Wow… you kids are slowly being indoctrinated by right wingers. Now they got you watching pro Tucker Carlson videos??!! I mean this guy is a known white supremacist who spent years spreading misinformation and BS on Fox News…
Well, when the left became the side of Big Government and totaltarinsim, it wasn't shocking, they either can't grasp the historical irony of saying only the government should have firearms, and defend you, or think they can try and take advantage of it to abuse people.
Agreed, but we shouldn't wish for any of our leaders to fail us. That's like wanting the bus driver to crash on the bus your riding on just because you don't like him. I think Biden only told the truth once to us for sure. When he said they were in a war for the soul of the country. I think he's on the side of evil. Everything he stands for perverts something of God. That's what Satan does and so does his minions. We should us every legal means to remove him first. But also remember the power of prayer. We need to pray for our country, and to pray for what you would wish done to you as well. Because we get what we ask for.
How dare you use the words of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. to support your agenda! More brainwashing from the right. Watch some of Tucker Carlson's typical news comentary, not this nursery they have made about him. He's not a good person and says the most vile things on his show. I'm so sad to see you guys believing this crap!!
I'm still shocked seeing the video of the victims from the Outlet Mall in Allen yesterday. How and why would someone stroll over to 7 dead and casually video tape it???? Evil!! Unless it was a cartel hit to send a message. I live here. I know of another hit ten years ago in the wealthiest area of N. Texas. Man got mowed down with his wife in the car, 100 ft from the courthouse. Middle of the day, 15 yr old son was 20ft away shopping for tennis shoes. But hey, our border is secure so nothing to see here...
Even worse, they VIDEO RECORD CRIME for financial gain! You should be convicted of the same crime as the perpetrator if you record it and post it for monetary gain!
He's a firefighter, he is a public servant. To protect and to serve. This is like a cop putting out a fire before the fire department can respond because they just happen to be on scene. He's a red blooded American doing what is right. What he believed in his heart to be the protection of his fellow Americans and to defend his city. County, state, country from injustice. Man needs a hero's funeral and a damn pat on the casket.
@@ginny798x5yeah, they dropped the ball on this one. You KNOW when someone is going to there car to get something or if they are just going to leave. They also should actually watch the video so they can see for themselves instead of arguing about scenarios they are making up.
Did you hear about that cop who flipped a lady's car for "not pulling over fast enough" and was all casual about the fact that she was pregnant and upside down while lecturing her about it. Dude could have just performed an abortion via pit maneuver and these right-wing bootleggers would still be kissing cheeks. Things aren't always black and white; something to consider. *tips hat*
Right, the law should apply equally to all, even if you are a president or ex president. Unfortunately, the rich usually are able to usurp the law without consequences compared to everyone else.
It's called survival. That's why a lot of stores have no chase policies. They are valuing the lives of people over the materials. That's wrong?! Heh... Ralph voice: *I'm in danger*
Well the criminal in that case could have got in his car locked the door and driven off , not reached in and brought out a gun - the same argument but no they insist he was just defending himself - double standards - also note how very little attention to the fact that a convicted criminal had an illegal gun - which is a crime in itself.
@@anthonyjames2021 On the flip side you have police pepper spraying and ripping out an active member of the military at gun point simply because he pulled over at a safe location and not where they wanted him to. That is not a crime. They escalated the situation unnecessarily and for what legal or safety purpose? It's all quite simple, yet petty factionalism and the incessant need by *some* to skew situations from the logical data of the situation being observed towards a more suitable depiction of the scenario in order to profit their personal agenda and not that of the collective benefit.
@@ivankawnartist let's talk about intent of the guy going to get a gun out of his car, obviously to Go back in the store and hurt the clerk. Everyone is Missing that point. Yes, the fireman could have stayed inside and locked the door and while waiting for police, the guy would have shot through the doors/ windows to get in and killed both of them out of obvious Anger. You don't go to the car and get a gun if you don't intend to go back inside!! The fireman's intuition was exactly what he thought it was- the guy intended to get the gun to cause further harm and terror. Then he gave the gun to girlfriend to intend to kill the firemen. The fireman didn't have a weapon and wouldn't have grabbed him if he wasn't going for a Gun.
I'm so happy to see younger people looking at Tucker and his news and thoughtfully going through the news and not jumping to conclusions on any topic. Gives me hope for the next generation.
The one thing we always have to remember, people who want to do bad things, will find a way to do bad things. Taking guns away from law-abiding citizens leaves sheep for the monsters that walk amongst us.
I know the rest of the western world doesn’t exist in the minds of you dopey sepo’s. But I assure we do and our existence and laws prove that all your arguments are wrong. No one else in the world agrees with you and no one else in the world has your problem’s
This is definitely true. In Japan with its 99% conviction rate for major crimes like violent crimes, tight anti-gun laws and implementation of policing, that "few bad apples" these guys are talking about who would've been doing mass shootings if they were in the US are doing "mass stabbings" and "mass chemical attacks" instead to the public. And when these happen, nobody can stop them from a safe distance. I definitely wouldn't want to get caught up in any where close to some chemical attack because there's pretty much no way of defending yourself against that.
The fireman was UNARMED as he followed him to the vehicle. The fireman did not put him in a choke hold until the bad guy grabbed a gun. The hell raiser who grabbed a gun is the one who should have left the scene.
Yea, I thought the guy told them he was going to come back and shoot them. So what does a person do in that situation? Call the police and be laying there shot along with the clerk when they finally show up, or follow the guy out to either make sure he leaves or stop him if he actually has a weapon?
"Lock the doors!" OK you mean the glass window door? I like all these guys because it shows you just how different people can think and still be a good person.
You can't use legislation to eliminate evil. Criminals don't care about how many laws you create. If someone is willing to murder, they'll be willing to break any other law on the books.
Actually you can use legislation to contain evil. It's called laws, courts, jails and prisons. What can be done is to PREVENT the type of random KILLINGS we're experiencing now.
Exactly the same story up here in Canada, smh... criminals have all the rights while our government keeps undermining it's law abiding and productive citizens
They’re doing it right now, just to get their communist government and then when the Democrat communist take total power, then they will throw every criminal. They’ve allowed to run wound into jail.
You guys are awesome. I am a high school teacher in Richmond, Virginia. I have showed many of my students your videos. It’s always wonderful when young men see other young men speaking truth if it comes from anyone else, it typically doesn’t resonate. Thank you for doing what you do.
you seem like a teacher i wouldve benefited from. i really appreciate a teacher like you who really wants to make an impact on the kids. I wish you nothing but the best in and out of class!
I am of a different generation, I am probably your parents age. I enjoy that you are all willing to have a conversation about real topics. I recently stumbled on your channel and now I watch daily. I am 50 years old and have great respect for the channel converting all topics. It's not about right wing, left wing you all are willing to watch something, discuss, have different views. Love it.
My main takeaway from this video is: It doesn't matter which side you are on, more questions need to be asked. The real issue is the silencing of inquiry.
charges against Jose Alba we dropped once the public found out what was being done to him and raised a huge outcry. Alvin Bragg was the prosecutor overseeing his harassment, btw.
I appreciate this reaction. I appreciate open minds and honest opinions. This video opened a conversation within yourselves and that’s what we need, normal conversation between regular citizens. Good on you guys. 😊
Absolutely. Like they were saying, you don’t have to pick a side. You don’t have to go with what everyone says because you agree more with one side than the other. People don’t understand how important it is to stay true to yourself.
@@Anna_M96 Yeah, i'll never understand how so many people are one or the other and there's absolutely no middle ground. Middle ground is where unity trives.
I'm on the side that is for not killing innocent babies I will not vote for a president who is for abortion so if I am being one-sided so be it I go by What God Says and do not tell me a baby is a clump of cells up to one point that baby is a baby at conception when you go to a doctor he says you are pregnant he does not say you have a clump of cells it's common sense no more killing God's beautiful children
When someone threatens your life, threatens someone you love, steals from you, it will fill you with righteous indignation. If you don't act, you allow the criminal to do as they will at the cost of your safety and others around you. If you do act, you risk going to prison for defending yourself too much in a live or die situation. I'd rather be judge by 12 than carried by 6. But these District Attorneys just expect us to lie down and die. It's insane.
It’s been said a ton, on many of your videos, but worth saying again. It is beyond amazing that a group of young friends sit around and discuss hard different things that also challenge their upbringing. I am here for it!
