're talking about as usual.

  • @crazycoyotie
    @crazycoyotie 16 років тому

    it looks an actions are wolf Ive had both as pets so i might have some expertize on it (LOL) not 2 mention Ive lived in a wigwam in the woods 4 years (LOL)an any man hew kills with out eating the kill is no man at all that i know most of all , it is ok 2 gift youre kill but is not ok 2 waist it

  • @avetis31
    @avetis31 15 років тому

    its a coyote

  • @crazycoyotie
    @crazycoyotie 16 років тому

    bothsidesofit that is fine i know many on farms an ranches an im not goina tell you you yore wrong 4 what you believe but i will only tell you 2 be open minded 2 other things that are not of your believing ,before the coyote was the bag guy it was the eagle an the wolf well there now on the endangered list so if the coyote makes it 2 the endangered list hew will be the next pest that causes the rancher an farmer problems will it be the fox an raccoon were dose it end an are you goina not eat thm

  • @gizim1132
    @gizim1132 16 років тому

    Just a mature coyote.... not really sure about a wolf hybrid...... but anyways they need to be shot and it's one of the funnest animals to hunt!!