I can’t say I believe Gackt here. So the manager calls him and the other members into the room to declare that the band is “over”, and yet they still continued on despite also losing Kami (RIP) later that year? The difference is, they did so *after* being dropped by Columbia. They released their last few releases from Mana’s indies label. In that same span of time, Gackt records an EP and two albums, and has tours just as large, if not larger, than the MM tours. Signed to a subsidiary of…you guessed it, Nippon Columbia. Gackt wasn’t the one fired here, the rest of the band was. They can maximize their profits by promoting one solo artist with more mainstream appeal vs a five man band with elaborate costumes and stage shows. Especially with the VK boom coming to a close in Japan.
And I believe they weren't even dropped by Columbia. There is an interview in which the members said they made this choice to regain full creative control of the band. And there's a video that Shinya (Dir en Grey) says that the band was still in Columbia after Gackt left. Some people even point out that this was the problem: the other members wanted to regain creative control in a less commercial way which was clearly not Gackt's goal
@@EwanderRonchi Gackt has had full creative control of his music his entire solo career. Creative control is clearly important to Gackt. Don't make up stuff.
Does Gackt have full creative control over his career? Doubtful. And it's quite obvious: listen to Malice Mizer's latest album and analyze whether its songs are commercial and commonly played on the radios like those of Merveilles or Gackt's solo career. And I’m not “making things up.” What I said are reports from members of Malice Mizer and other artists :)
@@magnadramon0068 wasnt Gackt considered a "Talento" after leaving MM? He was borderline a j-idol at that point and the company want to manage him as such.
Probably a lot of unspoken feelings that drove Gackt to develop an anxiety around the band and just withdraw rather than be vulnerable and talk about his feelings. Probably trying to protect himself emotionally. He was a newer member, but pretty much the center of attention from the get go. This was his first time dealing with fame on this level and having that sort of self-sufficiency makes it so you can choose who to rely on rather than relying on your band for the survival of your career. All relationships are a tricky balance, and there must've been an event or interaction that made him re-contextualize his memories of being in Malice Mizer that the other band members did not pick up on. People can become quiet and distrusting for reasons they'll never explain, but still feel passionate and sensitive about it even if it's unspoken. At the end of the day, they just didn't know what each-other were thinking and that's all it takes to make a relationship crumble.
i still remember a fanfic called Snow Inoran and the Seven J-rockers or something like that where Mana gave birth to Snow Inoran. Wild times, i tell you, back in 2003
I gotta say I mostly just find GACKT funny tbh. I believe when he refers to the band "breaking up" he is referring to his departure, which makes sense with the timeline when you realize Kami passed later that year. I can also get both sides being tired of being asked the same questions over and over again these past 20 years. Mana reacts mana's way (elegant silence) and Gackt reacts his way (high comedic trolling). I believe the theory that Nippon Columbia dropped malice mizer and offered Gackt a solo contract. With the tensions within the band, he chose to leave and sign to a Nippon Columbia label. I feel like that was what actually happened in that meeting, the band wasn't breaking up they were being dropped. Like all stories, the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle of what Mana says and what GACKT says.
Nippon Crown, Gackt's label between 1999-2009, was NOT Nippon Columbia's record label since the 1960s, it was it's own record label and Gackt even had his own independent record label Dears under Nippon Crown. Whole theory about Nippon Columbia is pure nonsense.
I just like to believe they had their differences, and wanted to go on separate paths in their career and the split was probably inevitable even if it happened in an unconventional manner there's no reason to put blame on any side, personally I prefer MM's music to gackt's solo stuff but I don't hate him or anything I understand that his bit / persona is being over the top and sarcastic and that's okay
Gackt gave three versions of his departure from Malice Mizer. It's hard to trust what he says on this subject. In 1999 he said he was expelled. In 2004 that all the members wanted to pursue a solo career. In 2010 he told this story that "the record label wanted to end the band". In 2017 he said in a interview again that he was expelled... Isn't it easier for him to do the same as Tetsu and say that he no longer wanted to continue in the band due to musical and commercial differences? xD
I wanted to say what I think about this whole situation for a long time. So, I think it's a right moment. I've read a lot of information about this incident, here some my thoughts about it: 1. I think all the members of the band really had disagreements, especially Mana and Gackt. They both leaders who wants to control all about theirs work and maybe kinda narcissic like the most of artists. And that's what makes them a bit similar, but Gackt is clearly more ambitious. Gackt probably wanted to be not only the singer, but composer, producer, etc. And honestly, I think leaving band was good for him. 2. MM agency (I mean Midi Nette) also played a big role in what happened. For some reason, everyone forgets about this and talks only about the internal conflict, although Gackt specifically mentioned the conflict with management. There are also a lot of rumors about Yukie Itou, but I have no opinion on them, as I wasn't interested in her identity and don't want to spread misinformation. As for the relationship between the band members nowdays, I don't think it's as bad as the rumors say. Overall, it seems that Gackt is on normal terms with közi and Yu~ki, on good terms with the former MM roadie, especially Kamijo, but maybe not good enough with Mana (but at least I'm sure they don't hate each other). In addition, in an interview dedicated to the 25th anniversary of MM, Mana said that he contacted Gaсkt but he was unable to. There could also be several reasons for this. The most obvious is the different financial situation. It's sad, but that's how show business really works. The other reason for this could be Gackt's solo tour, besides, he had problems with his voice that year, which can be clearly heard in the live video. Also it seems to me that the band members themselves are tired of discussing this topic. It's just that everyone expresses it in their own way. Gackt's interview with anime man demonstrates this well. His answer was a bit rude, but when it's been more than 20 years since MM disbanded, and the same question of the reason for disband comes up from time to time, I think everyone would get tired of it. In addition, Gackt has a rather feigned amplua, so it is worth distinguishing when he speaks seriously, and when it is his specific sarcastic humor. These two sides of his personality are really worth separating. So I don't blame anyone for this situation. It's just that two talented leaders couldn't coexist together. I feel like it was right to some extent. Don't get me wrong, I like MM, but if it wasn't for all these events, there would never have been any beautiful solo albums by Gackt, which I also like to listen to. Klaha's Era was also beautiful. That's all what I think. Sorry, If I wrote anything incorrectly because english isn't my native language P. S. I'm glad to see people in the comments who have a similar opinion 💙
I died at the Gackt cooking video LMAOOOO-- I love these types of theory videos you make for Malice Mizer, glad to see more content about them being made :')
My theory is that it was Le Ciel that broke what was already fragile. It is basically Gackt's solo song with other members just being a support band. I am a Gackt fan, but I do know he is a ruthlesly driven person, very focused and methodic in persuing his goals and if you can not keep up with him you will be left behind. But I also honestly belive he really didn't want to leave MM, there was still stuff to be done there, but with so many strong individuals, especially Mana, I would say it was impossible for them to follow that path. Also Gackt's voice is in a good shape again and he was already on a tour this spring.