They are providing a social educational service. Thanks,again!! Keep it going! We are not divided as far as the media keeps telling us. I could record me and my buddies having these same exact discussions and you would think it’s a “re-creation”! …. Except you’re young, we’re old, your black, and were white… …and yet we’re an awful lot alike. Remember what Vivek says. It’s not about politics or race. It’s about being pro-American!
I just started watching you guys last week and y’all are awesome! To many people are scared to to talk about a lot of things that we need to talk about. Thank you for being among the few that choose to dig for the truth and talk with genuine conversation to educate and enlighten the people.
I so appreciate how open minded you guys are. I tell my sons all of the time, do your own research. Don't let anyone tell you how to think. Do a deep dive on the most important topics, and make up your own mind based on real facts. I see you guys doing that, and it thrills my Momma Bear heart. ❤
Doing research doesn't mean just watching the same thing that confirm your bias. Listen to the other side too and really understand. Cultivate a critical sceptical outlook when listening to view points, whatever side that is.
True, once the guy had a gun they would have been fish in a barrel. And he may have threatened them with a gun when he ran out. From what it sounded like, the firefighter knew about the gun when he chased after him. He's still a hero, the female store clerk is alive today through his actions.
It's not that difficult a case. A firefighter will have situational awareness, because they have to in their line of work. That's what their mind is constantly training on when they get to work. When you see an aggressive person and they appear irrational to the point where they are asked to leave, and you see them not just angrily storm out, but sprint straight to their car, you can imagine the red flags being waved in that firefighters mind. And he was right. Regardless of the situation, it was clear what the intent of this person was and to say it was self-defense is a terrible excuse. For Christ's sake, he was shot *in the back.* They didn't tell him to let him go, and he started running to the car with a clear goal in mind before he was even being chased. It wasn't a reaction, it was action. He was the instigator, clear as day.
One of the most basic human rights is the right of self defense. What we've seen in these clips is not "right or left" it is basic common sense. The best way to judge these things is to imagine yourself in that position and to decide what you would think is the right thing to do. Justice is precious and we're losing it. We live in a two tier justice system that is broken
I noticed you said “one of the most basic human rights” which I appreciate. Tucker said “the most basic right” as if clean air and water are 18th and 19th on the list.
@@UniversalMokenTroll Its interesting tho, could you uphold the 18th and 19th if you weren't able to defend yourself from tyrants trying to revoke them?
If you're arguing with someone, and they quickly run to their car, that's kind of a universal sign that they are getting a weapon. And the idea of being able to just "leave the scene" when someone who means you harm has a firearm, much easier said than done. It's hard to outrun a bullet, and the idea that a Firefighter who is standing up for someone in his community should run away from a...well a Thug in the streets, that kind of feels like a losing argument for our whole society.
When he said the cops would say he should have just left, my first thought was, "yeah, and if he had what would of happened to the gas station attendant?" I couldn't imagine being that firefighter, leaving because I'm too scared to stop this guy then seeing on the news, "Breaking news! Gas station attendant shot and killed for not carrying a certain type of cigar." The guilt that guy would have felt for the rest of his life.
Glad to see young folks for having open minds and thinking critically. Good rule in life is question, research everything and make decisions based off critical thinking.
I love the fact that you guys all sit around and actually critically think about these topics and challenge one another on each other's points. We need more of this, and I applaud you guys for not just going with whatever is deemed "right" or "politically correct".
Very verrrry proud of ALL of you for having different viewpoints but having an intelligent conversation before coming to a conclusion...could teach politicians!!!
My young brothers as a Mexican American living California I am very proud of you for keeping an open mind and learning everyday about modern day issues and see what is going on around you. Keep making these videos and educate and correct others around you. God bless.
My mom Mexican my dad(RIP) Colombian but I'm from here and I feel the same way its refreshing when ppl no matter the race starts seeing thru the racial divide bs
For the argument that the fireman shouldn't have followed the guy into the parking lot, firemen don't run from danger, they run into it, to protect everyone else. That's courage.
When "the law" only prosecutes conservatives and ppl who fight back against criminals how can you say it's not about left or right? That's the main driving force.
@@ajones4628 I think it's just common sense on the right IMO 😂. Everything I agree with as a conservative, ppl I talk to will agree until they realize something I said is for sure not a democrat thing, then they automatically turn into a bias demon 😈
I believe there is no such thing as overkill when defending yourself against a violent person who won't think twice about mag-dumping into you and then robbing or raping your dead corpse.
In Scotland, you can only use as much force to defend yourself as is being used against you. You legit have to give your attacker a fighting chance lmao fucking insane.
It’s good to see people openly discussing politics and relevant news. This should be done more often, by everyone. We should all make the effort to get informed and share and discuss.
This is my favorite channel. I love seeing young people learn and discuss. Don’t let anybody tell you what to think. Listen, watch, learn, and then make up your minds. Remember, there are many that do not want you to have the opportunity to see all sides.
the number one rule in survival is make sure whatever is threatening your life or the lives of those around you ceases to exist. thats why in the horror movies when a girl slams a heavy object over the intruder's head and then tries to run away, she always gets killed. she needs to keep hitting him until he cannot get up. so yeah, shoot the enemy until their dead, or you might regret it.
Drives me nuts but gotta keep the suspense up to keep it interesting, the movie would be over pretty quick if someone just did a mag dump into Ghostface and then shot him in the head without a bunch of dumb stuff to give him a chance. Just wish people would stop thinking everything works as it does in movies, that's infuriating.
Right? If I hear another politician say that cops should just shoot the gun out of the perps hand or shoot them in the leg then I'll start a a petition that any legislator who feels that way need to do ride alongs and at least a week of police training.
I love you guys. You have the most respectable open minds. I think you have a lot of discerning intuition and the guts to agree with truth no matter who the mainstream media hates. Big respect.
It would've taken the thug seconds to get to his car and come back in and shoot. No time to call police or run or get in your car. The firefighters only chance was to follow him and try and get the gun. You guys are great and thank you for being educated and not following blindly like so many do.
Agree, the initial guy was hearing the shop clerk, he was getting gun to threaten the firefighter and clerk, if they waited for him to get his gun and return ... What did you think would happen. His response of running to get a guy informs us his response was overstated and both of those people would be dead or traumatized...
It was not his only chance. He could have left and removed himself from the situation. He didn't. He followed the guy outside and then to his vehicle. He ensured that the situation escalated. You have no idea what would have happened had he either stayed in the store or tried to leave but following him to his car basically guaranteed that the gun came into play. And the firefighter wasn't just trying to restrain the dude until police arrived. He was actively fighting him. The girlfriend had the gun for a long time and didn't use it until the firefighter would not stop choking him. He had him in a choke, she was pleading with him to let the choke go. She wasn't wanting him to let her man go altogether, just not to kill him right there on the spot. He refused to let go of the choke and it was only then that he was shot. Once. The police didn't charge her solely because of the actions of the firefighter that led to her pulling the trigger. This country has a gun problem and it has an anger and ego problem as well. There's so many people that would still be alive if they just walked away rather than giving in to their anger or their ego. This firefighter is probably one of them but we'll never know.
So true. You should try to find Dan Bonginos' account of when someone broke into his home. With all his training, (NYPD, Sec. Serv.) he still thanked God that he didn't wake up and go downstairs. He would've changed his life and his family's. I think when you understand that, you're on the right path.
Yup.. once you learn about operation mockingbird ,the patents & research on "tela vision programming". The real history of "news". And that is was ALWAYS propoganda, with part truth. Only approved stuff can be printed. Those who got too close to truth, on certain subjects got eliminated. Nothing has changed, except to get worse. With. Obama signing the smith-mundt modernization act, making it LEGAL to propogandize & lie to Americans,it obviously got way worse. Use different search engines, archive sites, old printed stuff, you will be amazed what has been "edited", or just erased. Smh
Man I love the open dialogue. Nobody shutting the other one down cause of differing opinions. That’s how it’s supposed to work. Keep it up,keep talking,keep thinking. Great job guys.
Fun Fact: The man who came up with the idea that every doctor should wash his hands was ridiculed for this by his fellow doctors. They didn't know why newborns and mothers get sick after they come after an autopsy, for example. The "village idiot" is sometimes right.
It was a Red Cross nurse that introduced basic hygiene and the use of soap to Doctors and hospitals. She was a war veteran and no idiot. Her name was Florence Nightingale.
