Wrong About Generational Curses?

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • An Unbiblical Teaching?


  • @LadyEliakim
    @LadyEliakim 20 днів тому +41

    I was chewing on ice and almost spit it out when you said “if your father was fat, then…” 😂 but no seriously both my parents were addicted to drugs for many years, but even BEFORE I truly surrendered my life to the Lord, I vowed never to touch drugs. It definitely was a DECISION. God gives us free will, and also tells us to CHOOSE whom we will serve! My new bloodline is the blood of Jesus!!! Oh how free I felt when this chain fell off this just this year of the generational bondage doctrine!!! We just believe stuff because we’ve passed it on and on, over and over with no Biblical basis. Help us Lord.

    • @SimoneMarie4
      @SimoneMarie4 18 днів тому +3

      Truly! Some people learn from these mistakes they see in their parents. I know people who will NOT touch alcohol because they saw their parents suffer from alcoholism.

    • @lovelym6565
      @lovelym6565 7 днів тому


  • @Jamarj
    @Jamarj 20 днів тому +2

    The man is not perfect, no need to call him a wolf and all these names, you can disagree with him but calling him a wolf is uncalled for

  • @xpians
    @xpians 20 днів тому +2

    What Abednego is saying has merit..........It sounds like he is talking to non believers. He said "If you choose the path of wickedness, just evil, adultery, sorcery your children will follow that pattern...... So you are saying that if a child is brought up in a brothel that they will free of its effect. Its called a product of your environment.
    Know that there can be a number of audiences that people are trying to reach. Some may need to hear things differently.
    Generational curses are a reality it could be self inflicted situations be it drugs, alcohol or what ever. I think Abednego is talking more in lines with people breaking the cycle afforded to people by their lifestyle choices.

  • @jazzybell2729
    @jazzybell2729 20 днів тому

    Could you please increase the volume on your videos?

  • @tatumlinda
    @tatumlinda 20 днів тому

    How bout stupid ignorance?

  • @interrupts165
    @interrupts165 20 днів тому

    All this guy did is quote is feeling's or what he thinks. Zero Bible verses for the most part.

  • @laverneb.6130
    @laverneb.6130 20 днів тому +26

    All the more reason why spiritual discernment is key.

  • @kountrymykall1
    @kountrymykall1 20 днів тому +9

    Generational curses were Adam and EVE to start with, then there was exodus that was generational curse to the promised land, & I seriously hesitate to put myself out there, be smart host is young in the faith, we all have some growing to do. Be careful of the “justice” you think you’re doing. Everyone be careful of whom you follow and let their opinions and slighted teachings into your gates! Protect your gates at all costs.

  • @vekiebaking-shelton1452
    @vekiebaking-shelton1452 20 днів тому +21

    I've noticed since 2020 when the world was on lockdown there was a big graduation on Bishops, prophets and prophetess and elders and ain't none of them went to school 😂 we have to read God's word for ourselves and learn to listen to God's voice and know who are the wolves! Thank you for this teaching because I too thought we had generations curses😢

  • @ekklesialifeapplicationbib7352
    @ekklesialifeapplicationbib7352 20 днів тому +25

    Keep cutting it straight brother! Your ministry is needed!

  • @Sisisi6392
    @Sisisi6392 20 днів тому +21

    I used to believe in generational curses, christians having demons and many other false doctrines that come out of NAR teachings and deliverance ministries. These false teachings are so damaging to ones faith and keeps us from knowing the beautiful truth and grace of God. Thank you for this video 🙏🏿🤍✝️🙌🏿

    • @igbothunder-rv6oq
      @igbothunder-rv6oq 20 днів тому +4

      exactly. lets pray folks will learn the truth!

    • @tic8259
      @tic8259 20 днів тому +1

      Likewise. I am just learning what NAR is and I'm so glad God opened my eyes to the Truth of His Word!!!

    • @Shigami-lb6oc
      @Shigami-lb6oc 12 днів тому

      Christians can have demons...
      That is facts...

  • @nancygonzalez5423
    @nancygonzalez5423 20 днів тому +10

    For crying out loud, first, can't anyone see the obvious? The passage of scripture is "prescriptive" for the "Children of Israel". Moreover, the context is clear, it's talking about idolatry! The curse will come due to the practice of idolatry...context, context, context...

    • @tic8259
      @tic8259 20 днів тому +7

      Reading comprehension is severely lacking in the Church 🥴

  • @igbothunder-rv6oq
    @igbothunder-rv6oq 20 днів тому +13

    man you nailed it Corey within the first 30 secs of this video! this bad teaching of generational curses is keeping believers mentally bound! ive been saying this very thing for years! same things with these ideas that christians can demons.... all things promoted by these alleged demon slayers of today. smh

  • @555chan
    @555chan 20 днів тому +18

    I am blocked from Vlad, Signorelli and Greg Locke’s channel. They can’t answer the questions I post.

    • @guinnyss
      @guinnyss 20 днів тому +3

      They can answer, they just don't want the truth to come out or else the money flow slow down or stop.

    • @davidsmither95
      @davidsmither95 20 днів тому +2

      I blocked some of them off of my instagram…I’m gonna continue doing it too.

  • @cowel8734
    @cowel8734 20 днів тому +46

    I've noticed the more emotional believers tend to be spiritually immature. They talk boldly about demons, angels, "Jezebel spirits", annointing, and will claim to be experts in the "spirit realm" while giving themselves special titles.
    Many seem to just like the image of being a special, chosen, or spiritual person and tend to boast about how 'awake' or enlightened they are while talking down about others who arent as "enlightened" as they are.
    Many mean well but can teach really dangerous ideas. There's so much misinformation in the Christian community because people won't just say they don't know and will just make up answers or listen to whatever youtube video sounds the best or most clever
    Im thankful for your channel calling these things out without being hateful and teaching the truth

    • @alicemarie3506
      @alicemarie3506 20 днів тому +4

      You actually mean that you're thankful for a channel that validates what you choose to believe, rather than humbling yourself to the Truth.