the Gackt feeling weird in a photoshoot isn't too dramatic, I've felt this same feeling when my closest friend of 25 years and also my mom passed suddenly. you feel sadness, heartache. I would feel this feeling and the same day, my other close friends told me she died. as for my mom...I can't say because its fairly new and hurts to talk about in full. the feelings he mentions is very common, I've had heard other people talk about it. as for other atrocities he's done, I can't relate to it. but the feeling he mentions sounds very real, because I've also experienced similar and my mom has too when her sister died of cancer.
Gackt was always the most dramatic ass in the band and that interview with animeman proved it. No matter what both sides are saying, Mana and Gackt are butthurted by each other and that's a fact, we will never know what truly happened. Regardless, I'm thankful for Malice Mizer and Gackt for their hard work.
Really? The interview with the animeman is your example? XD I’m sorry, I watched it… It sucks and feel so staged. Like it’s scripted to suit the American humor. It’s not typical Gackt humor… It doesn’t even feel like him… It was just sad to watch, but I guess animeman got his views and had it his way… And no, I’m not the only thinking this. We are many fans agreeing that something is extremely off there. Mana and Gackt were just having different goals for the band… So no, G isn’t being a “dramatic ass” and no, they don’t need to be buthurt by each other just because they have different goals in life. Gotta disagree with you there.
Most money goes to the composers, those being Mana and Kozi, probably some agent told Gackt that if he'd went solo and he would be rich and more famous. He stoped going to meetings and the other members were fed up and summoned him to end the business relation.
I don't know whether he's insane or not, but I know for a fact he's very self-centered and has a very high opinion of himself. My best friend interviewed him in 2006 for the magazine he was working for, and he told me the interview was surreal. In short, Gackt more or less believed he was God's gift to mankind and that he should enlighten people with his wisdom.
Thanks for this deep dive 🖤💙 I had no idea the relationships were this bad. It seems like no one wants to have a conversation about the situaiton in order to clear things up. I don't really like the pettiness from Gackt either. It's kind of disrepectful but I guess he's just being his dramatic self. Mana seems to have moved on and seems to be a very successful businessman, as well. Overall, just a messy situation. Honestly, after Gackt left, I'm glad we got to experience Klaha's talents.
Wow great video! Thanks to your hard work! i just wish they made official documentary about MM and reveal some hidden things. Almost all of information about MM, i kinda already know about it and i hungry for new info.
I remeber being like in 6th grade and loving malice mizer. Like in 05. I remeber it was a big fallout in the sense that a lot happened and they ended up fighting. The company wanted to drop malice mizer gavkt wanted a solo career. They had a big fight and then kamis death. I think everything happening at once. I remember being injapanese mesage boards and people saying that it was alot that ended malice mizer. I did hear that both mana and gackt were kinda really into the music and they both were both possesive about it. Its kinda sad. I did hear that mana and gackt did talk around the time of the got the remeberance thing they did a couple years ago. Gackt did not go then. Gackt did say "career wise" when they talked about how he's the only one alive.
As much as I love Gackt as a solo artist, his best work was with Malice Mizer and I don't feel that he ever surpassed Merveilles. Syunikiss, Bel Aire, and Le Ciel are still in my top five to this day. It was probably inevitable that he would leave, but even a quarter century on, I find myself wishing that he had stayed with the band.
I think it is pretty clear by now that Gack is narcissist who lies whenever it suits him. That excerpt about Kami's death is just mind boggling. I do belive he and Mana clashed as the two strongests personalities, but it seems to me that Gackt just left in order to pursue his solo carrer.
I can see both sides of the argument but in my opinion i think that gakct should have avoided poking fun of the members later on especially considering the terms the band ended in, i hope they are in better terms now especially him and mana considering it seemed like they had the most bad blood with each other over the whole band drama
There's a reasonably recent interview of Gackt from 2018 where he talks about MM quite a lot. He actually talks more in deptht about some of the stuff you brought up here. Like why he feels he should have composing rights, why he didn't persue them from the start and how that led up in him not conceding them for Le Ciel. He also adresses I would say those very statements of band members you quoted here, about him just stranding the band while they still had stuff to do, and basically how those stements hurt him after reading them on the net recently. He also claims in this interview, he had a recording of that last meeting. Now that is something I would say many MM theorists would give life blood to hear if it exists... (Interview in question is from Gackt Platinum Book Private treasires - in the 1995-1999 MM part and there is a translation online).