The dude with the extended clip was going back into that store and shoot that clerk. It happens all the time here In MISSOURI , I am retired firemn of 22 years and that is a thing you can't take out of us, we protect folks all the time and I would had done the same thing .
This is why we need more mental health facilities. In my area which has a lot of drug addiction n mental problems we have one small facilities for a huge area. You practically have to be planning or in the process of doing something to harm yourself or others. So bad mental problems aren’t enough to get in. I get why they closed em, people were treated horrible but there needs to be more available help for people who need it.
This clip landed in my UA-cam feed today. I thought “what the hay, I’ll check these guys out and see what they think about Tucker.” While Tucker’s clip inspired your conversation, it wasn’t really about him, rather a dialogue about firearms, specific situations, gun legislation, & the trappings of political ideologies. It was cool to listen in on young men having a smart, thoughtful, reasoned exchange of ideas & initial thoughts, and the reconsidering of first takes. Thank you gentlemen! I subscribed and look forward to watching you in future clips.
Here in Australia we introduced tougher gun laws in 1996. Since then massacres involving guns as a whole has reduced (still have occurred though) but we have seen increases in massacres involving knifes, arson and motor vehicles. The reasoning for our tougher laws was at first sold as a way to remove guns from criminals and gun crime, when this was shown to be false it was sold to end mass shootings, and now that this is not true they now sell it by stating the tougher gun laws have reduced the number of people killed in gun massacres. Another fun fact is both the police, pro and anti gun lobbyists all agree that there are more guns in Australia now, both legal and illegal than there was before the introduction of tougher gun laws in 1996
In that moment in the Houston story, I can't imagine being in that position and the adrenaline you would be experiencing. You selflessly defend everyone and end up with a death on your hands and having to stop your entire life while detained, on trial, facing murder charges. Crazy. He is a hero.
I live literally 2 mins from that taqueria in Houston ... I dont agree that he should have overkill the perp.. but the perp wouldn't be dead if he didn't decide to rob the place.... I dont think he should be charged with anything. But we have a black mayor so they gonna pander... and the criminals that are black know this so they feel like there's no consequences. I guarantee you if that robber was White or Latino Quannel X and them wouldn't have gave 2 fcks...
@captaincrooch3821 yes, good point too. Have to hope the justice system does it's job but in the meantime his life is on hold, job on hold, family, everything on hold and the bills don't go on hold. Hopefully go fund me doesn't block contributions to his cause.
Don't worry about the people who tell you that you are indoctrinated and right wing. Don't worry about what anyone thinks. You gentlemen are bringing up topics that you and your subscribers think are interesting, and you give your personal views. If people can't handle that in a FREE SOCIETY then that is their problem.
Tucker is a constitutionalist, meaning he believes in the rights given to us by the U S. Constitution. It's crazy how this is conceived as right wing, even "extreme" right wing. It's mind control as outlined in the book 1984.
He is a white supremacist who constantly spews about white genocide. Love how you act like people are unreasonably saying that he isn’t extreme when he perpetuates white supremacist rhetoric.
When the man pulled his gun from his car, it is easy to believe that his intention was to return to the store and threaten the fireman and clerk. The fireman likely believed that the clerk was in danger. He is the hero for caring about another’s life.
@@jennyfelix9921 Recording events is gathering evidence. Do you expect someone incapable of lending any actual assistance to just walk by or stand there with their dick in their hand? They're doing what they can. By you logic security cameras are useless, as they're not actually preventing anything and just recording. Smh.
Right i get it you like that man with a gun to be a cop right?...the cops should be the only people with guns the cops are the best and most trusting your all about the government controlling you at gunpoint...that " 1 man with a gun" is the can give up your god given right to defend yourself but dont you dare tell me to giv up mine..this is america..the government didnt give the right to bare arms GOD did ..
Love what you guys are doing on your channel. More people need to see diverse views. Hopefully, it will help promote more people to talk with each other. Mental health is a huge component to many of our problems.
The problem with the mental health system because my degrees are in psychology is that in the 70s and 80s if you were crazy they would take you to a mental hospital they’ve shut all these mental hospitals down there is nowhere for the crazy people to go and get help! There are plenty of people with master degrees and PhD’s in psychology that don’t have work simply because there’s no place to work anymore! Love you guys y’all are very smart young men!
Good points. It is a shame that people will read your comment and others like it and say not everything should be political, but unfortunately these actions and lack of actions that took place were expressly because of politics! Reagan started closing and defunding mental health facilities when he was Gov of California, then he took it National when he became President, and Republicans have taken it further downhill by lack of funding since then to where we are now. Republicans keep saying that all this gun violence is a "mental health issue," yet they keep cutting funding for mental health programs! People keep voting against their own best interests.
I did a paper for my psychiatric nursing rotation on the homeless mentally ill in 1989 as mental health was breaking down. As a teen I would stay at my sisters and go to work with her. She was a MH tech and I was just a volunteer at Cambridge State Hospital in Minnesota. There were a lot of people in there with Downs Syndrome, bipolar and schizophrenia. I don’t think they housed criminally mentally ill. Instead of closing down MH facilities they should have found a better solution for those who were not criminally ill and worked to find a way to care for the more seriously MH and criminally ill. Now they are on the streets with a horrible influx of drugs that impact those who are mentally impaired. Maybe our government has a hand in the drug crisis in the homeless mentally ill community. I wish I’d kept that paper. I know it impressed my professor and I got an A.
@@judistocker1811, GREAT post. When I was in HS, I took a psychology class. We toured the closest Mental Health facility (Fort Supply, OK) to my hometown. There were different units for the severity of mental health residents. The LAST Unit we toured, those individuals were severely mentally deranged. NO one would ever want to encounter any of those residents. Yet, our Governments decided these MH Facilities were a drain on the FINANCIAL system of their COLLECTION of our Tax Paying dollars. Now, here we are in 2023 and we're fighting for our society to get better. But the "TAX SUPPORTED" Governmental System is demanding to make our NATION better by insane domestic policies. Their organized plan of CONTROL (over we TAX PAYING PEASANTS) is to keep us separated in all facets of our lives. For, they see themselves as the Solution (when they're really the PROBLEM). The sooner the majority of we tax paying peasants realize this game of control and UNITE, the sooner we can get control over our Local, State and Federal Political System. Stop using the pigmentation of our skin to separate us and join hands and FORCE our Politicians to work for US (NOT we tax paying peasants working for THEM).
In New York deblasios gave all the funding for the mental health hospitals to his wife's non profit. In San Fran they spend 85+k a year per homeless person to non profits to solve the homeless problem... Liberal non profit corruption has destroyed most social programs nationwide
100% agree. I've brought that up to people, and they look at me like I'm crazy. The deinstitutionalization of this country has done more harm than good. Many of these people end up on the streets or in jail. Yes, conditions were deplorable then, but we live in different times where there could be more oversight.
I'm glad to see you thinking stuff through...neither the Right or the Left is right about everything. We ALL need to be thinking instead of screaming at the other side online.
I always feel like I’m in the room with you guys when I watch your videos, I absolutely love how you all have different points of view and are so respectful of each other.
The fireman was trying to do the right thing. To just walk away to save his own skin, he obviously discerned that the guy was going to get that gun and go back in and shoot the people in the store. Firemen save people's lives everyday all day long. He may not have been a policeman but he is and was a lifesaver.😢😢
George Sitos is a very kind man who became very succthrough honest, honest, hard work. And now hives back to causes and initiatives for free speech and lots of good causes in this Country. Funny how the Right never complains about all the Right Wing, Gentile billionaires who give money to causes on the other side.
@@marygoodson4920he talks himself about how the shit he funds doesn’t work out like he would like. He also destroys economies all over the world. England, USSR, Ukraine, many others. And many countries have banned his organizations from their countries because of the havoc he causes. If you listen to him talk, he is not sorry about the theft and destruction he wrecks. There’s a 60 minutes of him from around 1980 I think. If you want something specific. But there are more.
The conversations you guys have in between the video goes above and beyond the majority of reaction channels so props for that. Not only that, but the conversation itself is extremely interesting and thought provoking. Seriously, good job
I homeschool my 4 kids, 3 different grades (2 are 11 mths apart and in same grade) and my son who is 13 is extremely smart so I've been letting him watch yalls videos on your path to learing more about politics and what is happening in our country. I have found that he is more engaged when seeing more young men and men with whom he can relate to more in understanding such things. I urge my kiddos to question everything and look from all perspectives to gain their own opinions and y'all are of great benefit to not only my kids but to others who watch yalls content. Thank y'all for all y'all do!