    • @joycebegnaud9645
      @joycebegnaud9645 20 днів тому +1

      Amen great comment 😎

    • @teresafarrell6457
      @teresafarrell6457 20 днів тому

      You might benefit by Chris Rosebrough, Justin Peters, Voddie Baucham, R.C. Sproul and John MacArthur. 🙂👍

    • @TribeofLevi0404
      @TribeofLevi0404 20 днів тому

      @@alicemarie3506 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

    • @yesthatwan
      @yesthatwan 20 днів тому

      @@alicemarie3506 as chrisitans our belief should not be based on what we choose to believe or on other individuals but instead on what God says in his written word (scripture) and that is the measure against which we should test all teachings all spirits and all things. Check 1 Cor 4:6 "...DO NOT GO BEYOND WHAT IS WRITTEN, then you will not take pride in one man over against another"

  • @forever_evolving_5312
    @forever_evolving_5312 20 днів тому +5

    I am a relatively new believer. Accepted Jesus in 2019. I read the entire Bible day by day. God cursed His people in the Old Testament. But the New Testament is a new covenant based on what I read. No scriptural evidence that Jesus curses believers, even when we sin. There are just natural consequences. God does not curse what He has determined to bless.
    I think Christians who are deeply involved in Charismatic teachings believe that the Christian life is supposed to be a perfect life because Christ has given us the Victory, which He has. The victory will not be experienced in its fullness until the day of Jesus Christ. Bad circumstances that aren’t changing are not indicative of a curse, it’s the result of the fallen world and we rely on the Holy Spirit to get us to where we’re supposed to be and patiently *wait* for God to deliver us out of our circumstances in accordance to His Will. Jesus Christ stood in the gap to break ‘generational curses’. He was the only one approved to do so. We are too sinful to stand in the gap for wickedness in our bloodline. It doesn’t make any sense biblically…

    • @TribeofLevi0404
      @TribeofLevi0404 20 днів тому

      So is the whole OT irrelevant then.??
      If it is then stop quoting scriptures like psalm 23, psalm 91.

    • @tic8259
      @tic8259 20 днів тому

      Amen!!!! That's right

    • @tic8259
      @tic8259 20 днів тому +1

      ​@@TribeofLevi0404No the old testament (and the old covenant/law) is necessary because it helps us fully understand and appreciate the new covenant Jesus ushered in for us. The law in the OT highlights our sin and our need for a Savior.

  • @noexcuseschristians
    @noexcuseschristians 19 днів тому +4

    “visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me” Exodus 20:5. This is God speaking when He gave Moses the Ten Commandments. Yes, there’s such a thing as generational curse and generational blessing. However, I do believe that when you accept Christ and you become a born again Christian, I believe the generational curse can be broken. To say there’s nothing as generational curse is to say that the Ten Commandments are not applicable today. Mr. Corey I would like your thoughts.

    • @divaflex2965
      @divaflex2965 16 днів тому +2

      @noexcuseschristians yes, thankyou. That reference to generational curse is spot on Derek Prince has a good teaching on it as well. Generational curses are real and generational blessings are real as well... I'm unsubscribing to his channel..... also Kevin Ewing also has good teaching... I'm out this channel not for me

    • @nyegrant
      @nyegrant 15 днів тому

      This right here...and when ypu come to know Jesus the generational curse can be broken. But yes there is a such thing as both blessings and curses.

    • @ymoi1436
      @ymoi1436 12 днів тому

      This exactly. Generational curses and blessings exist but once we become born again, they can be broken.

  • @scottbee6638
    @scottbee6638 20 днів тому +10

    Jeremiah 31:29-30: ““In those days, it will no longer be said: ‘The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the teeth of the children are set on edge.’ Instead, each will die for his own iniquity. If anyone eats the sour grapes, his own teeth will be set on edge.”
    Ezekiel 18:4 - “Behold, every soul belongs to Me; both father and son are Mine. The soul who sins is the one who will die.”

    • @TribeofLevi0404
      @TribeofLevi0404 20 днів тому

      That scripture is talking about dying for your own sins. It’s not talking about curses. I thought pretty Corey was a smart Christian.

    • @nnamdiazuakola5254
      @nnamdiazuakola5254 13 днів тому

      ⁠​⁠@@TribeofLevi0404you’re trying to be smart by half.
      What brings about curses? Sin! So if the Lord says every soul will answer for his sin/inquiry, how can you reference and say it just means only death not consequence. When death itself is a consequence of sin.
      Infact the ultimate curse of sin is death. When God cursed Adam in the garden what did He say: the day you eat of it, you shall surely Die.
      This sort of ignorance stems from the fact that we don’t know who we truly are in Christ. What do you think a new creature, 2Cor5:17, means? Or a chosen generation 1Peter2:9. It means once you belong to the tribe of Jesus, He has redeemed you from every curse.

    • @TribeofLevi0404
      @TribeofLevi0404 13 днів тому

      @@nnamdiazuakola5254 A curse is a penalty/punishment. Context of the root of the “curse” matters.
      There’s a difference between a generational curse and just a curse. In scripture idolatry/ worshiping other gods is what brought generational curses.
      What you are talking about Adam that death in particular because of him eating the fruit means separation from God, spiritual. If you think it’s physical why didn’t Adam drop down dead the minute he ate the fruit. He did surely die the day he ate it cos he was separated from God. That is the meaning of that scripture.
      He was then cursed (punished/given a penalty) to have to till the land inorder to eat etc, the woman having difficulty in childbirth etc. if you stand in your argument about Adam (which really had nothing to do with the topic of discussion). You say you are a new Creature right?, why do we still have to labour & toil inorder to survive, why do we still have to go through all the hardships of life which was really Adams penalty??
      It’s appointed for all men to die physically.
      Death in scripture depending on context can come through judgement and not a curse.
      Nobody is denying the work of the cross and what Christ did. If your bloodline was into witchcraft, sorcery, secret societies etc. You actually have to repent, renounce those covenants enforce the finished work of the cross using scripture. It’s like coming out of a contract you just don’t leave it doesn’t work like that . How are you going to say you are divorced without signing the divorce decree?? All that you are saying that you are now a new creature, you say it, confess it with your own mouth as you are praying renouncing those things it just doesn’t happen automatically.