There is something deep in my soul that feels like Mana blames Gackt for Kami’s death at least in part. I have no concrete evidence, just a very strong hunch. But Gackt is out in January and Kami is gone forever in June. Kami is never formally replaced. Kami and Gackt apparently had that big fight shortly before. Gackt says not being able to get back on good terms with his bestie is one of his biggest regrets and writes songs about seeing him again. It’s the only thing I can come up with that would explain why the rest of the guys are essentially dead to Gackt (aside from him and Yuki not getting along, apparently). That would be a relationship anihilator on both sides, and everyone’s actions and the few statements that have surfaced since then would make perfect sense. Something tells me that if Kami hadn’t joined the 27 club the boys might have been able to patch things up enough to at least be civil (well, save for him and Yuki. I think that was probably DOA). Yes, there are the conflicting stories from Gackt. Yes, there are the facts of a band like MM being wildly expensive considering their avante garde stage shows. Yes, there is the fact of them getting dropped by Columbia and then Gackt signing with Columbia, and the murky timeline there. But on a personal level, people can get over those kinds of things in time and overcome that. Those are work conflicts. Many have done that before and patched things up later in life. I feel like something bigger went down, and though I adore Mana, have for decades and always will, and he is my bias here, I can still see something like that going on. There was a lot of hurt going around there, that much is obvious. Obv could be way wrong. I’m in no way saying that is actually what happened. These are people I don’t know, after all, and I wasn’t there. But it sure fits the timeline, personalities and series of events well.
I believe Gackt 100% i think it is the people that aren't connected to their spiritual side that have a hard time believing him but Gackt has always been super spiritual. It's funny how you make fun of him using Star Wars footage, a very franchise that explains our spiritual battles through fiction but MANY people, inlcuding atheists have felt strange feelings before someone close to them past. My mother lost her father to cancer & literally the day before he passed she had a dream of him just smiling at her with light glowing over him. Or i can even go less extreme when i broke up with my bf of 5 years, when i took a shower i felt my heart drop, never felt that in my life & i knew it had something to do with him. Within that hour he texted me "we need to talk" which led to our eventual break up. Lisa Marie Presley who was Michael Jackson's wife/Elvis daughter said she just kept hysterically crying the day MJ passed before even knowing he did. She said people around her were looking at her thinking she was on her period lol. This is not only scientific but also highly spiritual people and even non spiritual people have had these kind of experiences before someone close to them passed. I lost my best friend in middle school & the night before his car crash i had a dream of me and him, which btw i NEVER dreamt of him and he was just waving goodbye to me with a smile. You can literally find these stories from people that don't even believe in after life because we are all energy and frequencies. Think about it. A musician from across the world can make you cry from a song they created. They've touched you spiritually & yet you've never met them. Or how about speaking lovely things to a flower or playing peaceful music can help a flower & other plants grow easier. Scientifically it's called thigmotropism. Also Gackt might've been contractually forced to stay with Malice after Kami's passing. People who don't work in the business have no clue how contracts work. He could've been possibly sued up the wall if he broke it.
I personally don't believe in things like that (any experiences of this type that I've had I consider weird coincidences or something) but I do appreciate you explaining your point of view in such detail and if I ever talk about anything like this in the future I'll make sure to do it more respectfully.
I personally don’t believe a thing Gackt says. He has an incredibly high ego, he’s definitely a difficult person. Don’t get me wrong, i think he’s extremely talented. He’s also way too funny, great entertainer. Oh and, yeah you missed something pretty important. A couple of days ago, Gackt said on a livestream that he doesn’t want a Malice Mizer reunion to happen. He said he could sing the songs alone, at his lives (here comes his high ass ego again). He also called the members “rancid”, basically, he said they’re old as fuck. Yuki and Közi are only about a year older than him, but Mana is a bit more than 4. So there he goes, targeting Mana again😭. Anyway, Gackt is kind of a troll so i don’t think people should really be offended by that. It’s good to know though.
@@brifyjek I just want to tell you that everything the original poster said starting from "A couple of days ago," are flat out lies. I watch Gackt's UA-cam channel and Niconico streams. I've never heard of such a thing. Maybe ask this person to cite her/his source rather just spouting BS no one can verify.
@@seraphoftheend5768 Huh. I guess I just automatically believed it since it does sound like something Gackt would say. But I did find this whole thing strange since I couldn't find anything about Gackt saying any of this on the Scape Forums or anywhere else. Thanks for clarifying. EDIT: By the way, let's not call OP a liar, they might just be misinformed.
@@brifyjekA lot of people who criticise Gackt for being arrogant can't differentiate between his onstage persona and his real life persona. Like he's actually friendly in real life but acts cold and standoffish on TV. He's been telling audiences he's bisexual too but I don't buy it. I think he's (mostly) straight and he's just saying that as fanservice/yaoi-bait for the fangirls. It's hard to explain the concept for people unfamiliar with East Asian media. A lot of people thinks he's lying about his claims on Malice Mizer members. But there was an interview in 1999 (I read it 20 years ago either from Shoxx or Arena) where he expressed dissatisfaction on how the management was shafting him in favour for another member because that member was dating their (female) manager. He didn't give out any names (for the longest time I assumed it was Kozi and was incredibly perplexed when he went out for a drink with Kozi and posted their picture together on his old website). But a decade later I found out he was telling the truth. I won't say the member's name. But if you know, you know. And besides, I think it's fair to say that Mana is not exactly the most agreeable leader. Tetsu resigned. MM disbanded before Klaha even gotten a year out of it. Juka resigned on very bad terms with Mana saying he was not paid a fair wage. So his claims on Malice Mizer or their management are obsessed with money might not be that far from the truth. I'm not calling OP a liar but she is spreading out lies irresponsibly. I know Gackt can be a total wanker and he says the darndest things sometimes. But even with that, what she claimed Gackt said about the other members being too old and rancid was too farfetched and uncharacteristic even for Gackt.