Your inclusion of a reaction channel as curricular content has me questioning your skills as an impartial educator. To say nothing of your liberal use of “yalls.”
I love this channel! Again, it's like a barbershop. Whether it's music, other or guys are really intelligent. Keep it up fellas! And Thanks.
In the 1940s, 50s and 60s publish high schools had rifle clubs as an elective. Students could and did bring their rifles to school to practice shooting targets during school hours/elective period. Odd that there were no mass shootings. So what has changed?
You gentlemen are 100% correct. The people are the problem. As a culture, we have lost our way. It's sad. Evil has been allowed to run rampant among us.
it’s actually amazing because it’s obvious that they are curious about learning the truth. It’s incredible to watch them give everything a chance. To hear things and put bias aside to welcome facts and the truth. It’s also nice to see them not being die hard “fans” of either side of the crazy spectrum of politics. They keep level heads and open hearts. Keep it up guys! 👍👍 hopefully you inspire more people to see and hear things through an objective lens instead of just insulting people like others do 😎
@@willnailer2118 the colors have no meaning. They should have chosen ones that would not have any association with politics. And watching videos and thinking oh never heard that, good point, is not an awakening. They have a limited world view
@Chewbacca not really. The journey for all of us starts somewhere. You just have to scratch the surface once before you want to dig for more. Probably why the powers that be are so he'll bent on not giving a platform to those who speak out on things. Does yellow or green pilled sound better ?
You five young men give me hope for my kids’ future. Thank you for having an open mind and for having a discussion! Don’t believe what you are told from one side only. Thank you!💖 #walkaway
I love you guys. You're absolute diamonds.I love the way you discuss things .Keep your minds open to all scenarios.First and foremost keep just being yourselves. Take care and lot's of love from Scotland.
Fire and charge the District Attorneys that keep releasing these criminals over and over again. The violent criminals are not afraid of going to jail/prison.
I just found your guys' Channel today and I think you guys are a wonderful group of young men! I'm so excited to see that you're looking into all of these different topics and just discussing and debating them the way things used to be back when I was growing up. I'm 54 now and there was a time when people used to be able to have opinions, and discussions and agree to disagree while just having the best time with each other without all this radical division. I subscribed to your Channel right now and I look forward to listening to a lot more of your content. By the way, Tucker Carlson has created a lot of very interesting content with a lot of really good interviews. Give him some more time and listen to some of the things that he's done and the people he's interviewed... he has a wide array of work that you would probably find interesting and he's not the horrible person that many try to make him out to be... as you can see he's big on telling truths, and telling too much truth is exactly what ACTUALLY got him removed from Fox, just in case anybody is still equivocating over that. One of the things that I like most about him is that he will admit when he's wrong. For instance, he defended the Iraq War for years and when he realized he was wrong about that, he was not only apologetic to his viewers, but he was deeply ashamed and says he is still to this day because he got it wrong. That's what a real journalist does.
Wow… you kids are slowly being indoctrinated by right wingers. Now they got you watching pro Tucker Carlson videos??!! I mean this guy is a known white supremacist who spent years spreading misinformation and BS on Fox News…
Pin of shame.
Wow just like Tucker said the authoritarian left thought police in action what a 🤡
That’s quite a conspiracy theory there
You are fake news. @cartierfamily Don't let people gas light you. These are lefty tactics 101 to get you to stay in their bubble.
Crazy how talking about self defense is considered “right wing”
exactly this was shared between all of us now its wrong lol
I noticed that
Wild west times were less wild
Well, when the left became the side of Big Government and totaltarinsim, it wasn't shocking, they either can't grasp the historical irony of saying only the government should have firearms, and defend you, or think they can try and take advantage of it to abuse people.
As MLK said, "We may have come on different ships but we are all in the same boat now" United WE stand!!
biden WE FALL!!
Agreed, but we shouldn't wish for any of our leaders to fail us. That's like wanting the bus driver to crash on the bus your riding on just because you don't like him. I think Biden only told the truth once to us for sure. When he said they were in a war for the soul of the country. I think he's on the side of evil. Everything he stands for perverts something of God. That's what Satan does and so does his minions. We should us every legal means to remove him first. But also remember the power of prayer. We need to pray for our country, and to pray for what you would wish done to you as well. Because we get what we ask for.
How dare you use the words of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. to support your agenda! More brainwashing from the right. Watch some of Tucker Carlson's typical news comentary, not this nursery they have made about him. He's not a good person and says the most vile things on his show. I'm so sad to see you guys believing this crap!!
When good men do nothing, evil prevails. Today's society is turning into a spectator society.
I'm still shocked seeing the video of the victims from the Outlet Mall in Allen yesterday. How and why would someone stroll over to 7 dead and casually video tape it???? Evil!! Unless it was a cartel hit to send a message. I live here. I know of another hit ten years ago in the wealthiest area of N. Texas. Man got mowed down with his wife in the car, 100 ft from the courthouse. Middle of the day, 15 yr old son was 20ft away shopping for tennis shoes. But hey, our border is secure so nothing to see here...
Even worse, they VIDEO RECORD CRIME for financial gain! You should be convicted of the same crime as the perpetrator if you record it and post it for monetary gain!
Because if you help someone poor soul that’s in danger the police arrest you!
The fireman in this news account was MURDERED. The evil won!
He's a firefighter, he is a public servant. To protect and to serve. This is like a cop putting out a fire before the fire department can respond because they just happen to be on scene. He's a red blooded American doing what is right. What he believed in his heart to be the protection of his fellow Americans and to defend his city. County, state, country from injustice. Man needs a hero's funeral and a damn pat on the casket.
100% agree - we need more men like him and not run or turn back on others that would be in danger
@@ginny798x5yeah, they dropped the ball on this one. You KNOW when someone is going to there car to get something or if they are just going to leave.
They also should actually watch the video so they can see for themselves instead of arguing about scenarios they are making up.
Amen. Totally agree.
@anthonyfletcher8053 I wonder if there were words indicating that inside the store. I wonder if witnesses commented on that part.
It’s crazy how people are so fast to defend the criminals in these cases.
Did you hear about that cop who flipped a lady's car for "not pulling over fast enough" and was all casual about the fact that she was pregnant and upside down while lecturing her about it. Dude could have just performed an abortion via pit maneuver and these right-wing bootleggers would still be kissing cheeks.
Things aren't always black and white; something to consider. *tips hat*
Right, the law should apply equally to all, even if you are a president or ex president. Unfortunately, the rich usually are able to usurp the law without consequences compared to everyone else.
It’s politically expedient for leftists to defend them.
Exactly. Those would be that of the brainwashed, victimhood or the racists.
I am SO amazed to see people who are NOT afraid to expose themselves to new information.
Isn't it just awful that few people are willing to do this??? Now it is all blind following lemmings who lost the ability to think for themselves.
You mean lies
The only lies that are being told are about TRUMP BEING A RACIST!
Gives me some hope
@@jesspace4069self defense is such lies right?
The firefighter knew he was trying to rob the store and tried to prevent it. Saying “he could have just left” is what’s wrong with society!
It's called survival. That's why a lot of stores have no chase policies. They are valuing the lives of people over the materials. That's wrong?! Heh... Ralph voice: *I'm in danger*
Well the criminal in that case could have got in his car locked the door and driven off , not reached in and brought out a gun - the same argument but no they insist he was just defending himself - double standards - also note how very little attention to the fact that a convicted criminal had an illegal gun - which is a crime in itself.
@@anthonyjames2021 On the flip side you have police pepper spraying and ripping out an active member of the military at gun point simply because he pulled over at a safe location and not where they wanted him to. That is not a crime. They escalated the situation unnecessarily and for what legal or safety purpose? It's all quite simple, yet petty factionalism and the incessant need by *some* to skew situations from the logical data of the situation being observed towards a more suitable depiction of the scenario in order to profit their personal agenda and not that of the collective benefit.
@@ivankawnartist let's talk about intent of the guy going to get a gun out of his car, obviously to Go back in the store and hurt the clerk. Everyone is Missing that point. Yes, the fireman could have stayed inside and locked the door and while waiting for police, the guy would have shot through the doors/ windows to get in and killed both of them out of obvious Anger. You don't go to the car and get a gun if you don't intend to go back inside!! The fireman's intuition was exactly what he thought it was- the guy intended to get the gun to cause further harm and terror. Then he gave the gun to girlfriend to intend to kill the firemen. The fireman didn't have a weapon and wouldn't have grabbed him if he wasn't going for a Gun.
