Why Did Someone Think This Was a Good Destination (Part 2: From Poland to Reagan)

  • Опубліковано 9 кві 2022
  • In this lecture Roy dives into the madness that is 2022 in a desperate bid to understand the major events that led to the moronic choices that brought us to the series of awful years known as the 21st century.
    Part 1 is not on UA-cam, yet (because Roy did a bonehead blunder), but it will be redone in Spring 2023. And he says its for the best.


  • @Baraa.K.Mohammad
    @Baraa.K.Mohammad 2 роки тому +212

    I've been "binge watching" professor Roy's lectures for 3 days now! I gotta say I wish I had such lecturer in my years in college... This is just absolutely wonderful way of educating... Every single thing is interesting and engaging!
    btw, did you just talk about Michael Oakeshott?!!! Here you go, I fulfilled the prophecy, lol!

    • @thariqmusheriparambil5491
      @thariqmusheriparambil5491 2 роки тому +23

      Me too, started with the Khalid bin Waleed class

    • @mohamadsowaid6275
      @mohamadsowaid6275 2 роки тому +6

      @@thariqmusheriparambil5491, so did I. have been sharing it with everyone

    • @andysamet4554
      @andysamet4554 2 роки тому +2

      He's a good story teller but Jesus christ he's got some absurd ways of looking at things.

    • @mohamadsowaid6275
      @mohamadsowaid6275 2 роки тому +2

      @@andysamet4554, can you elaborate?

    • @andysamet4554
      @andysamet4554 2 роки тому +5

      @@mohamadsowaid6275 for instance. He kept calling these eastern European countries nazis, based on their overwhelming popularity of their government, and the occasional incident with Muslims and their citizens.
      Yet he talks about the idea of liberal democracy like its great, but where is it great? The US spends all its time helping Israel cleanse Palestinians from neighborhoods in Jerusalem and from the West Bank.
      His talk is interesting, finishing it still, but it's incoherent to me.

  • @SofiaOHabib
    @SofiaOHabib 8 місяців тому +37

    Dr. Casagranda, since I came across your UA-cam channel, there has been no day passed for me without listening to your extraordinary past & current lectures. Keep inspiring us with your knowledge. May Allah bless you & your family.

  • @timecop73
    @timecop73 2 роки тому +158

    This man is an Encyclopedia. Very informative. So many things make sense now.

  • @ahmarfarooki
    @ahmarfarooki 2 роки тому +102

    I love the way he says it was the war against Islam not Muslim. They can defeat Muslims, but they cannot defeat Allah.
    Thank you for the information

    • @rsm8974
      @rsm8974 Рік тому

      They wouldnt be able to win against strong muslims either
      Its just a lot of muslims have grown weak running away from their deen

    • @xionkale3688
      @xionkale3688 Рік тому +6

      Ameen , Brother.
      "Then they plan and Allah plans, and indeed Allah is the best of planners"
      Surah: Al-Anfal, Ayat: 30

    • @roni349
      @roni349 Рік тому +1

      Which part of the lecture he said that.

    • @xionkale3688
      @xionkale3688 Рік тому +4

      @@roni349 first quarter of the video when Russia was trying to cleanse Muslim minorities