@@brifyjekI've seen this thing that op said about Gackt a LOT, like, I think someone said it's from a "nico nico" stream, like he was asked about a reunion with Malice and said basically that, that if he's old (talking abt himself) then they're very old (about mm members). Sooo he basically said he's not interested in a reunion and that it's not happening but with more words ⚡🕺⚡ Edit: OH and I think gackt didn't exactly call them rancid lol, I think he just said another word but not that one
I've known people who can feel if someone they know suddenly dies. We all are connected to each other's spirits. Most people don't believe in intuition and the collective unconscious unless they experience those things themselves. I get it though, I didn't think believe empaths when they say they can feel other's emotions. I didn't think that was a real thing until I felt someone else's emotions in my chest. I believe what Gackt is saying about that part of the story.
This beef between Mana and Gackt reminds me of the beef between William Shatner and Geoge Takei. Those two are still hung up one some slight from 50-something years ago.... I mean, damn Takei and Shatner are they're still calling each ohter fat and irrelevant on twitter😂😂😂 Gackt seems to be petty enough to keep a feud going for another 20 years tbh
gackt is literally a dramatic ass troll lmao. i hope they've all made up by now, like damn this is some ancient beef. i would love to see gackt and mana queerbait like the old days again
「GACKT」and L'Arc~en~Ciel' 「HYDE」 appeared in the film 「MOON CHILD」released in 2003. GACKT leaving japan. GACKT and HYDE were speaking in Chinese and japanese mix, Fans of these two should definitely watch the movie.❤
(add ) 2000' 👩 「鬼束ちひろChihiro onitsuka」 song「Moonlight」 lyrics l am God's child Born into the decayed world How do I live on such a field? For my life isn't meant for such things ・・・ All I see around me is medicine with no effect If there aren't any voices to hear. What on earth do I have to believe in? Chihiro Onitsuka is deeply popular among Japanese people. 🥺
Gackt sucks man, if he had differences he should've just said it and not made such a roundabout excuse for everything. What sucks the most to me is how much he pushes that he cared for Kami only to turn around and pretend he doesn't know him and the rest of the band. Also thinking he has the nerve to say he wrote and composed all the songs LMAO.
maybe gackt didn't have so good a relationship with the other members and yeah it sounds a little dramatic, but the think that he couldn't breathe and that's something bad was happening maybe it's a lie, but i have felt it so it's not strange i also couldn't breathe one time and yeah something bad happened my grandma died
Not sure which one you mean as I can't see it being used in this vid specifically, but I used this one in some of my vids ua-cam.com/video/vliDcHi0GAE/v-deo.html
@@brifyjek oo dude thx!!! haha i should have been clearer i meant gackt singin bel air on live stream recently ( i would love to see him sing it with his older voice) of topic i saw kamijo live a few weeks ago in the netherlands it was absolutely amazing
@@UpVampin Oh sorry lol I forgot about this I was trying to find the clip while making this video but it seems like nobody recorded it (or rather nobody posted it). The info about it came from the Scape Forums, which is a pretty reliable source.
Thanks for the video, but could you please at least make an effort to say the name of the band correctly? It's not that hard, it's French : malice + misère
I don't believe Gackt. Malice Mizer would never have kicked him out because that would definitely break the band. That just makes no sense at all. Even if they ended up not liking him, they still wouldn't have kicked him out of the band; for the music.
IMPORTANT UPDATE, PLEASE WATCH ua-cam.com/video/-RxzFtGsYTY/v-deo.html
I can’t say I believe Gackt here. So the manager calls him and the other members into the room to declare that the band is “over”, and yet they still continued on despite also losing Kami (RIP) later that year?
The difference is, they did so *after* being dropped by Columbia. They released their last few releases from Mana’s indies label.
In that same span of time, Gackt records an EP and two albums, and has tours just as large, if not larger, than the MM tours.
Signed to a subsidiary of…you guessed it, Nippon Columbia.
Gackt wasn’t the one fired here, the rest of the band was. They can maximize their profits by promoting one solo artist with more mainstream appeal vs a five man band with elaborate costumes and stage shows. Especially with the VK boom coming to a close in Japan.
Exactly. And let's face it, this version he tells is very dramatic... "oh! Don't make fun of the fans" hahahahaha
And I believe they weren't even dropped by Columbia. There is an interview in which the members said they made this choice to regain full creative control of the band. And there's a video that Shinya (Dir en Grey) says that the band was still in Columbia after Gackt left.
Some people even point out that this was the problem: the other members wanted to regain creative control in a less commercial way which was clearly not Gackt's goal
@@EwanderRonchi Gackt has had full creative control of his music his entire solo career. Creative control is clearly important to Gackt. Don't make up stuff.
Does Gackt have full creative control over his career? Doubtful.
And it's quite obvious: listen to Malice Mizer's latest album and analyze whether its songs are commercial and commonly played on the radios like those of Merveilles or Gackt's solo career.