    • @nnamdiazuakola5254
      @nnamdiazuakola5254 13 днів тому +1

      @@TribeofLevi0404 I get your treatise but I still disagree.
      I don’t know of anybody in the New Testament, and you can correct me if I’m wrong, who had to have a generational curse broken after they became born again.
      And you have to remember that Paul mostly ministered to gentiles who were steeped in idol worship. They gave their lives to Christ and began to serve God in the newness of life.
      If what you say were true you’d think that the Apostle Paul who’s apostolic ministry was to gentiles would have conducted at least one deliverance session for a believer from the curse.
      Instead he encouraged them that their faith in Christ was enough even when some Jewish believers came to drag them into tradition.
      So whether it’s the original curse of death from Adam, or a subsequent curse or punishment or consequence, the death of Jesus is enough to wash it all out. The Bible called it a ”perfect” sacrifice.
      What good is the blood of Jesus if there are certain penalties it cannot save us from. Gal3:13 says: Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: "Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.".
      I would remind you that the curse of the law is not the so called original death/separation. It’s the punishment for breaking the law. Infact it’s the context in which Moses said anyone who breaks the law the consequence will be visited upon their subsequent generations.
      So the teaching of generational curses came from the law and yet Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law.

    • @TribeofLevi0404
      @TribeofLevi0404 13 днів тому

      @@nnamdiazuakola5254 I think I stated before that I’m not refuting the finished work of the cross. When gave your life to Christ did not not confess wit your mouth and believe in your heart ?
      What you are saying is the same as as saying I don’t have to repent or confess my sins because the death of Christ took care of that.
      This topic is very broad.
      When God said he would visit the inquity of the fathers to the 3rd & 4th generation He was talking to His people. He was talking to Isreal.
      Exodus 20:5-6.
      Idolatry in particular brought generational curse. Whenever you see this phrase in scripture esp in the Old Testament “ and Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord” it means the forgot they Most High and went into idolatry.
      Is every Christian under a generational curse?, NO. Can I Christian be under a generational curse yes they can. If my forefathers where into idol worship I’m now saved but my foundation/ bloodline is faulty. There are covenants involved, legal right etc. A covenant doesn’t get broken because you are saved. You actually have to say “I’m no longer part of this” with your own mouth.
      Here is what I’ve noticed with these preachers they bash anything that they have no clue of. If they have no knowledge of dreams they will say dreams are not important. If they have no knowledge of the spiritual realm they will bash it, no knowledge of witchcraft they will down okay it.
      This is the reason why when push comes to shove, when the going gets tough we see a lot of the so called Christian’s esp from Africa where I come from they will go to witch doctors/ sangomas in the middle of the night to seek solutions because in their churches the pastors will be busy telling them that those things don’t exist.
      Anyway let’s agree to disagree.
      Have a good day ✌🏽

  • @suechapel1443
    @suechapel1443 20 днів тому +33

    Christians are new creations and Jesus took the curse on our behalf! Those He has set free are free indeed ❤😊

  • @cowel8734
    @cowel8734 20 днів тому +10

    I watched his stuff a few times. He has a good heart and is very genuine. He just doesn't really have the knowledge to be teaching

    • @tic8259
      @tic8259 20 днів тому +5

      Yea he seems to be passionate, just wrong about the scripture. Everyone does not need a microphone.

    • @ifeifesi
      @ifeifesi 20 днів тому +6

      If he had a good heart why would he leading people astray and keeping them to think Jesus didn't free them from generational curses that Jesus isn't quite enough?

    • @JesilTembo
      @JesilTembo 20 днів тому

      So what we mean is that he loves had passion to serve, however he is very erroneous in his teachings

    • @ifeifesi
      @ifeifesi 20 днів тому

      @@JesilTembo the only thing I see is he has a passion but not to serve because you don't serve by deceiving people and laying on them heavy burdens and leading them away from Christ

    • @kgar5String
      @kgar5String 20 днів тому +1

      You can be sincerely wrong.

  • @caramelcocoa234
    @caramelcocoa234 18 днів тому +3

    If someone makes a covenant and dedicates their bloodline to a cause of the enemy that covenant still stands. When you become a Christian you establish anew covenant. But a covenant must not be broken. The Bible doesn’t detail the doings of the kingdom of darkness. Do we dismiss the existence of any kingdom? Cause where is the location of the kingdom? Intellectualism has become an idol

  • @KwasiOkyere-Boateng
    @KwasiOkyere-Boateng 20 днів тому +23

    I'm glad you're doing this. Been following Abednego for a while and though he's well intentioned he's also often mistaken himself

    • @leerob7738
      @leerob7738 20 днів тому +4

      Same can be said about Corey..

    • @waynedwyer1326
      @waynedwyer1326 20 днів тому +6

      He’s not well intentioned. He’s building a business and he will talk about anything for views even if he’s not knowledgeable or fully informed . That tells me he’s dishonest

    • @leerob7738
      @leerob7738 20 днів тому

      @@waynedwyer1326 - Ma’am why are you lying?

  • @randalljohnson3061
    @randalljohnson3061 20 днів тому +6

    For time and memorial, Exodus 20:5 has been taken out of context and used as pretext. It has become common for Christians to suppose that they are victims of generational curses! This is UNTRUE! Read, (Ezekiel 18:20). A man chooses to SIN!

  • @TheSwordofTruth
    @TheSwordofTruth 20 днів тому +5

    Abednego blocks those who disagree with him. He defends Greg Lockes adultery and has no clue that marriage is Doctrine. Abednego needs to repent and stop teaching folks.