    • @phalgunar6753
      @phalgunar6753 5 днів тому

      He never said allah..k

  • @deXXXXter2
    @deXXXXter2 Рік тому +15

    I'm a Pole. Been looking for islam and christian lectures, listened to some of them (they were awesome, Roy is great lecturer), and then stumbled upon this one.
    And i generally agree, about this whole Poland thing... But not really.
    Yes, PiS destroyed our democracy, but not beyond repair (that is partially thanks to UE). They did take over public media, but they didn't manage to take all of them, there is still freedom of speech, just not in public ones (which is still insane enough). We DID apologise for Jedwabne, two times, befor PIS came to power. And PiS coming to power has little to do with Jedwabne itself, which was a shock for us. It's just most old people in Poland are catholic and conservative. Jedwabne approach by PiS is just a consequence of this style of thinking (and don't get me wrong, i do think it is stupid as hell).
    But, we are not nazi a state/country whatever you want to call it. Our borders are free to all people, and you can see that in our cities for some years now, but at the same time you have to remember that Poland, thanks to nazi germany, was for decades most hegemonous country (coming from one of the least before war) in Europe. There were only Poles. And just like Japanese because of that we are wary of different cultures, and just like USA we are afraid of People coming from unstable Arab countries even more. Changes in Poland have to happen slowly, as we are starting from the beginning, unlike USA where you can find literally every nation in the world, on every corner of every bigger city... Where whole country was created on this premise. You just can't understand it, coming from that environment. And yes, we do have concentration camps, but they do should be called German concentration cams (in Poland) every freaking time, as they were created by Germans, peroid. As for incident you mentioned - yes, we have nazi and stupid guys, yes, we do have idiots as followers this catholic, far right PiS party. But we don't have terrorist attacks. And you also almost never hear about attacks on different nationalities, even though as I said we have more and more of them, and they are something absolutley new in our society. And trust me, ptivate media always report on those. Incidents like those you mentioned come mostly from this uneducated, scared people, who didn't ever see people in jihabs, but hear about terrorist attacks by arabs every day in TV (terrorist attacks which as you mention every time are somewhat a consequence of US involvement in middle-east). Those people don't want to have anything to do with this and are happy that things like that are not happening in here. And it's very, very easy to use those resentments in campaigns, by far right parties.
    You are smart, mr. Roy, but you are sometimes missing on cultural differences, which lead me to believe, you are a little bit biased. And, in this case, a little bit manipulative.
    Political changes in Poland are bad. Catholic, stupid masses are destroying this country, our reborn, young democracy is stumbling, but it is not as bad as you say. Yet. And hopefully It will change for the better.
    And, lastly, I have to agree that the way we are backsliding is similar to Russia. Ruling party using stupidity of old, uneducated, religious, conservative people to gain and stay in power. This is scary, but as I said - for many reasons situation in Poland is not yet as bad. And perspectives looking at our situation and society says it shouldn't be that bad.
    PS - Hungary is much worse.
    PS - and oh boy, if you want to talk about democracy, lets talk about jerrymandering, and other aspects of ridiculous voting system that in fact eliminates all but two biggest parties... Lets also talk about corporate and billionare financing of campaigns and polititians who work against public interest and science... I'd say it might be even worse. Democratic backsliding is unfortunately happening, but for some already happened a long time ago ;)

    • @euyo-lm7rf
      @euyo-lm7rf Рік тому

      my view from romania is that poland because of it's voice against some racist mesures of the european union is being punished, unlike romania, or better said romanian leaders who are just servants for the eu's interrest's that sometimes seem not to coincide with the romanian interests, ur leaders seem not to get pushed around like ours and fight for ur country. i feel like they treat us like some third world country just for resources and labor. in another speech of dr Roy about the history of iran when he speaks about the reasons of starting the first world war he underlines that the uk was scared of the rising germany at that time and had an interest starting the war, the bottom line no power is excited when it sees another rising next to it...and it seems to me that poland with all it's resources has great potential, not to mention if poland hungary romania bulgaria were more united..we would be a challenge to the west, we would have a voice, we would really have a seat at the decision table...to give an example romania was prohibited to have economical relations with china, instead france uk germany etc , even poland has...it's insane to neglect the factory of the world...we lost a nuclear investment at cernavoda that would have guaranteed us more than enough electricity, instead our puppet leaders agreed to shutdown all of our coal electricity factories , leaving us to buy from others, sometimes ukraine wich is also coal made😁, in the mean time germany is opening hers...so it seems we have to do things that the rest of europe isn't...there are so many other examples
      don't get me wrong i'm not against eu or democracy, but the bottom line is that the powers of the eu and the world like to have puppet states around them to have a voice over them and to decide themselves the future not a partner with opinions who can overtake them...this i guess is how the world goes...
      it's my view from ro like i said, and i know from a polish friend u poles don't see us very favorable..it's ok ..it's the divide and conquer strategy i said earlier

    • @marzinho11
      @marzinho11 3 місяці тому +1

      He's not being manipulative. He's just lying.

    • @melodymaker135
      @melodymaker135 9 днів тому

      I too enjoy Dr Roy’s lectures. But calling all far-right idiots Nazis is a bit intellectually lazy. Like calling all far-left idiots Communists. Nutty far-right governments can be dangerous and awful without quite deserving the Massive Epithet. I don’t see these admittedly-yucky governments murdering millions of people.

  • @DC-wp6oj
    @DC-wp6oj 2 роки тому +37

    Roy Casagranda is a breath of fresh air. Getting to the truth explained with great simplicity.