I'm so happy to see younger people looking at Tucker and his news and thoughtfully going through the news and not jumping to conclusions on any topic. Gives me hope for the next generation.
The one thing we always have to remember, people who want to do bad things, will find a way to do bad things. Taking guns away from law-abiding citizens leaves sheep for the monsters that walk amongst us.
I know the rest of the western world doesn’t exist in the minds of you dopey sepo’s. But I assure we do and our existence and laws prove that all your arguments are wrong. No one else in the world agrees with you and no one else in the world has your problem’s
I agree 100%!
Dude shut up
This is definitely true. In Japan with its 99% conviction rate for major crimes like violent crimes, tight anti-gun laws and implementation of policing, that "few bad apples" these guys are talking about who would've been doing mass shootings if they were in the US are doing "mass stabbings" and "mass chemical attacks" instead to the public. And when these happen, nobody can stop them from a safe distance. I definitely wouldn't want to get caught up in any where close to some chemical attack because there's pretty much no way of defending yourself against that.
@@kamikaze00007 it happened once
The fireman was UNARMED as he followed him to the vehicle. The fireman did not put him in a choke hold until the bad guy grabbed a gun. The hell raiser who grabbed a gun is the one who should have left the scene.
Exactly, was he supposed to let the clerk get shot instead?
Yea, I thought the guy told them he was going to come back and shoot them. So what does a person do in that situation? Call the police and be laying there shot along with the clerk when they finally show up, or follow the guy out to either make sure he leaves or stop him if he actually has a weapon?
"Lock the doors!" OK you mean the glass window door? I like all these guys because it shows you just how different people can think and still be a good person.
You can't use legislation to eliminate evil. Criminals don't care about how many laws you create. If someone is willing to murder, they'll be willing to break any other law on the books.
Actually you can use legislation to contain evil. It's called laws, courts, jails and prisons. What can be done is to PREVENT the type of random KILLINGS we're experiencing now.
do you believe that people who have committed a crime are profoundly and inherently evil?
@@weaselsdawg No. But certain acts are inherently evil, and people willfully choosing to do those acts are willfully choosing evil.
Love Tucker. Truth teller. Have not turned on Fox since they fired him.
If you're old enough to 'defend' your country, you should be old enough to be able to defend your home and your life and your family.
I liked the quotations on the first "defend" 👌
Young men like y’all give me hope for our country’s future. God Bless You!
Exactly the same story up here in Canada, smh... criminals have all the rights while our government keeps undermining it's law abiding and productive citizens
Leftist government?
I love listening to you guys talk things out rationally. I'm a 50 year old woman and y'all give me hope for the future
Amen sister
They are creating a criminal society where the criminal has more rights and protections then victims and their defenders. Its absolutely appalling.
Thank AOC for that
They’re doing it right now, just to get their communist government and then when the Democrat communist take total power, then they will throw every criminal. They’ve allowed to run wound into jail.
You got that right
How many different theys are there???
Which makes me think it’s intentional
You guys are awesome. I am a high school teacher in Richmond, Virginia. I have showed many of my students your videos. It’s always wonderful when young men see other young men speaking truth if it comes from anyone else, it typically doesn’t resonate. Thank you for doing what you do.
you seem like a teacher i wouldve benefited from. i really appreciate a teacher like you who really wants to make an impact on the kids. I wish you nothing but the best in and out of class!
Good on you for adapting your information source to be in line with the audience you have. Thank you for trying to educate them with the truth.🙏
Try LFR family as well
We need to clone this teacher!
So so true.
I am of a different generation, I am probably your parents age. I enjoy that you are all willing to have a conversation about real topics.
I recently stumbled on your channel and now I watch daily.
I am 50 years old and have great respect for the channel converting all topics.
It's not about right wing, left wing you all are willing to watch something, discuss, have different views.
Love it.
But the only time they have featured a left-wing perspective is the Jon Stewart video.
@@mledbetter the left wing perspective is pervasive enough without having to showcase it.
@@tracirose1376 **rolls eyes**
@@mledbetter an eye roll? Oof, got 'em.
@@mledbetter cope
I work in mental health. We are overwhelmed, overworked.
I love the work you guys put in. I’m a big fan of your work❤️
Thank you, for your service.
Thank you for everything you do!
My main takeaway from this video is:
It doesn't matter which side you are on, more questions need to be asked. The real issue is the silencing of inquiry.
everybody fears rejection so we conform and avoid independent thought..... sad stuff.
the left always want to censor, thats their way of winning peoples mind, by censoring and brainwash
Questions?😂 I want answers and accountability! 😳
charges against Jose Alba we dropped once the public found out what was being done to him and raised a huge outcry. Alvin Bragg was the prosecutor overseeing his harassment, btw.
Hope Bragg gets taken out in any way, ANY
As well as the public scorning of the NY bordega Union
Cartels don’t get guns legally. Others also don’t get guns legally.
the average us citizen is not a whole ass international drug trafficking institution
What if they get them from 3 letter agencies in the U.S.?
Law abiding criminals aren't real???????????????? Huh. 🤔
@@gahbpalo7358 lol, you don't need to be a cartel to get Access to illegal guns.
You guys are a breath of fresh air, I hope you realize how much of an influance you can be on many young people. Awesome job.
I appreciate this reaction. I appreciate open minds and honest opinions. This video opened a conversation within yourselves and that’s what we need, normal conversation between regular citizens. Good on you guys. 😊
Closed minds are the roadblock that holds us all up.
Absolutely. Like they were saying, you don’t have to pick a side. You don’t have to go with what everyone says because you agree more with one side than the other. People don’t understand how important it is to stay true to yourself.
@@Anna_M96 Yeah, i'll never understand how so many people are one or the other and there's absolutely no middle ground. Middle ground is where unity trives.
I'm on the side that is for not killing innocent babies I will not vote for a president who is for abortion so if I am being one-sided so be it I go by What God Says and do not tell me a baby is a clump of cells up to one point that baby is a baby at conception when you go to a doctor he says you are pregnant he does not say you have a clump of cells it's common sense no more killing God's beautiful children
You appreciate, what's your opinion
When someone threatens your life, threatens someone you love, steals from you, it will fill you with righteous indignation. If you don't act, you allow the criminal to do as they will at the cost of your safety and others around you. If you do act, you risk going to prison for defending yourself too much in a live or die situation. I'd rather be judge by 12 than carried by 6. But these District Attorneys just expect us to lie down and die. It's insane.
Is it just me or is anyone else seeing parallels with Iraq?
This right here!!
It’s been said a ton, on many of your videos, but worth saying again. It is beyond amazing that a group of young friends sit around and discuss hard different things that also challenge their upbringing. I am here for it!
They are providing a social educational service.
Keep it going!
We are not divided as far as the media keeps telling us.
I could record me and my buddies having these same exact discussions and you would think it’s a “re-creation”!
…. Except you’re young, we’re old, your black, and were white…
…and yet we’re an awful lot alike.
Remember what Vivek says. It’s not about politics or race. It’s about being pro-American!
I just started watching you guys last week and y’all are awesome! To many people are scared to to talk about a lot of things that we need to talk about. Thank you for being among the few that choose to dig for the truth and talk with genuine conversation to educate and enlighten the people.
Yes . Lack of information is the problem with lots of people.Do not close your mind. Do your research.Find out other peoples views not just your own.
I so appreciate how open minded you guys are. I tell my sons all of the time, do your own research. Don't let anyone tell you how to think. Do a deep dive on the most important topics, and make up your own mind based on real facts. I see you guys doing that, and it thrills my Momma Bear heart. ❤
Doing research doesn't mean just watching the same thing that confirm your bias. Listen to the other side too and really understand. Cultivate a critical sceptical outlook when listening to view points, whatever side that is.
Having been a convenient store clerk in a college town for 3+ yrs i 100 respect the firefighters' actions.
exactly! not sure how leaving could be considered the right thing to do.
True, once the guy had a gun they would have been fish in a barrel. And he may have threatened them with a gun when he ran out. From what it sounded like, the firefighter knew about the gun when he chased after him. He's still a hero, the female store clerk is alive today through his actions.