    • @leerob7738
      @leerob7738 20 днів тому +3

      Who are you? You don’t what that man does in his prayer closets. So quick to put someone in hell. Look in the mirror.

    • @TheSwordofTruth
      @TheSwordofTruth 20 днів тому

      @leerob7738 You're a complete moron. Number one, no one put him in hell you emotional little girl. Secondly, Abednego has zero clue about marriage, what it means, what it represents, and the rules to marriage. He defends, publicly, Greg's adultery. Now move around and quit liking your own comments narcissist.

  • @GarrettChristianWayneHelmic
    @GarrettChristianWayneHelmic 20 днів тому +33


    • @ricksonora6656
      @ricksonora6656 20 днів тому +8

      Wolves know how to manipulate. My family was badly hurt by a “humble” pastor.

    • @GarrettChristianWayneHelmic
      @GarrettChristianWayneHelmic 20 днів тому +5

      @@ricksonora6656 I am sorry

    • @Jamarj
      @Jamarj 20 днів тому +2

      Why a wolf tho?

    • @GarrettChristianWayneHelmic
      @GarrettChristianWayneHelmic 20 днів тому +2

      @@Jamarj I was a wolf before I got saved too I do not know where to start or begin but before you get saved you can unintentionally or intentionally try to replace the Holy Spirit and I think that is why abednego is so humble because he is a unintentional wolf like I was lol

    • @GarrettChristianWayneHelmic
      @GarrettChristianWayneHelmic 20 днів тому +1

      @@Jamarj I was not in the church I think being in the church makes it worse though lol

  • @aspiringtoinspire_with_KW
    @aspiringtoinspire_with_KW 20 днів тому +4

    That would be denying the power of God and what Christ did for us on the cross. I'm glad I'm free and not in bondage claiming those false doctrines.

  • @GloriaWilliams-v6r
    @GloriaWilliams-v6r 20 днів тому +6

    I'm so glad you're speaking on this. People Lok at me crazy when I tell them Only God can bless or curse a soul. I think they are referring to the sins of the parents are revisited int the children . I think I got it right. Pray for me I'm just a beginner

  • @janiceyoung1694
    @janiceyoung1694 19 днів тому +2

    Ezekiel 18-1-32 states that each person will be held Accountable. For their own sins not the sin of their Ancestor breaking the Cycle of generation Curses under the new Covenant with Jesus

  • @ChristsSheep
    @ChristsSheep 20 днів тому +21

    Thank you Corey for delivering me from this doctrine. Now I know how to better study the Bible. You are appreciated!

  • @samueljohnson7850
    @samueljohnson7850 20 днів тому +5

    Love what you are saying, been screaming this for a while especially what u said about that legal right or legal grounds,I hate that teaching with a passion.

    • @thandombatha8242
      @thandombatha8242 15 днів тому

      Coming from South Africa where evil alters are a norm. You see it live how Deuteronomy 30:19 is true. These alters do give legal ground to demons to keep general curses in families. Its a result of disobedience and idolatry

  • @Souljahz212-u4w
    @Souljahz212-u4w 20 днів тому +3

    This is so bad, this guy is dangerous, sorry to say. I’d like to ask him, which I have before in comments but never replies or has someone reply with some generic response. Question is, people that are in the world, whose parents were on drugs etc but they made something of their lives. Did they fast and pray? There are so many examples of pagans being successful. Sorry, but I’d mark and avoid listening to Abednego!

  • @michaelyearwood5555
    @michaelyearwood5555 20 днів тому +4

    False prophets uses this teaching to hold special services for the purpose of fleecing the sheep

  • @daughteroftheking5875
    @daughteroftheking5875 20 днів тому +13

    Corey, I believe these people are not just ignorant but rather prideful and only concerned with fame & money. They are so dangerous! Thank you so much for exposing them and standing firm on Gods Word. Blessings 🙏🏾

    • @JohnathanMonroe22583
      @JohnathanMonroe22583 20 днів тому +3

      @@daughteroftheking5875I pray you draw closer to God on an personal level because it's easy academically know Jesus without a close relationship God. I've been where most of you are. We become obsessed with being right and the scriptures become God to us rather than the God of the scriptures.

    • @daughteroftheking5875
      @daughteroftheking5875 18 днів тому

      Thank you for your comment, however, I think you have made an assumption without knowing me. I stand firm on Gods Word meaning his scriptures, as this is how He has revealed himself to us. Knowing his word and being careful to rightfully divide his word (as his word says) is imperative to the body of Christ so as to avoid and prevent deception and false teachings. God bless.

  • @savannalane838
    @savannalane838 19 днів тому +2

    Generational curse has a different biblical implications then what we're trying to communicate when were talking about children being effected similarly or by similar attacks or temptations...you changed my mind about that term so I won't use it anymore because of its biblical implications. For me it was a misunderstanding so thank you

  • @MSALL-co8bf
    @MSALL-co8bf 18 днів тому +2


  • @tic8259
    @tic8259 20 днів тому +30

    Abednego has a book called "Family Curses: Revelation Knowledge on Bloodline Oppressions" so he needs this Corey! He's got mouths to feed!! 😂😂😂....most of these false teachers have to raise confusion about the power of the blood of Jesus on a believer's life so they can push their merch! They advertise their books on these topics (deliverance from demons, generational curses, etc) instead of directing people to the WHOLE counsel of the Bible (not just isolated scriptures that support their view). It's the same song. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. 😅

    • @Souljahz212-u4w
      @Souljahz212-u4w 20 днів тому +10

      Facts! They gotta get that bread in their pocket. The guy speaks about being delivered from the “spirit of Death.”Doesn’t God take and give life? At least what I thought.

    • @tic8259
      @tic8259 20 днів тому +8

      @@Souljahz212-u4w Right ....Jesus has the keys of death and hell (Revelation 1:18) and will one day throw death and hell into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:14). Neither death or hell have any hold over us who are saved through Jesus Christ

    • @tic8259
      @tic8259 20 днів тому +7

      Galatians 3:13 NIV
      [13] Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole.”
      _For those in Christ ONLY_ : Jesus took upon Himself any curse that may have covered us. We are totally free because of Jesus!!!! 🙌🏾 Thank you Lord!!!