  • @zaheerpatel970
    @zaheerpatel970 2 дні тому

    I like Professor Roy's lectures alot. He tel you the absolute truth which mainstream media and by extension social media don't tel you and always hide from you

  • @adamkubiak1933
    @adamkubiak1933 2 місяці тому +3

    Dr. Casagranda,
    I am a great fan of your style of lecturing. This time you got a couple of things wrong, however:
    1. There were over 21 thousands of Polish officers killed in what is widely known as "Katyń Massacre". Some of them were POW, some surrendered and some were Germany's POW's who were transferred to SU. They were all killed by the order of Stalin. A fact he denied so much, that even during the Nuremberg Trial SU's prosecutors were trying to sue Nazi's for that.
    2. The Smolensk Plane Crash happened during the landing BEFORE the commemoration, not AFTER it.
    3. As a result of the President Kaczynski's death, Bronisław Komorowski -- spokesman for the Sejm (Lower Chamber of Parliament) took over. He was one of the leaders of Platforma Obywatelska - Law and Justice's direct competition. Komorowski then went to become the president, having won the upcoming elections. Also, next year Parliamentary elections saw Law and Justice party loose again.
    4. The Tomasz Gross book was widely discussed in Poland. Some of the debates are conducted across the line you pictured here. Huge part of that is also a dispute of exhumation of the remnants of the people buried there, so that proper investigation can be conducted on the nature of wounds and causes of death. No green light from the spiritual leader of the Jewish Community.
    5. The Gross book--Law and Justice electoral success line of reasoning is very much over stretched. This is the first time I have heard it.

    • @mariuszwawka
      @mariuszwawka Місяць тому +1

      There are many more smaller and bigger half-truths and exaggerations. Professor Roy should really be more careful in choosing and double-checking of his sources.

  • @soliderarmatang5664
    @soliderarmatang5664 Рік тому +15

    people start clapping
    Roy: "nah you don't have to do that, its weird" proceeds to chuckle
    lmfao i love this guy

  • @sameer-bp5xg
    @sameer-bp5xg 2 роки тому +20

    Expert warns of impending genocide in India. Gregory Stanton, the founder and director of Genocide Watch, said during a US congressional briefing there were early “signs and processes” of genocide in the Indian state of Assam and Indian-administered Kashmir.
    “We are warning that genocide could very well happen in India,” Stanton said, speaking on behalf of the non-governmental organisation he launched in 1999 to predict, prevent, stop and seek accountability for the crime.
    please make video on this one and spread awarness. It is really bad in india and it got worse in last 10 years and it is keep getting worse banning adhan, banning hijab, banned meat.

  • @RN-ci2hm
    @RN-ci2hm 2 роки тому +46

    Just finished listening to this over the course of a couple walks. Still in awe at your ability to tell a grand story, leave out the right details, give just enough vignettes and side stories, not drop the main narrative, stay attuned to which references your audience is catching or isn't, disrupt the right myths, give enough room for the uncomfortable interpretation without insisting on it (laying these seeds). It's really brilliant. Plus you said a lot of stuff I've learned to not say aloud and would be shocked to hear from a lectern. I appreciate it so much and am excited for part two (and three)! ❤️❤️

  • @suntzu8290
    @suntzu8290 Рік тому +17

    When the countries of the West wage war, it is called a banana, but when the owners of the land defend their land, they call it terrorism 1:48:40
    very classic
    Overall, I really enjoyed the lecture

  • @rifatahmed4659
    @rifatahmed4659 2 роки тому +20

    Best political science professor in history 👍👍

  • @beskidwood
    @beskidwood 2 місяці тому +5

    @31.00 "they deny Aushwitz was in Poland" this is pure manipulation. What we were against was using word "polish death camp" as it may mislead audience that we, as Poles were responsible for this tragedy that Germans did on our land. And as we are aware that no one is obliged to know the advanced history, we just want to name it properly: "former n*zi german ..." Instead of polish. Yes, one may sat that "polish" reffers to geography. Well, we would not have a problem with it if it was about something else than death camp organised by our neighbours who wanted to exterminate us.

  • @amillieshub4136
    @amillieshub4136 Рік тому +12

    It’s 1 in the morning & I can’t sleep … simply bcoz Dr. C has a way of explaining/ telling historical moments in an amazing , hilarious way. God protect this guy. This is the 4th lecture I am participating in , let’s just say my priorities in life are changing fast. Thank you. Plus he sounds alot like Jeff Bridges (huge fan) & the resemblance is 👌🏽

  • @fachjp
    @fachjp 2 роки тому +29

    Can't get enough of Prof. Roy 😀 Please share more of his lectures 🙏

  • @cristianluna5568
    @cristianluna5568 2 роки тому +29

    I like how fair and transparent this guy. Does not favor one side over the other. And always gives context where context is due.