It's not that difficult a case. A firefighter will have situational awareness, because they have to in their line of work. That's what their mind is constantly training on when they get to work. When you see an aggressive person and they appear irrational to the point where they are asked to leave, and you see them not just angrily storm out, but sprint straight to their car, you can imagine the red flags being waved in that firefighters mind. And he was right. Regardless of the situation, it was clear what the intent of this person was and to say it was self-defense is a terrible excuse. For Christ's sake, he was shot *in the back.* They didn't tell him to let him go, and he started running to the car with a clear goal in mind before he was even being chased. It wasn't a reaction, it was action. He was the instigator, clear as day.
One of the most basic human rights is the right of self defense. What we've seen in these clips is not "right or left" it is basic common sense. The best way to judge these things is to imagine yourself in that position and to decide what you would think is the right thing to do. Justice is precious and we're losing it. We live in a two tier justice system that is broken
American human rights, not human.. lol.. Rest of world evolved..
I noticed you said “one of the most basic human rights” which I appreciate. Tucker said “the most basic right” as if clean air and water are 18th and 19th on the list.
Absolutely. Unfortunately there's no such thing as common sense anymore.
@@UniversalMokenTroll Its interesting tho, could you uphold the 18th and 19th if you weren't able to defend yourself from tyrants trying to revoke them?
@@damianwards7269 Would you have anything to defend if you couldn’t breathe or if you don’t have clean water to drink?
I love to see people informing themselves, analyzing the information and making their own judgement.
If you're arguing with someone, and they quickly run to their car, that's kind of a universal sign that they are getting a weapon. And the idea of being able to just "leave the scene" when someone who means you harm has a firearm, much easier said than done. It's hard to outrun a bullet, and the idea that a Firefighter who is standing up for someone in his community should run away from a...well a Thug in the streets, that kind of feels like a losing argument for our whole society.
Yeah, disappointed they didn’t even attempt to look for the footage..
When he said the cops would say he should have just left, my first thought was, "yeah, and if he had what would of happened to the gas station attendant?" I couldn't imagine being that firefighter, leaving because I'm too scared to stop this guy then seeing on the news, "Breaking news! Gas station attendant shot and killed for not carrying a certain type of cigar." The guilt that guy would have felt for the rest of his life.
Glad to see young folks for having open minds and thinking critically. Good rule in life is question, research everything and make decisions based off critical thinking.
I love the fact that you guys all sit around and actually critically think about these topics and challenge one another on each other's points. We need more of this, and I applaud you guys for not just going with whatever is deemed "right" or "politically correct".
When the lawmakers create a society of division. They just all of the sudden start moving different
Very verrrry proud of ALL of you for having different viewpoints but having an intelligent conversation before coming to a conclusion...could teach politicians!!!
Politicians have an agenda. They are not interested in right, or wrong, only what benefits them.
@@hedkace that's very true...they could learn from these guys!
My young brothers as a Mexican American living California I am very proud of you for keeping an open mind and learning everyday about modern day issues and see what is going on around you. Keep making these videos and educate and correct others around you. God bless.
My mom Mexican my dad(RIP) Colombian but I'm from here and I feel the same way its refreshing when ppl no matter the race starts seeing thru the racial divide bs
For the argument that the fireman shouldn't have followed the guy into the parking lot, firemen don't run from danger, they run into it, to protect everyone else. That's courage.
I'm a 62 yo American and it is nice to see these young men interested if not worried about their future.
That is what it takes for us to thrive.
It's not about Right or Left, it's about JUSTICE! The Law is the Law... PERIOD!!!!
When "the law" only prosecutes conservatives and ppl who fight back against criminals how can you say it's not about left or right?
That's the main driving force.
Some laws need to be changed.
@@WallyMcWMost laws need to be enforced!!!
@@MrMusic-nd5to But some need to be changed and some have been changed. The law is not absolute, the law changes.
Thank you for bringing topics like this to your audience. 👍🙏🇺🇸
You guys are great for being open to discussion. Always good to listen to all sides.
Thank you for having the conversations, guys. We need more of this.
I love how open-minded you young men are and discussing issues of the day. Keep up the good work.
was about to write the exact same thing!
they WERE open minded, now they are apparently staunch conservatives.
@@ajones4628 I think it's just common sense on the right IMO 😂. Everything I agree with as a conservative, ppl I talk to will agree until they realize something I said is for sure not a democrat thing, then they automatically turn into a bias demon 😈
@@ajones4628 or are they just free thinkers that think for themselves individually?
@@DoubleBeezy example
Chicago has the most strict gun laws in the country, but has one of highest murder rates.
They aren’t strict on criminals, especially black ones and let them go without bail, and the Dems hate law and order
Great that you can spout Trump (without actually doing the research). Meanwhile people are dying of gun violence here at record rates.
NYC does too and yes California has had mass shootings lately.
*with guns
@@ronswansonsdog2833 ima be honest, I’d bet you don’t live in Chiraq
I believe there is no such thing as overkill when defending yourself against a violent person who won't think twice about mag-dumping into you and then robbing or raping your dead corpse.
As Sheriff Wayne Ivey of Brevard County Florida said "Evil can't be dead enough"
In Scotland, you can only use as much force to defend yourself as is being used against you. You legit have to give your attacker a fighting chance lmao fucking insane.
@@SaltySparkare you serious? Anyone puts my life at risk, I will double tap their head. I will not risk my life, for some crazy fucking killer.
@@SaltySpark that's ridiculous!
It’s good to see people openly discussing politics and relevant news. This should be done more often, by everyone. We should all make the effort to get informed and share and discuss.
This is my favorite channel. I love seeing young people learn and discuss. Don’t let anybody tell you what to think. Listen, watch, learn, and then make up your minds. Remember, there are many that do not want you to have the opportunity to see all sides.
the number one rule in survival is make sure whatever is threatening your life or the lives of those around you ceases to exist. thats why in the horror movies when a girl slams a heavy object over the intruder's head and then tries to run away, she always gets killed. she needs to keep hitting him until he cannot get up. so yeah, shoot the enemy until their dead, or you might regret it.
Drives me nuts but gotta keep the suspense up to keep it interesting, the movie would be over pretty quick if someone just did a mag dump into Ghostface and then shot him in the head without a bunch of dumb stuff to give him a chance. Just wish people would stop thinking everything works as it does in movies, that's infuriating.
@@WarlordShogun Bro, stfu. He literally just used an example. He wasn't making some case that horror movies need to be more realistic.
Right? If I hear another politician say that cops should just shoot the gun out of the perps hand or shoot them in the leg then I'll start a a petition that any legislator who feels that way need to do ride alongs and at least a week of police training.
@@SabsterB Yea, there's a reason they teach to go for center mass, least likely to miss.
I love you guys. You have the most respectable open minds. I think you have a lot of discerning intuition and the guts to agree with truth no matter who the mainstream media hates. Big respect.
A Fireman IS a public servant and is sworn to protect and serve as does law enforcement.
It would've taken the thug seconds to get to his car and come back in and shoot. No time to call police or run or get in your car. The firefighters only chance was to follow him and try and get the gun. You guys are great and thank you for being educated and not following blindly like so many do.
Havent seen the clip but maybe he didnt even know the kid had a gun until they were at the car.
Agree, the initial guy was hearing the shop clerk, he was getting gun to threaten the firefighter and clerk, if they waited for him to get his gun and return ... What did you think would happen. His response of running to get a guy informs us his response was overstated and both of those people would be dead or traumatized...
It was not his only chance. He could have left and removed himself from the situation. He didn't. He followed the guy outside and then to his vehicle. He ensured that the situation escalated. You have no idea what would have happened had he either stayed in the store or tried to leave but following him to his car basically guaranteed that the gun came into play.
And the firefighter wasn't just trying to restrain the dude until police arrived. He was actively fighting him. The girlfriend had the gun for a long time and didn't use it until the firefighter would not stop choking him. He had him in a choke, she was pleading with him to let the choke go. She wasn't wanting him to let her man go altogether, just not to kill him right there on the spot. He refused to let go of the choke and it was only then that he was shot. Once. The police didn't charge her solely because of the actions of the firefighter that led to her pulling the trigger.
This country has a gun problem and it has an anger and ego problem as well. There's so many people that would still be alive if they just walked away rather than giving in to their anger or their ego. This firefighter is probably one of them but we'll never know.
@@brianmict I understand, so the unjustified anger and the ego problem is all on the firefighter side
No doubt the firefighter went into protection mode. But, you think what you want.