    • @moniquewrites9046
      @moniquewrites9046 20 днів тому +6

      He can get a job. Paul was a tent maker. ⛺️

    • @givetothepoor5523
      @givetothepoor5523 20 днів тому +1

      Preachhhh church merch😂

  • @fohunter1
    @fohunter1 12 днів тому +1

    A generational curse no longer exist. Social and genetic problems can be generational, but as not "Curses" just the cost of living in a fallen world marred by sin.

  • @ta-bitha
    @ta-bitha 20 днів тому +3

    I knew something was off , so I unfollowed him.

  • @bammyville
    @bammyville 20 днів тому +2

    Saying there isn’t anything such thing as Generational curses is WRONG!
    But in Christ we are a new creation.
    What Satan seeks is for people to bow to him and he does this through trans generational allegiances. But Jesus has come and His revelation knowledge is what breaks us free from such covenants, that is why there are such things as demonic patterns and occurrences and familiar spirits.

    • @yesthatwan
      @yesthatwan 20 днів тому

      It would be great if you shared the scriptures to support your statement as well as to refute what God himself says in Jeremiah 31:29 as well as again in the the whole chapter of Ezekiel 18. In the meantime lets not exceed what is written.

  • @BiblicallyConstructed-qh6sm
    @BiblicallyConstructed-qh6sm 20 днів тому +10

    Thank you Corey I covered Abendego a few weeks ago on generational curses and his error even challenged him on it. However I’m a smaller newer channel and don’t get the views you do, so I appreciate you calling this out.

  • @dank2476
    @dank2476 20 днів тому +3

    Those who believe in generational curses are the most miserable people in the world.

  • @randalljohnson3061
    @randalljohnson3061 20 днів тому +35

    There is no such thing as generational curses. It's about choices, not curses ! Deuteronomy 30:19 Even if we grow up in dire circumstances, we can choose LIFE! Ezekiel 18:20

    • @saja4055
      @saja4055 20 днів тому

      Yes you’re right we can choose Life but when things are done generation after generation and never called out and stopped it feels as if it’s a curse.
      Because in the Black/African American community when you’re told to keep things in the house and it’s swept under the rug it feels like a curse. Molestation and rape is two of them that stems from slavery and it was embarrassing to the family so it was kept a secret until about a decade ago when it has been called out in the open. One state is now castrating men who do these wicked things oh and they will find away to punish the women who commit these acts also.
      Beware these acts are still happening in the home, church, school, and workplace but children are being taught to speak up to adults outside of these areas so they can get helped now the curse, cycle, or whatever you want to call it, is broken and stopped.
      As long as it is evil in this world, the world and earth is cursed until Christ return.
      Ephesians 6:12-13 says, “12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
      13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”
      These verses never said because we are a child of God we will never face trials, problems, or be hurt. It lets us know if we trust and believe God we can overcome these problems and continue to have a good life. We will probably need therapy or even have to testify in court but if we choose to have life we have to not only pray and face but get help outside our common circle. Because faith without work is dead.

  • @terrellepps345
    @terrellepps345 20 днів тому +1

    Man, that generational curse belief is asinine. People gotta understand that affliction is what is inherited for the child because of what their parents' sins were. I think too many forget were born into sin because of Adam and Eve.

  • @foxyjetta
    @foxyjetta 20 днів тому +12

    Corey this was great teaching and really breaking this down! We are set free indeed! I love listening to you and Sir Walter Jones. You all really know how to break it down for us Christians❤

    • @kingdomminded7319
      @kingdomminded7319 19 днів тому

      Amen. I agree. These two straight up bible teacher's are a blessing !

  • @AbrahamBrewster-r4n
    @AbrahamBrewster-r4n 20 днів тому +6

    Please brother explain King David and the curses he brought on his children and household pronounced by the Lord???

    • @jaytshianda
      @jaytshianda 19 днів тому +1

      David wasn’t born again

  • @andrethompson5545
    @andrethompson5545 20 днів тому +3

    He also believes that saints can be demon possessed which is also unbiblical

    • @TribeofLevi0404
      @TribeofLevi0404 20 днів тому

      So those people who manifest demons in church are what exactly???

  • @wilfredomendez3450
    @wilfredomendez3450 20 днів тому +2

    Well it is not Uebert angel it's actually the Bible John 8:36. Thanks for sharing.

  • @CartiershiPs
    @CartiershiPs 20 днів тому +8

    Great work! At 1st, i was going to bring up Deuteronomy 5:9. Then you showed me Jeremiah, and i learned the scriptures more. I also learned i can't spell Deuteronomy without looking up how to, so i need to study more. Thank you, and as always, praise Christ!

  • @SunnyStormz77
    @SunnyStormz77 20 днів тому +6

    I remember this guy like 4 years ago on tik tok. He was talking about witchcraft, dream interpretation and all this other weird stuff. I stopped watching him. I can't wait to see what Corey will say.

  • @uniquenessoflifetalks
    @uniquenessoflifetalks 20 днів тому +3

    Yes it is true just cause youve not experience doesn't mean its not

    • @PMD41
      @PMD41 20 днів тому

      I can say the same thing about unicorns.

  • @kountrymykall1
    @kountrymykall1 20 днів тому +1

    We ALL need to grow up, don’t follow anyone of man, and stick to Jesus Christ the ONE TEACHER, allow Him to show the truth, and not some distorted man’s context.