    • @Wisdomseeker1028
      @Wisdomseeker1028 8 місяців тому +8

      He actually does paint liberal values in a positive light while putting religion and conservative values negatively. He is very pro-lgbt and anti religion...

    • @oldman5555able
      @oldman5555able 5 місяців тому +1

      Wtf are you talking about. There is a very clear bias here. Still a great lecture

    • @joeldwest
      @joeldwest 5 місяців тому

      He does not speak for women.

    • @dinnerwithfranklin2451
      @dinnerwithfranklin2451 Місяць тому

      @@joeldwest I would be interested to see when he claims to be speaking for women. Could you help me out with that information?

  • @zak992
    @zak992 Рік тому +6

    Glad I stumbled across his lectures on youtube, initially came across his videos as he was saying something positive about Islamic history and its now ignored contribution to human progress, thought that was pretty brave of him as when it comes to Islam most people here in the west start foaming at the mouth, and take extreme views and behaviours within the world of Islam and present it as the norm Roy does not do this, as a muslim I really appreciate his honesty and research. Since then been watching his other lectures, boy he is a good and engaging story teller, has some interesting views, you can see his concern and love for his fellow human beings regardless of colour, race, orientation etc. I am about his age and would have loved to have met someone like him, so many ideas and views to exchange, keep it up Roy and well done to The Austin School for putting these lectures out there

  • @asage5801
    @asage5801 7 днів тому +1

    This guy is a great lecturer. I wish i had his footnotes/primary references

  • @truth-be-told
    @truth-be-told Рік тому +5

    Roy is the most unbiased speaker out there..period 👍

  • @JV-mi2wp
    @JV-mi2wp 2 роки тому +20

    Former student of yours, thank you for posting these lectures ! Always making topics interesting and engaging !

  • @faresal-huri643
    @faresal-huri643 7 місяців тому +4

    Love the knowledge in Dr. Roy‘s lectures it’s so valuable and clear, it develops my curiosity to history more 💯💯❤️ -Love from your Yemeni Fans 🇾🇪

  • @faisalparkar
    @faisalparkar 2 роки тому +14

    Roy is so amazing, such a relevant lecturer. The truth that's easy to comprehend!

  • @igianen
    @igianen 2 роки тому +6

    i enyoy this guy s lectures !! after an hour you still not sleeping and want to hear him explain more in his way !!

  • @samielkhayri9272
    @samielkhayri9272 Рік тому +2

    I always come away learning something new when I watch Dr. Casagranda's lectures. Worth every minute.

  • @foxrepublic2117
    @foxrepublic2117 2 роки тому +10

    Great lecture. Thank you from Japan.

  • @nobaso620
    @nobaso620 3 місяці тому +1

    Dr Roy u are a blessing for history and geopolitical geeks

  • @T0mek87
    @T0mek87 3 місяці тому +5

    As Polish citizen i can do firm that Law and Justice is the worst. But also its kinda unfair to say "Poland is...." when describing whay L&J did. They had support from the elderly, the uneducated and the unemployed, by essentially buying votes. Luckily they lost the 2023 elections.

  • @kunaiflex491
    @kunaiflex491 Рік тому +3

    We need moreee!!!! 🙏

  • @yat0gamii
    @yat0gamii Рік тому +7

    At 1:49:38 I believe that the usage of the term "terrorists" there was an intentional irony. But, just to clarify for other viewers, these are called resistance fighters. These people are honorable, because they fight back and blow up invading forces. I can see why they might be viewed as terrorists by those invading forces, yet from an objective standpoint, they are called "the resistance". Differentiating between those two terms is very essential, because there are terrorists from an objective standpoint (ISIS for example). The differentiating factor are the targets, are they civilians who are not involved with any form of aggression, or an invading force.

    • @rayzimmerman6740
      @rayzimmerman6740 Рік тому +2

      I thought so as well. I think the irony doesn't come through because there's no change tonal distinction or pause for effect.

  • @ronnestman4696
    @ronnestman4696 2 місяці тому +2

    I recommend we all do our own research.