If you’ve never been in a life or death situation , especially when family is in danger , you have no idea how you’d react against an armed killer
So true. You should try to find Dan Bonginos' account of when someone broke into his home. With all his training, (NYPD, Sec. Serv.) he still thanked God that he didn't wake up and go downstairs. He would've changed his life and his family's. I think when you understand that, you're on the right path.
Correct. But I would like some choices around to survive
Never watched Tucker until a few months back. It didn't take long to figure out why they don't want any of us watching him. Truth scares them.
I quit watching msm all together in 2018. But since they fired Tucker, I’m waiting for his destination. I will follow!
Watch the news from around the world then if you’re not afraid to have your truth tested
exactly, they want us to continue to be oppressed
Tucker is a fake Azz lying Azz non journalist
Yup.. once you learn about operation mockingbird ,the patents & research on "tela vision programming". The real history of "news". And that is was ALWAYS propoganda, with part truth. Only approved stuff can be printed. Those who got too close to truth, on certain subjects got eliminated. Nothing has changed, except to get worse. With. Obama signing the smith-mundt modernization act, making it LEGAL to propogandize & lie to Americans,it obviously got way worse.
Use different search engines, archive sites, old printed stuff, you will be amazed what has been "edited", or just erased. Smh
Love watching you guys watching this. I learn more from Tucker about what is happening in our country.
Man I love the open dialogue. Nobody shutting the other one down cause of differing opinions. That’s how it’s supposed to work. Keep it up,keep talking,keep thinking. Great job guys.
Fun Fact: The man who came up with the idea that every doctor should wash his hands was ridiculed for this by his fellow doctors. They didn't know why newborns and mothers get sick after they come after an autopsy, for example. The "village idiot" is sometimes right.
It was a Red Cross nurse that introduced basic hygiene and the use of soap to Doctors and hospitals. She was a war veteran and no idiot. Her name was Florence Nightingale.
The dude with the extended clip was going back into that store and shoot that clerk. It happens all the time here In MISSOURI , I am retired firemn of 22 years and that is a thing you can't take out of us, we protect folks all the time and I would had done the same thing .
This is why we need more mental health facilities. In my area which has a lot of drug addiction n mental problems we have one small facilities for a huge area. You practically have to be planning or in the process of doing something to harm yourself or others. So bad mental problems aren’t enough to get in. I get why they closed em, people were treated horrible but there needs to be more available help for people who need it.
Great job again family.
True discussion
This clip landed in my UA-cam feed today. I thought “what the hay, I’ll check these guys out and see what they think about Tucker.” While Tucker’s clip inspired your conversation, it wasn’t really about him, rather a dialogue about firearms, specific situations, gun legislation, & the trappings of political ideologies. It was cool to listen in on young men having a smart, thoughtful, reasoned exchange of ideas & initial thoughts, and the reconsidering of first takes. Thank you gentlemen! I subscribed and look forward to watching you in future clips.
Here in Australia we introduced tougher gun laws in 1996. Since then massacres involving guns as a whole has reduced (still have occurred though) but we have seen increases in massacres involving knifes, arson and motor vehicles.
The reasoning for our tougher laws was at first sold as a way to remove guns from criminals and gun crime, when this was shown to be false it was sold to end mass shootings, and now that this is not true they now sell it by stating the tougher gun laws have reduced the number of people killed in gun massacres.
Another fun fact is both the police, pro and anti gun lobbyists all agree that there are more guns in Australia now, both legal and illegal than there was before the introduction of tougher gun laws in 1996
Our founding fathers knew that we needed to be able to defend ourselves not only from others but also from a corrupt government!!!
In that moment in the Houston story, I can't imagine being in that position and the adrenaline you would be experiencing. You selflessly defend everyone and end up with a death on your hands and having to stop your entire life while detained, on trial, facing murder charges. Crazy. He is a hero.
I live literally 2 mins from that taqueria in Houston ... I dont agree that he should have overkill the perp.. but the perp wouldn't be dead if he didn't decide to rob the place.... I dont think he should be charged with anything. But we have a black mayor so they gonna pander... and the criminals that are black know this so they feel like there's no consequences. I guarantee you if that robber was White or Latino Quannel X and them wouldn't have gave 2 fcks...
Agreed 100%
@captaincrooch3821 yes, good point too. Have to hope the justice system does it's job but in the meantime his life is on hold, job on hold, family, everything on hold and the bills don't go on hold. Hopefully go fund me doesn't block contributions to his cause.
Don't worry about the people who tell you that you are indoctrinated and right wing. Don't worry about what anyone thinks. You gentlemen are bringing up topics that you and your subscribers think are interesting, and you give your personal views. If people can't handle that in a FREE SOCIETY then that is their problem.
Tucker is a constitutionalist, meaning he believes in the rights given to us by the U S. Constitution. It's crazy how this is conceived as right wing, even "extreme" right wing. It's mind control as outlined in the book 1984.
He is a white supremacist who constantly spews about white genocide. Love how you act like people are unreasonably saying that he isn’t extreme when he perpetuates white supremacist rhetoric.
What about the great replacement theory he is so afraid of? Is that in the constitution? 🤦♂️
@Mimi M nah... you are a grown up, you can google it very easy.
@Mimi M google white Genozide or great replacement theory
@@crackazack510 no that’s what the democrat communist party is saying they gonna do. Look it up! It’s out there! But you want!
I am very impressed with you young men and your conversation. Ty!
When the man pulled his gun from his car, it is easy to believe that his intention was to return to the store and threaten the fireman and clerk. The fireman likely believed that the clerk was in danger. He is the hero for caring about another’s life.
He wouldn’t have left.. he was a selfless firefighter who took an oath to protect & serve & was PROTECTING the young woman
I agree do we want to live in a world where a man is afraid of standing up against another man who is harassing a woman and destroying property?
@@hb9149 100%. It’s sickening that we do live in that world in most situations, with people standing around recording it
@@hb9149 That's sexist.
He's a firefighter, not a superhero. Christ people want to suck the life out of everyone...
@@jennyfelix9921 Recording events is gathering evidence. Do you expect someone incapable of lending any actual assistance to just walk by or stand there with their dick in their hand? They're doing what they can.
By you logic security cameras are useless, as they're not actually preventing anything and just recording.
1 man with a gun can hold 100 people hostage ..but 1 man with a gun cant hold 100 people with guns hostage
and while those 100 are waiting for 1 man to hold them hostage theres shooting upon shooting in all parts of the US. smfh.
I'm gonna go out on limb and say face tattoo.Good decision skills, top of your class
Who’s shooting out of cars in every city as we speak right now…. Oh yah
@@rambo4156 the gangsters?
Right i get it you like that man with a gun to be a cop right?...the cops should be the only people with guns the cops are the best and most trusting your all about the government controlling you at gunpoint...that " 1 man with a gun" is the can give up your god given right to defend yourself but dont you dare tell me to giv up mine..this is america..the government didnt give the right to bare arms GOD did ..
Love what you guys are doing on your channel. More people need to see diverse views. Hopefully, it will help promote more people to talk with each other. Mental health is a huge component to many of our problems.
The problem with the mental health system because my degrees are in psychology is that in the 70s and 80s if you were crazy they would take you to a mental hospital they’ve shut all these mental hospitals down there is nowhere for the crazy people to go and get help! There are plenty of people with master degrees and PhD’s in psychology that don’t have work simply because there’s no place to work anymore! Love you guys y’all are very smart young men!
Good points. It is a shame that people will read your comment and others like it and say not everything should be political, but unfortunately these actions and lack of actions that took place were expressly because of politics! Reagan started closing and defunding mental health facilities when he was Gov of California, then he took it National when he became President, and Republicans have taken it further downhill by lack of funding since then to where we are now. Republicans keep saying that all this gun violence is a "mental health issue," yet they keep cutting funding for mental health programs! People keep voting against their own best interests.
I did a paper for my psychiatric nursing rotation on the homeless mentally ill in 1989 as mental health was breaking down.
As a teen I would stay at my sisters and go to work with her. She was a MH tech and I was just a volunteer at Cambridge State Hospital in Minnesota.
There were a lot of people in there with Downs Syndrome, bipolar and schizophrenia. I don’t think they housed criminally mentally ill.
Instead of closing down MH facilities they should have found a better solution for those who were not criminally ill and worked to find a way to care for the more seriously MH and criminally ill. Now they are on the streets with a horrible influx of drugs that impact those who are mentally impaired.