  • @gwenscott5722
    @gwenscott5722 20 днів тому +1

    Jeremiah 16:13 certainly sounds like a multigenerational curse. God says Israel would be pushed out of the promised land; be forcefully taken into a land their ancestors never knew and in that land they would serve foreign gods and as a nation in this strange land they would find no favor. God is saying that sometime during their exile, they would worship other gods and God would show them no favor. It's clear that God is saying that Israel would follow foreign religious practices. Yet Jews today claim they keep torah as written and have always served the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Yet in this verse, God says his descendants would stop keeping Torah during their exile from the promised lands. So we can conclude one of two things: 1. The descendants of Jacob, today's jews will go back into exile and slavery in a strange land and while in exile adopt and worship foreign gods. 2. Today's jews are not the descendants of Jacob and this verse is talking about an entirely different group of people misidentified as Gentiles but actually the descendants of Jacob.

  • @texrex3
    @texrex3 20 днів тому +2

    I think he already knew. It’s either an admission of that, or hubris in thinking he is above reproach if he were to respond.

  • @Rlambjr21
    @Rlambjr21 5 днів тому

    Ive commented on a previous video about this same topic. Is there a difference between something being hereditary and something being a generational curse? When I say hereditary I dont mean eye color, height, hair color, etc. I mean: I'm a person who stutters. My uncle stuttered, my great uncle stuttered, and my younger cousin is stutters. All four people are from different generations. There is definitely something there. I see Corey's arguments and they make sense. Maybe it is hereditary, but if it is hereditary I think that its something different from "eye color, height, hair color, etc." Stuttering is a defect. Eye color, height, hair color aren't defects.

  • @mr.lowercase77
    @mr.lowercase77 4 дні тому

    To say that Christians, who have trusted in Jesus's death on the cross to receive forgiveness for all their sins, then have generational curses that need to be broken - is to deny the sufficiency of His atonement; it's like saying the Cross just wasn't quite enough.

  • @nancyf126
    @nancyf126 12 днів тому

    My question is… those who believe in generational curses are y’all
    Basically saying God gives you demons as a result of the sins of your ancestors??? NO. Christian are under no generational curses from God but we can carry generational consequences from the sins of our ancestors. Just like we can carry bad habits we observe from our family. Let’s stop scaring Christians with generational curses very disturbing and harmful to the body of Christ.

  • @allenkinng580
    @allenkinng580 16 днів тому

    Bible Gateway Deuteronomy 23 :: NIV. No one who has been emasculated by crushing or cutting may enter the assembly of the LORD. No one born of a forbidden marriage nor any of his descendants may enter the assembly of the LORD, even down to the tenth generation.

  • @moniquelashawn8723
    @moniquelashawn8723 16 днів тому +1

    Thanks for this..our church is dealing with this issue right now..and we are saying we are generally cursed…but in listening to this I understand we we taught wrong…so now I am tasked with bringing this up so we will be taught the correct way..good job..God bless you!!!

  • @miltonwright2772
    @miltonwright2772 18 днів тому

    Ephesians 4:25-27 KJV wherefore putting away lying, speak every man the truth with his neighbor:for we are members one of another. 26 Be ye angry, and sin not :let not the sun go down upon your wrath: 27 Neither give place to the devil.

  • @rafaelo2215
    @rafaelo2215 19 днів тому

    do not twist paul words ... the curse of the law that paul is referring to is the law that was alongside of the ark of the covenant ... not the law that was inside the covenant ... the 10 commandment is for all man to fulfill or as paul say... to establish in roman 3:31 ... jesus also said that if you love him keep my commandment because jesus commandments is the father commandments ... without the commandment you can not receive grace ... the faith of jesus is about loving the father obeying his commandments ... this is what jesus and paul is teaching about grace ...Exod 20:6 (KJV)
    And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

  • @lovelym6565
    @lovelym6565 7 днів тому

    Ooh wee! These folks need to keep their mouths closed and dont need a platform spreading this stuff smh. Good job bro C!

  • @nyegrant
    @nyegrant 15 днів тому

    The generational curse that WAS spoke on my family when one member dies 2 more will. Always 3. I trul beleive the blood of Jesus broke that curse. I was allowed to see the curse with my own eyes for generations. I also was allowed to see it broken. Just because it didnt happen to you doesn't mean it dont exist.

  • @thandombatha8242
    @thandombatha8242 15 днів тому

    In the nation i come from i see Deuteronomy 30:19 live. The sins of fathers being passed because there are demonic alters kept in the homes, where goats are presented to those alters and then slaughtered as a sacrifice. These alters keep generation curses in the bloodline.
    The deception is so deep because most families “believe” in Christ. I come from that from both paternal and maternal family. Both pray and call upon God in these alters but through ancestors

  • @dorianjohnson8480
    @dorianjohnson8480 13 днів тому

    The disciples also asked to called down fire from heaven to burn people who didn’t believe. 😂 He reaching. Durag dude is a reminder that we need to be in the word. Cause he kicking straight heresy.

  • @ThecrosseyedTexan
    @ThecrosseyedTexan 20 днів тому +1

    So many of these people so many of these people on UA-cam and other formats do not lay down a foundation of scripture to build their theology0 paradigms on. He is not expositing scripture and keeping things in context He's just saying stuff.

  • @cartierlafayette8369
    @cartierlafayette8369 20 днів тому +1

    😮😮Man sometimes I like this dude sometimes I don't a good 80% of the time he seems like a hater and Unapologetic of how his tongue comes off and he said it plenty of times and he doesn't care if he comes off as brash just take what I'm going to say and deal with it I might just have to unsubscribe because that sort of teaching gets nowhere for some people. I do remember the Bible saying be as gentle as doves and as wise as serpents in corey minors case he doesn't give a a care and why should he care but yeah I think after today I'm going to unsubscribe I used to like him but I agree with many people say that he is just a jerk that wants to bash you over the head with the Bible

  • @indriadrayton1132
    @indriadrayton1132 19 днів тому

    Was the woman bent over a Christian to have a spirit of infirmity? Or did she accept Jesus as her Lord and Saviour as a result of her healing by Him? It is an insult to God to say a demon could take over a Christian. You can be harassed, buffeted, and targeted but not possessed by a demon if you are a Christian.