  • @hasnainhyderzardari7443
    @hasnainhyderzardari7443 2 роки тому +8

    love to watch your lecture as a IR student from Islamic Republic of Pakistan

  • @AM-te8lk
    @AM-te8lk 2 роки тому +9

    Excellent lecture. Learned a lot from it. Thanks professor Cassagranda 🙏

  • @BonNecron444
    @BonNecron444 28 днів тому +1

    He's definitely Left (way left of myself), but I enjoy his style, and he makes some really interesting points. I just discovered him earlier today, and already I have watched 4 videos.

  • @pivoine96
    @pivoine96 8 місяців тому +1

    You are a national treasure, those students are so lucky to hear you every day

  • @s.a1245
    @s.a1245 Рік тому +3

    the way he describes situations and communicates information is truly a piece of ART.

  • @s80key
    @s80key 2 роки тому +8

    Thank you,great lecture.Great insight.
    Always look forward to it.Peace.P.S we need part 1 and part 3 pls

  • @clovisdekker
    @clovisdekker 2 роки тому +5

    Thank you for some new material!! Please remember to upload the other parts. I love sinking my teeth into a new one!

  • @ibrahimbinomar
    @ibrahimbinomar 4 місяці тому

    I Just Love DR.Roy He is Truly The Only Lecturer Who Can Break The Ice in An Icy World Full of Madness & Selfishness

  • @i_mmusicstudios3082
    @i_mmusicstudios3082 Рік тому +3

    Your videos have mad my knowledge journey worth while... really amazing content. Never stop sharing it

  • @jamesgurney6576
    @jamesgurney6576 3 місяці тому

    A very interesting talk, I have learned a lot from this person. I cannot stop listening to this person.

  • @Threegnito
    @Threegnito Рік тому +3

    I’m glad i’m enjoying this talk on youtube, and that i don’t have to take a quiz on it.. it was packed with info… crazy great

  • @raja.m.wajahat
    @raja.m.wajahat Рік тому +1

    Love your talks Prof. Hope to see you someday.

  • @michaelnielsen1262
    @michaelnielsen1262 Рік тому +1

    Thank you for this lecture. I'm happy to see it.

  • @aaronknight7129
    @aaronknight7129 Місяць тому

    I've started drumming to the rhythm of your lectures. Cuz I gotta fidget when learning this stuff. Quality stim time

  • @kevin1244
    @kevin1244 Рік тому

    This man is a walking encyclopedia of historical and political events in the world...if you listened to his other lectures, of the last 5000 years! Kudos. So enlightening in the meantime entertaining.

  • @Ahmed-jl7uh
    @Ahmed-jl7uh 2 роки тому +1

    Amazing lecture! Can't get enough of prof. Roy lectures. Unbiased and blunt truth teller, he is simply a global citizen.

  • @bibishah7754
    @bibishah7754 Рік тому +1

    This is my third day of lecturing - I am gratefull that these lectures are uploaded and I am do excited to watch the next lectures

  • @Ali-nl2du
    @Ali-nl2du 2 роки тому +2

    You are simply great, thanks for telling us the truth.

  • @maherwinou2874
    @maherwinou2874 Рік тому +1

    Thank you Professor Roy, very informative. Thanks

  • @Independent_Muslim
    @Independent_Muslim 2 роки тому +3

    Phenomenal. Thank you

  • @klaschik5644
    @klaschik5644 5 місяців тому +6

    Roy Cassagrande got some things wrong about recent Polish affairs so let me correct:
    1. Catastrophe of an airplane happaned on a way there, not on a way back from Smoleńsk. There were only two interim presidents and none of them ruled for one day only Bronisław Komorwski ruled for around two months and Grzegorz Schetyna ruled for app. one month.
    2. Gross book descirbing Jedwabne massacre was not as important in Polish politics as he describes and involvment of Polish people was never denied by any official institution, just some thesis and stories included in the book were said to be false or based on untrustworthy sources by IPN (Institute of National Remembrance)
    3. Law and Justice is a party of catholic fundamentalists and populists. They showed authoritarian tendencies and got quite arrogant or straightforward corrupted becouse of 8 years of holding full power in a very small number of hands but calling them nazis is an overstatement.
    3.1 The reform of our judical system made our system of separations of powers no more unified then one in Germany or France... And we indeed had a problem with corrupt judges before the reform (i am not sure that we are better off after the reform but something had to be done with judges holding their offices since the communist system).
    3.2 Law and Justice controlled the public television, radio and some press and were using it as their propaganda machine but they were not controlling all the media in Poland and the situation was far from Putins Russia where multiple independent journalist were assasinated by secret police.
    3.3 Law and Jsutice lost the election in Novemver 2023 (they have the biggest number of votes in parlament but not a majority and multiple opposition parties unifed and are forming a goverment)
    4. Immigrants from the 2015 crisis and recent ukrainian refugees were different not only with skin color. Ukrainians are our neighbours, speak similiar language, have similar slavic culture, they were crossing the border legaly, there were women, children and elderly (man were forbiden from exiting ukraine after the war broke out). "Refugees" from 2015 crisis were 75% man, half of them in the age 18-34, they crossed boarders illegaly and headed toward rich Eu countries despite having a lot of neighbours on the way that were not in a state of war, they were mostly muslim and did not spoke any language Polish can understand and also EU wanted force them into Poland against the will of Polish people and very often against the will of the "Refugees" (I put quotation marks because many of them were in fact economic immigrants seizing the opportunity to go to EU).... So I am not saying that Poland stance against immigration vawe in 2015 was a moraly perfect behaviour but it was not simply racist.