Maybe our government has a hand in the drug crisis in the homeless mentally ill community.
I wish I’d kept that paper. I know it impressed my professor and I got an A.
GREAT post. When I was in HS, I took a psychology class. We toured the closest Mental Health facility (Fort Supply, OK) to my hometown.
There were different units for the severity of mental health residents. The LAST Unit we toured, those individuals were severely mentally deranged. NO one would ever want to encounter any of those residents. Yet, our Governments decided these MH Facilities were a drain on the FINANCIAL system of their COLLECTION of our Tax Paying dollars.
Now, here we are in 2023 and we're fighting for our society to get better.
But the "TAX SUPPORTED" Governmental System is demanding to make our NATION better by insane domestic policies.
Their organized plan of CONTROL (over we TAX PAYING PEASANTS) is to keep us separated in all facets of our lives. For, they see themselves as the Solution (when they're really the PROBLEM).
The sooner the majority of we tax paying peasants realize this game of control and UNITE, the sooner we can get control over our Local, State and Federal Political System.
Stop using the pigmentation of our skin to separate us and join hands and FORCE our Politicians to work for US (NOT we tax paying peasants working for THEM).
In New York deblasios gave all the funding for the mental health hospitals to his wife's non profit. In San Fran they spend 85+k a year per homeless person to non profits to solve the homeless problem...
Liberal non profit corruption has destroyed most social programs nationwide
100% agree. I've brought that up to people, and they look at me like I'm crazy. The deinstitutionalization of this country has done more harm than good. Many of these people end up on the streets or in jail. Yes, conditions were deplorable then, but we live in different times where there could be more oversight.
Keep sharing guys! You're making great points! ANYTHING can be a weapon in the hands of a person bent on destruction.
I'm glad to see you thinking stuff through...neither the Right or the Left is right about everything. We ALL need to be thinking instead of screaming at the other side online.
Glad to see young folks are seeing truth again ❤
I always feel like I’m in the room with you guys when I watch your videos, I absolutely love how you all have different points of view and are so respectful of each other.
The fireman was trying to do the right thing.
To just walk away to save his own skin, he obviously discerned that the guy was going to get that gun and go back in and shoot the people in the store.
Firemen save people's lives everyday all day long.
He may not have been a policeman but he is and was a lifesaver.😢😢
You young men keep learning as much as possible . Don't ever let anyone try to keep you in the dark . Much success in life to all of you.
"You can make Hydrogen Bombs out of your kitchen supplies bro" me starting mixing ketchup with garlic.
Good on you lads for having open minds and thinking critically. Spread that as far as you can. Make more good than just yourselves.
I’m so glad young people are listening, discussing with one another and making their own conclusions!
I love that the subtitles say "source funded" rather than Soros funded DA. Like Voldemort, nobody dare utter his name.
George Sitos is a very kind man who became very succthrough honest, honest, hard work. And now hives back to causes and initiatives for free speech and lots of good causes in this Country. Funny how the Right never complains about all the Right Wing, Gentile billionaires who give money to causes on the other side.
@@marygoodson4920 Ok, Karine. For someone doing blatant PR, you at least think you'd know his name.
@@marygoodson4920 I think Blackrock is a cool guy, eh funds Antifa and doesnt afraid of anything.
@@marygoodson4920he talks himself about how the shit he funds doesn’t work out like he would like. He also destroys economies all over the world. England, USSR, Ukraine, many others. And many countries have banned his organizations from their countries because of the havoc he causes. If you listen to him talk, he is not sorry about the theft and destruction he wrecks. There’s a 60 minutes of him from around 1980 I think. If you want something specific. But there are more.
When Tucker Carlson becomes the voice of reason you know you took the wrong pill.
The conversations you guys have in between the video goes above and beyond the majority of reaction channels so props for that. Not only that, but the conversation itself is extremely interesting and thought provoking. Seriously, good job
I homeschool my 4 kids, 3 different grades (2 are 11 mths apart and in same grade) and my son who is 13 is extremely smart so I've been letting him watch yalls videos on your path to learing more about politics and what is happening in our country. I have found that he is more engaged when seeing more young men and men with whom he can relate to more in understanding such things. I urge my kiddos to question everything and look from all perspectives to gain their own opinions and y'all are of great benefit to not only my kids but to others who watch yalls content. Thank y'all for all y'all do!
I think it's great you homeschool and would do the same if I had young children.
Your inclusion of a reaction channel as curricular content has me questioning your skills as an impartial educator. To say nothing of your liberal use of “yalls.”
@@ronswansonsdog2833 I bet if she had them watching CNN you would be totally cool with it.
Prageru will be very educational
@@KlubMila0124 wow good on you for actually providing you care enough about your kids to home school...You are awesome
I love this channel! Again, it's like a barbershop. Whether it's music, other or guys are really intelligent. Keep it up fellas!
And Thanks.
In the 1940s, 50s and 60s publish high schools had rifle clubs as an elective. Students could and did bring their rifles to school to practice shooting targets during school hours/elective period. Odd that there were no mass shootings. So what has changed?
You gentlemen are 100% correct. The people are the problem. As a culture, we have lost our way. It's sad. Evil has been allowed to run rampant among us.
Both political parties are glad tuckers off air at the moment. That should tell you plenty. Fox wanted him off. To quote tucker "ask yourself why"
They are only going to make Tucker bigger, he will be back and bigger than ever 🔥
Fox is owned by Disney.
@@Savssmiles good point uniparty works.
@@deadmeatgames2 there’s 2 political parties, one is the one that sits in congress and the other one is the media who sits in public narrative control
it’s actually amazing because it’s obvious that they are curious about learning the truth. It’s incredible to watch them give everything a chance. To hear things and put bias aside to welcome facts and the truth. It’s also nice to see them not being die hard “fans” of either side of the crazy spectrum of politics. They keep level heads and open hearts. Keep it up guys! 👍👍 hopefully you inspire more people to see and hear things through an objective lens instead of just insulting people like others do 😎
I only found this channel yesterday. It's fascinating watching the red pill moments. Good on these guys.
These kids absorb everything without distinction
@@willnailer2118 the colors have no meaning. They should have chosen ones that would not have any association with politics. And watching videos and thinking oh never heard that, good point, is not an awakening. They have a limited world view
@Chewbacca not really. The journey for all of us starts somewhere. You just have to scratch the surface once before you want to dig for more. Probably why the powers that be are so he'll bent on not giving a platform to those who speak out on things. Does yellow or green pilled sound better ?
@Scrotey McBoogerballs um, yeah, it actually is... but your name shows how serious you are to be taken, anyway
You five young men give me hope for my kids’ future. Thank you for having an open mind and for having a discussion! Don’t believe what you are told from one side only. Thank you!💖
I agree so much
I love you guys. You're absolute diamonds.I love the way you discuss things .Keep your minds open to all scenarios.First and foremost keep just being yourselves. Take care and lot's of love from Scotland.
Fire and charge the District Attorneys that keep releasing these criminals over and over again. The violent criminals are not afraid of going to jail/prison.
People picking a side is part of the problem. You straight up pick a side, you tend to lose your critical thinking to herd mentality.
@cdw I'm sorry, I should have clarified...picking sides in reference to political party. But thanks for the eloquent reply.
Awesome stuff. It's great to see young smart men taking an interest with an open mind to hear all sides. We need more of this
I just found your guys' Channel today and I think you guys are a wonderful group of young men! I'm so excited to see that you're looking into all of these different topics and just discussing and debating them the way things used to be back when I was growing up. I'm 54 now and there was a time when people used to be able to have opinions, and discussions and agree to disagree while just having the best time with each other without all this radical division. I subscribed to your Channel right now and I look forward to listening to a lot more of your content. By the way, Tucker Carlson has created a lot of very interesting content with a lot of really good interviews. Give him some more time and listen to some of the things that he's done and the people he's interviewed... he has a wide array of work that you would probably find interesting and he's not the horrible person that many try to make him out to be... as you can see he's big on telling truths, and telling too much truth is exactly what ACTUALLY got him removed from Fox, just in case anybody is still equivocating over that. One of the things that I like most about him is that he will admit when he's wrong. For instance, he defended the Iraq War for years and when he realized he was wrong about that, he was not only apologetic to his viewers, but he was deeply ashamed and says he is still to this day because he got it wrong. That's what a real journalist does.
Great discussion guys. So nice to see respectful discourse. Thanks
He went out the door after this guy because some people feel like it is important to protect others.