And I’m not “making things up.” What I said are reports from members of Malice Mizer and other artists :)
@@magnadramon0068 wasnt Gackt considered a "Talento" after leaving MM? He was borderline a j-idol at that point and the company want to manage him as such.
Probably a lot of unspoken feelings that drove Gackt to develop an anxiety around the band and just withdraw rather than be vulnerable and talk about his feelings. Probably trying to protect himself emotionally. He was a newer member, but pretty much the center of attention from the get go. This was his first time dealing with fame on this level and having that sort of self-sufficiency makes it so you can choose who to rely on rather than relying on your band for the survival of your career. All relationships are a tricky balance, and there must've been an event or interaction that made him re-contextualize his memories of being in Malice Mizer that the other band members did not pick up on. People can become quiet and distrusting for reasons they'll never explain, but still feel passionate and sensitive about it even if it's unspoken. At the end of the day, they just didn't know what each-other were thinking and that's all it takes to make a relationship crumble.
I’m sure at 100% that Mana and Gackt didn’t liked each other. Funny when you know at this time a lot of people shipped them together
No they did have a romantic relationship for 2 days said Mana in a Interview.
@@KazumiSawatari what interview?
@@juns_bf2 idk I forgot
@@KazumiSawatari it’s all good lol
i still remember a fanfic called Snow Inoran and the Seven J-rockers or something like that where Mana gave birth to Snow Inoran. Wild times, i tell you, back in 2003
I gotta say I mostly just find GACKT funny tbh. I believe when he refers to the band "breaking up" he is referring to his departure, which makes sense with the timeline when you realize Kami passed later that year. I can also get both sides being tired of being asked the same questions over and over again these past 20 years. Mana reacts mana's way (elegant silence) and Gackt reacts his way (high comedic trolling).
I believe the theory that Nippon Columbia dropped malice mizer and offered Gackt a solo contract. With the tensions within the band, he chose to leave and sign to a Nippon Columbia label. I feel like that was what actually happened in that meeting, the band wasn't breaking up they were being dropped.
Like all stories, the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle of what Mana says and what GACKT says.
I believe over time their relationship will soften.
Nippon Crown, Gackt's label between 1999-2009, was NOT Nippon Columbia's record label since the 1960s, it was it's own record label and Gackt even had his own independent record label Dears under Nippon Crown. Whole theory about Nippon Columbia is pure nonsense.
I just like to believe they had their differences, and wanted to go on separate paths in their career and the split was probably inevitable even if it happened in an unconventional manner there's no reason to put blame on any side, personally I prefer MM's music to gackt's solo stuff but I don't hate him or anything I understand that his bit / persona is being over the top and sarcastic and that's okay
Gackt gave three versions of his departure from Malice Mizer. It's hard to trust what he says on this subject.
In 1999 he said he was expelled. In 2004 that all the members wanted to pursue a solo career. In 2010 he told this story that "the record label wanted to end the band". In 2017 he said in a interview again that he was expelled...
Isn't it easier for him to do the same as Tetsu and say that he no longer wanted to continue in the band due to musical and commercial differences? xD
I wanted to say what I think about this whole situation for a long time. So, I think it's a right moment. I've read a lot of information about this incident, here some my thoughts about it:
1. I think all the members of the band really had disagreements, especially Mana and Gackt. They both leaders who wants to control all about theirs work and maybe kinda narcissic like the most of artists. And that's what makes them a bit similar, but Gackt is clearly more ambitious. Gackt probably wanted to be not only the singer, but composer, producer, etc. And honestly, I think leaving band was good for him.
2. MM agency (I mean Midi Nette) also played a big role in what happened. For some reason, everyone forgets about this and talks only about the internal conflict, although Gackt specifically mentioned the conflict with management. There are also a lot of rumors about Yukie Itou, but I have no opinion on them, as I wasn't interested in her identity and don't want to spread misinformation.
As for the relationship between the band members nowdays, I don't think it's as bad as the rumors say. Overall, it seems that Gackt is on normal terms with közi and Yu~ki, on good terms with the former MM roadie, especially Kamijo, but maybe not good enough with Mana (but at least I'm sure they don't hate each other). In addition, in an interview dedicated to the 25th anniversary of MM, Mana said that he contacted Gaсkt but he was unable to. There could also be several reasons for this. The most obvious is the different financial situation. It's sad, but that's how show business really works. The other reason for this could be Gackt's solo tour, besides, he had problems with his voice that year, which can be clearly heard in the live video.
Also it seems to me that the band members themselves are tired of discussing this topic. It's just that everyone expresses it in their own way. Gackt's interview with anime man demonstrates this well. His answer was a bit rude, but when it's been more than 20 years since MM disbanded, and the same question of the reason for disband comes up from time to time, I think everyone would get tired of it. In addition, Gackt has a rather feigned amplua, so it is worth distinguishing when he speaks seriously, and when it is his specific sarcastic humor. These two sides of his personality are really worth separating.
So I don't blame anyone for this situation. It's just that two talented leaders couldn't coexist together. I feel like it was right to some extent. Don't get me wrong, I like MM, but if it wasn't for all these events, there would never have been any beautiful solo albums by Gackt, which I also like to listen to. Klaha's Era was also beautiful. That's all what I think.
Sorry, If I wrote anything incorrectly because english isn't my native language
P. S.
I'm glad to see people in the comments who have a similar opinion 💙
I died at the Gackt cooking video LMAOOOO-- I love these types of theory videos you make for Malice Mizer, glad to see more content about them being made :')
Thank you. I have a few more ideas for videos about Malice Mizer.