    • @klaschik5644
      @klaschik5644 5 місяців тому +5

      5. Polish people don't get offended by people telling that there where "death camps in poland" we just dont like when somebody sais there where "polish death camps" becouse they were "nazi german death camps in occupied poland" and we polish people dont like to be associted with responsibilty for this genocide.

  • @aydaher
    @aydaher 9 місяців тому

    Thank for all this information .

  • @spiamistocazzo9113
    @spiamistocazzo9113 2 роки тому +148

    This stuff should have 3 or 4 more zeros at the end of the view count :(

    • @PuntedKitten
      @PuntedKitten 2 роки тому +9

      It's only been a day. Feel free to share.

    • @user-js1cf8jd4k
      @user-js1cf8jd4k Рік тому +2

      Better leave it like that)
      It could make people crazy

    • @olampes
      @olampes Рік тому +1

      Yeah totally agree

    • @pureagape
      @pureagape Рік тому

      Tells us a lot about our world. Foolishness gets more attention

    • @Joezeph592
      @Joezeph592 8 місяців тому


  • @azamatusenov2064
    @azamatusenov2064 2 роки тому +9

    This lecture was amazing! Can’t wait for part 3. Thank you for the grace work!

    • @umai2110
      @umai2110 Рік тому

      Wheres Part 1? Can you link it here

  • @abdussattar4574
    @abdussattar4574 8 місяців тому

    Excellent knowledgeable speaker..unbelievable

  • @bambang9897
    @bambang9897 Рік тому

    thanks for sahirng this lecture online. stay healthy.

  • @peteyrock28
    @peteyrock28 8 місяців тому

    Never missing a beat.....Great talk

  • @emadsiddiqui3614
    @emadsiddiqui3614 Рік тому

    Pure art. The deliverance of knowledge. Order within chaos. Is what these lectures base on.

  • @yourhealinghome8812
    @yourhealinghome8812 2 місяці тому

    I think you're right about the gap in the tapes. I remember talking about it on the school bus with someone when it was being reported, and 18 minutes is the number I remember.

  • @cleofaspingarron
    @cleofaspingarron 3 місяці тому

    Another great lecture by Professor Dude

  • @NowyTwojStary
    @NowyTwojStary 7 днів тому

    This should be watched obligatory by everyone. It's so weird from Europe perspective to hear about many problems that we don't even understand why did they happen and it all begins in US...

  • @Anubis-hm7ro
    @Anubis-hm7ro 18 днів тому

    Thank you

  • @rozasa1304
    @rozasa1304 7 місяців тому

    Seeing the diverse people in the comments and in attendance gives me hope for the world 🌎 thank you roy and thank you to you if you're reading this

  • @akaalpaka3139
    @akaalpaka3139 2 місяці тому

    Roy reminds me my school teachers: History and Literature. I am wondering where those jewels are now. I miss those lessons. Governments should put these people in the spotlight for common citizens without superior educational opportunities. Believe or not, there are plenty of tutors/teachers like him.