  • @dorianjohnson8480
    @dorianjohnson8480 13 днів тому

    His theology falls apart by saying the parents are the reason their kids fall apart when you apply it from the opposite angle. So if people raise their kids in the ways of the faith, we should be 100% assured that the child will be a Christian. We know that’s not the case. 😂

  • @allenkinng580
    @allenkinng580 16 днів тому

    Romans 5:12 Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man ...
    Sin came into the world through one man, and his sin brought death with it. As a result, death has spread to the whole human race because everyone has sinned

  • @realitsokay
    @realitsokay 13 днів тому

    You don't think use getting the concewence of sin from Adam isn't a generational curse? That we have to break ourselves by finding out faith with The most high?

    @bDISCERNING 19 днів тому +1

    It’s not generational curses. It’s generational learned behavior! There’s a difference.

  • @MikeOlly-ev5ku
    @MikeOlly-ev5ku 17 днів тому

    May God help Abednego see the errors in His believes. First and only time i watched his content he condemned the pentecostal church i came to faith in, calling it satanic. He was too quick to judge a tradition he knows nothing about.

  • @dorianjohnson8480
    @dorianjohnson8480 13 днів тому

    The disciples also asked to called down fire from heaven to burn people who didn’t believe. 😂 He reaching.

  • @beatricemiller1809
    @beatricemiller1809 20 днів тому

    Lol He blocked me about 4 months or so ago when I kept on posting scriptures showing that he was wrong in some of his teachings. It's fine to disagree but then to stop other people from seeing what the scripture actually says is where I get suspect of peoples motives. So since he didn't want others to see the scriptures I have come to the conclusion despite what he says he doesn't really want people to know the scriptures only what he teaches. Therefore anyone like that is seeking followers of themselves not making followers of Christ. So welcome to the blocked club lol.

  • @savannalane838
    @savannalane838 19 днів тому

    So biblically instead of generational curses to speak to the instances a child is affected by the parents sins OR similar struggles we should call it generational consequences or generational cycles instead of generational curse because I'm see here the term "generational curse" to communicate sicknesses or effects passed down also effecting the children causes confusion. I see now. Well that's an easy adjustment to make

  • @Lifesjustthatsimple
    @Lifesjustthatsimple 17 днів тому

    Demons ?
    Now there are spirits that can be in a family or person . Spirits of lust or addiction ; those spirits came from the fall of Lucifer from heaven . When he fell with those spirits on to earth , it spread far and wide . That’s scriptural but not so much generation curses .

  • @ronaldisom1922
    @ronaldisom1922 17 днів тому

    Keep on refuting those individuals that really don’t care what the scriptures says/ mean. They just want to hold on to their church doctrine which is flawed, they are caught in generational doctrine and refuse to embrace the pure word of God that’s able to rescue their soul from deceit

  • @ronaldisom1922
    @ronaldisom1922 17 днів тому

    Keep on refuting those individuals that really don’t care what the scriptures says/ mean. They just want to hold on to their church doctrine which is flawed, they are caught in generational doctrine and refuse to embrace the pure word of God that’s able to rescue their soul from deceit

  • @vintagetosowingtime
    @vintagetosowingtime 20 днів тому

    Corey, I believe in generational curses, I believe Jesus does also. That's the reason why he was not shocked: neither did he give a stun rebuke when the question was asked of him in John 9:1-2 he simply said it was for the work of God. Jesus would not have left him in his error without a lesson.
    Medicine confirms generational curse also. It refers to it as predisposition. Every time I go to a new doctor, I am always asked if there is diabetes, hypotension, cancer, or allergies in my bloodline. Now Corey, you seemed discombobulated by the term "legal right." Find it in Pro 26:2. No curse without a cause. If a spiritual door is not opened in your life through sin, it doesn't matter what anyone does (eg. Witchcraft) it will not afflict you. The only thing that can break a family curse is the blood of Jesus. So the text 1 John 4:4 & Gal 3:13 is the security of broken curses for those in Christ Jesus. I have seen family curses that claim the life of, for example, a specific gender, age, and by the same ailment in the family. 2 kings 22:15-20 speak to this also.

  • @themessenger2455
    @themessenger2455 15 днів тому

    I had to tell a sister the same thing a few weeks ago. She was having one issue after another and blamed it in generational curses. No such thing under the new Covenant. Some people won't be told.

  • @ShannonParks-w2k
    @ShannonParks-w2k 11 днів тому

    Its common sense for example if a tall man marries a short woman but he wants all his children to be tall he made a choice and out his kids height at risk because of the womans genetics his kids may be short he put a generational curse on his bloodline height by the choice he made by marrying a short woman

  • @ronniefaire5229
    @ronniefaire5229 16 днів тому

    John 9:2-3 blows his argument completely out of the water in my mind. Case closed 😂

  • @DaChristianYute
    @DaChristianYute 20 днів тому

    He made another video, it seems he deletes all comment that are against and only leaves the ones that trash Corey and said he’s not in the Spirit or had an encounter with God and guess what? There are zero Bible verses for anything anyone there just talking about their feelings.

  • @ministerrcg
    @ministerrcg 20 днів тому +1

    Would you agree the only true generational curse is the one that was passed down from Adam to every generation. Everyone who was born in the image of Adam, is under that curse until they are saved and have been reborn in the image of Christ.

  • @jaybrown2849
    @jaybrown2849 19 днів тому

    I feel that Abednego is building his online ministry off Kevin Ewing teachings, it makes me think if he is really cut out for this?