My theory is that it was Le Ciel that broke what was already fragile. It is basically Gackt's solo song with other members just being a support band. I am a Gackt fan, but I do know he is a ruthlesly driven person, very focused and methodic in persuing his goals and if you can not keep up with him you will be left behind. But I also honestly belive he really didn't want to leave MM, there was still stuff to be done there, but with so many strong individuals, especially Mana, I would say it was impossible for them to follow that path.
Also Gackt's voice is in a good shape again and he was already on a tour this spring.
the Gackt feeling weird in a photoshoot isn't too dramatic, I've felt this same feeling when my closest friend of 25 years and also my mom passed suddenly. you feel sadness, heartache. I would feel this feeling and the same day, my other close friends told me she died. as for my mom...I can't say because its fairly new and hurts to talk about in full. the feelings he mentions is very common, I've had heard other people talk about it.
as for other atrocities he's done, I can't relate to it.
but the feeling he mentions sounds very real, because I've also experienced similar and my mom has too when her sister died of cancer.
Gackt was always the most dramatic ass in the band and that interview with animeman proved it. No matter what both sides are saying, Mana and Gackt are butthurted by each other and that's a fact, we will never know what truly happened. Regardless, I'm thankful for Malice Mizer and Gackt for their hard work.
Really? The interview with the animeman is your example? XD I’m sorry, I watched it… It sucks and feel so staged. Like it’s scripted to suit the American humor. It’s not typical Gackt humor… It doesn’t even feel like him… It was just sad to watch, but I guess animeman got his views and had it his way… And no, I’m not the only thinking this. We are many fans agreeing that something is extremely off there.
Mana and Gackt were just having different goals for the band… So no, G isn’t being a “dramatic ass” and no, they don’t need to be buthurt by each other just because they have different goals in life. Gotta disagree with you there.
Most money goes to the composers, those being Mana and Kozi, probably some agent told Gackt that if he'd went solo and he would be rich and more famous. He stoped going to meetings and the other members were fed up and summoned him to end the business relation.
Hello there.
Thank you for this video it made me realize how insane Gackt is
fr the whole vid i was just jaw dropped but also laughing 😭 LIKE OMG THIS GUYYYY
I don't know whether he's insane or not, but I know for a fact he's very self-centered and has a very high opinion of himself. My best friend interviewed him in 2006 for the magazine he was working for, and he told me the interview was surreal. In short, Gackt more or less believed he was God's gift to mankind and that he should enlighten people with his wisdom.
@@Megrez-Alberich gods gift is crazyyyy
@@Megrez-Alberichi aspire to be this delusional lmao
Thanks for this deep dive 🖤💙 I had no idea the relationships were this bad. It seems like no one wants to have a conversation about the situaiton in order to clear things up. I don't really like the pettiness from Gackt either. It's kind of disrepectful but I guess he's just being his dramatic self. Mana seems to have moved on and seems to be a very successful businessman, as well. Overall, just a messy situation. Honestly, after Gackt left, I'm glad we got to experience Klaha's talents.
was a gackt fan before i found MM , would like to say that gackt is an insane fucking person
Thank you for continously putting out MM content, I love your channel
Wow great video! Thanks to your hard work!
i just wish they made official documentary about MM and reveal some hidden things. Almost all of information about MM, i kinda already know about it and i hungry for new info.
i respect Gackt as an artist, but i never like him as personal :" i'm always on Mana-sama's team
I remeber being like in 6th grade and loving malice mizer. Like in 05. I remeber it was a big fallout in the sense that a lot happened and they ended up fighting. The company wanted to drop malice mizer gavkt wanted a solo career. They had a big fight and then kamis death. I think everything happening at once. I remember being injapanese mesage boards and people saying that it was alot that ended malice mizer. I did hear that both mana and gackt were kinda really into the music and they both were both possesive about it. Its kinda sad. I did hear that mana and gackt did talk around the time of the got the remeberance thing they did a couple years ago. Gackt did not go then.
Gackt did say "career wise" when they talked about how he's the only one alive.
This is Visual Keo content is great thank you for making vids about malice mizer I love them so much I can’t wait to see more 😊
As much as I love Gackt as a solo artist, his best work was with Malice Mizer and I don't feel that he ever surpassed Merveilles. Syunikiss, Bel Aire, and Le Ciel are still in my top five to this day. It was probably inevitable that he would leave, but even a quarter century on, I find myself wishing that he had stayed with the band.
I think it is pretty clear by now that Gack is narcissist who lies whenever it suits him. That excerpt about Kami's death is just mind boggling. I do belive he and Mana clashed as the two strongests personalities, but it seems to me that Gackt just left in order to pursue his solo carrer.
thanks for my mm videos
I can see both sides of the argument but in my opinion i think that gakct should have avoided poking fun of the members later on especially considering the terms the band ended in, i hope they are in better terms now especially him and mana considering it seemed like they had the most bad blood with each other over the whole band drama
There's a reasonably recent interview of Gackt from 2018 where he talks about MM quite a lot. He actually talks more in deptht about some of the stuff you brought up here. Like why he feels he should have composing rights, why he didn't persue them from the start and how that led up in him not conceding them for Le Ciel. He also adresses I would say those very statements of band members you quoted here, about him just stranding the band while they still had stuff to do, and basically how those stements hurt him after reading them on the net recently.
He also claims in this interview, he had a recording of that last meeting. Now that is something I would say many MM theorists would give life blood to hear if it exists...
(Interview in question is from Gackt Platinum Book Private treasires - in the 1995-1999 MM part and there is a translation online).