  • @zaheerpatel970
    @zaheerpatel970 2 дні тому

    Ancient and modern History being told about its total honest truth and reality. IS ITS OWN REVOLUTION

  • @abdi3300
    @abdi3300 Рік тому

    Much love from Cologne Sir Prof ♥️

  • @HasanKhanjar
    @HasanKhanjar 2 роки тому +8

    Loved this
    Although am a bit skiptical (to put it mildly) about calling the man who drove the truck into the barracks of french and US Marines a "terrorist" I mean you do imagine for some Lebanese -fairly- that is a man who might have taken on himself to end a foreign interference in his country at the barracks killing mostly foreign soldiers in the process. I mean I can't understand how it's just normal while we never call say that about a drone operator dropping a bomb on an elementary school in Pakistan. I don't appreciate how it's for granted that anti-american is still terrorist even while admitting America's morally questionable (also to put mildly) reasons to go to war with those people in the first place 🤷
    I think that's American internal double thinking 🤔
    Although to be fair: I watched hours of this and I have to say I appreciate the fairness to others I mean it's rare to see this degree of non-orientalist take on history from western academics

    • @lastword8783
      @lastword8783 2 роки тому +1

      Its basically American apathy to people who would have to do something like that. They've never been occupied by a power that is a 100x more militarily powerful where they cant fight them openly. They have suicidal attacks in their own country without any war or occupying power. Imagine what they would do if they were occupied by people they love to demonize. Imagine it was Muslims occupying them militarily, destabilizing them politically and economically, overthrowing their governments etc etc. To Americans war on their own soil is science fiction. Funnily enough in their movies they have no problem lionizing such actions such as at the end of the movie Independence Day when the guy crashes his plane into the Alien ship.

    • @ahmadag1820
      @ahmadag1820 Рік тому

      what he did is not terrorism it is called guerilla warfare

  • @Ismail-Yahya
    @Ismail-Yahya 2 роки тому +4

    Definitely require part one and two; such an interesting lecture

  • @bksander01
    @bksander01 2 роки тому +2

    I learned about this from a Facebook friend. This is amazing. And clear-eyed. It should be a tremendous wake up call.

  • @ahmedsiro1656
    @ahmedsiro1656 Рік тому +1

    This guy is an amazing lecturer, but I would take his class because I wouldn’t know what to study for his exams. But very informative for sure

  • @feliciakamel
    @feliciakamel 9 місяців тому

    Looking forward to part 3

  • @MK-fb1ru
    @MK-fb1ru 4 місяці тому +1

    You need your own comedy sketch... You have a great sense of humour and awesome at delivering. Do you have handouts of key points by any chance?

    • @bartswitalski
      @bartswitalski Місяць тому +1

      And what's best - comedy show doesn't come with expectation of speaking truth

  • @nick_czarny
    @nick_czarny 27 днів тому +2

    I'm Polish and currently listening to this in Poland and although everything he said about our history is true, it's honestly not that bad 😅 also we've gotten rid of that nazi government in the last election and are now working on our abortion and LGBTQ rights. Give us a couple more years and we'll be the good guys again 😊

    • @TheAustinSchool
      @TheAustinSchool  27 днів тому +1

      I really hope that the current coalition government can hold it together.

    • @nick_czarny
      @nick_czarny 26 днів тому

      @@TheAustinSchool so do we, so do we 🥲

  • @hrmihpm-ev5mf
    @hrmihpm-ev5mf 8 місяців тому +1

    33:41 - I am from India and can say he is right about his views for India!

  • @user-xd9lr2nu8c
    @user-xd9lr2nu8c 5 місяців тому


  • @markalli15
    @markalli15 Рік тому

    Amazing lecture, I wish i was student again.

  • @colbert4win
    @colbert4win 2 роки тому +2

    loved it. can't wait for the other parts.

  • @khalidelyacoubi9210
    @khalidelyacoubi9210 2 роки тому


  • @rakib17874
    @rakib17874 Рік тому +1

    I love this .I should have found you sooner

  • @ST12365
    @ST12365 Рік тому

    Love this guy.

  • @loanauditscal
    @loanauditscal 2 роки тому +3

    As per usual, an amazing talk by Prof. Roy.

  • @DylanHousego
    @DylanHousego 2 роки тому +3

    Please give a part 2/3!!

  • @waleedal-zubari8708
    @waleedal-zubari8708 2 роки тому +2

    WOW! Where have this guy been all this time!? What a scholar! Best greetings from Bahrain.

  • @kaisersozay99
    @kaisersozay99 3 місяці тому

    Man is a hench. Brilliant as usual.

  • @cryptobull2043
    @cryptobull2043 Рік тому

    You could make a nice TV show just from this lecture..

