Nice to hear the comparison to '22 YZ450F. Wish these bikes were available now. Latest shipping update to dealers from Yamaha is late December arrival🙁
Something about the front number plate looks odd, almost like it’s too short. But it sounds like a bike I’d be more interested in, the existing Yamahas were way too wide and “thumper” feeling for my taste.
There's still room on the fork to drop to get more stability....maybe try 3mm on the fork and raise the shock to 97mm and that would work better? I always drop the forks to the top of the fork tube and then adjust the shock.
It goes from 2018 to 2022 with a cylinder head change in 2020. Why does everyone seem to say that if you like your 2022, then you will really like 2023. You should be saying.... that if you like the 18 thru 22 and not single out the 22 as some sort of a completely different bike! I have a 2018 with some upgrades to keep with the 4 year run and I am waiting for my 23 but are slow to come. It's now been pushed up to January . Are they even at the dealers yet?
Damn it keefer i wanted to hate on steve . but he likes the yamaha so the friend of my friend is my friend .lolol..Ilike the front gaurd it looks 80s.but i also love the yz 80 h front gaurd lolol.i will consider a yz 450f next year
@@oliverdurgen5953 i ride yamaha for the reliable engine.. now i wont complain about the width of the bike. or the weight or the slow steering..etc.all 2023s are presold here in australia until febuary.. yamaha answered and the ktm guys will be doin their usual slander dance/
Wow! Steve! Hiding behind that microphone gives a person the illusion that your somewhat normal size. Please get your arms around the weight! Could save your life….
Does the ‘23 model come in the XL size that Troll was riding last year?
The new YZ450F is looking unbeatable .
Eli Tomac made this brand even better.
“…shocking..” LOL 😂
Nice to hear the comparison to '22 YZ450F. Wish these bikes were available now. Latest shipping update to dealers from Yamaha is late December arrival🙁
December doesnt sound that bad. A few of the dealerships here were told no 450s until June for comparison.
I don’t know how I ever chose a bike before I had access to Keefer… well, I guess I do know, I made bad choices. Lol.
But Keefer is the man! Period.
Something about the front number plate looks odd, almost like it’s too short. But it sounds like a bike I’d be more interested in, the existing Yamahas were way too wide and “thumper” feeling for my taste.
so it sounds like us guys who have a smaller budget, should keep our 22s and wait for the 24s?
he kills me with this “area 1” “area 2” talk
I would need 2 saddle bags as well as a steering stabilizer.
Gaurenttee my vanilla and orange sherbet wouldn’t melt on the way home .
Can cycra make a front fender for this bike not looking like pw50 length and a stadium front plate same description 🤔 😅
Do you think if I disguise one as a wr450 with lights I could make it to and from stater bros before anyone notices?
I'm 210 love 250s just not enough would u suggest this over the 350?
Nice bike!
I would like to build one .
There's still room on the fork to drop to get more stability....maybe try 3mm on the fork and raise the shock to 97mm and that would work better? I always drop the forks to the top of the fork tube and then adjust the shock.
Mathis has himself some child bearing hips! Haha 😂
GD Mathis is a tank, get that man a 500
It goes from 2018 to 2022 with a cylinder head change in 2020. Why does everyone seem to say that if you like your 2022, then you will really like 2023. You should be saying.... that if you like the 18 thru 22 and not single out the 22 as some sort of a completely different bike! I have a 2018 with some upgrades to keep with the 4 year run and I am waiting for my 23 but are slow to come. It's now been pushed up to January . Are they even at the dealers yet?
TTR 110 front fender + PW50 Front number plate 💀
2023 PW450F
Steve rides well for a BIG fellow
Man I’m still riding my 2011 yz450…set up for trails and desert only. I’m still happy with it.
How much have the bikes changed?
Quite a bit.
I had a 2010 yz450f and now own a 22. The initial hit has no comparison. These new bikes are almost impossible to trail ride unless detuned. So snappy
Steve looks like a blueberry...hahahahahaha
I see Cookie Monster lol
The free er feeling comes mostly from the clutch.
Steve is funny.
A lot of people hated the 98 , did you know with a few tweaks it was ok ?
dude keefer RIPS
It’s not just me that hates Yamaha’s standard grips! Got these 🤞🤞🤞🤞 that it will be the base of the 2024 WR
Keefer still waiting on the quad test
All of Keefer's complaints are solvable with suspension tuning. What you can't tune for is +500RPMS and a diet of it's the 2023 for me.
I would think with a bit of regearing that thing could roll in 3rd all day
Front fender looks like the ones on cheap Chinese mini dirt bikes.
In other words larger rear sprocket and chain and move the axle back 3/4 inch and hold on for dear life ?
Damn it keefer i wanted to hate on steve . but he likes the yamaha so the friend of my friend is my friend .lolol..Ilike the front gaurd it looks 80s.but i also love the yz 80 h front gaurd lolol.i will consider a yz 450f next year
can you cool it with the fuckin tribalism bullshit. i'm so sick of motocross fanboys...
don't be a fuckin corporate cuckold you numpty...
@@oliverdurgen5953 i ride yamaha for the reliable engine.. now i wont complain about the width of the bike. or the weight or the slow steering..etc.all 2023s are presold here in australia until febuary.. yamaha answered and the ktm guys will be doin their usual slander dance/
Keefer who makes a -10 back and -10 down footpeg for the 22? flopegs?
Steve needs to lay off of the cheeseburgers
I initially thought John Pinette was riding it.
Steve Matthes looks like a Macdonald Land Character decked out in purple with all that load!
Front plate from 98
I could make a stock muffler perform perfectly .
Once I realized I was no Stefan Everts .
Put brembo brakes on it and the hydraulic clutch option then I'll try it.
You can put those on this bike.
@@3rdlineplug yep. Too bad Japanese bikes don't come stock with them.
That front fender is hideous though. Strange looking for a dirt bike
dude just said a fuel injected modern 4 stroke feels like a 2 stroke.........some people arent meant todo reviews lmao
Wow! Steve! Hiding behind that microphone gives a person the illusion that your somewhat normal size. Please get your arms around the weight! Could save your life….