People have so many theories and take so many sides that i just dont know who to believe
Gackt is a trollmaster hard to take whatever he say seriously,I didn't hate him for that it just his personality.
There is something deep in my soul that feels like Mana blames Gackt for Kami’s death at least in part. I have no concrete evidence, just a very strong hunch.
But Gackt is out in January and Kami is gone forever in June. Kami is never formally replaced. Kami and Gackt apparently had that big fight shortly before. Gackt says not being able to get back on good terms with his bestie is one of his biggest regrets and writes songs about seeing him again. It’s the only thing I can come up with that would explain why the rest of the guys are essentially dead to Gackt (aside from him and Yuki not getting along, apparently). That would be a relationship anihilator on both sides, and everyone’s actions and the few statements that have surfaced since then would make perfect sense. Something tells me that if Kami hadn’t joined the 27 club the boys might have been able to patch things up enough to at least be civil (well, save for him and Yuki. I think that was probably DOA).
Yes, there are the conflicting stories from Gackt. Yes, there are the facts of a band like MM being wildly expensive considering their avante garde stage shows. Yes, there is the fact of them getting dropped by Columbia and then Gackt signing with Columbia, and the murky timeline there. But on a personal level, people can get over those kinds of things in time and overcome that. Those are work conflicts. Many have done that before and patched things up later in life. I feel like something bigger went down, and though I adore Mana, have for decades and always will, and he is my bias here, I can still see something like that going on. There was a lot of hurt going around there, that much is obvious.
Obv could be way wrong. I’m in no way saying that is actually what happened. These are people I don’t know, after all, and I wasn’t there. But it sure fits the timeline, personalities and series of events well.
These iceberg videos a re very interesting. Please continue to make them 🙏👍
Amazing video ! I love your malice mizer videos and i think i really should watch your other content
I believe Gackt 100% i think it is the people that aren't connected to their spiritual side that have a hard time believing him but Gackt has always been super spiritual. It's funny how you make fun of him using Star Wars footage, a very franchise that explains our spiritual battles through fiction but MANY people, inlcuding atheists have felt strange feelings before someone close to them past. My mother lost her father to cancer & literally the day before he passed she had a dream of him just smiling at her with light glowing over him. Or i can even go less extreme when i broke up with my bf of 5 years, when i took a shower i felt my heart drop, never felt that in my life & i knew it had something to do with him. Within that hour he texted me "we need to talk" which led to our eventual break up. Lisa Marie Presley who was Michael Jackson's wife/Elvis daughter said she just kept hysterically crying the day MJ passed before even knowing he did. She said people around her were looking at her thinking she was on her period lol.
This is not only scientific but also highly spiritual people and even non spiritual people have had these kind of experiences before someone close to them passed. I lost my best friend in middle school & the night before his car crash i had a dream of me and him, which btw i NEVER dreamt of him and he was just waving goodbye to me with a smile. You can literally find these stories from people that don't even believe in after life because we are all energy and frequencies. Think about it. A musician from across the world can make you cry from a song they created. They've touched you spiritually & yet you've never met them. Or how about speaking lovely things to a flower or playing peaceful music can help a flower & other plants grow easier. Scientifically it's called thigmotropism. Also Gackt might've been contractually forced to stay with Malice after Kami's passing. People who don't work in the business have no clue how contracts work. He could've been possibly sued up the wall if he broke it.
I personally don't believe in things like that (any experiences of this type that I've had I consider weird coincidences or something) but I do appreciate you explaining your point of view in such detail and if I ever talk about anything like this in the future I'll make sure to do it more respectfully.
I personally don’t believe a thing Gackt says. He has an incredibly high ego, he’s definitely a difficult person. Don’t get me wrong, i think he’s extremely talented. He’s also way too funny, great entertainer. Oh and, yeah you missed something pretty important. A couple of days ago, Gackt said on a livestream that he doesn’t want a Malice Mizer reunion to happen. He said he could sing the songs alone, at his lives (here comes his high ass ego again). He also called the members “rancid”, basically, he said they’re old as fuck. Yuki and Közi are only about a year older than him, but Mana is a bit more than 4. So there he goes, targeting Mana again😭. Anyway, Gackt is kind of a troll so i don’t think people should really be offended by that. It’s good to know though.
While making this video I had this freaking gut feeling that something important is gonna happen and I'll miss it... Thanks for letting me know lol
@@brifyjek I just want to tell you that everything the original poster said starting from "A couple of days ago," are flat out lies. I watch Gackt's UA-cam channel and Niconico streams. I've never heard of such a thing. Maybe ask this person to cite her/his source rather just spouting BS no one can verify.
@@seraphoftheend5768 Huh. I guess I just automatically believed it since it does sound like something Gackt would say. But I did find this whole thing strange since I couldn't find anything about Gackt saying any of this on the Scape Forums or anywhere else. Thanks for clarifying.
EDIT: By the way, let's not call OP a liar, they might just be misinformed.
@@brifyjekA lot of people who criticise Gackt for being arrogant can't differentiate between his onstage persona and his real life persona. Like he's actually friendly in real life but acts cold and standoffish on TV. He's been telling audiences he's bisexual too but I don't buy it. I think he's (mostly) straight and he's just saying that as fanservice/yaoi-bait for the fangirls. It's hard to explain the concept for people unfamiliar with East Asian media.