  • @rumi-
    @rumi- Рік тому +1


  • @stefanhenneken5415
    @stefanhenneken5415 Рік тому +1

    I tried to find Part 1 but I can't find it. Is it here somewhere with different name?

  • @sonbahar5296
    @sonbahar5296 Рік тому +1

    We need people like this more!👏👏

  • @incubi51
    @incubi51 Місяць тому

    I’m new to channel, and was listening and enjoying this, reading all the positive comment. But I must say my radar went off when Roy referred to many world leaders as nazis, (without any facts or arguments). I had to go back and review what I heard. And on some level it’s more of a political speech than academic in nature. There are a few facts here and there and then large conclusions and statements (call to emotion?) without any real arguments or proof.

  • @maciejpawlaczek8208
    @maciejpawlaczek8208 29 днів тому

    As to polish officers killed by Soviets in Katyń and other related places it was not 2000 but 22000.
    As to catastrophe of the plane with polish officials it was while landing not after lift off.
    Great lecture by the way.

  • @alextrezvy6889
    @alextrezvy6889 Рік тому +1

    21:10: "Lawn justice party" sounds awesome!
    43:17: Before he was appointed as the prime minister, he was the director of Federal Security Service (FSB), which as I think is an important step in career.
    01:10:50: Nowadays most of the jobs are "fake jobs", because of the planned obsolescence.
    Meanwhile, is that just an accident that the grow of nutz in Plnd after year 2000 went hand in hand with grow of nutz in Ukrn? Or there is a common sponsor/customer of these events that just poured money to "the right" plticians?

  • @jackvernon7639
    @jackvernon7639 7 місяців тому +1

    Can you upload these as podcasts please?

  • @deepstrasz
    @deepstrasz Рік тому +3

    I don't quite agree with calling most right wing parties Nazi. That way we would call left wing ones anarchist.
    Also, Nazism is an exaggeration. Thank the times we don't still really have that. But yeah things are not quite right on both political spectra in many countries including the USA.
    EDIT: you know that the voting thing would be called authoritarian if you'd not let these uneducated people vote. In some countries, they even want to lower the bar to 14years old. Good times.

    • @joeldwest
      @joeldwest 5 місяців тому

      Keeping up or extending the country's infrastructure is not a "fake" job. Maintenance and connections are not "nothing". Of course we should create a society that allows people to make the world a better place. The ultimate authoritarianism is Corporate structure.

    • @deepstrasz
      @deepstrasz 4 місяці тому

      @@joeldwest corporate structure is not dissimilar to a hierarchical structure as that from a kingdom or even a corrupt democratic state. The issue lies not in the corporation itself but in the fact that if left 100% private it can do whatever it wishes through influence and intimidation even acting outside its borders. That's not to say, that a 100% state run thing won't do the same. Definitely, we always need balance if we want things not to fall in the wrong hands.

  • @od-apc1391
    @od-apc1391 15 днів тому

    Just to set the record straight , that crash that wiped out the Polish govt was not an assassination
    It was a chain of events that has happened many times in aviation and will surely happen again
    In short
    1- Pilot of the (military) airplane was for reasons of prestige the commander of the air base it took off from
    he was "current" (ie authorized) on the aircraft type but with the bare minimum of required recent flying hours (reason: you get additional flight pay that way)
    2- The weather was below the minimum allowed for landing at the destination airport
    3- Nevertheless a presidential aide put pressure on the flight crew to land anyway
    The plane came in too low and clipped a whole row of trees before crashing
    As I said the above chain of events in part or in whole is a classic of how not to do things

  • @pawemurawski1676
    @pawemurawski1676 11 днів тому

    26:14 - They weren't coming back from the ceremony, they were going to it and then they crashed.

  • @Threegnito
    @Threegnito Рік тому

    The clapping at the end lol

  • @BullitCake
    @BullitCake Рік тому

    Brilliant speaker. No ums or ahs

  • @analajaji
    @analajaji 2 роки тому +1

    Can you please give a lecture about the Iran nuclear deal. And why are 6 countries negotiating with Iran for almost 20 years. while North Korea was not given that attention.
    And why are Iran expanding into other countries but world powers seem not to bother, are world powers in support of Iran international actions.
    Why was Saddam Hussain penalized so heavely for resisting us policies while Iran is tolerated?

  • @tlpcompany3688
    @tlpcompany3688 2 роки тому +3

    Please make a lecture about The Arab Conquest in-depth and a lecture about the second Caliph of the Islamic Empire