Massacre in Mozambique

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • Three days of savage violence afflicted northern Mozambique from 6 to 8 November. In Muatide village, a football pitch became a killing field, when more than 50 people were beheaded and then chopped into pieces by ferocious Islamist militants. In Nanjaba village, gunmen shouting “Allahu Akbar” stormed into the community, setting homes alight, beheading villagers and abducting women.
    Barnabas Fund:
    BBC Article:
    An article from 27th March:
    UA-cam keeps turning off the comments on this video and I keep turning them back on. So my appologies if you want to comment below and are unable to do so.


  • @2ndBirth
    @2ndBirth  3 роки тому +5

    Please pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Mozambique.
    Ask the Lord God Almighty to bring deliverance, peace and stability to northern Mozambique, where relationships between the Muslim majority and the Christian minority used to be good. Thank the Lord that many Muslims still reject violence in the name of Islam. Pray for the Lord to open their eyes to the truth and draw them towards Him for salvation.
    "When we go to God by prayer, the devil knows we go to fetch strength against him, and therefore he opposes us all he can." - Richard Sibbes.

    • @kazimudassir347
      @kazimudassir347 3 роки тому

      U r a layer ur talking shit u dnt know what you Christians r doing in middle east to the muslims? Dnt play as a victim

    • @2ndBirth
      @2ndBirth  3 роки тому +1

      @@kazimudassir347 I'm not sure what "Christians" you are refering to. But Jesus Christ commands us to love God, love eachother and love our enemies. Doing good to those that persecute us. Jesus made a better way than this world's way of hatred and violence. We all need forgiveness and God's mercy for the lives we have lived. But God is graceful and merciful to forgive us if we just humble ourselves and repent (change heart and mind) and come back to Him to live a new life. Trusting in Jesus Christ the saviour of the world. May God bless you.

  • @benetidobragancabrsgancamo6171
    @benetidobragancabrsgancamo6171 3 роки тому

    É a tristeza total e completa de maçambique.

    • @Servant44
      @Servant44 Місяць тому

      To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations
      Luke 24:47 KJV
      and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem.
      - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds)
      Luke 13:3 KJV
      I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.]
      ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬
      and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.]
      - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins
      John 8:24 KJV
      I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.]
      ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬
      and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.]
      - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord
      + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins)
      ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬
      for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.]
      Acts 10:43 KJV
      To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.]
      Romans 10:10 KJV‬
      For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.]
      - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins)
      Proverbs 10:12 KJV
      Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.]
      ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.]
      - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins)
      1 Peter 4:8 KJV
      And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.]
      ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬
      And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.]
      - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins)
      1 John 1:9 KJV
      If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.]
      Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬
      He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.]
      - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins)
      Acts 2:38 KJV
      Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭
      Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬
      And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.]
      - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins)
      ‭James 1:16 KJV‬
      [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren.
      ‭James 5:19 KJV‬
      Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;]
      James 5:20 KJV
      Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.]
      (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins)
      - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others
      (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins)
      ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬
      And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.]
      ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬
      but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.]
      (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins)
      ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬
      Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.]
      Luke 17:4 KJV
      And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.]
      - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins)
      ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬
      [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him.
      Mark 13:13 KJV
      And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]

  • @bolmanlenom6137
    @bolmanlenom6137 3 роки тому

    Even you who are commenting you are one of them,you are part of the game

    • @Servant44
      @Servant44 Місяць тому

      To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations
      Luke 24:47 KJV
      and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem.
      - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds)
      Luke 13:3 KJV
      I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.]
      ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬
      and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.]
      - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins
      John 8:24 KJV
      I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.]
      ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬
      and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.]
      - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord
      + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins)
      ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬
      for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.]
      Acts 10:43 KJV
      To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.]
      Romans 10:10 KJV‬
      For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.]
      - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins)
      Proverbs 10:12 KJV
      Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.]
      ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.]
      - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins)
      1 Peter 4:8 KJV
      And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.]
      ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬
      And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.]
      - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins)
      1 John 1:9 KJV
      If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.]
      Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬
      He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.]
      - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins)
      Acts 2:38 KJV
      Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭
      Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬
      And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.]
      - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins)
      ‭James 1:16 KJV‬
      [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren.
      ‭James 5:19 KJV‬
      Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;]
      James 5:20 KJV
      Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.]
      (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins)
      - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others
      (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins)
      ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬
      And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.]
      ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬
      but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.]
      (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins)
      ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬
      Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.]
      Luke 17:4 KJV
      And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.]
      - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins)
      ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬
      [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him.
      Mark 13:13 KJV
      And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]

  • @mbalatevilanculos5455
    @mbalatevilanculos5455 3 роки тому

    É bem triste Saber que isso está a acontecer no meu pais

    • @2ndBirth
      @2ndBirth  3 роки тому

      Google translate is my friend :o) I just translated this as:
      "It's very sad to know that this is happening in my country".
      I agree, it's very sad. I used to live in Africa as a child.

    • @mbalatevilanculos5455
      @mbalatevilanculos5455 3 роки тому

      @@2ndBirth I traveled with a soldier last week, he came from a mission there and it was insane to know that he saw everyone die. selfishness of the human being in it.these are all in the social networks posted their lives while the neighbors die like dogs

    • @mbalatevilanculos5455
      @mbalatevilanculos5455 3 роки тому

      @@2ndBirth I live in the center of Mozambique in a student condominium and I have a neighbor who received her brother's body cut like the coconut in half. The greed for the gas in the Cabo Delgado basin is yet another proof of how Africans pay for their own blessings

    • @mbalatevilanculos5455
      @mbalatevilanculos5455 3 роки тому

      In which coutry?

    • @Servant44
      @Servant44 Місяць тому

      To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations
      Luke 24:47 KJV
      and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem.
      - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds)
      Luke 13:3 KJV
      I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.]
      ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬
      and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.]
      - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins
      John 8:24 KJV
      I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.]
      ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬
      and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.]
      - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord
      + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins)
      ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬
      for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.]
      Acts 10:43 KJV
      To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.]
      Romans 10:10 KJV‬
      For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.]
      - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins)
      Proverbs 10:12 KJV
      Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.]
      ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.]
      - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins)
      1 Peter 4:8 KJV
      And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.]
      ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬
      And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.]
      - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins)
      1 John 1:9 KJV
      If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.]
      Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬
      He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.]
      - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins)
      Acts 2:38 KJV
      Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭
      Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬
      And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.]
      - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins)
      ‭James 1:16 KJV‬
      [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren.
      ‭James 5:19 KJV‬
      Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;]
      James 5:20 KJV
      Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.]
      (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins)
      - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others
      (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins)
      ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬
      And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.]
      ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬
      but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.]
      (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins)
      ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬
      Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.]
      Luke 17:4 KJV
      And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.]
      - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins)
      ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬
      [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him.
      Mark 13:13 KJV
      And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]