  • @allenkinng580
    @allenkinng580 16 днів тому

    “The fathers have eaten sour grapes and the children's teeth are set on edge” is a proverb that appears in the Bible in Jeremiah 31:29. It has

  • @silaschaap9862
    @silaschaap9862 20 днів тому +2

    I used to go relatively often on Abendagos Livestream when I was into the Charismatic Movement but normally no One will get blocked there I can say!!!! I think he told us one Day that in his Fathers Side, was a lot of Witchcraft so can be that hes a little bit obsessed with that but am not totally sure! I also noticed that when you were invited on this Live with Pegani, Abendago, Marcus, JP, another Brother and Mike that Abendago looked a little bit up to Mike!!!! So this,comes out of a Place of worry Anendago

    • @onesshot5818
      @onesshot5818 20 днів тому

      His mother passed away, and before she died, she had a dream in which her sister was saying goodbye to her. God revealed to Abednego that she was a witch, and when he confronted her on WhatsApp, she replied, "No one can stop me." This confirmed that God had truly revealed these things to him.

    • @onesshot5818
      @onesshot5818 20 днів тому +2

      His mother truly passed away; this is not a matter of superstition.

    • @silaschaap9862
      @silaschaap9862 20 днів тому

      @@onesshot5818 yes I remember he mentioned that

  • @eselamiafegbua78
    @eselamiafegbua78 17 днів тому

    Pls be wary of Abednego. As passionate as he may seem,he’s almost the same as the ones he calls out. I pray he repents.

  • @gloomcookie
    @gloomcookie 20 днів тому +1

    Thank you for your service to the Lord, Brother.

  • @lovelym6565
    @lovelym6565 7 днів тому

    Man wow! This was on my heart last night. Thank you Lord! ❤

  • @TheTrumpReaper
    @TheTrumpReaper 20 днів тому +2

    Pardon the off-topic comment, but I feel bad for any 21st century dude named Abednego. Meshach you can get away with, but Abednego sounds like 1500 BC. 😳

    • @TribeofLevi0404
      @TribeofLevi0404 20 днів тому

      @@thematrix3663 so what if African parents chose his name . What does his name got to do with anything??

    • @MrVIP1993
      @MrVIP1993 20 днів тому +1

      @@TribeofLevi0404 Is that a serious question? Do you not know that names have meaning?

    • @TribeofLevi0404
      @TribeofLevi0404 20 днів тому

      @@MrVIP1993 His parents gave him that name and the person I was replying specifically said his “African parents” gave him that name. So what If they did.?
      My issue is with this person who trying to look down on his parents “African parents”. You think I don’t know that names have meanings??.

    • @MrVIP1993
      @MrVIP1993 20 днів тому

      @@TribeofLevi0404 Ohh I see, apologies, I don’t see the comment you replied to. I think it might be deleted.

    • @TribeofLevi0404
      @TribeofLevi0404 20 днів тому

      @@MrVIP1993 Yes it was deleted. The person said “he’s African parents “ that’s the part I didn’t like. I don’t think it was of good taste.

  • @arontekle1126
    @arontekle1126 5 днів тому

    Thanks Corey for exposing this UA-cam prophets

  • @ronniefaire5229
    @ronniefaire5229 16 днів тому

    He didn’t even finish the verse just so he could make his point 😢😂😂😂

  • @1966marmar
    @1966marmar 19 днів тому

    This curse garbage is just another means to increase tithes offerings and “seeds”

  • @biggareid
    @biggareid 6 днів тому

    Is there a happy medium that validates both ideologies?

  • @massielgarcia2357
    @massielgarcia2357 19 днів тому

    What you mean you don’t know why you are blocked??😂😂

  • @jamaicahampton4818
    @jamaicahampton4818 20 днів тому +1

    Corey what do you think about truth unedited videos?

  • @created_by_the_divine_83
    @created_by_the_divine_83 20 днів тому

    I laughed through this whole video😂... is he really a prophet 🤔

  • @papabearzion
    @papabearzion 3 дні тому

    Did Abednego repent of his false doctrine?

  • @NaaSydnia
    @NaaSydnia 20 днів тому +1

    Thank you for covering this. No matter how often I tell other Christians this does not exist, they won't let it go. QUESTION: Brother Corey, can you cover Paul's affliction? If another person tells me that he was tormented by a demon, I will scream. I have also had people tell me it was an emotional affliction or a person. I explained that it is physical because that is what the scripture says 2 Corinthians 12:7. I note that Paul was blinded on the way to Damascus Acts 9:7-14, Galatians 4:15, and Galatians 6:11-18. Am I wrong? I have a channel, and I don't want to tell people wrong.

    • @brittybee6615
      @brittybee6615 20 днів тому

      @@NaaSydnia I know it says the thorn was in the flesh, but Paul uses the word flesh in figurative ways sometimes. See if you can find article “Flesh” (Sarx) in Paul’s Epistles that outlines different ways the word is used. (Sarx is the Greek word that is translated as flesh.)
      Here’s the Mathew Henry Commentary on that chapter, if it helps:
      The apostle gives an account of the method God took to keep him humble, and to prevent his being lifted up above measure, on account of the visions and revelations he had. We are not told what this thorn in the flesh was, whether some great trouble, or some great temptation. But God often brings this good out of evil, that the reproaches of our enemies help to hide pride from us. If God loves us, he will keep us from being exalted above measure; and spiritual burdens are ordered to cure spiritual pride. This thorn in the flesh is said to be a messenger of Satan which he sent for evil; but God designed it, and overruled it for good. Prayer is a salve for every sore, a remedy for every malady; and when we are afflicted with thorns in the flesh, we should give ourselves to prayer. If an answer be not given to the first prayer, nor to the second, we are to continue praying. Troubles are sent to teach us to pray; and are continued, to teach us to continue instant in prayer. Though God accepts the prayer of faith, yet he does not always give what is asked for: as he sometimes grants in wrath, so he sometimes denies in love. When God does not take away our troubles and temptations, yet, if he gives grace enough for us, we have no reason to complain. Grace signifies the goodwill of God towards us, and that is enough to enlighten and enliven us, sufficient to strengthen and comfort in all afflictions and distresses. His strength is made perfect in our weakness. Thus his grace is manifested and magnified. When we are weak in ourselves, then we are strong in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ; when we feel that we are weak in ourselves, then we go to Christ, receive strength from him, and enjoy most the supplies of Divine strength and grace.