A lot of people thinks he's lying about his claims on Malice Mizer members. But there was an interview in 1999 (I read it 20 years ago either from Shoxx or Arena) where he expressed dissatisfaction on how the management was shafting him in favour for another member because that member was dating their (female) manager. He didn't give out any names (for the longest time I assumed it was Kozi and was incredibly perplexed when he went out for a drink with Kozi and posted their picture together on his old website). But a decade later I found out he was telling the truth. I won't say the member's name. But if you know, you know.
And besides, I think it's fair to say that Mana is not exactly the most agreeable leader. Tetsu resigned. MM disbanded before Klaha even gotten a year out of it. Juka resigned on very bad terms with Mana saying he was not paid a fair wage. So his claims on Malice Mizer or their management are obsessed with money might not be that far from the truth.
I'm not calling OP a liar but she is spreading out lies irresponsibly.
I know Gackt can be a total wanker and he says the darndest things sometimes. But even with that, what she claimed Gackt said about the other members being too old and rancid was too farfetched and uncharacteristic even for Gackt.
@@brifyjekI've seen this thing that op said about Gackt a LOT, like, I think someone said it's from a "nico nico" stream, like he was asked about a reunion with Malice and said basically that, that if he's old (talking abt himself) then they're very old (about mm members).
Sooo he basically said he's not interested in a reunion and that it's not happening but with more words ⚡🕺⚡
Edit: OH and I think gackt didn't exactly call them rancid lol, I think he just said another word but not that one
I've known people who can feel if someone they know suddenly dies.
We all are connected to each other's spirits. Most people don't believe in intuition and the collective unconscious unless they experience those things themselves.
I get it though, I didn't think believe empaths when they say they can feel other's emotions. I didn't think that was a real thing until I felt someone else's emotions in my chest.
I believe what Gackt is saying about that part of the story.
This beef between Mana and Gackt reminds me of the beef between William Shatner and Geoge Takei. Those two are still hung up one some slight from 50-something years ago.... I mean, damn Takei and Shatner are they're still calling each ohter fat and irrelevant on twitter😂😂😂 Gackt seems to be petty enough to keep a feud going for another 20 years tbh
gackt is literally a dramatic ass troll lmao. i hope they've all made up by now, like damn this is some ancient beef. i would love to see gackt and mana queerbait like the old days again
U weird asf shipping real people
「GACKT」and L'Arc~en~Ciel' 「HYDE」 appeared in the film 「MOON CHILD」released in 2003.
leaving japan.
GACKT and HYDE were speaking in Chinese and japanese mix,
Fans of these two should definitely watch the movie.❤
(add )
👩 「鬼束ちひろChihiro onitsuka」
l am God's child
Born into the decayed world
How do I live on such a field?
For my life isn't meant for such things
All I see around me is medicine with no effect
If there aren't any voices to hear.
What on earth do I have to believe in?
Chihiro Onitsuka is deeply popular among Japanese people.
Now there's a name I haven't heard in a while
🙄😔Ahh! So sad any way we cannot please everybody and we don't know what's every one in mind 😇🙏🇯🇵❤️
what scape thread is the screenshot at 15:40 from?
and is there a link to the livestream clip at 18:37 ?
Where can i find the gackt cooking vid
What was the performance in the first clip?
You mean the intro? It's from ua-cam.com/video/9q4HQEeNqdE/v-deo.html
@@brifyjek yea bro thank youu
Gackt sucks man, if he had differences he should've just said it and not made such a roundabout excuse for everything. What sucks the most to me is how much he pushes that he cared for Kami only to turn around and pretend he doesn't know him and the rest of the band. Also thinking he has the nerve to say he wrote and composed all the songs LMAO.
Hey hey what's the song in the intro
Bois de merveilles
@brifyjek THANK YOU
maybe gackt didn't have so good a relationship with the other members and yeah it sounds a little dramatic, but the think that he couldn't breathe and that's something bad was happening maybe it's a lie, but i have felt it so it's not strange i also couldn't breathe one time and yeah something bad happened my grandma died
where can i find the clip of gackt singin bel air?
Not sure which one you mean as I can't see it being used in this vid specifically, but I used this one in some of my vids ua-cam.com/video/vliDcHi0GAE/v-deo.html
@@brifyjek oo dude thx!!! haha i should have been clearer i meant gackt singin bel air on live stream recently ( i would love to see him sing it with his older voice) of topic i saw kamijo live a few weeks ago in the netherlands it was absolutely amazing
@@UpVampin Oh sorry lol I forgot about this
I was trying to find the clip while making this video but it seems like nobody recorded it (or rather nobody posted it). The info about it came from the Scape Forums, which is a pretty reliable source.
Song name?
Whats the song at the beginning called???
bois de merveilles
Thanks for the video, but could you please at least make an effort to say the name of the band correctly? It's not that hard, it's French : malice + misère
I already made the switch to saying Malice Meezer, I talk about it in my updates video
Gakt, I love you, but what the fuck was that “I feel as though something bad has happened” shit 💀
Loved your videos so far
Horrifying editing tho it made my head hurt
Please sincronice the text with your voice and don't leave it soooo far away
Still can't believe someone as scummy as the anime man got an interview with gackt 😭 not that gackt is a perfect person, either...
How was he wrong for feeling foreboding and then someone died? How is that crazy?
Gackt is talented but a egomaniac. Now, where is Klaha?
Do Phantasmagoria😂🎉
Yes, we need Kisaki!
I don't believe Gackt. Malice Mizer would never have kicked him out because that would definitely break the band. That just makes no sense at all. Even if they ended up not liking him, they still wouldn't have kicked him out of the band; for the music.
I hope there's no bad broodu. I don't think Gackt will recover from that condition ever though. If the nerves are damaged then they are damaged.