Swahili of Somalis - Kiswahili cha Somali (Chimwiini, Kibajuni)

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024
  • Somalia, (kwa Kisomali: Soomaaliya), ambayo inajulikana rasmi kama Jamhuri ya Shirikisho ya Somalia, ni nchi kwenye pwani ya Afrika ya Mashariki katika Pembe ya Afrika.
    Kijiografia, imezungukwa upande wa kaskazini-mashariki na Ethiopia na Jibuti, na upande wa magharibi ya kati na Kenya; Ghuba ya Aden nayo iko mashariki.
    Mji mkuu na mji mkubwa zaidi ni Mogadishu (wakazi 2,120,000).
    Lugha inayotumika ni Chimwiini na kibajuni
    Wabajuni ni kabila la watu wanaoishi hasa katika visiwa vya Bajuni na sehemu za pwani za jirani upande wa bara kati ya Kismayo (Somalia) na Mombasa (Kenya)[3][4].
    Asili yao ni mchanganyiko wa Wakhoisan na Wabantu, lakini pia Waarabu, Waajemi, Wasomali[3] na hata Waindonesia.[5]
    Lugha yao ni Kibajuni, lahaja ya Kiswahili.
    Upande wa dini ni Waislamu[6].
    Bravanese, also called Chimwiini (ChiMwini, Mwiini, Mwini) or Chimbalazi[3] is a variety of Swahili spoken by the Bravanese people, who are the predominant inhabitants of Barawa, or Brava, in Somalia.[4] Maho (2009) considers it a distinct dialect. It is classified as a Northern Dialect of Swahili.[5]
    Due to the ongoing Somali Civil War, most speakers have left the region and are scattered throughout the world in ex-refugee immigrant communities in places such as Columbus and Atlanta in the United States, London and Manchester in the United Kingdom, and Mombasa, Kenya.[6] Ethnologue classifies its language status in Somalia as developing.[7]
    Bravanese may have once served as a regional lingua franca due to the key coastal location of Barawa. One piece of linguistic evidence for this comes from morphological reduction. For example, it has a three-way tense system, which is simpler than that of neighboring Bantu dialects historically spoken in Somalia.[5]
    Bajuni (Kibajuni), also known as Tikulu (Tikuu), is a variety of Swahili spoken by the Bajuni people who inhabit the tiny Bajuni Islands and coastal Kenya, in addition to parts of southern Somalia, where they constitute a minority ethnic group.[2][3] Maho (2009) considers it a distinct dialect. Nurse & Hinnebusch (1993) classify it as a Northern Dialect of Swahili.